
Holy Righteous Artemy Verkolsky the Wonderworker. Life of the martyr. Artemiya When is Artem's name day

His life is especially amazing. The saint’s birthplace was the village of Verkola. From an early age, Artemy Verkolsky led a pious life and was known as a meek and humble boy. He did not like noisy and loud games. When he was 12 years old, the boy was killed by a lightning bolt.

Unfortunately, the villagers believed that this was how the Lord punished Artemy, and they did not bury him or perform a funeral service for him, but carried him into the forest, laid him on the ground and covered him with brushwood.

Many in Verkola had already forgotten about this incident, but one day the deacon of the local church went into the forest, and at the place where Saint Artemy was laid, he saw the light, and as he came closer he discovered the incorruptible relics of Artemy Verkolsky. The news of such a miraculous discovery reached the village residents, but the peasants, due to their cowardice, did not understand the providence of God shown on the boy. They laid the body of the saint on the porch, near the temple and, just as in the forest, covered the body of the deceased with birch bark.

Immediately, miraculous healings began to occur from the relics. They multiplied day by day, people from everywhere began to flock to Verkola just to venerate the relics.

The Holy Great Martyr Artemy was one of the outstanding military leaders during the reign of Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great (306 - 337, commemorated May 21/June 3), and then his son and successor, Constantius (337 - 361).

Artemy had many awards for excellent service and courage, and was appointed governor of Egypt. In this position, he did a lot to spread and strengthen Christianity in Egypt. Emperor Constantius was replaced on the throne by Julian (361 - 363). The apostate emperor, wanting to return paganism, waged an irreconcilable struggle against Christianity, sending hundreds of Christians to death. In Antioch, he ordered the torture of two bishops who did not want to renounce the faith of Christ. At this time, Saint Artemy came to the city and publicly denounced Julian for his wickedness. The angry Apostate subjected the saint to cruel torture. After this, the great martyr was thrown into prison.

During the prayer that the saint offered to the Lord, Christ Himself appeared to him surrounded by Angels and said: “Take courage, Artemy! I am with you and will deliver you from all the pain that your tormentors inflicted on you, and I am already preparing for you a crown of glory. For like you You confessed Me before people on earth, so I will confess you before My Heavenly Father. So, be courageous and rejoice - you will be with Me in My Kingdom.” Hearing this from the Lord Himself, the great martyr rejoiced and began to warmly thank and glorify Him.

The next day, Julian demanded that the Great Martyr Artemy recognize the pagan gods. Having met a decisive refusal, the emperor resorted to torture. The ascetic endured everything without a single groan. The saint predicted to Julian that he would soon receive just retribution for the evil he had caused to Christians. The apostate became enraged and resorted to even more severe torture, but they did not break the will of the great martyr, and then Saint Artemy was beheaded (+ 362).

His remains were buried by Christians.

After the death of the holy Great Martyr Artemy, his prophecy about the imminent death of Julian the Apostate came true.

Julian and his army left Antioch to fight the Persians. Near the Persian city of Ctesiphon he met an old Persian. He promised to betray his compatriots and be a guide to Julian’s army. The old man deceived the Apostate and led his army into the Karmanite desert, into impassable places where there was neither water nor food. Exhausted by hunger and thirst, Julian's Greco-Roman army was forced to engage in battle with fresh Persian forces.

Divine retribution overtook the Apostate himself here. During the battle, he was mortally wounded by an invisible hand, an invisible weapon. Julian groaned heavily and, dying, said: “You have won, Galilean!” After the death of the apostate emperor, the relics of the holy Great Martyr Artemius were transferred with honors from Antioch to Constantinople.

The godly and righteous youth, blessed Artemy, was born in 1532 (from the creation of the world in 7040) from meek and pious parents. His father’s name was Cosmos, his nickname was Small, and his mother was Apollinaria; both of them were pious and virtuous and lived in the north of Russia near the sea, not far from the Kevrol country near the river, the so-called Pinega, in a village called Verkola, engaged in agriculture. From these spouses Artemy was born, like a bright star; brought up in true faith and morality, from childhood he loved God and revered his parents. In the fifth year of his life, he, having accepted the fear of God into his heart, began to move away from childhood habits, began to hate children's games and all sorts of fun; became diligent to the Church of God and was obedient to his parents in everything; began to show diligence and get used to agricultural work, heeding the word of the Lord Himself to Adam: “By the sweat of your brow thou shalt bear thy bread,” and the words of the Apostle Paul, who says: “It is fitting for a laborer to first partake of the fruit,” and also: “He who has not labored, let him yast." Artemy, with his prudence and humility, which exceeded his young age, surprised all his neighbors: he revered his parents, was unquestioningly obedient to them in everything: he loved the Lord God, performed long prayers, asking the Lord for mercy.

Once, when he was 12 years old, he was working with his father in the field, harrowing the ground. Suddenly a menacing cloud approached, it became dark as night, a storm arose with rain, a terrible thunderclap erupted over the head of the frightened Artemy - and the blessed youth fell dead.

Thus, the merciful and wise Lord God deigned to receive the soul of His righteous servant into His heavenly abodes. It was 1544 (7052) years, the month of June had 23 days.

Artemy's fellow villagers, due to their foolishness, did not understand this visitation of God and, out of superstition, considered the unexpected death of the blessed youth to be a righteous judgment of God, punishing Artemy for some of his secret sins. The body of Blessed Artemy, as if he had died from a sudden death, remained unburied and unburied; they laid it in an empty place in a pine forest, on top of the ground, covered it with brushwood and birch bark, and surrounded it with a wooden fence; this place was far from the church. It lay there for 33 years, forgotten by everyone.

But the Lord said: I will glorify those who glorify Me, and again: a city cannot hide on top of a standing mountain; and so God was pleased to glorify his saint in the following way

This was in 1577. One summer, Agafonik, the deacon of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Verkole, was walking through that forest, picking mushrooms, and saw a light over the place. The cleric, approaching the designated place, saw the body of the blessed one completely intact and unharmed, despite the fact that 33 years had passed since the death of Blessed Artemy; In addition, the saint’s body seemed radiant to the cleric. The cleric went to the village and told the priest and the peasants who lived in that village about everything he saw. These latter, having gone to the place where the body of Saint Artemy lay, and having found everything in exactly the same form as the cleric told them about it, glorified God, who glorifies his saints, but they, out of their foolishness, simply took the body of Artemy, without any honors, they brought him to their parish church and laid him on the porch of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, covering the coffin with the birch bark that covered the righteous youth in the forest.

But the Lord deigned to glorify His saint in the country of Kevrol: from his relics, endless healings began to flow out to the sick. That year, by God's permission, a malignant fever spread in the Dvina region. Many died from this serious disease, especially women and children.

But the Lord God punishes us with many sorrows and illnesses so that we turn to him and repent of our sins; We constantly sin and anger God with evil deeds. Despite this, the merciful Lord God, desiring salvation for his creation - the human race - from the torment of the devil and glorifying his saint, the holy, god-wise and righteous Artemy, places him in his native country of Kevrol - like a lamp shining with wondrous and glorious miracles.

The son of the Verkolsky villager Kalinnik also fell ill with this fever. In great sorrow, Kalinnik prayed for the healing of his son, then went to church, venerated the tomb of the righteous Artemy and, taking the birch bark that covered his incorruptible relics, with faith he hung it to the cross on the chest of his dying son. The patient recovered. The delighted Kallinik told all his fellow villagers about this. Those who heard about this soon joyfully flocked to the tomb of Saint Artemy; everyone took with them birch bark from the coffin, placed it on the chest of the sick, who through this were freed from their illness and became healthy - and then joyfully hurried to the church of St. Nicholas, gave fervent thanks to God, performed prayer singing and glorified the saint of God, St. Artemy miracle worker. The Lord God, through the prayers of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Righteous Artemy, looked upon his servants: from that time on, the disease stopped in that country.

From the relics of Saint Artemy, many miracles were performed: the blind received their sight, the lame began to walk, the deaf received hearing, those possessed by all sorts of ailments were healed - both men and women; there were so many miracles that it was impossible to write them all. Let us mention here one miracle, especially remarkable and wondrous, which happened in 1583 (7091). There was one man named Paul whose face was turned back and his eyes were closed, so that he could not see anything. He remained in such a terrible situation for a considerable time. Praying to God, this man called on the wonderworker Nicholas for help; Remembering the newly-minted saint Artemy, the patient with tears asked for his help - and the patient’s head straightened, his eyes opened. Having returned to his previous healthy state, he rejoiced, went and told all the Christians about the wondrous miracle. The Christians, who saw and heard about the miracle, glorified God and Saint Artemy, who performed such a glorious miracle, built a chapel to the church of St. Nicholas, with faith transferred from the porch to the chapel and with honor placed the miraculous relics of the righteous in it, lovingly kissing his hand and praying to him earnestly. This was in 1584.

Holy Martyrs Uar and Artemy Verkolsky

When the relics of the blessed youth were brought to the chapel, a woman came there with a relaxed baby, asked to serve a prayer service, placed her youth on Artemy’s tomb, and the youth’s sick hand was healed.

Around the same time, one peasant Andrei and a peasant woman Irina, who suffered from eye problems, received health and clear vision from touching the sacred shrine of the newly-minted miracle worker.

One woman, named Maria, who suffered for forty years from a stomach illness so severe that she often died from excessive suffering for two or three hours, heard about the miracles flowing from the relics of Artemy, turned to him with prayer and received a quick healing.

Seeing the healings multiplying from the relics, two priests, John and Thomas, ordered several icons of the righteous Artemy to be painted on the boards of the old tomb. There were shavings left from those boards. Priest John carefully collected these shavings and placed them in storage at the church. Pious worshipers of the righteous Artemy, who took those shavings with faith, received healing from their ailments.

One man from Pinega, named Pankraty, who was passing through Verkola, in 1601 brought one of these icons of Artemy to Veliky Ustyug, and from that image many received healing then.

Then, after a general council, the appearance of the relics of the saint and miracles were described, and the Right Reverend Macarius, Metropolitan of Veliky Novgorod, who then ruled the throne of St. Sophia, was given knowledge of all this. This hierarch, who had previously heard everything and read what was written (about Saint Artemy), sent from himself the son of the boyar Malgin and his comrades, ordering them to take with them also the abbot of the Krasnogorsk monastery (Kholmogory district) Macarius, to examine in the established order the relics of the newly-minted wonderworker Artemy. Those sent, having arrived in Verkola, acted according to the bishop’s decree and reported everything in detail and faithfully to the Metropolitan.

Novgorod Metropolitan Macarius testified to the relics of the righteous man and blessed them to be transferred to the church itself on the day of memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, December 6th.

Some time later, Illarion Artemiev, a resident of the city of Kholmogor, came to Verkola and said that he had been sick with his eyes for a long time, could not see anything and suffered severely, so that he tried to hang himself in despair, and only neighbors who arrived in time prevented this. Having heard about the miracles flowing from the relics of the righteous Artemy, he turned to him with earnest prayer for his healing.

“At that same hour,” said the healed man, “I received my sight and saw in a vision Saint Artemy in white robes with a small staff in his left hand and with a cross in his right. He crossed me and said:

- Human! what are you suffering? Arise: Christ, through me, His servant, heals you. Go to Verkola, venerate my coffin and tell the priest and all the peasants about this.

At these words, the righteous youth, taking me by the hand, seemed to force me to do this and then became invisible. When I woke up, I felt completely healthy, as if I had never been sick. And so I came here to venerate his holy relics.”

The miracle with one peasant from the village of Kivokurya, Ustyug district, Patrik Ignatiev, was especially remarkable. Since childhood, he suffered seriously from a hernia. Hearing about the miracles of righteous Artemy, he prayed to him with faith, made a vow to venerate his coffin and recovered, but then forgot about the vow he had made. A few years later, he again felt attacks of a hernia, which began to torment him even more than before. Patrick turned again with prayer to the righteous Artemy and remembered his unfulfilled vow. The sick man’s prayer was heard, but Patrick again forgot about the vow he had made. Then melancholy attacked him and impenetrable darkness covered his eyes. The unfortunate man again remembered his unfulfilled vow, bitterly repented and promised to urgently fulfill his duty. Righteous Artemy again saved Patricius from his illness, and the healed one joyfully hurried to Verkola to Artemy’s tomb, ordered a prayer service to be served for him, kissed his multi-healing coffin with tears and confessed to everyone about the miracle that had happened and his sinful oblivion.

In 1636, in March, Afanasy Pashkov, appointed governor there, went to Kevrola and Mezen. On the way, he stopped in Verkola, but he did not visit the shrine of the relics of the righteous Artemy and did not serve him a thanksgiving prayer. In Kevrol, his son, the youth Jeremiah, fell seriously ill with a fever and was already preparing for death. Then the father remembered that he had not served a prayer service to the righteous Artemy, and made a vow to go on a pilgrimage to Verkola. And suddenly Pashkov’s son, who was lying in heavy oblivion, rose from his bed and, holding on to the window, began to ask his father which way to go to the righteous Artemy. Marveling at this, the father brought his son to Verkola. Here they served a vowed prayer service, took birch bark from the miracle worker’s coffin so that the sick person would wear it on his chest along with the cross, and the boy recovered. The grateful father created in Verkola, at the site of the discovery of the relics of Artemy, a temple in honor of the martyr Artemy of the same name as the righteous youth.

Some time later, the temple in Verkola burned down, and the relics of the righteous Artemy were also burned. The local priest Lavrentiy and the parishioners of the Verkolsky village, to protect Artemy’s relics from such accidents, built a special chapel over them, placed them in a new shrine and covered them with a new cover.

After that, new miracles began to flow from the wonderworker’s tomb. Thus, the righteous Artemy saved a certain Simeon Kazarinov from drowning. After Ilyin's day, he sailed on a ship with his comrades across the Arctic Ocean from Mangazeya to Arkhangelsk. Suddenly a fierce storm arose, and the ship was in danger of imminent collapse. Those who floated were horrified and despairing. Not seeing any hope for salvation from anywhere, they began to prepare for death and, in anticipation of it, say goodbye to each other. Then they came to their senses and began to pray with tears to the Lord God and the righteous Artemy for their salvation, promising to serve a prayer service of thanks to the saint of God. And through their prayer the sea calmed down, and the drowned escaped inevitable death.

The glory of healings from the relics of the righteous Artemy spread far. The Novgorod Metropolitan Cyprian sent again to examine his incorruptible relics, confirmed with his signature the list of healings delivered to him and sent a newly compiled service to the miracle worker to the church in the village of Verkola.

In 1648, a letter from Tsar Alexy Mikhailovich was sent to Kevrola in the name of the local governor Anichkov: it was ordered that the relics of the righteous Artemy be placed in a new shrine and it was allowed to build a monastery in the place where his relics were found, which, according to the royal letter, were the next year were transferred there and placed in the church of the Holy Martyr Artemy, built by Voivode Pashkov. At the same time, many different healings flowed from the holy relics to everyone who flowed to them with faith. The people gathered in large numbers offered warm prayers to Christ God and His holy saint, righteous Artemy, the Verkolsky miracle worker, glorifying the grace of God, revealed in him for the consolation of all Orthodox Christians. Subsequently, on the occasion of fires, the relics of Righteous Artemy were taken out of the monastery church three times, until finally a stone church was built in the monastery in 1793, consecrated in honor of Righteous Artemy, in which his relics were placed.

According to the stories of pilgrims on July 6, on the day of memory of Artemy, every year the sky is densely covered with clouds, and at mass there is a short thunderstorm, after which the sky almost instantly clears and the bright sun comes out.

About the miracles of the holy and righteous Artemy,

Verkolsky Wonderworker

1st miracle

In 1584, a wondrous and glorious miracle took place. One man named Pavel had his face painfully turned back, and his eyes were closed so that he could not see anything. The poor man, praying to God and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, remembered Saint Artemy. Saint Artemy, quick to help, granted the sick man health: then the face of the former patient returned to its place, his eyes opened, and it was as if he had never been sick. The healed one glorified the Lord God, the Most Pure Mother of God, the holy wonderworker Nicholas and the holy righteous Artemy. Then he told the Christians about the miracle that happened to him, who also glorified God and His saint, Saint Artemy, who performed such a miracle. After this, a chapel was built near the Church of St. Nicholas, with faith the relics of St. Artemy were transferred into it and placed in a new shrine until the Novgorod Metropolitan Macarius was notified of this and before the examination of the relics.

2nd miracle

After the transfer of the relics of Saint Artemy, one woman came to the chapel and brought with her a baby with a relaxed hand. Having prayed to the Lord God and Saint Nicholas, she placed the baby at the tomb of Saint Artemy, and the baby’s sick hand became healthy.

3rd miracle

At the same time, a woman named Irina came, whose one eye was very painful; Having prayed to God and Saint Nicholas, she venerated the tomb of Saint Artemy, and her sick eye became completely healthy, as if it had never been sick.

4th miracle

Then someone named Andrei, who was very sick in both eyes, came to pray to the Lord God, venerated the tomb of Saint Artemy and suddenly recovered. Having glorified God and Saint Artemy, he joyfully returned to his home.

5th miracle

The next miracle not only cannot be consigned to oblivion, but it must be placed on the lamp of our heart. One woman named Maria suffered from constant abdominal pain for more than 14 years and sometimes died for two or three hours. Having heard about the miracles of Saint Artemy, she began to pray to the Lord God, Saint Nicholas and the saint of Christ, Saint Artemy. “Oh, holy wonderworker of Christ Artemy! Deliver me from my illness and give me health,” she cried out in her prayers to Saint Artemy. The saint heard her prayer: through his prayers to God she completely recovered from her illness and was as if she had never been sick. For all this she glorified God and the holy wonderworker Artemy.

6 -th miracle

I want to tell you about another miracle, in accordance with the words of Scripture: it is good to keep the secrets of the king, but it is glorious to preach the works of God. A certain Abram suffered from toothache for ten years, while his wife Evdokia suffered from a shaking disease. Having heard about the miracles of Saint Artemy, they began to pray to the saint, so that the Lord, through his prayers, would heal them from their illnesses. The Lord God, through the prayers of the saint, granted them health. Those healed glorified God and His saint, Saint Artemy the Wonderworker.

7th miracle

It is impossible not to mention the following: someone named Roman suffered from pain in the groin; Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, he, through his prayers, recovered.

8th miracle

We cannot remain silent about the following: someone named Niphon suffered from abdominal pain for five years. Hearing about the miracles of the saint, he prayed with faith to Saint Artemy and through his prayers he recovered.

9th miracle

The following miracle cannot be hidden: one man named John had bleeding from the larynx for 8 years, so that he was already approaching death. Having prayed with warm faith to the Lord God and Saint Artemy, he recovered from his illness and glorified God and His saint Artemy.

10th miracle

One woman named Maria had a sick child who did not eat anything for two whole months, and did not even taste milk. The woman with faith prayed for her child to Saint Artemy, and the Lord, heeding the prayers of the saint, healed the sick child. The woman thanked God and Saint Artemy.

11th miracle

A certain Ermolai was possessed by an evil spirit. Having prayed to the Lord God and Saint Nicholas with the righteous Artemy, through the prayers of the saints he got rid of the evil spirit and became healthy.

12th miracle

A certain Sergius suffered from the so-called green disease: he was green as grass and could not eat bread. Hearing about the great miracles performed by Saint Artemy, he came to the saint and prayed to him with faith. Through the prayers of the saint he recovered. Everyone who saw this miracle glorified God and Saint Artemy the Wonderworker and joyfully went home.

13th miracle

It would be unfair to remain silent about the following: in Vyatka province, Khlynov, monk Tryphon, builder of the monastery of the holy wonderworker Nicholas of Mozhaisk, was relaxed with his hand. Having visited Saint Nicholas in Verkola, he heard about the miracles of Saint Artemy, he went and just approached the tomb of blessed Artemy, when his hand was healed, as if it had never hurt. Having given thanks to God and His saint, the righteous Artemy, he joyfully returned to his place. He was from Malaya Nemnyuzhka (Mezen district); why he came here is not written about in his life. We will only note that, having returned to the city of Khlynov, he led a godly life and died there. Now God glorified his relics, from which many miracles are given to those who come to them with faith. His holy image was sent to Malaya Nemnyuzhka (to the place of the birthplace of St. Tryphon); many go there and serve prayer services, glorifying God and His saint, our venerable father Tryphon, Archimandrite Khlynovsky miracle worker.

14th miracle

A certain Artemy was possessed by an evil spirit and was deprived of his mind for a year. And so they brought him to the tomb of St. Artemy, placed him near the holy relics, and he became fully sane and, with gratitude to God and St. Artemy the Wonderworker, returned home healthy. 15th miracle

A certain Clement was possessed by a shaking disease for a year. Having prayed to the Lord God and Saint Artemy - with faith and tears, he received health from Saint Artemy.

16th miracle

And here is another miracle, similar to the one we just mentioned. A certain Evdokim suffered from a shaking illness for a year and a half, and when he was told about the miracles of Saint Artemy, he began to pray to God and call on Saint Artemy for help. By the power of God's grace and the prayers of Saint Artemy, who became famous for his miracles, the sick Evdokim completely recovered from his illness and glorified God, who showed him His grace through the miracle worker Artemy.

17th miracle

Brothers! Do not be arrogant and proud, but listen to how the Lord glorifies his saints. It is known that the Pharisee’s prayer angered God, but the publican’s contrition appeased Him. One robber died because of his words, and the other entered heaven because of his words. The Lord said: everyone who exalts himself will humble himself, but he who humbles himself will be exalted. The following miracle speaks of the same thing: a certain John, out of his madness, mocked the miracles of Saint Artemy, thinking that they were false. And then he suddenly became blind and bitterly exclaimed: “Oh, holy righteous saint of Christ, wondrous in miracles, Artemy! I am guilty before you, having mocked you: do not let me perish; I realized that you do not work miracles with dreams and false ones.” . He prayed a lot about his sin, because he did not listen to Solomon, who said: whoever keeps his mouth and tongue will keep his soul from sorrow. The ambulance, Saint Artemy, heard his prayer and gave him health: the man began to see with his own eyes and, having recovered, glorified God and Saint Artemy, who performs true miracles.

18th miracle

One woman named Irina had a bad leg for two years. Praying to God, she called upon Saint Artemy in her prayers, asking him for healing, and through the saint’s prayers she recovered.

19th miracle

There were two priests: one of them was called John, and the other was Thomas. They ordered that the old tomb be converted into boards and the image of the righteous Artemy the Wonderworker painted on them. During this alteration, shavings from the tomb also remained. Priest John collected these shavings and kept them. The sick took these shavings with faith, just as they took the ashes, and as a result received healing from their illnesses. Thus, a certain Pankraty, who came from Pinega to Veliky Ustyug in 1601, brought with him the image of St. Artemy, from which many healings were performed. Two more women - Anna and Iulitta - were possessed by the shaking disease for five years. The mentioned priest John took several shavings from the saint’s tomb, placed them on the chests of the crosses (which were on the necks) of the women, and they recovered immediately, giving thanks to God and Saint Artemy. It was April 1st.

20th miracle

Through the prayers of the righteous Artemy, with ordinary divine love for mankind, various healings are constantly given to the sick: sometimes from the tomb of the saint, and other times from his image; sometimes from shavings taken from the tomb of a saint, and, moreover, sometimes openly, sometimes secretly; sometimes they received healing from taking birch bark from the saint’s tomb. So, on April 20, 1601, the son of one boyar, who lived in the city of Veliky Ustyug (Vologda province) and suffered from a shaking disease, took a birch bark from someone from the tomb of the saint and wore it on his chest. From this, through the prayers of Saint Artemy, he recovered from his illness, giving praise to God and Saint Artemy.

21st miracle

We cannot remain silent about the next glorious miracle. On December 6, 1605, on the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, one man named Illarion Artemiev, a native of Vologda, who lived in Kholmogory, the so-called Glinka, came to Verkola and told the priests and all the peasants the following: “I had eye pain and, since the Intercession Until the week of the Most Holy Theotokos, which is called "willow", I did not see anything for nine days and in this serious illness I wanted to hang myself; but the people who led me and held my hands prevented me from taking my own life. In a vision, St. Righteous Artemy appeared to me; at that same hour I received my inner sight and saw St. Artemy in white robes: in his left hand was a small staff, and in his right hand he protected me with a cross and said: “Man! Why are you mourning? Stand up; Christ heals you through me, his servant Artemy; go to Verkola, venerate my coffin and tell all this to the priest and Christians." Then, taking my hand, he crossed me with it, and after this vision I recovered, as if I had never been sick. With great joy, shedding tears and lifting up Thanks be to God and Saint Artemy, marvelous in miracles, I came here to tell you about what happened to me.” The people who heard this glorified God and Saint Artemy for the miracle that had happened.

22nd miracle

That same time, on the day of remembrance of Saint Nicholas, another man named Job Ivanov, son of Pinezhanin, came from the village of Letopaly and said the following: “I was sick for five months so that I could not move. Then, in my illness, I began to pray to Saint Artemy The saint, appearing to me in a vision, said: “Go to my tomb, pray and you will be healed.” When I woke up, I felt healthy, stood up, gave praise to God and Saint Artemy, and came to the saint’s tomb.

23rd miracle

On December 16, a certain John Yakovlev, nicknamed Dezhnev, a native of Verkolsky, said the following: he had a daughter Anna, who had not seen anything for two years because of the thorn that was in her eyes. Having prayed to Saint Artemy and venerated his tomb, she recovered and joyfully returned to her home, praising God and Saint Artemy.

24th miracle

On January 23, someone named Khariton Semenov, a native of Verkol, said the following: while he was at sea, he was overcome by illness, namely: his arm was reduced to his shoulder, and he was in this position for a whole year, unable to move his arm. And then Saint Artemy appeared to him in a dream and said to him: “Go to Verkola and pray at my tomb, fulfill the rule and serve a prayer service - and you will be healed.” Waking up, he felt joy within himself and thought about how to fulfill what Saint Artemy told him (in a dream). And so he came today to Kevrola and fulfilled the word of the saint; He kissed his tomb, and his hand was healed, as if it had never hurt. This man glorified God and the holy wonderworker Artemy.

25th miracle

At the same time, one woman named Aquilina, the wife of Jeremiah Ushakov, was relaxed throughout her whole body, so that she did not control a single member of it; With faith she prayed to Saint Artemy, he appeared to her and gave her health. Rejoicing, she glorified God and His righteous saint Artemy.

26th miracle

A certain Alexey Pavlov Shestakov, a native of Kevrol, was ill for four weeks; He had a son, Anthony, possessed by an unclean spirit, who lay mad and without memory for six months; both called for doctors, but there was no help. Then they remembered the miracles of Saint Artemy, began to pray to him with faith, promising to serve a prayer service to the saint, and the sick were healed, giving thanks to God and His holy saint Artemy.

27th miracle

One woman, Fotinia Nazarova from Vyya, was blind. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, she began to see.

28th miracle

One woman named Marina, from Vaimushi, the wife of Elisey Matveev, suffered from stomach pain for two years. Having prayed with faith to the Lord God and the righteous Artemy, she immediately recovered and glorified God with the holy wonderworker Artemy.

29th miracle

I want to tell you about another miracle. In 1606, a certain Averky Mamontov, who lived near Vye, was so sick with his right hand that he could not move it. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, he immediately recovered and, rejoicing, glorified God and Saint Artemy.

30th miracle

Let it be said about the following miracle: in the same year, someone named Vavila Vasiliev, from Chardonema, was blind. Having come by vow to pray to Saint Artemy, he venerated his tomb and was healed of his illness, and returned home with joy.

31st miracle

We cannot remain silent about the next miracle that happened in 1607. One man named Evfimiya Ignatiev, from the Dvina, had a son, Isaiah, who was possessed by a demon. And then in a dream Saint Artemy appeared to his nephew and said: “Lead the demoniac to Verkola to the tomb of Saint Artemy.” After this vision, they took the demoniac, brought him to Verkola, served a prayer service to Saint Artemy, placed it on his tomb - and the demon came out of the sick man, and he recovered; Thanks to God and Saint Artemy, they returned home with joy.

32nd miracle

At the same time, one woman named Evdokia, daughter of Malakheyev, a widow from Veegora, was spoiled, as they said, by evil people and did not control her legs; another woman, Daria Fedotova, Filippov’s daughter, had a stomach ache; the third woman, Ekaterina Mikhailova, Savelyev’s daughter, from Vyya, was very ill and could not control herself. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, they all recovered, glorifying God and Saint Artemy.

33rd miracle

That same year, a certain Makariy Gavrilov, from Shestogorka, lay in bed, overcome by illness. Having prayed to the holy wonderworkers Nicholas and Artemy, he recovered through their prayers, came to Verkola, served a prayer service and returned home with joy.

34th miracle

At the same time, the woman Tatiana, a widow from Vyya, had severe pain in her spine and legs, so that she could not walk. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, she, through his prayer, received healing and glorified God and Saint Artemy the Wonderworker.

35th miracle

Then a certain Gerasim Ignatiev came from Peremsky to Verkola and said the following: while at sea, he inadvertently injured his hand, so that for a long time he could not move it. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, he recovered. We who heard this wrote down this miracle.

36th miracle

One man, Makariy, nicknamed Molchanov, had a blind daughter. She prayed to Saint Artemy and through the prayers of the saint received healing. Arriving at the saint’s tomb, she kissed him and, having told about this miracle, returned with joy.

37th miracle

There was this miracle: at the same time, one woman in the Verkolsky volost named Euphemia had a stomach ache; other women - Pelageya and Martha - were obsessed with a disease in which they felt cold and trembling. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, they all recovered and thanked God and Saint Artemy.

38th miracle

There were three sick people: a certain Kalinnik Ivanov had a stomach ache, and his sister Matrona and another woman Iulitta had pain in their eyes. All of them, having prayed with faith to the holy wonderworkers Nicholas and Artemy Verkolsky, received health from the saints.

39th miracle

One woman named Daria was infertile. Having made a vow to go and pray to Saint Artemy, she received mercy from the saint and began to give birth to children.

40th miracle

In 1608, a woman named Anna Kharlampieva, daughter of Shiryaev, who lived in Chervskovo and had a husband nicknamed Nightingale, was crazy and without memory for two years. Having made a vow to serve prayers in Verkola to Saints Nicholas and Artemy, she, through their prayers, came to her right mind and gave praise to God and His saints.

41st miracle

There were so many miracles and healings given by Saint Artemy that it is impossible to describe them in order, and we will say at least something out of many. Many who suffered from eye disease came to the tomb of Saint Artemy and received healing. So, a certain John Evstafiev, from Vazhka, had eye pain for 9 years; another person, Maxim, from Vyya, had eye pain for two years; a young man from Kevrola named Vasily Lukianov – 6 years old; a certain Timofey Semenov from Mezen - month; widow Fevronya – 3 years; woman Irina Kirillova from Mezen – five weeks; girl Evdokia Yakovleva from Kushkopala - 8 days; another girl, Maria Ivanova, is one and a half years old. All of them (who suffered from eye pain) prayed to Saint Artemy the Wonderworker and vowed to serve a prayer service to the saint and venerate his tomb. Through the prayers of the saint, they all received healing and, glorifying Christ God and His saint, Saint Artemy, fulfilled their vows and came to the tomb of the saint.

42nd miracle

A certain Alimpiy Dmitriev from Verkhnyaya Toima, a silversmith, fell ill with his legs and could not walk for six weeks. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, he recovered and thanked God and Saint Artemy.

43rd miracle

One girl named Domnikia Iosifova, from Malaya Pinezhka, did not use her hand for four years. Having prayed for a long time to the Lord God and Saint Artemy the Wonderworker, through prayer she received healing from the saint.

44th miracle

A certain Joseph Maksimov, from Vyya, suffered from abdominal pain for three years. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, the miracle worker of Verkola, he recovered and praised God and Saint Artemy.

45th miracle

Another man named Emelyan Guryev from Stupin, from the Dvina, lay overcome by illness. Having prayed to Saint Artemy, he became healthy, began to walk and, rejoicing, glorified God and Saint Artemy.

46th miracle

On December 6, 1610, on the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker of Myra, at a large gathering of people, the relics of the holy and righteous Artemy were taken with faith and prayer and transferred with due honor from the chapel to the church of St. Nicholas. At that time in Verkola there was a certain John, nicknamed Rostegai, whose eyes hurt for four months and he could not see anything. He was taken to church. Having prayed to the holy wonderworker Nicholas, and with faith venerated the tomb of the righteous Artemy, he suddenly began to see and recovered. After this, he joyfully returned home, glorifying God and the holy wonderworkers Nicholas and Artemy.

47th miracle

We must remember God's blessings performed by the holy and righteous Artemy. When we are in sorrows and illnesses, then we pray to God and call on His saints for help, and also take vows on ourselves. And as soon as we receive healing and help, we already forget to fulfill our vows and prayers, and as a result we again fall into grave sorrows. This is confirmed by the following story about a miracle performed by the holy and righteous Artemy, whom one cannot help but praise. One person named Patrikiya Ignatieva, from the village of Kivokursky, Ustyug district, had a severe hernia from an early age. Having learned about the miracles of Saint Artemy, in 1602 he prayed with faith to Saint Artemy and vowed to go to the saint in Verkola and venerate his tomb. The saint heard his prayer and gave him health. The one who recovered after a long time forgot his vow. And so in 1610, on the birthday of John the Baptist, he again developed a hernia stronger than before. The sick man began to pray to Saint Artemy and, remembering the vow he had made, exclaimed: “Oh, saint of God! Help me and deliver me from this disease: now I will not lie to you and will fulfill the vow that I made to you.” Saint Artemy heard his prayer, delivered him from his illness, and he recovered. But, living prosperously, he again little by little forgot his vow, which he had given to Saint Artemy, and thus lived carefree for a long time. But in 1613, on the day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, blindness attacked him and he could not see anything. Then he remembered his unfulfilled vows to Saint Artemy and with bitter tears exclaimed: “Oh, great saint of God Artemy! I have sinned before you, the accursed one; forgive me, forgive me my sins, that I, having promised, did not fulfill the vow I made to you out of laziness, for which I now suffer; deliver me, Holy One of God, from this sorrow and give insight to my eyes: after this I will no longer lie to you.” Saint Artemy, quick to help, heard the tearful prayer of this man and healed him. Then he joyfully came to Verkola to Saint Artemy and on March 20 served a prayer service, reverently kissed the saint’s tomb with faith and tears, spoke about the glorious miracle, confessed his unbelief and joyfully returned home, thanking God and His holy saint, the wonderworker Artemy.

48th miracle

In 1617, a certain Savva Karpov, a Kevrolet from Lokhta, had a bad leg for three years. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, he recovered and glorified God and Saint Artemy.

49th miracle

The following persons had eye problems: a certain Sergius, nicknamed Shcherbinin, from Lavela, had not been seen for a year and a half. Another, Emelyan Guryev, from Stupino, from the Dvina, had eye pain for a month. The woman Fevronya Gavrilova, from Pokshenga, has not been seen for six years. All of them, having prayed with faith to St. Artemy, they came to his tomb and received healing. Going home, they joyfully gave thanks to God and Saint Artemy.

50th miracle

A certain Joseph, from the Shchipunovs' Podvina region, had pain in his hand, which he could not move. Having prayed to Saint Artemy, he suddenly recovered and glorified God and the holy wonderworker Artemy.

51st miracle

A certain Emelyan, from Yavzora, came to Kevrola and said the following: lying in relaxation, he prayed with faith to Saint Artemy and recovered. After serving the prayer service, he happily returned home.

52nd miracle

In Kevrol there lived a certain Filimon Khudyakov, from the Dvina, he had swollen bloody ulcers on his face, as a result of which he was very weak. He prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, and the saint delivered him from this illness; his face took on its former appearance, and he gave praise to God and Saint Artemy.

53rd miracle

In 1648, one woman named Alexandra Matveeva, the wife of Frolov, from Verkola, was possessed and tormented by an evil spirit; deprived of her mind, she wanted to run away into the forest, but she was closely watched. Then she began to say a lot of indecent things; they took her and brought her to the church of St. Nicholas. After serving a prayer service, she was brought to the tomb of Saint Artemy and placed on the relics of the saint. Then the evil spirit left her, she became healthy and thanked God and His saint, Saint Artemy, who performed such wondrous miracles.

54th miracle

A certain Tikhon Ivanov, a resident of Kevrolets, told us the following; He suffered from stomach pain for some time and was already approaching death. And then it occurred to him - and he began to pray to the holy and righteous Artemy Verkolsky, the wonderworker, and as a result of this prayer he received relief from his illness from the saint. Arriving in Verkola, he served a prayer service, venerated the tomb of Blessed Artemy and completely recovered from his illness. Glorifying Christ God and His saint Artemy, he joyfully returned home.

55th miracle

Another certain Simeon, nicknamed Molchanov, from Malaya Pinezhka, came to Verkola and said the following: he had been sick for five months and was not completely sane. Having made a vow to serve a prayer service to the holy wonderworkers Nicholas and Artemy in Verkola, he, through the prayers of the saints, recovered, came to full consciousness and gave praise to God and His saints.

56th miracle

At the same time, the man Simeon and his comrades sailed along Pinega from Verkola in two boats with rye. At night, they somehow accidentally skidded while driving, and they began to drown. Then they began to pray to the Lord God and Saint Artemy the Wonderworker, and through the prayers of the saint they were saved from drowning. When they came, they told us about it, and we wrote down this miracle.

57th miracle

In 1640, a certain Kozma Ivanov from Malaya Pinezhka announced to us that he had suffered from a shaking disease for six months. Having prayed with faith to the Lord God and Saint Artemy, through prayer he received health from Saint Artemy the Wonderworker.

58th miracle

One woman named Maria suffered from stomach pain for three months. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, the Verkolsky miracle worker, she suddenly recovered from her illness and thanked God and Saint Artemy.

59th miracle

On November 16, a certain Kir Josephov announced that he was suffering greatly from a fire illness. Having prayed with faith to the Lord God and Saint Artemy the Wonderworker, he, through the prayers of the saint, recovered from his illness, glorified God and Saint Artemy.

60th miracle

Another man, Simeon, nicknamed Kozarinov, from Karpovaya Mountain, came to Verkola on December 10 and told the following; in 1639, after Ilyin's day, in the fall, he and other people sailed on a ship on the sea. Suddenly, terrible waves arose from a strong storm. Fearing sudden death, they worried a lot about their salvation and already began to say goodbye to each other, preparing to drown. It came to their minds, and they began to pray to the Lord God and with tears call for help from the holy righteous Artemy, the Verkolsky miracle worker, vowing to serve a prayer service and distribute alms according to their strength. And by permission, for the sake of the prayers of Saint Artemy, the storm at sea immediately subsided; They got rid of a terrible misfortune - drowning - sailed safely across the sea and gave thanks to the All-Merciful Lord God and His saint, Saint Artemy the Wonderworker.

61st miracle

Someone named John from the village of Sura announced that for his sins he severely burned his hand with fire. Having prayed to the Lord God and His saint, Saint Artemy, he suddenly recovered from his illness and thanked God and Saint Artemy.

62nd miracle

Another person, Andrei Fedoseev, from Kuchkas, suffered from fire sickness for a long time. Having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy the Wonderworker, he received healing from the saint and gave thanks to God and Saint Artemy.

63rd miracle

At the same time, one woman named Evdokia, from the Pinezhsky portage, which belonged to the Valdokursky village, suffered from abdominal pain for three years; resorted to doctors, but did not receive any benefit; she even became worse, so that she was already close to death. Then she was reminded of the miracles of St. Artemy, the Verkolsky miracle worker. She began to pray with faith to Saint Artemy, vowed to serve him a prayer service and ordered her family to take her to Verkola. Arriving in Verkola, having served a prayer service, she venerated the tomb of blessed Artemy and immediately recovered from her illness by the grace of God, through the prayers of the saint, wondrous in miracles, Artemy.

64th miracle

At the same time, a certain Illarion Ivanov, Veksha, from Kevrola, suffered from a severe illness and did not control himself for a long time; one woman, Anastasia, from Kevrola, had pain in her ears, and the other, Paraskeva, from Chardonesha, lay relaxed for a long time and did not control a single member. All of them, having prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, recovered from their illnesses, came according to their vow to the tomb of the saint and, having given thanks to Christ God and Saint Artemy, returned home with joy.

65th miracle

On January 22 of the same year, Nikita Chaduev, a man of one governor - Stefan, nicknamed Chirikov, arrived in Verkola; with him also came the maiden Paraskeva, a prisoner from the city of Azov, newly baptized; For some time she suffered greatly from the so-called black disease. This girl, having ordered a prayer service to Saint Artemy, prayed to him with faith, venerated his coffin and suddenly received healing there. Thanks to God and Saint Artemy the Wonderworker, she happily returned home.

66th miracle

At the same time, one woman named Momelfa Kondratieva suffered from abdominal pain for a long time. Having prayed with faith to the Lord God and Saint Artemy, she recovered from her illness, thanking God and Saint Artemy.

67th miracle

On March 2, a certain Arkhip Khripunov, a resident of Kevrolets, announced to us that he had a daughter, Ksenia, who had been very ill for five years and had not seen anything; We went to the doctors, but there was no help. Then the mentioned father came to Verkola and with faith prayed to Saint Artemy for his (sick) baby; After serving a prayer service, he placed the child at the saint’s tomb, and the little one recovered and began to see. The father happily returned home.

68th miracle

Another man named Karp, from the village of Sur, fell into a serious illness, as a result of which his insides ached terribly and his body swelled. Having suffered for a long time, he was already expecting death. His mother prayed with faith to Saint Artemy, the Verkolsky miracle worker, vowing to serve a prayer service to the saint. And her sick son immediately spoke, as if awakening from sleep; his illness eased, and he recovered as if he had never been ill. Then the recovered man came to Verkola, served a prayer service, glorifying Christ God and His saint, Saint Artemy, and then joyfully returned home.

69th miracle

At the same time, one woman named Anna Kirillova, from Chakola, had a baby who was overcome by such a severe fire sickness that he was almost dead. And she prayed with faith to Saint Artemy for her baby, and the saint healed her Child from the fireworm. She gave thanks to God and Saint Artemy.

70th miracle

Another woman, Evdokia Joakimova, from Vaimushka, was ill, as a result of which her face was swollen, and she could not see anything and could not control herself. Then she began to pray to the Lord God and Saint Artemy the Wonderworker; she was brought to Verkola. After the prayer service, she was placed at the tomb of the holy and righteous Artemy, and she recovered. Having glorified God and Saint Artemy, she joyfully went home.

71st miracle

A certain Dionysius, from Verkola, had an eye problem and did not see anything for 10 weeks. Hearing about the miracles performed by Saint Artemy, he came to the saint, prayed to him with faith and, through the prayers of Saint Artemy, he recovered and gave thanks to God and His saint, Saint Artemy, who performs such wondrous and glorious miracles.

72nd miracle

And after the transfer of the relics of Saint Artemy from the chapel to the newly built church, he performed many miracles and gave healings, so that it is not possible to describe and place them without omission; and out of many things we will tell at least a little. So, Elder Ignatius arrived from the Sretensky Monastery on the Dvina and said that he had been in the monastery for four weeks in a serious illness; he lost his tongue and could not speak. And then in a vision the holy and righteous Artemy the Wonderworker came to him and stroked his head with his hand; His tongue was then loosened, and the elder began to speak; He called his spiritual father to him and confessed. Soon after this, having recovered, he came to pray to the holy and righteous Artemy, the Verkolsky miracle worker. Having served a prayer service, he venerated the saint’s tomb with tears and went to his monastery, glorifying God and Saint Artemy the Wonderworker.

73rd miracle

Someone named Afanasy, from the city of Khlynov (Vyatka province), came to Verkola and said that he once went to the store to relieve himself, became very ill and suffered for two years, and became blind. They told him about the miracles of Saint Artemy, he began to pray to Saint Artemy with tears and vowed to serve a prayer service to the saint and venerate his tomb. The patient recovered immediately and began to see. According to his vow, he served a prayer service, with faith and tears venerated the saint’s shrine and went home, glorifying God and Saint Artemy.

74th miracle

In December 1893, the young man Evsei Simeonov, nicknamed Teplukhin, came from the Kevrolsky Shardonemsky village to the Verkolsky monastery and told us the following: once in the winter, he and his comrades were on Pustozersky Island, behind the lip, in industry. Having gone to Pustozersky Island for grain supplies, he, due to the then fog, lost his way and for three days wandered around the lip in the fog, not seeing the light and greatly grieving. Extremely exhausted, he either fell and lay, or, getting up with great difficulty, walked without memory and already despaired of his life from exhaustion, from hunger and cold. Then he remembered the miracles performed between people, the holy and righteous Artemy, began to pray to God with tears, call upon the wonderworker Artemy for help, and vowed to visit the wonderworker in Verkola and serve a prayer service. Then soon the fog cleared, the light shone, and the earth appeared like a cloud: the lost one recognized the place where he was, and joyfully went to the people. But, exhausted, he could not walk and fell. People, seeing him exhausted, took him in and after a while began to question him. He told them in order about the glorious miracle that had happened to him. Those who heard everything glorified God and Saint Artemy, who saved this man from inevitable death. This man, according to his vow, served a prayer service, venerated the relics and told us about the miracle and the mercy of God shown over him, and returned home with joy, glorifying the wonderworker Artemy.

75th miracle

In January, clerk Feodor Semenov Bleznin came to Verkola from Kholmogory and told us the following MIRACLE: one day he and his comrades were sent to Kola by sea on grain boats. On the way, a storm arose and fear fell upon them all. They saw their destruction and had already changed their shirts, despairing of their salvation from death. But during this misfortune, they began to pray to God with tears and call on the righteous Artemy for help, vowed to serve a prayer service in Verkola and collected money for candles. At that same hour they were freed from destruction: the boats found themselves in a quiet position, which is why they were in the greatest joy. The storm has subsided; Therefore, God soon sent them a fair wind and they, without difficulty crossing the sea, reached Kola. Having glorified God and His holy saint Artemy for this miracle, the aforementioned (clerk) Theodore fulfilled his vow and went home.

76th miracle

A certain Zotik, from the Zabornin family, came from the Sursky village to Verkola (this was during the transfer of the miraculous relics after the fire to the warm church), served a prayer service, venerated the relics of St. Artemy and said the following: while sailing on the sea, he, having sailed to Pilikh mountains, became blind and, seeing nothing, fell behind his comrades. For three days he mourned and cried. Then he remembered the miracles of Saint Artemy, began to pray to God with tears and call on Saint Artemy for help; made a vow, if he managed to return from his journey, to serve a prayer service in Verkola. God immediately restored his sight; he saw the light and rejoiced, came to Verkola and fulfilled his promise. And we, who heard this, all together glorified God and His saint, Saint Artemy. The one who told us about this miracle went home with joy.

77th miracle

On June 6, the holy and righteous Artemy performed a wondrous and glorious MIRACLE. A certain Martyn Emelyanov, from Pukshenga, came to Verkola with his wife Natalia, who was sick with her eyes and had not seen anything for a long time. In the evening, with the permission of the priest, she went to the chapel and began to pray to God with tears and call on Saint Artemy for help. Then she took some dust, rubbed her eyelids with it, rubbed her eyes and, going to the Pinega River, washed herself with water and dust. God, through the prayers of Saint Artemy, then granted her sight, and she saw the light. Having gone to the priest, she hid the miracle until the morning, rejoicing mentally. The next day, getting up, she went with her counselor to the monastery to see the miracle worker and again prayed with faith for her insight. She already walked from the monastery without a guide and, having come to the priest’s house, told about this wondrous and glorious miracle performed by Saint Artemy, announced her insight to her husband and everyone else. Everyone glorified God and His saint, the wonderworker Artemy, and went home with joy.

78th miracle

At the same time, one woman named Daria, from Maryina Mountain Churkinykh, said that she had an eight-year-old son, Boris, and a daughter, Natalya: both of them were very sick, so that for a long time they could neither walk nor move their arms. The mother and father of the sick were very sad and grieved over the illness of their children, prayed to God for their health and vowed to go on foot to Verkola and serve a prayer service to Artemy the Wonderworker. God, through the prayers of the saint, soon gave the sick children health, and they began to walk. Their parents went to Verkola according to their vow and, having glorified God and His saint Artemy, joyfully went home.

79th miracle

On February 14, 1706, a Kevrolian from Kikhlota named Sophrony Vetrenikov came to the Verkolsky Monastery with his wife and boy, son, and told a wondrous and glorious MIRACLE created by the holy and righteous Artemy. The aforementioned son John was playing one day with his peers. Without telling anyone, he went ice skating from Mount Gledenya. On that mountain, a very steep canopy of snow blew in from the hedge. The children took it into their heads and tried to climb onto this canopy, but the snow suddenly fell and, rolling down the mountain, covered the mentioned boy John: neither a voice nor a cry was heard. His comrades who were with him, in great fear, ran to his father and told him with tears about what had happened. The father, hearing this, began to cry and hastily ran with them to that place, half a mile away from his house. Having come running, they began to search; Having seen a terrible pile of snow that had collapsed, they began to rake it away. Soon his brothers came to the aid of their father; They worked for a long time, but without success. Then the unfortunate father remembered that he had promised to stay with his dead child with the wonderworker Artemy, and he considered it a sin to delay the fulfillment of this vow. He began to pray to God with tears, asking for forgiveness from Saint Artemy and calling on him for help to help him find his son. They began to walk through the fallen snow and probe with poles; Having attacked the body with a pole, they cleared away the snow and saw the boy dead. Then the father of this child exclaimed, added new tears to his tears and a new cry to his cry, and made a new vow, if his son came to life, without any delay or delay, to go to the miracle worker and serve a prayer service. By God's mercy and the prayers of Saint Artemy, the child immediately began to tremble and after trembling, he looked up. Everyone, seeing that the child was alive, was very happy about this wondrous and unexpected miracle, because everyone had previously seen that the boy was dead and then suddenly came to life; everyone glorified God and his righteous saint Artemy. The father, together with his revived son, soon fulfilled his vow. And we, having heard, wrote down this miracle.

80th miracle

It would be unfair to remain silent about the following: the wife of the priest of the Verkolsk Resurrection Church, Peter Ignatiev, named Fevronya, had eye pain for two months and saw nothing; she resorted to doctors, but not only did she not receive any benefit, but she became even more ill, so that in great grief she thought that she would completely lose her sight. And so they brought her from Verkola part of the birch bark, found after a fire in the log house where the relics of the wonderworker Artemy were found for the first time. With faith, she laid this birch bark on the coals at night and, when smoke came from it, she bent down and, with zeal and tears Having prayed to Saint Artemy, she fell asleep. In the morning her right eye was healthy, and soon her left eye was healthy, and from that time on she began to see everything clearly. Very happy, she gave thanks to the Lord God and His saint, Saint Artemy, arrived in Verkola, served a prayer service and, having told us about all this, happily went home.

81st miracle

Then a certain Stefan from the Sipaev family came to Verkola from Vyi together with his wife and son and told us the following MIRACLE of Saint Artemy: for 15 weeks his leg hurt, it cramped and it was impossible to move it; His wife Natalya and son Eutychius had eye pain for four weeks and did not see the light. They all prayed to God, fervently asking Him for relief in their illnesses, with tears they called on Saint Artemy for help and vowed to go to Verkola to the miracle worker and serve a prayer service. At the same hour, the wife and son saw the light, and both of their eyes became healthy; Likewise, Stephen himself, through the prayers of Saint Artemy, recovered his leg. With the greatest joy they gave praise to the Lord God and the holy righteous Artemy, the Verkolsky miracle worker, and soon fulfilled their vow.

82nd miracle

Another man from the same Vyysky village named Andrei Osipov suffered greatly from fire sickness for four weeks, so that he could not move and did not eat anything. And so he, in this sorrow, with faith prayed for his health to the Lord God and the righteous saint Artemy; made a vow to stay in Verkola and serve a prayer service to Saint Artemy. After this prayer, he soon recovered and, having come to Verkola, fulfilled his promise: having glorified God and the holy wonderworker Artemy and telling us about his miracle, he joyfully went home.

Akathist to the Holy Righteous Artemius,


Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Rejoice, true friend and equal of the holy Angels.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the purity of your heart, the provident God, who looks with His all-seeing eye on all creation, fill your soul with His grace from the womb to the mother. Glorifying His wondrous and good providence for you, we sing in praise of you: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having tasted in the youth of your blessed life the sweetness of Divine grace, alien to the worldly joys of youths, you were the hidden heart of man in the imperishable adornment of the meek and silent This spirit, which is, according to the Apostle, is of great value before God. Take therefore this praise from your singers:

Rejoice, imitator of the humble and grace-filled adolescence of Christ;

Rejoice, guardian of God's grace. Rejoice, admirer of your parents;

Rejoice, in your father’s house there is an image of meekness and obedience.

Rejoice, an example of good behavior for your peers;

Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the heart.

Rejoice, contrition of the heart of the mystery;

Rejoice, pleasant aroma of spiritual tenderness.

Rejoice, you who did not accept the temptation of worldly pleasures;

Rejoice, you who have gained freedom from sinful passions.

Rejoice, reverent youth, who has acquired the spirit of the fear of God;

Rejoice, God-loving child, who loved Christ God more than your life.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 3

Strengthened by the power of the All-Holy Spirit, blessed Artemy, having received the indestructible shield of faith, and the invincible weapon - the life-giving Cross of Christ, a terrible sign for evil spirits, you kept for yourself safe and sound from these evil enemies, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having always and in everything trust in God the Provider, and staying in your father’s poor house, you acquired food by the sweat of your brow; but deprived of earthly blessings, by the will of God, you became a partaker of eternal heavenly blessings, righteous Artemy. Praising your poverty, deprivation and need, we cry out to you in greeting:

Rejoice, the image of meekness and hard work has been revealed to us;

Rejoice, beloved of our poverty for the sake of the impoverished Christ God.

Rejoice, uninvolved in worldly evils;

Rejoice, stranger to sinful self-interest.

Rejoice, consoled by heavenly pleasures for earthly deprivation;

Rejoice, for your meekness and humility, heir to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, for the needs of time you have been made worthy of the abundance of blessings of eternal, never-ending joy;

Rejoice, for the purity of your heart you were worthy to see God together with the holy angels.

Rejoice, you who do not attach your heart to the transitory blessings of this world;

Rejoice, seeking heavenly incorruptible blessings in prayer at home and in church, and in the communion of the Mysteries of Christ.

Rejoice, filled with Divine love;

Rejoice, partaker of the immortal meal.

Rejoice, thou who has acquired high humility and rich poverty, in imitation of St. Nicholas;

Rejoice, you have been a prayer book for his temple in your life.

Rejoice, you who received much reward from the Lord God in Heaven.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 4

The storm of passions and worries of life cannot comprehend you, who have in your heart the peace of God, which dwells richly in you, blessed Artemy; the winds of fickle teachings do not disturb your peaceful soul. For this reason, as Joseph, the peace of your brethren, you spent the days of your life in peace, silence and silence, and the peace of God, dwelling in the depths of your spirit, stirred you up to sing unceasingly to God: Liluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing from the law of God the word of eternal life, having the anointing of the Holy Spirit, you knew everything with good feeling, not demanding, but who teaches you, but because that very anointing taught you about everything, according to the word beloved disciple of Christ; having cried out with Divine gifts, as a young boy, you ascended to the heights of Christian piety and meekness, beloved Artemy of God. For this reason, God’s marvelous sight of you is glorifying, and we cry out to you with boldness:

Rejoice, you are a marvelous example for us of saving attention;

Rejoice, image of silence.

Rejoice, bright mirror of spiritual wisdom;

Rejoice, source of healing.

Rejoice, wonderful miracle worker;

Rejoice, treasure of chastity.

Rejoice, flower of purity and gentleness;

Rejoice, vessel of innocence.

Rejoice, flower of Angelic righteousness;

Rejoice, valuable stone of heavenly life.

Rejoice, radiance of heavenly luminaries.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 5

Having received the life-giving current of Christ’s grace with a good and kind heart, righteous Artemy, you rushed completely in the footsteps of Christ our Savior, and admiring the wealth of goodness, wisdom and love of mankind God, revealed in the redemption of sinful humanity, you burned with love for our Savior, and in the tenderness of your heart you sang Thou art to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen your merchants prospering you in piety and wisdom, righteous Artemy, I glorified the good will of God, hiding from the wise and prudent the wealth of grace and knowledge of it, according to the word Savior the calf, and the one who opens it as a baby. Likewise, we, rejoicing at the writing of your name in Heaven, offer you songs of praise with consolation:

Rejoice, chosen vessel of God's grace;

Rejoice, friend of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, full of the gift of miracles of healing;

Rejoice, receiver of the highest wisdom of God.

Rejoice, spiritual treasure of the mind;

Rejoice, good advisor to us.

Rejoice, filled with saving knowledge;

Rejoice, unquenchable flame of love.

Rejoice, all-bright star, shining in the firmament of the churches;

Rejoice, consolation to the sad.

Rejoice, physician of the infirm;

Rejoice, helper of those overwhelmed.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 6

First preacher of your glorified body, clergyman of the church of St. Nicholas, searching in the forest thicket for the fruits of the earth, you will find an invaluable treasure, your incorruptible relics, righteous Artemy, after thirty-three years, undamaged by the changes of the elements, and with a grateful feeling, bow your knee, exclaiming to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 6

You shone in a deserted place, the wilds of the forest, like the morning star afterdarkness of the night, and you soon enlightened the population of the cities, ancient Kevroli, Pinega, Arkhangelsk, Vologda and distant countries, with the radiance of your beneficent miracles. And now no one will stop crying to you:

Rejoice, great luminary, enlightening the darkness of ignorance;

Rejoice, spiritual treasure, richer of the faithful.

Rejoice, pure stream of God’s grace;

Rejoice, glory and affirmation to your country to the north.

Rejoice, like a pure Angel, singing god-red songs and leading your abode towards this;

Rejoice, pure bird, welcomed into the heavenly nest.

Rejoice, fragrant apple, fragrant to the souls of the faithful;

Rejoice, beautiful lily, delighting the hearts of the faithful.

Rejoice, young branch of the tree of paradise, who grew the sweet spiritual fruit of the Most Holy Trinity;

Rejoice, unflickering ray of Orthodox teaching.

Rejoice, olive tree of the Church of Christ, who exudes to us the wondrous oil of God’s mercy.

Rejoice, vine, who feeds us with joyful hope in the promises of salvation;

Rejoice, fig tree, reflecting sinful bitterness with its sweetness.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 7

I want the Most High Ruler of the World to call His righteous One to the Heavenly Tabernacles, with the delusion of His magnificent glory from the throne, a storm roared over the earth, thunder roared terribly, sparkled and spread terribly, like flame, lightning, and in the touch of horror to the inner feeling of the young boy, the soul was quickly taken by the Angels the righteous, met by the incorporeal forces, rejoicing in their friend, and singing to God in joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

It is wonderful to see your calling to Heavenly Jerusalem; from earthly labor to the bosom of Abraham, and from a sparsely populated place, your blessed soul, O righteous Artemy, was majestically transported to the air, thunder and fierce lightning, and water from the movement of the wind, like hands splashing. Likewise, we, rejoicing, will sing:

Rejoice, new representative of us to God;

Rejoice, you who have entered into the eternal protection of the Ever-Virgin Queen.

Rejoice, Angel of the interlocutor;

Rejoice, inhabitant of Heavenly Paradise.

Rejoice, dispassionate heir to the righteous;

Rejoice, witness to our immortal life.

Rejoice, having escaped the aerial tormentors struck by arrows of lightning during your departure to Heaven;

Rejoice, you who did not see the vile demonic visions.

Rejoice, branch of paradise, gladdening with fragrance;

Rejoice, fragrant rose of Eden, fragrant to our souls.

Rejoice, beautiful bunch of the Tsar appointed at the table;

Rejoice, our warm prayer book.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 8

Your upbringing is strange and perplexing, O righteous man; For you were filled with the mind of God, and you attained the holiness of the Spirit, having learned from no man; hidden from your contemporaries and they marveled at your piety and repose in your youth. But your wonderful healings and various miracles lift our voices to the praise of God about you, so that we can continually and joyfully sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You were all in God with the thought of God, and strengthened by God's grace, you appeared unapproachable to the insidious serpent, watching the heel of those walking the narrow path. So guide us also to walk without stumbling in the path of the commandments of Christ, so that we cry out to you with gratitude:

Rejoice, our wondrous guide;

Rejoice, meek teacher of all those who are being saved.

Rejoice, finger of God, showing us the things above;

Rejoice, heavenly voice, calling everyone to exploits of salvation.

Rejoice, pure dove, possessing a branch of paradise;

Rejoice, spiritual gusset, showing in incorruption the spring of the coming century.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 9

The whole angelic nature, having come into joyful trembling, gave praise to God: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of hosts, ever your innocent and pure soul, undamaged from many demonic insurances, and transferred to the life, worship the Trinitarian Deity, singing to Him with all the saints : Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The verbose vitii, unable to discern with the eye of reason, darkened by pride and passions, the creative wisdom in the structure of the universe, cannot comprehend the glorification of the relics of the holy saint Bo live. We, with perfect faith and simplicity of heart, proclaim to you, our illustrious man of prayer:

Rejoice, having given your incorruptible power to the faithful as a pledge of love;

Rejoice, you who assure us of the truth of the Resurrection and eternal life.

Rejoice, having fulfilled the word of God on yourself: the Lord guards all the bones of the righteous;

Rejoice, having confirmed by fulfillment the word of Christ God: the hair of your head will not perish.

Rejoice, brought with honor from the wilds to the Orthodox church for public honor and worship;

Rejoice, testified by the Lord God with the gift of miracles.

Rejoice, for the pure reliquary of the holy relics even now attracts the hearts of votive pilgrims to worship you;

Rejoice, you who have revealed the truth of the words of Scripture: “for an everlasting memory the righteous will be,” and “the righteous will flourish like the phoenix, and like the cedar tree in Lebanon will multiply.”

Rejoice, you who stop the quarrelsome mouth;

Rejoice, bridle the tongue of unbelief and blasphemy.

Rejoice, thou who humblest the pride of those who dare to sanctify things;

Rejoice, thou who captivate the arrogant mind into the obedience of the faith of Christ.

Rejoice, having reached Heaven in the spirit of blessed simplicity and gentleness.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 10

To save every person, you sincerely prayed to guide you on the path of salvation, and with the grace of God that illuminated you, you came to Heavenly Jerusalem, where you saw Him face to face , His name is like the ointment poured out, there you unceasingly sing the glory of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is solid and indestructible, the fence of the monastery, dedicated to your holy name, the essence of your incessant prayers to God, holy righteous Artemy. Moreover, those living in it gratefully raise their voices to you:

Rejoice, our strong guardian;

Rejoice, our vigilant protector.

Rejoice, our mentors who protect us from destructive disasters;

Rejoice, you who shoot arrows of fear at your enemies.

Rejoice, shield stronger than brass;

Rejoice, armor of righteousness, reflecting the stone-throwing of the hellish murins.

Rejoice, praise and affirmation to the monastery of monks and our entire country.

Rejoice, helper of those who labor;

Rejoice, joy to the silent and meek.

Rejoice, healing of the sick;

Rejoice, strength of the weak.

Rejoice, you who are sad and cheerful;

Rejoice, consolation to those who mourn.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 11

Our song of praise to you, who lives in the glory of the Father of lights, which is now sent out, is unworthy to eat, as if it came from unclean lips; But he himself came to us, disappearing the outskirts of purity and chaste, to cleanse the heart and soul of thought, and you are happy to favorably eat the exclamation of the whole -hearted god: Alllujei.

Ikos 11

Illuminated from childhood by the light of the commandments of God, you soon ascended to the Trinitarian Light, before Him you interceded for our enlightenment, for Him, pleadingly, crying out with love:

Rejoice, star of unevening light;

Rejoice, ray of light, warming our coldness.

Rejoice, bright one, who enlightens our darkness;

Rejoice, for the fire that warms us to the love of Christ God who loved us.

Rejoice, mentally touch, like coal, cold hearts;

Rejoice, golden lamp, lit to appease the Righteous Judge.

Rejoice, spiritual lamp, illuminating the path of salvation for the faithful;

Rejoice, fiery furnace, burning up the thorns of our sins.

Rejoice, furnace that smokes the aroma of prayer;

Rejoice, censer emitting a wonderful fragrance of humility.

Rejoice, burning with flame, destroying wickedness.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 12

Ask us for Divine grace, holy servant of God, may he always cover us from enemies visible and invisible, may he teach us to imitate you in angelic purity and gentleness, may he direct our hearts to to humility, repentance and unflagging fulfillment of the commandments of Christ; May He grant us a Christian death and lead us safely through the airy path, so that we may be honored there to see the glory of the Great God, and sing to Him forever: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing to you today, even if unworthy, but zealous praise with mortal and unclean lips, we reverently pray to you, holy righteous Artemy: look at our many weaknesses of soul and body whining, and give us help to accomplish good deeds, and to always glorify your holy name, crying out to you:

Rejoice, warrior of the King of kings;

Rejoice, servant of the Lord of lords.

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Owner of every creature;

Rejoice, thou crowned with the crown of incorruption from the incorruptible God Samago.

Rejoice, adorned with the imperishable diadem of the Kingdom of Christ;

Rejoice, clothed in brilliant purple for your purity of heart and kindness.

Rejoice, having received from the hand of God the ring of sonhood;

Rejoice, heir to the Heavenly Eternal Kingdom.

Rejoice, powerful representative, help the Orthodox against those who fight;

Rejoice, leader, help our army invisibly in battle.

Rejoice, you who protect the borders of our Fatherland with the solid shield of your protection;

Rejoice, hastening our salvation and I intercede with your prayers to the Lord God for us sinners.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 13

O wonderful servant of God and beloved miracle worker, Artemy! We pray to your holiness, be merciful to your holy monastery, and to all who call you with love and hope. In your purity and righteousness, ask the Lord God for forgiveness of our sins and zeal for good deeds, so that we may live the rest of our lives in all piety and purity, and may we be honored at the Last Judgment at her right hand is the Judge, Christ our God, and to the ages of ages by you sing to the lover of mankind: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times.

Ikos 1

Having an angelic disposition and an immaculate soul from the holy baptismal font, you escaped the ordinary world of this world and temptations, you were a stranger to stumblings and falls, with a secretly pure heart praying to the One All-Good God, who looks mercifully on the meek and humble. For this reason we cry out to you with one voice:

Rejoice, a wondrous appearance of holiness among men;

Rejoice, beloved Heavenly Father.

Rejoice, longed-for Son of God;

Rejoice, precious and pure vessel of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, ardent admirer of the Queen of Heaven;

Rejoice, true friend and equal of the holy Angels.

Rejoice, O righteous saint of all;

Rejoice, decoration of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, thou good worker, faithful in little things, placed over many things;

Rejoice, thou who has entered into the joy of thy Lord.

Rejoice, you wear the crown of incorruptibility;

Rejoice, glorified by the Lord God for the gift of healings.

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.

Kontakion 1

To the chosen righteous, wondrous representative before God, the bright lamp of our northern country, the God-loving and God-loving youth Artemy, who comforts and instructs worshipers with beneficent miracles By the faith of your holy race, writing thanksgiving, we joyfully and solemnly cry:

Rejoice, our representative, the righteous Artemy.


Holy servant of God, righteous Artemy, close guardian of the holy Orthodox faith and close protector of the entire northern region of the Russian country!

Look mercifully at the fervent prayer of us sinners, and through your compassionate intercession ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins, advancement in faith and piety, and protection from the wiles of the devil.

Pray to the Lord, may he keep his faithful people in health and unchangeable well-being, may he give our country peace and quiet, and give us unfeigned obedience; may we all be worthy to receive, after the death of Christians, the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the righteous, together with you, eternally glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Troparion, tone 2:

By the command of the Most High / which darkened the sky with a cloudy cloud / and the shining lightning, / and the thunder that roared with rebuke, / you released your soul into the hand of the Lord, / the wise Artemy, and now stand before the throne of the Lord of all, / who comes to you with faith and love, / giving healing is urgent for everyone / and praying to Christ God // that our souls will be saved.

Kontakion, tone 8:

Today the bright memory of the wise Artemy rises: / God-given grace, like rivers, pours out from the holy healing cancer the relics of his wondrous healing, / through them we get rid of many different ailments, / with faith we receive I am loving and crying: // Rejoice, Artemy God-wise.


We magnify you, holy righteous youth Artemy, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ our God.


1577- a shrine with relics was placed on the porch of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

1583- moved from the porch to a deliberately arranged chapel in the same church.

1639– the church burned down, and the holy relics were scorched in the fire. After which they were placed in the chapel in a new shrine with a new cover.

1647- the governor issued a decree on the construction of a new church and the transfer of holy relics into it.

November 17, 1649they are placed on the southern side of the temple in the name of the Great Martyr Artemy.

July 4, 1701- to the newly built cold church of the Great Martyr Artemy.

June 23, 1712A shrine with holy relics was placed in the corner of the southern side of the newly built warm church in honor of the holy righteous youth Artemy.

December 9, 1789 the temple burned down, and again the relics were transferred to the cold church of the Great Martyr Artemy.

September 23, 1785 A warm stone church was founded in the name of the holy righteous youth Artemy. Its construction was completed in 1806, and the shrine with his relics was transferred there.

1887- the ark with the relics of the righteous Artemy was transferred from a wooden shrine to a silver one.

1892- at the expense of the Kronstadt shepherd John (Sergiev), a gilded canopy over the shrine of St. Artemy and a new hearse for his relics were made.

1888– The Holy Synod allowed the relics of Righteous Artemy to be carried around the monastery every year on June 23.

1918- a special detachment of the Cheka was sent to the monastery. But the brethren of the monastery managed to hide the relics of Saint Artemy in a secret place from desecration.

In 1941-1942In the Verkolsky environs, a special detachment of the NKVD searched for the relics, but did not find them.

The holy ve-li-ko-mu-che-nik Ar-te-miy was one of the y-y-y-y-y-y-o-chi-s-in-government equal to such a king Kon-stan-ti-na Ve-li-ko-go (306-337, May 21), and then - his son and pre-em-n-ka Kon-station (337-361). Ar-te-miy, had many awards for his personal service and from-va-gu, was put in place by no one in Egypt. In this capacity, he did a lot for the spread and strengthening of Christianity in Egypt. Im-per-ra-to-ra Kon-station was replaced by Yuli-an (361-363). Im-per-ra-tor-from-the-step-nik, wishing to return paganism, waged an implacable struggle against Christianity, from directing hundreds of Christians to death. In Antiochia, he ordered to torture two bishops who would not renounce the faith of Christ. At this time, Saint Ar-te-miy came to the city and all the people accused Yuli-a-na of wickedness. The once-wrathful Apostate subjected the holy one to the same torture. After this, they lead the bro-si-li to the same place. During the prayer, when the saint was ascending to the Lord, Christ Himself appeared to him, surrounded by Angels and said: “Man-up, Ar-te-miy! I’m with you and I’ll spare you from any pain, whatever it may be.” -be, and I am already preparing a crown of glory for you, for how you proved Me before people on earth, so I also confess you before My Heavenly Father. So, be courageous and rejoice - you will be with Me in My King. -stve". Hearing this from the Sa-mo-Gos-po-da, he began to bla-go-da-rat and glorify Him.

The next day, Yuli-an demanded that the leader Ar-te-miy recognize the pagan gods. Having met a decisive refusal, they resorted to torture. The mover moved all without a single stop. The holy one told Yulia that he would soon receive just retribution for the evil done to them by Christ -us. The renegade became furious and resorted to even more severe torture, but they did not break their will. , and then Saint Ar-te-miy was beheaded († 362).

His remains would-have-been christ-a-na-mi.

After the death of the holy great Ar-te-miya, his prophecy about a quick death came true whether Yuli-a-na Step-no-step.

Yuli-an with his army left An-tio-chia to fight the Pers. Near the Persian city of Kte-zi-fo-na he met an old Persian. He promised to betray his compatriots and be a pro-voice for Yuli-a-na’s army. The old man turned away from step and led his army into the Kar-ma-nit desert, into impenetrable places where there was no water, no food. The exhausted hunger and thirst of the Gre-co-Roman army Yuli-and-you would-need to join the battle with the fresh -mi si-la-mi per-sov.

Divine retribution came here and I myself stepped away. During the battle, he was mortally wounded by an invisible hand, an invisible weapon. Yuli-an groaned heavily and, dying, said: “You’re in trouble, Ga-li-le-ya-nin!” After the death of the holy one, they brought the Ar-te- Mia and I moved from An-tio-khia to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to the Great Martyr Artemy of Antioch, tone 4

By the true faith of Christ/ be strengthened, passion-bearer,/ the tormentor of the wicked king/ you have conquered with that idol’s exaltation./ Thus from the Great King, who reigns forever,/ a blessed crown I am gifted to be victorious,/ heal all those who are sick and those who call upon you, Artemy the Great,/ pray Christ God // save our souls.

Translation: Strengthened by the true faith of Christ, you defeated the wicked tormentor king with his idol sacrifices. Therefore, from the Great King, who reigns forever, he was gifted with the bright crown of victory. Healing all those who are sick and who call on you, Artemy the Great, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to the Great Martyr Artemia of Antioch, tone 2

The pious and crowned martyr,/ having conquered the enemies of victory,/ having come together, we worthily praise Artemy with songs,/ the greatest among martyrs,/ the giver of miracles,// He prays to the Lord for all of us.

Translation: The pious and crowned martyr, who captured the trophy of victory over the enemy, gathered together, let us duly glorify Artemy, the great martyr, the generous giver of miracles, for he prays to the Lord for all of us.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Artemy of Antioch

Oh, all-validated Great Martyr Artemy, the Lord is a warrior and a strong champion of us all! Be quickly your intercessor with the Lover of Mankind, may He grant to the faithful people who honor you and come to venerate your relics, mercy and good petitions speedy fulfillment. Stand before the Throne of God in the person of the martyr, remember us all, with the troubles, misfortunes and sorrows of the present, and in this life there are many who suffer: may the coming cease with your help and strong struggle angry at us. We, who are edified by your sufferings, are filled with the power of the grace of Christ through you, and through the patience of the cross we will begin to live in order to please the Lord through repentance and the unspeakable goodness that has been prepared. Vana to those who love God and glorify His holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever , and forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Kontakion 1

To the chosen governor and Augustal of the land of Egypt, the king of the earth, exalted in honor, who was tormented after the evil Julian and who was truncated at the head, who suffered so much and endured everything victorious, who received incorruptibility and the grace of miracles from God, today, in his return, let us cry out in praise:

Ikos 1

The people of Antioch marveled at your holy zeal for the name of Christ, glorious Artemy, for they could not bear to see the torment of the saints and hear the blasphemy against the Lord spewed by Julian; Even though you came from Alexandria to honor him, you were not afraid to expose him. Moreover, having been deposed from your military rank for your daring, you accepted the condemnation of wounds and death. We now, as we stand in disgrace to the tormented one, cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who endured disgrace and torment from Julian.

Rejoice, clothed in glory and radiance from God.

Rejoice, fiercest one who has raised up suffering.

Rejoice, you who showed the greatness of faith.

Rejoice, shine with the glory of patience.

Rejoice, our fortress in sorrow and exhaustion.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 2

Be faithful to the king, giving Saint Artemy the wicked Julian: “For your undertakings are vain and your pride is weak to destroy Christians: even though Christ came, and the Cross was erected, and the Lord was raised on it, the pride of the wicked has fallen and the fortress of the evil one has been trampled underfoot, but Christ’s is invincible and there is an insurmountable power, by which we are protected, we will be able to resist the wiles of the enemy, crying out to God victoriously: Alleluia.”

Ikos 2

Fighting for the great Tsar Constantine, you defeated your enemies with the strong power of the godmother, Artemy the weapon; with the same power you overcame your tormentor Julian. By the vision of the cross in heaven, you were confirmed in the faith of Christ, despising the flattery of idols and the honors of military rank, you courageously fought for Christians before the apostate, and you named the warriors the leader of our faith, the Lord Christ, and you valiantly laid down your life for Him. In the same way, you aspired to yourself from us the following title:

Rejoice, you who have rejected the idolatrous banners of the apostate Caesar.

Rejoice, thou who followed the sign of the Cross.

Rejoice, and now strengthen the strength of those fighting under the banner of faith.

Rejoice, strengthen the hope of the weary.

Rejoice, good armorer of Christ.

Rejoice, steadfast defender of the saints of the faith.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 3

“Lord, I am far from Thy patience and kindness,” you cried, Saint Artemy, having endured the first torment, “For you, Lord, for me, the most sinful, you were cut off with wounds all over your body, from your feet to your head you were not in I wish you well. I pray to Thee, Master, for Thou hast crowned me with Thy sufferings, and may Thou complete my course in confessing to Thee with the song: Alleluia.”

Ikos 3

The evil king gave the command to his squire to capture you, the glorious military leader, Artemy, and take away your high-ranking belt, and take off your vestments, and torture you naked. They, having tied your hand and nose, stretched your body into four and beat you with ox sinews along the ridge and belly, as if their strength had become impoverished. You were as insensible as you were, like everyone standing around, and you were so amazed at Julian himself. Please accept from us this laudable surprise:

Rejoice, invincible in faith.

Rejoice, insurmountable in hope.

Rejoice, you who set your nose on the stone of patience.

Rejoice, you who courageously corrected your steps.

Rejoice, rejoicing in suffering.

Rejoice, glorified in reproach.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 4

When the holy confessors Eugene and Macarius were tormented, then you, Blessed Artemie, were moved by zeal for God, and you prayed, so that God would not show you that you are not exactly unworthy of your suffering undertaking, but may your original song also be corrected before Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Beaten by the sinews of an ox and dragged along the ground, you were in no way faint-hearted, but rejoicing and having fun, enlightened by the suffering of Christ, you completed the feat of martyrdom to the end with goodness. That is why you are worthy of pleasing this one:

Rejoice, you who crushed the meager vessel of your flesh.

Rejoice, the light of faith and the power of courage revealed from him.

Rejoice, in his weakness the power of the Lord has been perfected.

Rejoice, for the tormentor seemed to be patient with him.

Rejoice, for God has accepted your sacrifice of torment.

Rejoice, for the Good One has given you the lot of salvation.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 5

“You suffer for Me, Artemy, take courage and rejoice,” said Christ, appearing to the saint in prison, “you will be with Me in My Kingdom.” Having heard this, the martyr was healed from his wounds, and his soul was filled with Divine consolation, remaining in prison, blessing God and singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

And hunger and thirst tormented you in prison, blessed Artemy. But you, who offered yourself the bounty of the Most Blessed Lord, asked for only one thing, and even your very soul, as if the Lord Christ would accept a living sacrifice from you with your remaining blood. And your zeal was not in vain: for the Lord commanded with His Angel in prison to nourish and preserve you, and then He Himself appeared, strengthening you, and teaching us to proclaim to you:

Rejoice, you who were fed by the hand of the Angel in prison.

Rejoice, strengthened by the bread of animals from heaven.

Rejoice, you were healed from your wounds by the Lord’s visit in chains.

Rejoice, filled with consolation by the appearance of Christ.

Rejoice, joyful of the Lord in prison.

Rejoice, having ascended to Him to receive the crown of glory prepared for you.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 6

“Since the Masters of my suffering are many, and that I, the unworthy, have endured more than Him,” cried blessed Artemy, “He was nailed to the Cross because of sin for my sake, without knowing sin himself, he brought flattery into his mouth. I rejoice and am glad, enlightened by my Lord through the sufferings that ease my illnesses.” Thus the saint, conversing within himself, sang to God all night together with the sufferers Eugene and Macarius: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The suffering Artemie, the wicked king, betrayed you to the cruelest torment, when he returned with shame from Apollo of Daphnia and heard the mockery and prophecy of his destruction from you, and burst into flames with green rage. In the same way, for these sufferings, we please you with the greatest suffering:

Rejoice, for through you God, wondrous in His saints, has appeared in His tongue.

Rejoice, for through you the sweetest name of Christ has been glorified.

Rejoice, thou who art not afraid of the fury of torment.

Rejoice, in the hope of Christ you laughed at idols.

Rejoice, in spirit we prophesy the future to the prophet.

Rejoice, dear bearer of the Spirit of the Lord.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 7

The wicked Christian Julian did a lot of mischief, lying to him, as if he had burned the temple of Apollo Daphne. When this liar uttered numerous reproaches against Christians before Artemy, Saint Artemy responded: “God-empty wrath and fire from heaven consumed your idol and burned its temple; I laugh at your madness, as you serve a soulless God, I am comforted by his fall and I rejoice in all of these, even the Christ of miracles, Who deserves to be sung loudly: Alleluia.”

Ikos 7

Unable to bear to hear your righteous words, holy Artemy, the lawless Julian, becoming very angry, commanded the stonecutter to cut the great stone, so that in the midst of its parts you would be bent. And for this, prepared for this, the falling stone will erase your whole body, and your inner being will disintegrate, and all your members will be broken. And without seeing a great miracle, how in such a bend in the middle of the stones you remained alive. We cry out in wonder at God’s power, which strengthened you:

Rejoice, thou trampled bunch of Christ's grapes in the winepress.

Rejoice, living sacrifice, blood poured out to the Lord above the stone.

Rejoice, martyr, whose whole body bends like a soul.

Rejoice, living tablet, on which the confession of faith was written in blood.

Rejoice, you mixed stone with your blood, like clay.

Rejoice, you have dedicated yourself to living in the building of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 8

Your eyes have been worn out from torment, holy one, and your face has been erased, but your soul is still strong and your tongue speaks well, even in your oppression you called on God, your Helper, and in trust in Him you cried out: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The ghost mail you king, when you see the terrible sight and human nature happening; Moreover, I exhort you to worship the idol, so that they will have mercy on you and will not hand you over to torment in hell. You, laughing at the king, answered: “As idols themselves cannot escape fire, with them you, the king, will be betrayed to endless fire.” For a hedgehog, as a blasphemer, the king condemned you to death. We, having descended upon you to the place of truncation, will bind your head with crowns of praise as follows:

Rejoice, sufferer, bent among the stones.

Rejoice, confessor, not overcome in the strength of faith.

Rejoice, you who spoke the truth without fear before the kings.

Rejoice, for this you have received truncation by the sword after all the sufferings.

Rejoice, you who willfully bowed your sacred head under the sword.

Rejoice, having crushed the heads of invisible enemies with your patience.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 9

You were crushed with wounds all over your body, as if people were afraid to look at you: bent like a woman, broken bones, and all your inner devastation. You considered such suffering to be a minor illness, hoping in the Lord that you suffered for what was wrong, to have eternal peace, teaching you not to be faint-hearted in suffering, but to still send gratitude to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

“Behold, the wounds of Christ are marked on your body,” the saint said to himself, “for that remains, and I will give my very soul for Christ with the blood that remains in me.” And you offered yourself to the bounty of the Lord, you fearlessly confessed Christ before men, and you joyfully accepted the beheading for being unworthy. For this reason, for your surpassing love for God, we praise you:

Rejoice, speedy listener of the Gospel of Christ.

Rejoice, ready executor of His great commandments.

Rejoice, you who showed strong love for the Lord Christ.

Rejoice, and joyfully betrayed your soul with blood for Him.

Rejoice, strengthen our weakening with your kindness.

Rejoice, you heal our illnesses with your wounds.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 10

Armed with firm faith, you despised the tormenting fury, and you accepted the condemnation of beheading with joy, and led to death, you walked with merry feet, crying out to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

By the truncation of your head, you sealed your martyr’s feat, strengthen with your prayers also us, who have bowed our heads under the yoke of Christ, through all our lives we will fight the good fight, learn from you to love the Lord, crying to your face:

Rejoice, O mighty one, girded with the sword of faith at your hip to overcome the tormentors.

Rejoice, protected by the helmet of salvation from the Lord.

Rejoice, well adorned with the belt of glory from Him.

Rejoice, protecting with the shield of your prayers all those who come running to you.

Rejoice, take up arms for the Lord’s sufferers fully armed.

Rejoice, unwaveringly accompanying those who walk the narrow path to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 11

Preparing to drink the vial of suffering to the end, you bowed to the ground at the place of truncation and strengthened your spirit with prayer to God. And hearing a voice from heaven saying: “Go down with the saints and receive the reward prepared for you,” you bowed your head under the sword, joyfully offering up to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We all praise you, passion-bearing saint, and we honor your honest sufferings, which you endured more than human nature, and you claimed the Kingdom of Heaven. We also rise up to cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who have accepted exhaustion and self-harm.

Rejoice, you who revealed the height of the spirit in torment.

Rejoice, you who protected yourself with a shield of hope.

Rejoice, having exhausted the insolence of the tormentors with your firmness.

Rejoice, for the Angels stood before his torment with amazement.

Rejoice, for his sufferings people honor with tenderness.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 12

At the price of your blood you have claimed the Kingdom of Heaven, Artemy, the great sufferer of Christ. Guide us also through your intercession in the heavenly abode, so that, enjoying with you the portions of the righteous, we will glorify God with you in song: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

The Lord Christ opened the heavenly palace and gave you the crown of glory worthily: and now in heaven you rejoice with the angelic ranks. Likewise, we, grateful people and martyrs, cry out to you in songs:

Rejoice, commander, who has overcome no one in courage.

Rejoice, warrior for Christ, inexhaustible in strength.

Rejoice, great sufferer, who has astonished human nature with your torments.

Rejoice, indestructibility of the spirit revealed in bodily destruction.

Rejoice, you did not doubt in your trust in the Living God.

Rejoice, enjoy the portion of the righteous in heaven.

Rejoice, Saint Artemis, glorious martyr of Christ.

Kontakion 13

Oh, most glorious Great Martyr of Christ Artemy! We sing of your suffering, we honor your enduring death, with fervent prayer flowing to you: strengthen us with patience in the struggle of bearing the cross, enduring trials and suffering through all of life to the end, not despondent, but cheerfully remaining in singing to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Oh, all-validated Great Martyr Artemy, the Lord’s warrior and strong champion of all of us! Be quick to intercede with Christ the Lover of Mankind, so that the faithful people who venerate you and come to venerate your relics may receive mercy and speedy fulfillment of good petitions. Stand before the Throne of God in the person of the martyr, remember us all, with the troubles, misfortunes and sorrows of the present, and in this life there are many who suffer: may the evil that comes to us cease with your help and strong struggle. We, who are edified by your sufferings, fulfilled by the power of the grace of Christ through you, will begin to live in the patience of bearing the cross, in order to please the Lord through repentance and the ineffable good inheritance that is prepared for those who love God and glorify His holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever , and forever and ever. Amen.

Praise the Lord for sending us such bright saints who, by the example of their pious and righteous lives, showed people the great and saving faith in Christ. And that there is no more reliable and faithful hand, which is always ready to support a poor and weak person and guide him on the path of truth. Next we will talk about two famous men.

One of them - Artemy of Antioch - is a great martyr, while Artemy of Verkolsky is considered a holy righteous youth, but not a great martyr. You need to know this so that you don’t confuse them later and correctly address them in your prayers. Their lives are impressive enough to feel the power of their faith and deeds, let’s get acquainted with it.

Life of the Great Martyr Artemy

The future Saint Artemy was born into a noble Roman family and belonged to the senatorial class. He was a participant in the battle between Emperor Constantine and Emperor Maxentius, which took place at the Milvian Bridge in 312. At this time, a Cross suddenly appeared in the sky with the inscription: “With this conquer!” This divine sign made a huge impression on the warrior Artemy and converted him to Christianity.

Great Martyr Artemius was a famous military leader during the reign of the Roman emperors Constantine I (306-337) and his son Constantius (337-361). With them, he was a close adviser and confidant. For his faithful service, he was awarded certificates and made the head of Egypt, endowed with special powers. On behalf of the ruler Constantius, with great honors, he transported the relics of Luke from Patras to Constantinople.

Julian the Apostate

But after the reign of Emperor Constantius, Julian the Apostate (361-363) ascended the throne, a pagan who began to wage a cruel and irreconcilable struggle against Christianity. Executions began everywhere, hundreds of Christians were doomed to a painful death. In Antioch, he ordered two bishops who did not renounce their faith in Christ to be tortured. It was at this time that the Great Martyr Artemy came to the city; the widespread executions of Christians could not leave his noble heart indifferent. And he openly began to denounce the ruler Julian for dishonor, cruelty and pagan errors. Then the angry emperor accused him of complicity in the murder of his older brother Gall. He was immediately arrested, then they cruelly mocked him for a long time, and after that they imprisoned him.

When the holy Great Martyr Artemy once again prayed to his Lord, Jesus Christ himself appeared to him with the angels and said that he should take heart, since He would deliver him from all the pain that his tormentors had caused him, and that a crown of glory was prepared for him. For just as he preached Christ before the people, so He will also confess him before the Heavenly Father. And Christ added that he should be courageous and rejoice, since he would soon be with Him in His Kingdom. And he healed him, because he, wounded by torture, had been without food or nourishment for a long time, fed only by the grace of the Holy Spirit.


After this, the Great Martyr Artemy, delighted by such news, began to fervently glorify and thank the Lord. The next day he was again brought to Julian to force the strong and glorious warrior to bow and sacrifice to the pagan gods. But, having achieved nothing, he again subjected him to terrible and painful torture. But the great ascetic endured all the suffering without a single cry or groan.

The Great Martyr Artemy of Antioch predicted to Julian that he would soon be overtaken by the just punishment of God for the numerous evils that he had caused to Christians. From these words, the emperor became even more fierce and again ordered the faithful Christian to be tortured, but he could not break his will.

At this time, in Antioch, a pagan temple - the sanctuary of Apollo in Daphne - burned down from fire that fell from the sky. Julian, taking advantage of the opportunity, immediately blamed the Christians for this. And he ordered execution for Saint Artemy (362). First they crushed him with a stone, and then cut off his head with a sword.


Soon after this, the Roman governor was also struck. The prophecies of Saint Artemy came true exactly one year later. Julian and his army, leaving Antioch, went to fight the Persians. Approaching the city of Ctesiphon, they met an old Persian who asked to be Julian’s guide, promising to betray his fellow citizens for a small reward. But as it turned out later, he deceived them and led the soldiers into the wild, impassable Karmanite desert, where there was neither water nor food. The Greco-Roman troops, hungry and exhausted from the heat, entered into a forced battle with the Persian forces, which were well prepared for the meeting. In a battle with the Persians, a cavalry spear cut his arm, pierced his ribs and lodged in his liver. As a result, Julian, struck down by an invisible hand, groaned heavily and uttered the words before his death: “You have won, Galilean!”

Finding the relics

After the death of the tyrant, the relics of the holy great martyr Artemia were taken from Antioch along with the Christians by the deaconess Arista and took them to Constantinople. Later they were buried in the Church of St. John the Baptist, which was built by Emperor Anastasius I, which later received a second name in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Artemy.

Today the name of the saint is held in special esteem in the city of Patras. The Day of the Great Martyr Artemy is celebrated on October 20 (November 2). He is considered the patron saint of the city and the founder of the monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Girokomiou. On this day, a solemn commemoration is always performed, prayers and an akathist to the Great Martyr Artemy are read. Numerous miracles are performed from his holy relics.

Icons and prayers

On icons, the Great Martyr Artemy is traditionally depicted with long hair and a forked short beard, wearing military armor and a himation. But there are other interpretations.

The prayer to the Great Martyr Artemy begins with the words: “Holy servant of God, Artemy the Righteous!” The second is “Holy Martyr Artemis!”

For the first time, the life of the holy great martyr and warrior Artemius was described by John of Rhodes at the end of the 10th century, then it was processed and supplemented by Simeon Metaphrastus. The ancient Byzantine historians Ammianus Marcellinus and Philostorgius also reported on Saint Artemia of Antioch.

In 1073, a particle of his relics was found by the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. It is also known that holy relics were found in the reliquary cross of the Russian Emperor Mikhail Fedorovich, which became the blessing of Patriarch Philaret.

Saint Artemy Verkolsky

In 1532, in the pious family of villagers Cosmas (nicknamed Maly) and Apollinaria in the village of Verkole, near the Pinega River in the Dvina District, a son was born, who was named Artemy. His parents raised him in good Christian traditions. He was an obedient, meek and God-fearing child, who from the age of five did not like all kinds of children's pranks and fun. He diligently, as much as he could at his young age, helped his father with the housework.

On June 23, 1545, twelve-year-old Artemy was working with his father in the field, when suddenly lightning flashed nearby and thunder struck, at which time the boy fell to the ground dead. The frightened, superstitious peasants considered this incident to be a punishment from Heaven, and therefore Artemy’s body, covered with brushwood and birch bark, was left untreated and unburied in the forest called Sosonia.

Holy relics

A little over thirty years after Artemy’s death in 1577, Deacon Agafonik, who served in the local church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, saw an unusual glow in the forest exactly above the place where Artemy’s remains were once left. This is how the holy youth Artemy was found, which the people brought and placed on the porch of the church of St. Nicholas in Verkola. The Lord glorified him with miracles, as a result of which in 1639 he sent an order to the “local” clergy to compile obvious evidence, which was soon delivered to the metropolitan. And the next year he sent the “created festival” - stichera, litia, poems, glory books, troparion, ikos, kontakion, luminaries, praises and singing under the banner.

Prayers and miracles

Through the prayers of Saint Artemy, many sick people were healed, and especially those who suffered from eye diseases. One day, a resident of Kholmogory, Hilarion, came to the temple, having lost his sight and completely despairing of getting it back. And so the righteous Artemy appeared to the sufferer with a cross in his right hand and a staff in his left, overshadowing the sick man with the cross and telling him that Christ had healed him by the hand of His servant Artemy. And he sent the townsman to go to Verkola to bow to his coffin and tell the priest and peasants about what had happened.

The patient recovered immediately. In 1584, admirers of the holy youth transferred his holy relics from the porch of the temple to the built area.

The Mezen governor Afanasy Pashkov, for the healing of his sick son, in gratitude to the saint, built a temple in honor of the holy great martyr Artemy - the heavenly patron of the holy and righteous youth. In 1619, the relics of the saint were examined and on December 6 transferred to a new church, which burned down 30 years later, but in 1649, on the site of the found relics, a monastery was built under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, where the relics were also delivered.

There is a legend that the holy youth had a sister, the righteous wonderworker Paraskeva of Piriminskaya.

Now the memory of Saint Artemy is celebrated on June 23 (the day of presentation) and the memory of the namesake Great Martyr Artemy).