
Russian writers about Christmas quotes. Merry Christmas! A selection of beautiful pictures, poems. Christmas quotes, pictures. Wise thoughts from the sages about Christmas

Merry Christmas!
Good luck, joy, warmth,
I wish you all the blessings of earth,
So that your life is full of love.

I wish you on this bright holiday,
A house full of friends and relatives.
May this day bring happiness,
Filling the hearth with triumph!

May your life be filled with light,
Wonderful holiday Christmas.
And let the hearts be filled with goodness,
Magic will happen unexpectedly.

May the angel always protect you,
There will be prosperity, joy and love.
May your family not know your troubles,
And everyone will be healthy in it.

The hour was blessed and the sacrament was accomplished:
Christ was born into the world among people.
Granted divine grace to everyone
He is the clear light of his goodness.

May the Son of God not leave you in trouble,
And in life the right one will help you choose the path,
Will help your dreams come true,
And for you to open your heart for happiness.

May it be on Christmas morning
The dawn will be fabulous:
Will greet you with snowy mother-of-pearl
And give the sun light!

And let it be soulful
Nice Christmas evening,
Let the beautiful ones wake you up
Thoughts, views and words!

A Christmas tree
Let it bring comfort to the house.
May all your loved ones be in it for a long time,
They live peacefully and joyfully.

On this brightest holiday
I want to wish you happiness
Love, health and miracles.
So that all your dreams come true,
And so that the angels from heaven
Protected your dreams.
And on this clean, good day
I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Let the heavenly star
Your home and heart are protected.

A miracle happened on Christmas
Many years ago.
Our Christ was born,
To become our protector.

I wish on this holiday
You have hope, kindness.
So that you meet along the way
Guardian Angel traces.

May all the best in the world
He will live in your house
And keeps the home hearth
Protecting from sadness from outside.

Bells ringing.
How light my heart is...
May God protect you.

On holiday we, rejoicing,
We believe in miracles.
The main thing is health,
The main thing is family.

Merry Christmas!
Peace be upon you, grace.
Learn to believe
And forgive enemies.

I wish you a Merry Christmas,
May the holiday be a joyful one.
Let all troubles melt away like snow,
Love will soon come to your home.

Let everyone feel warm, comfortable,
Let everyone forgive each other everything
And what was difficult before
Everything will be accomplished together at once.

May this holiday be filled with miracles
Fill your heart to the brim,
So that you can always do it yourself
Cherish both happiness and love.

Wonderful holiday Christmas
Brings our magic into the world.
May he give happiness to everyone,
It will bring a piece of miracle to everyone.

Let him bring only goodness into the world,
There was enough for everyone,
So that in this white world
All the children were happy.

So that everyone and you,
Everything would happen at once.
I wish you Merry Christmas,
I wish you all the best!

Christmas comes to the house
The world is filled with magic.
May God open all doors,
The main thing is to love and believe.

I wish peace in the house,
Let grief not affect you.
There is goodness, peace in the soul,
A sea of ​​joy and happiness.

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On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, we publish a selection of sayings of the holy fathers about this bright holiday.

Saint Ambrose of Milan

As we celebrate the day of the Nativity of our Lord, let us cleanse ourselves, brothers, from all filthiness of sins. Let us fill His treasuries with various gifts, so that on that holy day there will be something to comfort strangers, ease the sorrows of widows and clothe the poor.

For will it be good if in the same house, among the slaves of one master, one will have fun, wearing silk clothes, and another will be depressed, walking in rags, that one will be satiated with food, and this one will endure hunger and cold? And what will be the effect of our prayer when we ask to deliver us from the evil one, but we ourselves do not want to be merciful to our brothers?

Let us imitate our Lord. If it pleased Him to make the poor, together with us, participants in heavenly grace; then why shouldn’t they share with us in earthly wealth? Brothers in the sacraments should not be strangers to each other in property. Through this we more accurately acquire intercessors for ourselves before the Lord, when with our support we feed those who bring thanksgiving to God.

A poor person, blessing the Lord, benefits that benefactor, with whose assistance the Lord is blessed. For as the scripture says: Woe to that man through whom the name of the Lord is blasphemed; peace to that man through whom the name of the Lord our Savior is blessed. The merit of a benefactor is such that in his home he shows mercy alone, but in church through the mouths of many he begs the Lord, and what he himself would not sometimes dare to ask of God, he receives through the intercession of many.

Saint Philaret of Moscow

Oh, how the Son of God humbled Himself in His incarnation!.. But how even more He humbled Himself in the circumstances of His earthly birth! It was necessary to choose a nation in which He would be born: and He chose for this purpose, of all the nations of the earth, the smallest, not having its own government, many times enslaved... It was necessary to choose a city: and He chose Bethlehem, so small that even the Prophet who favored it could not hide it criticism of him, and finds no other way to exalt him than by the name of the diminished Jesus born in him... It was necessary to choose a mother; and, in order to hide the secret of the incarnation from unbelievers for the time being, it was necessary to add to it the imaginary father by the bonds of the law, but not the flesh: and behold, although the descendants of the King were chosen, so that the promises and prophecies would be fulfilled, but already one was a treemaker, and the other was poor, orphaned Virgo.

Let us marvel, Christians, at the arbitrary belittlement of our Great God and Savior: but this is not enough. Let us revere this humiliation of Him. But even this is not enough! The Apostle teaches us: have the same feelings that Jesus Christ had; position yourself the same way He was positioned. What does this mean? – The Apostle himself explains this, saying: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vanity, but in humility of mind consider each other better than yourselves (Phil. 2:3). From this it is clear that he teaches us, following the example of Jesus Christ, not to place ourselves highly, and not to be exalted by any advantages, but to humble ourselves, both in ourselves and before others.

Saint Innocent of Kherson

Christ from heaven, come down!
Get ready and look around, everyone, for the Lord is coming to everyone! Look at everything - soul and body, mind and heart, for the Lord will be everywhere, He will see everything: are there any wrong thoughts in the mind about faith, its commandments and promises; are there any bad inclinations in the will, a commitment to the world and its vain blessings; Are there unclean and shameful images in the imagination, cold deeds and destructive examples in the memory, harmful lusts in the heart?

Do not trust your own judgment and understanding in this regard; take the lamp of the word of God and walk with it throughout the entire region of your being. It is necessary for you to be completely clean, for you were once completely washed by the grace of the Spirit. It is necessary that you all shine with the gold of love for God and your neighbors, for you were bought with a dear price - the Blood of the Son of God! However, the Born One, instead of your gifts, will enrich you with His own; just do not bring the world and its lusts with you to His manger, but appear with a contrite heart and a humble spirit.

Saint Theophan the Recluse

Glory to Thee, Lord! And we have still waited for the bright days of the Nativity of Christ: now let us have fun and rejoice. The Holy Church, deliberately in order to heighten our joy during these days, instituted fasting before them - some kind of constraint, so that when entering them, we would feel as if we were going into freedom. Despite all this, She does not want us to indulge only in the pleasures of the senses and only carnal pleasures. But from time immemorial, having called these days Christmastide, it demands that our very joy during them be holy, just as they are holy.

And so that no one would forget, having fun, she put into our mouths a short song in praise of the born Christ, with which it calms the flesh and elevates the spirit, showing it activities worthy of these days: “Christ is born - glorify” and so on.

Glorify Christ, and glorify so that your soul and heart are delighted with this glorification, and thereby the urge to any other work and occupation that promises some kind of joy is drowned out.

Praise Christ: this is not like composing long songs of praise to Christ, no; but if, thinking or listening about the Nativity of Christ the Savior, you involuntarily exclaim from the depths of your soul: glory to Thee, Lord, that Christ was born! – that’s enough. This will be a quiet song of the heart, which will, however, pass through heaven and enter into God Himself.

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt

The Word became flesh!
In order to make us earthly heavenly, sinners – saints.
To lead from corruption to incorruption, from earth to heaven, from slavery to sin and the devil to the glorious freedom of the children of God, from death to immortality.
To make us sons of God and place us on the throne as royal children.

What is required of us, brothers, to take advantage of all the grace brought to us from above to earth by the Son of God? You need, firstly, faith in the Son of God, in the Gospel or in the saving heavenly teaching. True repentance of sins and correction of life and heart. Communion in prayers and sacraments. Knowledge and fulfillment of the commandments of Christ. Virtues are needed: Christian humility, almsgiving, abstinence, purity and innocence, simplicity and kindness of heart.

Let us bring these virtues, brother and sister, as a gift to the One who was born for our salvation instead of the gold, incense and myrrh that the Magi brought to Him, as a King, as God and as a Man who came to die for us. This will be the most pleasant sacrifice from us to God and the Baby Jesus Christ.

Selection Pravoslavie.Ru

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The busiest time of the year for the holidays. We prepare for them in advance, wait for them, cleanse our body and soul and believe in the miracles that Christmas usually brings.

On this wonderful holiday you cannot quarrel or punish children, but you need to forgive everything. Quotes about Christmas will tell you what else this day is associated with, what it means and what it is.

Christmas Quotes and Aphorisms

If you want to celebrate Christmas like you've never celebrated before, try going to church.

Christmas is a time to forgive.

Christmas is a time to think about others, a time to forget about yourself.

Waking up after the Christmas holidays is like being hit in the face by fifteen Mondays at once.

On Christmas night, people need more warmth than usual.

Christmas comes even to the battlefield.

Gifts are not the main thing. Christmas means the smiles of passers-by, the joy of friends and family, the expectation of a miracle in the eyes of children...

Every day should be like Christmas.

You can't imagine how lonely it can sometimes be on Christmas night...

People can do everything, but they are not allowed to hurt children on Christmas.

It is believed that we celebrate the beginning of our liberation from sin and death, which is the Nativity of Christ. For without the Nativity of Christ, that is, without the incarnation of the Son of God, the renewal of human nature would not have occurred.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to discern the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ through all the layers of its packaging.
Edmund White

Whenever we love and whenever we give, it's Christmas.
Dale Evans

The tree is Christmas, not New Year!
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Christmas is not the season. This feeling.
Edna Ferber

Christmas only comes once a year, but that's more than enough.
Robert Lembke

At Christmas we open not only gifts, but also our hearts.
Janice Maditer

What could be more wonderful than Christmas morning, fluffy snow outside the window, a day off and a cup of hot chocolate?
Dmitry Blake

After all, the main meaning of Christmas is to proclaim peace throughout the entire world.
Justein Gorder

Christmas can't happen every day, otherwise it will get boring.
Maria Parr

Try to understand what Christmas is, and you will feel the goodness emanating from it that initially accompanied this holiday. Then it will become clear to you that this is not just a festive fun in a series of many other holidays and not a continuation of the shopping fever. Christmas will become a part of yourself, your guiding light, and you will have a desire to bring happiness and joy to people.
Kevin Alan Milne

Merry Christmas has begun new era chronology. However, there is not a single historical document that would indicate the exact date of the Nativity of Christ.

The holiday began to be celebrated in Rome several centuries after the event itself. Perhaps the impetus was the celebrations in honor of the Sun. On December 25, 274, Caesar Aurelian proclaimed the sun the main patron of the Roman Empire.

It was the time of the winter solstice, when, after a long decline in sunshine and the dominance of winter twilight, the sun “turns”: the days begin to lengthen. The sun seems to be reborn.

Christians recognize Jesus as the Sun of Truth, so they timed the holiday of his birth to coincide with the natural date of the visible celestial body.

Well, the difference in the dates of Catholics and Orthodox is explained by different calendars - Julian and Gregorian. But that's a completely different story. We have quotes about Christmas. Let's return to them.

If there is no Christmas in your heart, you will not find it under the tree.
Roy Smith

I love Christmas because it's a time when people think about others. It would be nice if families always lived according to this arrangement.
Nathaniel Buzolic

Christmas is the Disneyland of Christianity.
Don Capitt

Truly, this Christmas does wonders for people!
Arkady Averchenko

It is especially easy to feel spiritual kinship at Christmas.
Valery Kazanzhants

The truth of Christmas is that we are not alone.
Taylor Caldwell

Birthdays, like Christmas, are made for disappointment. It’s always feigned, pre-planned fun - it’s always blown to the temple: “Have fun, whoever they say!”
John Galsworthy

From a commercial point of view, if Christmas didn't exist, it would have to be invented.
Katherine Whitehorn

My only Christmas wish is peace for all children on earth.
Audrey Hepburn

Atheists talk about the time “after the birth of Christ” - “our era”. Strange.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Christmas is a time of goodness, a time of searching for answers to eternal questions. Here you can find answers to your questions. For example,



Don't be afraid that your Christmas tree will be too small. In the eyes of children, it is always three-dimensional.


The birth of Christ is the hope of stopping the degeneration of humanity who believed in Him

If there is no Christmas in your heart, you will not find it under the tree.

If you want to celebrate Christmas like you've never celebrated before, try going to church.

Here's a real miracle: everyone receives more Christmas cards than they sent themselves.

Christmas is when Santas turn into buyers to make the dreams of sellers come true.

Fortune telling for Christmas:
- How can a girl find out the name of her betrothed?
- You need to wake up at 3 o'clock the night before Christmas and look at his passport.


About his performances at Christmas holidays: I’ll tell you what I don’t like about Christmas performances: after Christmas you have to look for another profession.

Christmas only comes once a year, but that's more than enough.

Christmas is the time of year when we are supposed to buy things no one wants and give them to people we don't like.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to discern the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ through all the layers of its packaging.

Christmas will give you a holiday and warm your soul with goodness!

Christmas is the brightest and purest holiday for all believers!

We sincerely wish you all a Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas again - the celebration of the heavenly forces

Let Christmas be like a magician, a wizard,
Like a precious talisman.
Health, vigor and fun,
And may it give you happiness.

A star has lit up...
Christ was born and the world was illuminated with love!
Let happiness enter every home!
Have a wonderful and bright Christmas!

One who was born on Christmas Day
It bears a special seal:
He should be happy and healthy
So that he can always start a good deed!

Holy holiday, Orthodox
We will meet in peace, with goodness.
That's why he's the main one for us -
Our hearts are with Christ!

Forever holy, forever new
Christmas is Christ's day for us.
Many years from year to year
This holiday is full of joy.
Praise God, old and young,
He gave us a Savior!

Merry Christmas, I congratulate you!
I wish you happiness and health, good luck to everyone,
Holiness, deceit - in moderation, so that everything
Joy, good luck. And most importantly, nothing bad!

With warmth and respect, Community Administration "It was recently, it was a long time ago"


Holy Fathers about Christmas

The Nativity of Christ - the One who in the beginning created us from the earth and breathed His divine breath into us came to earth; He who gives life and breath and everything has come [Acts. 17, 25]; He came who with a single word called everything visible and invisible from non-existence into existence, - Who with a word commanded to be birds, fish, four-legged animals, insects, every creature that exists under his omnipotent providence and preservation; He has come, Whom countless armies of Angels constantly serve with fear and joy. And in what humiliation! Born from a poor Virgin, in a den, swaddled in wretched swaddling clothes, placed in a manger! Wealth, nobility, the glory of this world! fall, fall with humility, tearful tenderness and deep gratitude to the Savior of men and share your wealth with the needy and poor, do not be proud of your illusory, soon-disappearing nobility: true nobility lies only in virtue. Glory to this world! recognize your vanity here, at the manger. So, all humble yourself, all fall into the dust before the immeasurable humility and exhaustion of the Lord of all, God, who came to heal our infirmities, to save us from pride, vanity, from corruption, from all filth of sin.

St. John of Kronstadt

† True night brings peace and silence to the universe. This night belongs to the Meek One, so let everyone put aside rage and severity; belongs to the humble, let everyone curb his pride and humble his arrogance. Now the day of mercy has dawned, but no one pursues with vengeance the insult inflicted on him; the day of joy has come, so that no one will be the cause of sadness and sorrow for another. This is a day of favor, so that all cruelty may be restrained; this is a cloudless and clear day, may anger, the disturber of peace and tranquility, be curbed; this is the day on which God descended to sinners, so that the righteous may be ashamed to be proud of himself before the sinner... This is the day on which a gift was sent down to us, which we did not ask for, so would it be fair if we refused our brothers who cry out to to us and to those who ask us for alms? This is the day on which the door of heaven was opened by our prayers; Would it be decent if we closed the door to those asking us for forgiveness of offenses or relief from disasters?.. The Divinity itself was enclosed in human nature, so that this nature would rush towards everything holy.

St. Ephraim Sirin

† Let us join ourselves to those who joyfully received the Lord from heaven; remember the wise shepherds, the prophesying priests, the joyful women, when Mary rejoiced, visited by Gabriel, when Elizabeth was in her womb playing John, when Anna preached the gospel, and Simeon took him in his arms, worshiping the little Child, the great God, and praising the majesty of His Divinity. For the Lord appeared as a light illuminating through human flesh with Divine power those who have purified eyes of the heart. Let us also find ourselves with them, contemplating with a revealed face the Glory of the Lord and transforming ourselves from glory to glory. To him be glory and power, honor and worship now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

St. Basil the Great

† Now we, brothers, see a great and wonderful mystery. Shepherds with joyful exclamations are messengers to the sons of men... In the highest, Angels sing, Archangels proclaim hymns; the heavenly Cherubim and Seraphim sing praises to the glory of God. Everyone celebrates a joyful holiday together, seeing God on earth and man taken up to heaven. Those who are lower by Divine providence are raised to the highest, those who are higher, out of God’s love for people, incline towards those who are lower, for the Most High, in His humility, “exalts the humble.” On this day of great triumph, Bethlehem becomes like the sky: instead of the stars it receives Angels singing glory, and instead of the visible sun - the boundless and immeasurable Sun of Truth, creating all things. But who will dare to explore such a great mystery? “Wherever God wills, the order of nature is overcome.” So, God, who was not involved in the weaknesses of people, was willing and condescending, accomplishing the salvation of people, for in the will of God is the life of all people.

St. Gregory of Neocaesarea