
How to draw a cucumber and a tomato. How to draw a cucumber and a tomato Step by step we will draw a tomato

I was about to name the article "How to draw vegetables" and out of curiosity looked on the Internet: what other vegetables can (and should) be drawn. It was then that a discovery awaited me - a cucumber and a tomato are formally ... yes! - fruits.

So that's the convention: it is agreed that those edible fruits that contain seeds are fruits. And those that are edible but not intended for plant propagation are vegetables. This is the modern classification. Although I have called cucumbers and tomatoes vegetables for years (and they didn't mind).

But, having found out who is who in reality, now we will adhere to the truth: how to draw fruit - a cucumber and a tomato?

Let's start in order.

Let's draw a cucumber in stages

Take a cucumber or two and consider.

Long green cucumbers. One is slightly curved. Not as cool as but a little bit. However, if the banana always lies on the abdomen, and the ends are raised, then the cucumber agrees to any arrangement: to him and brace up and brace down everything to the face. Taking into account the experience of difficulties when shading a banana, I will put the cucumber conveniently - with an arc up.

Let's draw the contours - oh yes, the cucumbers turned out - immediately recognizable (if you know what it is about). Well, if so, then this picture will be called "Coloring Cucumber":

And let's start painting. Pencils first. What do we have in the kit? Lettuce, grassy green, blue-green (hmm ... obviously not suitable - let it stay in the box), brown, gray and black. Armed with all this gamut, let's proceed.

Here! I am smart that I placed the cucumber correctly - the hand itself goes in a comfortable arc.

The nose of the cucumber is lighter and with white longitudinal stripes, and the tail end is dark green and almost black. And here I admit, comrades, watercolor pencils are a great thing, but it is difficult to convey bright, saturated colors with them. Even with many overlapping layers, the color is obtained transparent airy. Although, if you add a few more pimples to the skin, the cucumber looks pretty cute.

And yet another one is waiting in line. Well no! I'm already tired of applying ten layers with pencils - I can't achieve the desired tone, and the paper will soon begin to tear. How will we decide?

To me, my faithful watercolor!

With paints things went more fun and much faster. True, I also had to apply several layers, but not 10! Although there are some drawbacks - now the paper is wet and immediately slightly bent. But what a rich color!

I put shadows under both cucumbers ... Ehhh! Was - not - was! Since we have such a disco, let's get a tomato! I will draw a tomato too.

Let's draw a tomato step by step

From nature. And paints.

A pencil drawing of a tomato is nothing complicated - a circle. If there is anything interesting, it is a tail, a short petiole with five long, curved, pointed sepals.

And now, on the wave of inspiration, we will try to draw a portrait of Senor Tomato as similar as possible.

This time, the colors had to be applied in many layers - the shades on the sides are very diverse: red and orange and ocher and scarlet and purple.

Blik! Comrades, do not forget the glare! There is no white paint in watercolor technique - so it is necessary to provide for a place where the glare is not accidentally painted over in the general blush color. Analyze shadows and reflexes (highlights on the sides) carefully. For me, the shadow is not just maroon, but crimson and even with a hint of cold purple. So that. As a child, studying at an art school, I did not want to see this, but now I have become an adult and I became interested in shades and nuances. Alas, it was at that time, in childhood, that I got caught for inattention. Eh-ma, everything has its time.

Natalia Smirnova

Integration educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development.

Methodical tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about autumn natural phenomena, harvesting, harvesting vegetables; repeat titles vegetables, expand children's knowledge of harvesting vegetables; activate the speech of children, enrich vocabulary with new words and phrases; arouse the desire of children to participate in the play-staging, to teach expressively telling poetry; continue to teach techniques for pasting ready-made forms, consolidate the ability to create an expressive image using applique; cultivate a respectful attitude towards your health.

Preliminary work: watching a multimedia presentation "We planted a garden", learning poetry with children, preparing materials for application, choosing costumes.

Methodology: The teacher invites the children to remember how they planted a vegetable garden in the spring and harvested.

Guys, what vegetables grown in our garden? (children list).

Well done, we have gathered a crop. Something immediately ate, and something left for storage for the winter. We will have vitamins grown in the garden in winter. In the meantime, let's take a walk to the magic garden. (Children dress up costumes)

Oh what vegetables have grown! Well, well, who do we have here?

I am cabbage, all the thickest!

There will be no cabbage soup without me!

Borscht, salad and vinaigrette

They love to eat for lunch.

And while keep in mind the children

First vegetable I'm on a diet!

The last to leave Cucumber and Tomato

Cucumber: What? You don't need a cucumber?

What a dinner without him!

And in pickle, and in a salad

Cucumber everyone is happy!

A tomato: You end the stupid argument!

All the most important a tomato!

Coloring man anywhere!

I do not vegetable - I'm a star!

Oh, how are you cucumber with tomato praise! We urgently need to prepare them for the winter! Sit down quickly at the tables, we will canned cucumbers with tomatoes!

Children sit at the tables, the teacher shows how to stick the finished forms (green oval and red circle) on pre-prepared sheets in the form of a jar, after all vegetables in a jar, children glue the lid.

In conclusion, an outdoor game "Magic Round Dance"

More fun, round dance, all the guys are happy!

Look into the garden - it has grown!

Our harvest is good, we need to dance

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For a long time I did not pay attention to, distracted only by fruits, but now their time has come. Let's start simple. I will tell you how to draw a tomato.

Tomato is for the most part a faithful partner of the cucumber, they are rarely found separately in a salad. Even the advanced canning technology used to conserve strategic stocks includes tomato and cucumber, along with bell peppers.

What is known about tomatoes:

  • Let's start with the fact that a tomato is the same berry as;
  • The scientific debate about what a tomato is has led to its being recognized as a vegetable;
  • In Europe, for a long time, it was considered poisonous, apparently because of its red color;
  • And it may also be because its skin is not digested by the human digestive system;
  • But most importantly, the tomato is a distant relative of potatoes and, oddly enough, tobacco, because all three plants belong to the nightshade family. The tobacco feels very uncomfortable.

Try to sketch it:

How to draw a tomato using a pencil step by step

Step one. Of course, first we need to outline the shape of the vegetable. Step two. Now sketch inside the top with leaves. Step three. Carefully select and sketch in the top. Step four. It remains only to easily draw shadows and not eat the drawn tomato. I recommend trying other edible treats as well.