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Significant holidays in the courtyard: patronal and Optina holidays. Sights of the Optina Hermitage Church of the Optina Elders

The Cathedral of the Optina Elders is a holiday dedicated to the memory of 14 monks who lived in the period of the 18th-20th centuries (Optina Elders). On this day the following are glorified:

1. hieroschemamonk (Nagolkin), 1768-1841;
2. hieroschemamonk (Ivanov), 1788-1860;
3. Schema-Archimandrite (Putilov), 1782-1862;
4. schema abbot (Putilov), 1795-1865;
5. hieroschemamonk (Ponomarev), 1805-1873;
6. hieroschemamonk (Grenkov), 1812-1891;
7. Schema-Archimandrite (Antimonov), 1810-1894;
8. hieroschemamonk (Zertsalov), 1824-1894;
9. hieroschemamonk (Litovkin), 1837-1872;
10. Schema-Archimandrite (Plikhankov), 1845-1913;
11. hieroschemamonk (Potapov), 1855-1922;
12. Hieroschemamonk (Tikhonov), 1853-1928;
13. hieromonk (Belyaev), 1888-1931;
14. Archimandrite (Bobrakov), 1865-1938.

The emergence of the tradition of Optina eldership is associated with the revival of Orthodox life in the Russian Empire at the end of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries. It was during this period that the Optina Monastery, which had previously experienced a period of decline, actually became the informal center of the spiritual life of Russia. This was facilitated by the fact that the first abbots of the revived monastery, Moses and Leonid (in the schema of Leo), were followers of the holy monk, who revived traditions hesychasm(Orthodox asceticism), which became the basis of the Optina eldership. The Optina elders followed the principles of obedience, deep humility before God, their lifestyle corresponded to what the elders preached.

The Optina elders acquired great authority in the public consciousness against the backdrop of the transformations that began in Russia in the 60s of the 19th century. The abolition of serfdom, the emergence of the intelligentsia, the emergence of numerous revolutionary organizations - all this led to the fact that not only ordinary people, but also famous representatives of creative professions began to look to the elders of Optina Pustyn for answers to spiritual and ideological questions. N. Gogol, L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, V. Soloviev and many others visited Optina Pustyn for confession and conversations with the elders.

The elders themselves also left an extensive literary heritage, published under the titles “Letters of the Optina Elders”, “Teachings of the Optina Elders”, “Conversations of the Optina Elders”, “Prayers of the Optina Elders”, “Optina Flower Garden. Sayings of the Optina Elders” and which is one of the monuments of the Orthodox thoughts of the 19th century. Information has been preserved about numerous predictions by the Optina elders of the First World War, the Bolshevik persecution of Orthodoxy, the subsequent revival of the church in Russia and other events.

One of the elders, Isaac of Optina the Younger, was shot during the years of Soviet power for “church activity” and glorified as a new martyr. The canonical glorification of the Optina elders began at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1988. Hieroschemamonk Ambrose (Grenkov) was canonized this year. The remaining elders were glorified at first as locally revered (July 26, 1996), and in 2000 - churchwide. On December 25, 2009, the service to the Council of the Optina Elders was approved by the Holy Synod.

The relics of the elders Leo (Nagolkin), Macarius (Ivanov), Hilarion (Ponomarev), Anatoly (Zertsalov), Barsanuphius (Plikhankov) and Anatoly (Potapov) were found in 1998 in Optina Hermitage.

In memory of the Optina elders it was consecrated in Minsk (Belarus).

08.01 - Venerable Martyr Isaac II (Bobrakov) of Optina.


02/07 - Venerable Anatoly the Elder (Zertsalov), elder of Optina.


Second Sunday of Great Lent - Council of All Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves, patronal feast Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (southern limit).


14.04 - Venerable Barsanuphius (Plikhankov), elder of Optina.

19.04 - Venerable Confessor Sebastian (Fomin), Karaganda.


12.05 - Venerable Nektarios (Tikhonov), Elder of Optina.

22.05 - Venerable Joseph (Litovkin), elder of Optina.


19.06 - Venerable Confessor Rafail (Sheichenko) of Optina.

29.06 - Venerable Moses (Putilov), Elder of Optina.


07/08 - Rev. Confessor Nikon (Belyaev) of Optina.

10.07 - discovery of the relics of St. Ambrose (Grenkov), Elder of Optina.

23.07 - St. Anthony of Pechersk, Kyiv, chief of all Russian monks.


12.08 - Venerable Anatoly the Younger (Potapov), Elder of Optina.

20.08 - Venerable Anthony (Putilov), Elder of Optina.

28.08 — Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, patronal feast temple.

Memorable date: On August 28, 1895, the ceremonial laying of the temple took place.


04.09 - Venerable Isaac I (Antimonov), elder of Optina.

10.09 - Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves, reposing in the Far Caves (Venerable Theodosius).

12.09 - transfer of the relics of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, patronal feast

15.09 - Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk.

Memorable date: On September 15, 2013, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (including the chapel in honor of St. Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk) was consecrated with the Great Rite.

20.09 - Venerable Macarius (Ivanov), Elder of Optina.


01.10 - Venerable Hilarion (Ponomarev), Elder of Optina.

11.10 - Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk, near caves (Venerable Anthony) resting.

23.10 - Venerable Ambrose (Grenkov), Elder of Optina.

Patronal holiday church on the Subsidiary Farm of the Compound (Vyborg district, Sosnovy Bor village).

24.10 - Venerable Leo (Nagolkin), Elder of Optina. Council of the Optina Elders: Leo (1841), Macarius (1860), Moses (1862), Anthony (1865), Hilarion (1873), Ambrose (1891), Anatoly I (1894), Isaac I (1894), Joseph (1911) ), Barsanuphius (1913), Anatolia II (1922), Nektaria (1928), Nikon in Spanish. (1931), prmch. Isaac II (1938).

28.10 - icons of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” (19th century). This icon was painted with the blessing of St. Ambrose; the elder himself set the date for its celebration.


22.11 - icons of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”. At the Compound there is an exact copy of the miraculous icon “Quick to Hear” from the Dokhiar Monastery, the oldest monastery on Athos.

28.11 - St. Paisius Velichkovsky (1794).

04.12 — Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple, patronal feast in the Optina Pustyn monastery (Kozelsk).

06.12 - Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, patronal feast church on the Subsidiary Farm of the Compound (Vyborg district, Sosnovy Bor village).

Memorable date: On December 31 (18), 1897, the main chapel of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was consecrated.

Optina Pustyn is without a doubt one of the holiest Orthodox places in Russia. A beacon of sacrifice and piety on Russian soil. Cut off from the world by a river and a majestic pine forest, Pustyn has been living its holy life for the seventh century. Once upon a time, the robber Opta, who decided to live a righteous life, gathered under his leadership the same people who were striving to live the quiet life of hermits. The village of Optina was born after the robber, and then, over the years and centuries, the monastery Optina Pustyn.

People from all over Russia have always sought to find solace in life in Optina Pustyn, people who are confused, do not understand their true purpose in life, and simply those who want to feel contact with the spiritual and holy. Pustyn is associated with the names of Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy and other outstanding personalities. After the revolution in 1918, the monastery was closed and stood for a long time without holy consecration. Only in 1987 was it returned to the Orthodox Church.

Excursions to Optina Pustyn are held daily from 9.00 to 17.00, the excursion lasts 1-1.5 hours.

Optina Pustyn Monastery

The Optina Pustyn Monastery impresses with its size, architecture and spiritual atmosphere. It is located in the Kaluga region, near the city of Kozelsk. It was founded at the end of the 14th century by the repentant robber Opta (Macarius).

In plan, the monastery has a square shape. In its center is the main temple - the Vvedensky Cathedral, and around it the churches of Mary of Egypt, Kazan and Vladimir Icons of the Mother of God are located crosswise. Behind the grove of the monastery there is a monastery in which the monks live.

The main cathedral - Vvedensky - has three chapels: the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, St. Ambrose the Elder of Optina and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Here are the relics of the venerable elders Ambrose and Nektarios of Optina, as well as the icon of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In other churches of the monastery there are relics of other Optina elders (Moses, Anthony, Leo, Macarius, Hilarion and others).

On the territory of the monastery there is a monastery cemetery and a chapel at the burial site of the murdered hieromonk Vasily, monks Trofim and Ferapont of Optina.

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Shamordino Monastery

Kazan Ambrosievskaya stauropegial women's hermitage or Shamordinsky monastery is an Orthodox women's monastery. Initially, on the site where the monastery is now located, there was the estate of the court councilor Klyucharyov. The women's community was founded by his widow, and it was officially established after Klyuchareva's death in 1884; in October of the same year, the first church appeared there thanks to the efforts of Elder Ambrose.

The first abbess of the temple was Ambrose’s spiritual daughter, nun Sofia Astafieva-Bolotova. After her death, this place was taken by Euphrosyne Rozova, who ruled the monastery until April 14, 1904. Under her, in 1901, the women's community received the status of a monastery and a new name - the Kazan Amvrosievskaya Hermitage. The following year, Bishop Veniamin of Kaluga consecrated the construction of the Kazan Cathedral of the monastery, which was erected with the money of Sergei Perlov.

By 1918, more than 800 sisters served in the monastery; there was an almshouse, a hospital, a shelter for orphan girls, and several monasteries. The monastery went through difficult times when it was closed in 1923. At the same time, some of the sisters were subjected to repression: execution or exile.

Monastic life resumed here only in the spring of 1990. From that moment until May of this year, the abbess of the monastery was Abbess Nikona.

The Vvedensky Cathedral is the main and oldest temple of the famous monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church - Optina Pustyn. The cathedral is located in the Kaluga region, about two kilometers from the city of Kozelsk. The monastery was built in 1750 - 1771. The temple is located in the center of the monastery, with churches located crosswise from it. The holy relics of the Optina elders Ambrose and Nektarios are kept here, as well as the famous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which believers treat with special reverence. The temple was closed after the revolution, its objection began in 1987. Currently the temple is operational.

Economy Monastery Hotel

At the Optina Pustyn Monastery there is an economic service that is in charge of issues of everyday life and accommodation of pilgrims and guests. Check-in is carried out daily, for this you need a passport, there is a small payment. The hotel rooms have eight beds.

The hotel at the Optina Pustyn Monastery will provide overnight accommodation with a clean bed and dinner, but everything is very modest, as it should be for the life of pilgrims.

It is possible to stay completely free of charge for work and help in the monastery. The monastery also has houses with five rooms, which also accommodate pilgrims and guests who want a slightly more expensive service. Payment for a room per night is about 1000 rubles. To stay overnight in the monastery, you need to contact the economic service of the monastery.

holy gate

The Holy Gate is located on the southern part of the fence of the Vvedensky stauropegial monastery. This is one of the most beautiful buildings in Optina Pustyn. They consist of two small flights with metal door panels leading into the monastery. The pillars separating the canvases are decorated with beautiful stucco moldings made in the form of graceful flowers. The top of the Holy Gate is decorated with a magnificent cornice of multi-colored tiles. The architectural masterpiece is completed by two tents, which are installed on low bronze octagons.

The Holy Gate was founded in 1688 by Suzdal architects Greznov, Mamin and Shmakov. At the same time, the monastery gatehouse was erected - an octagonal turret, painted bright red with white trim on the external decor. With the change in the direction of the old street and the expansion of the monastery, the urban planning significance of the gate, which was once the central entrance to Optina Pustyn, was lost. Every year this place is visited by thousands of tourists and parishioners to enjoy the beautiful architectural monument and feel its mysterious energy.

Cathedral of Our Lady of Vladimir

The Cathedral of Our Lady of Vladimir was founded in 1809 at the eastern wall of the Vvedensky stauropegic monastery. In 1811, the monastery was consecrated by Saint Eulampius, as well as by the Bishop of Borovsk and Kaluga. Soon, six hospital cells were installed at the church, in which there were sick and disillusioned people. In 1854, a small extension was erected on the western side of the temple, the middle part of which formed the vestibule of the temple, where the Psalter was read, commemorating the deceased monks and benefactors of the monastery.

In the side parts of the Cathedral of the Vladimir Mother of God, three hospital cells were built, in which the elderly and weak elders found help and consolation. The cathedral has no special decorations: it is quite simple and poor. At the beginning of the 20th century, the church building was repaired and built on. In 1885, the national sage, the Rev. Anatoly Potapov, lived and received pilgrims in the local cell. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Vladimir annually attracts many tourists and parishioners who want to spiritually cleanse themselves and gain new strength.

The house where Saint Ambrose lived

Optina Pustyn is a unique monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is located near the city of Kozelsk, Kaluga region. Episodes from the lives of some outstanding Russian writers and thinkers are associated with him. There are existing and restored cathedrals, as well as many architectural monuments.

One of these monuments is the house in which Saint Ambrose of Optina once lived. It is located at the northern wing of the Vedeno Cathedral, not far from the bell tower. This is a small one-story building, surrounded by a low wooden fence. The outside is plastered and whitewashed, and inside there are two small rooms and a kitchen. There is nothing superfluous here, everything is quite simple and neat. The house is very bright due to the many windows located along its perimeter, this characterizes its owner.

Several tall broad-leaved trees grow near the house. Nowadays, a museum has been opened here, where viewers can get acquainted with the life of St. Ambrose. This place attracts thousands of pilgrims every year.

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Our heart is filled with inexplicable joy, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks(Luke 6:45) about the greatness of spiritual achievement, the holiness of life and divine glory, the evangelical simplicity and the active sacrificial love of the elders of the Optina monastery, which extended to all who came to them in sorrows and joys for help and advice.

For a whole century, Optina was a source of spiritual enlightenment for the entire Russian society: from unlearned simpletons to philosophers and writers, from peasants to royalty, from monastics to church hierarchs.

For all those who came here, the monastery was a healing spring that healed spiritual wounds; every pilgrim left here enlightened and transformed, strengthened spiritually, having written on the tablets of his heart for the rest of his life the evangelical love and holiness of the life of the Optina monks. The feat of their lives is truly marvelous; it is inscribed in the chronicle of Russian holiness.

In the glorification of... the saints of God, we see a special blessing from God to us, the action of divine grace that strengthens every person and manifests itself visibly through its chosen vessels on earth. We see evidence of an uninterrupted connection of times, which manifests itself through the spiritual experience of the elders of Optina Hermitage.

Hieroschemamonk Lev (Nagolkin) (1768-1841) - the first founder and inspirer of the Optina eldership. The entire life of this elder, spent in selfless service to God and his neighbors, was an expression of evangelical love. Through his exploits, unceasing prayer and God-imitating humility, he acquired the abundant gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Hieroschemamonk Macarius (Ivanov) (1788-1860) He lived as an elder in the Optina Hermitage at the same time as the Monk Leo, and after his death, until his death, he carried out the great and holy feat of caring for the elderly. The name of Elder Macarius is associated with the beginning of the publication of patristic works in the monastery, which united the best spiritual and intellectual forces of Russia around the monastery. Under his spiritual leadership there was not only Optina Pustyn, but also many other monasteries, and letters to monastics and laity, published by the monastery, became an invaluable guide for every Christian in spiritual life.

Schema-Archimandrite Moses (Putilov) (1782-1862) showed an amazing example of combining strict asceticism, humility and non-covetousness with wise management of the monastery and extensive charitable activities. It was thanks to his boundless mercy and compassion for the poor that the monastery gave shelter to many wanderers. Under Schema-Archimandrite Moses, old temples and monastery buildings were recreated and new ones were built. Optina Pustyn owes its visible flourishing and spiritual revival to the wise leadership of Elder Moses.

Schema-abbot Anthony (Putilov) (1795-1865) - brother and companion of Schema-Archimandrite Moses, a humble ascetic and man of prayer, who patiently and courageously bore the cross of bodily illness throughout his entire life. He contributed in every possible way to the work of eldership in the monastery, which he led for 14 years. The venerable elder's written instructions are a marvelous fruit of his fatherly love and the gift of the teaching word...

Hieroschemamonk Ambrose (Grenkov) (1812-1891) -, whose holiness and godly life God witnessed with many miracles, and the Orthodox believing people - with sincere love, veneration and reverent appeal to him in prayer...

Hieroschemamonk Hilarion (Ponomarev) (1805-1873) - disciple and successor of Elder Macarius. Being a zealous defender and preacher of the Orthodox faith, he managed to return to the fold of the Orthodox Church many who were lost and had fallen away from the Orthodox faith.

Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Zertsalov) (1824-1894) - the monastery leader and elder, instructed in the spiritual life not only the monks of the Optina Monastery, but also the nuns of the Shamordino convent and other monasteries. Being an ardent prayer book and ascetic, he was a sensitive father and a patient teacher for everyone who came to him, always sharing the treasure of wisdom, faith and special spiritual joy. Elder Anatoly had an amazing gift of consolation.

Schema-Archimandrite Isaac (Antimonov) (1810-1894) - the ever-memorable abbot of the Optina Monastery, who combined the firm management of the monastery and the subtle art of pastoral leadership with humble obedience to the great Optina elders and high asceticism. Schema-Archimandrite Isaac’s life’s work was to preserve and confirm in the monastery the spiritual covenants of the elders.

Hieroschemamonk Joseph (Litovkin) (1837-1911) - disciple and spiritual successor of the Monk Ambrose, who showed the image of great humility, gentleness, and unceasing heartfelt prayer, the elder was more than once honored with the appearance of the Mother of God. According to the recollections of contemporaries, many, even during the life of Hieroschemamonk Joseph, saw him illuminated by the grace-filled divine light.

Schema-Archimandrite Barsanuphius (Plikhankov) (1845-1913) - the leader of the hermitage, about whom Elder Nektarios said that the grace of God in one night created a great old man from a brilliant military man. Without sparing life itself, he fulfilled his pastoral duty in the Russo-Japanese War. The elder had extraordinary insight, the inner meaning of the events that took place was revealed to him, he saw the hiddenness of the heart of the person who came to him, lovingly awakening repentance in him.

Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Potapov) (1855-1922) , nicknamed the comforter by the people, was endowed by the Lord with great grace-filled gifts of love and consolation for the suffering, insight and healing. Humbly carrying out his pastoral service in the difficult days of revolutionary turmoil and godlessness, the elder affirmed his spiritual children in their determination to be faithful to the holy Orthodox faith even to death.

Hieroschemamonk Nektary (Tikhonov) (1856-1928) - the last conciliarly elected Optina elder, who, through the feat of unceasing prayer and humility, acquired the greatest gifts of miracles and clairvoyance, often hiding them under the guise of foolishness. During the days of persecution of the Church, while he himself was in exile for confessing his faith, he tirelessly cared for the believers.

Hieromonk Nikon (Belyaev) (1888-1931) the closest disciple of Elder Barsanuphius, an ardent prayer book and a loving shepherd, who selflessly performed the elder ministry after the closure of the Optina Hermitage, suffered torment from the atheists and died in exile as a confessor.

Archimandrite Isaac II (Bobrikov) (1865-1938) - the last abbot of the Optina Hermitage, who experienced the full brunt of the destruction and desecration of the holy monastery. Carrying his cross of abbot service during the years of trials and tribulations, he was filled with indestructible faith, courage and all-forgiving love. This holy elder suffered imprisonment four times and crowned his confessional life with martyrdom for Christ.

Beloved! In our difficult days, when we all feel the difficulties of life and the changes taking place in the Fatherland, when the venerable one has become poor and the truth has fallen away from the sons of men(Ps. 11:2), every Christian should feel with all his heart how gracious and inspired the bright images of the great Optina elders are, how bright the light of truly evangelical life they radiate to our contemporary Rus', setting an example of sincere faith, hope and love, testifying, What Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.(Heb. 13:8), an example of sacrificial service to those near and far, an example of selfless devotion to our Orthodox Fatherland.

Remembering the Gospel commandment to remember our mentors and imitate their faith (Heb. 13:7), let us hasten today in prayer to fall before the icon of the elders of Optina, ... who pray for all of us, and especially for the God-protected region, before the Throne of the Most High, for the granting of strength to all of us bearing the trials of life, so that we have peace of mind, purity of heart and spend our lives in chastity and holiness, preserving unity of spirit in the union of peace(Eph. 4:3).

From the words of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' on the day of glorification of the Council of the Elders of Optina (Holy Vvedensky Cathedral of Optina Hermitage, July 26, 1996)

According to legend, the monastery Optina Pustyn founded near the city of Kozelsk on the banks of the Zhizdra River at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries. The founder of the monastery was the thunderstorm of the surrounding forests, a murderer named Opta (Optia), who later repented and became a monk with the name Macarius.

Several times the monastery experienced periods of crisis and decline. It is known that in 1773 there were only two monks in the monastery - both very old men. But in 1821 the situation changed, the monastery was revived after the establishment of the Kaluga Bishop Philaret St. John the Baptist Skete at the monastery. The Kaluga bishop turned to the famous elder Hieroschemamonk Athanasius, a disciple of the great Moldavian elder Reverend Paisius Velichkovsky, who lived with his brethren in the Roslavl forests. The bishop suggested that the elders choose a secluded place on the territory of the monastery “for a silent and hermitic life, following the example of the ancient saints. fathers of the desert dwellers." With the blessing of Father Afanasy, hermits led by the Putilov brothers, the future Optina elders Moses and Anthony, arrived in Optina Hermitage from the Roslavl forests. They settled in the monastery apiary, restoring the monastery.

Since then, Optina Pustyn has become, in the words of Father Pavel Florensky, “a spiritual sanatorium for many wounded souls.” Hermits, accustomed to solitude, settled there, and the elders began to manage spiritual life, while the abbot was only an administrator.

Initially, the brotherhood of the Holy Presentation monastery consisted of 6 people: Father Moses (Putilov), who became the head of the monastery, his brother Father Anthony (Putilov), Father Savvaty, novice John Drankin, as well as schemamonk Vassian and monk Hilarion.

Optina Pustyn was created entirely on the principles that St. Paisiy (Velichkovsky; November 15/28, 1794), a native of the Poltava province, translator and compiler of the Slavic version of the famous spiritual code “Philokalia”, carried out in his activities. With St. Paisius, everything was focused on the inner side of monastic life, self-improvement of the spirit. They introduced eldership and the compulsory study of the patristic works as the foundation on which the life of every monk should be built. St. Paisius made such a broad arrangement of eldership, which it did not have in any monastery in the 18th century - neither in Russian nor in Athos. In Russian monasteries, by the first half of the 18th century, eldership was forgotten. At this time, there was no eldership on Athos either, as can be seen from the life of St. Paisius, who did not find a mentor on Athos skilled in the Divine and paternal writings. But the spiritual leadership of monks was not forgotten in Moldova: here in individual monasteries there was an eldership, here St. Paisius also understood the need for internal spiritual asceticism. But the eldership existed in separate small hermitages, and it was necessary for a person to appear, which the venerable man became. Paisius, who, by the power of his word, the power of his energy and influence, would have introduced him into the communal life of the monasteries as his main nerve, would have strengthened him in the communal structure of monastic life.

Having adopted the experience of St. Paisius, Optina Pustyn grew a whole ladder of eldership, which elevated entire generations of Russian people into the Kingdom of Heaven.

The first great Optina elder was Hieroschemamonk Lev (Nagolkin) (1768-1841), who arrived at the monastery in April 1829, a man of unshakable faith, extraordinary courage, firmness and energy. The hero is spiritual, impartial, sometimes even harsh in his words. It was to him that not only the brethren, but also many laymen from different classes and ranks who lived in distant Russian provinces turned for spiritual help. Father Lev (in the robe Leonid) came from a merchant family in the city of Karachaev, Oryol province, and arrived in Optina Pustyn in his declining years. In his youth he had fabulous strength, but even now he was tall, spoke in a deep voice, acted a little like a fool, joked, but it always had a hidden edifying meaning. He read in the soul of each of those who came to him forgotten secret sins and hidden thoughts.

Try to pay more attention to yourself, and not to analyze the deeds, actions and appeals of others to you, if you do not see love in them, then this is because you yourself do not have love.

Elder Leo’s successor was his disciple and co-secretary Hieroschemamonk Macarius (Ivanov) (1788-1860), who retained in his senile service the special delicacy and modesty of character that attracted writers to Optina. He lived as an elder in the Optina Hermitage at the same time as the Monk Leo, and after his death, until his death, he carried out the great and holy feat of caring for the elderly. The main virtue that he especially cultivated in people was humility, considering it the foundation of Christian life. " If there is humility, everything is there; if there is no humility, there is nothing.", said the monk. The name of Elder Macarius is associated with the beginning of the publication of patristic works in the monastery, which united the best spiritual and intellectual forces of Russia around the monastery. Under his spiritual leadership there was not only Optina Pustyn, but also many other monasteries, and letters to monastics and laity, published by the monastery, became an invaluable guide for every Christian in spiritual life.

You want not only to be good and have nothing bad, but also to see yourself as such. Desire is commendable, but to see one’s good qualities is already food for self-love...

Schema-Archimandrite Moses (Putilov) (1782-1862)- a meek elder abbot. He showed an amazing example of combining strict asceticism, humility and non-covetousness with wise management of the monastery and extensive charitable activities. It was thanks to his boundless mercy and compassion for the poor that the monastery gave shelter to many wanderers. Under Schema-Archimandrite Moses, old temples and monastery buildings were recreated and new ones were built: a wall-fence with seven turrets, new fraternal buildings, a refectory, a library, hotels, horse and cattle yards, tile and brick factories, a mill, a fraternal cemetery and the entire monastery. And often all this was built only to provide work and feed local residents in times of famine. Under him, huge vegetable gardens and orchards were planted. This was helped by the countless pilgrims who flocked to Optina, but others were fed for free, even when the monastery itself was in need. Optina Pustyn owes its visible flourishing and spiritual revival to the wise leadership of Elder Moses.

If you ever show mercy to anyone, you will receive mercy for that..

Schema-abbot Anthony (Putilov) (1795-1865)- brother and companion of Schema-Archimandrite Moses, a humble ascetic and man of prayer, who patiently and courageously bore the cross of bodily illness throughout his entire life. He contributed in every possible way to the work of eldership in the monastery, which he led for 14 years. The venerable elder's written instructions are a marvelous fruit of his fatherly love and gift of the teaching word. “I would like to console everyone, and if it were possible, I would tear myself to pieces and give a piece to everyone,” he said before his death.

Whatever grief befalls you, whatever trouble happens to you, say: “I will endure this for Jesus Christ!” Just say this and it will be easier for you. For the name of Jesus Christ is powerful O.

Hieroschemamonk Hilarion (Ponomarev) (1805-1873)- disciple and successor of Elder Macarius. Being a zealous defender and preacher of the Orthodox faith, he managed to return to the fold of the Orthodox Church many who were lost and had fallen away from the Orthodox faith. " Only from the moment we recognized him,” recalls the elder’s spiritual child, “we learned what peace of mind is, what peace of mind is..." The elder monastery leader died in prayer, with a rosary in his hands.

If you feel that anger has overtaken you, remain silent and do not say anything until your heart is calmed by unceasing prayer and self-reproach..

Make comments without giving food to your own pride, considering whether you yourself could bear what you demand from others. O.

Hieroschemamonk Ambrose (Grenkov) (1812-1891)- a great elder and ascetic of the Russian land, whose holiness and godly life God witnessed with many miracles, and the Orthodox believing people - with sincere love, veneration and reverent appeal to him in prayer. Hiding great spiritual talents under playfulness, Optina’s “pillar of eldership.” A disciple of elders Leonid and Macarius, he inherited from them the grace-filled gift of eldership and remained in selfless service to people for more than 30 years. He founded the Shamordino convent, ministered to many monasteries, his letters and instructions are a source of spiritual wisdom for those seeking salvation. The monk had a high, clear mind and a loving heart. Extraordinarily compassionate and gifted with grace, he was especially distinguished by his Christian love.

We must live on earth as a wheel turns, only one point touches the ground, and the rest constantly strives upward; but we lie down on the ground and can’t get up.

To live is not to bother, not to judge anyone, not to annoy anyone, and my respects to everyone.

Every sin, no matter how small, must be written down as soon as you remember it, and then repented. That’s why some people don’t die for a long time, because some unrepentant sin is holding them back, but when they repent, they are relieved... otherwise we put it off: it’s a small sin, then it’s a shame to say it, or I’ll say it later, but we come to repent and have nothing to say.

Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Zertsalov) (1824-1894)- monastery leader and elder, instructed in the spiritual life not only the monks of the Optina Monastery, but also the nuns of the Shamordino convent and other monasteries. Being an ardent prayer book and ascetic, he was a sensitive father and a patient teacher for everyone who came to him, always sharing the treasure of wisdom, faith and special spiritual joy. Elder Anatoly possessed an amazing gift of consolation and prayer. Rev. Ambrose said that he was given such prayer and grace as is given to one in a thousand.

We are obliged to love everyone, but to be loved, we do not dare demand.

Learn to be meek and silent, and you will be loved by everyone. And open feelings are the same as open gates: both the dog and the cat run there... and they shit.

Every prayer to God is profitable. And which one exactly - we don’t know. He is the One righteous Judge, and we can recognize lies as truth. Pray and believe.

Have pity and you won’t judge.

Schema-Archimandrite Isaac (Antimonov) (1810-1894)- the ever-memorable abbot of the Optina Monastery, who combined the firm management of the monastery and the subtle art of pastoral leadership with humble obedience to the great Optina elders and high asceticism. Schema-Archimandrite Isaac’s life’s work was to preserve and confirm in the monastery the spiritual covenants of the elders. He knew no peace - the doors of his cell were open to the brotherhood and the poor. In food, and in clothing, and in the decoration of the cell, he observed the complete simplicity of the ancient ascetics.

Hieroschemamonk Joseph (Litovkin) (1837-1911)- the disciple and spiritual successor of the Monk Ambrose, who showed the image of great humility, gentleness, and unceasing, heartfelt prayer, the elder was more than once honored with the appearance of the Mother of God. According to the recollections of contemporaries, many, even during the life of Hieroschemamonk Joseph, saw him illuminated by the grace-filled divine light. Rev. Joseph was a man of deep inner activity, who always maintained heartfelt silence and unceasing prayer.

We ourselves increase our sorrows when we begin to grumble.
- What is acquired through labor is useful.
“What is easy for the body is not good for the soul, and what is good for the soul is hard for the body.”

Schema-Archimandrite Barsanuphius (Plikhankov) (1845-1913)- the leader of the hermitage, about whom Elder Nektarios said that the grace of God in one night created a great old man from a brilliant military man. Without sparing life itself, he fulfilled his pastoral duty in the Russo-Japanese War. Wise from a long life in the world, he knew how to see the “signs of the times” and instructed his spiritual children in the readiness to “suffer for the faith even to death.” The elder had extraordinary insight, the inner meaning of the events that took place was revealed to him, he saw the hiddenness of the heart of the person who came to him, lovingly awakening repentance in him.

Do not worry! Don't be afraid for the Church! She will not perish: the gates of hell will not prevail against her until the Last Judgment. Don’t be afraid for her, but you need to be afraid for yourself, and it’s true that our time is very difficult. From what? Yes, because now it is especially easy to fall away from Christ, and then - destruction.

Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Potapov) (1855-1922)- the loving priest, nicknamed the comforter among the people, was endowed by the Lord with great grace-filled gifts of love and consolation of the suffering, insight and healing. Humbly carrying out his pastoral service in the difficult days of revolutionary turmoil and godlessness, the elder affirmed his spiritual children in their determination to be faithful to the holy Orthodox faith even to death.

They say the temple is boring. Boring because they don't understand the service! Need to study! He's boring because they don't care about him. So he seems not like one of us, but a stranger. At least they brought flowers or greenery for decoration, if they took part in the efforts of decorating the temple - it wouldn’t be boring.

- Live simply, according to your conscience, always remember that the Lord sees, and don’t pay attention to the rest!

Hieroschemamonk Nektary of Optina (1853-1928)- the last conciliarly elected Optina elder, who, through the feat of unceasing prayer and humility, acquired the greatest gifts of miracles and clairvoyance, often hiding them under the guise of foolishness. During the days of persecution of the Church, while he himself was in exile for confessing his faith, he tirelessly cared for the believers. Both ordinary laymen and great Saints turned to him for advice and prayerful help. Shortly before the revolution, the elder began to walk around with a red bow, predicting future events. He had a bird that whistled, and he forced grown people who came with empty sorrows to blow into it; there was a top that he made the famous professor spin; there were children's books that the elder gave to members of the intelligentsia to read. At the beginning of the twentieth century, which was marked by an intellectual revolution, the monk advised to live and study in such a way that learning did not interfere with piety.

The main thing is to beware of judgment from loved ones. Whenever condemnation comes to mind, immediately pay attention: “Lord, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother.”

- Man is given life so that it serves him, not he, that is, a person should not become a slave to his circumstances, should not sacrifice his inner to the outer.

- Look for the great meaning in everything!

Hieromonk Nikon (Belyaev) (1888-1931)- a confessor of the faith, who grew into the measure of an elder at the age of thirty, the closest disciple of the elder Barsanuphius, an ardent prayer book and a loving shepherd, who selflessly performed the elder ministry after the closure of the Optina Hermitage, suffered torment from the atheists and died in exile as a confessor.

— Let the prayer rule be small, but fulfilled constantly and carefully...

“We must look at those who blaspheme as sick, from whom we demand that they not cough or spit...

“You don’t have to give free rein to your feelings.” We must force ourselves to be friendly with those we don’t like.

— The “Jesus Prayer” will replace the sign of the cross if for some reason it cannot be placed.

—What is better: to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ rarely or often? - it’s hard to say. Zacchaeus joyfully accepted the dear Guest - the Lord - into his home, and did well. But the centurion, out of humility, realizing his own unworthiness, did not dare to accept, and also did well. Their actions, although opposite, have the same motivation. And they appeared before the Lord as equally worthy. The point is to adequately prepare yourself for the great Sacrament.

- If you want to get rid of sadness, do not attach your heart to anything or anyone. Sadness comes from attachment to visible things.

“There has never been, is not and never will be a carefree place on earth.” A sad place can only be in the heart when the Lord is in it.

“We must consider everything bad, including the passions that fight us, not as our own, but as from the enemy - the devil.” It is very important. Only then can you overcome passion when you don’t consider it yours...

- Do every task, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you, carefully, as if in the presence of God. Remember that the Lord sees everything.

— Patience is uninterrupted complacency.

- Your salvation and your destruction are in your neighbor. Your salvation depends on how you treat your neighbor. Do not forget to see the image of God in your neighbor.

Archimandrite Isaac II (Bobrakov) (1865-1938) - the last abbot of the Optina Hermitage, who experienced the full brunt of the destruction and desecration of the holy monastery. Carrying his cross of abbot service during the years of trials and tribulations, he was filled with indestructible faith, courage and all-forgiving love. He was imprisoned four times. Shot on January 8, 1938 and buried in a mass grave in the forest at the 162nd kilometer of the Simferopol highway, firmly standing in his confession: “I will not run from my cross!”

In the thirties, during the persecution of the church, many hieromonks were arrested, but even in prisons and camps, thanks to the prayer books of the Optina Hermitage, love and faith continued to warm in the hearts of people. In the 80s of the twentieth century, the spiritual life of the Holy Monastery was revived, and the traditions of the Optina Eldership were revived. The flow of pilgrims to Optina Pustyn continues to this day.

In 1988, by decision of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, the glorification of St. Ambrose of Optina took place, and on July 10, 1998, the relics of St. Ambrose along with the relics of six more Optina elders.

On July 26-27, 1996, thirteen Optina Elders were canonized as locally revered saints of the Optina Hermitage. In 2000, the Venerable Optina Elders were glorified by the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church for church-wide veneration.

The Orthodox people have always felt the conciliarity of Optina piety; it is not without reason that one of their favorite prayers is the one that was long copied by believers by hand, and has now been published several times, called “The Prayer of the Optina Elders,” without identifying authorship. And this prayer reflected the special “Optina spirit”, which is still alive within the walls of the monastery. First of all, this is the absence of any ostentatious piety, cheerfulness in relationships with people while hiding internal struggles; this is holy simplicity, dislike for “high calm,” worldly experience and love that covers everything, but with severity towards the destroyers of Orthodoxy.

And one more feature that is very important for our time is “historical cheerfulness.” All the Optina elders spoke and wrote about coming disasters, their prophecies were very specific and many of them have already come true, but the tone of the prophecies, the general mood when talking about trials and even the end of times are certainly imbued with hope in God’s mercy for believers. The elders believed in the future spiritual revival of Russia and repeated that during any sorrows one must remember that “all things work together for good to those who love the Lord” and “in general, any triumph of evil over good is only imaginary, temporary,” because “evil has already been defeated by our Savior Himself Son of God Jesus Christ."

Prayer of the Optina Elders

Troparion to the Council of the Reverend Fathers and Elders who shone forth in the Optina Hermitage, tone 6:
Lamps of the Orthodox faith, / unshakable pillars of monasticism, / comforters of the Russian land, / reverend elders of Optinstia, / who have acquired the love of Christ and laid down their souls for their children, / pray to the Lord, / that your earthly fatherland may establish your earthly fatherland in Orthodoxy and piety, / and save our souls .

Kontakion, tone 4:
Truly marvelous is God in His saints,/ the wilderness of Optina, like the heirloom city of eldership, revealed,/ where the divinely enlightened fathers,/ who knew the secrets of the human heart,/ the sorrowful people of God appeared to the goodness:/ these were instructed on the path of repentance, burdened by sin,/ wavering in faith by the light of Christ’s teaching enlightening / and teaching God’s wisdom, / suffering and granting healing to the suffering and weak, / now, abiding in the glory of God, / we pray unceasingly for our souls.