
Books by Nikolai Poberezhnik. Poberezhnik Nikolai: all books in series Author Nikolai Poberezhnik

The catastrophe divided people's lives into “before” and “after” the Wave. And the understanding came - the end of the world is not as terrible as what will happen next. Continents have changed their appearance, and survivors are charting new shores. On the basis of the surviving villages, enclaves of survivors of the planetary catastrophe are created. Sergei Nikolaevich, his relatives, friends and like-minded people are creating their own enclave on one of the islands of the new archipelago - Sugar Island.

All the troubles that happened at work had to be immediately forgotten and retired. Move away from everyone, for example, into the forest, to nature, to relax and calm down. And he moved away... so much so that there is no turning back. A new world awaits. The world of the dense and cruel Middle Ages, with all the accompanying attributes - civil strife, brave lone warriors, not quite holy, but still the Inquisition... and a little magic.

A little more than a year has passed, according to the new calendar and according to the new time after the Wave. People who survived a planetary catastrophe gather in enclaves, republics, and communities. New shores of new continents and islands, new rivers and bays are shown on the maps. Some are building a new life, others, having lost everything, are floating with the flow of events, others, having drawn conclusions from what happened, are trying to preserve what little is left and learn to do new things...

A long-awaited vacation and a trip to the city of childhood coincided with the last days of the world of the living... A modified virus broke free, replacing the human population with a zombie population. And the time has come for the dead. Now you won’t be able to rest, much less return home. Now Vlad has one goal - to survive and not become food.

By the will of unknown forces, he was thrown into another world, in which he was able to adapt, find friends, love and... enemies who lost power, harbored a grudge and found allies among treacherous and cunning foreigners.
The loss of loved ones, betrayal and exile will not be able to break the one whose will and character are intertwined with the Masters of the Swamps - wild monsters with a cat's nature. Wanting to save his beloved, Nikitin will take the path that will lead him to Shahar.

Everything happened exactly as in that fairy tale “About the Shepherd,” who cried “Wolves” for fun. The next date of the apocalypse was announced, but most people no longer believed it. A small percentage of the planet's population... and two friends, one of whom regularly and diligently prepared for every end of the world that had not happened before. They were able to survive the death of the World, but now it’s time to envy the dead...

It happens that, tired of routine life, a person, understanding the hints of fate, decides to change something. He gives up everything and moves to an old house somewhere in the remote taiga... But a catastrophe on a planetary scale breaks all his hopes. Having miraculously survived, he will continue to live, will build his new world on the fragments of the old, will save and protect the people who trusted him - will survive after the catastrophe divided the life of mankind into “before”...

Sergei worked all his adult life, work for the sake of work occupied his entire living space. And fate once again hinted to him that it was time to change something, or rather everything! And he decided to leave everything and move to an old house somewhere in the remote taiga... But a catastrophe on a planetary scale breaks all his hopes.

From a high-achieving graduate of a military orphan school to one of the most wanted criminals. From a simple-minded young man - into a tough, self-pitying warrior seeking death. From the southern valleys - to the bare steppes, and then to the frontier, to the passes of high mountains blown by the northern winds. Reclaim your name and conquer this world, the world of Eartha. The world of coal and steam, airships, steam locomotives and the first self-running carriages.

Desperate in his search and almost losing his mind, Kint finds the strength to move towards a new goal. He learned a lot and surpassed his teachers. Aristocrat, industrialist, retired officer and many names. The time has come to take off the masks and do what imperial detectives have been unable to do for many years. Cold calculation, courage on the verge of madness and a new hope for which he is ready to do anything.

(estimates: 5 , average: 5,00 out of 5)

Name: Valentin Rusakov (Nikolai Poberezhnik)
Date of Birth: December 13, 1974
Place of Birth: Russia, Sterlitamak

Nikolai Poberezhnik - biography

Nikolai Poberezhnik is a popular science fiction writer of our time. The author's real name is Valentin Rusakov. The future writer was born on December 13, 1974 in the Bashkir city of Sterlitamak. Soon after his birth, Valentin and his family moved to Orenburg, where he spent his childhood and youth. After graduating from school, the young man went to serve in the Far Eastern Fleet and after service decided to finally settle in Vladivostok. Rusakov received higher technical education at the Far Eastern State University. He tried himself in various fields - he worked as a hand-to-hand combat trainer and tried to become an entrepreneur. Currently, the writer works as an engineer in a large company. Valentin has a large family - he has three children and one granddaughter. The Russian prose writer's hobbies include fishing and hunting, but writing takes center stage.

Nikolai Poberezhnik’s creative work began in 2014. One of the first books of the novice author was the novel in the genre of fantastic action film “Collapsed Hopes.” A huge number of rave reviews inspired Nikolai to continue this exciting story about the post-apocalyptic rebirth of the Earth. This is how the “Lost Coast” series began. In the same year, the second part of the series, entitled “Archipelago,” was released. The final book in this trilogy, Burden of Choice, was released in 2017.

Another cycle that has gained great popularity among fans of combat fiction is the “Three Rivers” dilogy (the sequence of books in the series - “Swamp Cat”, “Wrath of the Exiles”). This epic, written in the genre of hit-and-miss fantasy, has won the hearts of many science fiction lovers. According to the plot, the main character finds himself in a parallel space - a magical country called Three Rivers, in which the order of the Middle Ages reigns. Here he is destined to undergo a series of tests and become the one who decides the fate of these lands inhabited by monsters.

In 2015, Nikolai Poberezhnik began work on the next series of books “Erta”. The result of his fruitful work was a trilogy, all parts of which were published in one year. The writer chose the steampunk genre and described a fantastic reality close to the real nineteenth century: steam engines, airships, the invention of the bicycle... Among this colorful surroundings, the main character appears - a graduate of an orphanage. And again, the author “gives” his character numerous trials. Love and betrayal, dynamic battle scenes, intrigue and unexpected turns - this series has everything to make reading it a fascinating journey to another planet. According to reader ratings, this trilogy is among Nikolai's best books.

In parallel with the “Erta” cycle, the Russian science fiction writer began work on another series of books, “We Survived.” This post-apocalyptic epic tells the story of the rescue of two friends after the end of the world and the beginning of a new life in terrible inhuman conditions. After the release of the first book in the series “We Survived! The Beginning” the author temporarily stopped work on this epic.

By 2017, Nikolai Poberezhnik’s writing collection included eleven novels. Most of the science fiction writer’s works are combined into cycles, but there are also non-serial novels - “Visiting the Dead” and “I Didn’t Call You.” Despite his short “experience” as a writer, all of Nikolai Poberezhnik’s books are popular among fans of combat science fiction and post-apocalyptic fiction.

The “highlight” of the talented author’s work is the colorful action scenes that make his works exciting action films. The main characters of his novels are ordinary people who are trying not only to survive in the extreme conditions of fantasy worlds, but also to administer justice. The moral ideals that the author strives for in his plot sketches give the reader a powerful energetic message and a reason to think about the situation in modern society. Nikolai touches on many current topics - friendship and betrayal, retribution and forgiveness, loyalty to his homeland and courage to defend its interests. In each of the books, Poberezhnik carefully describes the environment of his heroes, creating an amazing atmosphere of the reader’s presence in his adventure stories. Often the author takes as a basis a real era - for example, the Middle Ages or the time of steam engines of the nineteenth century. The genres that modern science fiction writers prefer to work in are action, steampunk and post-apocalyptic.

A businessman, tired of life, without a wife and children, decided to give up everything. He sells off all his belongings and moves to an old house somewhere in the remote taiga... And then a natural apocalypse occurs (earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.). You have to somehow survive on your own and not let the people who trusted you fall into ruin!

Sergei worked all his adult life, work for the sake of work occupied his entire living space. And fate once again hinted to him that it was time to change something, or rather everything! And he decided to leave everything and move to an old house somewhere in the remote taiga... But a catastrophe on a planetary scale breaks all his hopes. Well, he is a strong and strong-willed person, he will build his new world on the fragments of the old one, he will save and protect the people who trusted him, he will survive. And Sergei must cope, he simply must, since some of the friends he made in the new world gave their lives for the future.

The catastrophe divided people's lives into “before” and “after” the Wave. And the understanding came - the end of the world is not as terrible as what will happen next. Continents have changed their appearance, and survivors are charting new shores. On the basis of the surviving villages, enclaves of survivors of the planetary catastrophe are created.

Sergei Nikolaevich, his relatives, friends and like-minded people are creating their own enclave on one of the islands of the new archipelago - Saharny Island. And peace is only a dream... caring for people, reviving crafts and technologies, conquering the sea and searching for valuable resources of a past civilization, and all this without ever letting go of the weapon for a moment.

Through work and bloody sweat, the joy of success and the grief of loss, there is still much to go through in order to take one’s place in the New World, on which the future of the islanders and the future of children born “after” depends.

Is it possible to remain human if you lose faith in your own kind? In a world where good boots will get you hunted, and in some wastelands you can easily pass for food. In a world that has sunk to the level of the Middle Ages, in a world where slavery and cannibalism flourish, in a world where a handful of salt is a fortune, and gold is just metal and is worth nothing. Story.

How many possible worlds can there be? How do they develop? Do they overlap? The average person has no answers to these questions, but when the next Intervariant puncture occurs, employees of the surveillance inspection of the Zero Option - a world standing at the highest hierarchical level of the sets of worlds - are sent to search for a fugitive from their world. However, hierarchies are not perfect...

By the will of unknown forces, he was thrown into another world, in which he was able to adapt, find friends, love and... enemies who lost power, harbored a grudge and found allies among treacherous and cunning foreigners.

The loss of loved ones, betrayal and exile will not be able to break the one whose will and character are intertwined with the Masters of the Swamps - wild monsters with a cat's nature. Wanting to save his beloved, Nikitin will take the path that will lead him to Shahar. He will ride into the ancient city riding a swamp cat like a living legend. Beli will lead the ancient people, there is no turning back, let the prophecy come true!

The fate of Kinta Akan is closely intertwined with the fate of the empire. There is no expectation of a quiet life, and Kint knows nothing but to serve. The empire's faithful dog returns to service...

We recommend heroic fiction written by Nikolai Poberezhnik. All books in the series are listed below. His novels are about quests, dangerous and exciting adventures in the spirit of a good fantasy action movie.

Combat fantasy

Wrath of the Exiles

Due to forces beyond the control of reason, Nikitin finds himself in an alien world full of the unknown. Gradually adapting, he learns to live in new conditions, finds friends and even meets true love. However, he also acquires enemies. Embittered, deprived of power, they found like-minded people in the ranks of unprincipled foreigners. But neither betrayal, nor the loss of loved ones, nor the burden of an outcast can destroy someone with whom monsters with the habits of a wild cat - the Masters of the Swamps - are inextricably linked by the power of their spirit. To free his beloved, the hero goes to ancient Shahar. In the city, he appears as the rider of the swamp monster, a legend rising from the ashes of time. Beli will have to lead the people of Shahar; retreat is pointless. The prophecy is destined to come true now! Further

Lost Shore

The Lost Coast. Destroyed hopes. Archipelago. Burden of Choice (collection)

It happens that a person obeys the call of his heart, an inexplicable inner desire to change his everyday life. And then he renounces everything he has, resolutely not wanting to take the burden of pressing problems with him into a bright future. He buys a house in the wilderness, where there is no bustle, no city roads, where he can fully enjoy nature. And he seems to be absolutely happy. But the destructive force of the elements mercilessly destroys everything on the planet, sweeps away all living things, indiscriminately, sweeps away his expectations. And only by miraculously surviving the hell of the catastrophe, he understands that the call of the heart was the voice of fate, a signal for salvation. Now he has to create his own world from scratch in order to survive himself and help the people who entrusted their lives to him. And the joy of life after the end of the world is gradually replaced by the awareness of a terrible and unknown future... Continue

Sergei's whole life was filled with work. Everything that happened around was connected with her in one way or another. But fate gave him a chance to change everything. Having abandoned everything, Sergei moves to an old house in the wilderness. However, his hopes for a better life are not destined to come true. A large-scale natural disaster wipes out everything created by man from the face of the Earth. Sergei is among the few who miraculously survived this disaster. And now he has to build a new world on the ruins of the old one. He has no right to give up, because he is responsible for the lives of the people who believed him! Further

Life after the Wave changed dramatically. A large-scale disaster turned it into a banal survival. The illusory future turned out to be much worse than the Wave itself... The surviving people unite into enclaves to try to provide at least some conditions for existence. Sugar Island is one of these enclaves, created by Sergei Nikolaevich and his allies. Life goes on and for the future to become real, the heroes will have to recreate the semblance of a destroyed civilization from scratch: explore nature, conquer the seas and revive technology. But taking your place in this new world will not be easy... Read more

All the horrors of the disaster are in the recent past. A year after the Wave, miraculously surviving people were able to unite into republics. New maps have already been created, which reflect the continents, islands and new rivers changed by the disaster. A new time has begun, a new countdown has been set for the years. As before, someone is diligently building a new life, learning new things, trying to do more and better. And some, having never been able to recover from their losses, are simply wandering into nowhere... And some have decided not to change anything and, as in life before the Wave, manage to survive at the expense of others. The archipelago continues to develop. Life does not stand still, it rages like a river, full of joys, losses, happy and bitter events. Further


Time for orphans

Life throws him from side to side, without mercy, as if wanting to show all its facets. A school of orphans with a military bias knew the young man as an excellent student, who turned into a famous criminal on the eternal wanted list. He was once a simple, kind guy. Now he is a fearless and merciless warrior, who too often defies death. Life threw him from the southern valleys into the steppes, into cold mountains with icy winds, but could not break him. Eartha's world must submit to him! The world of human achievements, the world of aircraft and steam locomotives, the world of new inventions and technologies. The bright contrast of this world - blinding luxury and blatant poverty, luxurious rich houses and dilapidated dwellings of the poor - is only a small part of what he has to see... More

Fall of Terratos

Unexplained events happen again and again. By chance, the hero survived a fierce battle and endured the fierce mountain cold. Returning to friends and family, he begins to live again. But fate decided everything for him. One who is born a fighter cannot live in peace. Circumstances force him to take a dangerous career path again. The citizens of Terratos, without knowing it, split into two parts. Some lead an idle life and wallow in money, while others long for change and reprisals against their offenders. People continue their usual lives, not paying attention to the fact that the menacing alarm of war is sounding ever closer. And terratos is already rapidly falling into the abyss of oblivion... Continue

Erta: Akan Army

War is very close. Traders, greedy for profit, industrial owners, like scavengers, tear apart the terratos, trying to grab a larger piece. The brutal attack resulted in the loss of valuable resources in the foothills where Kinth Athan leads his army among the dangerous mountainous terrain. War again and again challenges the young fearless fighter, testing his strength. He steadfastly endures all the hardships, all the trials of fate, his heart is tired of mourning his comrades who died in battle, and has turned to stone. And this time he will be able to survive, he must come to victory at any cost! Further

Eartha. Personal justice

The search does not bring Kintu success. Being in complete despair, he is close to going crazy. Having gathered his courage, he decides to achieve his goal at all costs. Over the years of service, he learned a lot and surpassed professionals. A retired officer, an intellectual, an industrialist, he succeeded in everything. The time has come to show who is who and achieve what has been unattainable for many years for the best detectives. Precise calculation, cold intelligence and almost reckless fearlessness will certainly lead him to his goal! Further

Swamp cat

Swamp cat

Everything came at once - problems at work, troubles and other troubles in life. His soul and body simply needed urgent rest, solitude. It would be ideal to go somewhere into the forest, to feel unity with nature. And so it happened. Only now there is no way to go back, the past life has melted into oblivion. A new world appeared before him - medieval cruelty, internecine wars, witches, lone warriors and the fire of the Inquisition - the full set. He has to start living differently, anew. And the skills and abilities of modern civilization will help you adapt to unusual conditions. Now you need to learn how to handle weapons and enlist the support of true friends. Further

We survived!

Everything happened like in the fairy tale “About the Shepherd,” who cried “Wolves” for fun. The next date of the apocalypse was announced, but most did not believe it. Only a small percentage of the planet's population and two friends, one of whom regularly and diligently prepared for each end of the world that had not occurred before. They were able to survive the death of the World, but now it’s time to envy the dead... Continue

No series

Finally a vacation! Now you can no longer put off your trip to your hometown. By coincidence, these days were the last in the life of mankind... The virus, mutated in the laboratory, was released. People under the influence of the virus were rapidly turning into zombies! The era of the dead was coming. You can forget about your vacation and long-awaited trip forever. Everything has lost its meaning, all that remains is a wild desire to survive. Further

Political blackmail turns out to be a trigger for launching a large-scale strategic operation in Russia, which in fact is the plunder and subjugation of the territory. The plan, which has been thought out and calculated for many years, has come into force now! However, the enemy did not take into account the fact that Russians are not for sale and remember very well what the Motherland means. The enemy's plan collapsed, but the price was too high. The nuclear conflict brought devastation and loss to the great country, but the people who survived in the east will overcome everything to rise. After all, Russians are a strong, invincible and courageous people! Further

Principle of reasonable intervention

How the life and development of worlds occurs, how many there are and whether they are connected to each other is unknown and too difficult for the common man. However, the worlds intersect. And in the case of a new Intervariant puncture, there is often an escape... inspection of the observation of the Zero Option - a world standing at the highest hierarchical level of many worlds. However, hierarchs are not perfect... Finding such a guest is the task of surveillance inspectors from the highest world of the hierarchical ladder. But the hierarchs of the Zero Option are far from ideal, unlike their world... Continue

It was Nikolai Poberezhnik - all books by series are on the list. Share your impressions if you have read it and bookmark his selection.

Wrath of the Exiles

Nikitin managed to adapt to the new world into which unknown forces threw him. He found friends, love and... enemies.

His character, fate and will are intertwined with the Masters of the Swamps - wild monsters with a cat's nature.

To save his beloved, Nikitin must get to the ancient city and fulfill the prophecy. There is no turning back and may Beli help him!

Lost Shore

Destroyed hopes

Sergei, who had devoted his entire life to work, finally gave up everything and moved to the taiga. But all his hopes were destroyed by a catastrophe on a planetary scale.

Build a new world on the ruins of the old? To save and protect those who trusted him? Survive? Necessarily.

Sergei is a strong, strong-willed person, he is obliged to cope with all trials, because some of his friends gave their lives for a new world, for a happy future.


“Before” and “after” the Wave. This is how the lives of those who managed to survive the disaster were divided. The continents have changed their shape, and the survivors are editing the maps - drawing new shores and new rivers.

Sergei Nikolaevich, his friends and like-minded people create their own enclave - Saharny Island - on one of the many islands of the new archipelago.

But now there will be no peace: it is necessary to revive crafts and technologies, take care of people, conquer the sea, look for valuable resources and at the same time always be on the alert.

New world... What will you be like for children born “after” the Wave?

Burden of Choice

A year has passed since the Wave. The maps show the outlines of new continents and islands, new lakes and rivers.

Those who survived the disaster unite into republics, enclaves, communities, because life has not stopped. It is necessary to adapt to the new reality, preserve what little is left and create a new one.

The history of the New Archipelago is one of exploits, trials, achievements and - alas! - losses.

  • The Lost Coast. Destroyed hopes. Archipelago. Burden of Choice (collection)


Time for orphans

A simple-minded, naive young man becomes a warrior - tough, ignorant of pity, desperately seeking death.

He changed the southern valleys, saturated with sun and tranquility, to bare steppes and high mountains, where the north wind always blows.

Conquer the world of Eartha and regain your name... This is only the beginning of the journey in a world where unbridled luxury coexists with abject poverty.

Fall of Terratos

The drums of war are beating louder, the cold air is saturated with the smell of death, and Terratos is about to slide into the abyss of oblivion.

Some revel in the power of money and enjoy the celebration of progress, others harbor a grudge and are preparing a revolution, a new redivision of the world.

Fate will not forget the one born for battle: his skills and experience will be useful in his new service. The series of mysterious events continues...

Erta: Akan Army

Guilds of industrialists and merchants are ready to tear Terratos to pieces. As a result of the treacherous invasion, the foothills, rich in resources and minerals, were lost.

The young and brave Kint Akan, whose face was dried out by the icy winds, leads the mountain army. A faithful Terratos will never break or bend. His goal is to defeat the northerners!

And a reward will certainly await the brave warrior at the end of the journey...

Eartha. Personal justice

Trials and battles harden you.

But endless searches can break even such a strong warrior as Kint Akan. However, a timid hope is enough for strength and reason to return to him.

Aristocrat and industrialist, retired officer and merchant. He changed many names, surpassed his teachers - the last push remained: to tear off the masks and do what turned out to be beyond the strength of all the detectives of the Empire...

Swamp cat

Swamp cat

If you want to take a break from troubles at work, you shouldn’t move too far away from everyone and lose touch with the outside world. Forest and nature are a great vacation, but you can go so far that the way back will be lost in the centuries...

The cruel and dense world of the Middle Ages with the standard set - civil strife, the Inquisition, lone warriors and... magic.

On the lands of Three Rivers he will have to start a new life. It's just a matter of little things: find true friends, arm yourself with a sword and remember everything you knew before.

Victory is ahead!

We survived!

We survived! Start

People greeted the latest news about the coming apocalypse with healthy skepticism: there are dozens of such warnings a day.

But this time everything is different... Only a small percentage of the Earth's population and two bosom friends survived, one of whom diligently prepared for each declared disaster.

They miraculously survived the collapse of the World, but how I want to envy the dead! Now every new day is a struggle for life.

No series

Principle of reasonable intervention

How many possible worlds can there be? According to what scenario are they developing and do the newly created worlds intersect with each other?

The average person has no answers to such questions, but in the event of another Intervariant puncture, the best surveillance inspectors are promptly dispatched to search for the fugitive.

Yes, there is a Zero Option - a standard of peace that stands above many worlds. But is the zero reference point of the universe really that ideal? Or does the verified hierarchy have its flaws?

I didn't call you!

The “peacekeeping mission”, which began on Russian territory under a vile pretext, essentially represents the plunder of the country. The time has come for the “puppeteers” and their “puppets”.

But there are also those who know what the Motherland is and do not intend to give up.

The price of freedom is a nuclear conflict...