
Magical and protective properties of field poppy. Poppy in magic - recipes and rituals for using poppy Sprinkle blessed poppy in the garden with what words

Plants have long been used in home magic. Poppy seeds and flowers are considered strong magical attributes. They are used for both defense and magical attack. There is folk damage to the poppy, love spells, lapels, protective rituals.

Features of a scarlet flower

Poppy is used in magic in many ways. Magic with plants was one of the most accessible in everyday life. Girls decorated their hair with bright flowers; on major holidays they were placed in the corners of the house to protect themselves from evil spirits.

For the ancient Greeks, this culture was a symbol of sleep and death. Among the Slavs, the image was not so extensive.

Poppy seeds were given meaning in magic:

  • fertility;
  • protection;
  • the possibility of attacking other people.

Flowers and seeds of the crop are used in folk medicine. The use of poppies in magic continues today, but the rituals have been modernized.

Poppy as protection

In home magic, crop seeds are used for amulet. To do this, sprinkle some crushed poppy seeds on the threshold. The seeds absorb negative energy and protect the home from evil spirits. They are sprinkled around the bed or in the corners of the house. From time to time they sweep it away with a broom and flush it down the toilet, and add new material. This is how they get rid of accumulated negativity.

The seeds are also used as a “pocket” amulet. If you are about to enter into unpleasant company, poppy seeds are poured into your pockets or shoes. They are placed in miniature pendants on bracelets or pendants. This protects from the evil eye and damage, as well as from conflict situations.

Poppy spells are made for:

  • attracting the opposite sex;
  • enrichment, prosperity in the house;
  • pregnancy;
  • beauty enhancements;
  • getting rid of bad dreams.

The ritual is performed if the dead are visited in dreams. For the ritual, the threshold is sprinkled with seeds and they are spoken with the words:

“I, the servant of God (your name), am driving the dead man away from my home. He doesn't belong here. Why come to me if I don’t know you. What have you forgotten here? Only the living and healthy live in this residential building. No one is allowed to disturb our peace. You rush around the corners, but you can’t say anything. Go away, dead man, and never come back. You are not welcome here. You can’t find a place for yourself, so I’ll help you. Go to the one who sent you. I believe that you know this man, my enemy, well. I don’t want to see you near my house. Leave on good terms. We've given you work. They poured a barrier for you. Until you can collect all the poppy seeds I scattered, I won’t allow you to enter the house. Amen".

After 3 days the person will stop having bad dreams.

Signs of damage

Finding a lining of plant seeds in a house means that someone is trying to cast a spell on the residents.

The lining is a strange thing that came out of nowhere. This can be any item: from coins to animal body parts. Poppy is used for lining to:

  • induce severe illness;
  • worsen family relationships;
  • bring about lack of money;
  • cause infertility in a married couple;
  • worsen a person's psychological state.

Weak people become alcoholics or drug addicts, strong people go crazy or develop incurable diseases. The plant is a symbol of death and sleep, so the consciousness of the damned person is clouded.

He is visited by strange images, he perceives reality with difficulty. Disorientation and absent-mindedness appear, turning into aggression. A couple of months after the lining there are almost no moments of enlightenment left, the person dies morally.

Instructions for destroying the lining

It is difficult to find a lining in your home: it is often placed under the threshold or gate. When you find an unpleasant sign, they get rid of it:

  • Collect seeds with a dustpan and broom. They are placed in a bag and taken far outside the house.
  • Drop or throw into running water. You can't burn it.
  • They cross the drop site and go home.
  • Cross the place of discovery and wash it with water.

Additionally, a trip to the temple will help against damage to poppy seeds. They ask the guardians of the home for protection and light candles for the health of family members. They use poppy seeds to prevent spoilage for their home.

How to make damage yourself

Poppy damage differs in strength and methods of infliction. Rituals for falling out are considered a light curse, and rituals for an enemy or death are considered a heavy curse. The lining is made both for weddings of young people and for the homes of close friends.

How to quarrel with the help of culture

It will turn out to quarrel between your husband and his friends, his mistress, close relatives, and girlfriends. Mix poppy seeds and salt, read the plot:

“raven poppy, quarrel poppy, I sprinkle it on the threshold, sprinkle it in the water and the pie. Eat, dear guests! Drink, dear guests! This is the last meal in my house.”

Seeds are planted behind the enemy's threshold or in a place where people meet who need to be separated. It is easier for a wife to bake buns with the charmed material and treat her husband or lover. You just can’t eat them yourself.

Ritual for an enemy

If even after the death of an enemy there is a desire to take revenge on him, they do damage to the poppy. It affects the soul of the deceased, making it restless. Within 2 days after the funeral, fresh flowers must be brought to the grave.

To ensure that the ritual of spoiling the poppy has an accurate effect, the flowers are placed in a vase. At the grave they wish for the repose of the soul. Seeds are sprinkled on it to protect oneself from the persecution of a disturbed spirit. This ritual is performed only in solitude.

Preparing the lining

For lining, poppy seeds should be carefully prepared. The following ritual is performed:

  • Place the seeds in a small fabric bag.
  • Go with him to the morning service, charging him with temple energy.
  • At the exit from the temple, spit on it, wishing harm to the offender.

The lining will be charged within 24 hours. After this, he is taken to the house of a victim of damage and the evil eye. They also throw it in the car, sprinkle it near the threshold, but then it will have less effect on the victim. In a month, the first serious signs of the curse will appear.

On the way, the newlyweds are sprinkled with charmed seeds. This is easy to do on the threshold of the registry office or in front of the bride's house. Soon after marriage, their relationship will deteriorate.


Any damage is a dark ritual. After its guidance, the person was ordered to go to church. An incorrectly performed ritual ricochets back to the customer. Even close relatives are not told about it.

When starting the ritual of damage, a person takes upon himself the burden of a person’s ruined life. It is better to think twice before performing rituals.


How to spoil trade



Poppy damage is one of the popular methods of cursing in everyday life. It's easy to do and easy to remove, but it's important to spot the signs early.

With the help of damage it is easy to influence the people around you. Especially if you have a large number of enemies. Black magic has a rather negative effect on your enemies, reducing their immunity or disrupting their plans. If a person is damaged, then it is clear that there are no good intentions in this. Everything is done either out of envy or revenge. There are simply no other options. There has never been a situation where damage was caused just like that.

Some people perform rituals that negatively affect human energy. Ultimately, this may lead to the death of the victim. Spoilage of poppy seeds is considered one of the most common in the modern world. In addition to a simple set of ingredients, it has a fairly strong effect.

The meaning of damage to poppy seeds

Poppy has a special meaning in magic. With its help, easy but effective spells for love and money are carried out. In ancient times, poppy seeds were used for more than just culinary purposes. Its main purpose was traditional medicine, and later black magic. With the help of poppies you can help achieve any goal in life. Poppy was the most common product used in almost every magical ritual.

Until now, no one has been able to fully study the poppy. Its properties are still unexplored. It is often used to harm people. With its help, linings are created. The essence of linings is that a special ingredient needs to be spoken in special words. After this, it is placed on the victim so that the object has a negative effect on him. You can leave poppy seeds both in the house and in the yard. Sometimes you can find rituals that involve scattering poppies all over the road. Only those who are frequent guests in your home can sprinkle poppy seeds. Take a closer look at your surroundings. It is often scattered at the entrance to the house. If you believe the sorcerers, then these actions are enough for the lining to begin action.

What to do if you find a poppy at home

Finding linings is a pretty bad sign. This means that an ill-wisher has appeared in your environment who has committed damage. Poppy is added only in cases where it is necessary to induce a strong evil eye or curse. If you find bookmarks, you need to follow the basic instructions.

  1. Get rid of the unexpected find as a matter of urgency. It is forbidden to take unfamiliar objects with bare hands. You can use gloves, a rag or any other thing. If you find a poppy, you can simply take a broom and dustpan. If you can do this quickly, the impact will be minimal.
  2. Move the poppy away from where you live. The best way to get rid of it is in a place where no one is ever present. The intersection is not used under any circumstances. Bury the find or burn it. It is necessary to avoid the smoke so that it does not affect you. An experienced magician will never advise burning poppy lining. It's just that some rituals are based on the fact that you burn it. And then the effect of the magical ritual will only become stronger.
  3. At this point you need to read any prayer that you know. Cross yourself and go home.
  4. Cross the former location of the lining. Carry out a general cleaning of the premises, including wet cleaning.
  5. Go to the temple. Light candles for the health of yourself and your loved ones. Read prayers with special zeal. This will minimize any damage you might experience while cleaning.

Protection against the evil eye consists of turning to a magician who will perform a special ritual. You cannot do it yourself at home. This requires strength and an understanding of how to properly perform the ritual.

Other uses of poppy for magical purposes

There are interesting cases when a person is haunted by the same dream. In him he sees the same dead man every time. If this fact prevents you from continuing a calm life, if dreams prevent you from getting enough sleep, then you can use a special effective ritual. Its origin dates back to ancient times. In the old days, people were able to find a way to get rid of such negative effects with the help of poppy. If you believe the stories, then poppy seeds should be sprinkled near your own doorstep. You need to sprinkle poppy seeds around the threshold generously, because the duration of protection depends on the number of seeds.

They speak poppy using the following hex:

“I, the servant of God (your name), am driving the dead man away from my home. He doesn't belong here. Why come to me if I don’t know you. What have you forgotten here? Only the living and healthy live in this residential building. No one is allowed to disturb our peace. You rush around the corners, but you can’t say anything. Leave dead and never come back. You are not welcome here. You can’t find a place for yourself, so I’ll help you. Go to the one who sent you. I believe that you know this man, my enemy, well. I don’t want to see you near my house. Leave on good terms. We've given you work. Until you can collect all the poppy seeds I scattered, I won’t allow you to enter the house. Amen".

Complete collection and description: prayer amulet on poppy seeds for the spiritual life of a believer.

The article contains only a time-tested solution, thanks to which achieving the goal will not be a problem for anyone. It must be remembered that all the described methods actually work, but can also have the opposite effect, so everything must be done consciously and only if there is a real need, and not out of malice.

Conspiracy on poppy seeds to remove the enemy from your path, read from enemies

A pinch of poppy can be used to ward off enemies, envy, and negative influences. The ritual is performed with a burning candle in front of a mirror so that the poppy is reflected in it. Say: “Just as a mirror reflects a poppy, reflects and does not accept, so the poppy will absorb its properties, and from now on reflects - all misfortunes, passions, slander, sentences, everything bad and foul, unclean and harmful, it will reflect and send back, and what it will not send then it will absorb and take into itself, protect and protect.”

After this, the seeds are poured into a cloth bag and worn on the chest or in a pocket. After some time, the bag needs to be burned, this will remove all the accumulated negativity.

Spells and amulets for poppy seeds against witches

Heat the poppy seeds in a frying pan or in the oven and pour them into a canvas bag. Give this amulet to a child to protect him from unkind people, saying: “Witch, witch, I will sprinkle you with poppy seeds so that you go all the way to hell with cancer. Just as these grains should not sprout, so should you not raise your eyes to my child, do not speak bad words, do not create damage. Amen".

Conspiracy on poppy who will step on my poppy

A successful trade will be brought by poppy seeds scattered near the counter. First, the poppy is spoken, scattered on the counter on a handkerchief and said 9 times, “Whoever steps on this poppy will buy all the goods from me.” The ritual should begin on Thursday on the waxing moon and scatter the seeds every day until the next waxing moon.

Read separation conspiracies on poppy

A charmed poppy, which is scattered where a husband with a new passion often appears, will help to separate a husband and a rival. For a conspiracy, a prayer is used:

I'm walking backwards, no one will interrupt my words.

There are aspen chips under my heel.

And while that aspen is alive, my words will be

And God’s servants (names) cannot be together.

Let them quarrel, argue about every trifle,

They fight and swear like dogs rush at cats.

There is no end to my words,

No excuses and no conspiracy.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Poppy spell to remove your rival

Poppy will help return your beloved man to the family and cool relations with your rival. The purchased poppy is scattered in a thick layer on the threshold of the house and the spell is read: “Birds fly past the house, past the poppy. They sit down near my doorstep. They peck the poppy. So let the one who stole and stole the servant of God (name of the beloved) disappear from our life, our family, as soon as the birds eat the whole poppy. Amen!".

Read the poppy spell to get clients

An unusual plot will help attract customers to the store. Make an omelette from 40 eggs and 200 gr. poppy on the growing moon. Place a candle in the center of the omelet and light it, saying 3 times in a row: “How true it is that life comes from an egg. It's true that I will get rich from my product. Just as there are countless poppy seeds, so are the customers in my store. Amen". At 12 o’clock at night, take the omelet to the crossroads and say “Paid”, the candle is lit until it burns out completely, at the workplace.

Poppy spell for money, for cleaning the house garden, trade

The money plot takes place in a room with a table covered with a green tablecloth. In the center of the table you need to draw a circle with soap and pour poppy seeds into it. With your left hand, with your ring finger, a cross is drawn on the poppy, and the words are spoken:

“There is an island on a distant sea-ocean. The Lord God and the Mother of God live there. I, the Servant of God (s), will go there, come very close to them, bow low and say quietly: Mother of God, you lived on earth and took bread with your hands, paid for it with the money that was in your wallet . Do you know that without a coin you can’t get bread, you can’t sew things, you can’t buy candles in the temple. I ask you, Lord Almighty, give me financial well-being. May I have as much money as there are poppies on this table. Let it be so".

After the procedure, divide the poppy seeds into 2 parts. Place one in your wallet and don’t put it away.

Pour the second into a bathtub with water, in the shape of a cross, and lower your feet there. First you need to say the plot 7 times, and only then lie down in the bathroom completely. Lying in the water imagine a rich life.

Speak poppy for love, good luck

To attract suitors, poppy is spoken and scattered against the wind.

They perform this ritual on odd days, and say the following words: “I confuse the paths of the suitors. How many poppy seeds are in my hand, so that my house is full of matchmakers and suitors. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Amulet for trading on poppy seeds.

Mac has great magical powers. They resort to the poppy amulet when they want to protect themselves from the machinations of enemies, from the harm of ill-wishers, or from thieves. If you are engaged in trade, then the protective protection of a magician is simply necessary for you! If you make a talisman for poppy trading, then you will experience much less theft and shortages. The poppy amulet will ward off the evil eye and bad wishes of competitors, pacify quarrelsome buyers, and avert trade inspections.

You can easily make a talisman for poppy trading yourself. Of course, it is better to do it in the morning of a big church holiday. For example, on Christmas, on Epiphany, on Easter, on Red Hill, on Trinity, on the Day of the Holy Spirit or on Michaelmas Day. If the holidays have already passed and will not come soon, then you can make a talisman for poppy trading on any day.

So, say the words of the trading amulet on poppy seeds and scatter it near the threshold of your trading place. Do not sprinkle too much poppy, so as not to raise unnecessary questions among others.

They make a talisman for poppy trading early in the morning before the first visitors arrive.

Words of a charm charm for poppy trading.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I step with my right foot,

My angel, my guardian always and everywhere

With me (name). Protects from adversity with a holy wing,

It takes you away from your enemies and covers you.

With Him no one can condemn me,

With Him no one will deceive me, no one will kill me,

Nothing will be stolen from me.

He covers the eyes of my enemies with a veil,

The hands raking in my goods and the goods are not allowed in.

The enemy's eyes will burst, his hands will wither,

Your legs will become paralyzed, your tongue will swell.

Not a single enemy will come close to me (name).

My Angel stands at my doorstep greeting customers,

It helps sell my goods and protects me from thieves.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen"

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Blessed poppy

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:20

“I’m sowing poppies, let it be like this in my opinion...”

Generous Ilya, be generous with my poppy,

So that he gives me a nickel,

Pyatak gave birth to ten,

Dozens would give me prosperity.

Key, lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:20

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:20

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:21

Take a handful of poppy seeds and, pouring them from hand to hand, say: Just as Christian people do not count the loose poppy seeds, the hummocks of a quicksand swamp, so do purulent and red sores, dry and wet from the body of a white slave (baptized) (name). It was as if the sores were falling like poppy seeds, crumbling down to the body of the slave (name) did not touch. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:21

Lay a piece of green linen on the table at home, draw a circle on it with a piece of new soap and place a poppy in its center. With the ring finger of your right hand, draw a cross on the poppy and read:

“There is one island on the sea, on the ocean. There is land on that island. There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and me. I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower. Mother of God, you lived on earth, took bread into Your hands, paid for bread with money, carried money in your wallet. Without money, food will not be given, clothes will not be woven, candles will not be sold in church. Give me, Lord, as much money as there is on this scarf, as much money in my wallet. Let it be so!”

Place part of the spoken poppy seed in your wallet, and pour part crosswise into a bath of warm water, enter the water and repeat the previous spell seven times. Sit in the water for a while, imagining money coming to you from various sources.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:21

In this case, before entering the office for debriefing,” say to yourself: “The lamb is afraid of the wolf, the wolf is afraid of the lynx. And you, servant of God (name of boss), fear me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Open the door with your left hand and boldly step over the threshold.

Nothing bad will happen on this day.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:22

Cast the following spell on the grains, which are in a small bag made of black natural material: “On a high mountain, under a green pine tree, there is a golden table and a carved throne. Like a couple of fierce people sitting on that throne: no matter what you say, no matter what you do, everything is not to your liking. Most Holy Mother, Intercessor, pacify them, close their tongue, change their character. The fish is silent - it won’t utter a word, it won’t cause thunder, it won’t show anger, even though the boss will be like a fish. The poppy flower dropped a petal, and not just one, but one after another. As the poppy flies away, so everything is fine with me: bad deeds are gone, joy, peace are behind me. Amen".

Place a pinch of poppy seeds on your boss’s workplace (or under the office door). There is nothing bad in that for a leader, but he will be more flexible.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:22

The plot is recited on poppy seeds 9 times and poured into the pocket or shoes of the desired person.

“As Yarilo is dear to all living things, as a mother pities a child, so let me, the servant of God (my name), be not hateful, but sweet to the servant of God (the name of the object with whom you want to make peace). Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Buy a glass of poppy seeds and a handkerchief on Thursday. Spread a scarf on the counter and sprinkle poppy seeds on it. Whisper over the poppy 9 times:

“Whoever steps on this poppy will buy all the goods from me.” Sprinkle this poppy in front of your counter every day. Valid until the next waxing moon. Then do a new ritual for poppy seeds.

Buy without haggling 40 eggs, a pack of poppy seeds (200 g) and a church candle.

On Thursday, beat eggs with poppy seeds and make an omelette. Insert a candle into the center of the omelet and say 3 times: “Just as it is true that life comes from an egg, it is also true that I will get rich from my product. As there are many poppy seeds here, there will be many buyers for my product.” Take the omelet at 12 o’clock at night to a pedestrian intersection and say: “Paid!” Burn out the candle on the counter.

On the waxing moon, recite the following words three times on a handful of poppy seeds:

“Deeds, Lord, spoke with His most pure lips: “For without me you cannot do anything.” My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume of our soul, help me, the sinful servant of God (name), in this life of our trade in buying, selling and bartering and in everything. You, Master Lord, accomplish it Yourself in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.”

When going to your trading place, scatter a little poppy at three intersections, scatter the rest of it unnoticed in the corners of your store.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:22

At sunrise on any day, take a poppy (preferably consecrated in church) and whisper the following words three times:

“I sow, I sow, I sow poppies. Let it be so, and whoever doesn’t, then let him collect this poppy. They won’t collect this poppy, but they will take away the damage from the slave (full name). Amen. Amen. Amen.”

Then carefully pour the poppy into the natural cracks of the house (apartment), you can pour it between the wall and the baseboard, under the wallpaper, into furniture, etc., that is, where it will be difficult or even impossible to sweep it out. The ritual must begin from the front door of the apartment (house) and then, slowly, move clockwise around its perimeter.

The poppy should be taken with the thumb, middle and index fingers of the right (left-handed - left) hand.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:23

To cast a love spell, say poppy seed and pour it into your clothes, bag, shoes, etc. to your loved one. Do it only on the waxing moon on Friday or Wednesday.

“Gray poppy, delicious,

A tasty morsel for the birds

And I am a beautiful girl, young and cheerful,

Stately, a treat for all the guys.

Like birds would eat nothing but poppy seeds,

So my beloved would choose me alone!

Like birds looking for poppies every day,

So my beloved would be waiting and looking for me.

As if there were no better treat for birds,

So my beloved would appreciate me,

He doted on me.

You, servant of God (name), hear me

And I, slave (name), will become desirable to you,

Like a poppy for the birds.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:23

Sprinkle the enchanted poppy against the wind. Do not do it on odd days.

"I confuse the paths of the suitors.

How many poppy seeds are in my hand,

So that my house would be full of matchmakers and eligible suitors.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

To get rid of the feeling of love and longing for your ex-lover, to alleviate the mental suffering tormenting you after a painful breakup with your loved one, you need to perform a cooling ritual.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. On any odd day (after sunset), put a couple of handfuls of poppy seeds in a pan and fill it with a glass of hot water (the water should be hot, but not boiling water). While you are pouring the water, say the following words:

“My feelings for (name of ex-lover) are like hot water. But, like water, my feelings will soon cool down!

Place the pan on the table and wait until it becomes barely warm.

After this, you need to go outside and pour the water along with the poppy seeds under the root of any dry tree. At the same time, say the following cold spell five times:

“My feelings are burning, blazing, they know no peace. Help me, Angel of the Lord, deliver me from melancholy and heavy burdens. Chop my love into poppy seeds, extinguish the fire of love with water. So that I can live cheerfully and freely, without crying, without yearning, without loving.”

Also place the pan in which you carried water with poppy seeds near the tree, and go home without looking back or talking (you need to return home along a different road).

At home, wash your hands and rinse your face with blessed water. Dry yourself with a new towel and go to bed.

In the morning, after the cooling ritual, it is advisable to go to church and light a candle for the health of your former lover.

Sincerely and from the bottom of your heart, wish him happiness and joy, then the longing for love and worries will soon let you go.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:23

Place the icons in a row on the table: “Holy Trinity”, Most Holy Theotokos “Three-Handed”, “Cathedral of the Archangel Michael”, “Great Martyr John the New of Sochava”. Place a thick, blessed candle in the center of the table. Hang the family towel on the lower right corner of the table. On the right side of the table, place the documents for trade and the Gospel. Place the lock and key on the left corner of the table. Place a saucer with salt and a saucer with poppy seeds nearby.

Lord, Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help carry out a ritual for good luck in trading. Mother of God of Three Hands! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help carry out a ritual for good luck in trading. Archangel Michael and the entire Heavenly disembodied army! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help carry out a ritual for good luck in trading. Great Martyr John the New, Sochavsky! Come to me, servant of God (name), to help. Help carry out a ritual for good luck in trading.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

The Most Holy Trinity, the consubstantial power, is the wine of all good things! What shall we repay Thee for all that we have repaid to us, sinners and unworthy, before we came into the world, for all that we have repaid to everyone from us all the days and which we have prepared for all of us in the world to come? It is fitting, therefore, to thank Thee for so much good deeds and generosity, not just words, but more than deeds, keeping and fulfilling Thy commandments; We, heeded by our passions and evil customs, cast ourselves into sins and iniquities that were uncountable from our youth. For this reason, as if we were unclean and defiled, we should not just appear before Your Tris-bright face without shame, but below the name of Your Most Holy One should speak that which is sufficient for us, even if You Yourself had not deigned to proclaim to our joy that the pure and the righteous are those who love and sinners the repentant one is merciful and comes in kindness. Look then, O Divine Trinity, from the height of Your holy glory upon us, many sinners, and accept our good will instead of good deeds, and give us the spirit of true repentance, so that we may hate every sin, in purity and truth, until the end of our days Let us live, doing Your Most Holy will and glorifying Your sweetest and most magnificent name with pure thoughts and good deeds. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Three-Handed Icon

O Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary! We fall down and worship You before Your holy icon, remembering Your glorious miracle of healing the truncated right hand of St. John of Damascus, which was revealed from this icon, whose sign is visible to this day on it in the form of a third hand, attached to Your image. We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of our race: hear us, praying to You, like blessed John, who cried out to You in sorrow and illness, they will hear ecu, so do not despise us, who grieve and suffer from the wounds of many different passions, and to You from the heart of contrition and humility those who diligently come running: You see, O All-Merciful Lady, our infirmities, our embitterment, our need, I will require our help and intercession, as if we are surrounded by enemies from everywhere, and there is no one who helps, who is lower than the one who intercedes, if not You have mercy on us. Lady. To her, we pray, listen to our painful voice and help us to preserve our patristic Orthodox faith immaculately until the end of our days, to walk steadily in all the commandments of the Lord, to always bring true repentance for our sins to God and be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer at the Last Judgment of Your Son and our God, Whom You begged for us with Your Mother’s prayer, may He not condemn us for our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us according to His great and ineffable mercy. O All-Good One! Hear us and do not deprive us of Your sovereign help, so that having received salvation through You, we will sing and glorify You on the land of the living and our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, born of You, to Him belong glory and power, honor and worship. together with the Father and the Holy Spirit always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

“Alive in the help of Vishnyago...” (see in the prayer book)

Troparion, tone 4 to the Holy Great Martyr John the New of Sochava

By nourishing life on earth with kindness and suffering, with alms and frequent prayers and tears, and having courageously rushed towards suffering, you denounced the Persian wickedness. To the same Church you were the affirmation and praise of Christians, John of ever-memorable.

Spell for good luck in trading (read 3 times)

Around the city, around the garden, around the city wall

The fair is standing, the trading people are noisy,

Every merchant offers his goods,

Every peddler opens his box.

I will stand, servant of God (name),

In the middle of the trading city,

In the middle of the fair, in the middle of the merchants,

I bow to eight directions,

On eight roads

For eight profits,

To the aid of trade people.

And I will pray the Father’s prayer,

And I will call from all sides.

From eight roads, from eight crossroads,

Trade caravans and eight routes

Success and luck in my trading business

For every hour with me. God's servant (name).

People are buying up my goods.

Sold out both in summer and winter,

Both in autumn and in spring,

Both in the evening and in the morning,

And every week.

Like every person eats bread

From the labors of the righteous,

And so my business flourishes,

Success and luck wrap me up,

They will help sell the product.

I am releasing 12 trading forces,

For 12 months - cut it off,

For 12 great days,

For 12 hours during the day,

For 12 hours at night.

My deed and word are strong.

Trading is my hoop

For every day and half an hour.

Key, tongue, pike, lock.

Mix salt and poppy seeds. Sprinkle mixed salt and poppy seeds in a cross on the documents.

When the candle burns out, read a prayer of gratitude.

Place the documents with the icons for a week. Seven days after the ceremony, scatter salt and poppy seeds around your trading place.

Lord Jesus Christ, our God. God of all mercy and bounty. His mercy is immeasurable and his love for mankind is an unsearchable abyss: we fall before Your Majesty with fear and trembling, as a servant of unworthiness, thanksgiving to Your compassion for Your good deeds, on Your former servants (name), now humbly offering, as we glorify the Lord, Master and Benefactor , we praise, sing and magnify, and give thanks again, Your immeasurable and ineffable mercy humbly beseeching. Yes, just as now You have granted the prayers of Your servants to accept and mercifully fulfill them in the past, in Your sincere love and in all the benefactors of Your successors, the benefits of all Your faithful ones to receive. Delivering Thy Holy Church and this city from every evil situation, and thereby granting peace and tranquility, to Thee, with Thy Beginningless Father and the Most Holy and Good, and Thy Consubstantial Spirit, in one being glorified by God, always bring thanksgiving, and offer blessings and vouchsafe to chant. Glory to Thee God, our Benefactor, forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokos, Christian Helper, Your servants, having acquired Your intercession, cry out to You in gratitude: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin Mother of God, and always deliver us from all troubles with Your prayers. One soon to appear.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:23

The business sector and material well-being in general are very often subject to energetic aggression. Evil eyes, envy and even damage occur very often in this area of ​​human life and activity. The following ritual will help you solve these problems.

Three tablespoons of poppy seeds

Three tablespoons of regular table salt

Three tablespoons ground black pepper

Three church candles

New kitchen knife with wooden handle

Sheet of pure white paper

The ritual is performed only on the day of the waning moon, preferably at sunset.

Place a sheet of white paper on the table.

Place thin church candles on it in the form of a large triangle in candlesticks.

Inside the triangle, next to each candle, pour the required amount of bulk ingredients. Light the candles.

Take a knife in your hands and begin to mix the ingredients with the knife inside the triangle of burning candles, while reciting the spell.

“I’ll mix poppy seed and salt, salt and pepper together,

I fight off evil eyes and damage from my work.

Once this is combined into the mixture, the enemies will no longer be there.

Don’t be and don’t be, don’t harm me anymore.”

After finishing the mixing process, let the candles burn out completely.

After this, pour the resulting mixture into a bag and sprinkle it on the place of trade or place of work, saying sentences as you do so.

“Where the grain falls, all evil will go away.

A grain of salt will melt evil

A grain of pepper - to harm enemies

A grain of poppy – goodness grows, multiplies and blooms.”

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:24

Before your guests arrive, speak to the poppy seed and sprinkle it at the doorstep. Then all bad wishes will be interrupted by your amulet.

Which man lives

who speaks evil

who thinks evil,

my word is interrupted.

So my amulet will not interfere.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:24

I am a baptized bone, my place is consecrated,

The cross is with me, the cross is in front of me, the Angel is walking with me.

The dawn feeds on the sun,

The star meets the month.

The dumb one gave birth to my enemies, the blind one gathered my enemies.

She closed her eyes and forgot to open them.

How God's river breaks the sands,

How it erodes the steep banks,

So wash away, unravel the mind-mind of my enemies.

For now, for eternity, for infinity.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

This is for the baptized, and for the unbaptized

Take in your hand as much maku as can fit in your palm. Pour the poppy from one hand to the other and say this:

How true it is that people are Christian

Bulk poppy does not count

He doesn’t collect clear stars from the sky,

So that my destiny

I haven’t lost my happiness

And no black power

She didn't steal my share.

My word is strong, my deed is tenacious.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen, amen, amen

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:24

You can cast a spell on a black poppy while a candle is burning, in front of a round mirror, so that the poppy is reflected in the mirror:

“As a mirror reflects a poppy, reflects and does not accept, so the poppy will absorb its properties, and from now on reflects - all misfortunes, passions, slander, sentences, everything bad and foul, unclean and harmful, will reflect and send back, and what it does not send will be sent to It will absorb and take away itself, protect and protect itself."

After speaking, carry the poppy in a bag on your chest or in your pocket. Some time after wearing, burn this poppy, along with all the negativity that it has absorbed, and say something fresh.

This method can be used to protect yourself from the evil eye, damage, magical effects, from envy and negativity from those who do something against you.

Amulet for trading

Place small change, salt, poppy seeds on a black cloth in front of you. Read the plot 7 times. Before starting the conspiracy, make the sign of the cross and bow to the ground completely.

“Just as at the Entry of the Virgin Mary entered the temple quickly and easily, even though the steps at the temple are high, so my business affairs go quickly and quickly, easily and high. Money after money is brought in, profit is added to the wallet, just as people go to God’s temple simple, merchant and princely, so simple, merchant and princely people come to my trading house, people come with half a ruble, with a ruble, with a half, with a thousand, with an altyn. People come in a crowd, money flows like a river. people, the Temple of God, so my trade affairs are full. Just as the monastery wall stands strong, so my trade affairs stand strong in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. “Amen.”

Roll up the cloth with fines, salt and poppy seeds. Keep at work place.

Money conspiracy over the earth

Take a pinch of earth from your own footprint, mix it with salt and poppy seeds, cross yourself and read the spell over it all:

The mountain stands strong, the mountain of the Lord stands. The old man walked through that mountain and placed the Cross on that mountain. And whoever bows to that Cross does not know the age of trouble. And I, the servant of God (name), go to the Cross, I carry all of myself, I ask from the Cross, I make amends with the Cross, I make amends with the Cross. Give me, Cross of the Lord, all good things, gold and silver. And just as people come to you, the Cross of the Lord, so money would come to me, continuously, endlessly, from the end of the earth, from the edge of God’s world. I’m not asking for myself, I’m asking for good, for good people, for poor orphans. May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so the demons would perish from the face of those who love the Lord, and signify the Sign of the Cross, and worship the Honest and

To the Life-Giving Cross, and saying in joy: O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help us with the holy Lady Virgin Mary and All Saints forever. Amen".

Wrap this earth in a small bag and put it in your wallet.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:24

Before Palm Sunday, you need to buy gray poppies at the market. If you can’t find poppy seeds, you can simply buy small seeds, the main thing is that there are a lot of them. Then the text of the conspiracy mentions the name of this plant instead of poppy. Heat the seeds in the oven and wrap them in a handkerchief. This handkerchief must be tied to the willow tree, which is carried to the church to be blessed. When the priest consecrates the willow (together with the poppy), all this must be brought into the house, placed in the corner next to the icons, prayed and cast a spell.

Hear, O Lord, my truth, attend to my prayer, inspire my prayer not in flattering lips. From Your Face my destiny will come, let my eyes see righteousness. You have tempted my heart, you have visited me at night, you have tempted me, and iniquity is not found in me. For let not my mouth speak of the deeds of men; for the words of Thy lips I have preserved the ways of cruelty. Make my steps in Your paths, so that my steps may not move. I cried out, for Thou hast heard me, O God, incline Thy ear to me and hear my words. Surprise Your mercy, save those who trust in You from those who resist Your right hand. Save me, Lord, like the apple of your eye; cover me with the shelter of Your wing, from the face of the wicked, who have made me angry. You have conquered my soul, and shut up your fat; their lips spoke of pride. Those who cast me out have now passed me by, casting their eyes upon the earth. Having embraced me like a lion ready to catch, and like a skinman, dwelling in the secret. Arise, O Lord, I will advance, and sing to them: deliver my soul from the wicked, Thy weapon from the enemy of Thy hand. Lord, from the smallest of the earth, I have divided their bellies, and their belly is filled with Thy hidden ones. When you have had enough of your sons, you will leave the remains as your baby. But I will appear before Your face with righteousness, I will be satisfied, and I will always show Your glory to me.

The first time, God's hour. I will pray to the Lord, I will worship the Lord. The Lord rode to Jerusalem, rode on a foal, on a donkey, and rode to the Primacy of the Cross. I walked through the field, I walked along the road, and came out to the Okiyan Sea. On the sea, on the ocean, there is one white island. On that island there is white land. On that white earth stands the Lord God Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and I, a sinful servant. I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower. Mother of God, you lived on earth, took bread into your hands, paid for bread with money, carried money in your wallet. Without money, food will not be given, clothes will not be woven, candles will not be sold in church. Give me, Lord, as much money as there is on this scarf, as much money in my wallet. I close my words, I close my business. My words are not false, true, forever and ever. Amen.

Place poppy or other seeds in the water where you place the holy willow. When the willow shoots appear, it needs to be planted in the ground, and this swollen poppy should be buried nearby. Water the willow for twelve days. The more the willow grows, the more money you will have.

Just as this poppy cannot be collected, my words cannot be undone or broken. Let it be so"

Throw poppy into the car. (Poppy seeds can be replaced with salt; accordingly, accordingly, we change the word poppy seed to the word salt).

From rival threats

They speak Mac. They sprinkle it at their doorstep. It is necessary to repeat every 12 days, then the damage of a rival will not take your house.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Thirty-three ravens are flying, Carrying thirty-three stones. They will sit on the threshold, begin to peck the stones, curse my rival. You are my poppy, do not grow, But guard me and my house. Whoever brings me something bad will take thirty-three stones for himself. My word is made of stone, my work is made of iron, my key is lost, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:25

Take a pinch of soil from your own footprint, mix it with a pinch of poppy seed. Read above the mixture:

Every person walks the earth, measures it with his steps,

So, from my step and from my footsteps, I measure out wealth for myself,

I take away the rich from the mother earth and from the people.

How will people walk on earth in the future?

So I can have money.

How to measure the firmament of the earth and not measure it,

So I won’t give up my money,

from the end of the earth, from the edge of the world.

Earth - in a fabric amulet and in a wallet.

In general, everything that is taken from a trace - one’s own or someone else’s - is invaluable for magical practice.

There are often situations when it is not possible to obtain a mummy of an object. In this case

competently taken soil from his footprint + the presence of a photo completely compensate for the absence

biomaterial. I even had to take snow from a boot print and it worked too!

And the earth... Rest assured, it will capture its own and retain the information!

Therefore, all rituals on the ground from the trail, although they relate to simple village magic,

more even to sorcery, but they always work, just like rituals with poppy seeds.

then they say: “I’ll cover his trail,” “I’ll level your trail to the ground,” etc.

Damage works very well when the earth is removed from the trail or thrown into the fire with a curse -

better from aspen branches, wormwood and thistle and say a conspiracy. Or in the villages

the earth was hung in a bag in the chimney of the stove so that the enemy would dry out. Then again

such soil can be rolled into a doll and this doll into a grave or into a swamp or into an unclean

a place like a smelly dump. you just need to get it because There is asphalt in the city. but if I need it

I can scatter it where he walks and wait for it to pass. for example in the morning to work

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:25

Pour sleepy poppy seeds into a black bag. At midnight, walk three times around the house of the person you want to ward off, sprinkle poppy seeds on the ground and read:

“Love, go to sleep, don’t wake up again.

Close your heart, don’t open up anymore.

How can this poppy not get everything together?

So I and God’s servant (name) will never be together again.

As the poppy woke up, so love left,

as love left - the road became overgrown,

from heart to heart, from soul to soul,

from you to me, from me to you"

Perform this witchcraft only on the debilitated Moon, on Saturday or Monday.

only here it’s not against a rival, but to ward off an annoying admirer from oneself.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:25

On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a table, God’s throne.

There is a white, petrified case on the table.

The judge and the prosecutor are sitting at the table.

Lord, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

Petrify their lips and teeth and tongue.

Lying like a dead man, he doesn’t speak,

so they wouldn’t ascribe a name to me, a slave,

They didn’t find fault and didn’t pick at it.

The poppy grows, the poppy blooms, the poppy flowers fall,

the leaf falls, so their deeds would be from me,

They speak of gray poppy seeds and pour them on the enemy.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:25

They slander gray poppy seeds and sprinkle them in the corners of the house:

I sprinkle poppy seeds, sow them,

I invite consent and harmony into my hut.

Be in my house people

They are peaceful and friendly among themselves.

Give us, God, treasure and harmony.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:26

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:26

On Thursday, beat eggs with poppy seeds and make an omelette. Insert a candle into the center of the omelet and say 3 times: “Just as it is true that life comes from an egg, it is also true that I will get rich from my product. As there are many poppy seeds here, there will be many buyers for my product.” Take the omelet at 12 o’clock at night to a pedestrian intersection and say: “Paid!” Burn out the candle on the counter.

on Thu 27 Nov 2014, 00:26

Buy on Thursday: millet, salt, poppy seeds, flour. Mix just 1 tablespoon at a time and pour into a green bag. Bury it in front of the store threshold.

On the waxing moon, recite the following words three times on a handful of poppy seeds: “Deeds, O Lord, spoke with His most pure lips: “For without me you cannot do anything.” My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume of our soul, help me, the sinful servant of God (name), in this life of ours by trading in buying, selling and bartering and in everything. You, Master Lord, accomplish it Yourself in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.” When going to your trading place, scatter a little poppy at three intersections, scatter the rest of it discreetly in the corners of your store

This flower captivates with its beauty. In many cultures around the world, the poppy is a symbol of a successful life, well-being and prosperity. But few people know that the bright and fragile flower is successfully used in both white and black magic. For example, damage to poppy seeds is one of the most common and effective ways to fight your enemies. The fact that poppy has been used in magic for a long time is a proven fact. Even the ancient Egyptians and Assyrians widely used it in various types of magical rituals. The use of poppy seeds is practiced by magicians for various purposes. As a rule, it is charmed to attract love and luck, improve financial situation, as protection against negativity, and also to cure various diseases.

The influence of poppy spoilage

In magic, the secrets of a successful poppy spell lie precisely in the negative impact on the victim. Before using such a conspiracy, keep in mind that damage has a destructive effect on a person’s energy field and his immune system. It leads to gradual degradation of personality.

Such an evil eye can greatly harm your family life, health, and destroy your career. Damage caused by poppy is a negative program, which in some cases even leads to the death of a person.

Poppy lining

No less popular in magic are the so-called poppy linings, when the seeds of a plant are sprinkled in a house or apartment, at work or in the yard in order to send various problems to one’s ill-wisher.

If you find such a lining at home, it means that you have really annoyed someone. Be careful! Such things are not to be joked about, as they can lead to serious consequences, such as serious illness, divorce and breakdown of family relationships, and business failures.

Finding poppy seed at home is a warning sign. What to do when you find this unpleasant “gift”? It is necessary to accurately reproduce simple actions.

  1. Immediately get rid of what was poured into you. Remember that it is prohibited to pick up poppy seeds with your hands. Use gloves, but be sure to throw them in the trash afterward.
  2. What is found must be burned or buried. At the same time, read a prayer and ask higher powers to protect you from damage.
  3. The house should be cleaned, paying special attention to corners and dark nooks and crannies. You can also sprinkle the room with holy water.
  4. Be sure to visit the temple and light candles, order magpie for health for yourself and your loved ones.

Poppy seed

This is the best way to fatally quarrel between friends, lovers, and spouses. After using such a ritual, people who love and respect each other become sworn enemies. It also helps very well to overcome the effects of a love spell.

What is the correct way to cast a spell on poppy seeds? Mix it with salt and say these words three times:

“Mak-makovey, you are my assistant! I add this mixture and separate friends (lovers, husband and wife) forever! Just as the poppy crumbles, so does a quarrel happen! My word is strong! Amen!".

After which the poppy should be sprinkled on the threshold of the house where the people you want to quarrel live with. If you want to separate your husband from his mistress and return him to the family, it is best to bake buns with a charmed mixture and feed them to your loved one. When baking, say:

“I’ll sprinkle some salt and crush it with poppy seeds!” I will get everything I want! My beloved hubby is returning to me, and our happiness begins anew with him!”

In just a few days he will leave the homewrecker and return home.

Poppy ritual at a wedding

Some offended women, in order to take revenge on their loved one who preferred another, use poppy seeds sprinkled during the wedding as spoilage. Having walked through the enchanted seeds, the newlyweds will no longer be able to build a happy family life. Their home is filled with quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings and disappointment. They will also begin to be haunted by material troubles, difficulties at work and health problems.

Before performing the ritual, keep in mind that it must be carried out on days when the Moon is just beginning to gain its strength. It is also necessary to make certain preparations.

  1. Buy a poppy at the market or supermarket (it’s better if it’s a poppy box), and wrap it in a bag specially made for this purpose.
  2. Take it with you when you go to church.
  3. Read the Lord's Prayer 7 times. When you get baptized, don’t forget to touch the bag of poppy seeds.
  4. Before you sprinkle poppy seeds on the road around the registry office or in the house where your loved one lives, concentrate and imagine in detail what you want to achieve. It is necessary for the poppy to become saturated with your negative energy. Then carry out your plans.

Ritual with salt

Why use this ritual? Firstly, in order to ruin your competitors. And secondly, to improve your affairs. To successfully perform such a ritual, you should take an equal amount of salt and poppy seeds and sprinkle and sow this mixture wherever your victim happens to be. This will lead to the fact that the person will not be able to concentrate on work, and he will feel sleepy all the time. He will gradually lose interest in everything and as a result the business will decline.

  • You can also sprinkle seeds in the corners of the house so that evil forces cannot enter it.
  • A very good way to protect your baby is to put some poppy seeds in his school bag, then he will always be protected.
  • If you are going to visit and you know that there will be people there who are not very pleasant for you, from whom you can expect any dirty tricks, sprinkle some poppy seeds under your right heel and then you are guaranteed protection from the evil eye.
  • Poppy can also help you look into the future. A very simple and effective ritual will help you with this. Take a piece of paper and write on it what is bothering you. Wrap a handful of seeds in it and place it under your pillow overnight. In the morning, the correct solution to the problem will come to you by itself. The main thing is to be positive!
  • And one more important tip. The poppy, which was consecrated on Macov's day, has the most powerful magical properties. If for some reason you did not make it to the service, you can bless the poppy with holy water at home.
  • When using this or that conspiracy, remember that much depends on your intentions. If you use magic to cause harm, be prepared for the evil to turn against you. Therefore, think seriously before resorting to this or that magical ritual.

    The effect of damage to poppy seeds on a person is absolutely incredible.

    It's even worse in bed. Such damage leads to a complete lack of contact in this area.

    Not love, but sheer torment for people.

    They cannot agree on the most important area for them. And if even before the damage they came to an agreement intuitively, then they may stop fulfilling their marital duty altogether.

    Relatives will begin to worry about the young people and try to help them. And this will lead to another problem.

    Everyone will quarrel with each other. You understand that it is difficult to live normally in such an environment, especially to raise children.

    How to do

    The ritual takes place on the new moon. Poppy can be spoken in advance. Those. it is not necessary to do this before the actual ritual.

    1. Buy black poppy seeds, preferably directly in boxes. Take one poppy box and place it in a black linen bag.
    2. Take it to the Temple for the morning service. Slowly open the bag so that the air of the Temple penetrates into the poppy.
    3. You need to read the Lord's Prayer backwards six times.
    4. Each time you finish, cross yourself with your left hand and touch the poppy.
    5. Don't leave afterwards. Think through what you wish for the victims of damage in detail.

    This is important not in the sense that it will happen. And for another reason: it is necessary to recharge the poppy with your own hatred. Now spit into the bag and go home.

    The poppy prepared in this way is used to line the enemy’s house or is sprinkled on the victim’s path. It's time to take effect immediately, even before the poppy is taken to the victim.

    But in full, that is, most strongly, its influence manifests itself a month after the lining.

    Ritual for salt and poppy seeds

    Salt is mixed with poppy seeds in equal proportions (half a teaspoon each). This is done only in silver containers.

    Then they are mixed with a spoon made of the same metal, saying the following words:

    “Salt in the eyes, poppy in the eyes. Let a tear flicker in your eyes. Let the paths go astray, the roads break off. Let what belongs to the Lord’s servant (name) perish in the abyss, pour into the grave, drown in a bolt. Let the Devil have a funeral service and bury his plans. Said in salt, said in poppy. Whoever collects the grains and dips them in salt will break my words!”

    The mixture is ready. From experience, it's best. Moreover, choose the left boot or shoes. It will start working faster.