
I dreamed that someone was knocking on the window. Why dream of knocking on a dream book. Dream Interpretation - Door

Why do you dream about knocking? In a dream, he predicts significant changes in ordinary or spiritual life. In addition, this is the dreamer’s desire and willingness to learn something forbidden or new. A more accurate interpretation will be given by specific examples and popular dream books.

Note from Miller's dream book

If in a dream you heard a soft knock, then in reality you will receive good news. If the knocking was loud, persistent and sharp, and even led to a sudden awakening, then get ready for shocking, often bad news.

Opinion of the dream book of the sorceress Medea

Why do you dream of a loud insistent knock? This is a harbinger of real danger or sad incidents. Did you dream of a light tapping sound? Something (person, event, thought, etc.) is trying with all its might to attract your attention, literally calling for open contact.

Knock on Winter's dream book

Why do you dream about knocking? This is a reflection of anxious waiting and the desire to get an answer (result) as quickly as possible. If in real life you don’t really expect anything, then a knock in a dream reflects deep premonitions associated with unpleasant incidents.

If in a dream you could not see the source of the knock, then your fears are in vain. The dream book recommends giving up suspiciousness and relaxing. Did you dream that something knocked on a wall or window? Rumors or extraneous events will literally confuse you and distract you from important matters.

Interpretation according to Dr. Freud's dream book

According to this dream book, any knock in a dream reflects an invitation to make contact, perhaps intimate. Did you dream that you personally knocked? In reality, you are clearly trying to attract the attention of a person who has fallen in love with your soul.

Why do you dream about someone knocking on your door? An offer of a similar nature will be received soon. Moreover, this will most likely be a slight hint or just an inviting sign. If you are interested, then try not to miss them.

Why do you dream of a knock on the door?

Did you dream of a loud knock on the door? Expect shocking news and events, both good and bad. Sometimes a light knock on the door means that someone invisible is watching you, studying and guiding you. If the knock is distinct, then in the near future you will fulfill your destiny.

Why else do you dream of a knock on the door? This dream plot makes it clear that you have established contact with your own subconscious. Listen to your intuition, engage in self-knowledge and don’t miss important signs.

In your dream, did someone literally break down the door? You will have to prove your own rightness or withstand the rapid pressure of your opponent. Did you dream that you opened the doors after knocking, but found no one? This is a harbinger of great trouble. After waking up, neutralize the image in any convenient way.

What does knocking on a window mean in a dream?

The interpretation of the dream is approximately the same as when there is a knock on the door. In addition, if you dreamed that someone knocked on the window, then with a high degree of probability you will face illness and surgery. A knock on the window marks a difficult life test. If a bird knocks on the window, you will learn tragic news about relatives or friends.

What does it mean to be woken up by a knock?

If in a dream you not only heard a knock, but also woke up from it, then serious trials, major changes and tragic events are coming. But before you draw such serious conclusions, listen carefully - maybe someone really knocked somewhere. Then it doesn't matter at all.

If it was really an exclusively dream knock, then you can do the following. Mentally ask, “For better or worse.” The first thought or image will be the answer.

Why do you dream about a heartbeat?

In a dream, did you clearly listen to the beating of your own heart? In the real world, you will find yourself in a confusing and almost hopeless situation. The same image warns of deep emotional experiences.

Did you dream that you, on the other hand, couldn’t hear your heart beating and couldn’t even find your pulse? Don’t worry, in reality you will easily overcome all obstacles. If the heart beats especially loudly, then the image promises incredible joy.

Knocking in a dream - deciphering visions

To understand why you dream about knocking, you should determine its source, volume level and other nuances, at least approximately.

  • knock on the door, window - to the dead man
  • drum beat - pay attention to the situation
  • engine - take care of your health
  • heels - a new hobby, activity
  • teeth - loss of something familiar
  • spoons on a plate - accusation
  • knife - sadness, threat
  • an ax is a good deal
  • hammer - you have to prove something
  • woodpeckers - tiresome conversations
  • hooves - demonic influence, blow of fate
  • hail on the roof - listen to the advice of others
  • rain on the glass - other people's tears, indifference
  • metronome – regularity, rhythm, patience
  • clock - the countdown has begun
  • keys - profit
  • knocking on the floor - a change of views
  • against the wall - an unexpected visit
  • from falling - bad guests
  • from knocking out the carpet - household chores
  • behind - news from the past
  • ahead - changes are coming
  • hear a knock - happiness through suffering
  • knocking yourself - unrequited love
  • thud - late news
  • sonorous - change is near

Did you dream of an obvious metallic knock? In reality, many obstacles will have to be confronted. If the knock was dull and as if made of wood, then buy something useful for the home.

Have a dream in which you hear a knock- means that you will soon receive good news.

The news you hear will stun you even more.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Hearing tapping in a dream- an indication that someone is attracting your attention, seeking contact with you.

Knocking in a dream- news, warning of danger.

Freud's Dream Book

Different types of knocking and tapping- symbolize proposals to enter into sexual contacts.

If you knock (on something, not on someone)- you want to come up with such proposals, that is, you have a suitable candidate in mind, and you want to attract her attention and make an appropriate proposal.

If they knock on your door- you can expect such offers, but not necessarily in too obvious a form. Be careful and you won't miss them.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Hearing a knock on the door in a dream- a sign of your intense anticipation.

If in reality you do not expect any special events, then a knock- this is a reflection of your deep premonitions that something is about to happen.

At the same time, if in your dream you never saw the knocking- this suggests that your expectations are either premature or in vain. The dream invites you to relax and calm down.

A knock on a wall or window heard in a dream- suggests that some extraneous events or rumors may confuse you and distract you from current affairs.

New family dream book

Hearing a knock in a dream- in reality you will receive good news.

If you woke up, as it seemed to you, from a knock on the door- stunning news awaits you.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you hear a knock on the door- a sign of terrible news.

If you woke up from a knock- expect even more dire consequences.

Eastern women's dream book

Hear a knock and maybe even wake up from it- to stunning news. Sometimes it’s useful to ask: “For better or worse?” Perhaps the brownie wants to warn you about something.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Knocking on the window- possible surgical disease.

Knock on the door- you are being studied, be attentive and careful.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Knock- a reflection of the desire to learn something new (also a necessity and/or opportunity).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Hearing a knock in a dream- to the deceased.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Hearing a knock in a dream- to the tragic news.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Knock- get the news.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Hear the knock- unpleasant news.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Hear a knock in a dream- foreshadows new news.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Knock- major changes in life.

Knock on the door- you will be called to great things; knocking on the glass, on the window- trouble, test.

Modern universal dream book

When we hear a knock on the door, we usually open it immediately- Do you want something in your life to be more quickly achievable?

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Knock- lead.

Esoteric dream book

Knock- someone is “calling” you, but you don’t hear him. Most likely, he is waiting for help from you.

Wake up from a knock- you are expecting trouble and are determined. But no unpleasant news is expected. Calm down!

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Hear the knock- the right path to happiness through many dangers; knocking on the door is unrequited love.

Collection of dream books

If in a dream you hear a knock- that means you have established a connection. Consciousness is trying to reach you.

When we hear a knock on the door, we always experience pleasant anticipation and trembling emotions. But why do you dream about a knock on the door? Let's turn to the dream book for help, which will help you figure out what the dream means.

Let's find out the meaning of sleep

Knocking in a dream has several interpretations.

Let's open the dream book, a knock on the door is a favorable symbol, soon news will reach you from afar. You should pay attention to how you perceive the knock. If you felt it in a dream, then the news will not be very pleasant. And vice versa, if at the moment of knocking you felt in high spirits, then the news will be very joyful.

Hearing a knock may mean that someone wants to gain your favor and is attracting attention in every possible way. Look around - perhaps such a person is in your environment.

Sometimes hearing a knock means that someone from the outside is studying and analyzing you. Be attentive and careful: who is doing this and why, time will tell. Or, another meaning, you are trying to convey your position to someone, explain your motives. You try in every possible way to win the person over to your side and tell him about the prospects that may open up in the future.

Hearing a sound after which you had to quickly get up and open the door reflects your sincere desire to achieve everything in a short time. To wake up from a knock - your subconscious expects troubles and bad news.

But such a dream, on the contrary, calms you down and means that no troubles or bad news will appear in your life. You need to calm down and tune in to a positive wave. In addition, waking up to a knock on the door portends that the news received will stun you.

If you dream of a knock on the door, but weak and not too distinct, this means that there is a fan in your life that you do not know about. He experiences strong feelings, but does not dare to take the first step. This person is constantly watching you, looking for a way to attract attention and somehow get closer. It could be anyone - a colleague, acquaintance or friend from your circle.

I dreamed of a loud knock - such a dream reflects your correct path in the chosen direction. But in order to achieve the intended goal and get what you want, you need to make a lot of effort, overcome trials and difficulties. Having endured them, you will find happiness and harmony that you could not even dream of, and you will begin to live fully and enjoy every new day.

Another meaning is a dream in which you have to knock on the door yourself. You are diligently trying to attract in reality the attention and affection of a certain person, to whom you will later propose to build a relationship or get married. Knocking on a door behind which is a loved one - a spouse or friend, for example - such a dream promises you a quick reconciliation after a serious and prolonged quarrel.

Other transcripts of similar dreams

A girl who dreams of a knock should take a closer look at her “soul mate.” Your loved one may be hiding his true face from you. The dream warns you against deception. Be careful: this person may not be the one you need.

Seeing someone knocking on the door in a dream foretells imminent changes that will affect many areas of your life. If the person who knocked turns out to be someone you know, then perhaps some events in real life will be connected with him.

If you see someone knocking in a dream, but do not hear the sound, the dream indicates to you: someone you know is asking for help, but you cannot understand his hints. The dream is a call for help. Be attentive to your friends, family and loved ones. Perhaps some of them need your support and attention at this time.

You can see a dream in which the knocking comes from someone beating on it. Such a dream can occur either before the arrival of guests, or before the birth of a child. There will not necessarily be a new addition to your family - perhaps a relative or family of friends will become pregnant. Very often, a dream foreshadows an invitation to you to become a godfather or mother to a newborn. Author: Ekaterina Sokolova

It happens that a knock on the door, which the dreamer remembers in a dream, is a warning from above - it is worth abandoning a planned trip or an important event, otherwise there is a risk of serious danger. It is worth listening to such a sign to avoid problems.

What if you dream of a knock on the door?

If a knock on the door in a dream causes a feeling of fear, it is a bad sign: unpleasant or shocking news in the near future, possibly from a loved one; an unsuccessful trip, where the dreamer may be robbed; significant financial losses, frightening uncertainty.

Also, such a dream can symbolize the beginning of a new life: getting rid of an illness, an interesting acquaintance with an extraordinary person, a promising job, a promotion, an increase in income, a lucrative offer from a sponsor, the invaluable help of a best friend.

To understand why you dream of a knock on the door, you need to take into account what else you remember in the dream. For example, if the dreamer got up and opened the door in a dream, it means his own stupidity and careless attitude towards something, resulting in trouble.

If you dreamed that a person himself was knocking on some door, this is a bad sign: unsuccessful attempts to achieve understanding or forgiveness from a loved one, conflicts in the family, a hopeless situation, refusal of necessary help, ridicule of others.

Running towards an audible knock on the door to open it means the dreamer’s incredibly high ambitions in reality; attempts to overtake time and “jump in over your head”, a waste of time on a hopeless business, which in any case will be a failure, an overly demanding attitude towards loved ones, a thirst for profit through dishonest means.

What does it portend?

A weak knock on the door in a dream means there is a secret admirer who has high feelings for the dreamer, but does not dare to talk about them. This person can be either from your close circle or from among your work colleagues. He constantly watches the object of his adoration and looks for a way to get closer.

A knock that is too loud is a warning that there are many ill-wishers or even worst enemies in reality who are trying to do harm with all their might and cause the dreamer a lot of trouble, but their plans are not destined to come true, all efforts will be in vain.

For a young girl, a knock on the door is a negative dream: her chosen one is a vile and insidious person who deceives not only his significant other, but also everyone around him. Soon he will reveal his true face, perhaps without wanting to.

In general, such a dream can be considered prosperous, because no matter what its significance, one way or another, it is a warning to the dreamer about impending troubles or the treachery of loved ones. The main thing is not to ignore it and take action, then all adversity will pass by.

A knock on the door in real life is always an incentive to take decisive action from the outside. Either you need to hide, wait until the knocker leaves, or go out to meet them, leaving your cozy home. In a dream, a knock on the door has a stronger meaning and usually means a change in fate, a change in destiny, or place of residence. In the works of the classics, a knock on the door is seen as a sign of fate, inevitable fate. Let's look at why you dream of a knock on the door according to dream books.

Basic values

  • The actual door in the fabric of sleep means a transition between worlds, a choice. In a dream, you can go out through the door of a closet near Novosibirsk onto the slope of Capitol Hill. Doors in amusement parks in dreams often lead to gloomy basements filled with frightening visions. A knock on the door is an urgent invitation to change the situation. Perhaps you have stayed too long in your cozy world and in order to develop you need to leave it for another.
  • If you dreamed of a knock on the door, so clear that you woke up, expect news that could turn your whole life upside down. Perhaps news that you have been waiting for is knocking on your door.
  • A quiet, mysterious knocking, with some fascinating rhythmicity - they are luring you out. Try to maintain your curiosity and understand the motives of people who share their projects with you, promise share, interesting work. It may be in your interests to move in the direction suggested from outside. But maybe not.
  • A calm, decisive knock means it's time for you to act. What exactly your actions should be - you know better. Maybe it's time to change jobs, maybe publish information. Maybe it's time to board a train or plane and travel to another city, another country, another hemisphere.
  • A loud knock on the door, non-stop, prolonged - a false alarm. If you take active steps, you can catch someone else's fate and someone else's retribution. For example, there is a rush, confusion, confusion at work, you may well be able to solve the problem, although it was not your fault. But if you take the initiative and fail due to third-party interference - after all, there was a reason for the confusion, you will be fully responsible for the mistakes of others. Non-stop knocking, both in life and in a dream, is a sign to keep your head down and possibly call for help. The same applies to the knocking, which is mixed with long incoherent swearing, the collapse of everything around, random blows, drunken muttering. Be careful not to come up with innovative ideas, fresh solutions, unless you have your own interest. If you are ready to fish in troubled waters, you can stick your head out.
  • Noise, doorbells in a dream - to the deceased. The second interpretation is that a bad conscience is troubling.
  • If in a dream you open a door and there is no one behind it, you should not expect the mystical, you are scaring yourself. The dream means that from now on it is better for you to act alone, do not wait for fellow travelers.
  • Opening the door and getting hit in the face means that in reality you should not succumb to provocations. Think over the right course of action so that intrigues do not take you by surprise.
  • If a noisy company that you were not expecting comes your way, expect chaos in your personal life and at work. But you can avoid the party by focusing on what is most important to you.
  • A knock on the door, then on the window - bad news, danger, anxiety. In reality, it's better to change where you sleep. In the most ideal case, move. Serious changes are brewing in your personal life that you cannot decide to make. Unpleasant secrets may be revealed, you will be surprised, angry and delighted, because you yourself were looking for a reason to separate.

Interpretations of authorities

  • Miller's dream book interprets this dream as a sign of receiving good news in real life. The more the dream shocks and frightens you, the more stunning and pleasant news you will learn.
  • The women's dream book interprets knocking on doors in a dream as a sign of otherworldly forces, a disturbance of peace. You can get rid of bad meanings by giving money to strangers. The amounts should be small. You can use church beggars to distribute money. If you are very scared, scatter change at the crossroads, copper and silver mixed. You can spill a little change in transport, it will take away bad omens. There will be no harm to those who collect the coins - this is not a slander.
  • The dream book of the sorceress Medea considers knocking on doors in a dream to be an extremely bad sign and offers to buy off fate by giving a coin to the crows. If the crows take the shiny thing and carry it away, you are spared any possible bad signs.
  • The old dream book interprets that you are trying to reach yourself or convey your point of view to other people. So far no success. The Dream Interpretation recommends not to insist too much on your own, not to belittle or insult people in the heat of a quarrel - this can have a bad effect on you, no matter how confident you are that you are right.
  • Perhaps someone is trying to give you a warning.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Book assures that a knock on the door is a good sign, promising good news. If you yourself knock, this means an unsuccessful love affair, an unrequited feeling.


Knocking on a door in a dream means a change in fate. Some significant event that is about to happen in your life and from which you carefully fence yourself off. It's time to go out into the wind and try yourself in a new capacity.

News, news that is associated with knocking, is not always joyful, but always expected or assumed. Everything will work out, don't be afraid of fate. The more self-confident and cheeky smile you have on your face, the higher the likelihood of great success.