
The image of Tatiana Larina in the novel “Eugene Onegin. Quotes by Tatyana Larina in the novel by Eugene Onegin

In his novel "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin recreated all the ideas about the ideal Russian girl, creating the image of Tatiana, who was his favorite heroine. He conveys the idea that a Russian girl should be sincere, with a rich spiritual world, selfless.

For the first time, a reader meets Tatiana at her parents' estate. Since childhood, she was distinguished by her calmness and thoughtfulness. In this way, the girl was not like other children and even with her sister they were completely different in character, children's pranks did not attract her, she preferred to be alone with herself. It is not for nothing that Pushkin compares Tatyana with a forest deer, which is wary of everything and prefers to hide. She loved books, because from childhood the nanny read her fairy tales and legends, and since her parents' estate was far from the bustle of the city, Tatyana was very fond of nature.

Tatyana is notable not for her external beauty, but for the fact that she is very natural, thoughtful and dreamy. It is difficult for her to find a person who understands her inner world.

Having matured, Tatyana is very much waiting for great love, therefore, having met Onegin, she immediately falls in love with him. He attracts her with his mystery. Love absorbs Tatiana, she cannot find a place for herself, therefore, she decides to tell Eugene about her feelings. Pushkin sheds tears with Tatyana, because he knows that this story will end sadly.

Naive Tatiana sincerely hopes that her feelings are mutual, but Onegin rejects her feelings. Tatiana's letter touched him very much, but it did not awaken great feelings in him. He says that even if he falls in love with Tatiana, he will stop loving her, because he will quickly get used to the fact that she is there. And Tatiana continues to love him.

Later, Tatyana gets married and becomes famous in the world. She stopped being a naive girl, she grew spiritually, but she did not lose the main thing. Although Tatyana's appearance has changed, inside she remains just as natural and simple. When she meets Onegin again, she does not betray her feelings in any way. She behaves with him with restraint and sternness, although she still loves him very much. She cries when she reads his letter, because happiness is so close, but now she has a husband to whom she will be faithful.

Essay about Tatyana Larina with quotes

"I am writing to you, what more ..." - every student probably knows these lines. But only a young girl will sigh languidly, remembering the heroine of her beloved novel. Tatiana Larina is the embodiment of simplicity and modesty.

How inconspicuous, but with taste, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin compares two sisters: Tatiana and Olga.

Olga is open, flirtatious, graceful and beautiful. It is worth noting that it is with this sister that the author begins his story. And only then, as if, about the way, he says: "her sister was called Tatiana." Here, the creator, finally, draws attention to a young person who was not distinguished by beauty and freshness of eyes.

It is interesting that Pushkin does not write a word about Tatyana's appearance. The reader does not know how she is built, what her eye color is. The reader only draws in his imagination a girl completely opposite to the beauty Olga. But this is no worse, because at the very beginning of the novel Olga does not give the impression of a well-mannered girl.

“She seemed like a stranger in her own family,” - probably, it is after this phrase that the reader has a great disposition for a girl who did not know happiness in her own family.

As you can see, another attack appears on the girl's path. Eugene Onegin. The first naive real feelings make the girl, without thinking, write a letter to her chosen one. Oh, how wrong it was for a girl at the time. And yet, the letter enchants the reader with touching speeches, mute prayer, love that is read between the lines.

"I am writing to you ..." - the first line of the letter describes her seemingly humiliating situation as accurately as possible. It is not for nothing that when reading it is worth putting a logical emphasis on the first word. It was she who dared to do this. Probably Tatyana thought that this would quickly win over Eugene to her. How she miscalculated. Rejected by her sweetheart, she was soon forced to marry someone else.

It is impossible to separate Tatyana and Eugene in this work, since only after the passage of time, he, perhaps, realized all the irony of the situation that happened so long ago. And how dear Tatiana change the years. In public, she carries herself gracefully and proudly. In her eyes she reads the femininity that has come to her over the years. In it there is still no coquetry, no pretense, no desire to please. However, Eugene no longer needs this. But throwing himself at Tatiana's feet, the hero hears the well-known phrase: “I love you. (Why dissemble?) But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever. "

This is how the love story ended, which forever changed the Russian classics.

Option 3

A.S. Pushkin is an artist of female images in the literature of the 19th century. Portraits of contemporaries are found in almost every work of the writer. The search for the feminine ideal for Pushkin is one of the leading themes in his creations.

One of the most beautiful heroines of Pushkin is Tatiana Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin". The true ideal of the girl was embodied in this image by the author. The beauty of the Russian soul, moral principles, the ability to love - all are intertwined with thin threads in the characteristics of a girl.

In the very outward description of Tatyana, the Russian nationality is felt. Despite her noble origin, the village way of life is close to her. No secular balls, the luxury of St. Petersburg can replace the silence of the wilderness, sunrise, harmony with nature. Larina herself is like a "fearful doe", she is silent, wild, sad.

Growing up on the estate, she absorbed the national character from childhood through fairy tales, folk songs, traditions and beliefs. The proof is the heroine's belief in dreams. Filipyevna for Tatiana, like a nanny Arina Radionovna for a poet, an inexhaustible source of folk wisdom. With her mother's milk, the heroine absorbed a sense of duty and decency, for her the concept of good and evil is clearly distinguished.

Tatiana is far from being stupid, the author endowed her with a bright personality. She is not like the city girls, noblewomen, there is no feigned coquetry, stupid cunning in her. Her love for Onegin is sincere and for life. She opens up to him in a purely feminine way through a letter. Only in it can she be open to talk about her feelings. The touchingness of the recognition once again emphasizes the sensitive nature of the heroine. Pushkin loves his heroine, with her he "sheds tears," knowing about the participation prepared for her.

Rejected by Eugene, Tatiana finds the strength to live on. The author shows us another Larina. The girl got married, her intellectual development and strict upbringing easily allowed her to become a real secular lady. Having met Eugene, Tatyana highly and arrogantly denies him love. The feeling for a long time is higher than the love that still remains in the soul. Pushkin shows the growing up of the heroine, but in her heart this is all the same pure and sincere girl. High society did not spoil her personality, she does not strive to seem better than she really is. Human values \u200b\u200bstill remain the highest law for the heroine.

Having now received a letter from Onegin with a declaration of love for her, she does not condemn him. Love did not pass in her heart and happiness is close, but there is a sense of honor and duty. For Larina, it is more important than her own happiness.

More than one generation of young girls has grown up on the image of Pushkin's Tatiana. Strong in spirit, faithful in heart - she has always served and serves as an example of the boundless purity of the fair sex of humanity.

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In Alexander Pushkin's novel Eugene Onegin, of course, Tatyana Larina is the main female character. The love story of this girl was later sung by both playwrights and composers. In our article, the characteristics of Tatyana Larina are built from the point of view of her assessment by the author and in comparison with her sister Olga. Both of these characters in the work are shown as completely opposite natures. Of course, we must not forget about the romance line of the novel. In relation to Onegin, the heroine also shows us certain aspects of her character. We will analyze all these aspects further so that the description of Tatyana Larina is the most complete. First, let's get to know her sister and herself.

You can talk about the main heroine of the novel for a very long time and a lot. But the image of her sister - Olga Larina - Pushkin showed quite succinctly. The poet considers her virtues to be modesty, obedience, innocence and gaiety. The author saw the same character traits in almost every village young lady, so he makes it clear to the reader that he is bored with describing her. Olga possesses a banal country girl. But the author presents the image of Tatyana Larina as more mysterious and complex. If we talk about Olga, then the main value for her is a cheerful, carefree life. She, of course, contains Lensky's love, but she does not understand his feelings. Here Pushkin is trying to show her pride, which is absent if we consider the character of Tatyana Larina. Olga, this simple-minded girl, is unfamiliar with the difficult mental work, therefore, she took the groom's death lightly, quickly replacing him with the "love flattery" of another man.

Comparative analysis of the image of Tatyana Larina

Against the background of the village simplicity of her sister, Tatyana seems to us and the author to be a perfect woman. Pushkin declares this quite bluntly, calling the heroine of his work "a sweet ideal." A brief description of Tatyana Larina is inappropriate here. This is a multifaceted character, the girl understands the reasons for her feelings and actions, and even analyzes them. This proves once again that Tatiana and Olga Larins are absolute opposites, although they are sisters and were brought up in the same cultural environment.

Author's assessment of Tatiana's character

What is the main character Pushkin presents to us? Tatiana is characterized by simplicity, leisurely, thoughtfulness. The poet pays special attention to such a quality of her character as faith in mysticism. Signs, legends, changes in the phase of the moon - she notices and analyzes all this. The girl is very fond of guessing, and also attaches great importance to dreams. Pushkin did not ignore Tatyana's love for reading. Raised on typical women's fashion novels, the heroine sees her love as if through a book prism, idealizing her. She loves winter with all its faults: darkness, twilight, cold and snow. Pushkin also emphasizes that the heroine of the novel has a "Russian soul" - this is an important moment for the characterization of Tatyana Larina to be as complete and understandable to the reader.

The influence of village customs on the character of the heroine

Pay attention to the time in which the subject of our conversation lives. This is the first half of the 19th century, which means that the characteristic of Tatyana Larina is, in fact, the characteristic of Pushkin's contemporaries. The character of the heroine is closed and modest, and reading her description given to us by the poet, it can be noted that we practically do not learn anything about the girl's appearance. Thus, Pushkin makes it clear that it is not external beauty that is important, but internal character traits. Tatiana is young, but looks like an adult and mature personality. She did not like children's games and playing with dolls, she was attracted by mysterious stories and love suffering. After all, the heroines of their favorite novels always go through a series of difficulties and suffer. The image of Tatyana Larina is harmonious, dim, but surprisingly sensual. Such people are often found in real life.

Tatyana Larina in a love relationship with Eugene Onegin

How do we see the main character when it comes to love? She meets Eugene Onegin, already being ready for a relationship internally. She "is waiting ... for someone," Alexander Pushkin cautiously points out to us. But do not forget where Tatyana Larina lives. The characteristics of her love relationship also depend on the strange village customs. This is manifested in the fact that Eugene Onegin visits the girl's family only once, but around the people are already talking about the engagement and marriage. In response to these rumors, Tatyana begins to consider the main character as an object of her sighs. From this we can conclude that Tatyana's experiences are far-fetched, artificial. She carries all her thoughts in herself, longing and sadness live in her loving soul.

The famous message of Tatiana, its motives and consequences

And the feelings turn out to be so strong that there is a need to express them, continuing the relationship with Eugene, but he no longer comes. It was impossible for a girl to take the first step in accordance with the requirements of the etiquette of those times, it was considered a frivolous and ugly act. But Tatiana finds a way out - she writes a love letter to Onegin. Reading it, we see that Tatiana is a very noble, pure person, high thoughts reign in her soul, she is strict with herself. Evgeny's refusal to accept her love for a girl, of course, is discouraging, but the feeling in her heart does not go out. She tries to understand his act, and she succeeds.

Tatiana after unsuccessful love

Realizing that Onegin prefers fast hobbies, Tatiana goes to Moscow. Here we already see a completely different person in her. She overcame a blind unrequited feeling in herself.

But in Tatiana she feels like a stranger, she is far from his fuss, brilliance, gossip and attends dinners most often in her mother's company. Unsuccessful made her indifferent to all subsequent hobbies of the opposite sex. That solid character that we observed at the beginning of the novel "Eugene Onegin", towards the end of the work is shown by Pushkin broken and destroyed. As a result, Tatyana Larina remained a “black sheep” in high society, but her inner purity and pride could help others see her as a true lady. Her detached behavior and, at the same time, her unerring knowledge of the rules of etiquette, politeness and hospitality attracted attention, but at the same time forced her to stay at a distance, so Tatiana was above gossip.

The ultimate choice of the heroine

Towards the end of the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin, completing the plot, gives his "sweet ideal" a happy family life. Tatyana Larina has grown spiritually, but even in the last lines of the novel, she confesses her love to Eugene Onegin. Moreover, this feeling no longer dominates her, she makes a conscious choice in favor of loyalty to her lawful husband and virtue.

Onegin also draws attention to the "new" for him Tatiana. He does not even suspect that she has not changed, she simply "outgrew" him and "got sick" with her old painful love. Therefore, she rejected his advances. This is how the main character of Eugene Onegin appears before us. Her main character traits are strong will, self-confidence, kind character. Unfortunately, Pushkin showed in his work how such people can be unhappy, because they see that the world is not at all what they would like. Tatyana has a difficult fate, but her craving for personal happiness helps her overcome all adversity.

Pushkin is a poet whose work is extremely accessible to human understanding. The clarity of images and the harmony of his works are of educational and educational value. His lyre awakens good feelings in people. No matter what he describes, no matter what he talks about, love for people and life is felt in his lines.

"Eugene Onegin" is one of the most iconic works of the poet. The form of this work is unusual and complex. This is a novel in verse, previously there were no works of this kind in Russian literature.

"Eugene Onegin" is a source of ideas about the Russian life of the Pushkin period. One of the central figures in the novel is Tatiana, the daughter of the landowners Larins.

By showing the image of Tatiana, the only whole nature in the novel, Pushkin demonstrates a real phenomenon in Russian life.

“... Thoughtfulness, her friend
From the most lullaby days
Rural leisure flow
Decorated her with dreams ... "

Tatiana lives among ordinary people who are unfamiliar with the hustle and bustle of the big world. They are naive and sweet in their own way.

Tatyana is drawn to someone whom she has not yet met, but who would be smarter, better, kinder than others. She takes for such a person a neighbor, the landowner Eugene Onegin. Over time, dear Tatiana falls in love with him.

He really is smarter than her surroundings, more knowledgeable and judicious. He is capable of good deeds (eased the plight of his serfs):

“First, our Eugene conceived
Establish a new order.
Yarem from corvee old
Replaced the rent with a light one, -
And the slave blessed fate ... "

But Onegin is far from ideal. Tatyana has not yet recognized it. He is an idle gentleman, lazy, spoiled by life, half-educated, not knowing what to do, because he has no mental strength for a fruitful life, and longing gnaws at him from an empty life.

Tatiana writes a letter to him declaring her love. But Onegin cannot cope with his egoism, he does not accept her emotional impulses.

After Onegin's departure from the village, Tatiana has a habit of being in his house, reading books. She learned a lot and understood a lot. Onegin is not what she imagined him to be. He is a selfish, selfish person, not at all the hero to whom her tender soul yearned.

After the lapse of time, Onegin meets Tatyana in St. Petersburg again. She is the wife of an old general. And then Onegin looked at her in a new way. In wealth and nobility, she seems completely different. Love flashed in his soul. This time she herself rejected him, knowing his selfishness, knowing the emptiness of his soul and not wanting to break the word she gave to her husband.

This soul, kind Tatiana, knew how to love deeply. After parting with Onegin and realizing that he was not the hero of her novel, she still continued to love him and suffered from it. Tatiana did not become the general's wife of her own free will, her mother prayed about it. She did not part with her love: in her heart she loved Onegin.

Tatiana's soul is the soul of the best Russian women, no matter how different their fates, thoughts, deeds may be.

Pushkin's genius lies in the fact that he offered society a new look at the fate of a Russian woman. He prescribed a character hitherto unfamiliar to Russian literature. Toughness of nature, strength, simplicity, naturalness, loyalty to her word, decency - these traits determined the integrity and strength of the character of the heroine. Tatiana's firm principles were unshakable throughout the story. She was disgusted with hypocrisy, insincerity, idle talk, everything that she called "masquerade rags."

Since childhood, Tatiana was close to the people, to folk poetry. Her soulmate is a nanny to whom she confided her secrets. Throughout the story, Tatiana's inner world does not change. No external circumstances will force her to go astray, will not “break her spiritual makeup”. The admiration and love of the poet in the novel are given to Tatiana in full.


Pushkin combined two epochs: he had certain features of the present and some echoes of the past, in the midst of which his own upbringing took place; on the other hand, a completely new period began with him, the period of modern literature.

With his novel Eugene Onegin, Pushkin taught everyone who wrote after him to portray the strength and suffering of a Russian woman just as simply and sincerely. Pushkin raised the importance of the Russian woman in our minds. He created the basis for those high ideals of women, which we see in the subsequent works of other authors.

Tatyana Larina's fervent monologue about feelings for a young rake is part of the compulsory school curriculum. Memorizing the lines about the first love and impulses of the soul, it is easy to catch the courage and openness, which is so uncharacteristic for the young ladies of the century before last. This is what distinguishes Tatiana from most literary images - naturalness and loyalty to ideals.

History of creation

The poetic novel, which he considered a feat, was first published in 1833. But readers have been following the life and love affairs of a young reveler since 1825. Initially, "Eugene Onegin" was published in literary almanacs one chapter at a time - a sort of 19th century serial.

In addition to the main character, Tatyana Larina, a rejected lover, attracted attention to herself. The writer did not hide that the female character of the novel was written from a real woman, but the name of the prototype is not mentioned anywhere.

Researchers put forward several theories about the alleged muse of Alexander Sergeevich. First of all, they mention Anna Petrovna Kern. But the writer had a carnal interest in a woman, which differs from the author's attitude to the dear Tatyana Larina. Pushkin considered the girl from the novel to be a beautiful and gentle creature, but not an object of passionate desires.

The heroine of the novel has similarities with Elizaveta Vorontsova. Historians believe that the portrait of Onegin was painted from an admirer of Countess Raevsky. Therefore, the role of the literary beloved went to Elizabeth. Another weighty argument - Vorontsova's mother, like Larina's mother, married an unloved one and suffered from such injustice for a long time.

Twice the wife of the Decembrist, Natalya Fonvizina, claimed that she was the prototype of Tatiana. Pushkin was friends with Natalia's husband and often communicated with a woman, but there is no other evidence to support this theory. The poet's school friend believed that the writer put into Tatiana a particle of his own hidden traits and feelings.

The negative reviews and criticism of the novel did not affect the image of the main character. On the contrary, most literary scholars and researchers note the integrity of the character. calls Larina "the apotheosis of the Russian woman", speaks of Tatiana as "a genius, unaware of her genius."

Of course, Eugene Onegin shows the female ideal of Pushkin. Before us is an image that does not leave indifferent, delights with inner beauty and illuminates with bright feelings of a young innocent young lady.


Tatyana Dmitrievna was born into a military family, a nobleman who, after service, moved to the countryside. The girl's father died several years before the events described. Tatiana remained in the care of her mother and the old nanny.

The girl's exact height and weight are not mentioned in the novel, but the author hints that Tatyana was not attractive:

“So she was called Tatiana.
Not her sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not have attracted eyes. "

Pushkin does not mention the age of the heroine, but, according to the calculations of literary critics, Tanya recently turned 17 years old. This is confirmed by the poet's letter to a close friend, in which Alexander Sergeyevich shares his thoughts about the girl's emotional impulse:

“… If, however, the meaning is not entirely accurate, then all the more the truth in the letter; a letter from a woman, who is also 17 years old, and who is also in love! "

Tatiana spends her free time talking with the nanny and reading books. Due to her age, the girl takes to her heart everything that the authors of love stories write about. The heroine lives expecting a pure and strong feeling.

Tatiana is far from the girlish games of her younger sister, she does not like the chatter and noise of frivolous girlfriends. The general characteristic of the main character is a balanced, dreamy, extraordinary girl. Relatives and acquaintances have the impression that Tanya is a cold and overly judicious young lady:

“She is in her family
She seemed like a stranger to a girl.
She did not know how to caress
To his father, not to his mother. "

Everything changes when Eugene Onegin comes to the neighboring estate. The new inhabitant of the village does not at all look like Tatyana's former few acquaintances. The girl loses her head and after the very first meeting writes a letter to Onegin, where she confesses her feelings.

But instead of a stormy showdown, for which the girl's favorite novels are so famous, Larina hears a sermon from Onegin. Say, this behavior will lead the young lady in the wrong direction. In addition, Eugene is not at all created for family life. Tatiana is confused and confused.

The next meeting between the heroine in love and the selfish rich man takes place in winter. Although Tatiana knows that Onegin does not respond to her feelings, the girl cannot cope with the excitement of the meeting. Tanya's own name day turns into torture. Eugene, who noticed Tatyana's languor, devotes time exclusively to the younger Larina.

This behavior has consequences. The younger sister's groom was shot in a duel, she quickly married another, Onegin left the village, and Tatiana was again left alone with her dreams. The girl's mother is worried - it's time for her daughter to be married, but dear Tanya refuses to all applicants for a hand and heart.

Two and a half years have passed since the last meeting between Tatyana and Eugene. Larina's life has changed markedly. The girl is no longer sure if she really loved the young rake so much. Perhaps it was an illusion?

At the insistence of her mother, Tatyana married General N, left the village where she lived all her life, and settled with her husband in St. Petersburg. An unscheduled date at the ball awakens forgotten feelings in old acquaintances.

And if Onegin is seized with love for a once unnecessary girl, then Tatiana remains cold. The charming general's lady does not show favor to Eugene and ignores the man's attempts to get closer.

Only for a short moment, the heroine, who withstands the onslaught of Onegin in love, removes the mask of indifference. Tatiana still loves Eugene, but she will never betray her husband and defame her own honor:

“I love you (why dissemble?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever. "

Screen adaptations

The love drama from the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a popular subject for musical works and film adaptations. The premiere of the first film of the same name took place on March 1, 1911. Black and white silent motion picture touches on the main moments of the story. The role of Tatiana was performed by the actress Lyubov Varyagina.

In 1958, the film-opera told the Soviet audience about the feelings of Onegin and Larina. She embodied the image of the girl, and performed the vocal part off-screen.

The British-American version of the novel appeared in 1999. The film was directed by Martha Fiennes, played the main role. The actress was awarded the Golden Aries for the image of Tatiana.

  • Pushkin chose a distinctive name for the heroine, which at that time was considered simple and tasteless. In the drafts, Larina is referred to as Natasha. By the way, the meaning of the name Tatiana is the organizer, the founder.
  • According to scientists, the year of birth of Larina is 1803 according to the old style.
  • The girl speaks and writes poorly in Russian. Tatiana prefers to express her thoughts in French.


And happiness was so possible, so close! ..
But my fate has already been decided.
I am writing to you - what more?
What else can I say?
I can't sleep, nanny: it's so stuffy here!
Open the window and sit with me.
He is not here. They don't know me ...
I'll take a look at the house, at this garden.

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Women, whose behavior and appearance differ from the generally accepted canons of the ideal, have always attracted the attention of both literary figures and readers. The description of this type of people allows us to slightly open the veil of unexplored life searches and aspirations. The image of Tatyana Larina is perfect for this role

Family and childhood memories

Tatyana Larina by her origin belongs to the nobility, but all her life she was deprived of an extensive secular society - she always lived in the village and never aspired to an active city life.

Tatyana's father Dmitry Larin was a foreman. At the time of the actions described in the novel, he is no longer alive. It is known that he died not young. "He was a simple and kind gentleman."

The girl's mother is called Polina (Praskovya). She was given in girlhood under duress. For some time she was depressed and tormented, experiencing a feeling of affection for another person, but over time she found happiness in family life with Dmitry Larin.

Tatyana also has a sister, Olga. She is not at all like her sister in character: gaiety and coquetry are a natural state for Olga.

An important person for the formation of Tatiana as a person was played by her nanny Filipyevna. This woman is a peasant by origin and, perhaps, this is her main charm - she knows a lot of folk jokes and stories that so entice inquisitive Tatyana. The girl has a very reverent attitude towards the nanny, she truly loves her.

Name selection and prototypes

Pushkin emphasizes the unusualness of his image already at the very beginning of the narrative, giving the girl the name Tatiana. The fact is that for the high society of that time, the name Tatiana was not characteristic. This name at that time had a pronounced common character. In the drafts of Pushkin there is information that the heroine was originally named Natalya, but, later, Pushkin changed his mind.

Alexander Sergeevich mentioned that this image is not devoid of a prototype, but did not indicate who exactly served him such a role.

Naturally, after such statements, both his contemporaries and researchers of later years actively analyzed Pushkin's environment and tried to find a prototype of Tatyana.

Opinions were divided on this issue. It is possible that several prototypes were used for this image.

One of the most suitable candidates is Anna Petrovna Kern - her similarity in character with Tatyana Larina leaves no doubt.

The image of Maria Volkonskaya is ideal for describing Tatiana's character in the second part of the novel.

The next person with similarities to Tatyana Larina is the sister of Pushkin himself, Olga. By her temperament and character, she ideally fits the description of Tatyana in the first part of the novel.

Tatyana also has a certain similarity with Natalia Fonvizina. The woman herself found a huge resemblance to this literary character and expressed the opinion that she was the prototype of Tatiana.

An unusual assumption about the prototype was expressed by Pushkin's lyceum friend Wilhelm Kuchelbecker. He found that the image of Tatiana is very similar to Pushkin himself. This similarity is especially evident in chapter 8 of the novel. Kuchelbecker asserts: "The feeling with which Pushkin is overwhelmed is noticeable, although he, like his Tatyana, does not want the world to know about this feeling."

The question about the age of the heroine

In the novel, we meet Tatyana Larina during her growing up. She is a girl of marriageable age.
The opinions of the researchers of the novel on the issue of the girl's year of birth were divided.

Yuri Lotman claims that Tatiana was born in 1803. In this case, in the summer of 1820, she just turned 17 years old.

However, this opinion is not the only one. There is an assumption that Tatiana was much younger. Such reflections are prompted by the nanny's story that she was married off at the age of thirteen, as well as the mention that Tatyana, unlike most girls at her age, did not play with dolls at that time.

V.S. Babaevsky puts forward another version about Tatyana's age. He believes that the girl should be much older than Lotman's estimated age. If the girl was born in 1803, then the concern of the girl's mother about the lack of options for marrying her daughter would not be so pronounced. In this case, a trip to the so-called “brides fair” would not have been necessary.

Tatiana Larina's appearance

Pushkin does not go into a detailed description of Tatyana Larina's appearance. The author is more concerned with the inner world of the heroine. We learn about Tatyana's appearance in contrast to the appearance of her sister Olga. My sister has a classic appearance - she has beautiful blonde hair, a ruddy face. In contrast, Tatiana has dark hair, her face is too pale, devoid of color.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Her look is full of despondency and sadness. Tatiana was too thin. Pushkin notes, "no one would call her beautiful." Meanwhile, she was still an attractive girl, she had a special beauty.

Leisure and attitude to needlework

It was generally accepted that the female half of society spent their free time at needlework. Girls, in addition, also played with dolls or various active games (the most common was the burner).

Tatiana does not like to do any of these activities. She loves to listen to the scary stories of the nanny and sit for hours at the window.

Tatiana is very superstitious: "She was worried about the signs." The girl also believes in fortune telling and the fact that dreams do not just dream, they carry a certain meaning.

Tatiana is fascinated by novels - "they replaced everything for her." She likes to feel like the heroine of such stories.

However, Tatyana Larina's favorite book was not a love story, but a dream book “Martin Zadeka became later / Tanya's favorite”. Perhaps this is due to Tatyana's great interest in mysticism and everything supernatural. It was in this book that she could find the answer to her question: "she gives her joy / In all her sorrows / And he sleeps with her forever."

Personality characteristic

Tatiana is not like most girls of her era. This also applies to external data, and hobbies, and character. Tatiana was not a cheerful and active girl, who was easily flirtatious. “Dika, sad, silent” is Tatiana's classic behavior, especially in society.

Tatiana loves to indulge in dreams - she can fantasize for hours. The girl hardly understands her native language, but is in no hurry to learn it, in addition, she rarely engages in self-education. Tatiana prefers novels that can disturb her soul, but at the same time she cannot be called stupid, rather the opposite. The image of Tatiana is full of "perfection". This fact is in sharp contrast to the rest of the characters in the novel, which do not have such components.

In view of her age and inexperience, the girl is too trusting and naive. She trusts in an outburst of emotions and feelings.

Tatiana Larina is capable of tender feelings not only towards Onegin. With her sister Olga, despite the striking difference of girls in temperament and perception of the world, she is connected by the most devoted feelings. In addition, she has feelings of love and tenderness in relation to her nanny.

Tatiana and Onegin

New people coming to the village are always of interest to the permanent residents of the area. Everyone wants to get to know the newcomer, learn about him - life in the village is not distinguished by a variety of events, and new people bring new topics for conversation and discussion with them.

Onegin's arrival did not go unnoticed. Vladimir Lensky, who was lucky enough to become Eugene's neighbor, introduces Onegin to the Larins. Eugene is very different from all the inhabitants of village life. His manner of speaking, behaving in society, education and ability to conduct a conversation pleasantly amaze Tatiana, and not only her.

However, "early feelings in him cooled down", Onegin "completely cooled off to life", he was already bored with beautiful girls and their attention, but Larina does not know about it.

Onegin instantly becomes the hero of Tatiana's novel. She idealizes the young man, he seems to her descended from the pages of her books about love:

Tatiana loves not jokingly
And surrendered unconditionally
Love is like a sweet child.

Tatyana suffers for a long time in anguish and decides to take a desperate step - she decides to confess to Onegin and tell him about her feelings. Tatiana writes a letter.

The letter has a double meaning. On the one hand, the girl expresses her indignation and grief at Onegin's arrival and her crush. She lost the peace in which she lived before and this leaves the girl perplexed:

Why did you visit us
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I never knew you.
I would not know the bitter torment.

On the other hand, the girl, having analyzed her position, sums up: Onegin's arrival is her salvation, this is fate. By her nature and temperament, Tatiana could not have become the wife of any of the local suitors. She is too alien and incomprehensible for them - another thing is Onegin, he is able to understand and accept her:

That in the highest council is destined ...
That is the will of heaven: I am yours;
My whole life has been a pledge
The faithful meet with you.

However, Tatyana's hopes were not justified - Onegin does not love her, but just played with the girl's feelings. The next tragedy in the girl's life is the news of the duel between Onegin and Lensky, and the death of Vladimir. Evgeny is leaving.

Tatiana falls into a blues - she often comes to Onegin's estate, reads his books. Over time, the girl begins to understand that the real Onegin is radically different from the Eugene, whom she wanted to see. She just idealized the young man.

This is where her unfulfilled romance with Onegin ends.

Tatiana's dream

Unpleasant events in the girl's life, associated with the lack of mutual feelings in the object of her love, and then death, two weeks before the wedding of the groom's sister Vladimir Lensky, was preceded by a strange dream.

Tatiana has always attached great importance to dreams. The same dream is doubly important for her, because it is the result of Christmas divination. Tatiana was supposed to see her future husband in a dream. The dream becomes prophetic.

At first, the girl finds herself in a snowy clearing, she comes to the stream, but the passage through it is too fragile, Larina is afraid to fall and looks around in search of an assistant. A bear appears from under a snowdrift. The girl is frightened, but seeing that the bear is not going to attack, but on the contrary, offers her his help, stretches out his hand to him - the obstacle is overcome. However, the bear is in no hurry to leave the girl, he follows her, which scares Tatyana even more.

The girl tries to escape from the pursuer - she goes to the forest. The branches of the trees cling to her clothes, take off her earrings, rip off her kerchief, but Tatyana, seized with fear, runs forward. Deep snow prevents her from running away and the girl falls. At this time, a bear overtakes her, he does not attack her, but picks her up and carries on.

A hut appears ahead. The bear says that his godfather lives here and Tatiana can warm up. Once in the hallway, Larina hears the noise of fun, but it reminds her of a commemoration. Strange guests are sitting at the table - monsters. The girl is dismantled and fear, and curiosity, she quietly opens the door - the owner of the hut turns out to be Onegin. He notices Tatiana and walks towards her. Larina wants to run away, but cannot - the door opens, and all the guests see her:

... fervent laughter
Rang out wildly; everyone's eyes
Hooves, crooked trunks,
Crested tails, fangs,
Mustache, bloody tongues,
Bone horns and fingers,
Everything points to her
And everyone shouts: mine! my!

The guests are calmed by the imperious host - the guests disappear, and Tatiana is invited to the table. Immediately Olga and Lensky appear in the hut, causing a storm of indignation from Onegin. Tatiana is terrified of what is happening, but does not dare to intervene. In a fit of anger, Onegin takes a knife and kills Vladimir. The dream ends, it's already morning in the yard.

Tatyana's marriage

A year later, Tatyana's mother comes to the opinion that it is necessary to take her daughter to Moscow - Tatyana has every chance to remain a virgin:
Have Kharitonya in the alley
The carriage in front of the house at the gate
Has stopped. To the old aunt,
Fourth year sick with consumption,
They have arrived now.

Aunt Alina happily received the guests. She herself could not get married at one time and lived alone all her life.

Here, in Moscow, Tatiana is noticed by an important, fat general. He was struck by the beauty of Larina and "meanwhile he does not take his eyes off her."

The age of the general, as well as his exact name, Pushkin does not give in the novel. Alexander Sergeevich calls the airman Larina General N. It is known that he took part in military events, which means that his career advancement could take place at an accelerated pace, in other words, he received the rank of general without being in old age.

Tatyana does not feel a shadow of love in relation to this person, but nevertheless agrees to marriage.

The details of their relationship with her husband are not known - Tatiana resigned herself to her role, but she did not have a feeling of love for her husband - it was replaced by affection and a sense of duty.

Love for Onegin, despite the debunking of his idealistic image, still has not left Tatyana's heart.

Meeting with Onegin

Two years later, Eugene Onegin returns from his trip. He does not go to his village, but visits his relative in St. Petersburg. As it turned out, during these two years, changes took place in the life of his relative:

“So you're married! I didn't know the wound!
How long has it been? " - About two years. -
"On whom?" - On Larina. - "Tatiana!"

Onegin, who always knows how to restrain himself, succumbs to excitement and feelings - he is seized by anxiety: “Is she really? But for sure ... No ... ".

Tatyana Larina has changed a lot since their last meeting - they no longer look at her as a strange provincial:

The ladies moved closer to her;
The old ladies smiled at her;
The men bowed below
The girls passed quieter.

Tatiana learned to behave like all secular women. She knows how to hide her emotions, is tactful towards other people, there is a certain amount of coolness in her behavior - this all surprises Onegin.

Tatiana, it seems, was not at all dumbfounded, unlike Eugene, by their meeting:
Her eyebrow did not move;
She did not even tighten her lips.

Always such a brave and lively Onegin was at a loss for the first time and did not know how to speak to her. Tatiana, on the other hand, asked him with the most indifferent expression on her face about the trip and the date of his return.

Since then, Eugene has been losing his peace. He realizes that he loves the girl. He comes to them every day, but he feels awkward in front of the girl. All his thoughts are occupied only by her - from the very morning he jumps out of bed and counts the hours remaining before their meeting.

But the meetings do not bring relief either - Tatiana does not notice his feelings, she behaves with restraint, proudly, in a word, just like Onegin himself had towards her two years ago. Eaten by excitement, Onegin decides to write a letter.

Noticing a spark of tenderness in you,
I did not dare to believe her - he writes about the events of two years ago.
Eugene confesses his love to a woman. “I was punished,” he says, explaining his past recklessness.

Like Tatyana, Onegin entrusts her with the solution to the problem:
It's all decided: I'm at your will
And surrender to my fate.

However, there was no answer. The first letter is followed by one more and another, but they remain unanswered. Days go by - Eugene cannot lose his anxiety and confusion. He again comes to Tatyana and finds her sobbing over his letter. She looked a lot like the girl he had met two years earlier. An agitated Onegin falls at her feet, but

Tatiana is categorically disposed - her love for Onegin has not yet faded away, but Yevgeny himself ruined their happiness - he neglected her when she was not known to anyone in society, was not rich and was not "treated kindly by the court." Eugene was rude to her, he played with her feelings. Now she is another man's wife. Tatiana does not love her husband, but she will be "faithful to him for a century", because it cannot be otherwise. Another scenario is contrary to the girl's life principles.

Tatiana Larina assessed by critics

Roman A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin" has become the subject of active research and scientific critical activity for several generations. The image of the main character Tatiana Larina became the cause of repeated disputes and analyzes.

  • Yu Lotman in his works he actively analyzed the essence and principle of writing Tatyana's letter to Onegin. He came to the conclusion that the girl, after reading the novels, recreated "a chain of reminiscences primarily from the texts of French literature."
  • V.G. Belinsky, says that for Pushkin's contemporaries, the release of the third chapter of the novel was a sensation. The reason for this was Tatiana's letter. According to the critic, Pushkin himself until that moment was not aware of the power generated by writing - he calmly read it, just like any other text.
    The writing style is a little childish, romantic - it touches, because Tatiana had not known the feelings of love before that “the language of passions was so new and not accessible to the morally unrepentant Tatiana: she could neither understand nor express her own feelings if she had not to help the impressions left on her. "
  • D. Pisarev did not turn out to be such an inspired image of Tatyana. He believes that the girl's feelings are fake - she instills them in herself and thinks that this is true. During the analysis of the letter to Tatiana, the critic notes that Tatiana still realizes Onegin's lack of interest in her person, because she suggests that Onegin's visits will not be regular, this state of affairs does not allow the girl to become a "virtuous mother." “And now, by your grace, a cruel man, I must disappear,” writes Pisarev. In general, the image of a girl in his concept is not the most positive and borders on the definition of "redneck".
  • F. Dostoevsky believes that Pushkin should have called his novel not by the name of Eugene, but by the name of Tatiana. Since this particular heroine is the main character in the novel. In addition, the writer notes that Tatiana has a much greater mind than Eugene. She knows how to do the right thing in the current situations. Her image is markedly hard. “The type is firm, standing firmly on its ground,” Dostoevsky says about her.
  • V. Nabokov notes that Tatiana Larina has become one of her favorite characters. As a result, her image turned into "the 'national type' of the Russian woman." However, over time, this character was forgotten - with the beginning of the October Revolution, Tatyana Larina lost her significance. For Tatiana, according to the writer, there was another unfavorable period. During the Soviet era, the younger sister Olga took a much more advantageous position in relation to her sister.