
Kizomba is the most sensual dance. What is kizomba

In the middle of the last century, the expression "kizombadas" had nothing to do with dancing or music and signified a big, noisy party. In Angola at that time, ethnic dances, especially carnival dances, were at the peak of popularity.

One of them, the incendiary semba dojo, soon went beyond the borders of the country, but in its journey around the world, the new musical style was gradually transformed. The authentic sound of national instruments was replaced by a softer one and eventually turned into a romantic sensual melody of kizomba. The word “kizomba” was first used by the drummer of the group “S.O.S”. In some cases, it may seem to inexperienced listeners that kizomba and zuk are almost the same. But there is a difference - musical accompaniment dance in the zouk style it sounds mainly in French, and kizomba in Portuguese. Today kizomba is one of the most common new dances in the world. It is studied in many schools, it attracts with its energy and at the same time simplicity. Kizomba is the music of the body, a dance whose movements are prompted by the music itself. Good kizomba teachers will not only be able to teach you how to dance - they will remove all social constraints from you, help you to relax and feel your body. This is a wonderful dance for everyone who wants to give free rein to their inner energy and does not want to engage in too ossified and academic forms. Kizomba will give you a new feel for yourself and your partner.

A characteristic feature of the classical kizomba is a slow, "stringy", straight beat, which is formed in modern music due to electronic instruments. Musical size of kizomba is 4/4. As a rule, in kizmobe every four measures (16 bits) a new musical theme begins. The main and most difficult task for dancers is "lead and follow". For those who dance salsa, learning kizomba may at first seem unusual to lead because it comes from the chest and differs from the usual lead in salsa. Kizomba is only danced in pairs. Therefore, the necessary skills are a sense of rhythm and interaction in a pair. Tarraxinha (tarashinha) is a part of kizomba, which includes the art of dancing to music without moving around the stage. This is the very interesting part in the dance, during which the man controls his partner's body so that she begins to make various waves, accents, and hip movements. Simply put, this is the sexiest part of the dance. Tarrashinha is often used in the kizomba dance in order to play up musical accents.

First of all, do not forget that the kizomba dance is a street dance. In Angola, Portugal and Brazil, it is often danced on the streets. Just look at it once and you will fall in love with this rhythm for life. Kizomba is, first of all, a pair dance, so it can only be danced with a partner. Dance kizomba is different in stylistic direction for men and women. But the women's party is of the greatest interest.

The sensual kizomba dance looks very sexy and romantic, as if sparks fly between partners. Anyone can learn it, since it does not have complex movements and ligaments that are worth memorizing. There are several features of this dance.

What kind of kizomba dance?

A slow dance that involves being close is called kizomba. It runs slowly and smoothly. It appeared in the early 80s, and has achieved widespread popularity only now. The sensual kizomba dance took a bit of traditional Cuban movements and the famous tango, which is why it is also called "African tango". Many dance schools offer kizomba classes.

History of kizomba

Different sources can find different information regarding the emergence of this sensual dance. The version that the real birthplace of kizomba is Angola looks more reliable, but there are options that this happened in Cape Verde and distant Sao Tome. Not to be specific, it is often said that this dance originated in Africa. The history of the kizomba dance is directly related to musical groups, to whose hits passionate movements were danced, for example, Johnny Ramos, Suzanna Lubrano, Kassav '.

Until the 90s, until the dance came to Europe, it changed and transformed, so many movements from different styles are mixed in it. Initially, the kizomba dance existed only at parties for migrants and students from African countries. Over time, he became more common, first conquering England. In 2009, the first Kizomba Championship was held in Warsaw.

What is the difference between kizomba and bachata?

Many people confuse these two styles, so it is important to understand the main differences between these directions.

  1. Bachata uses different ligaments and transitions that are absent in kizomba.
  2. Describing the difference between bachata and kizomba, it is worth noting that these styles have different music, rhythm and tempo.
  3. Where kizomba originated has already been said, but bachata appeared in the Dominican Republic and first spread throughout Latin America.

Kizomba dance style

Kizomba is a pair dance of love that can be admired on the streets of Brazil, Portugal and Angola. The kizomba style involves the exchange of energy with a partner, since the bodies are very close during the dance, that partners even have to close their eyes, since it can be difficult to look at each other. The kizomba dance has the following features:

  1. Throughout the dance, close contact is maintained between partners.
  2. The main movements are concentrated on the lower body: legs, hips and buttocks. Kizomba uses small movements of the legs below the knees, such as numerous turns, stepping and throwing.
  3. The direction of movement can be recognized by turning the foot. During the dance, the hips move with great amplitude.
  4. The partner hugs the partner's back with his right hand, and her left hand is placed on his neck.

Kizomba solo

The girl in a pair is an adornment that attracts the eyes of people who watch the dancing couple. The female kizomba style is taught in separate lessons, and they include various exercises designed to develop certain muscles, which in most cases are undeveloped. To dance a kizomba beautifully, a woman must develop her lumbar muscles and relax her hips. In addition, dancers learn different ways to "decorate" dance movements, for example, they can be made softer or, on the contrary, sharp.

Kizomba in pair

Traditionally, kizomba is considered a pair dance, it is also called a kind of "communication" through body movements. Interaction is of great importance, where the partner leads, and the girl dutifully follows, complementing the dance with her movements. Kizomba with a partner requires participants to be consistent, to have a sense of rhythm and to be able to interact with each other. When a couple converges and they establish contact, from the outside it looks as if they are one.

How to learn to dance kizomba?

It is not easy for beginners to relax and immediately grasp the movements of a new frank dance, but experienced dancers and teachers reveal several secrets. Use the tips for kizombu beginners:

  1. It is necessary to decide on the style, of which, according to many dancers, there are three. The traditional Angolan style is characterized by a stronger grip and bending at the waist, as well as circular movements. Another type of kizomba came from Portugal, and here there is strong interaction in the chest area, isolation in the pelvic area and more bent knees. The French style is characterized by the vertical position of the body. All of these styles can be mixed by changing them throughout the song.
  2. Practice is of great importance, and you can dance not only with a partner, but also alone. Learn to make accents, play pauses, rhythm, and so on. All of this will develop an intuitive response to music.
  3. Learning kizomba also includes the correct use of intros and endings in music, which many do not pay attention to. These inserts are mostly calm and are used to set the tone for the main part of the song.
  4. Play with a combination of slow and fast steps. Moving at the same pace is boring, so it's better to "play". There are many movements that can be used to beat the music.
  5. Learn to express emotions while dancing, and it's not just romance and. There are many examples of dancers using kizomba to express sadness, grief, aggression, fear, and so on. All this makes the composition especially beautiful.
  6. The kizomba dance allows the use of such a simple idea as repetition. Select two consecutive steps from the movement and repeat them twice before continuing or ending the movement. As a result, you can get an original picture.
  7. Use slow motion to make the dance more expressive. This trick is perfect for ending a phrase in a song and tightening up the moment. To create beautiful contrast, you can simply slow down one step. Experiment in this direction to diversify your dance and learn to improvise.
  8. You can use acceleration to decorate the kizomba, but it is important to be relaxed during this so that the movements seem light.
  9. In the kizomba dance, a change in direction of movement will look beautiful, which will help to embody many interesting ideas. Experts recommend learning to look at yourself, as if from the outside, in order to create a new beautiful figure.
  10. You can add passion and make your partner freeze with appropriate pauses. For this, it is important to learn to understand and feel the music and have a good balance. It is worth noting that if the music allows, then you can stretch the pause even over several accounts.
  11. To eliminate repetition in your own dance, it is recommended to divide the movements into small components and insert other steps between them. This will help make the dance more creative.

Kizomba dance school

To learn how to feel your body and perform the basic movements of this gentle dance, you can sign up for lessons at special schools. There will be no problem finding a partner and suitable music. Teachers will teach you how to perform basic kizomba steps, properly move your hips and interact with partners. Schools often host performances and competitions, as well as conduct master classes where you can prove yourself.

How to learn to dance kizomba at home?

If you cannot go to school for lessons, you can start studying at home. For this, there are a large number of video lessons, where experienced dancers tell and show how to correctly perform the steps, what are the features, and so on. Learning kizomba on your own will be more difficult and take longer. In addition, no one forbids going to master classes where you can test your skills.

Kizomba dance - parties

The name of this dance translates as "party", which explains the fact that dance evenings are held all over the world, where people just relax and dance as their soul desires. This will be an excellent training in kizomba dance, because each participant at parties shows all his chips. Like any other social dance, kizomba can be danced with an unfamiliar partner at these evenings. The parties are based on improvisation, which helps people. When they become a couple, people do not know what their dance will look like in the end.

Kizomba - music

The compositions used in kizomba have a rhythm that is clearly audible. They are built on dance squares, which in most cases go to eight counts. To learn how to dance musically the kizombu dance, consider the following recommendations:

  1. You need to dance to the rhythm. Experienced dancers can start with a 1 and this is considered professionalism.
  2. Steps are taken when a clear rhythm is heard, and if it is not, then the time for smooth movements of the hips and the like.
  3. You should listen to music as often as possible, which will help to quickly highlight the rhythm, find eights, and so on.

There are many compilations for sensual dancers. Popular hits of kizomba:

  • Kataleya - Dava Tudo;
  • Vem Ca - Bheaven;
  • Kaysha - Diamonds;
  • Jey V - Te Kurto Bué;
  • Mika Mendes ft Maryza - Sem Limite;
  • Parar o tempo - Ravidson feat. Mika Mendes.

Clothes for kizomba

For a sensual dance, girls choose outfits for themselves that emphasize the figure, but do not restrict movements, for example, a tight-fitting top and skirt, or. Men choose elastic pants that will not restrict movement. In addition, dancers use various accessories that make the costume more expressive, for example, bracelets, scarves, flowers in their hair, and so on.

Kizomba shoes deserve special attention, which should be comfortable. Girls choose sandals with small heels, and men choose shoes. The sole should be thin to feel good on the parquet floor. Some choreographers allow their students to wear moccasins, which are comfortable, then the dance will not look as aesthetically pleasing as if the girl were in high heel sandals.

The basic steps are where learning kizomba always starts. Perhaps in this article we should use Portuguese to name the basic steps of kizomba, because, therefore, its main language is Portuguese, but we give here one of the options for the English name of the steps, since English is more often used at international seminars, congresses and kizomba - festivals ... Due to the peculiarities of kizomba music, it is desirable (but not necessary!) That when performing steps, the figures are divided into eights. Those. so that each executable figure has eight counts (bits).

Basic 1. Single step... This step is the easiest of all. For each count, the partner steps in place with his left foot, then with his right, as if "marching" in place. This is the usual weight transfer - left leg, right, left, right - as in merengue. The partner starts the step with left foot at 1, right at 2, left at 3, right at 4, etc. The partner does the same with the right foot accordingly. This step can be done both on the spot and in forward or backward motion and in different directions.

Basic 2. Side-To-Side Step... The partner steps to the side with the left foot, then puts the right foot, not transferring the weight to it. Then - step with the right foot to the side, and the left leg is placed on the right without completely transferring the weight. The movements are repeated, step and prefix are performed for each count. The partner mirrors the partner's movements, starting with the right leg. This step can be done both on the spot and in a circular motion, that is, rotating around the axis of the pair.

Basic 3. Step on 3... At first glance, this step also seems quite simple: the partner starts moving forward with the left leg, then transfers the weight to the right leg with a step forward (or in place) and then puts the left leg, without transferring the weight to it.

The partner starts the second part of the combination again with the left foot, repeating the same steps in the opposite direction (if the partner in the first part of the movement moved forward, now he goes back). Thus, this combination consists of 6 steps - 3 in each direction. Every three steps start with the same leg (for a partner - on the left). As always, the female partner performs this combination in a mirror image with her right foot. Each step and prefix is \u200b\u200bperformed exactly on each count, so a complete pattern of steps forward and backward (6 steps) takes 6 counts.

And this is where the trick begins! In kizomba, the time signature is 4/4, therefore 6 steps of the combination do not fit into 2 measures. In other words, if you start at 1, then end at 6, not 8. When you repeat this combination again, you will start at 7, not 1. A 6-step pattern (3 forward and 3 back ) must be repeated 4 times to end at 8.

It is easy to calculate that when performing this step, dancers must repeat it 4 times before returning again to the count of times in the partner's left leg. Alternatively, in more complex combinations, dancers can use other steps, basic steps, change the rhythm (for example, dance "counter-teimpo"), etc., thereby making their dance more interesting.

All basic kizomba steps can be done on one beat of the music (at the tempo). Stretching the step over several bits (double, triple, etc. bit). Or even between beats ("counter-tyempo"). Thus, alternating different step lengths, you can greatly diversify your dance, creating for each kizomba song your own rhythmic pattern from the basic steps.

Of course, learning kizomba, even the basic steps of kizomba, is incredibly difficult from a textual description - almost impossible. Indeed, in dance, not only the principle and sequence of actions are important, but, as in all dances, in kizomba the manner of performing a step is important. Therefore, in the near future we will supplement this article with a video tutorial on the main steps of kizomba from the teachers of our dance school. Hopefully this article will help you get started dancing kizomba even if you don't have the opportunity to attend a school where kizomba is taught.

A small introduction. This article was written several years ago, when I was just starting my acquaintance with kizomba. Since then, the technique of the dance itself has changed somewhat, and the popularity of kizomba has increased significantly, and my own knowledge of this dance has become much broader. Nevertheless, I decided not to correct the text of the article, but to leave it as it was written in 2012.

So, the article itself:

Already tomorrow on February 25 in Kiev will take place. On the eve of this event, I decided to publish an article on what kizomba is. All the more so that somehow they asked about it in the comments on the site. So what is it?

It is generally known that kizomba, as a musical direction and dance, appeared in Angola. According to some sources, it arose in the late 80s, according to others - in the 70s. In any case, this is a fairly new direction. Kizomba developed on the basis of the Semba dance plus was influenced by the Cuban dance, thanks to volunteers from Cuba who came to support local revolutionaries during the civil war in Angola. Well, the greatest influence kizomba experienced from the tango, thanks to which it is now called "African tango".

Kizomba quickly became popular in the Portuguese-speaking countries - in Brazil, Mozambique, in the homeland of the forgotten Cape Verde and, of course, in Portugal itself. Thanks to the Africans, kizmoba made its way to London parties, and from Britain it began to spread throughout Europe.

Kizomba performed by Tony Pirata - the maestro of this dance from Paris

Rhythmically, this dance is not difficult at all. For those who dance salsa, learning kizomba may at first seem unusual to lead because it comes from the chest and differs from the usual lead in salsa. Since kizomba is a slow and very sensual dance, comparison with bachata suggests itself.

Another kizomba from France

Kizomba, like bachata, is danced very close, but if in bachata we are used to touching the hips, then here, first of all, contact with the chest occurs and often kizomba are literally dancing cheek to cheek. Compared to bachata, there are no complex connections with a large number of turns, but many different steps and penetrations are used. However, it is not a fact that once in Europe and being presented at various shows, kizomba will gradually not acquire a bunch of twisted ligaments and complex supports. Wait and see.

In general, tomorrow we will be able to attend seminars of the natural carrier of this dance, an Angolan living in Germany, Saul Aidara. And finally, another video of kizomba performed right in the middle of a shopping center in Athens. Simple, but very sincere!

By the way, on the basis of kizomba you can also stage a wedding dance! In any case, this has not happened yet, and a romantic kizomba at a wedding will look not only appropriate, but also very original

A dance with an interesting name "Kizomba" - what is it? The dance, which is necessarily danced in pairs, has African roots, is called kizomba. Every day the dance is gaining more and more popularity, because it very much combines beauty, passion, romance. Kizomba is a modern pair dance with African roots. The dance is rapidly gaining popularity, finding an increasing number of fans around the world. Kizomba is performed only in pairs. The distinctive features of the dance include: - close contact; - movements - smooth, slow, passionate, plastic. A beautiful dance for all those who wish to convey their feelings and energy. The origin of the dance. The name "Kizombo" comes from the expression "kizombadas". Initially, the phrase had nothing to do with dancing and was translated as "big loud party" in African Angola. At that time (70-80s of the 20th century), national dance styles, especially carnival dances, were very popular in the country. One of these dances very quickly spread beyond Angola to different parts of the world, gradually modifying and transforming, changing its style, it was called "semba dojo". The specific sounds of Angola's national melodies changed to more romantic and pleasant motives and, in the end, turned into beautiful kizomba compositions. For the first time the name "kizomba" was used by the drummer of the group "S.O.S". Moving from country to country, kizomba listened to something unique, was reflected in the work of many musical groups. The fate of the dance developed as follows - before the moment of penetration into Europe, the dance went through many transformations, and therefore combines a mixture of several dances. In Portuguese-speaking countries, kizomba began its journey, and then the dance spread throughout Europe. Like a large number of other music and dance styles, kizomba in Europe existed for quite a long time only at parties of migrants who came to Europe for various reasons - someone to study, someone in search of a better place to live. However, beautiful, sensual dance began to spread and from the format of a house party grew into a whole popular dance trend. The dance became so popular that in 2009, the first kizomba championship was held in Polish Warsaw, where the best duets clashed in a battle for victory. An interesting fact is that Angola was formerly Portuguese, with the national language - Portuguese. Accordingly, a large number of kizomba's musical compositions were in Portuguese. It was the language factor that had a direct impact on the spread of dance in Portugal. Kizomba varieties Researchers distinguish different styles of kizomba, let's try to get acquainted with them in a little more detail. Ø Kizomba in classic performance, which combines the work of the pelvis, body and pelvis of partners, is called the Passada. Distributed in Cape Verde. Ø Slow style, with fairly close contacts of the dancers, minimal amount of movement, called Tarraxinha. Ø A style that hides the movement of the hips, with fairly wide strides, is called Quadrinha. Ø Finally, a style that does not have dance elements performed at high speeds is called Ventoinha. Angolans, however, recognize only their own, the very first version of the dance. Distinctive features of the dance. Kizomba is performed on the streets of Angola, Portugal, Brazil, Portugal. Many people agree that if, at least once to look at the dance live, everyone will fall in love with these rhythms and remember the composition for life. So let's look at the main points that make dance so beautiful and passionate. 1. Close contacts of partners. 2. The main emphasis is on the legs and hips, since in kizomba a large number of unique, beautiful movements are done by these parts of the body - turning, throwing the legs. Overstepping. 3. The position where the foot is directed means the direction of movement. 4. Movements with reeds must be carried out with sufficiently large amplitudes. 5. Hands of partners are placed in this way: the girl's left hand is the boy's neck, the boy's right hand is located on the girl's waist. Another interesting fact is that some people prefer to dance with their eyes closed, since too close contact, sometimes, does not make it possible to direct their gaze to each other. The kizomba dance is an exchange of energy and feelings between partners, and therefore, as another feature, one can single out the state of a certain "trance" in which the partners are during the performance. Woman is the main decoration of kizomba When we watch a couple dancing kizomba, of course, everyone pays attention to the girl, to her movements and femininity. You can make such a comparison: the partner is an artist who sets the general tone of the picture, its essence, character, the partner is paints, colors that will make the picture vivid and unique. To achieve such a result, when the picture is colorful, bright and beautiful, the girl must make a lot of effort and improve her dance technique, as they say, improve the female style. When preparing for a dance composition, a girl must perform a series of exercises for the development of muscle groups that are involved in the dance and which are very often not at the proper level. In order to feel comfortable and confident in the dance, you need to: - work on the lumbar muscles; - work on the movement of the hips and knees; - for some styles of kizomba, for example tarrashinha, the partner should be able to relax the reed, since the partner sets the rhythm along which the girl's hips will move; and if a girl does not possess such a technique, it will be very difficult to achieve harmony in the dance. It should be noted that the trainings that the girl carries out in preparation for the dance will help her not only improve the dance technique, but will also contribute to the following positive results: 1. Legs and abdomen - lose weight and become athletic and fit. 2. There is a stimulation of the hormonal background. 3. Weight is normalized. About shoes and clothes when performing kizomba Which shoes are better: - for girls - sandals, always comfortable and comfortable; heel - no more than seven centimeters. - for guys - preference is given to sneakers or shoes (with laces). Shoes are best, of course, in size, and also so that it has a thin leather sole. Clothing should not hinder the movement of partners. - for a girl - skirts, dresses, leggings; - for guys - trousers, with a loose fit. Frequent mistakes made while dancing As mentioned in the article more than once, kizomba is a very sensual and unique dance. In order to convey all the feelings, emotions and stylistic features, you need to strive to prevent this kind of. 1. It is impossible to bring steps to the mechanism, they must come from the heart. It is necessary to be imbued with a musical composition, rhythms. The zest of kizomba is not the learned movements of the "robot", but a kind of live "communication" of bodies. The better partners feel about each other, the better. 2. When performing the dance, partners should not be allowed to touch the hips. Only the upper parts of the body are in close contact. 3. When performing the dance, it is necessary to pay attention to where the partners' hands are located. Above, we have already mentioned the position of the hands, recall that the girl's left hand is the boy's neck, the boy's right hand is located on the girl's waist. 4. When performing the dance, there should be no taut muscles, sharp or stiff movements. The dance should be performed softly on soft feet. 5. In a stationary position should be the upper body. The bodies of both partners freeze in an embrace, and the lower part of the body (hips, legs) is active on the one hand, and smoothly moves on the other. Let's sum up Kizomba is a whole sensual world, into which a dancing couple immerses everyone around. To improve your skills, you need persistent training, and you just need to love the dance and feel into it with all your soul.