English language

Independent work in the form of a test on the works of Blok, Yesenin, Mayakovsky. Test work on the works of V.V. Mayakovsky To which literary movement did Mayakovsky belong? To which literary movement did Mayakovsky belong?

1.To which literary movement do the works of V. Mayakovsky belong?Mayakovsky belonged to futurism, to its most influential group “kubofu-

tourists,” or the poets of the “Gilea” (this, in addition to Mayakovsky, included Burliuk, Kruchenykh, Khlebnikov).

2.What is futurism?

Futurism is an avant-garde movement in European and Russian art of the early 20th century, which denied the artistic and moral heritage, preached the destruction of the forms and conventions of art for the sake of merging it with the accelerated life process. The time of birth of Russian futurism (from lat. futurum - future) is considered to be 1910, when the first futuristic collection “The Fishing Tank of Judges” was published (authors: D. Burliuk, V. Khlebnikov, V. Kamensky, V. Mayakovsky and A. Kruchenykh). In addition to the Gileya group, there were also “ego-futurists” (I. Severyanin, I. Ignatiev, V. Gnedov) and the Centrifuge association (B. Pasternak, N. Aseev, S. Bobrov, etc.). The first declaration of the Futurists - “A slap in the face to public taste” - was published in 1912.

3.What were the ideas of futurism?

Mayakovsky declared his intention to “become a creator of his own life and a legislator for the lives of others.” The futurists claimed a universal mission: to create super-art that would be able to transform the world. At the same time, they sought to rationally substantiate creativity, relying on fundamental sciences - physics, mathematics. Their work went beyond literature and was associated with avant-garde groups of artists of the 1910s: “Jack of Diamonds”, “Donkey’s Tail”, “Youth Union”. Most futurists combined literature with painting or music. They deliberately shocked the public, wanting to awaken the desire to change themselves and the world in order to move towards the future.

4.What do you know about V. Mayakovsky’s family?

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born on July 7, 1893 in the family of a forester who lived with his wife Alexandra Alekseevna, son and daughters Olya and Lyuda, in Baghdadi (Georgia). My father died early. The Mayakovskys moved to Moscow. Vladimir Mayakovsky had already graduated from the gymnasium in Kutaisi (he also studied painting there).

5.What kind of education did V. Mayakovsky receive?

After graduating from the gymnasium in Kutaisi and arriving in Moscow, V. Mayakovsky, after several years of participating in the activities of the RSDLP (Bolsheviks) and being in prison for this (11 months in Butyrki), entered the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture: “the only place where they accepted without certificates of trustworthiness."

6.Tell us about the beginning of V. Mayakovsky’s work.

The first poem, “Night,” was published in the collection “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste.” The poems of 1912-1917 were distinguished by innovation in the field of form, a sense of disaster and “exhaustion” of the old culture and all forms of art, since Mayakovsky’s early work developed in the mainstream of futurism.

7.What genre did Mayakovsky gravitate towards?

Mayakovsky brought a new understanding to the genre of the poem. Although the poem is an epic genre, Mayakovsky has a lyrical beginning in it. He created the poems: “Cloud in Pants”, “Spine Flute”, “War and Peace”, “Man”, “150 LLC LLC”, “Good!”, “I Love”, “About This”.

8.What are the motives and themes of V. Mayakovsky’s satirical poetry?

In early poetry, the poet expresses a protest against the modern way of life that he hates. Therefore, at the heart of his works is the slogan “Down!” - “Down with your war!”, “Down with your religion!”, “Down with your art!”, “Down with your love!” He expresses his indignation in the poems: “Here!”, “To you!”, “Me and Napoleon,” speaking out against the war; against the humiliation of a person (“Hymn to a scientist”, “Hymn to a judge”, “My attitude to this”).

In the post-revolutionary period, Mayakovsky’s satire was directed against bureaucracy, philistinism, stupidity and vulgarity (“The Oversat,” “Factory of Bureaucrats,” “Letter to Molchanov’s Beloved, Abandoned by Him,” “Clerical Habits,” etc.)

9.Name Mayakovsky's plays.

These are “The Bedbug” and “Bathhouse” - satirical comedies.

10.What is Mayakovsky's contribution to art?

Mayakovsky was a multi-talented person - not only a poet, but also an artist. He worked during ROSTA, illustrating political news, and painted pictures. He was the author of a number of scripts for silent films, the most famous of which was for the film “The Young Lady and the Hooligan.” V.V. Mayakovsky also starred in this film as an actor.


Exercise 1

Which literary movement of the early 20th century did V. Mayakovsky consider himself to be:

1. Symbolism

2. Acmeism

3. Cubofuturism

4. Egofuturism

Task 2

1. What, according to Mayakovsky, is the power of lyrics:

2. Charged with a big feeling, a big idea

3. In descriptiveness, in reflection of life reality

4. In philosophical content, “research of the soul.”

Task 3

Which statement is more consistent with the tasks of art according to Mayakovsky:

1. “Art for art’s sake”

2. “Art and politics are incompatible”

3. “We must shatter the fairy tale about the apolitical nature of art”

4. “Art is several steps ahead of its time”

Task 4

About which of his poems did he say:

1. "Four Screams of Four Parts"

2. "Cloud in Pants"

3. "Left March"

5. “Okay!”

Task 5

often uses the grotesque in his poetry. Grotesque is:

1. An artistic technique of deliberate distortion of something, a bizarre combination of the fantastic with the life-like.

2. One of the tropes, artistic exaggeration

3. One of the types of comic, caustic, evil, mocking ridicule

Task 6

A poem. The poem by V. Mayakovsky loudly announced the birth of the poetry of the revolution:

1. "Left March"

2. “Sitting Over”

3. "Jubilee"

Task 7

What became the most striking subject of exposure for V. Mayakovsky:

2. Political enemies of the revolution

3. External enemies of the Soviet Republic

4. Religion and church

Task 8

About the purpose of the poet and poetry, V. Mayakovsky said:

1. In the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”

3. In the poem “Sitting Over”

4. In the poem “To Comrade Nette - a steamship and a man”

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Test work on the creativity of V.V. Mayakovsky

1.Which literary movement did Mayakovsky belong to?


  1. Egofuturism

2.Name the basic principles of futurism.

1. "Left March"

2. "Jubilee"

2. “Sitting Over”

Grotesque is...

1. An artistic technique of deliberate distortion of something, a bizarre combination of the fantastic with the life-like.

2. One of the tropes, artistic exaggeration

3. One of the types of comic, caustic, evil, mocking ridicule.

5. Match the themes and titles of Mayakovsky's poems.

1. theme of denunciation of philistinism

2. love theme

3. theme of revolution

A. “About rubbish” B. “Drum song” C. “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva »

6. What technique does Mayakovsky use in the following example: “mushroom/Robber/Coffin/Rough”?

1. metaphor

2. assonance

3. comparison

7. Mayakovsky said about the purpose of the poet and poetry

1. In the poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”

3. In the poem “About Rubbish”

4. In the poem “Good!”

8. Give examples of Mayakovsky’s neologisms.

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  5. Test on the topic: “The life and work of V.V. Mayakovsky"

    compiled by Ivanova E.V., teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU “Secondary School No. 20” in the city of Novomosokvsk, Tula region

    Literature, 11th grade.

    Option I

      How do you understand the highlighted line in this passage?
    I am a Cossack grandfather, to others - a compatriot, And Georgian by birth. a) one of Mayakovsky’s parents was Georgianb) Mayakovsky’s educator was Georgianc) Mayakovsky was born in Georgiad) Mayakovsky was brought up on Georgian culture 2. Which party did Mayakovsky join in 1906? a) RSDLP b) anarchists c) monarchists d) Socialist Revolutionaries
      Indicate which educational institution Mayakovsky studied at
    a) at Moscow University b) at St. Petersburg University c) at the Moscow School of Painting) at the St. Petersburg Engineering School
      What literary movement did Mayakovsky lead?
    a) imagism b) symbolism c) futurism d) acmeism
      The main theme of Mayakovsky's early lyrics is:
    a) the theme of lonelinessb) the theme of the end of the world, the world, civilizationc) the theme of loved) the theme of the modern city
      Name a poem by Mayakovsky from the pre-revolutionary period, where an anti-bourgeois theme sounds, and the poet addresses the well-fed crowd like this:
    And if today I, a rude Hun I don’t want to make faces in front of you - so I will laugh and spit joyfully, I'll spit in your face I am a spender and spendthrift of priceless words! a) “Hell of the city” b) “Violin and a little nervous” c) “Noises, noises, noises” d) “Here!”
      Indicate the mood that permeates Mayakovsky’s post-revolutionary works
    a) they are distinguished by a mood of sadness, regret about the disappeared way of life, culture b) they are distinguished by the pathos of a joyful restructuring of the world and the creation of a new society c) they are distinguished by a mood of disappointment, disappointed hopes d) they are distinguished by a tragic pathos
      In the post-revolutionary years, Mayakovsky worked at ROSTA, producing posters (“ROSTA windows”). Decipher this abbreviation.
    a) Russian Telegraph Association b) Russian Telegraph Agency c) Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Association d) Russian Television Agency 9. Indicate in which work Mayakovsky appears as a sensitive lyricist, and not as an “agitator, loudmouth, leader.” a) “Left March” b) “Komsomolskaya” c) “To Comrade Netta, the ship and the man” d) “Lilechka! Instead of a letter...” 10. Name a traditional theme for Russian literature that is touched upon by the poet in the following works: “The Poet is a Worker”, “Anniversary”, the introduction to the poem “At the top of my voice”. a) the theme of love b) the anti-bourgeois theme c) the theme of the poet and poetry d) a satire on philistinism and bureaucracy 11. In the highlighted lines, indicate the artistic technique All of you on the butterfly of the poet's heart Perch up, dirty, in galoshes and without galoshes, The crowd will go wild and fight. The hundred-headed louse will bristle its legs. a) metaphor b) allegory c) personification d) figurative parallelism 12. Determine from which poems of Mayakovsky the following passages are taken a) Crimson and white were discarded and crumpled, Handfuls of ducats were thrown into the green, And burning yellow cards were distributed to the black palms of the crowded windows. b) From all the vast Russian fields, From the first day of Soviet birth, They flocked together, Hastily changing their feathers. And they settled into all institutions. c) Enraged I burst into the meeting like an avalanche, spewing wild curses on the way, and I see: half the people are sitting. Oh, devilishness! Where is the other half? d) Our planet is poorly equipped for joy. We must snatch joy from the coming days. In this life it is not difficult to die, but to make life much more difficult. A) “To Sergei Yesenin” B) “Night” C) “Sitting Over” D) “About Rubbish” 13. Indicate the genre of Mayakovsky’s plays “Bathhouse” and “Bedbug” a) mystery c) farce b) comedy d) slapstick 14. Indicate the name of the hero of Mayakovsky's play, who is called "philistines vulgaris" a) Pobedonosikov b) Prisypkin c) Chudakov d) Velosipedkin 15. In which play by Mayakovsky the hero found himself frozen and then transported to the future? a) “Bath” b) “Bedbug” c) “Mystery-bouffe” 16. The play “Bedbug” is a satirical work directed against such vices as: a) meanness and cowardice b) philistinism and bureaucracy c) heartlessness and cruelty d ) servility and veneration 17. Mayakovsky often uses the grotesque in his poetry. Grotesque is: a) An artistic technique of deliberate distortion of something, a bizarre combination of the fantastic with the life-like b) One of the tropes, artistic exaggeration c) One of the types of comic, caustic, evil, mocking ridicule Answers:

      C a d b b g c a a – B, b – D, c – C, d – A b b b b a

    Option II

      Indicate the years of Mayakovsky's life

    a) 1895-1925 b) 1893-1930 c) 1890-1939 d) 1892-1937

      Why was Mayakovsky arrested in 1909 and spent 11 months in Butyrka prison?
    a) for committing a criminal offenseb) for participating in a demonstrationc) for creating anti-government poemsd) for anti-government political activity
      What did Mayakovsky's party comrades call him?
    a) Comrade Vladimir b) Comrade Mayakovsky c) Comrade Konstantin d) Comrade Artem
      What profession did Mayakovsky dream of in his youth?
    a) doctor b) scientist c) artist d) diplomat
      In what system of versification did Mayakovsky act as an innovator?
    a) syllabic b) syllabic-tonic c) tonic
      What is the subtitle of Mayakovsky’s poem “A Cloud in Pants”
    a) “I” b) “Vladimir Mayakovsky” c) “The Thirteenth Apostle” d) “Man”
      What theme forms the plot basis of the poem “A Cloud in Pants”?
    a) unrequited love b) the poet’s hatred of the bourgeois world c) the poet’s hatred of the imperialist war d) denial of God
      To whom was Mayakovsky’s poem “I Love” dedicated?
    a) Tatyana Yakovleva b) Veronica Polonskaya c) Lilya Brik d) Maria Denisova
      How did Mayakovsky perceive the 1917 revolution?
    a) doubted which side to take b) indignantly rejected the revolution c) enthusiastically accepted it, calling the revolution his own d) was at a loss
      Which of the following works by Mayakovsky is not satirical?
    a) “About rubbish” b) “Sitting over” b) “Hymn to a bribe” d) “Yubileinoe”
      Indicate what artistic device Mayakovsky used in the poem “The Sitting Ones”
    a) hyperbole) allegoryj) grotesqueg) metaphor
      Continue the lines of the first column, finding matches for them in the second
    a) Oh, at least one more meeting... b) Listen! After all, if the stars light up - c) There is blood in our veins, not water We walk through the barking of a revolver... d) I hate all kinds of dead things! A) So, someone needs this B) So that when dying, they can be embodied in steamships, lines and other long-term tasks C) I adore all kinds of life! D) Regarding the eradication of all meetings
      In which theater were Mayakovsky’s plays “The Bedbug” and “Bathhouse” staged?
    a) at the Moscow Art Theaterb) at the Meyerhold Theater) at the Maly Theaterd) at the Theater named after. Vakhtangov
      In which Mayakovsky play does a scientist create a time machine?
    a) “Mystery-buff” b) “Bath” c) “Bedbug”
      To which literary movement does Mayakovsky belong?
    a) futurism b) acmeism c) symbolism d) egofuturism
      What technique does Mayakovsky use in the following example: “Mushroom/ Rob./ Coffin/ Rough?
    A) metaphor b) sound writing c) simile d) epithet
      A poem that loudly announced the birth of the poetry of the revolution appeared.
    a) “Left March” b) “Yubileinoe” c) “Seated”
      b d c c c a c c d c a – D, b – A, c – B, d – C b b a b a


      Textbook “Literature 11th grade (parts 1,2) for general education. institutions edited by V.P. Zhuravleva, M.: Education, 2013.

      Collected works of V.V. Mayakovsky in 13 volumes. Moscow, State Publishing House of Fiction, 1955.

      Literature tests. – 2nd ed. – M.: Iris-press, 2003.