
The meaning of the word lists in the dictionary for solving and composing scanwords. Gymnastics hall - area and design according to the design plan Option for arranging gymnastic equipment for a school gym

The shape and size of the top coverings of sports halls can be different - reinforced concrete, reinforced silicate, wood and steel. There are flat and curved floors.

Schools usually use long-span reinforced concrete floors, which can be monolithic or prefabricated, laid on standardized beams or trusses. The constructive solution of coatings is always related to the layout of the room; its choice depends on economic, technical and special requirements. The outer surface of the bottom of the floors (the ceiling of the hall) must be painted in a color that is resistant to ball impacts and not crumble. Glued-laminated wooden beams and trusses are increasingly used for coverings.

To cover arenas that occupy large spaces, folded, cross, vaulted, cable-stayed and other curved floors are used. Their form is dictated by the rules of the competition and the purpose of the premises during its operation.


According to the design, a hard floor is distinguished (from parquet or paving stones), unequally elastic (from boards or slats), and equally elastic (from the same material, from synthetic materials or cork).

The elasticity of the floor largely depends on the base on which it is placed. Thus, a rigid floor rests on a concrete or cement preparation, an unequally elastic floor rests on one, and an equally elastic floor rests on two lags. In this case, they are placed crosswise, in two tiers.

The floor surface in gyms is made horizontal, smooth, and non-slip. The floor design is chosen depending on the purpose of the hall, but it must always meet the heat-insulating and sound-absorbing requirements.

The payload on the floors of school gyms should be no more than 400 kg/m 2 without taking into account the weight of suspended and installed equipment, and for specialized halls (for example, for weightlifting), the dynamic load is additionally calculated.

A variety of materials are used to cover floors - rubber base, cork compounds, fibrous masses. Abroad, universal coatings with a polymer base or prefabricated two- and three-layer floor slab structures imitating carpet flooring are widely used.

In cases where the room is intended for athletics exercises, the floor covering is selected according to the type of motor activity, for example, for running exercises - a waterproof polymer or rubber-bitumen coating. In some cases, a coating of special mixtures is constructed for throwing. For dismounts from gymnastic apparatus and landing after jumps, special pits are arranged in the floor of the hall, filled with scraps of foam rubber, which are placed in a net or cover.


Gymnastics is one of the main disciplines of higher educational institutions that train specialists in physical culture and sports. Mastery of this discipline is important for a coach-teacher of any sport, since there is not a single sport where gymnastic exercises are not used (as a means of general physical training and physical training, as well as exercises that help to master the technique of the basic movements of a given sport - leading). Gymnastics - one of the oldest sports, including competitions on various gymnastic apparatus, gymnastic benches, as well as floor exercises and vaults.

The following gymnastics rooms are available:
Gyms require auxiliary rooms for equipment, rooms for trainers and teachers, locker rooms (men's and women's), as well as showers and restrooms. They are located so that it is convenient to use them (without going into the common corridor). For storing shells and gymnastic equipment They build a storage room (shell room), which is connected to the hall. The pantry is equipped with special cabinets for storing equipment. The storage area for the hall is 24X12 m - at least 16 sq. m, and for a hall 30X15 m - at least 24 sq. m. The locker rooms are equipped with two-tier lockers (0.3X0.5x0.8 m) for storing things of students, benches, drying cabinets, electric towels, foot washers, universal washbasins, etc.

Hygienic requirements for the use of halls.

The decoration of the hall and its utility rooms should be easy to clean. The walls should not have protrusions or irregularities up to a height of 1 m 75 cm from the floor. They can be painted with oil paint in light colors or upholstered in a solid wood panel. Ceilings are also painted with oil paint in light colors. The floor is made like a deck, smooth, without cracks. Heating appliances are covered with grates level with the plane of the walls. In the training room gymnastics usually maintain a constant temperature (+18-20° Celsius). Air humidity should be within 50-60%.
Ventilation is convenient: natural and artificial (supply and exhaust and heated), providing three air exchanges per hour.
The light area of ​​the windows is at least l/5 of the floor area. Windows should be located at least 1.5 m from the floor. Electric light must be soft and sufficient (150 lux at floor level).
Changing rooms are located next to the hall.
All premises should be cleaned regularly (wet cleaning daily after each lesson and general cleaning - once every 1 - 2 weeks).
Every school needs a physical education classroom equipped with a tape recorder, player, film projector, electric megaphone, stopwatches, as well as various propaganda materials.

Arrangement of gymnastic equipment.

In the gyms of secondary schools, where classes are conducted on games: sports and active, gymnastics, in the absence of conditions for athletics and the constant installation of gymnastic equipment, there can be no question. In addition, the reality is that the gym can be occupied by two classes, with different ages and having completed different sports and pedagogical disciplines. Therefore, the placement of gymnastic equipment should be carried out in compliance with safety zones, when the areas occupied by the equipment do not touch each other, not to mention the fact that they should not overlap each other. Depending on the area of ​​the hall.

The placement of gymnastic equipment in the hall takes into account the nature of the educational process. In the center of the hall it is recommended to place a floor exercise floor measuring 14 X 14 m (for competitions it is 12 X 12 m); along one of the longitudinal walls there is usually a place for vaults; It is customary to place the crossbar in the background in relation to the exit to the hall, and in the foreground there are parallel bars, a gymnastic beam and a horse with handles. The poles and rope are attached to the monorail (parallel to the end wall), and the gymnastic wall is mounted along the end wall or longitudinal. Gymnastic equipment (especially portable ones) should be installed so that they can be conveniently removed (using special carts). The placement of projectiles can be carried out in various ways:

Wall apparatus (low bar, choreographic barre, beam);

With the hall divided into two halves (on one side there are gymnastic equipment, the other is completely free);

Along the perimeter walls of the hall.

Naturally, the larger the size of the hall, the greater the opportunities for simultaneous training in disciplines such as gymnastics, athletics and even elements of basketball and table tennis.

Installation of gymnastic equipment is the attachment of equipment to the floor, wall and ceiling. Installation of fastenings for the crossbar, bars of different heights, in order to avoid interference during sports and outdoor games, should be recessed into the floor at the same level as the floor, that is, not higher and not lower. The braces ensuring the stability of the crossbar and beams of different heights must be well tensioned. The slightest weakening of them will lead to oscillatory movements of the racks and their possible exit from the installation site. In this case, a fall from the projectile is inevitable, resulting in severe injuries and even death.

Parallel bars are not attached to the floor, since their mass provides them with solid stability. However, due to the different heights and weights of students, during even one lesson, it becomes necessary to adjust the height and width of the poles. Here you also need to know your rules for adjusting them:

When adjusting the width of the poles, you need to stand on the side of the ends of one pole (preferably from the outside), grab the pole from below with one hand, slightly unscrew the screws located on the pole posts with the other hand and hit them with your palm. Then, without releasing the pole with the other hand, turn the knee, located directly under the pole, inward or outward, depending on the student’s size. Then tighten the screws all the way.

When adjusting the height of the poles, you must take the same starting position as when adjusting the distance between the poles, perform the same steps to loosen the clamps, then raise the round glass to a height equal to half of its full stroke, while holding the pole from falling down. raise or lower the pole to the desired height and lower the glass.

Typical hazardous situations when adjusting the height of the poles:

- the head is exactly under the pole. As a result, the pole may fall on your head.

- the pole is not fixed by hand. Unplanned pole fall.

- grab the rod with your hand(the metal rod to which the pole is attached). When the pole is lowered sharply, the hand may become pinched between the rod and the stand where the rod is inserted

- unscrew the screws to the limit. The locking cams fly out of the socket. The pole may fall.

- the actions of adjusting the height and width of the poles are confused.


1. Arakelyan O.G., Karmanova L.V. Daily physical exercises in the senior group of kindergarten. Armenian SSR, 1999 – 145 pp., ill.

2. Baranov V.A., Vengkinsky T.P., Stolyar K.E. Theory and practice of physical culture at the university. – M.: RGTEU, 2004, – 104 p.

Design of gymnasiums. Minimum area of ​​utility rooms for gymnasiums. Typical layout of a gymnasium. Diagram of the relative arrangement of rooms in a medium-sized gymnasium. The minimum required space for gymnastic exercises. Recommended sizes of gyms for various sports.

Changing rooms: for each athlete - 40 cm of bench length. The average area of ​​a dressing room with a bench length of 16 - 20 m is 20 - 30 m2. When arranging benches in parallel rows, the distance between them should be ≥ 1.1 m. Double-sided benches with a dividing wall at the height of the coat hooks are used. The walls are washable. Floors: made of rolled materials (linoleum, rubber, plastics), tiled or self-leveling. The gratings should not be made of wood, but of plastic.

Washrooms and showers: 10 showers in one room (if possible with an inclined stream direction, with screens at shoulder level or higher); 10 low-height taps for washing hands and feet; drainage for dirty water through a covered gutter. The walls are lined with ceramic tiles to a height of up to 2 m. Floors made of grooved and rough tiles; Laying wooden gratings on the floor is not allowed (to avoid the transmission of fungal infections).

Storage room for sports equipment (equipment):

depth 4 - 5 m, opening to the hall - the entire width of the projectile; the floor is wooden. Plaster on the corners of walls and pillars should be protected from damage by corner caps. Individual sports unions or federations may have their own equipment facilities.

Technical equipment. For competitions, there must be places for spectators with a separate passage to them if possible. Mobile stands for spectators can be built into wall niches (Fig. 7). It is advisable to provide in the middle of the hall, opposite the stands for spectators, a time board, a microphone and a lighting control panel (Fig. 8).

3. Crossbar.

4. Rings.

5. Gymnastic box.

6. Parallel bars.

8. Large and small sports halls at the Darmstadt Higher Technical School. The project was developed by the Darmstadt Higher Education Construction Service. 1 - projectile; 2 - small hall; 3 - men's locker room; 4 - watchman's room; 5 - lobby; 6 - teachers' room; 7 - locker room for boys; 8 - timing, 9 - storage of sports suits; 10 - engine room; 11 - storage of balls; 12 - storage of cleaning equipment; 13 - large hall.

7. Retractable stands (section length – up to 6 m).

9. Trolley for transporting mats.

10. Gymnastic bench.

Minimum area of ​​utility rooms:

View of the hall Projectile Small equipment Changing rooms Washrooms and showers Restrooms Instructor's room
Area, m2 number Area, m2 number Area, m2 souls Taps for washing hands and feet men's women's number Area, m2
toilet bowls pis-soirs toilet bowls
Gym: small 40 1 20 1 15 – 20 10 10 1 1 2 1 9 – 12
average 48 2 20 – 30 2 15 – 25 10 – 12 10 – 12 1 – 2 2 2 – 3 1 – 2 9 – 12
big 72 2 20 – 30 2 20 – 25 12 12 – 15 1 – 2 2 2 – 3 2 9 – 12
Gym, games room 84 4 20 – 30 2 25 – 30 12 – 15 15 1 – 2 3 2 – 4 2 9 – 12
Premises for physical education: minimum area 10 1 20 1 15 – 20 10 10 1 1 2 1 9 – 12
regular sizes 10 1 25 1 15 – 20 12 12 1 1 2 1 9 – 12

Halls for sports games and gymnastics (DIN 18032) are located at a distance of ≤ 10 minutes walk from the school, away from main streets and industrial enterprises. The direction of the longitudinal axis of the hall is from east to west. The walls of the hall should be smooth, without protrusions or niches; the surface of the walls is durable, light and easy to clean. The wall covering must be acoustically efficient and the reverberation time must not exceed 1.8 s. If possible, hall doors should not be placed at the ends; placing doors along the middle axis, on which the day gates of a number of sports games are located, is not allowed. When locked, doors must be flush with the wall (the door hardware is recessed into the leaves).

For portable gymnastic equipment, fastenings and storage places should be provided (for crossbars, ropes, rings, wall bars, basketball hoops, there must be fastening strips in the floor, beams for suspension, etc.). The axes of the projectiles must be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the hall:

a) the axis of the ring stands runs through the middle of the hall;

b) the axis of the crossbar - at a distance of 6 m from the end wall opposite the entrance; the axes of the ropes are at a distance of 4 - 5 m from the end of the hall.

The floor in the halls must be elastic, not chip or heave, resistant to abrasion, non-slip, and must have sound and heat insulating properties. Elastic floors are now widely used; they don't anchor. Before varnishing and treating with anti-slip agents, markings for various games are applied to the surface of the floors in the form of multi-colored lines 2 - 5 cm wide.

The window area should be 1/5 of the total surface area of ​​the walls. Gyms should have natural light, but not glare (sun visors and blinds should be provided); The installation of wide inter-window partitions, which cause sharp contrasts in lighting intensity, is not allowed. Glazing should be made of safety glass up to a height of 3.5 m from the floor level. Window sills at a height of ≥ 2.2 m can only be installed along one longitudinal side of the hall.

In physical education rooms, the window area should be ≥ 1/3 of the total wall surface area.

Average illumination during ECP exercises is ≥ 120 lux.

The average illumination during ECP competitions is ≥ 200 lux.

Design temperature: in the hall 12 -15°С: in utility rooms 18 - 22°С

In school gymnasiums, the heating system of the hall and its ancillary rooms is made independent.

Hot water supply should be arranged separately from the heating system so that the supply of hot water is ensured throughout the year. In the halls of sports clubs, direct-flow water heaters are installed.

Sports and gymnastics halls. The dimensions of sports halls specified in DIN 18032, based on a modular size of 3 m, are partially rejected by sports specialists; Instead, the gym sizes shown in the table are recommended.

X competitions are possible.

Only training sessions are possible.

Gym It is mainly located in a separate building, on the ground floor, with an organized separate exit to the open sports ground. Generally accepted school gym design has the following layout: teacher's office, equipment room, 2 locker rooms, 2 shower areas, 2 toilets, the gym itself. All rooms must be located so that students and coaches do not interfere with each other or other areas of the school. Usually there is only one hall in a school, but this point can be adjusted depending on the number of students in the educational institution. The size of the gym can also be selected based on the calculation of the capacity, taken as 11 sq.m. (and at least 4 m2) per 1 student. In this case, the area of ​​the gym must be at least 140 m2, even if the existing premises are under reconstruction. Area of ​​the gym for group classes on general physical training and ball games should include:

162 sq.m. / 216 m2 (9x18 / 12x18 meters) if the school has 8 – 20 classes;
- 288 sq.m. (12x24 meters) if the school has 20 - 30 classes;
- 2 halls: 144 + 288 sq.m. if the school has 40 classes;
- 2 halls: 144 + 450 m2 with 50 classes in the school.

Gym with an area of ​​144 sq.m. can only be used for physical education in primary school. The requirements for the required size of spaces for sports in schools are determined not just by the standards for organizing sports activities, but also by the optimal volume of air for those involved and safety rules. The height from floor to ceiling depends on the overall dimensions of the space and should be at least 4.8 - 6 meters.

It is advisable to place windows on both long sides of the sports facility. This creates all the conditions for a sufficient level of lighting and helps with ventilation, since you can open the windows and provide through exhaust between lessons. Lighting is combined from natural and artificial sources. The second option is represented by different types of lamps, the lowest illumination is in the range of 100 - 400 lux, depending on the type of sport for which the hall is intended. It is important that the light spreads evenly around the entire perimeter of the room and remains pleasing to the eye, regardless of the time of day. Design of gyms must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-05, SP 31-110 and SNiP 3.05.06. Window glass should be equipped with bars and nets to improve safety conditions.

Hall color scheme plays an important role for students, so it is necessary to use only pure contrasting colors, for example: the floor is yellow and the walls are blue; the floor is red-brown, and the walls are green, etc. The selected shades must match the functional purpose of the sports facility. The right combination of colors can simultaneously activate a person without irritating him and keep him in a state of emotional peace. Therefore, red or orange colors are not recommended when decorating a gym for long training sessions, games or competitions.

Air temperature in a sports and recreational indoor facility, during the cold season of the year, it is kept around 18°C ​​with a humidity level of 30 - 60%. Heating and ventilation systems are required to be provided in advance and installed taking into account the standards of SNiP 41-01.

Gym floors can be made of or wood. The choice of coating should be made with a precise understanding of the purpose of the sports facility by type of sport. It is recommended to equip school sports gyms with a system thickness of 37 to 39 mm. When buying wooden flooring, it is important to evaluate the shock-absorbing qualities that compensate for the load on the muscles of the ligaments and ankle of those exercising.

Hall equipment should take into account the gender and age characteristics of schoolchildren. It must be maintained in good condition and constantly serviced. Under no circumstances should the premises be allowed to become cluttered with inventory or equipment, as this can greatly increase the risk of more frequent traumatic situations. The design of the elements must comply with environmental and safety standards. The teacher’s arsenal requires the presence of both universal, general and highly specialized items: wall bars, balls, parallel bars, jump ropes, mats, gymnastic goat and/or pommel horse, benches, tennis tables, etc. The variety of elements will make physical education classes more interesting, provide students with the opportunity to express themselves in different sports, and provide the teacher with a comprehensive approach to versatile sports education. A separate room must be prepared for storing unused equipment. Full set of rules and regulations for the design and construction of physical education and sports halls set out in SP 31-112-2004.


(among the Greeks ίππόδρομος, among the Romans circus) - a place for equestrian competitions on horseback and in chariots: see Hippodrome. The most famous hippodrome in Greece was the Olympic. In Rome there was a Circus Maximus, which, according to legend, existed even under Romulus, who in the Murcipian Valley, between the Aventine and Palatine hills, established games in honor of Consus. The long, flat area of ​​the valley served as R., and the grassy slopes of the hill served as places for spectators until the architectural structure of the circus was erected. Tarquin the Proud, according to legend, built wooden seats (fori) for the public, which were burned and restored more than once. Julius Caesar installed stone seats in the lower tiers. Augustus added an imperial box (pulvinar) in marble and erected an obelisk, which currently stands in Piazza del Popolo. Since K...














(Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”)

The lists - so to the Synod. lane transferred to Greek the word stadium, cut, as in Russian. language, means an arena for sports competitions (1 Cor 9:24-26). Ap. Paul in his ministry likens himself to a runner, who must run according to the mark. track. He encourages the Corinthians to follow the example of such competitors and, like them, make every effort to obtain the reward. see Game (III).

1. Competition area (obsolete).
2. Area for equestrian competitions (obsolete).

The area for gymnastics, equestrian and other competitions, as well as the competition itself. Knight Tournament.


rist'alishche (from the Old Russian ristat - move, run, ride) (1 Cor. 9:24) - a sports facility for running, racing, wrestling and other gymnastic exercises, which the ancient Greeks were very fond of. They set up lists in almost all their cities.

Bible. Old and New Testaments. Sinoidal translation. Biblical encyclopedia..

arch. Nikifor. 1891. lists Original Suf. derived from cry"to run", the same root as prowl, lit. ristas “fast”, “agile”, etc. 2004

arch. Nikifor.

School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words. - M.: Bustard , N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova


Wed outdated The area for gymnastics, equestrian and other competitions, as well as the competition itself.

Involuntarily, those bloody lists that all of Rome was going to look at move before your eyes. Gogol, Petersburg Notes 1836

Gardenin horses have never appeared on the lists. Ertel, Gardeniny.