English language

Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture. Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture (OSAG) Odessa University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture
Former names Odessa Civil Engineering Institute
Year of foundation
Rector Kovrov Anatoly Vladimirovich (since 2014)
Location Ukraine Ukraine, Odessa
Legal address 65029, st. Didrikhson, 4
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

General information

The Academy trains highly qualified engineering and scientific personnel for the construction industry in 4 institutes and 4 faculties. At the Academy about 5500 full-time students and about 4500 correspondence form, including about 200 foreign citizens from 20 different countries of the world. [ ]

On 43 departments work more 500 teachers, including 83 professors and doctors of science; 255 Associate Professors and Candidates of Sciences. The Academy is a full member International and European University Associations.

Over the years of its existence, the university has trained over 44,860 civil engineers and architects and 1,190 foreigners who successfully work in many regions of the CIS and various foreign countries. Graduates of our academy can now be found everywhere where thermal and hydroelectric power plants, sea and river ports, canals are built, where water supply, ventilation and sewerage facilities are built and operated, where modern building structures are produced, in research organizations and construction trusts; they are scientific leaders of educational, scientific and economic enterprises. The creative content of the work of builders can be compared with the activities of artists, sculptors, poets and musicians, which evokes a proud feeling of personal civic significance and brings deep satisfaction throughout life. [ style]



The Academy began its history in 1930 as the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute. The development of industry in the south of Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century created a need for higher technical education, namely civil engineers. Thus, in September 1918, the City Duma decided to create a city council in Odessa. At first it consisted of three faculties, one of which was the Faculty of Civil Engineering, which in turn included the hydraulic engineering and civil engineering departments.

On January 25, 1994, the commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved the new status of the institute - Academy. By the Resolution of the Council of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 20, 1994 and the Order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine dated May 18, 1994, OISI was created on the basis of Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture (OGASA). The high level of specialist training allowed the academy to become a member since 1992 European University Association, and since 1996 - a member International Association of Universities. This ensured the autonomy of the university, the right to independently open new specialties and scientific directions, determine student enrollment quotas, conclude contracts, manage the budget, resolve personnel issues, etc. A comprehensive update of scientific and laboratory equipment was carried out, computer and multimedia classrooms were created.

Over the years, the Academy has trained over 50 thousand specialists, of which more than 2000 - These are citizens of different countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. Many of the Academy's graduates became outstanding organizers of construction production, managers of the construction of large hydraulic, industrial structures and aerospace facilities. Some of them became outstanding statesmen in the CIS countries.


The Academy includes the following educational structural units:

    • Institutes
  • Institute of Architecture and Art;
  • Institute of Civil Engineering;
  • Institute of Construction and Technology;
  • Institute of Engineering and Environmental Systems;
    • Faculties
  • Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and Transport Construction;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management in Construction;
  • Center for training specialists for foreign countries;

General information

  • The Academy trains highly qualified engineering and scientific personnel for the construction industry in 4 institutes and 2 faculties. At the Academy about 5000 full-time students and about 3000 correspondence form, including about 200 foreign citizens from different countries of the world.
  • On 38 departments work more 500 teachers, including 73 professors and doctors of science; 236 Associate Professors and Candidates of Sciences. The Academy is a full member International and European University Associations.
Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture
Year of foundation
Rector Dorofeev Vitaly Stepanovich
Location Odessa
Legal address 65029, Ukraine, Odessa, st. Didrikhson, 4
Website http://www.ogasa.org.ua/about.php


  • since - Odessa Civil Engineering Institute (OCI)
  • from the city - Odessa Hydrotechnical Institute (OGTI)
  • from the city - again Odessa Civil Engineering Institute (OCI)
  • since - Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture (OGASA)


This section is based on material from the Academy website

The Academy begins its history as the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute. The development of industry in the south of Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century created a need for higher technical education, namely civil engineers. Thus, in September of the year, the City Duma decided to create a city in Odessa. At first it consisted of three faculties, one of which was the Faculty of Civil Engineering, which in turn included the hydraulic engineering and civil engineering departments.

On January 25 of this year, the commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved the new status of the institute - Academy. By the Resolution of the Council of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 20, 1994 and the Order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine dated May 18, 1994, OISI was created on the basis of Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture (OGASA). The high level of training of specialists allowed the academy to become a member of the European University Association, and since the year - a member International Association of Universities. This ensured the autonomy of the university, the right to independently open new specialties and scientific directions, determine student enrollment quotas, conclude contracts, manage the budget, resolve personnel issues, etc. A comprehensive update of scientific and laboratory equipment was carried out, computer and multimedia classrooms were created.

Over the years, the Academy has trained over 50 thousand specialists, of which more than 2000 - These are citizens of different countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. Many of the Academy's graduates became outstanding organizers of construction production, managers of the construction of large hydraulic, industrial structures and aerospace facilities. Some of them became outstanding statesmen in the CIS countries.


The Academy includes the following educational structural units:

  • Institute of Architecture and Art;
  • Institute of Civil Engineering;
  • Institute of Construction and Technology;
  • Institute of Engineering and Environmental Systems;
  • Institute of Postgraduate Education;
  • Faculty of Energy and Water Engineering;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management in Construction;
  • Faculty of Pre-University Training;
  • Center for training specialists for foreign countries;


  • Research Institute of Architectural Research and Design;
  • Design and Technology Institute;
  • "NDI gas";
  • Research Institute of Materials Science;
  • two Specialized Academic Councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations.

Areas of training

  • Direction of training "Architecture"- “Architecture of buildings and structures.”
  • Direction of training "Art"- “Fine and decorative arts”.
  • Direction of training "Construction "- “Industrial and civil construction”, “Hydraulic engineering”, “Technology of building structures of products and materials”, “City construction and economy”, “Roads and airfields”, “Heat and gas supply and ventilation”.
  • Direction of training "Water resources"- “Water disposal and water supply”, “Hydromelioration”.
  • Direction of training "Economics and Entrepreneurship"- “Enterprise Economics”, “Marketing”.
  • Direction of training "Management"- “Management of organizations.”
  • Direction of training "Geodesy, cartography and land management"- “Land management and cadastre”.
  • Direction of training "Specific Categories"- "Project management"