
Academy 4 brunette fight read in full. Quotes from the book “Academy of Magical Law. Brunette in battle" Natalya Zhiltsova, Azalia Eremeeva

Fantasy novel by Natalia Zhiltsova “Academy of Magical Law. Brunette in Action" completes the interesting story about Kara Thorne. In this book, readers will receive answers to all the questions that arose while reading the three previous novels and will certainly be satisfied.

The main character Kara Thorne is not at all the same as she was at the beginning. From a frivolous girl, in whose life only clothes and trinkets matter, she became spiritually strong and more serious. Of course, who she was was primarily to blame for her father, who thought more about work than about raising his daughter. But the main thing is that the girl was able to change and take life into her own hands, which is especially noticeable in the ending of the book.

It so happened that Kara fell in love with a man whom her father considered his enemy. In addition to the eternal struggle between good and evil forces, personal hostility is also mixed in. Alexander Thorne wants to marry his daughter to an unloved person, believing that this will ensure her safety. At the same time, he is silent about the very interesting situation of his daughter. But Kara is not one to give up. She will fight for her happiness with her beloved, and will find out the reasons for the old enmity between the judges. Not even Chaos itself can stop her.

Kara and Sebastian's friends will also have a hard time, but as a result they will solve their problems and be able to find a path to happiness. Readers will find many surprises and interesting plot twists that will leave a pleasant impression of the book.

The work was published in 2016 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the "Magic Academy (AST)" series. On our website you can download the book "Academy of Magical Law. Brunette in Battle" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.5 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

Any use of the material in this book, in whole or in part, without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

© N. Zhiltsova, 2016

© A. Eremeeva, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016


The Lord of the World behind the Shield watched the progress of the battle and grinned contentedly. His faithful comrade-in-arms was closer than ever to destroying this annoying dog - the head of the Order of the Nivergates. And even the ever-increasing number of losses among the Shadows, which were coordinatedly exterminated by the Nevergates, could not spoil the mood of the Lord.

After all, there are enough Shadows behind the Shield, even the fifth rank. Replacing them is not difficult. And the quick death of the werewolf will more than pay for all the losses.

Too often Travessi stood in the way of Chaos, so now the well-deserved punishment awaited the presumptuous wolf. Well, the Overlord is a pleasant addition to the delivery of the long-awaited guest. And looking through Harthan at the wounded body of the head of the Nevergaths, Chaos smiled with anticipation.

Noticing the little Seer's weak attempts to envelop the werewolf with a shield, the Overlord shook his head with a grin.

- A wayward girl. It's just all useless. Your shield is only the beginning of the Seer’s path, and...

The phrase remained unfinished, because at that moment Travessi was enveloped in a dense energy shield and threw Harthan aside. The power of the Guardian that struck the Chaosite bound his body for a moment, and this was enough for the seemingly already dying Travessi.

A lightning strike, and the sharp claws of the werewolf tore off the head of the bearer of Harthan. Immediately after this, by order of Travessi, streams of Order magic hit the Chaosite.

The instant pain of the dying entity echoed through the Overlord, and the thousand-year-old mental connection with the seventh-rank Chaosite was broken.

The Lord froze, unable to believe what had happened.

"Can't be! – the only thought was beating. “Harthan couldn’t die!”

- Lord? – noticing the change in the owner’s mood, he called Darshan-tia worriedly.

- Harthan! – the roar of Chaos seemed to make the whole desert world tremble. “They killed Harthan!”

Darshan-tia shuddered. The death of a comrade of equal strength could not fit into his head. As in the head of his master, whose rage had reached its peak.

Crimson flashes flickered around the Lord, and in place of the enraged Chaos, a fiery tornado shot up.

A swirling, buzzing, crimson-black whirlwind rushed forward, burning everything in its path. Leaving a melted layer of black sand and the stinking smoke of burnt Shadows that did not have time to get out of the way of the enraged owner.

It seemed that a hazy twilight instantly fell on the world behind the Shield. And in the twilight, the flame of a hot tornado rushing across the desert world stood out as a bright spot.

Darshan-tia watched the Lord's murderous fury with ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, the Chaosite, of course, was somewhat uneasy at the thought that some pathetic mortals managed to destroy a seventh-rank entity. But at the same time, Darshan-tia understood that now he was the only one through whose eyes the Lord could see what was happening outside the part of the world subject to the owner. The eternal ally-rival is no longer there, and, therefore, the power in the hands of the Executioner has become much greater. And Darshan-tia loved power.

About ten minutes later, interrupting the Chaosite’s pleasant thoughts, the slightly calmed Chaos returned. Darshan-tia moved towards the owner, and under his feet the smoky glass crunched, into which the top layer of sand had turned. The Executioner walked calmly, confident in his own integrity.

– How did we even allow this order to survive to this day? Why weren’t they exterminated like the Seers in their time? – still growling with anger, asked Chaos. “They managed to destroy the strongest of my subjects!”

“Harthan underestimated these dogs, Lord,” the chaos creature whispered in response. – And here is the result: not only was it destroyed, but the Seer was not delivered to you. As I said, it was worth killing the girl on the spot...

– But, Lord, she is now out of reach! Surely the Supreme and the Nevergat will hide her in the Alandor Mountains,” the Executioner objected cautiously.

- Don't worry. – Chaos grinned. “I have something that might interest the Seer.” She will come to me herself.

- Herself? – Darshan-tia looked at the owner doubtfully. “Of course, she is not a coward, but, Lord, I am sure that the Seer will not appear here voluntarily.” In addition, the Seer has a Shield, so you won’t be able to get close to her quickly. And at the slightest danger, the Supreme and Travessi will immediately appear...

“I know all this without you, Darshan-tia,” Chaos interrupted irritably. “And yet, at first the girl will come here because of the blood of the snow wolf.” And then I think we'll become friends.

The executioner raised his head in amazement.

- But... Lord, she is afraid of you! What kind of friendship are we talking about?

“My friend, you forget that she is the only Seer in this world, which is known to both the Supreme and the Nevergates and, as I understand it, her father. Just imagine how they all put pressure on her. There is no unity between them; each will pull it in his own direction. It is tiring to live among other people's intrigues and in a web of lies.

“And I will become the one who doesn’t deceive, doesn’t get tired of listening and doesn’t demand anything in return... yet.” Of course, I was in a hurry to pull her out of my world. And it cost me Harthan. But I'm not going to make those mistakes again. Patience is a wonderful character trait. Moreover, every day in the world behind the Shield the number of my associates is growing. And when the little Seer solves my problem, we will be fully armed.

- Of course, Lord.

Although Darshan-tia never knew exactly what his master was up to, the confidence in the monster's voice pleased him.

– From this day on, all affairs and powers of Harthan pass to you. I hope I can rely on you, my friend?

“Of course,” Darshan-tia whispered, carefully hiding his joy.

- Fine. Now leave me.

The executioner bowed quickly. A moment later, the inky black whirlwind of the portal carried Darshan-tia away.

Chaos, having thoughtfully examined the surrounding charred landscape, moved to a stone plateau. The huge blood-red moon that illuminated him seemed to be imbued with the rage of the owner of the desert world.

“I’ll wait, my dear Justice,” he said with anticipation. “I’ll wait a little longer, especially since the key that opens the door to my prison is already practically in my hands.” And believe me, dearest co-ruler, your world will pay for every second spent in the trap you set for me. I will destroy even a hint of your power. In a couple of hundred years, people will forget that you even existed. There will only be one Lord left in the whole world, who will be glorified and worshiped. And it won't be you.

Chapter 1

As soon as the Supreme Judge jumped out of the portal, a familiar picture was revealed to his gaze. The torn weaves of the protective strips were covered in billowing anthracite smoke, covering the hole through which the Shadows were trying to break through.

The communication failure reported to Sebastian was not surprising in this situation. The amount of energy released during the breakthrough was enormous. And few crystals could overcome the heightened magical background, similar at these moments to that of Alandor.

The Chaosites were held back by Judge Thorne's squad. Taking a quick glance at the people, Sebastian was relieved to see that there were practically no wounded among the judges and militants. Alexander himself, as expected, was the first to stand on the line, trying to push the Shadows behind the Shield and allow the Archivists of the Pure Mirror Service to get to the damage.

However, it wasn't that easy. Any attempt to pour energy into the Shield was immediately stopped by the chaosites. It was as if the shadows were deliberately not so much moving forward as holding people back. It was as if they were waiting for something.

What exactly - the Supreme Judge did not want to know. And it’s clear that nothing good. Therefore, the very next moment he rushed forward, to the border separating the world from the abode of Chaos and his minions.

“Four breakthroughs,” was beating in his head. - Four. There is no time to waste."

A little more, and if not here, then somewhere else, the Shadows will pour into the world like a stream. And this means the death of people, new captured bodies and new sabotage.

Sebastian exhaled sharply and closed his eyes, gathering together all the energy of his magical reserve. The Supreme Judge was engulfed in a bright glow, which was noticed by both the judges who froze for a moment, and even those rushing into the world of the Shadow. And then blinding streams of energy burst from Sebastian’s hands, sweeping away and incinerating everything in its path.

And the enemy wavered and began to retreat. The darkness that covered the Shadows dissipated. In the moonlight, it became visible how the highest chaosites were activating ink-black portals and fleeing from the battlefield.

However, the judges and fighters were not looking at them, but at Sebastian Brock. Such power of magical reserve in one person could not but delight and frighten at the same time. And the energy flowed and flowed, as if drawn from a bottomless source. In less than a few minutes, none of the attackers remained on the other side of the Great Shield.

“Start the restoration,” Sebastian allowed the archivists, breathing heavily, in a hoarse voice, and turned to the judges. -Has communication with the rest of the squads improved?

“I’m checking,” responded a young guy standing next to Thorne and began adjusting the crystals on the massive communication bracelet.

A couple of minutes later, short, abrupt reports sounded. As it turned out, one of the squads had already successfully coped with the breakthrough. The second, led by Robert Tungorm, also practically finished off the enemy. But the last detachment was much less fortunate.

Hearing the message from the Gray Rocks sector, Thorn and Brock instantly activated the portals.

But there was nothing they could do to help.

On a small plateau covered with overhanging rocks, there stood about a dozen people, silently bowing before three frozen bodies.

- No! - Thorne whispered desperately, rushing to one of them - his longtime friend Judge Casler, whose lifeless eyes looked at the Shield flickering nearby, for the salvation of which such a high price had been paid.

Other judges began to appear from the portals on the plateau, including the elder Tungorm. Seeing the deceased, he sat down heavily next to Alexander. Robert approached his father and squeezed his shoulder with his hand.

Sebastian watched gloomily as dozens of friends, or rather, now nine of Thorne, gathered. The loss of such a strong judge as Kasler was truly serious. However, even he could not save everyone...

Interrupting the mournful silence, Sebastian said:

“We need to leave and take away the bodies.” Robert, call the units on duty, according to the schedule.

Having received the order, he nodded, moved away from his father and activated the communication sphere.

The militants who appeared soon carefully loaded the bodies onto platforms and carried them away. The judges gradually disappeared into the portals, leaving only Sebastian, the withdrawn, haggard Alexander and the elder Tungorm on the plateau.

“Eric, it’s time for you to go to the Shield,” said the Chief Justice. – It is possible that attacks will be repeated.

“Hold on, friend,” Tungorm turned to Alexander, taking out the portal sphere. “We can’t escape this.”

There was a flash, and the judge disappeared into a whirlwind of nongat.

“I know,” Thorne muttered dully. “But he could have survived if help had come.” Only she wasn't there.

The senior judge of the Capital Region's prickly gaze stared at Sebastian.

“Destabilization of communication, as in your case,” he stated. - My condolences, Alexander.

- Really? – Thorne clarified with quiet rage. – Your hypocritical sympathy for Chaos! You could have saved him! I'm stronger and could handle it myself. And Kasler had a patrol detachment, not a combat one! First of all, you should have helped him! But having received the call, for some reason he headed to my sector! Because of you, time was lost and one of the best judges died!

From such open hostility, Sebastian’s cheekbones began to play.

“You were all in danger.” – The voice of the Chief Justice, however, still remained calm. “I can’t save everyone, no matter how much I want to.” And I can’t assess the degree of risk without seeing the situation. During the call, I could not rule out the possibility that you might die, and I promised your daughter that I would not allow this to happen.

“Kara...” hearing about his daughter, Thorne instantly became alarmed. -You left her alone?

- Of course not. – Sebastian shook his head negatively. - She's with Andre. And you better come back to the estate with me, tell her in person that everything is fine. So that she doesn't get nervous.

Alexander smiled wryly, understanding the reasons for such concern, and entered the portal. Following him, the Nongat and the Supreme Judge activated with some haste. During the entire fight, he felt how much Kara was worried, and now he wanted to calm her down as quickly as possible.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the portal, he froze in place at the nightmarish picture that opened before his eyes.

The estate's defenses were destroyed. Magical weaves hung in torn rags from the once impenetrable dome. But the most terrible thing was the house, in the wall of which there was a huge hole.

Judge Thorne was the first to enter the dilapidated hall, where recently, judging by the magical echo, a battle was in full swing, and rushed among the dead on the floor, slippery with blood.

Although the ancestral magic indicated that Karina was alive, he could not determine her whereabouts. Therefore, with a heart clenched with fear, he peered into the bloodied bodies, charred by pulsars and torn to pieces by claws, afraid to recognize his daughter in one of them.

Sebastian, on the other hand, stood there, unable to move. Never before in his life, even before initiation, had he experienced such rage and at the same time despair from the terrible realization that he was late. I fell into a trap set by Chaos.

After all, I saw that the Shadows were behaving strangely! They take time, distract, wait...

But I didn’t guess the reason. Didn't understand the obvious!

– Why did you leave Kara?! I entrusted her to you! “Thorn finally stopped and, breathing heavily, stared at Sebastian with hatred. He seemed to be having a hard time keeping himself from attacking the Chief Justice with his fists. – You promised to protect her, and what happened in the end?! My house is destroyed, and I can’t find my daughter even with the help of ancestral magic! Yes, it would be better if I died at the Shield, but she wouldn’t have been kidnapped! Where is she?! Where is my daughter?! If something happened to her...

- I will find! – Sebastian barked, interrupting. - Nobody, you hear, no one will hide her from me!

A shining halo flared up around the Chief Justice again. For a moment it even seemed to Thorne that he did not control the reserve. But the strength and, most importantly, the concentration of energy around Sebastian differed from the usual magic of Order. It was as if something ancient, unimaginably powerful was now looking through the eyes of the Supreme Judge, forcing him to step back and bow his head.

And Sebastian listened to his own feelings, and the force unmistakably showed him the direction in which Karina disappeared.

“Follow me,” the Chief Judge exhaled briefly and activated the portal.

Nongat took Godard and me to a medium-sized hall. As soon as the magical whirlwind dissolved in the air, the grip of the werewolf’s hands squeezing me weakened, which I immediately took advantage of. Having escaped the grip, I instantly jumped to the side and prepared to defend myself. I was ready to do anything, even use a shield, but they didn’t pursue me. Godard stood with his hands down and did not move.

Having calmed down a little, I carefully looked around. There were no windows here. Rare magical lamps hovering near the ceiling created twilight, even more oppressive due to the stone walls, darkened by time. One of them was decorated with an embossed bas-relief depicting the Great Guardian, directly under which, on the floor, was a seven-pointed star lined with plates of Alandor metal.

Andre, who was transferred with tanirium, was not yet there. But one after another, the remaining surviving nivergates appeared from the buzzing portals.

And their gazes immediately turned to me.

It became scary. Of course, I understood that no harm would come to me. But, looking at the werewolves who had taken off their amazing masks, I clearly realized that getting out of here would be no easier than escaping from the Alandor mountains.

All these men, becoming Nivergates, swore an oath to protect the Seers at the cost of their lives, despite the fact that they were no longer in this world. But suddenly they found out that I exist. Alive. Real. And in what situation they found out!

The existence of the Nevergaths in this world has regained its original meaning. And judging by the expression of absolute determination frozen on their stern faces, this time they were not going to lose to Chaos.

They will protect me. Moreover, my opinion about the methods of this very protection will play far from the main role.

Our silent examination of each other was interrupted by the appearance of another whirlwind, from which a tall, broad-shouldered man stepped out, holding Andre’s wounded body.

“Quickly, bring him to the altar,” Godard commanded.

Two werewolves immediately jumped up to the new arrivals. Carefully picking up Andre, they carried him to the wall with the bas-relief and laid him on the star.

The rest of the Nevergates immediately stood around the body of their leader. But instead of somehow treating him, on the contrary, they removed the healing canopy.

I gasped in fear. For what? Do they really think that he has no chance?!

Godard, who had stood at the head of the room, meanwhile threw his hands up and began to read a spell, with intonations similar to the one that Andre used to summon his comrades. One by one, the rest of the Nivergates supported him, and the hall was filled with an ever-increasing roar.

“What if they thus take the power of the dying head of the order to pass it on to his successor?” – a terrible thought flashed through my head.

- Don't you dare! Do not touch him! – I screamed and rushed to Andre lying on the floor. - He needs to see a doctor!

However, someone’s hands immediately held me with a steel grip, not allowing me to break free and interfere with the terrible ritual.

Swallowing powerless tears, I watched as the edges of the star, lined with Alandor metal, flashed. The radiance emanating from them rose upward, forming a dome over Andre's wounded body.

As soon as the shining streams closed, the nevergats stopped casting the strange spell, and I, breaking free from captivity, ran to the body stretched out on the floor.

“This is the Guardian’s protection, which she gave to the Nivergates when creating the order,” Godard said when I was already kneeling down.

“Everything is the will of the Creator,” Godard answered briefly. - We did what we could. What happens next depends only on Andre Travessi’s body. In the meantime, as his deputy, I take over the leadership of the order.

There were no objections. All of them, as one, bowed their heads slightly, acknowledging Godard's authority. The werewolf looked at me.

– How long ago did Andre know that you are a Seer, Karina?

“When he wakes up, ask him,” I muttered, realizing that with a truthful answer I would greatly expose my defender.

“Now is not the time for childish insults,” Godard took my refusal in his own way. – The answer is very important to all of us. After all, Andre had no right to hide information about you: this is a very serious offense against the order.

Otherwise I don’t understand! That's why I don't confess!

It was not enough for Andre to suffer again because of me. They’ll also turn off, what good, this divine dome, and that’s all...

I couldn’t lie directly, the werewolves would have sensed the lie. So I had to dodge:

– Listen, I myself didn’t know about my gift until recently. No one knew. And then, maybe Andre didn’t have time... And anyway, how can you not trust your boss? He's the boss!

“The head of the order is first among equals,” Godard corrected sternly. – In the order, the opinion of every nivergate is important, and not just the head.

“Well, that means all the more you need to trust him,” I stood my ground. - What do I have to do with it? I'm not responsible for him.

Godard pursed his lips. It was clear that he was not very happy with the answer, but still he did not press further.

– Who else knows about your gift? – asked a man standing not far from me.

– Father and Supreme Judge. – I answered this honestly.

And what? There's definitely nothing to hide here.

– Sebastian Brock already knows? Chaos take it all! - Godard swore.

– We already understood this. – The werewolf grimaced. – Otherwise, all the entities and even the traitorous judges would not have been sent after you.

The memory of this sent a chill through my body. The hall of the estate immediately appeared before my eyes, with a hole in one of the walls. A dim moon breaking through a gap, a world shrouded in gray smoke, and twitching bodies containing rank five entities.

I jumped to my feet and ran back to Godard.

– I urgently need to go home! There are still servants there, they need help! You understand what the Chaos will do to them if they find them?

“They won’t find me,” the werewolf answered calmly, squeezing my wrist in his wide palm. “I’m sure that after we left, the supporters of Chaos also left the estate.” No one will hunt your people. Why waste energy on this when it is known that the Seer is no longer in the house?

– You can’t know that for sure! “I jerked, trying to get out of the grip. “Besides, Father and Seb will be back soon... the Chief Justice.” I need to go home!

- Now your home is here. And it is not discussed. Your protection is the prerogative of the Order of the Nivergates. This is what we were created for,” Godard rumbled to the approving roar of the other werewolves.

“We just barely succeeded,” I retorted angrily, feeling despair rising in my soul.

The situation was even worse than it seemed at first. These guys, it seemed, had no intention of letting me out of here!

Yes, how much is possible? I'm tired of being a dumb and powerless person whose opinion no one wants to take into account!

“You have no right to keep me here!” I have to learn! I don’t want to be a test subject on which you decide to realize the lost dreams of the order! – I blurted out and, nevertheless, pulling my wrist out of Godard’s hand, I decisively demanded: “Bring me back to my father!”

- Excluded. Decisions about your protection and future life will be made by the order, not Thorne,” he snapped.

- What?! “I was already suffocated with indignation. - Do you know what dad will do to you when he comes for me?!

- Will not come. No one can find you and get into this building...

The ringing of security spells and the blazing flash of a broken defense interrupted Godard mid-sentence.

- Nivergates, to battle! – he barked, looking at the whirlwinds of nongat rising in the middle of the hall.

A living shield of werewolves immediately appeared around me. I looked out from behind in fear to see who exactly was able to deal with the order’s defense so quickly. And then she breathed a sigh of relief: her father and Sebastian literally flew out of the portals.

Indeed, who else, besides dad, is able to find me anywhere, except, perhaps, the Alandor mountains? And the Nevergates, claiming that ancestral magic is powerless here, were apparently mistaken. Or they were bluffing. What's the difference, exactly? The main thing is that they found me!

In the hands of the father and Ian, the judge's blades were silver. The combat spells of Order magic were about to burst from his fingers.

-Where is my daughter? – The father glared at Godard standing in front of him with a look of rage.

“The seer is under the protection of the order,” he answered confidently.

However, they already noticed me.

“You have no right to keep her without my consent!” “Dad walked decisively in our direction.

Having pushed aside the slightly confused werewolves, I rushed towards him, and a moment later strong arms hugged me.

“With all due respect, your honor,” Godard muttered through clenched teeth, “this is the competence of the order, and we do not obey...”

– Respect the chain of command, Deputy Chief Investigator for the Capital Region. – Sebastian also took a step forward. - All law enforcement agencies report to me. Without exception.

I involuntarily shrank from his tone. And the Supreme Judge looked creepy at that moment: his aura was glowing, his face, like a lifeless mask, was frozen.

It seemed that a little more and he would rush into battle.

But Godard, although he wavered, still did not retreat.

– First of all, I am a nevergat. And the Order of the Nivergates does not obey you, your honor. We are endowed with the right to protect the Seers by the Guardian herself. It was we who recaptured the Seer half an hour ago, dealt with the chaosites and even Harthan...

“No one belittles your merits,” Sebastian sharply interrupted the werewolf. – But are you sure that you can resist judges who use Chaos magic? Especially if they create a sphere of Denial from your own blood? Your leader agreed that Kara would not be completely safe even in the Alandor Mountains. We can only protect the Seer by uniting. And I would like to solve the problem without resorting to force, especially since you have already lost several comrades. Our civil strife will only please our enemies, but will not bring any benefit.

“I’m glad you’ve regained your ability to reason soberly, Sebastian.”

- Andre! Alive! – I was sincerely happy.

“Nice to see you too, Kara.” And thank you for your help, we couldn’t have done it without you,” he smiled faintly, and then turned his gaze to his deputy. – Godard, the Chief Justice is right. The situation today is such that we cannot ensure the safety of the Seer only on our own. There are not many of us and Chaos is hunting for the blood of the Nevergaths. We have no right to risk Kara's safety.

The persistent deputy lowered his eyes, unable to withstand the intensity of the alpha's gaze. And although Godard himself could not be called weak, he was still far from Travessi.

“I agree,” he admitted after a short pause. “However, I still think that letting the Seer go to Thorn’s estate is extremely unwise.” Even when protection is restored there. It is small and not suitable for a siege. This is what the recent assault by the chaosites showed.

“I also don’t want to spend the rest of my life with you here or in a shack in the Alandor mountains,” I snapped categorically, glancing sideways at the Supreme Judge.

The glowing halo around him had already faded, signaling that he was once again in control of his power.

- Karina, your safety...

“My safety concerns me, of course,” I interrupted Sebastian. “And I’m not going to get into trouble.” But I also want to remind you that I am not an animal that can simply be locked in a cage. I also have a shield that even you, your honor, couldn’t bypass... at least not right away. This means that I will be able to hold out against other attackers for some time and call for help. But in the Alandor Mountains it will be impossible to call for help.

The arguments caused the disputants to think for a moment. Finally, my father looked at me with some weariness.

-What do you want, Kara?

“To be allowed to continue studying,” I immediately put forward a demand. “It’s impossible for Chaosites to reach me at the academy: the portals are tracked, the windows and doors are reinforced with Alandor metal, through which the Shadows will not pass. And you can’t easily fit a pulse gun to the walls, as is the case with our house. And it won’t be possible to cover the entire territory with a dome - it’s too huge, so I can always call for help.

“But renegade judges can enter the academy,” Godard noted reasonably.

“They can,” I agreed. – But I repeat, I have a shield. So they won't do anything to me. But in this case we will be able to identify the traitors.

My defenders looked at each other thoughtfully.

– Many teachers from werewolves are nevergates. I think we can further increase the number of brothers to look after,” Andre added arguments to my proposal.

“At the same time, we can arrange an inspection of the academy itself,” muttered the father.

“It’s not possible, but it’s necessary,” Sebastian corrected, squinting with displeasure. - Moreover, they were going to anyway. One more thing. You can't activate the shield if you're asleep, Kara. So study is study, but overnight stays at the academy are excluded.

- I won’t go to the mountains! – Understanding what he was leading to, I resisted.

“Kara may well spend the night in the order,” Andre suggested. “Traitor judges can’t get here.” Not a single Chaosite can move into us, so penetration from this side is also excluded. In addition, there are sufficient numbers of Nevergates present at all times to respond to any possible danger. And if it comes to an open clash again, we will be able to repel it all together.

“In addition, the order’s archives contain a lot of information about the Seers,” Godard added. - This could be useful for Kara. Books and mirrors cannot be taken out of the library, so you still need to study them here.

But this is really important! Perhaps, in order to gain access to the local archive, I am really ready to live here for a while.

“Perhaps this is not a bad idea,” Dad agreed with some doubt.

- Kara? – Andre looked at me questioningly.

The gazes of Godard and the Nivergates instantly became intense. Of course, they remembered how eager I was to get out of here! But it’s one thing when they’re going to keep you locked up for eternity, and quite another when you can leave at any moment.

I wasn’t going to give up information and my own safety, so I nodded briefly.

- I don't mind.

Ian frowned. His knuckles, which had previously been tightly gripping the sword, now turned white, and his eyes flashed for a moment, indicating that he was again on the edge. However, despite my well-founded fears, Sebastian did not argue, admitting that this option was indeed the best.

“If he weren’t sure of your supposed pregnancy, there wouldn’t be such excitement,” the subconscious reminded me caustically. But now I was so tired that I didn’t even want to think about the man’s motives.

Meanwhile, my father informed Andre and Godard that if even one hair fell from my precious head, the whole order would be in trouble at once. Then he turned to me:

- I'll come back for you in the morning. I hope the gentlemen of the Nevergat have the strength and responsibility to protect you.

The “gentlemen” muttered with displeasure, and Godard, full of zeal, assured for the thousandth time that the protection of the Seer was a priority for the Nevergat, and they were ready to almost sleep at my bedside.

“But this is unnecessary,” my father expectedly did not like this proposal.

Sebastian, by the way, too. If the Supreme Judge's gaze had smoldered on the spot, I would have had one less zealous defender.

Finally, Dad finished giving instructions and, after kissing me goodbye, he activated the portal. After he left, Andre nodded towards a steep stone staircase nearby.

Academy of Magical Law. Brunette in battle Natalia Zhiltsova, Azalia Eremeeva

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Title: Academy of Magical Law. Brunette in battle

About the book “Academy of Magical Law. Brunette in battle" Natalya Zhiltsova, Azalia Eremeeva

What to do if you are surrounded by the intrigues of enemies and the lies of even those closest to you?

What to do if your own father, for the sake of your safety, marries you against your will, and considers the Supreme Judge to be almost more dangerous than the chaosites?

First of all, don't give up. Secondly, reveal the reasons for the long-standing enmity between the judges and enter the battle for your own happiness. For example, deal with all the obstacles in his path, even if one of them is Chaos itself!

I am Kara Thorne! And it’s not in my rules to retreat!

On our website about books, you can download and read online the book for free by Natalya Zhiltsova, Azalia Eremeeva “Academy of Magical Law. Brunette in battle" in epub, fb2, txt, rtf formats. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Academy of Magical Law. Brunette in battle" Natalya Zhiltsova, Azalia Eremeeva

“Creator protect me,” Andre groaned.
“I should make friends with Chaos and ask for asylum.” When she finds out that I am not kidnapping Kara for myself, I can only hide from my mother’s wrath with him...

— You studied this subject for three years. You couldn't forget everything so quickly.
- Of course I couldn’t! This is difficult in my case, since I didn’t even know him.

Who else knows about your gift? - asked a man standing not far from me.
“Father and Supreme Judge,” I answered honestly. And what? There's definitely nothing to hide here.
- Sebastian Brock already knows? Chaos take it all!
- Godard swore. “By the way, Chaos is also aware,” I added.

Oh, Creator, why didn’t Mrs. Travessi become the head of the Order of the Nivergates? With her persistence and determination, Chaos and all its monsters would have zero chance of winning.

In general, I was able to return to work only after lunch, because the sight of caring werewolves completely lost the romantic mood.

Nika's velvety skin was literally on fire. Each touch made his Luna moan. It drove you crazy, erased everything around, leaving only the most desirable woman in the world... - Have a bright day. A familiar male voice heard in the office made Nicky recoil, and the wolf Andre almost howled out loud in frustration.

I don't want to talk to you!
“With you,” Andre corrected. - Subordination, student Marx, must be observed.
- Oh, subordination?! At our last meeting, you, Mr. Senior Investigator, did not demand this when you took off my dress! - the she-wolf barked.
- My apologies. Next time I’ll definitely warn you... before I start taking it off you,” the man said mockingly, watching Nicoletta clenching her hands into fists.

Download the book “Academy of Magical Law” for free. Brunette in battle" Natalya Zhiltsova, Azalia Eremeeva

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Natalia Zhiltsova

Pages: 290

Estimated reading time: 4 hours

Year of publication: 2016

Russian language

Started reading: 5692


The life of the main character of this book is filled with a lot of intrigue, gossip and a whole stream of energy surge...
The name of the main character of such an action-packed, mysterious, fantastic and truly magical work is Kara Thorne.
The girl is endowed with impeccable, seductive, stunning beauty. Kara studies at one of the most popular and prestigious institutes, where they teach the most interesting and unusual science called “magical law.”
The girl's father occupies a special position in society; he is a judge who can do a lot.

In this book, Kara firmly decided to put all the punctuation marks in the war that haunts her so much... And nothing and no one can stop the self-confident girl...
After all, she knows that after this a happy life awaits her.

With the book “Academy of Magical Law. Brunette in battle”, the authors of which are Natalya Zhiltsova, Azalia Eremeeva, you can find it in our library!
Enjoy reading!

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