
Sleep paralysis and out-of-body experiences. Sleep paralysis. Exit to the astral plane. Entering the astral plane - dangers that you should not be afraid of

Lucid dreaming and astral travel

Hello, friends. This article will discuss the difference between astral travel and lucid dreaming, in other words, lucid dreaming. This constant confusion is already starting to tire. Therefore, I want to put all the dots in place. Why is this necessary? Astral and OS require different approaches and by understanding this you can achieve more in your understanding of the world around you and yourself, including. But first, read some stories.

1. And so tonight was the first time in OS! It was in the spring, my cat had a period of such love, she needed it, you understand... So because of her screams I woke up at 6 o’clock, I went to wet her in the bath so that she wouldn’t scream, then I went to the kitchen, drank water and went to bed, I had a dream that I was in bed and move my hand, but I understand that I’m not moving it and I ask myself the question: how is it possible, am I dreaming?

AND THEN I STARTED TO VIBRATE SO HARD IN GENERAL BUT IT WAS NICE, THEN I REALIZED I WAS INTO THE OS. And somehow the feeling in flight was light, as if I was above the bed!
I immediately remembered how to get out, tried to get out, couldn’t imagine myself in space, a strange sound in my ears for a couple of seconds, I opened my eyes and woke up. A few seconds later I fell asleep again and again without sleep the vibrations then I immediately opened my eyes in front of me a clock like hypnosis, this black and white spinning thing and I woke up again.

2. Today I had a lucid dream within a dream.
I dreamed that my girlfriend and I were standing at the entrance in the summer and we were jumping and starting to fight like kung fu and I realized that I was in a dream and could control my sleep, I started screaming, moving somehow, jumping very high, spinning around myself and testing my physical capabilities in I was in a dream, then I think I need to wake up, but I can’t, my eyes were stuck together. I opened one eye but couldn’t do the other and started opening it with my hands, while I still saw that image from the dream, but very poorly. I opened my eyes, I don’t remember anymore, I think I told this to my boyfriend, but he is not here where I slept, and the image quality in the OS was probably very bad, as if the resolution was 240 and the feeling that my girlfriend and I were younger than we really were.

3. Today I tried the deferred method technique in the OS 3 times. I got up at 6 with my alarm clock and read something on the Internet. Then after half an hour I went to bed and breathed deeply for 2 minutes. I woke up in paralysis, which lasted, according to my feelings, for an hour. It's like time has been stretched out too much. I already automatically developed such a habit and began to separate from the body. There was a feeling of heaviness and I was being pulled back. I clearly heard voices in my head, as if a dream had moved into reality. Another image appeared before my eyes, I don’t remember what kind of place it was. But it was not possible to log into the OS.
All of these stories explicitly state that these are lucid dreams. Although there was a flight and sleep paralysis.

A lucid dream is a controlled dream.

You can change reality, your appearance, create characters. You can fall asleep in a dream and wake up in another. Usually a person is passive during a dream; he cannot change anything during a dream. This state can be compared to a movie in which you are an actor and play your role. The lucid dreaming technique allows you to learn not only how to manage your dreams during sleep, but even plan your dreams in advance.
A lucid dream is a dream in which you realize that you are dreaming and can do whatever you want.

What characterizes an astral exit?

  1. Exit to the astral plane does not occur in a dream, but in a state between sleep and wakefulness. It is very difficult to do something in the astral plane. It takes effort to walk through a door or through a door.
    Sleep paralysis is definitely present. If it's not there, then it's the OS.
  2. There is a feeling of levitation. It’s as if the body has risen above the bed and is swaying in the air, as if on waves. Or see yourself, you may find yourself hovering a meter above the bed.
  3. You may feel a feeling of being sucked in and you begin to see how quickly you are flying through a winding tunnel-pipe. There is no body whatsoever.
  4. The whole body begins to vibrate slightly, a heaviness appears in the chest and a squeaking sound in the ears.

The result: body sensations come first. In OS these are pictures and visions. If you focus your attention on sensations, it is easier to go to the astral plane, on visions in the OS.

Sleep paralysis (aka full wake paralysis) is very simple: You wake up paralyzed or suddenly become paralyzed while relaxing or trying to fall asleep - but are not yet asleep. Most people probably experience it from time to time. It can be terrifying because at the time of its occurrence its cause is unknown. Paralysis is a known symptom of out-of-body experiences; natural projectors will experience sleep paralysis quite frequently throughout their lives, especially in their youth and early twenties. He tormented me throughout my childhood, adolescence and early twenties. It slowly decreased over the years in frequency, but only after I began proper energetic development and learned to project after twenty years. It still happens sometimes, several times a year. Sleep paralysis is extremely complex, and no theory can fully explain its causes. The two most popular theories are dissociation and spontaneous projection.

Dissociation: A general scientific explanation for the fact that the mind separates from its physical body during sleep when it enters the sleep state to block its movements to prevent the sleepy physical body from becoming tired and damaged by moving during sleep. Sleep paralysis is believed to occur when the mind accidentally awakens in a dissociated sleeping body. This explanation is quite logical, since the physical body does become separated from the mind during sleep and in a state of trance. However, I don't think this explanation answers all the questions.

Entering a trance state brings the first signs of dissociation: the deeper the state of trance achieved, the more difficult the movements are. But the dissociation induced by the trance state goes on for a long time, gradually, for many minutes. On the other hand, sleep paralysis occurs very quickly, within a couple of seconds. And I have never experienced complete sleep paralysis during a trance, even during the actual stupor of a deep trance state.

Spontaneous Projection: A popular New Generation explanation is that sleep paralysis is caused solely by spontaneous projection, or more precisely by projection that is just beginning to occur or is being attempted. Because of this, many people recommend that Sleep Paralysis victims relax and come to terms with the experience so that the Sleep Paralysis episode can be transformed into a full-blown OBE. This explanation is quite reasonable, since paralysis certainly seems to have a connection with some aspects of projection.

However, in my opinion, Sleep paralysis is a complication of consciousness with all the ensuing consequences. I think it is more complex than is generally believed.

Sleep paralysis is often not accompanied by vibrations or other projective exit sensations. Very often, for no apparent reason, people suddenly become paralyzed - either while relaxing, or trying to sleep, or wake up in a paralyzed state. Everything is quiet and they have no basic sensations of the start of projection (vibrations or rapid heartbeat); they just suddenly and inexplicably find themselves paralyzed.

Many people (myself included) discover the onset of sleep paralysis primarily when they are in a relaxed but awake state. Before the onset of paralysis, they feel an almost overwhelming feeling of falling. This happens very quickly, with only a short warning of a few seconds. Since the feeling of falling can be called a projection sign, in this case it is often the only sensation experienced during the entire episode of paralysis.

In my opinion, most cases of paralysis occur after the projection exit has occurred. Complete sleep paralysis cannot occur before projection exit. Why do no projection exit sensations usually occur during sleep paralysis? The most logical answer is that natural spontaneous projection has already occurred and the exit sensations have already passed or were completely missed due to the mind-split effect. The victim of paralysis awakens paralyzed during sleep when an OBE occurs, or the symptoms are so rapid and subtle that they go unnoticed, as in the case of tele-eye projection. The physical/etheric mind awakens in the dissociated, split, paralyzed physical body during an OBE, during the absence of the projected double.

If signs of projection exit were present at the very beginning of the sleep paralysis episode, then spontaneous projection probably occurred. The projection output was missed due to the mind split effect. The physical/etheric mind of the projector (the master copy) remained fully awake and paralyzed for the remainder of this projection. The projection itself causes sleep paralysis.

Some victims of sleep paralysis claim to have succeeded in converting it into a projection, but the vast majority are unable to do so. Most people are very afraid at that moment to even think about transformation. Those who try to achieve transformation usually fail, even if they completely give in and wholeheartedly agree not to ruin the experience. They usually lie paralyzed until they end the experience of their own accord or until they are able to move part of their physical body and thus end the paralysis. In this case, they interrupt the projection, and force their projected double to return and unite. This ends the paralysis, but their projected counterpart's shadow memories are lost.

If paralysis occurs already during the process of projection, then, in my opinion, it will obviously not be possible to make another projection at this time. This may explain the extremely high failure rate of converting sleep paralysis to an OBE.

If an episode of sleep paralysis has no projection features at the very beginning, but later successfully transforms into an OBE, then I assume that the projected double was returned after an undetected exit (the one that caused the sleep paralysis), but with only partial reintegration. After this, it immediately projects again, but this time, normal projection symptoms appear - due to the presence of waking consciousness during the second exit. The memories of the first exit (which caused the episode of sleep paralysis) were not uploaded to the physical brain. They are then automatically rewritten during the second exit, leaving no trace of what caused the sleep paralysis the first time.

I hypothesize that when a full episode of sleep paralysis is accompanied by vibrations plus other projection sensations, internal mind-split energetic conflicts (most likely caused by the presence of waking consciousness during the projection process) stop the spontaneous projection mechanism. This is another complication of consciousness. In fact, projection may or may not happen. In this case, you can try to convert sleep paralysis into an OBE by relaxing and going with the flow, or using projection techniques to help the projection happen, which will be much more successful.

I have experienced episodes of sleep paralysis hundreds of times, but not one of them has ever been able to convert into an OBE. I have had hundreds of spontaneous projections from the waking state or woke up in the middle of these projections, but they always ended in partial or complete OBEs. I experience a noticeable difference between spontaneous projections and episodes of sleep paralysis. All sensations are very different and, while spontaneous projection is quite acceptable to me, I absolutely hate sleep paralysis.

I view spontaneous projection and sleep paralysis as two sides of the same coin. In one case we experience and remember spontaneous projection, and in the other we experience sleep paralysis. They are two different aspects of spontaneous projection caused by the mind-split effect providing two completely different experiences. Usually only one side of a spontaneous episode of projection paralysis is remembered - only one side is perceived and remembered by the physical/etheric mind. The other side, for example, of the projected double, is not perceived at this time and is not remembered after the event. Shadow memories are completely lost due to trauma or due to the disturbances that sleep paralysis always causes. This trauma firmly cements the physical/etheric side of the experience into physical memory, completely discarding any shadow memories.

With some types of projection, signs of exit can be very mild, often not even noticeable. This applies especially to projections involving the crown or brow centers (points located on the “crown” of the head and between the eyebrows, the so-called “chakras” - editor's note). This is a sign of the natural, often hidden ability of clairvoyance. This also means that the projector has the potential for high-level projections, because clairvoyance and high-level projections are closely related. This is possible because some types of sleep paralysis are caused by a process of projection (through points - editor's note) of the brow or crown center, the exit through which was not noticed.

Apprehension and fear accompany many episodes of sleep paralysis, often accompanied by a sense of a material presence coming from a certain direction. Fear can be caused by mind-split effects combined with emotional feedback (apprehension and anxiety) between the physical/etheric body and its projected counterpart during Real Time projection.

Other types of projections can also cause cases of sleep paralysis and spontaneous projection. For example, there is a strong possibility that episodes of the Akashic Impulse - the astral wind - may be a major factor in some episodes of sleep paralysis. Apparently an Akashic Impulse episode can cause projection in people who are deeply relaxed - even though they are technically still awake. They may experience sleep paralysis in the physical/etheric mind while awake until their projected counterpart is released and is able to return and unite after the Akashic Pulse episode ends. We will look at the Akashic Impulse in Part 5.

Quite often people come to us complaining of panic attacks, entering the astral plane while falling asleep or waking up. At this moment, the person seems to fail, and his body becomes disobedient, his consciousness is cloudy, physical impact is observed, even violence. The impact, as a rule, is clearly felt by the person and can manifest itself as pushing, biting, suffocation, or sexual actions.

People are able to describe in all colors what was happening at that moment. In fact, you can't call it a dream. The person is in an almost conscious state, but the mind works mediocrely, he is paralyzed and functions at the level of emotions (and they, as a rule, are best remembered. A person may experience fear, even if he understands what is happening to him and is psychologically ready to this, a person feels as if he is observing what is happening from the outside, but feels it with every part of his physical body.
Scientists call these conditions sleep stupor or paralysis. They are still conducting research in this direction and currently do not have a clear explanation for this phenomenon. Their field of human studies is very superficial, and it is unlikely that such phenomena will ever be studied in more detail with this approach. Parapsychology has come closer to these issues, but finding something adequate on this issue is quite problematic. I will try to describe the processes that occur with a person during moments of so-called sleep paralysis, in a form that is as understandable to you as possible, as detailed and as close to the truth as possible.

There are a huge number of programs and firmware in the brain that do not allow consciousness to separate from the body and roam freely in space. They do not allow you to get out of the body form familiar to the mind and believe in a different manifestation of life. The capabilities of the physical body and the person in general are greatly limited due to these programs and attitudes. For example, a person cannot fly or walk through walls. He sees the world as filled with material, dense objects. Then what happens to a person if these firmwares stop working or work in accordance with the intention of the energies affecting the brain? Then a person as a consciousness is able to go anywhere and experience anything. An imbalance of subtle bodies may occur, a person’s consciousness may be transferred to other worlds (if not death, then the connection with the body will not be broken and consciousness will return to the body). The point is that when dark entities take over a person, they will do everything to make the person a more active donor. If a person for some reason ceases to satisfy the entities, they will milk him by connecting, paralyzing the body. When a person’s attention is in the astral plane, then entities have many times more chances to receive their nectar. They can feed on fear or sexual energy.

When a person is under the influence, he can observe and feel what is happening to him, but in reality his body will remain where it lay and not even move. All actions take place in another reality. But even in the usual reality, the body at the molecular level will change and experience everything that happens there. In general, if, for example, a person experiences contact with an entity, he may observe and feel movement, but the body will not move. Enslavement of consciousness occurs during such astral attacks of entities, such as, for example, during human hypnosis. The stronger the energies (entities), the more skillfully they are able to pull a person out and test him. They can pull you into their worlds, demonstrate their astral world, in order to intimidate or warn. If these are alien energies, then pull a person into space onto their ships to conduct experiments, install their own firmware and programs. Some entities pursue only the replenishment of energies, the goal of others is the exploitation of human consciousness, as well as the blocking of energy and enslavement.

With alien entities, things are ambiguous. They invade the human world to make their own adjustments, study, and conduct experiments. They are able to reveal potential or, conversely, close a person down and turn him into a vegetable. Therefore, some call them gray entities, because they are quite unpredictable and can be both constructive and destructive for a person. No one will say exactly what they bring to people; the main thing for them is that it suits their interests. Many of you are familiar with the work of people who had direct contact with entities in dreams and received a huge amount of knowledge. Some ended up with alien gray entities (humanoids), others with light ones. Let this remain their personal experience, they will share it with people if they consider it necessary.
Except for expressing inner intention, nothing can help at these moments. Here everything depends on the energy strength of a person. If such attacks occur, then it is obvious that the person is waging an internal struggle. This means that the luminosity in a person increases, and dark energies increase their pressure. Your internal intention to prohibit intrusion into the energy field will be like a wall for dark energies. A person is able to resist and dissolve darkness in his consciousness. The main thing is that the intention comes from the heart, with love, decisively and totally. If you need help, the universe will bring helpers to you who will strengthen you, your intention, and activate your consciousness. The main thing is to trust your intuition, feel the world with your heart.

Exit to the astral plane - dangers and methods of struggle. Let's look at the dangers of traveling through the astral worlds and what to do to prevent trouble.

In the article:

Entering the astral plane - dangers that you should not be afraid of

Common dangers of the astral plane and practice - sleep paralysis. It often happens not only among people who are engaged in obtaining out-of-body experiences and traveling to other worlds and different levels of the astral plane. Sleep paralysis scares most people. During the condition, it is impossible to move even a finger; sometimes there is a feeling of pressure in the chest area.

Sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis has been known to people since ancient times: ancestors believed that the brownie was strangling. Sleep paralysis is not dangerous goes away quickly on its own. There is nothing to do with paralysis: you cannot panic. If you relax and calm down, sleep paralysis will go away faster. The reason is a too abrupt return to the body, which did not have time to “turn on”, but consciousness has already returned.

Another imaginary danger is the inability to return to the physical body. It is not the soul that travels, but consciousness or consciousness. The “rough” astral component remains in the body and serves as a guard and a beacon showing the way back. For a beginner it is enough to think about the physical body for a return to occur. Getting into the astral plane is much more difficult than returning. The problem of exit is more acute than the loss of the physical body.

Astral Cord.

The astral cord is a silvery connecting thread with the physical body, which not all practitioners see or feel. Those familiar with the phenomenon claim that it is impossible to break the connection, causing separation from the physical body and death. Beginners sometimes lose the cord - it's just due to the stress of the first trip.

What else is dangerous about the astral plane, according to beginners, is the possibility of losing track of time. The feeling of the passage of time when staying in a parallel world is seriously different from the usual one. The gross astral substance remaining in the physical body will certainly attract the subtle one, if necessary.

What are the dangers of entering the astral plane for people with health problems?

Astral travel has contraindications.
For example, the condition is undesirable for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Diseases of the nervous system and respiratory problems can cause serious health problems when combined with the stress experienced by a newbie during his first travels or sleep paralysis.

Other illnesses that are not too serious go away after you start working on accessing the astral worlds. The preparatory exercises necessary for the full mastery of the technique also have an impact, raising tone and increasing immunity.

Practicing and practicing magic is especially dangerous for people who are overly impressionable, nervous and unbalanced. Problems of any interest in paranormal phenomena can aggravate. It’s not worth even talking about mental illnesses - this is a serious contraindication. A person with mental disorders, fascinated by the paranormal, risks becoming a patient in a psychiatric clinic.

Before engaging in rituals, studying the parallel world or any other practices, it is necessary to resolve the difficulties associated with the physical and mental state. Depression and bad mood will interfere.

Is it dangerous to go into the astral plane - the essence of other worlds

One of the dangers is those living in the astral plane essence. Parallel worlds are not empty, but inhabited by a variety of creatures. not always dangerous, you can make friends with some. There are several rules when communicating with entities: politeness, respect, do not meddle in places where they do not want to be allowed - a person must remember that he is a guest.

Newbies sometimes break rules they don't know. No one will attack without warning - the person will be explained that actions are prohibited by local rules. If you ignore the warning, the traveler will be taken over by entities acting as law enforcement officers. If you seriously annoy them, you won't be able to get rid of nightmares.

Not all entities on a paranormal journey are benevolent or neutral: some require energy recharge. Their main weapon is fear. Negative entities are to blame for nightmares. There are no consequences: after the energy leak, you feel weak, and the impression of the trip is unpleasant.

Entities are fought - You can't be afraid in the astral plane. Fear and nervousness attract those who want to feed on energy. If a person is afraid, he is guaranteed to encounter horror in the astral plane. To be afraid is to give away energy. Working on fears will prevent energy vampires from annoying you. If you had to face a strong opponent, you can always leave - movements in the astral plane are very different from usual. Vampire entities also appear in ordinary dreams - almost everyone has had nightmares.

The sharing of souls is another danger in the astral plane.

Another danger is the introduction of an entity. Larvae, demons and other entities can come from the astral plane along with the soul. The work of destroying the settled entities is difficult, but doable. Demon possession after travel is a rare occurrence. It’s possible to bring a poltergeist “to visit”.

Do the dangers of the astral affect the physical body?

The astral plane is no more harmful to the physical body than ordinary sleep. A coarse astral substance always remains in the body, which in case of danger will pull the subtle astral body back.

The person will hear the sound of the alarm clock and wake up. Without a threat, it is difficult to wake up a traveler, like a person who did not get enough sleep the night before during a deep sleep.

After serious astral attacks and collisions, traces of beatings appear on the body. You need to break a lot of local laws and find a strong enough enemy. You should not worry about your physical condition if you behave correctly and with dignity.

Have you encountered such a phenomenon as sleep paralysis? Did he scare you? It turns out that this phenomenon is completely safe! Moreover, it has enormous potential for development!

Many people have experienced the effect of sleep paralysis at least once in their lives.

This unusual state lasts only a few seconds or minutes, and during this short time the person may experience intense fear, even begin to panic.

What is this phenomenon?

Sleep paralysis¹ is a muscular paralysis of the body that occurs in many people during sleep. The brain specifically “turns off” the physical body for a while in order to restore its work and “get some sleep.”

A person may experience sleep paralysis before sleep occurs or shortly after waking up while the person is still in other states of consciousness. For sleep paralysis to occur, a special phase of REM sleep is required.

How does sleep paralysis manifest?

It is difficult to confuse this condition. It is accompanied by characteristic features:

  • after waking up, you can’t move;
  • voices, music are “heard” or tactile sensations arise;
  • strong fear appears due to the inability to control the situation;
  • there is a feeling of danger;
  • the feeling of someone's presence next to the bed is frightening;
  • may be accompanied by a feeling of suffocation (or pressure on the chest, sometimes it even feels like someone is standing on it).

Why does sleep paralysis cause fear?

When a person experiences sleep paralysis, he or she experiences intense fear due to a lack of understanding of what is happening.

People are aware of themselves, they understand that they are awake, but they cannot move their body.

Many thoughts arise that he is paralyzed or even dead. Instinctively, a person is afraid of what he does not understand, and the mind creates various frightening associations as a defensive reaction to such sensations.

A person may think that he is going crazy and turn to a psychotherapist, but doctors only recommend taking antidepressants and not paying attention to the appearance of a paralytic sensation.

This is what people say who don’t know how to explain the phenomenon of sleep paralysis, but they have to give at least some recommendations.

Fear that came from the depths of centuries!

There are many mystical explanations for the condition of sleep paralysis, many of which say that an evil spirit sits on the chest and tries to strangle the sleeping person.

It is necessary to understand: everything that people hear and see in this state, no matter how frighteningly real it may seem, are elements of dreams that have no relation to reality.

The appearance of a brownie or phantom is only the result of human fears. The stronger the fear, the more “menacing” visions may appear during sleep paralysis.

What possibilities are there in this mysterious state of mind?

Being out of the body, you can learn to control what is happening, and not wait for it to take over.

Sleep paralysis is an unconscious out-of-body experience. There is no need to be afraid of him; it should be developed and used for your own benefit!

Initially, every person already knows how to manage this state, people just forgot about it. For example, in children the ability to astral travel² is developed naturally.

And it is forgotten because it is not supported and developed by adults.

In adolescence, at the time of some personal transformations, the formation of the psyche, a person often encounters this phenomenon.

In fact, sleep paralysis and out-of-body experiences enable people to understand themselves more deeply, eliminate internal conflicts and improve their lives!

A person’s task is to re-learn this skill, understand what it is, develop it and use it to improve their life, develop abilities, solve various life situations and spiritual growth!

Elena Mikheeva

In the “Superpowers” ​​section you can find many effective techniques that will allow you to use sleep paralysis to experience out-of-body experiences, travel to the astral plane and develop psychic abilities!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Sleep paralysis is a condition when muscle paralysis occurs before falling asleep, or awakening occurs before it subsides (Wikipedia).

² One of the ways to enter the astral plane is described