
We change the log entry. Regulations on keeping class journals How to correctly record homework in a journal


General provisions.

1. The class register is a document by which one can determine the level of education, the state of teaching, the maturity of the organizational culture of an educational institution, the professional qualifications of the teaching staff and the effectiveness of management. A classroom magazine can provide information about the psychological microclimate in the team, caring for the health of students, organizing work to prevent educational failure, financial discipline, and much more.

2. These Rules installing there are uniform requirements to filling out the class register, the procedure for filling it out.

3. The class register is a state document, the maintenance of which is mandatory for every teacher and class teacher in accordance with these Rules.

4. The rules are developed based on:

1) art. 32 clause 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR dated December 27, 1974. No. 167 “On approval

instructions on maintaining school records."

Letters from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/2001. No. 22-06-147 “On the content and legal support of official control of heads of educational institutions.”

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1997. No. 2682 “On violations in the preparation and conduct of the final certification of graduates of general education institutions.”

Order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR dated December 8, 1986. No. 241 “On approval and enactment of regulations on the organization of work on labor protection in institutions of the system of the Ministry of Education of the USSR.”

institutions (letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated

12/20/2000 No. 03-51/64).

5. Class registers are mandatory educational and pedagogical documentation of a general education institution.

6. The class register is stored in the archives of a general education institution for 5 years. After 5 years of storage, pages with summary data of students’ progress and transfer to the next grade are removed from the journal. Formed files are stored in a general education institution for at least 25 years.

P. General requirements for maintaining a class journal:

7. The nomenclature of subjects in the journal and the number of weekly hours for their development must correspond to the list of subjects in the curriculum for the current year, approved by the director of the educational institution and agreed with the Municipal Educational Institution "Education".

8. Magazines are printed in blue (purple) ink; It is prohibited to use strokes to correct incorrect entries.

9. The school director and his deputy for educational work ensure the storage of class registers and systematically monitor the correctness of their maintenance (at least once every quarter).

10. The class register is designed for the academic year and is maintained in each class in a form approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

11. Journals of parallel classes are numbered with Arabic numerals. For example, “1st grade”, “2nd grade”, “5th grade”, “5th grade”, “7th grade”.

12. The Deputy Director for Educational Work (school director) gives instructions to class teachers on the distribution of journal pages allocated for current records of student progress and attendance for the year in accordance with the number of hours allocated in the curriculum for each subject.

13. The subjects of the invariant part of the curriculum included in the compulsory teaching load are recorded in the class register.

14. It is recommended to keep records of classes in the variable part of the curriculum (elective courses, elective courses, individual classes) in separate journals intended for this purpose), but, if there are free pages, it is not prohibited to record the material of the variable part of the curriculum in the class journal.

Sh. Procedure for working with the class magazine.

Director of a general education institution:

Responsible to higher educational authorities for the correctness

registration of magazines, their safety.

16. Provides the required number of class magazines, their storage,

systematic monitoring of the correctness of their management.

Performs other duties in accordance with job description and

Deputy Director for Educational Work:

Provides direct management of the work system in educational

institution for maintaining class registers and all other types of magazines used;

Conducts instructional meetings on filling out class registers

mandatory before the start of the school year and during the year - as necessary.

Performs systematic monitoring of the correctness of journal design

in accordance with the internal school control plan, making appropriate entries on the comments page, notes the elimination of identified violations;


21. Must strictly comply with the requirements for filling out the class register, namely:

22.On the left side of the unfolded page, write down the name of the month at the top in the line provided for this, and the dates of the lesson in Arabic numerals.

23. On the grading sheet (at the bottom) duplication of records about control lessons conducted such as “Test work”, “Practical work”, etc. is not allowed.

24. Regularly reflect in the journal the results of tests of students’ knowledge, including those carried out in the form of laboratory, control, and independent work - in accordance with the requirements of the program.

25. Provide grades based on the results of the quarter (trimester), half-year, year after the last lesson in the reporting period.

26. Mark the attendance of students in each of your lessons; in the case of a student’s absence, mark “n”.

Perform other duties in accordance with job description and

other local regulations of the educational institution.

28. On the right side of the journal page, the number (in Arabic numerals) and the topic of the material covered in the lesson are written in accordance with calendar and thematic planning. When conducting double lessons, the topics of each lesson are recorded separately. Dashes indicating “repeat” are prohibited. The formulation of the topic should be specific, reflecting the problem addressed in the lesson. Abbreviations are not allowed.

29. The journal indicates not only the topics of the lessons, but also the topics of control, independent, laboratory, and practical work, for example, independent work “Adding and subtracting three-digit numbers.”

30. In the “Homework” column, the content of the assignment, page, number of tasks and exercises is recorded, reflecting the specifics of organizing homework. For example, “Repeat…..; make a plan, table, questions; learn by heart, answer questions, etc.” In addition, when studying a number of disciplines, homework is of a creative nature (make drawings, write an essay, etc.). Then in the “Homework” column it is written: creative task and the nature of the task is indicated. If the task is of an individual nature, then in the “Homework” column you can write: individual tasks. If there is no homework for a particular lesson, the column remains empty. In the line “Homework” the following abbreviations are allowed: S. - page, p. - point, ex. - exercise.

31. When recording topics “Repetition”, “Problem Solving”, etc., a specific topic must be indicated.

32. When conducting excursions, on the journal page on the left side the number is written down as many times as the number of hours the excursion lasted, and on the right side the number and topics are also written down as many times as the excursion lasted, but the topics are written down line by line.

33. At the end of the year, on the page where the material covered is recorded, the teacher writes down the number of lessons taught “according to plan” and “actually” and certifies this with a personal signature. An entry is made: “The program has been completed,” “The following topics have not been completed...” or “The program has been completed with adjustments” (in the event that the number of hours in the program does not coincide with the actual number).

34. The topics of NQF lessons are written in the column “What has been completed” as follows: NQF. Topic in the event that the study of the NQF topic is designed for the entire lesson. If the NQF is used only for part of the lesson, then the NQF is written in the upper left corner of the “What was completed” column, and the topic is written in the work program.

35. The teacher is obliged to systematically check and evaluate the knowledge of students, as well as mark those who are absent every lesson.

36. In the marking boxes, the teacher has the right to write only one of the following symbols: 2, 3, 4, 5, n, n/a, zach., osv. Placing dots and marks with a minus sign is not allowed.

37. Marks for oral and written answers are placed in the column for the date on which the work was carried out. Retrospective marking is prohibited. Marks for written work are given within the time limits specified in the “Regulations on checking notebooks” (local school act, adopted by decision of the pedagogical council).

38. Placing two marks in one box is allowed. In this case, grades are given as two fractions in one column (5/4, 4/3). A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade has the right to retake the work. In this case, the second mark is given as a fraction (2/4) and when setting the final mark, the teacher must take into account the second mark.

39. The mark n/a (not certified) can be given only if the student missed all classes during the reporting period (quarter, half-year). If the student attended part of the lessons, then it is necessary to organize additional classes with him (due to the non-classroom employment of teachers) and certify the child.

40. Final grades for the quarter and year are displayed in the next box after recording the date of the last lesson. It is not allowed to highlight final marks (with a line, a different color, etc.). The annual assessment is entered in the column immediately following the assessment column for the last quarter (half year).

41. Current marks for the next quarter are placed in the box after the final (quarter) marks. Skipping cells is not allowed.

42. Students’ final grades for a quarter (half year, year) must be justified. The procedure for assessing students must comply with the Regulations on the issuance of grades and be recorded in the Charter of the general education institution.

43. It is not recommended to give unsatisfactory grades in the first lessons after a long absence of students (missing three or more lessons), after the holidays, as this hinders the development of success in their educational and cognitive activities and forms a negative attitude towards learning.

44.The class register takes into account that the class in foreign language, physical education, and labor training classes is divided into two groups. Magazines for schools with Russian as the language of instruction devote 15 pages to these subjects.

45. The journal of elective classes (VX-5) is the main document for recording the work of elective groups and is maintained in secondary schools for each elective separately. The requirements for keeping records in the journal of extracurricular activities are similar to the requirements for the procedure for keeping them in the class journal.

46. ​​The replacement of lessons is recorded as follows: on the page of the lesson being replaced, the topic provided for by thematic planning is written down, after this entry the word “replacement” is written and the signature of the teacher who carried out the replacement is affixed. It is not allowed to leave the topics of replaced lessons unwritten so that the sick teacher can write them down later. If, due to objective reasons, the replacement was carried out by conducting a lesson in another subject, then the teacher writes down the topic of the lesson on his page, on the right hand side is the entry “replacement of lesson ___ (mathematics, biology, etc.)” and a signature.

47. If you make a mistake when placing marks, you must cross out the wrong mark and put the correct one in the next cell. If an error is made in the final marks or marks for a test, the mark is corrected in the same way as the current ones, and an entry must be made at the bottom of the page: Petrov K. – four (for 05.11) – (signature) and the seal of the educational institution is affixed.

48. If classes are conducted at home, subject teachers conducting classes provide grades (current and final) only in a special journal for individual learning at home. At the end of the assessment period (quarter, half-year, year), these same teachers put only final grades in the class register, which the class teacher transfers to the summary sheet of student progress.

49. It is advisable to record elective courses in a separate journal (especially if the elective course is attended by students from other schools in a network environment or groups of parallel students are formed). The list of students in the group (from different schools, different classes) is filled out by the teacher on the basis of a regulatory document of the educational institution (order). Completing the pages allocated for elective courses is carried out in accordance with the requirements for maintaining class journals. When assessing student learning outcomes in elective courses, one should be guided by the criteria for assessing student learning outcomes laid down by the author in the program of the author's elective course. The decision on the evaluation system for elective courses can be made by the educational institution based on the decision of the pedagogical council. The assessment can be given in the form “ passed" or " not accepted", as well as on a point scale: " 5 », « 4 », « 3 " Negative marks are not appropriate. If the training course is less than 34 hours, in accordance with regulatory documents, assessment is possible only in the “pass-fail” system. A course can be considered passed (or graded) if the student:

a) attended at least 80% of the classes in this course;

b) completed any credit work: project, research, abstract.

The journal records students' attendance and educational achievements depending on the criteria for assessing the results of students' educational achievements, defined in the program of the author's educational course. Training sessions on the subject “Information work” and “Profile orientation” are recommended to be recorded in cool magazine of the corresponding class to the teacher who teaches these classes.

50. The “Health Sheet” page is filled out by the class teacher based on the information provided by the medical professional. employees.

51. The movement sheet, where all the student’s movements are recorded, is kept by the class teacher on the left page of the class magazine spread.

52. On the right page of the magazine spread, the class teacher records the dates and reasons for canceling school classes (quarantine, frost, technical reasons, health days). Duplication of this information on subject pages is not permitted.

Primary School

1). During the period of literacy training in the 1st grade of the educational subject “Teaching

literacy" does not exist. Due to the fact that the PUP contains such names of educational subjects as “Literary reading” and “Russian language”, during the period of literacy training, the entry in the journal must correspond to: "literary reading"(reading) and "Russian language"(letter), and in the post-letter period "literary reading" And "Russian language".

2). Lessons in extracurricular reading or literary listening are an integral part of literary reading and are not included on a separate page. There is no separate assessment for extracurricular reading and literary listening.

Homework is given to students taking into account their capabilities.

execution within the following limits *:

in 1st grade, homework is strictly prohibited;

Homework assignments are required only from 2nd grade.

in 2nd grade – up to 1.5 hours;

in grades 3-4 – up to 2 hours;

in 1st grade, the point (grade) assessment system is excluded; in 2nd grade, grades are given from the 2nd quarter or second half of the year” **. It is necessary to include this information in the explanatory note to the Curriculum and in the School Charter.

For physical education, in the column “What was covered in the lesson” the topic is recorded according to the calendar and thematic planning, the main methodological task for the section of the program material, one of the folk, outdoor, sports games is indicated.

* Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated September 25, 2000 No. 202/11-13 “On the organization of education in the first grade of a four-year elementary school” states that “in the 1st grade homework is not given.” The Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia indicated above gives the right of an educational institution not to assign homework assignments in the second half of the 1st grade.

** Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 19, 1998 No. 1561/14-15 “Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in primary school.”

When conducting three (four times) physical education classes per week, in the column “What was covered in the lesson,” every third (fourth) lesson is recorded according to the calendar and thematic planning, taking into account the passage of the program material as follows: Lesson-game..., WITH competition....

In elementary school, final control of learning outcomes is usually carried out by conducting final tests in subjects 4 times a year: for the first, second, third academic quarters and at the end of the year.

* Letter of the Department of General and Preschool Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 06/03/2003 No. 13-51-120/13 “On the system for assessing the educational achievements of junior schoolchildren in conditions of ungraded education in general education institutions participating in an experiment to improve the structure and content of general education”; Letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2003. No. 13-51-273/13

Such a task is unlikely to come from users, but it may come from administrators. Let's say we have an entry in the registration log about a change in the directory item "Products" on a certain date.

In the screenshot above, the recording time is "10:38:39". And so, for reasons that we will not describe in the article, the administrator asked us to change the time to “09:00:00”. Well, the task has been set - let's complete it!

We carry out

To begin with, it is worth mentioning the way the log is stored by the 1C:Enterprise 8.x platform. Regardless of the infobase operating mode (file-based or client-server), log data is saved to an external file. For a file database, the log is stored in the file " *.lgp", located in the "1Cv8Log" subfolder of the infobase directory. The exact name of the file depends on the period for which the data is saved to the log.

For a client-server database, the log file is stored in the application data directory, regardless of the infobase.

It is for the client-server version of work that we will consider solving the problem. First, let's open the log file in a regular text editor.

As we can see, the log file has a regular text format, in which each event is recorded as a record according to certain rules. We will not consider these rules in detail, so as not to complicate the example. The screenshot shows the path to searching for the desired record in a file by recording date and data presentation. Using the values ​​of these fields, we have uniquely identified the text in the log file that relates to this event.

All that remains for us is to change the date of this event. In the screenshot below you can see the result:

Now, if we open the registration log using the platform, we will see the changed entry:

The timing of the event has changed, which is what we wanted. But an attentive user will definitely notice one oddity - the date of the event, for a strange reason, does not correspond to the chronology of the occurrence of other events (see the dates of the event above and below the entry). This drawback can be overcome by placing the entry text in the correct place in the log file.


We were able to change the log file, but this does not mean that its reliability and the validity of the data in it should be questioned! To change this file, you need the appropriate privileges, as well as the ability to close all sessions with the database or stop the server service for the client-server version of work, otherwise when you try to write the file, the error “The file is in use by another process” will appear.

From this point of view, the logbook is very reliable.

On the other hand, when transferring a database to another server (in a client-server version), you also need to transfer the log files, otherwise the data will be lost. And this is a big minus.

It is also worth noting that a separate log is maintained for each 1C:Enterprise server cluster. All this reduces its reliability, since when viewing the log on one cluster, we will not receive reliable data about the activities of sessions running on other clusters.

A good solution would be to keep a log of user actions in a separate database, but that’s a completely different article.

When working with automated scripts, scheduled jobs, or native applications, you may want them to write their own events to Windows logs. For example, when a script runs normally, you want to record a notification event in the application log so you can easily determine later whether the script ran and completed normally. Conversely, if the script does not work and errors occur as a result of its execution, you may want to store the error or warning event in a log - then you will know to analyze the script and find out what happened.

To create your own events, use the Eventcreate utility. You can save your own events to any available log except the security log. Such events may contain a source, code and the necessary description. Eventcreate syntax:

eventcreate /l LogName /so Event Source /t Event Type / id Event Code /d Event Description

  1. LogName - the name of the log to record the event; if it contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks, for example "DNS Server".
  2. EventSource - indicates the source of the event and can be any string. If the string contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks, for example "Event Tracker*. In most cases, the source indicates the application, job, or script that caused the error.
  3. EventType - specifies the event type. Can take the values ​​Information, Warning or Error. The "Success Audit" and "Failure Audit" event types are not applicable because they are used in the security log, which cannot record its own events.
  4. Event Code - displays the numeric code of the event. Can be any value from 1 to 1000. Rather than randomly assigning IDs, it's better to make a list of common events that might occur and then break it down into categories. Each category can then be assigned its own range of event codes. For example, events from the first hundred may be general, from the second - status events, from the fifth - warnings, and from the ninth - errors.
  5. Event Description - specifies a description of the event and can be any string. Don't forget to enclose the string in quotes.

Using Eventcreate with a few examples

  • Create a notification event in the application log with the source Event Tracker and event code 209:eventcreate /l "application" /t information /so "Event Tracker" /id 209 /d "evs.bat script ran without errors."
  • Create a warning event in the system log with the source CustApp and event code 511:eventcreate /l "system" /t warning /so "CustApp" /id 511 /d "sysck.exe didn"t complete successfully."
  • Create an error event in the system log on MAIL with the source SysMon and event code 918:eventcreate /s Mail /l "system" /t error /so "SysMon" /id 918 /d "sysmon.exe was unable to verify write operation."

    Writes the redo log buffer to a redo log file on disk

    Performs recording:

    • When the redo log buffer is one third full

      Before the DBWn process writes modified buffers to disk

      Every 3 seconds

The Log Writer (LGWR) process is responsible for managing the redo log buffer, storing entries in the redo log buffer in a redo log file on disk. LGWR records all replay records that have been copied to the buffer since the last record.

The redo log buffer is a circular buffer. When LGWR writes redo log buffer entries to the redo log file, server processes can then copy the new entries over the redo log buffer entries that were written to disk. LGWR typically writes fast enough to ensure that buffer space is always available for new writes, even when the redo log is being accessed intensively. LGWR writes one contiguous portion of the buffer to disk.

LGWR writes:

    When a user process commits a transaction

    When the redo log buffer is one third full

    Before the DBWn process writes modified buffers to disk (if necessary)

    Every three seconds

Before DBWn can write a modified buffer, all redo writes that are associated with changes to the buffer must be written to disk (write-ahead protocol). If DBWn detects that some redo records have not been written, it signals LGWR to save the redo records to disk and waits for LGWR to finish writing the redo log buffer before it can write the data buffers. LGWR writes to the current log group. If one of the files in the group becomes corrupted or unavailable, LGWR continues to write to other files in the group and logs an error in the LGWR trace file and in the system warning log. If all the files in a group are damaged, or if the group is inaccessible because it was not archived, LGWR cannot continue to function.

When the user issues a COMMIT statement, LGWR places the commit record in the redo log buffer and immediately writes it to disk along with the redo records. Appropriate changes to data blocks are deferred until the time comes when they can be written in the most efficient manner. It is called quick locking mechanism. The simplest redo record containing the transaction commit record is the only event that determines whether the transaction has been committed. The Oracle database returns a transaction commit success code even though the data buffers have not yet been written to disk.

If more buffer space is needed, LGWR sometimes stores redo log entries before the transaction is committed. These records become permanent only if the transaction is committed later. When a user commits a transaction, the transaction is assigned a System Change Number (SCN), which Oracle Database records along with transaction redo records in the redo log. SCN numbers are recorded in the redo log so that restore operations can be synchronized across the RAC and distributed databases.

During times of high activity, LGWR may write to the redo log file using group commits. For example, suppose a user commits a transaction. LGWR must save redo records to disk. When this happens, other users issue COMMIT statements. However, LGWR cannot write to the redo log file to commit these transactions until it has completed its previous write operation. After the first transaction's records are written to the redo log file, the entire list of redo records of pending transactions (not yet committed) can be written to disk at a time in one operation, requiring less I/O than transaction records processed individually would require. . Therefore, Oracle Database minimizes disk I/O and maximizes LGWR performance. If commit requests continue at a high rate, each record (LGWR) from the redo log buffer may contain multiple commit records.

Regulations on maintaining class magazines
municipal educational institution
“Secondary school No. 53 with in-depth study of natural and mathematical subjects in the city of Cheboksary”

1. General Provisions

1.1. The class register is a state regulatory and financial document, the maintenance of which is mandatory for every teacher and class teacher.

1.2. Only teaching staff conducting lessons in a particular class, as well as administrative workers supervising the work of a particular class, are allowed to keep a journal.

1.3. The class magazine is designed for the school year.

The academic year, name of the educational institution and class (group) are indicated on the title page of the journal. Journals of parallel classes are numbered with letters, for example, 1 “A”, 1 “B”, 5 “C”, 5 “D”.

1.4. The distribution of pages in the journal is carried out in accordance with the number of hours per week allocated by the curriculum of a general education institution for the study of a specific academic subject.

The number of pages per subject is distributed as follows: 1 hour - 2 pages, 2 hours - 4 pages, 3 hours - 5 pages, 4 hours - 7 pages, 5 hours - 8 pages, 6 hours - 9 pages and etc.

1.5. All entries in the class journal must be kept clearly and accurately, using a blue ballpoint pen. It is not permitted to use pens with different ink colors on the same page. Any notes written in pencil are prohibited.

1.6. All entries in the class register must be kept without correction. If the teacher gives an erroneous grade, you must cross it out, put the correct one next to it and make a note on this page with the following content: 10/05/2008 Dmitry Volkov was mistakenly given a grade of “4”; the grade of “3” (three) is considered correct. This entry is recorded by the subject teacher and without the signature of the director of the general education institution, certified by the seal, is invalid. The abuses of a teacher who allows systematic corrections, so-called “erasures,” pasting in grades, in a word, facts that falsify the true picture of a student’s knowledge, are a serious violation. If the above violations are detected, the school director is obliged to demand a written explanation from the teacher and apply disciplinary measures to him.

1.7. All records in all academic subjects must be kept in Russian with the obligatory indication of not only the topics of the lessons, but also the topics of practical, laboratory, test work, excursions, lessons using information technology and video lessons. (For example, Project No. 5 “Location of fuel depots”, Case No. 2 “Complex sentence”, Law No. 1 “Determination of the good quality of food”, etc.).

1.8. In the marking boxes, the teacher is allowed to write only one of the following characters “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “n”, “n/a”

1.9. It should be remembered that issuing unsatisfactory grades in the first lessons after a long absence of students (3 or more lessons) hinders the development of success in their educational and cognitive activities and forms a negative attitude towards learning and the academic subject.

2. Responsibilities of the class teacher

2.1. Throughout the school year, the class teacher keeps a sheet “Movement of Students” in the class journal.

The sheet “Movement of Students” records information about all possible movements of students: transfer to another class, departure to another educational institution, home schooling, long-term stay in sanatorium-type medical institutions, etc., in addition, the outgoing data of the corresponding order for school; for example, Alexander Ivanov - studied at home from 09/01/2007 to 05/30/2008, order from OU dated ___ No.___ or Mikhail Sergeev - transferred to 6 "A" class from ____ (date indicated), order from OU____ No. ___.

The list of students in a given class (last name, full name) is filled out on the basis of orders for transfer to the next class, for the enrollment of 1st and 10th grades at the beginning of the current academic year.

Students who arrived at a general education institution after September 5 of the current academic year are entered on the “Movement of Students” page, indicating the date and number of the order of arrival.

On the right page of the magazine spread, the dates and reasons for canceling school classes are recorded, these include quarantines for illness, technical reasons, holding health days (no more than 3 per year with a minimum coverage of 80% of students), then the outgoing data of the order for the school is indicated. Duplication of this information by teachers on the subject teaching page is not permitted.

2.2. The class teacher fills in the log:

    title page (cover);

    class number, last name and table of contents;

    lists of students on all pages;

    the surnames of students are written in alphabetical order, the names of students are written in full form;

    general information about students. When filling out the page, data from personal files, prompt and complete information about the place of work of parents (if the columns of the journal provide this information), home address of students (place of actual residence, indicating office and home telephone numbers) are used.

The information in this section is updated as necessary.

It is unacceptable to formally fill out this page at the beginning of the school year by rewriting information from previous years’ journals.

    summary attendance sheet

    summary report of progress. This page records quarterly, semiannual (in 10th and 11th grades), annual, examination, and final grades.

In the column “Decision of the pedagogical council (date and number)” the class teacher makes the following entries:

– transferred to 8th grade, protocol dated _______ No._______;

– conditionally transferred to 8th grade, protocol dated _______№_______;

– left for repeated training, protocol dated _____ No._____;

– left the municipal educational institution secondary school No. __ from __ (indicate the date of departure), order dated _____ No. _____;

– received basic general education, protocol dated _____№______;

– received secondary (complete) general education, protocol dated ______ No._____;

– a certificate of study at a general education institution was issued, protocol dated ______ No._____.

    information about classes in electives, clubs, sections

    together with the nurse, fills out the “Health Form”.

– in 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th grades;

– information is entered about students who are exempt from attending physical education classes for the entire academic year due to health reasons;

– information is entered about students who have a doctor’s recommendation to engage in physical education in a special medical group.

The “health sheet” in other grades (2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th grades) is filled out after a medical examination of students.

2.3. Every day, the number of days and lessons missed by children is recorded in the “Student Attendance” section.

In cases of conducting classes with a student in a sanatorium (hospital); a certificate of study at a sanatorium or hospital, as well as a statement of current progress, is placed in the student’s personal file; on the subject pages of the journal, the absence of a student is indicated with the letter “n”; the sheet “Movement of Students” records information about a long stay in a sanatorium-type medical institution; if there is a statement of current progress from a sanatorium-type medical institution, the final (quarter, semi-annual) mark is set taking it into account.

3. Responsibilities of subject teachers

3.1. The teacher is obliged to systematically check and evaluate students’ knowledge, as well as mark attendance and write down the names of the months.

3.2. On the left page of the magazine spread is the date of the lesson, which in turn must correspond to the date and topic of the lesson on the right page. The number of hours recorded by the teacher on the subject teaching page must correspond to the curriculum of the general education institution and the approved thematic planning.

3.3. In case of a double lesson, the date is recorded twice, the topic is recorded for each lesson

3.4. In the 1st grades in September - October, three lessons are held daily, the rest of the time is filled with targeted walks, excursions, physical education classes, educational games, therefore the topic of the 4th lesson in the column “what was covered in the lesson” is written in a non-traditional form, for example, "Field of Dreams. Music around us", "Game-travel. Meet the Image Master”, etc.;

3.5. It is prohibited to make an entry in the column “what was covered in the lesson” that does not reveal its goals, characterized by uniform wording, to replace the topic with a form or type of work, for example, “Solving equations” or “Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” for 7-10 lessons;

3.6. The teacher, checking and assessing knowledge, is guided by the local act of the educational institution “On the assessment system, the procedure and frequency of intermediate certification of students.” Grades are given for oral answers and written work in a timely manner, on the day of the lesson on the subject teaching page. It is prohibited to issue current grades on a particular date preceding the date of the lesson, except for grades for written work.

3.7. In the class journal, all students present in the lesson are given grades for current and final tests.

Current tests are aimed at checking the assimilation of the studied and tested program material. To conduct ongoing tests, the teacher can devote the entire lesson or part of it.

Final tests are carried out:

– after studying the most significant topics of the program;

- at the end of the academic quarter, half-year, year.

Conducting control lessons in all subjects of the curriculum is a mandatory requirement for teachers to fulfill the program material and contributes to a more stable and conscious assimilation by students of topics and sections of school subjects, gives a picture of a holistic understanding of various phenomena, eras, events, the courses being studied in general, develops analytical and students' thinking abilities.

3.8. When grading independent work, the following approaches must be taken into account:

– if independent work is of an educational nature, is carried out for the purpose of testing the assimilation of new material and takes up part of the lesson in time, the teacher does not record a record of its implementation in the column “what was covered in the lesson” and has the right not to give grades to students of the entire class;

– if independent work is of a controlling nature, its implementation is recorded on the right spread of the journal in the line “what was covered in the lesson” next to the specified topic of the lesson, grades for this type of independent work are given to all students without exception.

3.9. The absence of a student from a test or independent work for a good reason directly on the day of its implementation (provided that the student is present at school the day before and the next day after the written work) does not relieve him of the obligation to report in any possible form for his absence at the next lesson, o than the student, parents (legal representatives) must be informed in advance (individual homework, work on the card at the stage of questioning students, etc.).

In the event of a long absence of students from school for a valid reason, the deadlines within which it is necessary to report for missed control lessons are established by the educational institution on a differentiated basis in each specific case.

3.10. It is prohibited to duplicate on the grading sheet, either at the top of the page or at the bottom of the page, records of control lessons conducted - such as “test”, “practical work”, etc.

3.11. After conducting control lessons, the results are analyzed, i.e. work is carried out on errors, this type of work is also recorded in the column “what was covered in the lesson”, next to the indication of the topic of the lesson; Only part of the lesson is allocated for this type of work;

3.12. The teacher must think through a system for questioning students using the principle of differentiation. It is recommended to give an average of 5 marks during a lesson in grades 9-11, in other classes - an average of 7 marks. The presence of one, two, three marks given in the system for a lesson indicates a teacher’s lack of knowledge of the survey methodology.

If a student’s knowledge is assessed as “2” (unsatisfactory), the teacher is obliged to interview him within 2–3 days.

3.13. Absent students are marked with the letter “n”. The date of absence of the student and the number of lessons missed, noted on the subject page, must match the information on the page “Information on the number of lessons missed by students.” It is not allowed to assign grades on a day when the student was absent from school.

3.14. Opposite the last name of a student exempt from physical education lessons, no entries are made on the subject page. Exempting students from physical education classes does not exempt them from attending these lessons unless there are medical contraindications. This category of students is assessed on the basis of oral answers on theoretical material.

The exemption of students from physical education for the entire academic year is established by school order.

3.15. In the first grade of primary school, the point (grade) assessment system is excluded. In the second grade of primary school, grades must be issued from the second academic quarter. The decision on grade-free education during the first quarter of the second grade is enshrined in the school charter.

3.16. Between tests and thematic tests, it is necessary to provide for an intermediate certification of students on the topic being studied based on identifying the level of educational preparation of schoolchildren through oral questioning and conducting independent tests.

3.17. In cases of conducting classes with a student at home, subject teachers, before issuing final grades, put current grades in the class register based on the homeschooling log

3.18. In foreign language, technology, and physical education classes (10-11), the class is divided into two groups. Records are kept by each teacher leading a subgroup of the class.

3.19. If the lesson is taught as a substitute, the columns “what was covered in the lesson” and “homework” are filled in by the teacher who carried out the replacement.

3.20. In the “homework” column, the teacher indicates the content of the assignment, pages, numbers of tasks, exercises, paragraphs (including from collections of additional material, if one is used with the collection indicated), and also reflects the nature of the implementation (read, tell, memorize etc.); homework should be differentiated and include individual work with students, which is also reflected in this column, for example, preparing essays, reports, messages, presentations, projects, repeating the material covered, etc.

In the first grade of a four-year elementary school, it is recommended that no homework be assigned.

3.21. Particular attention should be paid to the specifics of lesson recordings in the following academic subjects:


    Grades for essays, presentations and other types of creative work in the Russian language and literature are given in fractions on the page of the subject in the program of which this work is carried out.

    Grades for these types of work are not duplicated and are not transferred, respectively, for literacy in essays to the Russian language teaching page and for content in presentation to the literature teaching page.

    Before writing down the topic of lessons on extracurricular reading, you should write complex abbreviated words: “Ext. Thursday,” grades for expressive reading (by heart) should be put in a separate column, and in the “What was passed” column should be written: A. Blok. Reading by heart;

write the essay like this: 1 lesson. R.r.

    Essay on the works of poets of the Silver Age, lesson 2. R.r. Essay writing;


grades for a control dictation with a grammar task should be given in one column as a fraction (4/4; 5/3);

Recording of a class presentation on speech development should be done as follows: 1 lesson. R.r. Presentation with elements of an essay. Lesson 2. R.r. Writing a presentation on the topic “...”;



    safety briefing must be noted either in the column “What was covered in class” or in the column “Homework”;


laboratory work (L.R.) is carried out and noted in the journal depending on the type of lesson and tasks, or:

– for students to acquire new knowledge and methods of educational activities (assessed individually);

    grades for control or independent work, which involves assessing the educational level according to two criteria, should be entered in one column as a fraction (4/4; 5/3).

4. Giving final grades

4.1. Final grades are given to students for a quarter (grades 2-9) and for a half-year (grades 10-11).

4.2. Final grades for a one-hour weekly load in individual subjects are given by half-year (ecology, social studies).

4.3. Students' final grades for a quarter, half-year, and year must be justified.

4.4. For objective certification of students for a quarter and half a year, it is necessary to have at least three grades (with a 2-hour weekly study load in the subject) or more (with a study load of more than 2 hours per week) with mandatory consideration of the quality of students’ knowledge in written, laboratory and practical work. This is especially important to observe in subjects such as Russian language, literature, mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

4.5. The final grade for a quarter (half year) “n/a” (not certified) can be given only if there are no three current grades and the student has missed at least 30% of the class time.

4.6. Final grades for each academic quarter and half-year are displayed in the column immediately following the column for the date of the last lesson;

4.7. The annual assessment is displayed in the column immediately following the assessment column for the last quarter, half year;

4.8. The final grade for the year “n/a” (not certified) can be given only if there are no at least two “n/a” grades for the academic period and the student misses at least 30% of the class time.

4.9. For subjects submitted for transfer exams and state (final) certification, final grades are assigned.

In doing so, the following should be followed:

a) the final grade is determined on the basis of the annual and examination grades, taking into account quarterly or semi-annual grades and the level of actual training of the student;

b) the exam grade cannot be decisive when assigning the final grade, so the following model and similar ones are biased: in the 1st – 4th quarters – “4”, exam – “5”, total – “5”

c) if the examination grade is unsatisfactory, a positive final grade cannot be given.

If transfer exams or state (final) certification were not carried out in subjects, then the annual assessment is considered final and is recorded in the appropriate column.

4.10.Final grades for subjects that culminate in an exam are listed in the column immediately following the exam grade column.

4.11. In classes where transfer or final certification is carried out, examination and final grades are displayed on the subject page, and then transferred by the class teacher to the summary record of student progress in the same way as grades for academic quarters, half-years, and years.

5. Control over the maintenance of the class journal

5.1. Control over the maintenance of the class register is carried out by the administration of the educational institution in accordance with the internal school control plan.

5.2. The class journal is checked at least once a month.

5.3. Based on the results of the inspection, the administration fills out the journal page “Remarks on maintaining a class journal.” On this page, proposals for eliminating deficiencies are recorded, as well as a note on the elimination of identified deficiencies.

5.4. In the course of monitoring the keeping of classroom journals, consistency and completeness must be observed, therefore it is mandatory to fill out the “completion mark” column.

5.5. The school director monitors the status of class registers at least twice during the school year, about which a corresponding entry is left on the section page. The director monitors the state of control of the class register by the responsible deputy director.

5.6. The school uses magazines for extracurricular activities, elective courses, elective subjects and club work. They reflect the topics of the classes held and attendance. The student assessment system is fixed by the corresponding local act.

6. Keeping a Class Journal

6.1. Based on the results of the intermediate and final certification, i.e. at the end of the academic year (before July 1), all class registers must be checked by members of the administration. On the page of the “Notes on maintaining a class journal” section, the deputy director for educational work leaves the following entry: “The journal has been checked. No comments. Transferred for storage. Passed (signature of the Deputy Director for Internal Affairs). Accepted (signature of the person responsible for maintaining the archive by order) 06/29/2008)

6.2. The shelf life of class magazines is 5 years. Class magazines are stored in a specially designated room. After five years of storage, pages containing summary data on the progress and transfer of students in a given class are removed from the journals. The completed files for the year are kept in the school for at least 25 years.