
See what scary people are. The scariest people. People with unusual appearance

Guess who tops the ranking? No, not Hitler. According to one popular American site operating in the "TOP-10 of the most-most" format, Stalin leads the first place in the rating. But first things first...

10. Delphine LaLaurie is a bloodthirsty sadist from New Orleans.

Delphine LaLaurie's family belonged to a secular society and enjoyed great prestige in New Orleans. From early childhood, as a little girl, Dolphin got used to luxurious balls and receptions. No one could even suspect that a real monster could grow out of this sweet child. Madame LaLaurie's house at 140 Royal Street was a veritable chamber of horror and pain. On April 10, 1834, a fire broke out in the mansion's kitchen, and firefighters found two slaves chained to a stove. Apparently, the slaves themselves set fire to the kitchen to draw attention to themselves. The firefighters who freed the slaves followed them into the attic, where they were in for a real surprise. More than a dozen mutilated and maimed slaves were shackled to the walls or floor. Some have been subjected to horrific medical experiments. One man underwent gender reassignment surgery. Not far from him sat a woman in a cramped cage with mutilated limbs, resembling a crab. The body of a girl with amputated arms and legs was also found. The crazy mistress of the house tried to make a caterpillar out of it. Most of the victims were found dead, but some of them were alive and asked to be killed, thus freeing them from terrible torment. People were going to execute the villainess, but Madame LaLaurie managed to escape to Europe. The further fate of the bloodthirsty sadist is unknown. According to unconfirmed sources, she died in France while hunting a boar.

9. Ilsa Koch - Nazi nicknamed "The Buchenwald Witch"

Ilsa Koch was the wife of the chief commandant of the Majdanek and Buchenwald concentration camps. Being ideologically grounded in the theory of the racial superiority of the Aryans over other peoples, the "Buchenwald witch" carried out sophisticated experiments and torture over prisoners of concentration camps. In 1936, Ilsa worked as a secretary and security guard in Sachsenhausen. In 1937, her husband, Karl Koch, was given the duty of the Buchenwald commandant, where the Nazi began to brutally wield. According to the prisoners, when she walked around the camp, she beat the people she met with a whip and set a shepherd dog on them. Ilsa was also accused of ordering to kill prisoners with tattoos in order to then make various original crafts out of their skin: lampshades, gloves, book bindings. In 1941, Ilsa Koch became a senior overseer among female security guards for "special services". On June 30, 1945, Koch was arrested by American troops and in 1947 she was sentenced to life imprisonment. However, a few years later, American General Lucius Clay, the military commander of the American occupation zone in Germany, released her, considering the charges of ordering executions and making souvenirs from human skin insufficiently proven. This decision caused a public outcry, so in 1951 Ilse Koch was arrested in West Germany. A German court again sentenced her to life imprisonment. On September 1, 1967, Koch committed suicide by hanging herself in a cell in the Bavarian prison of Eibach.

8. Shiro Ishii - Japanese microbiologist, war criminal.

In 1932, Ishii Shiro began experimenting with biological weapons in the form of a secret Japanese army project at Zhongma Fortress. In 1936, an infamous camp called Detachment 731 was set up near Harbin. The research was strictly classified, and according to official documents, the detachment studied methods of water disinfection. On February 9, 1939, in Tokyo, Ishii Shiro gave a lecture on bacteriological weapons in the large conference room of the Ministry of War. Vivisection was also performed in front of the audience. In 1942, tests of bacteriological weapons began, for which Chinese prisoners of war and civilians were used. In parallel, detachment 731 conducted experiments on infecting people with the help of various microorganisms, provoking abortions, heart attacks, and frostbite. The inmates' limbs were amputated and sewn to other parts of the body. People were also used as living targets for testing new grenades and flamethrowers, they were specially infected with diseases, tested the effect of new vaccines and drugs. To study the means of effective cure for syphilis, men and women were deliberately infected with a sexually transmitted disease by forced rape by patients. At the end of World War II, he was arrested by the Americans, but in 1946 he received immunity in exchange for data on biological weapons research based on experiments on humans. As a result, Ishii Shiro was never punished for war crimes. According to the statements of his daughter Harumi, Shiro died in Japan from throat cancer. According to other sources, he moved to Maryland, where he continued his studies.

7. Ivan IV - aka the Terrible.

Russian Tsar Ivan IV, in addition to the introduction of oprichnina and strict centralization of power through bloody executions, also distinguished himself by cruelty towards his children. So, in 1581, Ivan the Terrible beat his pregnant daughter because, in his opinion, she dressed provocatively. Thus, the sovereign provoked a miscarriage. Upon learning of this, his son Ivan wanted to reason with the tsar, but Ivan the Terrible did not want to listen to moralizing and hit the heir hard on the head, which became the cause of death. It is also worth noting the unprecedented cruelty of the Russian tsar during the massacre of the Novgorodians. Arriving in Novgorod, Ivan the Terrible accused the townspeople of treason and began to carry out reprisals on the Gorodishche for many days in a row. Adults and children were tortured, tied to a sled, dragged to the "Great Volkhov Bridge" and thrown into the river. Those who managed to swim out were pushed under the ice with sticks. Historians are still arguing about the number of victims of the pogrom. Various figures are named - from one and a half to forty thousand people.

6. Oliver Cromwell - English revolutionary who drowned Ireland in blood.

Cromwell was a zealous Protestant leader of the round-headed Puritans. Cromwell's words to the soldiers during the crossing of the river became the catch phrase: "Trust in God, but keep your gunpowder dry!" Cromwell's pacification of Ireland cost her 5/6 of the population. Ireland never recovered from this blow. The consequence of this conquest (to oust Catholic power) was 200,000 civilian deaths from war-related hunger and disease, and 50,000 Irish men and women became slaves. Cromwell considered Catholics to be heretics and declared a real crusade against the Irish. He died in 1658, and was so hated that in 1661, the body was hanged from the grave and quartered, which was the traditional punishment for treason in England.

5. Jiang Qing - Chinese actress, wife of the communist dictator Mao Zedong

Using cunning and good looks, Jiang Qing managed to achieve the highest positions within the Chinese Communist Party. She is believed to have been the main driving force behind the cultural revolution in China. During the Cultural Revolution, countless old buildings, artifacts, antiques, books and paintings were destroyed on her orders. The decade of the Cultural Revolution brought almost irreparable losses to the Chinese education system, many members of the intelligentsia were sent to camps. Millions of people in China have lost their right to freedom of speech and cultural development. Tens of millions were deported from their homes. The death toll is estimated at about 500,000, but some sources claim up to three million people were killed, with 36 million repressed.

4. Pol Pot - the executioner of his people

Pol Pot is a Cambodian politician, leader of the Khmer Rouge and Prime Minister of Cambodia. He was one of the leaders of the extreme left regime of the Khmer Rouge, which carried out genocide of its people, exterminating several million people in 3.5 years. In their bestial experiments, the Khmer Rouge reached their logical conclusion, not allowing conventional morals to dominate their views. To fight the bourgeoisie, so to fight. Immediately after the Khmer seizure of power, the cities were declared hotbeds of debauchery and bourgeois values, and the entire urban population was evicted into the jungle in labor camps. All dissenting or even incomprehensible people were shot or killed with hoes (in order to save ammunition). All over the country the entire intelligentsia was systematically destroyed: teachers, doctors, engineers. They killed only because a person wore glasses ....
According to independent studies, from 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians died from genocide against their own people, which made up about a quarter of the country's population.

3. Heinrich Himmler - Reichsfuehrer SS

The main ideologist of the final solution to the Jewish question. The Holocaust would not have happened if it hadn't been for this man. In fact, after Joseph Stalin, Heinrich Himmler is the second person who killed millions of people by his order. Himmler was taken prisoner after the war. He tried unsuccessfully to negotiate with the West and committed suicide by biting through a cyanide capsule.

2. Adolf Hitler - the leader of the Third Reich

Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933, becoming "Fuhrer" in 1934, he held out as the leader of the German people for 11 years - until suicide in 1945. By the end of World War II, Hitler's policies of military expansion and racial domination had brought death and destruction to tens of millions of people, including the genocide of some six million Jews known as the Holocaust. On April 30, 1945, Hitler committed suicide when Soviet troops were spotted not far from the office of the Third Reich. Together with him to the next world, Hitler took his beloved woman - Eva Braun.

1. Joseph Stalin - a mustachioed devil

From 1922 to 1953, right up to his death, Stalin was the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union. Under Stalin's leadership, Ukraine and other areas of the Soviet Union suffered from the artificially planned Holodomor. The number of deaths is estimated by modern historians in different ways - from 2.5 million to 10 million people. The famine was caused specifically to solve the political and administrative tasks of the Communist Party. In addition to the famine, Stalin ordered a mopping-up of the "enemies of the people." In total, the death toll ranges from 10 million to 60 million. Even more were repressed.

The appearance of a person in our society is of great importance. The more beautiful a person is, the easier everything is given to him. Conversely, the more non-standard the appearance, the more efforts must be made in order to win over a partner. How do the most terrible people in the world live, were they able to adapt where they meet by their clothes?

Davis Avner

The image of the Arizona resident is called the "hunting tiger" - multiple tattoos, piercings, a forked upper lip, pointed teeth and a tiger's tail. In special holes above the lip, Anver inserted silicone implants that mimic a cat's mustache. Davis considered the reincarnation of the "tiger-man" as his mission on Earth, since the Indian tribe in Dakota, where he comes from, revered this animal as sacred. The man paid at one time a sufficient amount in order to look like that and more than compensated for her participation in various talk shows and filming. In 2012, he was found dead at his home, nothing is known about the cause of death.

Lizzie Velazquez

She did not voluntarily fall into the cohort of the most terrible people in the world - a 24-year-old girl was born with a rare genetic disease in which fat is completely absent in the body. Weighing in at 25 kilograms, Lizzie is forced to eat high-calorie foods dozens of times a day, but this can only keep her body alive. In addition, one of her eyes cannot see completely, and in the second her vision falls catastrophically. The girl studies at the university and tries to get used to the constant attention to her person. She published a book about herself with a description of her experiences and is not going to give up.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

This socialite has spent years and around £ 2 million to get this look. Her passion for plastic surgery and the inability to stop in time earned her the title of "Bride of Frankenstein". As the wife of a famous businessman and knowing his love for cat-like women, she decided to transform herself into their likeness. Her features vaguely resemble this animal, and Jocelyn herself considers herself a beauty. There are always a lot of a certain kind of boyfriends and admirers around a woman and her money, who surround her with adoration and support this confidence.

Eric Sprage

The Texas "lizard man" spent over 700 hours transforming himself into a reptile: growths under the skin and above the eyebrows, green tattoos all over his body, imitating scales. He is considered the founder of body modding: sharpened teeth, a tongue cut in half. For complete happiness, he lacks only a tail, and Eric does not agree to its simple imitation. With his appearance, a man makes a living - he has his own show with a lot of spectacular tricks. It is noteworthy that before his reincarnation as a lizard, Sprage was a bachelor of philosophy and wrote scientific works, but he likes today's life much more.

The Gomez Brothers

This disease is called "Werewolf Syndrome" and there are about 50 people in the world who suffer from a similar malfunction in chromosomes. The Mexican siblings Victor and Gabriel have 98% and 96% of their entire body (respectively) covered with hair. Already the fifth generation of their family suffers from "congenital hyperthyroidism", and only in the male line. Victor Gomez received the title of "the hairiest man in the world" not so long ago and now works with his brother in the circus, exploiting his appearance to earn money.

Everyone has their own concept of beauty. How often a beautiful inner essence is hidden behind an external imperfection ... And yet, the majority first of all evaluate a person according to external criteria, referring him to the category of beautiful, pretty or ugly. There are indeed individuals on earth who have an exceptional appearance. Let's get acquainted with the most terrible and cruel people on the planet. So, the scariest person in the world - who is he?

TOP 10 scariest people on earth

1. The first place in this unusual list belongs to Denis Anver. People call him "The Hunting Cat". It was he who became the winner of the competition "The most terrible people on earth." And all thanks to the bizarre body painting. Denis's body is adorned with numerous modifications from tattoos. The overall "picture of ugliness" is complemented by pointed teeth, piercings, a split upper lip and a tiger's tail. The non-standard bestial appearance of Anver surprises everyone, without exception.

2. Eric Sprage is ranked second in the "10 worst people" category. This is a "lizard man" with a forked tongue, sharply sharpened teeth and a green tattooed body.

3. Kale Kawai also looks out of the box: a cut tongue, silicone implants, horns, a bunch of piercings and tattoos.

4. Elaine Davidson is a Brazilian woman with 2,500 tattoos and ample piercings.

5. Julia Gnuse is a painting woman. Julia's ugly appearance is due to a terrible disease - porphyria. Her body is covered with numerous scars, which she hides with a tattoo.

Second five

6. Rick Genest nicknamed Skeleton. The tattoos on his body exactly repeat the human anatomy.

7. Etienne Dumonet is an extravagant literary critic whose body is covered with intricate tattoo designs. The "luxurious" look is complemented by 5-cm rings in the ears and horns on the head.

8. The body of 67-year-old Tome Leppard is also covered with tattoos by as much as 99%. A man's non-standard appearance is in perfect harmony with his extravagant behavior.

9. Jason Shechterly. After a terrible car accident, doctors removed his ... face. When the photo of Jason was released, Weekly World News put him on the list of "Scariest People on Earth."

10. The tenth place belongs to the tattooed Pauly Unstoppable.

The scariest woman

Among people with non-standard appearance, there are both men and women. Many of them disfigure their bodies on purpose in order to stand out from the crowd. Some suffer from mental disorders, which is why they radically change their appearance. But there are people suffering from serious illnesses that completely distort their appearance. The scariest person in the world is 25-year-old Lizzie Velasquez. Since childhood, she has suffered from a rare disease, which is why she has terrible external data. Lizzie's disease is associated with a lack of subcutaneous fat, which is why the girl is very thin. She has difficulty walking and is forced to eat high-calorie foods as much as 60 times a day.

The ugliest man by the will of fate

There is a man in the world who is different from all of the above "celebrities". This is a retired police officer - Jason Shechterly. He suffered severe burns while on duty, which left his face disfigured. A few years after the incident, Weekly World News published photos of Jason and included him in the group of the ugliest people on the planet. But Shechterli was not taken aback, and immediately filed a lawsuit against the newspaper. He won the lawsuit, and now the aforementioned print publication pays quite an impressive amount to the fund for burn victims. Despite the terrible scars, “loss of face” and public ridicule, the wife of the former police officer did not abandon her husband. She supported him after a serious accident and continues to love him no matter what.

The scariest celebrities

Some stars are simply awful. However, this does not prevent them from engaging in creative activities and staying famous.

The most terrible diseases that disfigure a person

There are many dangerous ailments in the world that turn the patient into a freak and cripple. The worst human diseases are presented below.

The most terrible (cruel) people in history

The most terrible people of our time

Cruel "heroes" of our time: continuation ...

The worst man in Russia

Many rumors were spread about him: he died, went to live in Israel, is in exile and imprisonment. But none of them was confirmed. The Jews called this man an anti-Semite, an idol in the Memory Society. Terrible things have been and continue to be told about him. But this is the Russian political journalist Valery Averyanov. He is also GURU VAR \u200b\u200bAVERA, yogi, poet, parapsychologist, artist, founder of the astral karate school. In the 70s and 80s, he gained great popularity thanks to his books on the analysis of the reality of Russia and forecasts of its future. For some reason, Averyanov was awarded the title "The most terrible man in Russia." Representatives of various circles were afraid to interact with him. They even wanted to kill him, but did not dare. After all, there are only a few such specialists in the world. It is known that parapsychic international organizations use the latest scientific achievements to create powerful devices, bioorganisms that emit psychoenergetic waves. One has only to learn how to manipulate the human psyche - and you can create biotechnical devices that will influence people hypnotically. Valery Averyanov, like no one else, understands these complex processes. As for young people, today teenagers are interested in the image of Yegor Belomyttsev. You can often hear: "Yegor Belomytsev is the most terrible person." What so terrible he did is still unknown. But on his VKontakte page, strange photographs and horror-struck notes periodically appear.

Unfortunately, not all people on the planet are attractive. Some suffer from incurable diseases, some are victims of accidents or other incidents. But there are those who deliberately disfigure themselves, guided by the desire to be different from everyone else. They give huge sums to disfigure their bodies and become the happiest at the same time. In our review, there are 7 unusual people who were included in the rating of the ugliest people on the planet.

Zombie fight

Rick Genest or zombie fight

Rick Genest gained popularity and the title of one of the scariest people on the planet thanks to his extraordinary appearance, or rather, the tattoos that cover his face. First of all, fake teeth like a skeleton (in their proper place), dark circles under the eyes and a black nose with a ringlet, which makes the guy look even more formidable, draw attention to themselves. Probably, Rick often hears the frightened screams of passers-by.

Piercing woman

Elaine Davidson - piercing woman

The deserved leadership in this nomination belongs to the Brazilian Elaine Davidson. She is the woman with the most piercings: there are more than 9 thousand piercings on her body, the total weight of which is more than three kilograms. Now Edain lives in Edinburgh with her husband, who, by the way, has not a single puncture on his body. The couple are happy together.

Lizard man

Eric Sprage - Lizard Man

Eric Sprage? the first man in the world to make his tongue a serpentine, cutting its tip in half and pulling the halves apart day after day so that they would not grow together. Almost all of his body is adorned with green tattoos that mimic the scales of a lizard. And sharpened teeth complete the picture.

Vampire woman

Marie Jose Cristerna or the vampire woman

Mexican Marie José Cristerna is very popular at home. Due to her non-standard appearance, she earned the nickname "Vampire Woman". The fact is that Marie built up fangs on all her teeth, then sewed implants imitating horns into her forehead, covered most of her body with tattoos and punctures, including her face. In addition, the woman loves to wear colored lenses, which makes her appearance even more expressive.

Woman illustration

Julia Gnuse was nicknamed the woman-illustration

But there are those who were included in the list of the ugliest people on the planet against their will. So, for example, Julia Gnuse is recognized as the woman with the largest number of tattoos in the world. And all due to the fact that the girl from childhood suffers from an incurable skin disease - porphyria. This is what forced Julia to cover her body with tattoos for 10 years. Some people compare the girl with painted dishes or matryoshka dolls.

The scariest woman on the planet

Lizzie Velazquez is officially recognized as the ugliest woman on the planet

Lizzie Velazquez, also against her will, was recognized by the media as the scariest girl in the world. It's all to blame for a rare combination of two diseases - Marfan's syndrome and lipodystrophy, due to which her body has lost the ability to form subcutaneous fat. For the same reason, the girl does not see in one eye. But, nevertheless, this did not prevent her from leading a more or less normal life. Today Lizzie is a motivational speaker. She travels the world with seminars and writes inspiring books.

Man Without a Face

Jason Schechterly's doctors literally removed his face

There is another person who, thanks to the media, received the title of the ugliest man on the planet. Retired police officer Jason Shechterly, while on duty, had a terrible accident: a taxi ran into the police car. The blow was so strong that the car immediately caught fire. The policeman was not dragged out immediately. As a result, fourth degree burns. Doctors, in order to save Jason's life, had to literally remove his face. It was this incident that gave the Weekly World News a reason to put the police officer on the list of the ugliest people on the planet.

The modern world is very diverse. It is beautiful, frightening, devilish and divine. This applies not only to some landscape places, but also to people. Some suffer from serious illnesses that have caused deformities, and someone has become the victim of a terrible accident or some other incident. But there are those who decided to change to a real ugliness, just to be happy. Sometimes it is difficult to say who is the ugliest person and, often, it is impossible to determine with certainty which of the uglies should come first.

Rick Genest aka Zombie Boy

Was born in 1985 in Canada. He became very popular and became the scariest man for his face tattoos. First of all, attention is drawn to the jaw of the skeleton, made "in its place" and dark circles under the eyes, a dark nose with rings. All this makes a real zombie out of a guy. Seeing such a person at night is unlikely to be pleasant.

Elaine Davidson - piercing woman

The Brazilian E. Davidson received the title of the ugliest person on Earth. This woman has the largest number of piercings: nine thousand punctures with a total weight of almost four kilograms were placed on her body. Surprisingly, Edain's husband doesn't have a single puncture.

The image was complemented by 2500 tattoos. The woman has a small aromatherapy shop in Edinburgh.


The first person to cut the tongue like a lizard was Eric Sprage. He cut the tip in half and daily stretched both halves in different directions so that they would not grow together. In addition to language, Eric has an unusual appearance: his body is decorated with tattoos in the form of lizard scales. Sharpened teeth complete the image of the ugliest person.


Another extraordinary personality is Marie José Cristerna, nicknamed the vamp woman. This Mexican woman has grown fangs on all her teeth, sewed horn implants into her forehead, and covered her body with a tattoo. In addition, she pierced part of her body, including her face. To make the image of a vampire complete, she wears colored lenses: they give expressiveness to her appearance.

Woman picture

Among the ugliest people on the planet are Julia Gnuse or a woman-picture, a woman-illustration. She has the largest number of tattoos on her body. She had to do them because of the incurable skin pathology - porphyria. For ten years, Julia covered her body with a variety of designs.

The tattoo covers 95% of the skin. Because of this, the girl got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed woman in the world.

For many years, Julia fought the disease, but she could not overcome the disease, and she decided to hide the scars with drawings. In 2016, a woman died at the age of 48.

Lizzie Velazquez

Lizzie Velasquez received the official recognition of the ugliest person. She was born in 1989 in the USA. Woman's deformity is associated with two pathologies - Marfan's syndrome and lipodystrophy. Because of them, the body has lost the ability to form subcutaneous fats. Pathologies have caused loss of vision in one eye. Despite her ugliness, the woman leads a normal life, she writes books and travels around the world with seminars.

The girl was advised never to go outside, not to look in the mirror. There were "well-wishers" who told her to commit suicide. Fortunately, Lizzie turned out to be a strong girl and became an orator.

Jason Shechterly

Among the nominees for the title of the ugliest person is Jason Shechterly. In the media, he has already been nicknamed the most terrible man.

Jason is a police officer. Once on duty, he had a terrible accident. The blow was so strong that the police car immediately caught fire. As a result, the man received fourth degree burns. To save his life, doctors had to literally remove his face. The officer underwent a skin transplant, but not a trace remained of the cute face.

One of the media published a photo of Jason with a new face, where he hugs his wife. For her, the photographer received a huge amount of money and several awards. Jason himself sued the publication and won the case. Now the media pays for their reporting by making contributions to a fund for burn victims. In addition, the court revoked the license of the newspaper employees who published the photo.

Godfrey Baguma

Among the scariest people in the world is an ordinary Ugandan shoemaker, Godfrey Bagum. He suffers from an incurable disease, but the man does not lose heart and considers himself very happy. Once he took part in an anti-beauty contest and took, of course, first place.

In 2013, Baguma got married, and for the second time. The first wife cheated on him, and he left her. After some time, he met a second love and proposed to her. Godfrey understood that his own girls were unlikely to accept him the first time.

Over the years of marriage, the man had six children.

Yu Junchang

In the ranking of the scariest people in the world, there is the hairiest Chinese man, Yu Junchang. He suffers from a rare pathology - atavism, due to which the body is covered with long hair. A man is not particularly upset about being included in the rating of the ugliest people in the world by nature. He gladly allows himself to be photographed, starred in various shows, gives interviews.

Kala kawai

Another ugliest person on Earth is Kala Kawai. Once he failed to stop in his passion for tattooing and covered 75% of his skin with drawings. However, this was not enough for the man. He decided to complement the image with silicone bumps on the forehead, as well as attach metal horns, made a snake cut of the tongue.

Tree man

The list of the ugliest people on the planet includes the Indonesian Dede Kosvara. At the age of ten he was injured in the forest. In all likelihood, some unknown infection got into the wound, which caused the development of ulcers on the lower extremities. Gradually they appeared on the hands. For several years, Dede watched his own transformation into a real monster.

A man cannot walk, he has lost the opportunity to have a family, to live a normal life. In order to somehow feed himself, he began to work in the circus of freaks.

Doctors were able to remove some of the tree warts, but they soon reappeared. Dede lost faith that he could ever be healed.

Donatella Versace

Fashion representative Donatella Versace is in the top of the ugliest celebrities. She was attractive, but after an excessive number of plastic surgeries, the woman got into the ratings of freaks. The Italian woman has huge lips, unnatural thinness, drooping skin, a badly made nose.

Marilyn Manson

Shock rocker Marilyn Manson holds the position in the ranking of the ugliest people in the world. Few people managed to see a rock star without makeup: every public appearance is scary. It is not in vain that they say about this guy that if you see him on the street at night, you can die.

Clint Howard

The actor was always given the roles of scarecrows, for which he received decent fees. It was they who brought Clint success and more than one million dollars.

Evgeny Bolotov

In the rating of the ugliest people in Russia, the first place is given to Evgeny Bolotov. He has dreadlocks on his hair, tattoos instead of eyebrows, and discs on his lips. The Perm designer claims that people are not afraid of his appearance, but ask to be photographed with them.

Eugene is a real body modifier. It stretches the lips, nose and ears. He likes Australian platypuses.