
About education about the problems of teaching staff. Problems of modern education and science. Ways to solve problems at the state level. Basic problems of science

Rauba Tatyana Vladislavovna
Job title: mathematic teacher
Educational institution: school in Medovoe village
Locality: Bagrationovsky district
Name of material: article
Subject: Rural school: state, problems, development prospects.
Publication date: 02.01.2017
Chapter: secondary education

Municipal Autonomous Institution of the City of Kaliningrad “Training and Methodological Educational Center” Graduate qualifying work under the professional retraining program “Management in Education”

“Rural school: state, problems, development prospects”
Completed by Rauba Tatyana Vladislavovna Kaliningrad 2016

Chapter I.
State and problems of rural schools. 6 1
1.1The state of the rural school. 6 1.2 Problems of rural schools. 16 1.3 Economic problems of rural schools. 18 1.4 Demographic problems of rural schools. 20 1.5 The problem of personnel in rural areas. 21 1.6 The problem of motivating a healthy lifestyle. 25 1.7 Problems of transition of rural schools to “per capita” payment. 26
Chapter II.
Prospects for the development of rural schools. 28 2.1 National educational initiative “Our New School”. 31 2.2 Modernization of rural schools. 39 2.3 Innovative educational process in a rural school. 44 2.4 Profile orientation for high school students in a rural school. 47 2.5 Features of education and training of students in small rural schools. 52 2.6 School is not a classroom type. 56 2.7 Interaction in the pedagogical process. 60
So that the sun will rise in the souls of the children, the grain field will ear, I go to school, so that the village will live, and Russia will be reborn in the village. 2
A. Malkov In the educational space of Russia, rural schools occupy a significant place. Since the beginning of the 90s of the XX century, the Russian rural school has been functioning in new social and economic conditions and a society characterized by a transition to a market economy and the creation of a legal and democratic state. The fundamental changes taking place in our society today cannot but affect the school. Society is changing, and the school is changing along with it. Problems arise that were not there before. As a result of the reform, insufficient funds for the long-term development of the village, assistance to the school, maintenance of social and cultural facilities (the village club and library ceased to function). Rural residents have low wages, which means that a rural family has very limited funds for the cultural development of a child. Nor can it financially support the school in providing normal conditions for the education and upbringing of children. Moreover, the difficult financial situation of most families leads to disharmony in family relations, a decrease in the educational potential and social stability of the family, and an increase in the number of socially disadvantaged families. The state of rural schools is largely determined by regional educational, social, family and youth policies. A modern rural school is an important component of the social organism, which, together with the family, is responsible for the development of schoolchildren. The school in this function cannot be fully replaced by the activities of any other socio-cultural institutions. It changes both under the influence of the socio-economic conditions of society and due to internal development processes. The rural school, as an educational institution, has always been aware of the vital need to establish contacts between the school and the village, and, if possible, strengthened this connection. Practice has shown 3
that establishing cooperation is a complex, two-way, lengthy process, depending on many factors. The main one is the initiating role of the school. Where cooperation took place and became the norm of interaction between school and village, mutual enrichment occurred, which, first of all, had a positive effect on the socialization of children.
Relevance of the chosen topic
: 1.Features of a rural school at the present stage of its development are: the diversity of rural schools; small number of students in rural schools; dependence of the activities of a rural school on the location and socio-economic potential of the environment; rural schoolchildren and parents have no alternative in choosing the types of school in the social space; greater participation of schoolchildren in agricultural work; insufficiency of preschool and additional educational institutions in the village; the close connection of the rural school with agricultural production, the multifunctionality of the activities of the rural teacher; low material security of rural teachers. 2. In recent years, the content of general secondary and vocational education has changed, as well as the goals, objectives, and functions of the school, which determine the need for qualitatively new content of education, corresponding to the changed socio-economic conditions of life in society in general and the agricultural sector of the country in particular. The modern school is faced with the task of revealing the abilities of each student, raising a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals and skillfully respond to different life situations. 3.Today, many rural schools operate in an innovative mode, but their management, carried out on the basis of outdated mechanisms, is significantly 4
reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of their functioning.
An object

: school in the village of Medovoye, Bagrationovsky district, Kaliningrad region.
Subject of work
: the state of the rural school
Working methods
: analysis of the state of rural schools, development of prospects for the development of rural schools. standing in front of me
next tasks
which I will try to reveal in my work: - study of social and pedagogical problems of rural schools; - development of innovative models of rural schools based on interaction with families, educational institutions, and production structures; - identification of specific features of education and training of students in small rural schools; - why interaction is necessary in the educational process; - training of teaching staff to work in rural conditions. This topic is close to me also because, after graduating from university in 1984, I was assigned to the village of Medovoye, Bagrationovsky district, and my entire future life is connected with this village. I have been a teacher in a local school for over 30 years. Our school is a typical representative of a village educational institution. The majority of the village's residents are graduates of the Medovoe school. What our village will become in the future depends on them. It provides the basis for any further professional choice, lays in a person moral and moral principles of life, and fosters patriotic and civic feelings. To be a patriot is, first of all, to love and cherish your small homeland, and school plays a key role in this matter 5

Chapter I.

State and problems of rural schools.

1.1 The state of the rural school.
School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future out of your hands. A. Barbusse Let's try to define a rural school: it is a set of different types and types of general education institutions located in rural areas, diverse in terms of occupancy, territorial location, social environment, national composition, striving to satisfy the educational needs of children and performing specific tasks of general education and labor training of schoolchildren . In the educational space of Russia, 68.9% of schools are rural, where 28.8% of all students study. Russian rural schools today are the most widespread educational institutions in the country, actively influencing the social situation in rural areas. In the current academic year they accounted for about 70 percent of the total number of schools in Russia. They educate 6.3 million children and employ 693 thousand people. Their share in the municipal education system of the Bagrationovsky district is 86%. The rural school and society are inseparable. They function in a single social and temporal space. Being an organic part of the whole, a rural school reflects all the contradictions, problems, and values ​​inherent in it. Hence the following statements are quite fair: a healthy society - a healthy school, a sick society - a sick school. The interdependence of educational institutions and society is also manifested in the fact that a rural school is designed to provide training and education that is adequate to the needs of society, and therefore to the needs of agricultural production, the social sphere, the family and the individual. Rural school - 6
dynamic educational structure of the social environment. Historically, the nature of the development of a village school was largely determined by the trends in the development of the agricultural economy, the social structure of the village, as well as dynamic social life. In the 60-80s, during the period of stable development of large collective agricultural enterprises, the school was considered as an important part of the production infrastructure of the village, as a training workshop of a collective farm or state farm for training specialists in mass professions. The school was supposed to work taking into account the practical benefits for agricultural production, to prepare future owners of the land, qualified specialists who knew the basics of agriculture at the level of modern science, familiar with complex technology, young people who loved their native land and peasant labor. Today, in the conditions of a mixed economy, the decline of agricultural production, having lost powerful partners in labor training in the form of collective and state farms, schools are forced to independently solve the problem of labor education and initial vocational training of students. The role of the school in the development of agricultural production remains enormous. A rural school has qualitative characteristics that, on the one hand, determine its stability and uniqueness, and on the other, determine its internal inconsistency and explain the difficulty of resolving its problems. But the current state of rural schools makes us think about the situation in education in general and the life of the Russian village in particular. The rural school plays the role of a village-forming factor (“no school, soon there will be no village”), it provides training and education that is adequate to the needs of society, and therefore to the needs of agricultural production, the social sphere, the family, and the individual. The rural school compensates for the shortcomings of family education in the preschool period by performing a culture-forming function. Due to various problems, the number of rural schools has recently 7
is noticeably reduced. Number of schools in Bagrationovsky district year Total schools Urban rural 2005 13 1 13 2008 12 1 12 2011 10 1 9 2015 7 1 6 At the same time, in rural areas, a school, as a rule, is the only educational institution at the place of residence of students who can receive full or basic secondary education. Unlike the city, here the student is tied to a specific school; he is forced to remain in an uncontested educational space, which makes the child’s level of development dependent on surrounding circumstances and deprives him of opportunities for additional education. The closer the school is to the city, the greater opportunities it has for integrating children into social and cultural life. The more successfully the problem of its staffing is solved, the closer the professional contacts of school staff with specialists of a similar profile are, the opportunities for access to the latest information and cultural sites of the city increase. The specific social conditions of the school, the need to respond in a timely manner to the constantly emerging social problems of children - all this makes the rural school multifunctional. She is forced to organize socio-pedagogical and socio-cultural work in an open environment, with the goal of improving the child’s living environment, overcoming the alienation of children and parents, older and younger generations, and restoring the age-old peasant tradition of educating “the whole world.” The school initiates social work with children and their families, recognizing the need to protect rights and timely social and psychological assistance 8
children who are maladjusted, in poor health, from low-income and socially disadvantaged families. The school becomes the basic institute for pre-professional agricultural training. The state of rural schools today is alarming. After all, this is the social institution where it is most difficult and challenging to realize the constitutional right of citizens to receive education, regardless of place of residence. Rural schools, more than others, need to modernize the content of education to meet the needs of the country’s agricultural sector, to introduce new educational and socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological technologies that are acceptable for small classes and adequate to the psychological characteristics of rural children. Each school should have the right to form its own development model, adequate to the socio-economic conditions of a particular society, historical and cultural traditions of the region, and national characteristics. The only way by which it is possible to resolve the entire complex set of problems facing a rural school is the integration of the school with agricultural production, the socio-cultural life of the village, and the natural environment. The rural school once again challenges time, or more precisely, everyone who is involved in determining its fate and is responsible for it. The reality of life requires the creation of a system of activity that would correspond to the new time. A rural school is an integral part of rural society. And it cannot develop in isolation from it, but only in conjunction with the socio-economic and socio-cultural development of the village. A modern rural school operates without a state order to prepare students for life and work in an agricultural society. At the same time, the Russian rural school has been and will remain the social institution that, under any social system, in any socio-economic conditions, is entrusted with the mission of training new generations of farmers - both specialists at various levels and peasants - 9
owners and users of land. Now this problem is becoming, without exaggeration, a national security problem. A historical and pedagogical analysis of the development of rural schools in Russia shows: only the socially oriented activities of a rural school as an educational link in a rural settlement can create real prerequisites for the society to perform socio-economic, socio-cultural, socio-pedagogical functions. Being a dynamic educational structure of a rural settlement, a rural school potentially has significant resources for indirectly solving the most important socio-economic, socio-cultural, demographic, socio-pedagogical problems of rural society, thereby ensuring the sustainable development of the agro-industrial community. Rural schools and other educational institutions located in rural areas need effective support and care from the state, local governments, private businesses, and the whole society. In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Amur, Kaluga, Pskov, Sverdlovsk, Tula regions, etc.), regional programs to support rural schools have been developed and are being implemented. The same cannot be said about the Kaliningrad region. In the context of modernization of education, rural schools in the region are called upon to provide training and education that is adequate to the needs of society, and therefore to the needs of agricultural production, the social sphere of the village, family and individual. The rural school is in constant search for diverse areas of creative activity. The most significant of them are: - the introduction of various school models (“L.N. Tolstoy School”, “Russian Folk School”, “Peasant School”, “Agrarian School”, “Society School”, “School of Culture”, “Citizen”) village”, etc.); 10
- development of effective pedagogical systems and technologies (systems of L.V. Zankov, D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov, technologies of pedagogical assistance to children with school and social maladjustment, technologies of subject teaching in elementary school, etc.); - selection of educational content aimed at developing the personality of a rural schoolchild, taking into account his interests and abilities (historical-cultural, ethnocultural, artistic-aesthetic, economic, agricultural and environmental education of schoolchildren is carried out); - searching for effective ways to organize pre-professional training and specialized education for high school students (programs for introducing specialized training have been designed in a number of regions of the region, and elective course programs are being developed by teachers in rural schools);  creation of humanistic educational systems (“Revival of spiritual traditions through the development of intergenerational connections”, “Collective creative activity of teachers, students, parents”, “From the ecology of nature - to noospheric education”, “My small homeland”, “Cultural self-determination of a child in space daily activities”, etc.);  modeling of the management system of a rural educational institution, taking into account the specific conditions of its functioning (model of a student’s portfolio in the pre-vocational training system, assessment of the quality of education in a rural school, etc.). The variety of integrative models of schools in the region that has developed in practice is a natural phenomenon that reflects the development of small rural communities (school - kindergarten, educational complex, school - education center, school - kindergarten - rural club, etc.).
What should a modern teacher be like?
A teacher of the 21st century is a person who combines the qualities of a researcher, scientist, methodologist, organizer, and artist. eleven
This is a person whose work is based on the principles of humanism and respect for the child’s personality. This is, first of all, a friend to children, their assistant, adviser. In modern education, the position of the teacher moves from the dominant one to the auxiliary one, where the “getter” of knowledge is the student, and the teacher is only an assistant and consultant. This is a kind of “student” who is constantly learning in the modern developing world, which sometimes requires the teacher to change his established positions and look at the world with new eyes, but at the same time remaining true to himself. A modern teacher must be in constant search and development. This is a person who has impeccable knowledge of his subject and is able to answer any questions from students. This is, of course, a comprehensively developed and educated person with computer skills in the new information world. A teacher of the 21st century is a creator in various fields of pedagogical activity, striving to sum up his work and generalize his experience.

How many





According to statistics, 40% of respondents claim that today’s teachers, for the most part, are modern, progressive people. At the same time, many admit that schoolchildren understand a number of issues of today’s life better than teachers (54%) (in the field of new information technologies, technical literacy, and less often in modern life of people). Any teacher wants to become a significant figure. A significant teacher today is both a professional and an individual. In order to become significant, today it is necessary to practically master those types of pedagogical culture for which the teacher is most often prepared only theoretically. The teacher is constantly between practice and theory, 12
increasing your experience mainly with practical skills. Today we must admit: the small number of rural schools is a specific feature of Russian education. In this regard, emphasis should be placed on ensuring the effectiveness of small schools, because the presence of a school in a rural settlement as such affects the stabilization of the socio-cultural situation in the countryside, the development of the agro-industrial complex, and the preservation of the viability of rural areas. Rural schools, which for the most part do not have the minimum necessary material and technical base for organizing pre-vocational training of schoolchildren for agricultural work, began to lose their traditionally strong position in the field of labor training for schoolchildren. This situation leads to a decrease in the social effectiveness of education for rural schoolchildren, to social vulnerability of rural school graduates, and to the development of migration sentiments among rural youth. However, individual teaching teams of rural schools managed to preserve time-tested forms of labor training for schoolchildren and attract them to productive work. In a number of regions of the country, the authorities are reviving the activities of student production teams and labor associations of schoolchildren. In many territories, experience has been accumulated in successfully functioning agricultural schools (Belgorod, Yaroslavl regions, Republic of Yakutia, etc.), farms at schools (Vladimir region), subsidiary farms at schools (Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvash Republic, etc.). Among the positive changes is an increase, although insignificant, in the number of schools where specialized courses in biology and chemistry are taught. This fact means that the rural school is beginning to respond to the introduction of specialized training. A labor lesson in a comprehensive school is the only subject where schoolchildren learn in practice to apply the knowledge acquired in physics, chemistry, geography, and geometry lessons. The social significance of school labor lessons lies in preparing students for family life, in particular, in teaching 13
boys and girls life skills vital for family life. By studying the subject of technology, girls from schools in the Kamensky district gain skills in cooking and sewing, while boys gain skills in carpentry. In addition, there are separate schools in some regions of Russia, where the vocational training of students in the profession of machine operator, which is in demand in rural areas, has been preserved, and the work of rural students at school educational and experimental sites has been restored. The specific social conditions of the school, the need to respond in a timely manner to the constantly emerging social problems of children - all this makes the rural school multifunctional. The school is in dire need of young staff. The average age of today's Russian teacher is 49 years. 52% of teachers have more than 20 years of work experience (according to the State Statistics Committee of the Federal portal “Statistics of Russian Education” as of 01/01/13). This means that every second teacher will retire in 5-7 years. There is an obvious need to radically change the working conditions of teachers, to make the teaching profession prestigious and attractive to young people, including men, because 85-89% of teachers are women. +In rural small schools, the salary level is significantly lower due to low class sizes, due to the transition to NSOT. And yet, in rural areas, the teaching profession is at least some kind of guarantor of stability. Distinctive features of the personnel policy of rural schools are the desire to have permanent staff, regular staff training through the organization and the development of a staff incentive system. At the same time, it should
note the factors contributing to the development

rural school:
 availability of wider opportunities for 14 than in the city
individualization of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, development of their creative potential; - participation of children in productive and socially significant work. Close connection between the school and village life;  the special position of a teacher, who often, due to necessity, combines the functions of a psychologist, sociologist, consultant and provides assistance to students and their parents in difficult life situations;  tradition of particularly respectful attitude of fellow villagers towards the teacher;  the pronounced focus of the rural school on the implementation of a personal approach to the student.
The development of rural schools is determined by the following general principles
:  the principle of democratization - freedom in choosing methods and means of achieving educational goals;  the principle of continuity - the construction of an educational process that includes all periods of education; - the principle of manufacturability - the introduction of specific, realistically achievable pedagogical goals and objectives. Let us also remember that a rural school is a unique social institution that contributes to the dynamic development of society, to which its hopes are always directed. Despite all the destructive trends, it is the school that preserves the ability of a person’s understanding of the world, the possibility of educating the younger generation in the spirit of community, social responsibility, peasant morality, preserving the spiritual heredity of relationships, and the continuity of generations. The problems of rural schools have always been the focus of attention not only of the teaching community, but also of society as a whole. This is due to the fact that the rural school plays a big role in the life of the individual, family, and in the social and industrial life of the entire village. It carries out not only educational, but also economic, social, cultural and moral 15
functions. And as Confucius said: “He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher.” A teacher of the 21st century must use the best of traditional technologies, find an innovative approach to the educational process, and always be focused on the uniqueness of each student, on the development of his individual abilities and, above all, the moral sphere.
1.2 Problems of rural schools.
“Russia can share the fate of Ancient Rome: the culture will remain, but the people will disappear” Vladimir Nabokov. The problem of rural schools has been one of the central ones throughout the history of national education. This was obvious in an era when Russia was a peasant country. With the entry into the industrial stage, the question of a rural school found itself inscribed in a broader context - the problem of the historical fate of the peasantry and the village as a whole. From the standpoint of the doctrine of erasing significant differences between city and countryside, the prospect of rural education was outlined quite clearly: the village gradually assimilates urban culture, way of life and dissolves in a single settlement system, retaining only differences recognized as insignificant. As you know, the unique, multi-stage and diverse system of Russian education is distinguished by regional characteristics. It is quite obvious that they do not replace federal, unified educational standards, but only specify knowledge, ensuring the integrity of Russian education. At the same time, our system is in continuous motion, reflecting socio-economic transformations in the state. However, 16
By implementing the democratic principles of social development in the field of education (universality, accessibility, etc.), we are convinced of its different quality. A comparative analysis shows that the quality of education of graduates of rural schools when entering universities is often lower than their urban peers. Meanwhile, every third student in Russian education is a rural resident. Management of a rural school at the present stage of development of society is carried out taking into account the restructuring of the network of educational institutions, development, maintaining stability, adaptation and involves the implementation of the development prospects of both the individual (student, teacher) and the educational process of the rural school itself. The socio-pedagogical contradictions characteristic of the modern situation of the development of general education in rural schools have intensified:  between the changed educational needs of the rural schoolchild and his family, and the real working conditions of the rural school that do not meet modern requirements;  between the increasing demands of modern life on the level and quality of general education, general cultural, agricultural and moral training of a graduate from a rural school and the limited educational opportunities of a rural school, which is not capable of equipping a student with a competitive education; - between the management of a rural school in the process of its restructuring and the lack of normative documents for this process, etc. Life and semantic crises, the crushing of one value system and the imposition of another, the collapse of the conditions for the reproduction of large social groups - all this makes the inner world of our contemporary shaky, and the people themselves - confused and confused. All these negative trends did not pass by the education system and had a huge destructive impact on the individual 17
modern teacher, especially on the personality of a rural teacher. Years of chronic “lack of money” and minimum wages, which were not paid on time and in full, have incredibly reduced the creativity and activity of rural teachers, the restoration of which will now require quite a lot of time and effort.

a bunch of






can be summarized into four groups: economic, demographic,



social settlement,


organizational, etc.), pedagogical.

1.3 Economic problems of rural schools.
Each of the identified areas is characterized by its own set of indicators. In this case, of course, it is necessary to take into account the interrelation and interdependence of factors, both at the regional and national levels. For example, when calculating economic conditions, one cannot abstract from the circumstances associated with the crisis situation of the country’s economy as a whole. The fact that in recent years the emphasis in financing general education has shifted to the regions does not change the essence of the picture. In this regard, a fact from history is indicative. Expenditures on primary education in Russia in 1896 amounted to 25 million rubles. Public funds collected in the regions accounted for the lion's share of this amount - 20 million rubles (17 million of which were zemstvo fees), and only 5 million rubles - the Ministry of Education. This fact is instructive when we talk today about the role of the public in education. But the other side also seems instructive: we must not forget that given the state of state and public funds (1:5), education was carried out on an extremely limited scale (it is known that according to the 1897 census, the literate population of Russia was only 13%). In this regard, 18
It would be useful to recall that a breakthrough in mass education was made in Soviet times, when the state concentrated in its hands the resources to carry out such a large-scale task. The success of this policy is now recognized throughout the world. The next cycle of declining living standards of the population creates additional difficulties in implementing the program. In particular, the reduction in the possibilities of parental payment not only threatens the existence of the system of preschool educational institutions, but also impedes the implementation of such an area of ​​the program as a combination of a rural school - kindergarten model. Due to the understaffing of kindergartens and schools in the period 2010-2014. On the territory of the Bagrationovsky district, rural school-kindergarten models have been created in 3 villages (Partizansky village, Pogranichny village, Novoselovo village). Most municipalities have meager funds in this regard. On this basis, a kind of “economism” of thinking grows, when various projects are born locally to reduce the cost of rural small schools. Spending money economically is a necessary condition for survival during a crisis. But in relation to school, it is necessary to keep in mind that this is only one dimension of the problem. It is impossible not to take into account the socio-cultural function of the school, with which the fate of the settlement itself is directly connected.

- closure of small schools. It leads to the fact that young specialists, and not only specialists, leave rural settlements and go to the city. The salary of a rural teacher is several times lower than his urban counterpart. An important component of the economic mechanism is the economic activity of the rural school itself. The experience of many rural schools shows that with the correct implementation of labor education, the school can overcome some economic difficulties. All schools in the district have 19
school plots where vegetables are grown for school canteens, which is a great help in organizing lunches for students.
1.4 Demographic problems of the school.
An important factor determining the prospects for a rural school is
demographic processes
. The observed decline in fertility in the late 90s and early 2000s has finally stopped. Thanks to the state program to support large families, the birth of a third or fourth child has become common in the last 5-7 years. As of the beginning of the 2015/2016 academic year. 38% of children from large families study at the school in the village of Medovoe. However, these indicators are still far from the Soviet period. The irreversible consequences of perestroika have taken their toll. The class size in the school ranges from 4 to 11 people, whereas in Soviet times the average size was 18 people. At the same time, the school staff works creatively and enthusiastically.
: the teaching staff of the school, in terms of its qualitative and quantitative composition, corresponds to the established level of qualifications. Therefore, the first most important specific function of a rural school is to instill in children the readiness and ability to remain rural residents with all the ensuing consequences, including demographic ones.

The problem of personnel in rural areas.
According to Russian statistics, almost 70% of schools are located in rural areas, where about 30% of children and adolescents receive education. While the rural school is going through difficult times, it is faced with problems of staffing shortages, sometimes insufficient qualifications of teachers, and is experiencing difficulties with logistics. It should be noted that the state made certain attempts 20
special attention to the needs of rural schools and to determining the prospects for its development. “To provide rural schoolchildren with equal opportunities to receive a high-quality general education, special measures will be taken to support rural schools, as well as its restructuring,” stated the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period until 2010. The strategy of school education with a focus on its renewal was defined in the National Doctrine of Education, approved by the government of the Russian Federation on October 5, 2000. However, the problems remain unresolved. The phenomenon of a rural small school cannot be understood without taking into account the specifics of its methodological system. There are many developments showing how to optimally organize the educational process in a small rural school. The general principles here may be: firstly, a non-traditional structure of the educational process that differs from the generally accepted one; secondly, taking into account the specifics of a small school; thirdly, reliance on individual training. Currently, there are more than 10 vacancies in schools in the Bagrationovsky district, incl. and at the school in the village of Medovoe. The most popular specialties are primary school teachers, foreign language teachers, and Russian language teachers. The main reason why certified specialists refuse to work in schools is low wages and lack of housing. For example, the salary of a German language teacher at a school in the village of Medovoe, working at one rate, is about 7 thousand rubles per month (as of 09/01/2015). It is typical that 8-10 thousand young teachers in the country leave school every year. In remote rural schools, as a rule, there are none at all. Therefore, teachers combine teaching their subjects with others and have a workload of one and a half times the rate and above. Even if young male teachers appear, they leave school as soon as they cross the threshold of conscription age due to extremely low wages. 21
Sociological studies show that 40% of rural teachers are not satisfied with the results of their teaching activities at school, 66% are not satisfied with the system of moral rewards at school. The low self-esteem of rural teachers is evidenced by the fact that 14.5% of them do not consider themselves creative professionals. It is no secret that in many rural schools in our region today there is not even a teacher-psychologist, and it is this specialist who must convey to the entire school staff all the new developments in psychological and pedagogical science and practice, teach new technologies for working with children, taking into account their psychophysiological and personal opportunities and abilities. All this led to a reduction in the need for educational services of the population: - the birth rate of children in families decreased significantly; - migration of residents to the regional center and other cities has increased. Thus, these reasons led to a significant reduction in the student population. By the end of the 90s, the best teachers in the region felt the socio-demographic changes and began to leave their educational institutions. Over 50% of specialists are people of pre-retirement and retirement age. Most of them, almost 80%, have higher education. True, only a third of teachers have the highest category.
Diagram 1. Education of teachers at the Medovoe school


1 - higher education – 7 people or 77%,

2 - secondary vocational – 2 people or 23%

Table 1. Qualification composition of teachers at the Medovoe school:

(9 main teaching staff):



Have the highest

Have the first






grounds for



- 5 (56%) 1 (11%) 3 (33%)
Table 2. Distribution of teachers at the Medovoye school by experience:

(9 main teaching staff):



Up to 10 years


10-20 years

20-30 years

More than 30 years
9 2 (22%) 2 (22%) 4 (44%) 1 (11%) Most rural teachers have come to terms with the lack of prospects (social, professional, personal) and the impossibility of positive change and development. The novelty of the changes that society decides 23
to produce in the field of education is only relative: their clear continuity with what has already happened can always be traced.
What should a teacher in a rural school be like?
What skills (competencies) should he have? The position deserves respect and demonstrates an understanding of the role of the modern world: “the teacher is an assistant, a friend of the student, the main thing is mutual understanding between the teacher and the student. The teacher must have the ability to communicate, feel like a student, and be tolerant; communicative, passionate about their work”, “have techniques for developing general educational skills and methods of student activity”, etc. The required level can only be achieved through consistent and systematic work to improve the qualifications of teaching and management personnel in the field of information and communication technologies. As an analysis of mass practice has shown, computer technologies are developing more intensively compared to their use in education. It is necessary to use the available opportunities to: - preserve and strengthen the unified educational space of the Russian Federation in rural areas; - increasing the level of training of rural schoolchildren; - mastering the basics of computer science and information technology; - in other subjects of the school curriculum through the use of information and distance learning technologies; - advanced training of rural school teachers, methodological and information support for their professional activities, including in the field of educational information technologies.


That's why




society and education, the need for the development and activation of new directions in education in general and in rural schools has become so urgent in 24
in particular. The rural teacher and the head of the rural school are in a specific social and methodological infrastructure, the features of which are insufficient scientific and methodological awareness and a special need for scientific and methodological support of the pedagogical process. When choosing approaches to the development of a rural school, the main condition for such development should be considered full support of work experience on the problem “School is the center of educational work.” It is on this path that a rural school and a rural teacher can gain support and authority among the population. The school library, school museum, and gym should become attractive centers for all the youth of the village. For example, on the basis of the sports hall of the school in the village of Medovoe, a karate sports section is successfully operating, which is attended by residents of the village, as well as volleyball and basketball sections for adults.
1.6 The problem of motivating a healthy lifestyle.
The problem of motivating a healthy lifestyle is becoming one of the leading tasks in the overall structure of the educational system in rural schools. A system of valeological education organically integrated into the general educational system of the school can purposefully solve the problem of motivating a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and readiness for a healthy lifestyle. Health, at the present stage of development of the nation, is considered as a human quality that ensures successful life activity and reflects the interaction of structural components corresponding to the biopsychosocial nature of man. The health problem also affected rural schoolchildren, who traditionally exceeded their urban peers in terms of physical development. Analysis of data on the health status of rural schoolchildren indicates an increase in problems across the entire spectrum of health components. For example, based on a routine medical examination conducted at the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year 25
year at the school in the village of Medovoe, 60% of the total number of students suffer from various diseases. Of these, 40% of all schoolchildren have chronic diseases. Rural schoolchildren also feel the need for social support and find it difficult to make decisions, see negative examples in their social environment, which reinforces the stereotype of an unhealthy lifestyle. Thus, 2 families in a socially dangerous situation are registered with the commission for minors and protection of their rights in the Bagrationovsky District municipality, where 5 children live, 4 of them are schoolchildren. The result of valeological education is social maturity, valeological literacy, sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle of school graduates who are capable of self-organization, self-education and self-education.
, an important condition for achieving the goals of a rural school is the preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and moral health of children.
1.7 Problems of transition of rural schools to “per capita” payment.
Many rural teachers interpret this program as the implementation of a large-scale program of Russian genocide. It is no coincidence that the rural school is switching to a new principle of financing - a principle that will actually lead to its complete and final destruction. Regulatory per capita financing means that after some time not 600, but 1,600 schools will be closed. With the meager money that the state allocates, and not directly, but through municipal authorities, a rural school can barely make ends meet, and, left without a livelihood, will be doomed to death. According to the law, the school cannot be closed without a decision from the village meeting. In fact, the opposite is often true. The village is very different from the city. Our district is subsidized and exists only due to the region’s help in finding additional funds to pay for the teacher 26
impossible. Immediately in the first years of the per capita standard, 4 basic schools in the Bagrationovsky district were closed precisely for this reason. Small schools were absorbed by nearby eleven-year schools. In order to survive, the school in the village of Medovoe was forced to downgrade its status, becoming a structural subdivision of the secondary school in the village of Kornevo. It is known from practice that, since 2001, over 9 thousand rural schools have already been closed in the country, and, consequently, about 9 thousand villages have died. In many areas of the country, the new wage system, due to deteriorating funding, actually leads to either a reduction in wages for teaching workers or to valuing more skilled labor. As of October 1, 2015, at a school in the village of Medovoe, when the technician’s salary was raised to the “minimum” of 10,000 rubles, the teacher receives 8,000-9,000 rubles, and sometimes less. If we take into account that the goals for the new payment system were set directly opposite, namely to increase the incentives for skilled labor, then the new payment system is being implemented exactly the opposite. The quality of education is falling because the industry is funded at half the minimum level. In addition, the status of teachers in Russia is unacceptably low. The President of Russia in one of his speeches directly stated that we have rolled back from our leading positions in education. Today, the Russian educational system needs to change in many ways.

on problems.
Russia has entered the new 21st century and its future depends on many factors, one of the most important of which is secondary education. It is now going through a difficult period of its development; the structure and content of many school subjects is changing. Today it seems quite reasonable to assert: the rural type of settlement, village culture, way of life, and, consequently, the rural school will exist and develop over a long historical period, 27
preserving specific, essential features within the framework of a single national culture and that field, which is called a single educational space. Therefore, the problems of rural schools are not a matter of preserving one type of educational institution, it is a national problem associated with the fate of the state itself.
Based on












This direction became one of the central elements in the national education doctrine “National Educational Initiative “Our New School” developed and signed by the President in 2010.
Chapter II
Prospects for the development of rural schools.
Learning without reflection is useless, but reflection without learning is also dangerous. Confucius The main result of the educational activities of any educational institution is the holistic development of the student’s personality. The school of the new millennium is different. Its main task is to ensure the provision of a qualitatively new, higher level of educational services. The problem of improving the quality of education in rural and small schools, in addition to consolidating rural secondary schools through the creation of resource centers in which material, technical, personnel, financial and managerial resources of general education institutions will be concentrated and coordinated,
can be successfully resolved
by introducing specific teaching methods, creating a didactic base in academic subjects for individual independent work of students. In turn, combining efforts at all levels of education management will contribute to the effective achievement of positive results in 28
development of rural schools. In the context of updating the structure and content of rural education, more attention should be paid to the study and dissemination of the experience of teaching staff of rural educational institutions in order to preserve traditions. As is known, in 2001 the restructuring of rural schools began. What did the schools get as a result? The study shows that some rural schools have indeed made a breakthrough over the years in the field of innovative technologies, computer support, the development of health-saving teaching methods, and intensified interaction with rural society. At the same time, a significant part of rural schools, especially small ones, have lived all these years in anticipation of closure. The study (about 600 rural schools from 28 regions of Russia) showed that the main problem is the uncertainty of the immediate prospects for rural schools. An unfavorable demographic situation, the aging of teaching staff, the transition to per capita financing, limited funds for the development of the material base, and the lack of extra-budgetary sources of funding - all this complicates the activities of rural schools. The complex problems of upbringing and teaching school cannot be solved alone, because educating the younger generation is the task of the whole society. Therefore, the school builds its activities on the basis of interaction and integration with other structures. At the school base there are sociocultural, socio-pedagogical, social and health, production and labor centers. At the same time, rural schools cannot remain the same. Reducing the number of rural schools, reorganizing their network, and merging is an objective process. Forcing the closure of small schools is detrimental to education. The creation of large educational centers cannot be taken as a basis on a national scale. Rural school is the basic link of formation 29
intellectual and labor potential of rural society. Anatoly Korobeinikov, adviser to the chairman of the upper house of the Russian parliament Sergei Mironov, has been involved in improving the education system throughout his life. In the magazine “Russian Federation Today” he published an article “Not a departmental problem, but a national one,” where he expressed his opinions on the problem of education, and, in particular, on the prospects for the development of education. “... education has turned out today to be the only area in which it is possible to unite the efforts of all citizens of Russia, who have very different, including polar, socio-political beliefs... Education is not a departmental problem, but a national one... Stop the ongoing process of material, spiritual and intellectual impoverishment countries is also possible only through the development of the education system
. It's time to put

school before bread
..." He further noted that the time has come for decisive reforms in the education system. School is a critical element in this process. The main tasks of a modern school are to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals and skillfully respond to different life situations. Modernization and innovative development are the only way that will allow Russia to become a competitive society in the world of the 21st century and provide a decent life for all our citizens. In the context of solving these strategic problems, the most important personality qualities are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions, the ability to choose a professional path, and the willingness to learn throughout life. All these skills are formed from childhood. thirty

2.1 National educational initiative “Our New School”.
The national educational initiative "Our New School" was approved on February 4, 2010 by the President of the Russian Federation
. It notes the tasks of the school of the future: “The main tasks of the modern school are to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals and skillfully respond to different life situations.” The national educational initiative "Our New School" has 2 subsections: the school of the future and the main directions for the development of general education.
School of the future.

What characteristics should a school have in the 21st century?
The new school is an institution that meets the goals of advanced development. The school will provide study not only of the achievements of the past, but also of technologies that will be useful in the future. Children will be involved in research projects and creative activities to learn to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities. The new school is a school for everyone. Any school will ensure the successful socialization of children with disabilities, disabled children, children without parental care, and in difficult life situations. The age characteristics of schoolchildren will be taken into account; education will be organized differently at the primary, basic and senior levels. A new school means new teachers, open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren, who know their 31
item. The teacher’s task is to help children find themselves in the future, become independent, creative and self-confident people. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new, teachers are a key feature of the school of the future. In such a school, the role of the director will change, his degree of freedom and level of responsibility will increase. The new school is a center of interaction both with parents and the local community, as well as with cultural, healthcare, sports, leisure institutions, and other social organizations. Schools as leisure centers will be open on weekdays and Sundays, and school holidays, concerts, performances, and sporting events will be places for family recreation. The new school has modern infrastructure. Schools will become modern buildings - the schools of our dreams, with original architectural and design solutions, with good and functional school architecture - a canteen with tasty and healthy food, a media library and library, high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, competent textbooks and interactive teaching aids, conditions for sports and creativity. The new school is a modern system for assessing the quality of education, which should provide us with reliable information about how individual educational institutions and the education system as a whole work.
Main directions of development of general education.

1. Transition to new educational standards.
From standards containing a detailed list of topics in each subject that are required for every student to study, a transition has been made to new standards - requirements about what school programs should be, what results children should demonstrate, what conditions should be created in school to achieve these results . 32
Any educational program contains two parts: compulsory and the one that is formed by the school. The higher the level, the more choices there are. The new standard provides for extracurricular activities - clubs, sports sections, various kinds of creative activities.
Result of education
- this is not only knowledge in specific disciplines, but also the ability to apply it in everyday life and use it in further education. The student must have a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures, and religions. This is possible only as a result of combining the efforts of teachers of different subjects. The school must create personnel, material, technical and other conditions that ensure the development of educational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the time. Financial support will be built on the principles of normative per capita financing (“money follows the student”), the transition to which is planned to be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the next few years. At the same time, funds go to both municipalities and each school according to the standard, regardless of the form of ownership. For work on standards to be effective, it is necessary to develop a system for assessing the quality of education. An independent assessment of schoolchildren's knowledge is needed, including during their transition from 4th to 5th grade and from 9th to 10th grade. Mechanisms for independent assessment can be created by professional pedagogical unions and associations. Russia will continue to participate in international comparative studies of the quality of education and create methods for comparing the quality of education in various municipalities and regions. The Unified State Exam should remain the main, but not the only way to check the quality of education. In addition, we will introduce monitoring and comprehensive assessment of the student’s academic achievements, his 33
competencies and abilities. Training programs for high school students will be linked to their further choice of specialty.
2. Development of a support system for talented children.
In the coming years, Russia will build an extensive system of searching, supporting and accompanying talented children. It is necessary to develop a creative environment to identify especially gifted children in every secondary school. High school students need to be given the opportunity to study in correspondence, part-time and distance schools, allowing them to master specialized training programs, regardless of their place of residence. It is necessary to develop a system of Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, the practice of additional education, and work out mechanisms for taking into account individual achievements of students when admitting them to universities. At the same time, it is necessary to develop a support system for mature, talented children. These are, first of all, educational institutions with round-the-clock attendance. It is necessary to disseminate the existing experience in the activities of physics and mathematics schools and boarding schools at a number of Russian universities. For children who have demonstrated their talents in various fields of activity, rallies, summer and winter schools, conferences, seminars and other events will be organized to support their talent. Working with gifted children must be economically feasible. The per capita funding standard should be determined in accordance with the characteristics of schoolchildren, and not just the educational institution. A teacher who has helped a student achieve high results should receive significant incentive payments.
3. Improving the teaching staff.
It is necessary to introduce a system of moral and material incentives to support domestic teachers. And the main thing is to attract young talented people to the teaching profession. The moral support system is already 34
established competitions for teachers ("Teacher of the Year", "Educate a Person", "I Give My Heart to Children", etc.), a large-scale and effective mechanism for supporting the best teachers within the framework of the priority national project "Education". This practice will expand at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The material support system is not only a further increase in wage funds, but also the creation of a wage mechanism that will stimulate the best teachers, regardless of their work experience, and therefore attract young teachers to the school. As the experience of regional pilot projects shows, salaries can and should depend on the quality and results of teaching activities, assessed with the participation of school councils, and a complex of modern financial and economic mechanisms actually leads to an increase in teachers’ salaries. Another incentive should be the certification of teaching and management personnel - periodic confirmation of the teacher’s qualifications and their compliance with the tasks facing the school. The qualification requirements and qualification characteristics of teachers have been fundamentally updated; professional pedagogical competencies occupy a central place in them. The system of teacher education needs to be seriously modernized. Pedagogical universities should be gradually transformed either into large basic centers for teacher training or into faculties of classical universities. At least once every five years, teachers and school principals improve their qualifications. The corresponding programs should be flexibly changed depending on the interests of teachers, and therefore on the educational needs of children. Funds for advanced training should be provided to school staff also on the principles of per capita financing, so that teachers can choose both programs and educational institutions, including not 35
only institutes for advanced training, but also, for example, pedagogical and classical universities. It is necessary to create data banks of organizations offering relevant educational programs in the regions. At the same time, directors and the best teachers should have the opportunity to study in other regions in order to have an idea of ​​​​the innovative experience of their neighbors. The experience of the best teachers should be disseminated in the system of teacher education, retraining and advanced training. Pedagogical practice of students of specialized universities and internships of existing teachers should take place on the basis of schools that have successfully implemented their innovative programs, primarily within the framework of the priority national project “Education”.






basic teacher education
. Having undergone psychological and pedagogical training and mastered new educational technologies, they will be able to demonstrate to children - first of all, high school students who have chosen a major of study - their rich professional experience.
4. Changing school infrastructure.
The appearance of schools must change significantly. We will get real results if the school becomes a center of creativity and information, rich intellectual and sports life. Every educational institution must create a universal barrier-free environment to ensure the full integration of children with disabilities. New projects for the construction and reconstruction of school buildings were selected through an architectural competition. Since 2011, 2-3 schools of a new type are launched annually in the Kaliningrad region, and a “smart” modern building has been designed. Standards for the design and construction of school buildings and structures, sanitary 36 have been updated
rules and regulations for nutrition, requirements for organizing medical care for students and ensuring school safety. Heating and air conditioning systems in buildings must provide the required temperature at all times of the year. Schools must be provided with drinking water and showers. Rural schools need to develop effective student transportation mechanisms, including requirements for school buses. Small and medium-sized enterprises can undertake maintenance of school infrastructure on a competitive basis. This applies, first of all, to the organization of school meals, public services, repair and construction work. We will demand from builders and service organizations to strictly ensure the safety of school buildings - classes should not be allowed to be held in emergency, dilapidated, adapted premises that pose a threat to the life and health of children. Another requirement is to introduce modern design solutions that provide a comfortable school environment.
5. Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren.
Children spend a significant part of the day at school, and preserving and strengthening their physical and mental health is a matter not only of the family, but also of teachers. A person's health is an important indicator of his personal success. If young people develop the habit of playing sports, such acute problems as drug addiction, alcoholism, and child neglect will be solved. Balanced hot meals, medical care, including timely medical examination, sports activities, including extracurricular ones, implementation of preventive programs, discussion with children about healthy lifestyle issues - all this will influence the improvement of their health. In addition, a transition must be made from mandatory activities for all to individual health development programs for schoolchildren. Since 2010, a new standard for physical education has been introduced - at least three hours per 37
week, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. It is an individual approach that involves the use of modern educational technologies and the creation of educational programs that will arouse a child’s interest in learning. The practice of individual education taking into account age characteristics, studying elective subjects, and a general reduction in classroom load in the form of classical training sessions will have a positive impact on the health of schoolchildren. It is much more important to awaken in children a desire to take care of their health, based on their interest in learning, choosing courses that are adequate to their individual interests and inclinations. A rich, interesting and exciting school life will be the most important condition for maintaining and strengthening health.
6. Expanding the independence of schools.
The school must become more independent both in drawing up individual educational programs and in spending financial resources. Since 2010, schools that have won competitions in the priority national project “Education” and schools that have been transformed into autonomous institutions have been granted independence. Required reporting by such schools has been sharply reduced in exchange for open information about their performance. Contracts have been concluded with their directors providing for special working conditions taking into account the quality of work. Equality between public and private educational institutions has been established by law, providing families with greater opportunities to choose a school. Students will have access to lessons from the best teachers using distance education technologies, including as part of additional education. This is especially important for small schools, for remote schools, and for the Russian provinces in general. The key mechanisms for implementing the initiative should be both project and program methods of work. There will be 38 areas of activity
be carried out within the framework of the priority national project "Education", the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education and the Federal Target Program Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia. The well-being of our children, grandchildren, and all future generations depends on how school reality is structured, what the system of relations between school and society will be, and how intellectual and modern we can make general education.
2.2 Modernization of rural schools.
Often, a rural school, in addition to educational functions, also serves as a cultural center in the village. Where there is not at least a small school, the village itself gradually disappears. Therefore, issues of modernization, restructuring and development of rural schools are a subject of special attention. Modernization of education involves focusing not only on students’ assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of the student’s personality, his cognitive and creative capabilities. In this case, we are talking about the formation of an integral system of universal knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, i.e. key competencies that determine the modern quality of education. The materials on the modernization of education proclaim the competency-based approach as one of the important conceptual provisions for updating the content of education. The authors of the strategy for modernizing the content of general education, based on foreign experience, cite the following basic competencies: - competence in the field of independent cognitive activity, based on mastering methods of acquiring knowledge from various sources of information, including extracurricular ones;  competence in the field of civil and social activities (performing the roles of a citizen, voter, consumer); 39
 competence in the field of social and labor activities (the ability to navigate the norms and ethics of labor relations, self-organization skills);  competence in the everyday sphere (including aspects of one’s own health, family life, etc.)  competence in the field of cultural and leisure activities (including the choice of ways and means of using free time, culturally and spiritually enriching the individual). The positive content of competencies can be considered as a social order of modern Russian society. Modern society requires from a person not only polytechnic knowledge, a high cultural level, deep specialization in various fields of science and technology, but also the ability to live and coexist in society. The main parameters of a child’s personal development today can be considered his orientation toward human values, humanism, intelligence, activity, self-esteem, and independence in judgment. The level of development of these qualities can be considered as an indicator of formed social competence and social development of the individual. Creating conditions for the formation and development of these qualities is increasingly seen as the most important task of the education system. Specialists from the Higher School of Economics Abankina Irina Vsevolodovna, Abankina Tatyana Vsevolodovna, Osovetskaya Nina Yakovlevna summed up the results of experiments in a number of areas to create a model for the reconstruction of rural schools at the present stage. Based on this regional experience, supplemented by definitions, economic justifications and recommendations for the legal and regulatory support of associations, methodological recommendations have been developed for the implementation of this model in regional educational systems. A special place in the experiment was occupied by testing at Novosibirskaya, 40
Novgorod, Moscow and Pskov regions models

combining schools with institutions of additional education, culture, sports, healthcare and other social organizations. The model has three options. If the complex is created on an associative basis, then the institutions included in it sign an agreement among themselves and work according to a single plan. If an administrative basis is used, then the rates of cultural and sports workers, as well as the necessary material resources, are transferred to the educational institution. The third way is the formation of a single legal entity with structural divisions. This restructuring model significantly improves the quality of education, the variety of educational and educational programs, promotes the creative development and realization of students. The economic efficiency of the model varies by region: in some, budget costs are growing, while in others there are savings. In both cases, the quality of education in general and its meaningful modernization improves. Return rates also fluctuate greatly and vary by 3-5 times. Vladimir Miloserdov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, reflected his concern for the life of rural schools in the article “Universities are threshing empty straw,” published in the magazine “Russian Federation Today” No. 11 for 2010, where he directly notes that after graduating from universities, few specialists go to work in the countryside, Moreover, some students study on a commercial basis. Next, he talks about the current situation in rural schools (closing of unstaffed schools, outflow of teachers to cities, etc.) and sets the task of modernizing rural schools, which should serve their preservation and development. Today it is clear to everyone that it requires reform, since, according to scientists, the workload of students in high school in individual subjects exceeds the optimal one several times. In conditions of imperfect educational methods, 80% of students do this 41
unsuccessful in their studies, 90% of graduates leave school chronically ill (statistics from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation). Reforming the content of education should provide for the unloading of curricula and programs from information that is redundant or divorced from practice and the introduction into curricula and programs of new knowledge necessary for the student in his future life. How to combine these two seemingly mutually exclusive processes? There are several ways to do this: take full advantage of the basic curriculum, which allows you to fill the school curriculum with your own content; give students the right to choose schools, programs, disciplines, study profiles, exams, and so on; improve the professionalism and skill of teachers; to create at school the necessary psychological and pedagogical conditions in which the pupil, in a variety of school activities, in the diversity of social communities (collectives), would master the wealth of human relationships, forms of cultural behavior, find recognition and respect from others, the meaning of life. Vladimir Lebedintsev, senior researcher in methodology and new educational technologies at the Krasnoyarsk Institute for Advanced Studies of Education Workers, coordinator of the project for the transformation of a small school, in the article “Modernization of a rural small school: not a classroom-lesson model”, published in the magazine “National Education” No. 1 for 2013 year notes that at the heart of the activities of a small school, like all others, there is a class-lesson system for organizing classes. Teachers work with the class according to one program - as with a single whole. The content of education is divided into a large number of subjects (and every year there are more and more of them), which requires a larger number of subject teachers. But in small schools there are few students and there are 42
the opportunity to teach everyone individually in accordance with their individual characteristics. However, even here the educational process is structured according to the same program for everyone. In conditions of strongly expressed differentiation of students, the level of requirements is lowered, and at the same time the motivation to learn decreases, the quality of knowledge decreases. If in mass schools the contradiction between the frontal organization of the educational process and individual methods of teaching is at least somehow mitigated by distributing children into different types of educational groups and educational institutions, then in a small school this contradiction only intensifies. Due to the small number, it is impossible to have qualified specialists in all subjects at the school; teachers have to combine non-core disciplines, which also reduces the quality of knowledge. The project “Creation of small rural schools of a non-classroom type based on mixed-age educational groups” is aimed at eliminating the original cause of the shortcomings of small schools. The introduction of such a training system may be one of the stages in the prospects for the development and modernization of rural small schools. A number of researchers propose other options for modernizing rural schools: the development of school additional education through distance learning organized by additional education institutions at the regional level. The essence of the innovation is that students of a small rural school, where extracurricular activities are not paid or their payment is very small, can expand their knowledge by completing assignments sent to them from the correspondence learning center. Such experience has been accumulated today in the Kostroma region. The next reserve for modernization is the financing of rural schools, taking into account the performance of their sociocultural functions.
Modernizing a small rural school means updating all components of its activities, finding new solutions to old problems, 43
propose fresh, organized ideas, the implementation of which will inspire strength in the life of the school and transform the educational society of small settlements. The new educational order of society will become realistically feasible if the rural school moves from the mode of struggle for survival, in which it has been for a number of recent years, into a mode of active renewal, creative continuation of the best educational traditions. The federal-regional program for the development of rural education, adopted by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, focuses on finding internal reserves to improve the quality of education for rural schoolchildren. These reserves exist. Today we need a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of various integration options: from a closer relationship between plans for educational work with rural youth to a complete merger of the efforts of teaching staff within a single educational and cultural institution. In order for a new educational model to work effectively, a normative base is needed that regulates the interaction of schools , kindergarten, cultural institutions, additional education.
2.3 Innovative educational process in a rural school.
As is known, any innovation process will develop successfully if it is based on existing positive experience, established traditions and is well planned at all levels of education management. In turn, the implementation of the plan-project depends on 3 main factors: ─ the readiness of managers for innovative activities; ─ desires and readiness of the teaching staff; ─ building an innovation strategy. In recent years, many innovative projects of various types have been implemented in rural schools. Rural teachers have accumulated 44 experiences
innovation activity. The study of the innovative practice of rural schools revealed that the effectiveness of innovations is directly related to their feasibility and increases significantly if the introduced pedagogical innovations: - are adapted to the educational system of a given school;  are interconnected with other innovations, based on the innovative experience available at the school;  are implemented in conditions of involvement of all categories of participants in the educational process in active innovative activity and in its management. Sidorov S.V. in his book “Criteria for the effectiveness of innovation management in rural schools”, analyzes the features of modern rural schools and notes: “We have established a number of conditions that complicate innovative activities in rural schools”: 1. Diversity of the rural educational environment and “unique composition of conditions” in each rural school lead to the need to take into account the specifics of each specific school when forming the content of innovations and organizing innovative activities. 2. The shortage of qualified teaching staff characteristic of rural areas almost always requires very labor-intensive work to prepare rural teachers for full participation in innovative processes. 3. Significant territorial remoteness creates difficulties for coordinating innovation activities, for developing and implementing uniform innovation quality standards, and for personal participation in innovation processes of scientific and pedagogical workers. 4. The small number of student and teaching staff often creates additional problems associated with financing innovative projects and quantitative confirmation of effectiveness 45
innovation. Along with the conditions that negatively affect the content and organization of innovative activities in rural schools, S. Sidorov further notes, we have identified the possibilities of using the specific conditions of the rural educational environment to increase the effectiveness of innovation, the theoretical and applied significance of scientific and pedagogical research: 1. Small number teaching and student teams in rural schools allows us to better identify changes in the educational system and more accurately predict synergistic effects. 2. The specificity of the conditions and the uniqueness of their combination in each rural school favor the study of the adaptability of pedagogical innovations introduced during experimental work when used in different schools. 3. Rural areas are characterized by a closer connection between the school and the environment, which opens up prospects for studying the indirect influence of innovations in the school on the immediate social environment. 4. The autonomy and relative isolation of the rural educational environment makes it possible to exclude the influence of a number of metasystem factors on the research results. The direction of innovative activities carried out in the rural educational environment today often becomes the implementation of the ideas of the national school and folk pedagogy (education of rural schoolchildren based on the traditional values ​​of the peasant family, the formation of various personality traits in rural schoolchildren, optimization of interaction between participants in the educational process in a rural school, professional and personal development of rural teachers and rural school leaders, introduction of specialized training in rural schools). The rural educational environment has a number of features that have both positive and negative 46
influence on the educational process in rural areas. Using positive factors and overcoming the influence of negative factors in the rural educational environment is one of the important tasks when planning and implementing innovative processes in rural schools. To increase the efficiency of innovation in a rural school, an adaptive management system should be implemented, aimed at creating and developing an innovative environment in the school, which is characterized by: a positive attitude of teachers towards the new; the ability of individual teachers and the entire teaching staff to be creative; the presence of partnerships and friendships in the team; good feedback (with students, families, society); integrative characteristics of a highly developed team (commonality of value orientations, interests, goals.
The implementation of all these opportunities opens up new prospects for the introduction and development of an innovative environment in rural schools. And most importantly: the results - new pedagogical ideas and technologies - will be formed with maximum regard for the characteristics of rural schools.
2.4 Vocational guidance for high school students in a rural school.
One of the promising directions for transforming rural educational institutions is the creation of educational complexes that implement programs not only of general secondary education, but also of vocational education. Particular attention should be paid to the professional training of students in rural areas, which should, first of all, contribute to the further professional determination of graduates of rural schools, the conscious choice of a profession in accordance with their capabilities and the prospects for the economic development of the village, district, and region as a whole. Pre-profile training should cope with these tasks. 47
Pre-profile preparation is aimed at developing in schoolchildren the ability to objectively assess their learning abilities and choose the direction of their education and profile in high school. It is assumed that the education system will provide schoolchildren with the opportunity to try themselves in various areas of future educational activity. During the academic year, thanks to pre-professional courses, every high school student will be able to get acquainted with what will await him at the senior level of education. Thanks to the profile tests carried out, students should self-determinate and develop personal responsibility for their choices. The recruitment of tenth grades is expected to be carried out based on the results of pre-profile preparation on the basis of a “portfolio” competition, that is, based on the results of the actual achievements of ninth grade students in the profiles they have chosen. In the basic version, most of the time - approximately two hours a week - is allocated to short-term (from a month to six months) elective courses. The content and form of organization of these courses are focused not only on expanding the student’s knowledge in a particular subject (elective subject courses), but, above all, on organizing classes that contribute to the student’s self-determination regarding the profile of study in high school (orientation courses). However, the educational process of pre-profile preparation may not be carried out weekly. The plan also includes all other possible options. Students will be able to study courses in the mode that is most appropriate for successful completion of the programs. These could be many hours of training sessions over the course of one week. The study of the material can be carried out in sessions throughout the academic year with breaks for independent work by students. This organization of the educational process makes it possible to widely use various innovative methods: a collective method of teaching, the project method, modular technology, research methods, etc. The final idea is the construction of 48
educational rating of a primary school graduate, the main components of which are: certification results (“external” exams after the 9th grade); "portfolio", i.e. the totality of individual educational achievements (a student’s personal “portfolio of educational achievements”), primarily at olympiads, events of the additional education system, in various creative and research projects, etc. The interest of schools in pre-vocational training will be to staff senior classes with students who demonstrate the best Higher abilities in disciplines. New principles of recruitment will allow the school to attract the most capable students to the tenth specialized classes. The introduction of pre-professional training and specialized training at the school introduces a number of new ones. requirements for the training of not only students, but also teachers. To work in a rural school, a technology teacher is needed who has general engineering training and has skills in career guidance and specialized training. This is discussed in his article “Training a technology teacher for work.” in small rural schools with a technological construction profile” are expressed by Alexey Arkhipovich Kalekin, professor, candidate of technical sciences, head of the department of technology and entrepreneurship of Oryol State University and Ruslan Sergeevich Kuznetsov, graduate student of the department of technology and entrepreneurship of Oryol State University. In the article they note that in accordance with the “Concept of specialized education at the senior level of general education,” a teacher in general and a technology teacher in particular must ensure: - variability and personal orientation of the educational process (designing individual educational trajectories); 49
 practical orientation of the educational process with the introduction of interactive, activity-based components (mastering design, research and communication methods);  completion of profile self-determination of high school students and the formation of abilities and competencies necessary to continue education in the relevant field of vocational education.

pre-vocational training
includes a number of pedagogical ideas new to the Russian school. Their implementation in practice will essentially lead to a radical change in the educational process, to the construction of a new system of education for ninth-graders.
Let's list

main ones:
1. Introduction through the school component of short-term 8-36 hour elective courses: subject, interdisciplinary and orientation; 2.Completion by all ninth grade students of courses teaching how to choose a study profile and build their own career; 3.Use of active methods in teaching elective courses; conducting heuristic tests that allow more precise determination of the choice of training profile; 4. Expanding opportunities for choosing a school and study profile; passing pre-profile training (profile tests) in those schools where graduates plan to study after finishing 9th grade; 5.Training in small groups consisting of students from different classes and schools; 6. Implementation of new approaches to the organization of pre-professional training courses, in which it is allowed that courses are studied not weekly, but during training sessions or by immersion in 2-4 hour classes; 7. Implementation of pre-profile courses 50 during the course
preparation of grade-free training; 8. Conducting rating competitions, olympiads, marathons and other events with students, allowing them to use the “portfolio” resource; 9. Transition to assessment of a student’s educational achievements, independent of the school and the school teacher, assessed externally by experts and supported by documents; introduction of cumulative assessment of students' academic achievements based on the “portfolio” type; 10. Implementation of a new system of certification of ninth grade students in the form of a unified state exam; 11. Enrollment in the 10th specialized class based on the decision of the admissions committee, taking into account the results of exams in basic and specialized subjects, as well as the “weight” of the achievements of the student’s “portfolio”; 12.Evaluation of the results of a teacher’s work, based on the indicator of awareness of the choice of further direction of education by secondary school graduates. The small number of students, characteristic of most schools in rural areas, makes it difficult
creation of specialized classes in a rural small school,
and the scarcity of local budgets and the insignificance (or complete absence) of extra-budgetary funds complicate the financing of the costs of training specialized groups of high school students. Vocational training, as is known, refers to one of the varieties of its external differentiation. The creation of study groups within one class implements internal differentiation of learning. In a rural school, the goals of external differentiation (specialization of education) can be achieved on the basis of internal ones, which has a number of organizational and pedagogical advantages: it does not require significant financial investments; does not imply an increase in the teaching staff; does not lead to a reduction in the already small classes of rural schools. And at the same time gives children 51
possibility of choice. The combination of all ideas in one process forms a fundamentally new educational system, which should create conditions for self-determination of schoolchildren: provide the opportunity to carry out tests; provide the right to independently choose a training profile; to form a willingness to take responsibility for the choices made.


is a flexible system that depends on many factors: the characteristics of the socio-educational environment, human resources, professional and educational needs of the family and the student’s personality, etc. That is why it can take place in different versions.
To summarize, we can say
that in the context of a specialized school, teachers of a new format will work, who will have to solve a wide range of problems in pre-professional training, career guidance and specialized training. Such a teacher must have sufficiently deep knowledge to competently conduct in-depth study of subjects within the technological profile.
2.5 Features of education and training of small-class students

rural schools.
In Russia, the number of small and small schools currently exceeds 5 thousand. Young schoolchildren study there in special conditions. They often study in single classrooms with one teacher. A small school has its advantages, which lie in the possibility of organizing close interaction in the educational process of family and school, and the need to use non-traditional approaches, methods, forms and techniques of teaching and education. Nowadays, the concerns of all teachers, including teachers of small schools, are aimed at the quality of education of children, at their mastery of the standard 52
primary education. For a rural teacher, this concern is double, since the child’s degree of readiness for school often leaves much to be desired, and in the learning process, besides the teacher, practically no one helps the child. The student body in a rural school usually represents a small group of different ages. This circumstance dictates the specifics of building relationships between children. Here relationships develop according to the “senior-junior” principle. This type of relationship is also supported by the teacher himself: simultaneous work in a lesson with two or three classes prompts him to turn to older students as assistants and consultants. Teachers of small schools, as a rule, are satisfied with their students and do not express any particular concerns about the lack of communication between children and each other. Thus, according to teachers, a relatively favorable picture of the development of students in rural small schools is painted. The work of a teacher in a rural school is complex and multifaceted; it largely depends on his professionalism, erudition and culture. The teacher is the main figure not only in school, but also in the life of the village. Small-scale schools need universal teachers who master the entire arsenal of pedagogical techniques and methods for activating the learning process of students, developing their own high cognitive activity and interest in knowledge. An important component of pedagogical skill - the professional knowledge of a rural school teacher - must be distinguished by the ability to clearly navigate modern agricultural policy. It is the teacher who prepares children for new economic relations in the countryside. In a small school it is easier to maintain the “success” of each child than in large classes

occupancy. A junior schoolboy, according to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, wants to “be good”, therefore, when teaching and raising him, teachers rely on this feature of the child. The need to transform rural schools is obvious. The concerns of teachers in small classes are currently aimed at the quality of children’s education, at their mastery of 53
standard of primary education. For a rural teacher, this is a double concern, since the child’s degree of readiness for school leaves much to be desired, and in the learning process, there is no one except the teacher to help the child, since the educational level of parents is in most cases low. The pedagogical process in a rural small and small school is characterized by a number of specific features associated with the lesson. In a set class, it consists of at least two, held at the same time. Such a lesson is dual in nature, but its integrity, logic, and continuity must be clearly built by the teacher. In this regard, the teacher is required to have a special approach to the selection of teaching content, the combination of its elements during the lesson, and the organization of student activities in each class included in the set. At any stage, the teacher must organize joint activities with students in such a way that it naturally develops into independent work, which occupies a significant place in the lesson in the classroom. The quality, strength and awareness of children’s knowledge largely depends on its effectiveness, therefore, when preparing for lessons, the teacher must select material in advance to solve educational problems, trying to make the work of each student productive. Computer technology is being actively introduced into the educational environment of rural small schools, the use of which significantly increases the efficiency of the educational process by saving time for both the teacher and students when preparing and conducting a lesson. New teaching methods help maintain children’s working capacity and help to form students’ focused attention, without which correct perception and understanding of the material being studied is impossible. Today, everyone's attention is focused on the problems of education. The country needs developed people, prepared for life, who have deep knowledge, who know how to obtain it and use it to achieve their goal. This is a social order from society to the school. In the modern education system, rural 54
small schools occupy a special place. Being an integral part of the educational system, it, along with the general tasks of developing the student’s personality, characteristic of any school, is called upon to solve specific problems. In our time of fundamental socio-economic transformations, the problem of small rural schools becomes relevant. An ungraded and small primary school, operating separately or as the first stage of education in primary and secondary schools, lays the seeds of a kind, respectful attitude towards the native land and the people working on it. The organization of the educational process at school cannot be considered without taking into account the socio-economic structure of the village. Unfortunately, an unfavorable social environment has far from a positive impact on the development process of a rural child. This gives rise to the main problem in organizing the educational process - children’s unpreparedness for school, weakened physical development, speech defects, etc. In villages and villages where there are no preschool educational institutions or preschool preparation, children show a reduced level of development of visual and auditory memory, attention, logical thinking and imagination. Literally from the first days of children’s stay at school, teachers have problems with how to teach children of different backgrounds, according to what program, what tempo to choose for the lesson, what structural units it should consist of, how capable the students are of working independently, etc. The need for a qualitative transformation of rural schools is obvious.
Based on the above, we can conclude
: the focus of modern education is the individual with his own characteristics, natural gifts and abilities, therefore it is impossible to teach everyone the same way. The desire to reveal the child’s potential obliges the teacher to look for optimal forms and methods of teaching and upbringing that will help compensate for what has been lost in his development and awaken his interest in learning, the need 55
obtain and use knowledge. For success in a rural school, one must proceed not from the subject to the child, but, on the contrary, from the child’s capabilities. It is necessary to notice and encourage even minor achievements of children, teach them to reason, so that from the process of finding an answer they experience joy and not confusion. A small rural school is a complex phenomenon. By its very existence it creates many problems in the development, training and education of schoolchildren. Education of children in a small school will be successful when children are trained to acquire knowledge during independent work without direct guidance from the teacher. This implies the prospect of developing a non-classroom type school (as one of the possible options).
2.6 The school is not a classroom type.
The search for ways to improve the activities of a small rural school has been going on for a long time. But, as a rule, on private organizational and methodological issues. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, they took the path of radically changing the organization of education for rural children: instead of classes and lessons, they introduced education in groups of different ages according to individual programs for schoolchildren. The construction of a non-classroom type school is based on the ideas of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.K. Dyachenko about the collective method of learning in a group of different ages. The project is designed to create fundamentally new conditions that ensure a new quality of education and successful education of children in small schools. For many years, these ideas have been implemented in schools in the Krasnoyarsk region. In the group, students become original teachers of their comrades. They not only reproduce knowledge, but also integrate it into their own activities. But the pedagogical example has long been known: the one who teaches learns. Based on these ideas, a multi-age school model has been developed and is being implemented in practice, which has many advantages. Firstly, 56
Individual paces and methods of knowledge acquisition are provided. This is not about lowering the bar of requirements or reducing the amount of educational content for individual students. The capabilities, abilities, and characteristics of each child are taken into account, as well as what the student already knows, what difficulties he has, and what he is ready to begin studying. In accordance with these, individual ways of mastering the material are selected for each student; The order of topics to be studied is planned. The collective nature of the educational process is determined by the formula “everyone is a goal, everyone is a means.” In other words, each student solves his problems in different interactions, in different temporary associations (cooperations) with other children who help their friends and at this time themselves comprehend the educational material more deeply. The student systematically performs three functions: studies, teaches and manages the educational process. In such classes, various types and techniques of same-age and multi-age interaction are widely used; students. This becomes possible due to the construction of training using four organizational forms of training: individual, pair, group, collective (work in shift pairs). The last form is the leading one. The collective nature of classes requires special flexibility, variability of curricula, and their individualization. In case of non-classroom-lesson organization of training, it is collective, and the program is individual. Instead of classes, study groups of different ages are formed as the main organizational units of the educational process. In such a group, each student with maximum freedom - in different sequences, at different periods of time, with different friends, including those of different ages - advances through the entire program of the subject area. The teacher in this situation is not just a carrier of knowledge and its relay, but, first of all, a technologist of the educational process: he teaches children to learn and teach their peers. The educational process is not ensured by a combination of narrow specialists - teachers - 57
subject teachers, and teacher cooperation - a team of teachers who jointly design and conduct classes, distributing functions and responsibilities among themselves (teacher - organizer of the educational process, teacher - subject specialist, teacher - assistant).

not a classroom-lesson system in the process of learning and socialization of students: 1. The transition to a new model will ensure a level of education quality that meets the standard, since it takes into account the basic state requirements for the learning process. Every student can receive a quality education only in a school where he studies according to his own, individual, flexible program, that is, in accordance with his pace of mastering the material, his own route, taking into account his capabilities and abilities. 2. Each student has an individual route for completing the subject, depending on his inclinations and abilities. With this approach, “children differ not in their ability to master this or that material, but in their individual ways and means of mastering this material,” and “the student’s interest in the material being studied is determined not by the content of this material, but by the success of the student’s actions in the process of mastering this material.” 3. Students will develop the necessary skills for independent work, including planning, identifying methods and reflection. All conditions will be created for the child’s self-development and transformation into a person capable of setting achievable goals and independently determining the route of his or her education. 4. Constantly playing and listening to new material when working in pairs will provide sustainable results in consolidating the acquired knowledge, will contribute to the development of inner speech and psychological emancipation of students. 5. A trusting relationship is created between teacher and student, which 58
helps to increase the motivation of both parties and organize feedback. 6.When working within the framework of CSR, all conditions are created for the socialization of students. They learn to work in shift pairs, get the opportunity to teach others and express their thoughts to them. This overcomes the problem of students’ narrow social circle. In modern society, communication skills play a huge role. Under the new education model, rural schools will produce people ready for life in society. 7. The creation of teacher cooperation will allow us to combine the resources and experience of teachers to solve common problems. 8. The organization of councils of detachment commanders will make it possible to fully implement the principle of student self-government, including when organizing the educational process. 9. The new model will make it possible to quite effectively use new forms of organizing the educational process in order to implement the principles of the competence-based approach. Students will develop activity-based educational and communicative competencies, that is, they will have the basics of communication, independent, group and pair work to achieve educational goals in the process of direct educational activities.

, the proposed model of a school with a non-classroom organization of the educational process based on different age groups allows us to solve many problems. The transition to a new model will require a significant change in the educational process. Preparation for work under the new education system will begin with a preschool group of different ages. As part of the classes, teachers will begin to teach children basic ways of working in shift pairs. In the elementary grades, continued training in working in pairs, including shifts, and mutual testing. All this will make it possible to obtain a primary school graduate who will be able to work from the 5th grade 59
in educational groups of different ages based on a collective method of learning (CSR). As for extracurricular activities, primary grades will be involved in the work of school-wide groups of different ages. However, general learning objectives will not be set. Each student, together with the teacher, will develop an individual work plan for completing the program of each subject.
. The mechanism for implementing the project is the cultivation of specialists in the new educational practice during its formation. And since the transformations affect educational institutions and the management structure as a whole, such changes cannot be carried out by the efforts of an individual subject. To create multi-scale teams building a non-classroom-lesson type school, intensive seminars are held with the leading subjects of change - school directors.
2.7 Interaction in the pedagogical process.
Why is it necessary to address the problem of interactions in the pedagogical process and address it correctly? this problem in the perspective of the development of rural schools? Since recently a large number of scientific research works have been devoted specifically to this issue. Teachers - theorists and practitioners - consider interaction as a condition for the development of creative abilities, increasing professionalism, as a mechanism for connecting family and school, as a factor in the personal self-development of students, etc. This list alone, which is far from complete, shows the diversity of approaches to interactions in the educational space. In any pedagogical process there is always interaction; without it, the transfer of knowledge and skills simply will not take place. Joint actions between teacher and students can be organized in different ways. One model of interactions is well known to us: the teacher - 60
representative of authority, directing force; the student is a performer, a reproduction of the information received. Until a certain time, such an organization of interactions was the only one, since it was determined by the social order of society. But the modern situation requires the search and implementation of other interaction models. Today society needs creative individuals who can be active, conscious builders of life (in the truest sense of the word). It is this order that is mediated in the formula “subject - subjective learning” that has become familiar to us. Both the teacher and the student should feel like subjects of the surrounding life, and not be limited to the passive role of “nuts and bolts.” In the pedagogical process, the teacher and student are collaborators. Changing the usual model of pedagogical interactions “do as I say” is not easy, because now, as before, the formal positions of teacher and student in the educational process are unequal: the teacher organizes, manages, and adjusts the content and form of educational work. Today, the requirement for person-centered learning opens up broad opportunities for the implementation of the subjective positions of participants in teaching activities. Each participant in the educational process should be perceived by others as a unique and significant person. The most important thing is that both the teacher and the student feel themselves to be carriers of an active principle, organizers and transformers of the process of joint cognition. Humanistic pedagogy has forced us to reevaluate traditional ideas about the positions of the teacher and student in the educational process. The ideas of this approach are embodied in the theory and practice of domestic cooperation pedagogy. The most important achievement of the humanization of the pedagogical process is the definition of the role of the student in learning as a subject, that is, an initiative, active, responsible participant in the educational process. In resolving all issues of organizing the educational process 61
the predominant right of choice belongs to the teacher, who is guided by the specific conditions of his work. Sometimes it is not possible to take them all into account. This may include, for example, the stability of the teaching staff, the degree of trust in each other, the number of students in each age group, the level of professional skills of teachers, the educational environment in which teachers and students will interact. This technology allows the teacher to choose a favorite subject, create an educational method and complex; study new technologies of developmental, self-development education, develop a variety of multi-level tasks and ways to solve educational problems of varying degrees of complexity. When changing teachers, the child gets tired less, since this technology allows taking into account the different personal needs and individual characteristics of teachers and children; allows you to create an optimal educational environment that ensures the health of children and adults (teachers). These conditions can only be met if strategically constructed management decisions are observed. The technology of subject teaching provides ample opportunities for building a modern lesson in the system of developmental and self-development education, which is based on: personality-oriented and activity-oriented approaches.
It is this construction of the educational process that allows the child to accumulate additional social experience, acquire communication skills for life in society, develop his educational needs and interests, and the teacher to work more productively, optimally use the lesson for cognitive and active independent and creative work (including outside school hours). The technology of subject teaching allows for closer continuity between the 1st and 2nd levels of education, making the transition less painful and more comfortable for students. 62

Let's not forget history: every time after difficult times, the revival of Russia began precisely from the rural hinterland. Therefore, investing in the human factor in the countryside means investing in those who tomorrow will develop agriculture, land reclamation, and the processing industry, who, as has happened more than once, will give a new impetus to growth and prosperity. Thus, we strive to ensure that rural schools keep up with the times, so that studying there is interesting, and in terms of knowledge, rural schoolchildren are not inferior to urban ones. Building a modern model of a rural school is a multifaceted and controversial task. The program for the development of the school as a socio-cultural center in the village is consistent with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and is based on the following principles:  Implementation of the educational process within the framework of an adaptive model, i.e. By accepting the entire contingent of students, we try to create educational opportunities for everyone.  There is an increasing emphasis on educational and extracurricular work in order to unite student groups, at least partially compensating for the weakening of family education.  Humanistic nature of education, priority of universal human values, human life and health, free development of the individual. Fostering citizenship, hard work, and love for the environment. Homeland, family. School is a critical element in this process. The main tasks of a modern school are to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate a decent and patriotic person, an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured so that graduates can independently set and achieve 63
serious goals, skillfully respond to different life situations. Thus, the model of a school graduate as a socio-cultural center may be as follows: a school graduate is an educated person with knowledge and the need to expand it. This is a creative person, characterized by flexibility of thinking, possessing basic labor skills and experiences the need for work.


rural activities



1. The activities of a new type of school, the implementation of its ideas and development goals will have a positive impact on the intellectual development of children (later the adult population), at the level of a conscious attitude to learning, and the expansion of the range of cognitive interests. 2. There will be significant changes in the physical health of children, many will have a need for physical self-improvement. 3. The attitude of schoolchildren to any type of work will change positively, the range of household and production skills they acquire that are vital for rural residents will expand; as a result, a conscious professional choice will exist at a much earlier period, self-determination of graduates and their social adaptation. 4. The number of young people who want to live and work in rural areas will increase. 5. Interest in the historical past, Russian culture, native language will increase, and the revival of lost folk traditions will begin. 6. It is expected that society will be activated, interaction between family and school will improve, and parents’ responsibility for raising children will increase. 7. The authority of the school among village residents will increase. Rural school, especially small, in conditions of austerity 64
budget funds and restructuring of the educational network is currently experiencing difficult times. The analysis of the state of rural schools today, carried out in this work, is not exhaustive and probably reflects the somewhat subjective point of view of the author. But it is undeniable that the rural school is the only educational, social, cultural, etc., operating and efficient in the village. center. And we must try to preserve it with all our might, so that the village can live. Education in the village should be available to every student, and quality education, I am convinced of this, can be obtained by studying in a rural school. That is why, in an effort to improve the quality of education, rural schools are increasingly taking the path of mastering new educational content. The characteristics of a rural school allow us to conclude that it must be considered as a special phenomenon with certain characteristics, the identification of which will indicate areas for improvement of each educational institution separately.
1. National educational initiative "Our new school.": Approved 65
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The fate of any state directly depends on the state of the education system. If the state strives for development, the leadership aims to occupy one of the first positions on the world stage, then it is necessary to take care of the literacy and education of the population.

The modern education system is going through quite difficult times. The Soviet school is being destroyed and European trends are taking its place. Sometimes the introduction of innovations occurs on unprepared soil, or innovations are not adapted to the Russian mentality. There are enough problems in modern Russian education. Let's try to figure them out.

Firstly, we increasingly hear about the crisis of the old education system. In higher education, a solution was found in the transition to a bachelor's and master's degree system. But secondary schools and vocational schools remained unattended. The recently issued law on education is intended to solve this problem. And how effective it will be, practice will show. Now the need to change the approach to the learning process has become obvious. Modern society is at a level of development when it is time to move away from learning as memorizing facts. It is necessary to teach children to obtain information, understand it and apply it in practice. And this requires enormous work in preparing not only new textbooks for students and manuals for teachers, but also the teaching staff themselves.

Due to problems in the field of education, some Russian students are seeking to study abroad. Photo: nikolayhg/ 0.1

The second problem of education in Russia is its excessive theoretical orientation. By educating theoretical scientists, we create a huge shortage of specialized specialists. Having received good theoretical training, few people can apply knowledge in practice. Therefore, after getting a job, new employees experience a serious adaptation associated with the inability to compare their knowledge with practical activities.

The third problem is not unique to education - it is insufficient funding. Lack of funds is the reason for the shortage of personnel in the education system throughout the country. In addition, in order to keep up with the times, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and update outdated equipment. The educational institution does not always have the funds for this.

The fourth problem, which school graduates and first-year students are beginning to feel especially acutely, is the low level of connection between the stages of education. So, now, in order to enroll in a university, parents often hire a tutor to take the Unified State Exam, because the school cannot provide the appropriate level of training. Especially if the university is prestigious and there will be a lot of competition for the chosen field of study. The level of requirements that were presented at school also differs from the level required for studying at a university. Therefore, the first year of study is the most difficult for students and is characterized by the largest number of expelled children who could not withstand the new rhythm of study.

The fifth problem arises from the seemingly positive trend towards increasing demand for universities. An increasing number of yesterday's schoolchildren are seeking to obtain a higher education document. But this trend has its drawback, because... The number of non-state universities has increased, with which you need to be very careful and attentive.

Of course, we cannot ignore such a problem as corruption. You can find many advertisements for the sale of higher education diplomas on the Internet. Corruption can also include money extortion at school, bribes for exams (tests), and theft of funds from the budget.

In conclusion, we can note such a problem as the decline in the prestige of vocational schools and technical schools. This leads to a shortage of workers at enterprises, in the service sector, etc.

The Education Law is an attempt to solve a number of pressing problems. But for the full development of the nation, it is necessary to take a number of more measures in the field of education. The state should not only strive to ensure that education meets international standards, but also fully satisfies the country's needs for qualified specialists and highly educated citizens.

In order to provide methodological assistance in the “Financial Academy” section, over the next academic year we will try to answer such pressing questions as:

Modern problems and their solutions in the Russian education system;

Increasing the level of socio-economic development of the country and its regions is the basis for improving the education system;

Budgetary financing and innovative policy of the state in the field of education;

Multi-source financing for education development;

Targeted, rational use and safety of funds in educational institutions;

Educational institutions and financial and industrial business;

Financial planning and budget forecasting of education expenses;

On increasing the investment attractiveness of the education sector;

On improving the management of the education system;

Education, its financing and national security;

Principles of the budget system;

On expanding the independence of educational institutions in attracting and using financial resources.

In his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 10, 2006, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin emphasized that the main priorities of socio-economic policy for the next decade were formulated in the messages of recent years. Today, the main efforts are aimed precisely at those areas that directly determine the quality of life of citizens, including in the field of education.

The quality of education

The legislation establishes that citizens of the Russian Federation are guaranteed to receive education in educational institutions within the limits of state standards and educational programs that determine the content of education at a certain level and direction.

Currently, the requirements for the quality of education are increasing, and this is due, in particular, to our country’s entry into the Bologna Process and the World Trade Organization. A modern higher school is unthinkable without a combination of the educational process and research work, without creating a mechanism for the fastest possible introduction of innovative scientific developments into the educational process.

Research and surveys conducted in our country often reveal a discrepancy between the content and technology of the educational process and the modern needs of society and sectors of the economy.

In my opinion, it is advisable to take confident steps in the following directions:

in the Federal Law “On Education” it is necessary to clearly define what the state wants from education and what it does for this itself, that is, to formulate in more detail the purpose of education and build an education system that, without blindly copying other people’s models, is based on the best national experience and traditions of education, would be ahead of world development and would determine its specific directions and results; we need growth points that provide a sharp increase in the quality of education; a balance is needed between practice-oriented knowledge and basic sciences and applied scientific research; the creation of an interactive educational process, the development of distance education, and the formulation of the concept of lifelong education are required; the importance of the integration factor, the “internationality of education”, should be taken into account so that, for example, the university is interesting in the global market of educational services;

in the federal laws on education and higher education, introduce the concept of “rating of an educational institution” (for all types and types) and establish the mandatory nature of its implementation; do not introduce into the rating indicators any secondary technical and material indicators, but, first of all, the integration, competitiveness of graduates, their focus on a business career, improvement of their financial situation due to their high professional level, desire and desire for knowledge throughout their working career;

development of a methodology for compiling and determining the rating, determining its results;

legislate the obligation for a high rating to actually reflect on the image of an educational institution, its teachers, the prestige of diplomas (certificates), on the amount of government funding, allocated investments, grants for research work, for the introduction of innovations, and improvement of the material and technical level , remuneration of teaching staff, social status of students, greater employment opportunities for graduates;

adjust the assessment of the activities of schools not only and not so much on the number of medalists and passing the Unified State Exam, but on the actual high level of knowledge of the student and their implementation during school years, for example, at all types of olympiads and competitions (domestic and international), practical mastery of foreign languages ​​to perfection , means of information technology, the capabilities of Internet systems, as well as increasing the demand for their graduates in vocational educational institutions and sectors of the economy.

An important task is to ensure the achievement of such quality of educational services that would make educational institutions attractive to domestic and foreign students. It should be taken into account that, according to Russian scientists, it is necessary to create an educational strategy for advanced development. They reasonably believe that Russian education is quite capable of repeating the wave of international expansion of Russian energy and metallurgists.

National project "Education"

In June 2006, at a video conference in the Kremlin on the implementation of priority national projects, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that:

it was the project approach that made it possible to develop a model in which the Federation, regions, and municipalities are linked into a single mechanism and work for a common result; such interaction will continue to be built on the basis of clear planning and the definition of very specific tasks for each of the participants in these projects, as well as the obligations of the authorities, including financial ones;

there are already certain results that can be analyzed and discussed; a system of additional payments to teaching staff has been established; universities have been identified that will receive government assistance in implementing innovative programs;

adjustments have to be made, attention needs to be focused on what has not been done.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev said that when developing the parameters for the implementation of the national project, indicators were identified that should be reached in the next two years, which are taken into account when working on the draft budget for next year; the basic elements of project management and the legal framework for the work are created.

He further noted that serious work has begun to prepare a mechanism to support regions in which new systems of financing in education are being introduced, increasing teacher incomes, developing the material and technical base, and all this should be aimed at improving the quality of education, giving it an innovative character; The selection of innovative universities has been completed and 17 leaders have been identified; the total amount of support for the implementation of the program for their development will be 10 billion rubles this and next year; within the framework of the project, the best school teachers are selected - both the teachers themselves and the corresponding advanced schools; The results of these competitions will be announced in the fall, and corresponding awards and grants will also be presented to teachers; The task has been set to provide broadband access to electronic educational systems to all 50 thousand schools that currently have the Internet within 2 years, and thus the necessary technical basis for the introduction of the latest technologies will be formed throughout the country.

The national project “Education” will be successfully implemented if the efforts of all branches and levels of government are combined, if problems are solved comprehensively, using the co-financing method.

At the same time, in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation there is already a decrease in funding allocated to regions within the framework of national projects, that is, the agreement on the volume of co-financing from the regions is not being fulfilled.

In June 2006, when taking office as Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Yuri Chaika named six main priorities in his future work. As a second priority, he outlined the assistance of the prosecutor’s office in the implementation of national projects (including Education), which are stalled partly due to the lawlessness of local authorities.

In the current situation, it is necessary to intensify the participation of public organizations both at the stage of identifying funding objects and for the timely and complete allocation of planned funds and their targeted use. It is necessary to strive in each region to constantly, from year to year, expand the number of facilities and the volume of co-financing of the activities of the national Education program.

Education financing

In recent years, the volume of government funding for education development has been constantly increasing. In the country as a whole, it is predicted that about 1 trillion will be allocated for these purposes from the consolidated budget next year. rubles Taking into account the declining number of students and the number of educational institutions, there is a process of increasing state funding per student and one educational institution.

The question naturally arises: is this a lot or a little? Current legislation does not provide a clear answer. Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Education” states that federal laws in the field of education are laws of direct effect and are applied throughout the country.

However, a careful reading, for example, of the Federal Law “On Education” allows us to conclude that in terms of financing education, it is not a directly applicable law. It excludes specific figures (in percentage) of government funding. Article 41 “Financing of educational institutions” does not even mention the concept of “consolidated budget”, its role and significance in the financing of education, whereas only its indicators are necessary to calculate state allocations on average per student in the country as a whole and by type and type educational institutions (regardless of the level of a specific territorial budget).

It is necessary to regulate the issue of funding standards by law, and not leave it to government officials at various levels of government. It is necessary in the law not only to provide that the standards are determined per student, but to specifically indicate what must be included in the standards (and their lower, minimum limits). First of all, we must proceed from the mandatory provision of universal access and free education guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 43).

In addition, it is necessary to provide for increasing coefficients in the standards, for example, in connection with the education in a given educational institution of a certain number of orphans, children with health problems (like the benefits established by the state for enterprises employing the labor of a certain number of disabled people), benefits for students enrolled in individual educational programs. plans for nutrition and health activities, free medical examination of teachers, inflation, high rating of the educational institution. When standardizing, take into account such features as coverage of computerization, Internet connection, use of distance learning, and the latest educational technologies. The law should provide for the responsibility of the relevant managers for cases of underestimation of funding standards or actual failure to comply with approved standards.

It is advisable to: establish financial forecasting for two to three years; ensure protection of intellectual property rights; targeted, rational use and safety of funds; create a system for prompt tracking of the entire funding chain from the federal budget to the recipient - an educational institution; regulate in detail the procedure for attracting and using all types of funds (including foreign currency) from the budget and extra-budgetary sources, participation in this process of financial and industrial business; provide for the preservation of rights and guarantees during the planned structural changes in the education system.

Logistics support

The development of the education system is impossible without compliance of the material and technical base with modern requirements, the latest educational technologies being introduced, and innovative programs being implemented.

It is necessary to constantly purchase the latest domestic and foreign equipment for educational institutions, including for training future specialists in information, control and telecommunication systems, and conducting full-scale research work at universities with the involvement of students. Regular repair work and construction of educational institutions and their infrastructure are required based on modern requirements.

It is necessary to establish in the income and expense estimates the minimum costs of educational institutions for these purposes - depending on the complexity of the tasks performed, the volume of educational and research work.

It is necessary in the Federal Law “On Education”: to restore Article 44 “Material and technical base of an educational institution”, taking into account the latest tasks in the development of education; expand and specify Article 43 “Rights of an educational institution to use financial and material resources”, including in relation to intellectual property, land plots, rental property, operation of buildings that are cultural heritage.


An analysis of the activities of educational institutions indicates that the state clearly underestimates the work of teachers, scientists and, in general, all those who work in the education system. And thus the state reduces its intellectual potential and the degree of its independence.

Rosstat published data on average accrued wages in April 2006. In the education system, it was 61.5% of the national average and 22-24% of the average in the production of petroleum products, extraction of fuel and energy minerals and financial activities. Education was inferior to the health care sector and almost twice as low to government employees.

It is necessary to urgently reverse this negative trend and in order to improve the image of teachers and scientists, secure qualified personnel, and attract young people to work in the field of education, it is advisable to: immediately switch to a progressive sectoral system of remuneration in education; based on the level of qualifications and performance results; introduce a progressive system for stimulating effective work using a variety of additional payments for quality indicators, using budgetary and extra-budgetary sources for this; implement those provided for in Art. 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that wages are not limited to the maximum amount; increase social care for students (a significant increase in scholarships, benefits for hostel accommodation, food, medical and cultural services, providing them with the opportunity to earn money in the structural units of an educational institution, including in universities when performing contractual scientific and other work).

The internal resources of the regions should be more widely involved in the positive solution of personnel problems in the education system.

Methodological and regulatory support

In order to improve the quality of education and implement the priority national project “Education”, I believe it is advisable:

review current (in some cases outdated) state educational standards and educational programs in the light of modern increased requirements;

significantly increase demands on the quality of textbooks and teaching aids, strengthen their scientific basis and focus on a high level of professional training of specialists;

develop, in the light of modern requirements for the preparation of competitive graduates, standard regulations on educational institutions of the relevant types and types, charters of educational institutions, collective agreements;

immediately complete the five-year work on developing the draft Code of the Russian Federation on Education and submit it for consideration by the State Duma, paying special attention to: the independence of educational institutions and students (their rights, duties and responsibilities); the role of public organizations in improving the quality of education and increasing the effectiveness of educational institutions; development of integration of educational institutions of all types and types; recognition of Russian educational documents (diplomas, etc.) everywhere abroad; free equal participation of educational institutions and citizens of the Russian Federation in the global market of educational services.

"Medical newspaper" about the medical and demographic situation in Russia
“Russian News” and “Economy and Life” on the Constitutional Court’s resolution on benefits for mothers in labor
"REGIONS.RU" about the amount of maternity benefits
"Izvestia" about abortion
"Der Standard" about late motherhood
"Russian Business Newspaper" on women's employment and gender inequality
"Ogonyok" about the Russian labor market
"Novaya Gazeta" about personnel problems in Russian education
"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" about economic prosperity and poverty in Russia
“Novye Izvestia” about the expansion of the powers of the Federal Migration Service

... about personnel problems in Russian education

Only a demographic hole and pensioners are saving Russian schools from a shortage of teachers

About children in an adult way
Minister of Education and Science Andrei FURSENKO said that the number of places in pedagogical institutes will be reduced, because there is no need to train as many teachers as now.
But it would seem that there should be no one to work at the school: young teachers are running away from their specialty with all their might. There are regions in which 6% of graduates of pedagogical universities come to school. On average, according to official data, it is 40%. This is despite the fact that the annual need for new teachers is 45 thousand people. Why is it that not only is the poor situation with teachers at school not visible, but even enrollment in teacher training colleges is declining? Has the school learned to cope without teachers? Who works with children today? And why don’t young people become teachers?
In society there is a set of roles that are reproduced, no matter what: even if schools are closed and a ban on teaching is declared, someone will still teach. And very soon it will become clear that among those chosen by the profession, there are true ascetics, and there are typical opportunists who benefit from the current situation. But if the state plans to influence the staffing of teachers, if school is important to society as a tool for growing and programming its future, it is inappropriate to rely only on the fact that a holy place is never empty.
It is clear that the choice of profession is also influenced by the social situation: how is this work valued, how do the state and society treat it?
Today, the level of wages in education is 60-65% of the average wage in the country; in December 2006 it was 6,984 rubles. Moreover, the salary in school is lower than in vocational education. This is one of the lowest indicators (only culture is lower). Yes, over the past four years the level of pay for teachers has increased, but this growth could not compete with rising prices and rising incomes for other categories of workers. The average income in Moscow is now about 25 thousand rubles per month. And the salaries of Moscow teachers are 13-17 thousand rubles, and they are much higher than in other regions.
We have an extremely unstable, poorly predictable situation on the labor market: when choosing a profession, the applicant does not know whether it will be in demand when he graduates from university. This is in general. But with the forecast for teacher salaries, no one is left with any illusions: they have been unforgivably low for so long that any student considers his teacher, if not a failure, then an eccentric. Those who are actually called by their profession are planning to repeat his fate: representatives of teaching dynasties, people who adore children, or... those who do not hope to enter any other university other than a pedagogical one. As Yaroslav Kuzminov, rector of the Higher School of Economics, chairman of the Commission on the Intellectual Potential of the Nation of the Public Chamber, said at a meeting with directors and teachers of schools - federal experimental sites: “The situation in the education system is getting worse year after year due to a key factor - personnel composition. negative selection: those who did not get into others go to pedagogical universities, and after university those who have not found a job anywhere else go to schools. As long as this kind of situation continues, we will not be able to say that society has done anything. real steps towards education, and consequently, your future.
There are fewer and fewer devotees in school. These people came to the education system when the prestige of the teaching profession was completely different.
A creative person should be paid so that he at least has enough to buy books. Today teachers don't have enough to buy books! There is not enough for theaters and travel. Consequently, completely the wrong people are going into these sectors. I don’t want to cast a shadow on those young people who still believe in the education system, but, unfortunately, more and more random people are coming there. The ascetics who developed professionally in the 70s and 80s are being replaced by people with different morals. According to the survey results, teachers are involved in relationships that were completely impossible before: from a moral duty to the student, there is a shift in the value system to the task of ensuring their income. And this is a very dangerous trend for the education system. The champions of corruption today are higher education institutions: the pressure of a market full of temptations is very great. The school is not a carrier of any kind of corruption that can be discerned by the population. The disease affected only part of the system."
So, the school doesn’t pay, which means young people won’t go there. This should be a serious national problem. But then a sharp reduction in the number of schoolchildren came to the aid of the government.
Schools have reached a demographic crisis: in 2000 there were 20 million schoolchildren, this year there are 15 million. If there are a quarter fewer students, then the teachers should also be freed up? Would their employment be a serious problem? But, given that there is no influx of young people, there are also no problems with the avalanche-like release of teachers in the field.
There are two more trends that are saving the personnel situation in the industry today. This is the work of teachers with more than one salary and pensioners who do not retire. Both trends are caused by a lack of money.
When the salary is not enough, you have to work harder to get at least something. And now a double workload has become commonplace at school. It is clear that this is not good for the lesson, which from a performance becomes just a conveyor belt product, and not good for the children, for whom the teacher simply does not have any emotional resources left. There is no need to explain how exhausted teachers are.
It must be said that in the statistics provided by the regions, jobs closed in this way are not considered vacant. Only those where no one teaches lessons are counted. There are very few of these left, because, in addition to teachers who work more than one paycheck, the old guard saves the day. If twenty years ago 5-6% of teachers of retirement age worked in schools, now, for example, in Yakutia and Kamchatka there are a quarter of them. On average, there are 10.5% of retirees at the school, and their number is growing by 8-10 thousand per year. The number of those who will have time to retire in the coming years is large: today 39% of teachers have more than 20 years of experience.
But the ministry can feel calm: it doesn’t matter that teachers are leaving the industry, it doesn’t matter that there are no young people in school, the main thing is that the number of students continues to decline and retirees remain working.
And in the current situation, why not reduce enrollment in teacher training universities if it is not possible to achieve priority funding for education and develop a strong personnel policy in the industry? Why spend money on training teachers if they won’t make it to school anyway?

The shortage of teachers in schools today is one of the main problems in the modern education system. And the Vytegorsky district is no exception. How to attract young specialists, how to get a qualified teacher, what role the municipality can play in solving the problem of shortage of teaching staff - this is what we talked about with Olga Gracheva, head of the education department of the district administration.

– Olga Gennadievna, how acute is the problem of teacher shortage in the region?

– Today in the Vytegorsky district there are 13 general education organizations, in which 2963 children study. The number of employees is 447 people, of which 266 are teachers, including 58 of retirement age.

The personnel problem has existed for quite a long time; over the last 5-7 years it has been felt much more acutely, because every year fewer and fewer teachers come to schools. If we talk about individual subjects, the situation in the region with teachers of Russian and foreign languages ​​and mathematics is difficult. In addition, in almost all schools, physical education and basic life safety are taught by women. Of the seven secondary educational organizations, only in one, Belorucheyskaya Secondary School, the subject of life safety, in which in high school students must take a course of initial military training, is taught by a man.

– Why do you think what was once one of the most prestigious professions has faded into the background?

– I think there are several reasons for this. Firstly, for a long period teachers had low wages, and they are still low for young specialists. In order to receive a good salary, a teacher must have a higher education, category and experience. The base salary, from which all bonuses come, is very small - less than four thousand rubles, so young specialists receive about fifteen thousand rubles.

Secondly, the attitude of children towards teachers. It has completely changed. I think this happened because the values ​​of the current generation are different. What happened fifteen years ago and what is happening now are as different as heaven and earth. But not all young people can withstand this.

The third reason is that often those who do not enter others enter pedagogical educational institutions, and a person goes into pedagogy without a vocation. And in our profession you cannot achieve success without a calling.

Another factor influencing the staffing situation is the workload of teachers. If in other professions a person worked eight hours and went home, then a teacher’s workday lasts much longer. And they receive a salary (the average for the region today is 29.5 thousand rubles) not for the required 18 hours of workload per week, but for at least 27. If the teacher’s workload were at the standard level, the quality of education would be higher.

– Does the shortage of teachers affect the results of state exams?

– It’s impossible to say for sure. We have both good achievements in passing the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, and deplorable ones: 24 ninth-graders this year failed the exams and retook them in the fall, while two again did not reach the minimum threshold. As a result, 22 graduates went to the technical school, and those who did not pass were registered with the Employment Department for the Vytegorsky District. They will be offered training according to the center's program for some specialty, and they will be able to retake the exam next year.

But this situation does not at all mean that the OGE results were affected by the shortage of teachers. There's another problem here. Currently, many children with disabilities go to school. They need a special approach; they need to be trained according to an adapted program. At the same time, parents often do not understand that if the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission recommended such a program, then it is not just like that. This is not a stigma, not a punishment, but a benefit. The program allows the child to level out. Moreover, the sooner you start learning from it, the better the effect, because underachieving children accumulate problems and lose interest in learning. And as a result: they fail the final certification. Of the 24 ninth-graders who did not pass the exams in 2018, about 70% had to study at the elementary or basic level according to an adapted program.

– What measures are being taken at the municipal level to reduce the deficit and attract young professionals to the region?

– The district has a program “Development of Education in the Vytegorsk Municipal District for 2014–2020”, it has a subprogram “staffing of the education system”, within the framework of which eight graduates are currently studying at pedagogical universities in the target area. These guys receive a monthly stipend of four thousand rubles. Agreements have been concluded with them, according to which, upon completion of their studies, they must work for three years in schools in the district. But one scholarship is not enough to attract personnel; there must also be good living conditions. And the opportunity to provide municipal housing for teachers is only in the rural settlement of Annenskoye.

In addition, there are allowances for young specialists: one hundred thousand rubles are paid from the regional budget for three years (for comparison: doctors - one million rubles), but the specified amount is only for those who have a higher education and work in the countryside. This, of course, is not enough.

Probably, all of the above reasons determine that teachers work outside their specialty, find work with a higher salary than a young teacher receives, but often with lower qualification requirements.

– Olga Gennadievna, in your opinion, is it even possible to solve the problem of shortage of teaching staff?

– The profession of a teacher is very important: who we prepare is our future. The teacher shortage is a serious problem. I think that in the next five to six years we will have a crisis (when the trainees leave). Teachers are mentally exhausted: every year there are new changes in programs, testing, commissions, heavy workload. At the same time, the workload and wages do not correspond to each other. Until this situation changes, there will be no surge in personnel. This problem must be solved globally, measures must be taken at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation. We are unlikely to be able to change the situation in any given area.

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