
I dreamed that everyone died. Why do you dream about death? Dream interpretation death. Why do you have such a nightmare?

Such a dream can be very frightening and alarming. Dying in a dream means rebirth in life, renewal, a feeling of inner freedom and newfound happiness.

Typically, the dream book interprets death to mean that you will soon be able to find new character traits in yourself, as well as change your lifestyle and introduce something new into it.

Many people often have to die in a dream - this means spiritual growth, good health and well-being, as well as a willingness to go with the flow of life and perceive everything new.

However, not all forecasts that such a dream brings are optimistic. This is what dreams of dying in a dream mean most often.

If this happened in a calm environment

Typically, death in a dream occurs in 2 sensations: a person simply sees himself dead from the outside or feels that he does not perceive the surrounding situation at all.

For example, he speaks words, but no one hears them, tries to take some object, but cannot move anything. The dream book interprets these sensations in different ways.

In the first case, for a woman to see that she died in her own bed means happiness in love and changes on the personal front.

Sometimes the dream book predicts her a new sexual partner, with whom she will experience incredible sensations.

If a person sees that he has died from the outside, then incredible luck awaits him in life, which he himself will not believe.

In such a situation, the dream book interprets dying as meaning that you will completely change, realize your mistakes, and also radically change your own lifestyle.

Sometimes such a dream means a new stage, so it is often seen before graduating from school, college, single life or pregnancy.

If the cause of death is unclear to you or you see yourself simply dead and feel nothing, then the dream book writes that you will be happy.

If you don’t feel anything and understand that you are simply no longer alive, then changes will concern your worldview, outlook on life and your own internal state.

Seeing from the outside that you have died means that changes in your life will be noticeable to others. For example, an alcoholic will stop drinking and find a job, a woman will radically change both the way she dresses and her behavior, get married or, on the contrary, unexpectedly for everyone, break up with her husband. There can be a lot of changes.

When the cause of death is indicated

This is a pointer to the source of changes that will soon happen in your life. Simply dying for no reason in a dream means natural changes that will be prompted by the course of events, the flow of life.

For example, sooner or later you will get a position that you have been looking for for many years, you will graduate from school or college. That is, the changes will be gradual and quite natural, naturally fitting into your life. If a person died for some reason, then the dream book interprets dying in more detail.

If you dream that you died of a heart attack, heart attack, or injury to the heart, this means changes in your personal life, falling in love, or even great love.

Seeing that someone has hurt you in the heart is a sign of heartache or the fact that you will soon fall very much in love, but for older people such a dream can threaten heart disease or be a consequence of it. Sometimes this is an indication that a person will die of a heart attack.

And what does the dream book say if a person died from a stroke, a blow or a wound to the head, or even decapitation? Usually the dream interpreter indicates that you may lose your mind, fall in love and lose your mind and your former pickiness in people and relationships with them.

If you see who exactly wounded or shot you, then the dream book writes that because of this or a person similar to him, you can lose your own mind, or rather, your old thinking, since he will make you think about many things.

For people with mental work, such a dream is a warning about excessive stress, and for older people it can even turn out to be a prophetic dream.

Therefore, if you dreamed that I suddenly died from a stroke or stroke, as well as a shot in the head, this dreams of difficult tasks in life, which may give you a headache.

Dying from hanging, suffocation, or lung disease is a sign that someone is severely restricting your activities and you will have to come to terms with cramped circumstances. In some cases, such a dream predicts a passionate and temperamental sexual partner for you. Death during a battle, hostilities, duel or duel - you will lose in life, but it will change your views on many things.

If you are killed, you will live a long time. If you died from heavy weights, a boulder that fell on you, expect danger, difficult and difficult circumstances that could break your psyche. Violent death means rough and drastic changes in fate, often under the influence of others.

I'll dream about this, I'll dream about it! But don’t be upset if this terrible dream haunts you. Dying in a dream is not at all interpreted in such a way that misfortunes will soon befall you, or something will happen in life. According to some dream books, even the opposite will happen.

Various interpretations of what it means to die in a dream

  1. A bright streak in life has come (will come), a happy event will occur that is worthy of bringing changes into your life.
  2. You allowed your fears to take over. It seemed to you that life had become darker and darker.
  3. You soon finish your business and retire (perhaps retire).
  4. You will live for a long, long time.
  5. The things you are currently doing will collapse.
  6. Some event will change your life soon.
  7. Someone will profit from your business.
  8. A new life will begin soon for you or your loved ones.
  9. Soon you or one of your relatives will die.
  10. If you saw this house, then you have a long journey ahead of you.
  11. If you are sick, you will get well soon.
  12. If you are serving your sentence, you will soon be released.

As you can see, the answer to the question of what does the dream “die in a dream” mean does not seem clear enough, but still more positive than negative.

And a few more common interpretations from various sources

Orthodoxy and the world of dreams

The Holy Fathers taught to treat dreams very carefully - neither accept them nor reject them. The dead who appear to us in dreams - what is it: God’s providence or demonism? How should we evaluate if deceased relatives come to us in a dream? There is even such a belief that if loved ones dream, it means they are in Hell! Although, on the other hand, Christ also appeared to some in a dream. Some clergy believe that the area of ​​sleep is an area of ​​human life where demons often invade. Therefore, dreams should not be interpreted, but cut off once and for all. If the Lord wants to tell you something, He will find a way! But basically, the demonic seduction of a person occurs through dreams. Because they cannot independently come to us in dreams, they are not their own masters, but are found by the will of God. Well, if you dreamed of a deceased relative, then you need to pray for him, go to his grave, put it in order. Moreover, we should not think about dreaming about the deceased - this is in no way approved by the priests. For what? The man has moved away, we need to pray intensely for him and that’s all. Believers should not pay attention to dreams, but to their Christian duty, to their Christian memory of the dead, to caring for their graves. It is also useful to give alms in memory of the departed. Everything else that concerns dreams is a different sign; a true believer needs to put it aside.

What if mother?

Parents are those blood and dear people who are so important in everyone’s life. They love us for who we are. After the death of a father or mother, the attachment to one’s little blood is not destroyed. And if there is a serious danger to you, the deceased mother will be able to warn about it.

  • asking to live in her child’s house means that this person makes many mistakes in his real life. They can lead to tragedy. It is worth listening to possible words or actions in a dream.
  • If you dreamed of a deceased mother offering expensive new things, then in the near future you will make a significant profit from any transaction.
  • If the deceased is cleaning the child’s house or painting the walls, the person will soon have to leave this place of residence.
  • If the deceased looks healthy and young in your dream, then this is a good sign. Your life force has high potential. You are firmly connected to your family tree.
  • If the deceased dreamed of being surrounded by her closest living relatives, this means that soon one of them will have to die. More often than not, it will be the one who sits silently next to her.
  • If your deceased mother gives you something in a dream, it means that changes for the better will soon occur in your destiny.
  • A parent who has recently died strokes a black cat or simply holds it in her arms - a treacherous woman or girl finds herself next to the dreamer.
  • If you see a deceased mother climbing a mountain, but cannot reach the top, her soul is restless for you. You need to go to church and pray, light a candle for the health of your soul, or order a prayer service.

Sometimes it is believed that deceased parents come to us in a dream on the eve of difficult trials. They seem to warn their child about danger, as if they suggest how to avoid it. There are many examples of this, when a dead mother who dreamed about literally saved the life of her child. The main thing: listen to the words of the deceased. Especially if you haven’t dreamed of your mother for a long time. And take these tips as seriously as possible.

Even if she didn't say a word, you need to analyze every detail of your dream. Everything has significance for you: in what setting the meeting took place, what the participants in the dream were wearing. Such dreams are rarely empty.

What does this portend?

  • There is an opinion that seeing dead people in a dream means a change in the weather. In the case of deceased parents, it is different. Their appearance in dreams always has an important meaning and plays a primary role in understanding the dream.

I had a dream that I would die

Yes, and this, unfortunately, happens. You wake up in a cold sweat and feel with horror: are you alive or dead? For a long time, not fully understanding what world you are in... This is often due to physiological reasons. For example, with temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. Oxygen stops flowing to the brain, and the body, as it were, warns you about this.

  • In the classical interpretation, such a dream means, oddly enough, a long life. They also say that if you dream about this, and you don’t want to die, then you need to ask God to extend your life, pray, talk to Him about it.

Hugging a dead person in a dream

The key to good health

In general, sleep is a wonderful pastime. A healthy person sleeps with pleasure and wakes up easily in the morning. Different people need different amounts of sleep: from four to ten and even twelve hours! And so that “nightmares” do not torment you at night, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules (everyone immediately rushed to follow them!): do not eat at night, go to bed no later than ten in the evening, sleep in a comfortable position, rest in a well-ventilated place, on a flat bed , on a firm and small pillow. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before going to bed, drink coffee, tea, exercise before going to bed in the gym, or smoke. Then you won’t have to interpret what you dreamed and guess what will come of it! Something like that...

Dreams come into every head and create their own world there, this is an inexplicable phenomenon in the subconscious that carries a bunch of information, and in some cases even shows pictures of the future.

In dreams, a person is able to see and realize unimaginable and unreal things. Millions of abilities open up at once: the ability to cut through clouds, see through people, be an invincible hero, and maybe even watch your own death. Such visions leave signs, as if predicting fate. To understand them correctly, you need to open the pages of the dream book. But to fully understand what exactly the resulting images conceal, you need to remember all the details of the dream. It is also equally important to compare the newly received message with episodes of real life.

In times of new technologies, it is very easy to reveal the secret of the resulting images; there are many books and separate information where every possible dream option is laid out on the shelves. But in some cases even this will not be enough. In order to wrap your head around what you saw in a dream, you need to understand your inner world.

What does a dream about your own death conceal?

It is believed that the most healing dream is the one during which a person experiences vivid and strong emotions. At these moments, the work of the subconscious is activated, the hidden corners of the brain reveal their secrets. And the most terrible and sensitive dream, which greatly affects internal processes, is precisely the one where a person sees himself dead or is present at his death.

Interpretation of dreams about your death

  • A nightmare with one's own death does not carry any negative influence; it is not a bad sign or a harbinger of trouble. As a rule, this reflects the end of a certain stage in life, and makes it possible to open a new path for spiritual growth and reincarnation. Seeing your own death is a hidden desire to renew your life. Following this dream, an objective opportunity appears for strong changes, which will be the basis for the next

In a dream, a person can observe and do incredible and unreal things, for example, fly, walk on water, read people's thoughts and even see his own death. Such visions are harbingers of some future events. To interpret them, you need to use dream books. To obtain more extensive and accurate information, try to remember as many other plot details as possible. In addition, it is important to compare the received transcripts with events occurring in reality.

Why do you dream about your own death?

Such night vision is a reflection of existing dissatisfaction with one’s own life. Thus, you receive a signal that you need to reconsider your behavior and prioritize differently. One’s own death is a reflection of the desire to start life “from scratch.” Perhaps serious changes will happen soon, for example, you will move to another city or find another job. For sick people, such a dream promises a speedy recovery. Although some dream books offer radically different information, according to which such night vision prophesies death. If you dreamed of your own death and funeral, this is a sign that you will soon have to say goodbye to something very important. It can also be a symbol of spiritual development. A dream where you are directly involved in your own funeral is a harbinger of gaining recognition among your close circle. It can also be a symbol of a long and happy life.

Seeing your own death due to murder in a dream means that there is some kind of danger in real life. The dream book recommends to beware of enemies, and you may also expect the end of a relationship with a loved one. If a friend killed you, it means that in reality you can count on his help. There is also information that a night vision of one’s own death is an omen of receiving bad news, which will cause strong feelings and even lead to.

Your own death in a dream due to suicide is a symbol indicating that in the future you will admit all your mistakes and decide to change for the better. If you don’t know why the death occurred, this is a harbinger of a surprise. One of the dream books contains information according to which a dream about one’s own death promises good luck in finding a loved one, and the new lover will turn out to be a soul mate.

Seeing your loved ones cry because of your death means that in reality they, on the contrary, will rejoice because of some important news. For men, a dream about one's own death predicts success at work, an increase in salary and other positive changes. If a young girl saw such a dream, it means that she will soon have to set her life priorities differently, and you can also expect changes in your personal life. Another dream book says that one’s own death in a dream he prophesies advancement up the career ladder, or in business you can count on concluding some kind of deal. Another similar night vision can be a harbinger of a new successful purchase.

To see your own death in a dream and then be resurrected means that there are some fears in life that prevent you from living peacefully. If you managed to avoid death at the last minute, this is a symbol that in the future you will have a chance to establish relationships with close relatives and friends. There is also information that such a dream may mean a reluctance to take sides in a conflict between friends or relatives. For young people, such a dream predicts incredible luck, which will help improve their financial situation.

If you dreamed that you died, do not rush to get upset. Instead, ask why you dream of such horror. According to most popular dream books, seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that you will live long and happily. Of course, many nuances of interpretation depend on the details of the dream. Therefore, the better you remember your dream, the better the interpretation will be.

Briefly about the main thing

Did you dream that you were dead, and out of horror you forgot the details of your death? All that you can remember is just one specific episode? Dont be upset! Any dream book can briefly outline the essence of what fate has in store for you.

  • Dying in a dream means a happy life.
  • Seeing your death in the future means a long journey in life.
  • Dying for another person means reassessment and prioritization.
  • Surviving clinical death is a sign of change.
  • Find out the date of your death - try to avoid danger on this day.
  • Preparing for death means disappointment and despondency.

Miller's Dream Book

Being one of the most accurate interpreters of night dreams, Miller’s dream book gives the following interpretation of dreams in which a person sees his death: take a close look at those who are nearby. Death is a symbol of rebirth, and a dream of death is a transition to a new level in a relationship with someone close to you.

The cause of death as a symbol of changeable happiness

If you suddenly dream of your own death in a plane crash, then be prepared for the changes that you so longed for. Burning in a fire means outbursts of aggression emanating from you, the Eastern Dream Book prophesies.

Did you dream about your own death in a car accident? The interpretation of the dream will please you: you will achieve your planned goals without much effort. But if you dreamed that you died in a train accident and you see a dead body, and your own, then get ready for a sharp drop in energy and optimism.

Dying “in absentia” means important news

If it happened that you heard the news of your death, then in reality you will receive some news. You received the news from a friend - expect good news, but to hear similar news from a stranger means bad news.

Do you dream that someone found out that you are dead and told everyone about it? This means that a friend will help you with good recommendations. Finding out that the enemy is spreading rumors that you are no longer alive is a bad sign, which means gossip, upsets the Women's Dream Book.

Non-existence and resurrection, or the rebirth of hope

Those who happened to experience their death and resurrection in a dream can be envied, since such a dream promises, according to Miss Hasse’s dream book, the resumption of some important relationships. In general, death and subsequent resurrection is always a good symbol, denoting the “immortality” of something valuable: relationships, wealth, success.

Do you dream that your premonitions did not disappoint, and you rose from the dead, despite the ominous prediction of the complete destruction of both flesh and soul? This is a warning dream. Make sure that no one else has access to your secrets. And if you did not listen to premonitions and met the expectations of the enemy, who hoped that you would not be able to be reborn, you risk getting into an absurd situation.