
An essay on the theme of the taciturn in the comedy of Alexander Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The image of Molchalin in the comedy Woe from Wit

The great comedy of A.S. Griboyedov, which appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, opens a new stage in the development of Russian literature. The characters created by the playwright are of historical, literary and universal significance. The author's undoubted find is the image of Molchalin, which has absorbed the features of the socio-psychological type, which, unfortunately, was destined to have a long life in Russia. The type of this hero, one might say, is one of the most common in Russian literature. But the very first meeting with him takes place in the play by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The merit of the author is the creation of the literary type of Molchalin, which became a major acquisition of social thought. Griboyedov showed great power of publicistic generalization. The author elevated the little official, the secretary of Famusov, to a symbol of a significant socio-political group, firmly linking "silence" with "Famusism". Creating the character of Molchalin, Griboyedov showed the influence of bureaucratic morality on the development and behavior of a person. From childhood, the hero was taught slave servility before the powerful. Fulfillment of his father's covenant helped him "to take rewards and live merrily." But, on the other hand, as a petty provincial official, he had no other choice. Molchalin is a master in the art of raising a handkerchief, keeping silent when he is scolded, for this he received three awards, the rank of assessor and is in friendship with many influential people. At the first meeting, it is really difficult to determine the real face of Molchalin. We see a timid and shy young man. Sophia in love gives him a lot of advantages. "The hero of her novel" "is both insinuating and smart," he is "ready to forget himself for others," "compliant, modest, quiet." However, gradually we are convinced that such a Molchalin is just a figment of Sophia's imagination. If Chatsky underestimated Molchalin, then Sophia clearly overestimated him. So who, finally, is Molchalin: a humble modest, awkward and funny in his servility, or a successful scoundrel? "Warmed up" by Famusov, during the several years he spent in Moscow, Molchalin managed to make a good career: he received the rank of assessor and "three awards", was enrolled in the archives, was able to establish the necessary connections, and make profitable acquaintances. He, like Skalozub, "has many channels to get ranks." Molchalin does not disdain anything: There he will stroke the pug in time, Here he will rub the card at the right time ... Showing the confrontation between Chatsky and Famusov, A.S. Griboyedov raises the problem of the "present century" and the "past century". These heroes are people of different generations, while Chatsky and Molchalin are of the same age, but the contrast between them is all the sharper. Each of them shows one of the options for the path that young people can choose: the path of truth seekers and rebels (the path of Chatsky) and the path of the "wordless" who will reach the "degrees of the known" (the path of Molchalin). Molchalin became a household name for meanness, servility. He sincerely does not realize how, being a petty official, one can think and feel independently. Sympathizing with Chatsky that he was "unsuccessful in the service," Molchalin tries to help him if he, in turn, follows the path of all the silent. Wordless and always ready to serve, he possesses such a capital that, under any circumstances, gives him and his descendants the right percentage: moderation and accuracy. He also has one more property - the willingness to please everyone who "feeds and watered, and sometimes will endow him with rite" to the grave. He, if necessary, can take on the appearance of a lover "to please the daughter of such a person." And, of course, Molchalin is on the side of "everyone" in the conflict with the troublemaker Chatsky. It is precisely in the dialogue between Chatsky and Molchalin that the final social and spiritual confrontation between a free-thinking person and an environment of moderation and accuracy is formed, which will be resolved by slandering Chatsky and his exile. Griboyedov forces Molchalin to be frank and with some challenge to expound the everyday rules of the circle to which he is close. "Moderation and accuracy", "I am not a writer", "in my years I should not dare to have my own judgment", "after all, one must depend on others" - these are the foundations of Tachalin well-being, from which he will never retreat. But Chatsky was mistaken in his assessment of Molchalin, in his true role. For him, Molchalin is a nonentity, "a miserable creature." Chatsky is contemptuously arrogant. But only. He never thought that Molchalin could be his rival. And even when he finds out about the connection between Sophia and Molchalin, he does not take it seriously. Indeed, at the time of Griboyedov, the Molchalins caused mostly contempt. They could not become worthy opponents of the advanced nobles. Molchalin was an unworthy subject, he did not deserve serious attention. He sacredly fulfills his father's commandment "to please all people without exception." Flattery is Molchalin's main weapon. He flatters everyone who can be useful, and is even ready to play the role of a lover, counting on Famusov's mercy. However, the humble mask quickly flies off him when he speaks with those whom he considers below himself. With Liza, Molchalin tries to look like a rake, forgetting about timidity. He does not put Chatsky in anything, so he allows himself to give the latter advice. In the eyes of Molchalin, Chatsky is a loser, so one can behave with him contemptuously and condescendingly. It would seem that we are facing a completely unsightly and useless person, but, alas, we, following Chatsky, are forced to admit that "The Molchalins are blissful in the world." And apparently the time of the taciturn had already come, that is, the era of silence - the time of the reign of Nicholas I, the time of ranks and officials. Then hatred comes to the silent. But she did not come right away, but when it turned out that the eternally young old men of Russian history are they. After all, Molchalin remained, but Chatsky left the stage, Onegin passed, Pechorin died, Rudin, Rakhmetov, Bazarov left. He became invulnerable. It turned out to be impossible to defeat such people - they are strong by someone else's power, they cannot be killed with contempt, because their dignity is in someone else's authority. K. A. Polevoy wrote: "... look around: you are surrounded by silent people." But the Molchalins, at first glance, are not so harmless and ridiculous in their efforts to please, they cannot be underestimated. As time has shown, the Molchalins are tenacious and invulnerable. Most likely, it is not the hero himself that is terrible, but the situation when the Chatskys suffer, and the Molchalins are blissful when the opportunists win. But for how long at the end of the play, Molchalin was exposed, humiliated, frightened? Such people "reborn" quickly, which is very sad and regrettable. They do not repent of their actions and the more terrible thing is that they do not realize the depth of their fall.

Here he is, on tiptoe

and not rich in words.

The taciturns are blissful in the world.

A. S. Griboyedov

One of the favorite topics of the great writers of the 19th century is the formation of a young person, his choice of life path. A variety of human destinies are depicted for us by such world-famous novels as Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", "An Ordinary History" and "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov, "Red and Black" by Stendhal, "The Human Comedy" by Balzac and many others ... Among these immortal books and "Woe from Wit" by A. S. Griboyedov, not a novel, but a "high" comedy, in which, in my opinion, there is very little funny, except for some situations, but the most important socio-political and moral problems are posed, many of which excite us today.

What should a person be? How does he make his way in life? What on this path can you afford and what should never be allowed? What is more important - human dignity or career? The author of the comedy answers these and many other questions in the image of Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin.

By origin and social status, he does not belong to the capital's nobility. “He warmed Bezrodny and brought him into his family, gave him the rank of assessor and took him in secretary,” the Moscow ace Famusov. The surname of Molchalin is justified by his behavior: he is a modest young man, handsome, silent, insinuating. He plays the flute, loves sentimental rhymes, tries to please everyone. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with that. But, reading the comedy, we are convinced that Molchalin's decency is a skillfully chosen mask that hides a vile, hypocritical, false person. In a moment of frankness, he confesses that he is guided in life by his father's behest "to please all people without exception," even the janitor's dog.

The purpose of Molchalin's life is to make a career, preferably a brilliant one, to achieve ranks, wealth. The highest happiness, his ideal in life, he sees in the fact that "to take awards, and to live happily." All means are good for him on the way to this goal. At the same time, Molchalin chooses the surest way to curry favor - flattery, low-mindedness, servility. He is respectful and considerate with Famusov, pleases the influential mistress Khlestova in every possible way, does not leave the rich old people, plays cards with them.

A flatterer and a hypocrite, he pretends to be in love with Sophia (of course, because she is the daughter of his almighty boss) and immediately tells Lisa that he loves the master's daughter "according to her position." His life "principles" are simple and shameless. This is a rejection of one's human dignity, of one's own opinion, self-deprecation: "After all, one must depend on others" or: "In my years one should not dare to have one's own judgment." Silently-ling does not know what honor, honesty, sincerity are, and just impersonates, just in case.

This behavior brought him a certain success: an insignificant secretary not only lives in the house of his patron, but is also accepted in his society. Moreover, "moderation and accuracy" have already provided him with "three awards" in the service, the location and support of influential gentlemen.

The reader of the comedy understands something else: Molchalin's life "experience" is a verdict not only for him, but also for the society that approves and supports him. The people who organized the persecution of a sincere, honest Chatsky, who declared him, an intelligent, educated person, crazy, do not consider it shameful to communicate with the dishonest scoundrel, to patronize him, and this perfectly characterizes them. "The taciturns are blissful in the world" - one of the most bitter conclusions of Chatsky after a day of communication with the Famus society. Material from the site

Molchalin is not helpless and not funny - in my opinion, he is terrible. The role of this hero in the comedy is determined by two circumstances. Firstly, we have before us a person who, living in Famus society, will surely "reach the known degrees." Even exposure will not ruin him, because, bowing humbly and crawling on his knees, the “business” secretary will again find a way to the heart of his boss: after all, he needs Famusov, and there is someone to intercede! No, Molchalin is unsinkable. Secondly, talking about the “formation” of Molchalin, the author exposes the Moscow nobility (and it, in turn, represents the social system of Famusa Russia), the “tormenting crowd”, afraid of people with advanced views and firm, unbending characters and accepting as her many silent. The "great ability to please" many in this unprincipled society brought people out.

Griboyedov also convinces of what he does not say directly: the tactics chosen by Molchalin are needed for him only for the time being. Having achieved his goal, he will cast off the mask of modesty and reverence - and woe to those who stand in his way. Unfortunately, this human type is not a thing of the past. And today, under the guise of decency and modesty, modern Molchalin can hide, who knows how to please everyone, does not disdain by any means to achieve his goals. The author of the immortal comedy teaches to understand people, to see under the mask, if worn, the true face of a person.

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On this page material on topics:

  • composing the mask of silence
  • social status of the taciturn
  • tachalin grief from wit essay
  • the image of the silent behest of his father
  • an essay on the theme of the taciturn

Molchalin is one of the most memorable characters in the comedy "Woe from Wit". He is endowed with a speaking surname. So, what is this character "silent" about?

We meet with Molchalin at the very beginning of the comedy, when we learn that they have mutual love with Sophia, the daughter of the owner of the house. However, later it becomes clear that the reciprocity of love exists only in the imagination of Sophia, and Molchalin himself is not as simple as it seems.

Molchalin's life position is most fully revealed during his dialogue with Chatsky ... "My father bequeathed to me: firstly, to please all people without exception - the Master, where I will live, the Chief, with whom I will serve, His servant, who cleans his dress, the Swiss, the janitor, to avoid evil, The janitor's dog, so that she is affectionate", - says Molchalin. Indeed, this character can always achieve what he wants precisely because of his ability to find an approach to people. His main goal (like any representative of the "Famus society") is to achieve a high position in society by any means. And here he, realizing that the daughter of Famusov is in love with him, so as not to offend her, plays a romantic and timid lover. He knows that Sophia reads French romance novels and therefore understands how he should appear in front of her. And it works: Sophia admires his complaisance, modesty, gentleness. He behaves modestly under Famusov too. During the ball, Molchalin tries with all his might to please Khryumina, knowing that she occupies a high position in society ( "Your spitz is a lovely spitz, no more than a thimble").

However, it is interesting to observe how his behavior changes with other people. Alone with the servant Lisa, he becomes rudely cheeky. With Chatsky, he talks politely and emphatically restrained, because he understands: Chatsky is an unwanted guest in this house and it is unprofitable to show him respect. In addition, Molchalin is amazed that Chatsky does not know one noble lady - Tatyana Yurievna. This shows how important connections and reputation are for Molchalin (and how little they matter to Chatsky). Chatsky's desire to prove to everyone that he is right and Molchalin's restraint are also opposed to each other ( "In my years you shouldn't dare to have your own judgments").

If Chatsky turned out to be an outcast in this society, then Molchalin feels like a fish in water here. It was not for nothing that Chatsky said: "The silent people are blissful in the world." Molchalin is a type of person who, unfortunately, is in demand in any society at any time. It is these people who often achieve a lot precisely because of their hypocrisy. Therefore, to the rather popular question of what will become of Molchalin after the scandal at the end of the work and the exposure, it is fashionable to give an affirmative answer: everything will be forgotten pretty quickly and he will continue to live in Famusov's house as if nothing had happened.

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In Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" the main opposing array of events falls on the images of Chatsky and Famusov. The rest of the characters help to reveal the true state of affairs and the depth of the conflict.

Origin and occupation

One of these characters, with the help of which the tragedy of what is happening is enhanced, is the image of Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with A. Griboyedov's comedy “Woe from Wit”.

Molchalin does not belong to the aristocracy - he is a man of ignoble origin, but thanks to his service, he has access to high society.

Alexei Stepanovich has not yet managed to rise to significant heights - so far he only holds the position of Famusov's secretary, but gives hope for early career advancement, which causes Famusov's special love.

Pavel Afanasyevich allocated a room in his house for Molchalin, although it is difficult to call it a full-fledged room: it is most likely a small closet, but Molchalin, deprived of fate, is quite pleased with this.

Aleksey Stepanovich has been working as the personal secretary of Famusov for the third year already, however, he was registered in a completely different position - based on official data, Molchalin works in the archive department, but in practice this is fictitious, he is only listed there. However, not without benefit for himself - during this service, he received three awards.

Of course, this was the exceptional work of Famusov. This position is also beneficial to Famusov and allowed him to get out of a difficult situation - he provided himself with a good secretary and, moreover, he had to pay not from his own pocket.

The text mentions the rootlessness of Molchalin, but there is no exact explanation. Based on this, several assumptions can be made regarding the essence of such a statement. The first is that Molchalin is a man of simple origin, the second is that he is an orphan, that is, a man of no kind.

The writer portrays Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin as an adult man. At the same time, Molchalin rejects even the possibility of his infantilism. Famusov, for whom the hero serves, takes advantage of Alexei's position. Officially, the hero works in the "Archives", because Famusov agreed so. However, this is a simple formality for obtaining ranks. Molchalin's real place of work is Famusov's house. The latter provides its employee with food, drink, shelter, career advancement. Molchalin, apparently, knows how to please Famusov.

Before working with Famusov, in Moscow, the hero lived in Tver. Molchalin, of course, is not a rich man at all. The simplicity of the hero's origin makes us assume that Molchalin is a tradesman. According to the "Table of Ranks", the hero holds the rank of collegiate assessor. This rank gives the right to nobility, which is what Molchalin achieves. The man even manages to get awards, in which his master probably helped Molchalin.

The symbolism of the surname

The image of Molchalin is symbolic. This is primarily due to his last name. It is based on the verb "to be silent". Indeed, this word is an accurate reflection of the essence of Molchalin. He is a silent and faceless servant of Famusov. Even his steps are devoid of any sound. It seems that he wants to be as unnoticed, quiet as possible.

From time to time, Alexey Stepanovich moves on tiptoe so as not to disturb the household. This behavior of his is one of the ways to achieve his life goal.

The purpose of life

While most aristocrats are devoid of purpose in life and lazily live their lives, not filling it with any meaning, Molchalin's life has a pronounced character. His goal is to take place and achieve significant achievements in life. Achievements in the eyes of Molchalin are in no way associated with improving the lives of ordinary, ignoble people or contributing to the development of the morality of the aristocracy. The highest goal of Alexei Stepanovich is to become a full-fledged representative of high society.

Molchalin is ready to die for the next promotion, so he serves Famusov with all his might - it is Pavel Afanasyevich who can help him achieve this goal. And the first step on this steep staircase Molchalin has already overcome - thanks to his ability to suck up and please Famusov, he was given the rank of collegiate assessor. Thus, Alexey Stepanovich from a commoner turned into a beggar nobleman. Molchalin found a special charm in the fact that his rank tended to be inherited.

Molchalin and Sofya Famusova

You can improve your position in society even more through a profitable marriage. For this, girls needed to have a charming figure and no less charming face. In the case of the male half of society, it was enough to have a helpful character. It is the ability to serve well that becomes the criterion for benevolence. Despite his low origin and financial insolvency, in the eyes of Famusov, Alexey Stepanovich looks like a more attractive son-in-law than the noble aristocrat Chatsky. The fact is that Pavel Afanasyevich believes that such an estate and diligence, which Molchalin possesses, will be able to compensate for his origin and achieve a favorable position in society. To achieve a final advantage over other young people, Molchalin only needs to accumulate significant capital or start attacking Famusov from a different front - if Sonya falls in love with Alexei Stepanovich, then she will be able to convince her father to make a decision in his favor.

Alexey Stepanovich accelerates this process by starting to show interest in Famusov's daughter Sophia.

The relationship of young people is in the best traditions of platonic love - Molchalin does not allow anything superfluous in relation to the girl.

Thus, he demonstrates his respectful attitude towards Sophia and the seriousness of his intentions. In addition, such behavior contributes to the achievement of his goal with marriage - Molchalin does not need to possess Sonya, he needs to become her spouse, so debauchery is an unacceptable thing for him.

We offer to compare in A. Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit".

In communicating with Sophia, Alexey Stepanovich adheres to the same principle as with her father - he pleases her all the time. Naturally, Molchalin's behavior differs sharply from the behavior of other aristocrats in relation to her. Young people of noble birth are not ready to grovel in front of Sonya as Molchalin does, therefore they do not arouse such interest in her.

To some extent, Famusova's affection for Molchalin was caused by the lack of proper candidates - after the Chatsky district, the girl chooses the least evil from the remaining. At the time of the onset of affection and the beginning of communication, Sonya did not feel enthusiasm and love attraction to Molchalin, her act could be regarded as revenge on Chatsky, but as a result of the desired effect, such an act did not bring, Sonya eventually got used to the oddities of Molchalin and began to perceive them as ordinary things ... In the person of Molchalin Sonya found a wonderful "living toy", he not only treats her with deification (which, as it turned out, was feigned), but is also ready to fulfill any of her wishes.

Chatsky and Molchalin

The conflict between Chatsky and Molchalin was a priori predetermined - an honest and noble aristocrat cannot understand and accept the position of Famusov and his society, Alexey Stepanovich, who not only depends on Famusov, but also seeks to become like them, could become an excellent opponent to Chatsky , if I had more persistence and individuality, however, since Alexey Stepanovich is used to being a silent observer and never betraying his attitude to certain situations, then there is no heated discussion between the characters.

In addition, the shrewd Chatsky notices the strange attitude of Alexei Stepanovich to Sonya Famusova. Over time, he discovers Molchalin's true attitude to the girl and his ghostly love. Chatsky is struck by Molchalin's double standards - on the one hand, he is ready to flatter immensely, but, on the other hand, he does not immediately neglect to publicize his disdain and even disgust for those whom he idolized a couple of minutes ago.

Attempts to open the eyes of others to the erroneousness of their opinion do not lead to anything good - others are flattering to perceive their superiority than to realize that all the respect towards them was a farce.

Molchalin and Lisa

No matter how duplicitous Molchalin is, sometimes he reveals his true feelings and intentions. This state of affairs is not exposed in discussions or small talk (since he tries not to take part in them in advance).

So, for example, Alexei Stepanovich has a feeling of affection and love in relation to the servant in the house of Famusov - Liza. The hero of the story faces a choice - to the end to play his role as Sonya's beloved, or to confess his feelings to Lisa.

Unfortunately, as a dishonest person, Molchalin is not limited to this state of affairs and takes care of two girls at once.

Thus, Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin is a classic version of a character playing a double game. This trend continues in the case of Molchalin in all types of activities. He is a hypocrite in relation to Famusov, plays with the feelings of Sonya.

For Alexei Stepanovich, a meek and silent servility is characteristic. For the sake of moving up the social ladder, he is ready to go even to the most immoral acts. The image of Molchalin has become a household name and is used in relation to a dishonest, hypocritical person.

Molchalin's character

The hero makes a double impression. On the one hand, Molchalin pleases everyone (in this man is a real master), he is shy, helpful, timid, calm, timid, modest, quiet, “wordless”. He is characterized by accuracy, moderation, lack of criticism of others. For this they love him, perhaps. But on the other hand, the hero is also characterized by duplicity and hypocrisy. Molchalin is considered a well-mannered and polite person, the hero arouses sympathy among others. Society does not see the hero's true nature. On the contrary, in Molchalin they see a selfless person who is ready to forget about his own interests for the sake of others.

However, Molchalin pleases and is silent for the sake of self-interest, for the sake of achieving his goal. Such parting words were given to the hero by his father. The behavior of the hero depends on the circumstances. For example, with Famusov's daughter, a man behaves emphatically politely and modestly. But Molchalin does not really love Sophia. The hero is in love with Lisa. However, there is no need to behave decently with a simple girl. The true face of Molchalin is seen, perhaps, only by Chatsky, who considers the assessor to be a stupid, cowardly and pitiful person. However, Vyazemsky, on the contrary, emphasizes the prudence of the hero, a rational approach to life. Molchalin's soul is cold and callous. The servant Liza also talks about this later.