
Presentation on reading thick jump. Presentation for the lesson of literary reading L. Tolstoy "Leap" presentation for the lesson in reading (grade 2) on the topic. VIII. Project work

Nikolaevich Tolstoy

- it is Russian


in the estate Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province

Manor "Yasnaya Polyana"

  • Tolstoy was the fourth child in a large noble family.
  • His mother, Maria Nikolaevna, nee Princess Volkonskaya, died when Tolstoy was not yet two years old.
  • Tolstoy's father, Nikolai Ilyich, a participant in the Patriotic War, remembered by the writer for his good-natured, mocking character, love for reading, for hunting, also died early, when Leva was 9 years old.

"We must try


read and find out

the best writers

of all ages and peoples "

Children of L.N. Tolstoy loved and wrote a lot for them. Known textbooks "ABC", "New alphabet", four "Russian books for reading" with fables, fairy tales, stories.

Lev Nikolaevich with his grandchildren

In late autumn 1910, at night, secretly from his family, 82-year-old Tolstoy, accompanied only by his personal doctor, left Yasnaya Polyana.

The road turned out to be unbearable for him: on the way, Tolstoy fell ill and was forced to get off the train at the small railway station Astapovo. Here, at the station master's house, he spent the last seven days of his life. He died

The grave of L.N. Tolstoy in the estate "Yasnaya Polyana"







1.By ship

2. Monkey leprosy.

3. Chasing the monkey.

4. On the mast.

The content of the presentation:

1. Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich - the great writer of the 19th century - the golden age of Russian literature. Born on the estate of Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province 09.09.1829, died 20.11.1910 at the age of 82 years. The count belonged to a noble wealthy family. Was in kinship with the princes Trubetskoy, Golitsyn and other aristocrats. On the maternal side, he was related to A.S. Pushkin. In his youth, Tolstoy did military service in the Caucasus, took part in the heroic defense of Sevastopol. After retirement, he traveled extensively in Europe. A life full of events and impressions in the future helped the gifted artist of words to create true literary masterpieces.

2. The genre of the work is a story. Unlike a fairy tale - a fictional fantasy work, a story is a reality, a true story ..

3. The heroes of Leo Tolstoy's story "Leap" are sailors (people on deck), a boy, his father is a ship's captain and a monkey.

4. Summary - On a calm warm day, sailors were bored on the deck of a ship returning from a voyage around the world. Suddenly the nimble monkey took the hat from the 12-year-old boy - the captain's son - and began to climb with it onto the mast of the ship. Infuriated by the ridicule of the sailors, the boy rushed to take his hat from the monkey and, in pursuit of it, climbed to the very top of the tall mast. The sailors were afraid that the boy would fall from such a height and be smashed to death. Nobody laughed anymore. Suddenly the captain came out of the cabin. Immediately assessing the seriousness of the situation, he shouted at his son: "Jump into the water or I will shoot you!" The boy jumped into the sea. The sailors threw themselves into the water and rescued the boy.

5. Questions about the story:

Where are the events unfolding? (On the ship)

Where did the ship return from? (From circumnavigation)

How old was the boy? (12)

Who was the boy's father? (Captain of the ship)

Why did the boy rush after the monkey? (She took the hat from him. He tried to take it away).

The boy was not afraid of heights. He climbed higher and higher after the monkey, regardless of the danger. What caused this reckless behavior?

Why did capital cry after his son was rescued?

6. Other children's stories by Leo Tolstoy, recommended for reading:



Archire and robber.

7. Height of the mast - the masts on ships that in the 19th century. could travel around the world, reached a height of 25 m, i.e. 8-storey building. The decks were made of rock-hard wood.

8. Conclusions - the boy did not feel sorry for his hat at all. He felt unpleasant because they were laughing at him. Trying to protect his dignity, he committed a rash act that almost cost him his life. Such importance should not be given to the ridicule of the crowd. You must have your own opinion and not succumb to momentary resentment. Parents love their children very much and always try to protect them from harm.

9. The culmination is a place of special tension of events in the text.

10. The text consists of 3 parts:

introduction - a description of the place where events unfold;

string - the monkey takes the boy's hat, everyone laughs, the boy is offended;

culmination - a boy in pursuit of a monkey climbed to the very top of the mast. he is in mortal danger;

denouement - the captain rescues his son by decisive actions.

11. Who do you think is to blame for the misfortune that nearly happened? The sailors offended the boy with their ridicule, pushed him to a risky act.

12. Why did Leo Tolstoy call his story "The Leap"? (It was the jump that saved the boy's life).

13. Describe the character of the boy. (Proud, brave, youthful and reckless)

14. Describe the character of the captain. (decisive, man of action, loves his son very much, proud).

1. To acquaint students with one more work by Leo Tolstoy "Leap"; teach to analyze the actions of heroes. 2. To develop oral communication, cognitive abilities. 3. To acquaint with the history of the creation of ships 4. To cultivate a moral attitude towards people around.

Retelling the text according to plan. Off the coast of Africa. The long-awaited command: "Swim!" Competition of young swimmers in the open sea. The father admires his son and encourages him. The appearance of the sea monster. The screeching of frightened boys. Father's fear and despair. Instant solution. Rescue Boys. Shouts of joy.

A story about ships. Even in ancient times, man had to move on water in order to hunt or shorten the path of movement. For this he used an ordinary tree. Then the man needed to transport something, and he tied several trees together. This is how the first raft came about. In the Stone Age, a person learned to use a tool of labor, and then with the help of a stone he began to gouge a depression in a tree, this is how the first boat turned out. But many peoples made boats from animal skins

The first ships - small wooden ships of various shapes, propelled by oars, appeared long before our era in Egypt, Crete, Ancient Greece and Rome. In the 5th century BC, ships appeared with several rows of oars. Ships with two rows of oars were called brems, with three - triremes.

The crew of the large ship consisted of several hundred people. In the 5th century, a faster ship, the galley, was created in Venice. She had a length of 40 - 50 meters, a width of 6 meters, one row of oars, a crew of up to 450 people, developed a speed of 7 knots (13 km / h). In addition to the oars, it had two masts with oblique sails. The transition from the rowing fleet to the sailing fleet was carried out up to the XVll - XVlll centuries.

Work on content. How did the monkey appear on the ship? Why is nothing said about the monkey at the end of the story? How do you understand the phrase "diverged even more"? How can you say in other words? Find in the text and read what the monkey did with the hat? How did the boy behave in the first two minutes, without a hat? Read it. How did the events unfold further?

How do you understand the phrase "the boy got angry"? How can you say in other words? Pay attention to what verbs the author used to describe the boy's actions? What does this tell him? Why did the boy climb onto the mast of the ship? Has the attitude of others to the antics of the monkey and the behavior of the boy changed? At what point did this happen? Read it. What did the captain do to save the boy. Why do you think the captain cried? In what episode were you worried about the boy? What would you do if you were in the boy's shoes? What advice would you give a boy?

Working in groups with proverbs. Assignment: Read the proverbs proposed in the card and tell me which of them can be attributed to the stories of Leo Tolstoy. Name this story. 1) Be brave in mind and heart. 2) The father is proud that his son is brave. 3) One skill, without habit, cannot be done well. 4) Someone laughs, but I am not laughing. 5) Where the fighter sees, the enemy is finished.

Summary of the lesson on literary reading in grade 3. Leo Tolstoy "Leap"

(UMK "Primary school of the 21st century")
Lesson type: a lesson in practicing skills and reflection
Goal: creation of conditions in the lesson for the analysis of the work of Leo Tolstoy "Leap".
Subject tasks: contribute to the development of the expressiveness of reading and telling, the creative abilities of students; analyze the literary text based on the teacher's system of questions; to promote the moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren; develop emotions and cognitive interest, expand the vocabulary of students, continue to develop reading techniques, broaden the horizons of students.
To promote the development of the ability to characterize a literary hero, the ability to analyze the actions of heroes and see their motives, to explain the inner state of literary heroes.
Promote the formation of the ability to find reference words for retelling that help describe the emotional state of the characters;
the formation of personal UUD - an emotional attitude to character traits and actions of people on the example of the heroes of literary works; foster interest in poetry and culture of communication; enrich the life experience of students. To cultivate courage, to form moral ideas about heroism, about courage; arouse children's empathy for the heroes of the story, develop the ability to make decisions in an extreme situation.
metasubject - to contribute to the formation of UUD:
a) regulatory - arbitrarily build an oral and written statement, taking into account the educational task; be proactive in answering questions and completing assignments
b) cognitive - to search for information, present the information found; draw analogies between the material studied and your own experience
c) communicative - to express their opinion about the problems and phenomena of life, reflected in the literature; express your thoughts verbally.
Equipment: textbook "Literary reading" by Klimanov, Goretsky grade 3, workbook, presentation.
During the classes
The stage of motivation for learning activities
- Guys, I see that you are ready for the lesson? I am very glad to see you all. Affectionate sun holds out rays to us.
- Let's stretch out our palms, smile at each other, tune in and start the lesson. I wish you successful work.
- Let's start with a speech warm-up
Speech warm-up.
Working on a tongue twister.
(read with acceleration)
The yacht is light and obedient mine, (Slide 2)
I will sail the seas on it
Actualization of knowledge and implementation of primary action.
- What kind of writer are we working on? (Leo Tolstoy)
- What did you learn about the writer?
(curriculum vitae)
- Take the "signals" "yes" - no, show me your answers.
Game "Yes - no"
1. Leo Tolstoy was born in the 20th century.
2. Leo Tolstoy lived in the Yasnaya Polyana estate.
3. L. Tolstoy was a military man all his life.
4. On his estate, he opened a school for peasant children.
5. L. Tolstoy wrote stories only for children.
6. L.N. Tolstoy knew sixteen foreign languages.
7. Leo Tolstoy was the fifth child in the family.
8. Leo Tolstoy was buried in Kazan.
9. At L.N. Tolstoy had 13 children.
- I want to know how well you know the genres of works.
- Match the title of the work with the genre, connect with arrows. Let's work in pairs.
(work in pairs)
"Literary constructor" (slide 3)
"Swans" story
"Winter evening" poem
"The squirrel and the wolf" fable
"Worker Emelyan and the empty drum" fairy tale
"Hares" popular science story
"Shark" story
- Which piece is superfluous, why? ("Winter Evening" - AS Pushkin, and the rest of the works were written by Leo Tolstoy.)
- What piece did you work on at home?
- What should have been done?
(Read the work, know the content of the work)
- Why L.N. Is Tolstoy called a multi-genre writer?
(he wrote stories, and epics, and there were, fairy tales). What is reality?
Byl is a work that tells about a real event.
- Can you call reality a story?
Based on the knowledge of the text and your vocabulary on marine topics, we will solve the crossword puzzle. (Slide 4)
1. Fabric on the mast, propelling the ship (sail)
2. The steering wheel on the ship (steering wheel)
3. Who serves on the ship? (sailors)
4. Complete the phrase: airborne ... (magazine)
5. Cook on the ship (cook)
6. Who is in command of the ship? (captain)
- Formulate the topic of the lesson.
- Guess the riddle:
Water to the right and water to the left (Slide 5)
Ships sail here and here and there,
But if you want to get drunk my friend
Every sip will be salty.
- How is the answer related to the topic of the lesson?
(events in the work take place at sea, on a ship)
- Look carefully at the slide, can you answer all the questions? What issue requires special attention? (slide 6)
1. Where did the ship return from?
2. Who was the focus of the ship?
3. What is the most intense moment in the story?
4. Why did the boy jump?
- What problem should we solve with you in this lesson?
(we will analyze the content, evaluate the events, characterize the heroes, find out why the boy made the jump)
- I offer you the outline of the story, read it carefully.
- Is everything right here?
- Arrange the numbers in the circles according to the plot of the work.
(work in pairs)
o On deck
o Chasing the monkey
o Monkey leprosy
o Forced jump
o On the bar
o Salvation
- Work in pairs, discuss, correct the mistake. (slide 7, 8)
1.On deck
2 monkey leprosy
3. Chasing the monkey
4.On the bar
5 forced jump
6 salvation
- Let's turn to the statement of M. Tsvetaeva
(children read the statement and explain how they understand Tsvetaeva's words).
"And what is reading - if not guessing, extracting the secret left behind the lines, outside the words."
- Today we will try to understand what is left behind the lines, outside the words of this work.
We will also learn to find words in the text that help to understand the emotional state of the characters, their actions, and also help to reveal the essence of the story, its idea. Such words are called key words. Key words are words that help to reveal the true meaning of the work, to comprehend its "secret".
Fizminutka (musical) (slide 9)
We'll raise our hands first - one, two, three
And then let’s lower the pens - one, two, three
Sink with our feet - one, two, three
We clap our hands - one, two, three
Now we'll all jump - one, two, three
Now we'll all dance - one, two, three
And now we'll all sit down - one, two, three
And we'll get up back with you - one, two, three
Implementation in practice of the selected plan, strategy for solving the problem.
-How does the story begin? Read it.
- Where are the events taking place?
(The events take place on a ship that was returning home after a long voyage).
- Why were all the people on deck? (the weather was calm).
- What characters is the author talking about here? (monkey, people: sailors)
-How is the behavior of the monkey described? Read it.
- And how do you understand the expression "... diverged even more"?
(The monkey was naughty even more. She began to spin more and more and imitated everyone. She could not calm down).
- Why did she behave like that? Read in the text.
- How did people behave?
(having fun with the monkey)
- For passengers who were on the ship for a long time at sea, the monkey was entertainment.
- Show from the “palette of feelings” the feeling that fits this part. (joy)
- Read the next paragraph.
- What does Tolstoy tell you about the boy, the main character?
(He is the son of the captain, he is 12 years old).
- Why is this information important for the author, and, for example, not the name of the hero, which we never found out?
(Everyone knows the son of the captain on the ship. He feels his significant role, he cannot let his father down, discredit (let down) him with his ridiculous position.
12 years - the beginning of the transitional age. This is the age when any assessments are painfully perceived, especially of a mocking character from others)
- What did the monkey do? (the monkey "jumped", "tore off his hat", "put on", "quickly climbed onto the mast")
-Find in the text an exact description of the illustration on page 139?
- What are the actions of the boy? (the boy "didn't know whether to laugh ... or cry")
How do people behave? (people "laughed")
- What words show the boy's condition?
- Show from the "palette of feelings" the feeling, the boy in this part. (Resentment)
- How did the boy react?
- Pay attention to what verbs the author used when characterizing the boy's actions. Read it.
(The author uses the words: rushed, climbed.
These words denote quick action)
- Can we say that the boy was thinking about his actions?
Hence, the boy acted rashly.
- What words show that the boy won't stop?
(- you won't get away from me ...)
-How do you understand the phrase "the boy got excited"?
(angry at the monkey, got excited)
- What was happening on deck at that time?
(On deck, everyone looked and laughed at what the monkey and the captain's son were doing.)
- Who is the captain on the ship?
(He is in charge and all his commands are executed quickly and without question).
- Who were the sailors in relation to the captain?
“They were also in charge of the boy.
- Read the words for the illustration on p. 140
- With what words does the author convey the threat to the boy's life?
(as soon as he stumbled ..)
- At what point did the attitude of others to the antics of the monkey and the behavior of the boy change?
- How does the author emphasize the confusion of people on deck? Read
("Everyone froze with fear." "Everyone looked at him in silence and waited for what would happen")
- Show from the “palette of senses” the feeling that gripped the people on the deck.
(Anxiety, fear)
- From what did the boy come to his senses?
- With what words does the author convey the threat to the boy's life? Read it.
-What new character appears at the end of the story?
- Why did he leave the cabin? Read
-What did the captain do when he saw his son on the mast? Read
- How did you feel when you read this part?
- Show from the “palette of feelings” the feeling that fits this part.
- Were you worried and scared? Why?
- Do you think the father was sure that the jump was safe for his son?
- Why did your father decide on such an act? Did he have a choice?
(The father had no choice. The son could crash on the deck. And jumping into the water could save his life)
- How quickly did he make this decision? But what could another person have done in his father's place?
- What qualities did the captain have?
(Captain's qualities: fearlessness, the ability to make decisions in difficult times, responsibility, will and at the same time - emotionality, unwillingness to entrust their experiences to the crowd, "people" in order not to risk their authority)
(The captain is a strong man, determined, loving his son.)
(father feeling for son?)
- Now you will work in micro-groups, which will help us to better understand the secrets of the work.
Microgroup work.
1 group. The story says nothing about how the boy ended up on the ship. What do you think?
Group 2. The story does not say anything about how the monkey ended up on the ship. What do you think?
Group 3. Describe the behavior of the monkey
- Can the monkey be blamed for the fact that a misfortune almost happened to the boy?
(perhaps not, because she is not a person, and for her everything was a game).
4 group. Describe the behavior of people on deck
- Can the sailors be blamed for what happened to the boy?
(The adults shouldn't have laughed at the boy, should have stopped the boy)
5 group. Describe the boy's behavior.
6 group. Describe the father's behavior.
7 group. What role did the jump play.
- Does the boy look like his father-captain?
- Give a comparative description of the father and the boy (Slide 10)
(with his behavior, the boy copies his father, his fearlessness and determination)
- Does the boy look like his father in everything?
(The boy, unlike his father, committed a rash act, climbing onto the mast behind the monkey)
(Adults usually think about their actions and their consequences)
- So, what provoked the captain's boy to such a dangerous act.
(the behavior of the monkey, the laughter of the sailors, the boy's desire to defend his dignity)
- What made the boy jump?
Father's cry, it should be borne in mind that the order of the captain on the ship is carried out implicitly and immediately. His courage, courage.
- Read the passage that tells what happened after the jump.
- How does the author convey the tension of the moment?
(Tolstoy says "the boy's body" as if he is no longer alive, the author writes that forty seconds were very long for everyone)
Of course, for everyone, and especially for my father, these 40 seconds lasted a very long time. After all, no one knew if the boy was alive.
(The author writes that when the boy was taken out, he began to breathe only after a few minutes).
(your feeling?)
- It's hard to even imagine what the captain experienced at those moments. He himself ordered his son to jump, realizing that this jump could be the last for the child.
- Why did the captain cry?
(scared for his son, worried with joy that his son was alive).
How does your father's act make you feel?
(This act evokes a feeling of respect, pride).
How did you feel when you read this part? (feeling)
(strong excitement and anxiety, experience)
- Do you understand why the captain threatened to shoot his son?
- Did he have another way out?
(There was no other way out)
- Why is the author telling us this story?
- Is it easy to overcome fear?
(This story teaches that fear is not easy to overcome, that sometimes important decisions must be made very quickly, because someone's life can depend on it.)
In the story Leap, the boy's life depended on his father's decision.
If the son had not jumped into the water, he fell to the deck and crashed.
Work on proverbs (slide 11)
- What proverb fits the story?
A brave act is no worse than victory
There are many fears, but one life
The brave will win in difficult times
- What other proverb fits this story, continue it (slide 12)
"All is well that ends well"
- What words helped us to reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work? (key).
- Why do you think the story is called "The Leap"?
(the boy's jump is a brave act. By this act the boy overcomes cowardice, confusion. The jump saved him from death)
- Can the title of the story be considered a "key word"?
Generalization of the identified difficulties.
- Could this situation have been avoided?
(Yes, if the adults stopped the boy in time, provided
what can come of this seemingly funny situation)
- Why did the author write this story?
- What is the idea behind this piece? What does he teach us?
Leo Tolstoy, using the example of this story, teaches us not to do rash acts, learn to control ourselves, our emotions, try not to notice ridicule, so that there are no such situations, to find a way out in an extreme situation)
- Do you think we have completed the task that we set ourselves?

Self-assessment sheet.
- Our lesson is coming to an end, you just have to evaluate your work in the lesson. Let's work with the self-assessment sheet.
(Students evaluate their work.)
- And now we will “build” a ship from the “palette of feelings”. The "captain" will help.
(short retelling)
“Imagine that you, too, were on this ship and witnessed this incident.
- I have experienced ...
- I wanted…
- I would put (a) ...
- I realized)…
Homework information
Reread the story
Retell on behalf of an outside witness.
The main attention when retelling should be paid
not so much on events as on the transfer of feelings
and the experiences of the characters.