
Ecology and natural history where to work. Where to study to become an environmental engineer? What subjects need to be taken

Although there is an opinion that an ecologist is a rare and unpopular profession, smart people will say with confidence: the future is in the hands of these specialists. Concern for preserving the environment comes to the fore today, because from year to year environmental issues become more acute. People who are sincerely concerned about this, ready to selflessly stand up for the defense of Mother Nature, find themselves in the difficult but noble profession of an ecologist.

Ecologists study the state of land, water, air, analyze the degree of influence of industrial activity on people, animals and plants and the consequences of its impact, identify the level of pollution, and also monitor current and potential sources of environmental hazards. A separate column in the activities of an ecologist is the development of environmental protection measures, control over their implementation, and analysis of the results. To perform professional duties, an ecologist must be able to calmly navigate the relevant legislation, have a good knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, have an idea of ​​the procedure for conducting environmental assessments, master environmental monitoring methods, have computer modeling skills and understand foreign and domestic experience in the field of environmental protection . Already during the training itself, an ecologist, as a rule, chooses a narrower direction of research.

Natural disasters, which are considered a source of action in the film industry, are in reality a serious environmental problem. Still from the film “2012”
December 2015. Beijing has declared a red alert level due to record levels of urban air pollution. Still not from the film

The hard work of an ecologist requires from a specialist such qualities as an analytical mind, diplomacy, flexibility, communication skills, and stress resistance. Perseverance and patience will be useful when working with documents, and extraordinary thinking and creativity will help attract a mass audience to environmental problems. Since environmental problems are essentially global and, to some extent, cannot be completely solved, a specialist in environmental protection must have a certain persistence in order to repeatedly fight misunderstanding on the part of society.

After completing their training, environmental specialists are employed in environmental organizations (a wide list of Belarusian and foreign environmental organizations can be viewed), educational and scientific institutions, research laboratories, large industrial enterprises, factories and factories (to assess the environmental impact of activities), etc. d.

Many Belarusian universities graduate environmental specialists. Applicants who want to engage in scientific and teaching activities and, in addition to ecology, also have an excellent understanding of biology, enter, or. If you want to combine ecology with geography, you can choose a suitable specialty in, or. It also successfully cultivates environmental chemists (both at the chemical and military departments) and ecologists-experts in medical ecology. - the largest university in the agro-industrial field - trains specialists in the specialty "Agricultural Ecology".

In 2015, the Sakharov Institute came under the wing of BSU

Quite popular today are specialties in the field of environmental engineering, which is looking for specific ways to improve the natural environment. For example, the qualification “Environmental Engineer-Manager” can be obtained in, “Ecological Chemical Engineer” - in

The history of the ecologist profession began before our era. Aristotle, Theophrastus, and Pliny wrote the first treatises in this area known to us. But the world has only now felt the urgent need for ecologists.

In the second half of the 20th century, the world community became concerned about the state of the planet. Man-made disasters, industrial revolutions, mining of fossil resources - all this affects the state of the environment.

Ecologists are needed to control the negative impact of humans on the natural world.

Who is a scientist ecologist and how to become one

An ecologist is a highly specialized specialist who analyzes the situation and develops a set of measures to reduce environmental damage.

Ecologists can be divided into bioecologists, agroecologists, geoecologists, hydroecologists, environmental engineers, urban ecologists, environmental technicians, laboratory ecologists, inspectors and auditors. Some study the animal world, others the plant world, others analyze the state of cities, etc.

It is worth noting: Sometimes it is not necessary to have a specialized education as an ecologist to become one. It is enough to be a specialist in one of the fields: biology, physics, chemistry, agronomy, geology, ecology, etc.

Specialty "Ecology and environmental management" - who and where you can work

Graduates of the specialty “Ecology and Environmental Management” work not only in the office, but also on field trips to take samples. They are responsible for rationalizing the use of natural resources.

There are several general employment options:

  1. In industry and construction. An environmental engineer is in demand from food production to oil and gas companies. He deals with the environmental safety of construction sites and monitors the sanitary situation. Conducts examinations before the construction of buildings, factories, and roads begins.
  2. In the medical field. An environmental laboratory technician is needed for forensic examinations, which require knowledge of the environment.
  3. In supervisory authorities. Work in state regulatory bodies, statistical committees. An environmental expert compiles a description of industrial zones and checks the reporting of enterprises.
  4. Consulting and environmental audit. An urban ecologist is a developing profession whose purpose is to design and monitor the environmental condition of new cities.

Work in the environmental sector without experience

Students of environmental universities receive all professional skills during summer internship, but they do not have the work experience needed to get a job in a private enterprise. The list of professions in this case is not extensive: work at a state enterprise or volunteering.

Take note: Ecolog International is recruiting volunteers to work abroad. Knowledge of English will be a big advantage.

Environmental volunteering is one of the ways to see the world, gain experience and not go broke. Organizers usually pay for volunteers’ accommodation and travel themselves.

Work at state enterprises is inferior in salary to private enterprises, but environmentalists are hired even without experience due to the low number of such on the labor exchange.

You should understand that this type of work is stressful. Especially if there was no environmentalist at the enterprise before. It is difficult to explain to workers that production waste must be collected separately, and that the interfering tree cannot be cut down.

Where and how many years to study to become an ecologist in Russia

You can master professions related to ecology through courses, but to become a real specialist, you need to study at a specialized university.

The best universities are:

  1. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin. Specialty "Geoecology", duration of study - 4 years. The Department of Geoecology also recruits graduate students (2 years).
  2. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Bachelor's degree in "Rational Environmental Management", Faculty of Geography, duration of study - 4 years. Master's degree - 2 years.
  3. Faculty of Ecology at RUDN University offers two directions: “Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology” and “Ecology and environmental management”. The duration of bachelor's degree is 4 years, master's degree is 2 years.


  1. Institute of Vocational Education. Programs and terms of study: “Environmental safety” (1 year), ecology teacher (6 months).
  2. National Research University Higher School of Economics. Program and duration of study: “Environmental protection” (2 weeks).

What subjects need to be taken

To enter a university majoring in ecology, you must pass Unified State Examination in mathematics, geography and Russian language.

Please note: Subjects may vary depending on the ecologist's specialization. Some universities require Unified State Exams in biology, physics or chemistry, and social studies.

What is the salary of an ecologist in Moscow

On average, Moscow environmentalists earn 41,000 rubles. Earnings vary from 20 to 80 thousand rubles.

It all depends on the position and organization. The oil industry is considered the most paid and prestigious place to work.

Career growth and development prospects

The young specialist begins his career as a technical assistant. After some time, he can become a coordinator, and then a curator of the project.

The career path is far from easy. It can take years of experience to earn a top position. Among other things, the scientific field has very low staff turnover. Many environmentalists work and remain in demand after retirement.

Is it worth studying to become an ecologist - the pros and cons of the profession


  1. Opportunity to work abroad, as the profession requires business travel.
  2. The demand for environmentalists is just beginning to grow. Every year, specialists in this field are increasingly in demand on the labor market.
  3. A qualified ecologist is needed in all highly paid sectors: construction, oil production, energy.


  1. Low wages in government agencies.
  2. Dangerous working conditions. Often the work involves studying the risk and further disposal of harmful substances.

Today, humanity is actively promoting environmental conservation. New laws are being written, specialist forums are gathering, industrial enterprises are being modernized. People have long thought about their own impact on nature, the question became especially acute when the consequences of the industrial revolution began to appear.

The profession is extremely relevant in the modern world. The range of studies of specialists is quite wide: this is the explanation of natural disasters, the extinction of plants and animals, the consequences of spacecraft launches, and the study of the influence of radiation waste.

Environmentalists are in demand at large enterprises where the position is provided, environmental organizations, and state regulatory authorities.

What does an ecologist do?

Specialists are in demand in the construction of industrial and residential buildings, large highways, and in the study of soil and air samples for all kinds of contaminants.

The profession of ecologist requires knowledge in the field of chemistry, physics, biology, and methods of environmental monitoring. Also, a modern specialist must have computer skills and speak English.

An ecologist is not only a specialist in the field of nature conservation, he is also a diplomat. Decency, independence, and an analytical mind are integral character traits of a professional. In addition, it is necessary to fully defend a position that may not coincide with government agencies and interested parties.

The initial position with which a university graduate starts is a technical assistant. Over time, it can take a certain direction. Remuneration largely depends on the qualifications of the ecologist, although in commercial organizations the salary is much higher.

Do not miss:

Pros and cons of the ecologist profession


  • the work can hardly be called exhausting;
  • opportunity to work abroad;
  • high prospects for the future.


  • government organizations depend on the budget, they are often underfunded;
  • Working with hazardous substances can be harmful to health.

Where to study to become an ecologist

Environmental problems are unlikely to go away any time soon. Modern enterprises around the world emit thousands of tons of harmful substances into the atmosphere. In this regard, the demand for environmental professionals will increase, and professional requirements will also increase along with it. The importance of the ecologist profession in the future cannot be overestimated.

Training in the specialty “Ecology and environmental management” is provided by the following educational institutions:

  • State University of Land Management;
  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze;
  • St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. Kirov;
  • Siberian State Geodetic Academy.

Many people associate the profession of ecologist with environmental protection. Actually this is not true. People in this profession study the processes occurring in nature and the complex relationships that exist in it. This science has many branches and is closely related to other disciplines, such as biology and chemistry. And the process of nature conservation is only a small part of modern ecology. This profession, like any other, has not only its advantages, but also certain disadvantages that must be taken into account before starting to learn to work in this direction.

Profession of the future

Today, professions related to ecology are not in great demand. But at the same time, there is an opinion that the demand for workers in this field will increase rapidly in the coming years.

An environmental technician is a specialist on whom quite a lot depends at an enterprise, since he:

  • is engaged in the implementation of low- and waste-free production;
  • exercises control over the quality of raw materials;
  • takes an active part in the operation of environmental protection complexes;
  • ensures technological safety of production;
  • monitors production processes;
  • confirms the environmental safety of all projects.

Today, applicants who would really like to work in this field are mainly put off by the relatively low salary, although the disadvantages of the profession do not end there. But first things first.

The profession of ecologist will become quite relevant in a few years. That's why. Even today, no construction begins to develop without a positive conclusion from an environmental assessment. Plus, the activities of any company must be monitored by an environmental technician.


The description of this profession looks quite lively and is attractive to those who love nature and everything connected with it. All that remains is to graduate from higher education. So, when applying for this specialty, you will have to take the following subjects:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • physics;
  • biology.

But this list is not completely accurate. The items required for admission will depend on the profile. Today, finding a university that trains environmental specialists is quite simple. And before starting to study, a student can choose the most attractive discipline for himself, which will be the basic one. This aspect adds to the advantages of this profession. When considering the possibilities, many future ecologists choose natural science or technical education.

But you will have to study for quite a long time. First, the student must graduate from a higher educational institution and receive a diploma of relevant professional education, after which he will need to enroll in graduate school or doctoral studies. This is the only way to fully master your chosen profession. And in order for the salary to be higher, it is advisable to undergo additional training within one or more international programs.


Now it’s worth finding out the pros and cons of the job. Is there career growth? So, an environmental technician or environmental engineer, after completing his many years of training, can be hired:

  • to one of the government services;
  • environmental organization;
  • to factory;
  • to a construction company;
  • to a research laboratory;
  • into the eco-structure at a particular site;
  • to the factory;
  • to control and supervisory authorities.

As a rule, an environmental specialist begins his career path as a technical assistant. After some time, when the young specialist supplements his knowledge with certain practice, she is followed by the position of coordinator. At this point, the ecologist can choose a specific direction for himself. Next, the coordinator becomes a supervisor over several other coordinators.

If a specialist in this field is busy working in one of the commercial organizations, then in this case his salary will be slightly higher than at budgetary enterprises. However, here the salary largely depends on his experience and qualifications.

Already today, the most noticeable demand for ecologists is observed at industrial enterprises, somewhat less - in design organizations. At the same time, each employer will require from a specialist in this field knowledge of thematic audit, certification and management, as well as the ability to navigate the legislative framework. Plus, an ecologist must understand environmental regulations and standards, have deep knowledge in the field of biology, physics and chemistry, and know how the examination is carried out.

Equally important in this work is the ability to write reports and have an understanding of experience in the field of nature conservation. If the activity involves business travel, the employer will probably require knowledge of foreign languages.

What personal qualities are needed?

Having analyzed the pros and cons of working conditions, it would be useful to talk about what qualities it is desirable for a potential ecologist to have. Since in the course of his work this specialist will be faced with the need to challenge the opinions and actions of higher-ranking officials, he must have not only civic courage, but also flexibility, diplomacy and, of course, stress resistance.

The position of an ecologist requires very painstaking work, which will be facilitated by internal discipline, scrupulousness and accuracy. A specialist in this field must have an analytical mind and the ability for scientific activity. A true professional ecologist is always passionate about wildlife and knows how to work both independently and in a team.

Advantages of the profession

Some advantages of this type of activity were noted slightly above. Let's talk about the advantages in more detail and find out whether their list can outweigh the disadvantages of the profession.

An environmentalist doesn't just receive a salary. As a result of his work, which is aimed exclusively at improving the state of the environment, the specialist acquires enormous moral satisfaction.

The demand for environmentalists is inexorably growing, and soon professionals in this industry will be able to direct all their energy to doing a good deed, and from this nature will receive only undeniable advantages.

During training, many universities provide the opportunity to undergo an internship in production, which simplifies career growth and makes it somewhat more rapid.

A qualified specialist with sufficient work experience can count on a position with a very good salary and at the same time choose between the construction, energy and petrochemical industries.

We also write down as a plus the fact that an ecologist is an international profession, which is already quite in demand abroad. And this is broadening your horizons, getting to know a foreign culture and mentality, with different people and distant countries.

Disadvantages of the profession

It's time to highlight the downsides. The salary offered to specialists in this industry by most enterprises and organizations leaves much to be desired. In addition, with rather meager earnings, an ecologist is often forced to work in difficult conditions and endanger his own health. This is often associated with laboratory research, during which various substances and reagents are used. Fortunately, this is where the disadvantages of the profession end.

In fact, not everyone is able to decide to become a professional ecologist. It is enough to pay attention to the pros and cons. Some people on these lists highlight convincing arguments for abandoning this type of activity, but there are also those who, despite everything, strive to make their contribution to environmental protection.

The profession "Ecologist" (and similar ones) is undoubtedly attractive. At least because even an ecologist, who is at one of the initial levels in the service hierarchy, receives a very good salary.




Entry barrier



Ecology as a science was formed at the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century. It was preceded by botanical geography. The researcher Alexander von Humboldt is considered the forefather of modern ecology, since he was the first to decide to closely study the relationship of various organisms with the environment.

Around the 60s of the last century, humanity finally came to understand that industrial waste can cause serious harm to the environment and, consequently, to the population. There is a need for highly specialized specialists who understand how to minimize this harm.


The main tasks of a modern ecologist are:

  1. Monitoring the state of the environment.
  2. Prevention of environmental disasters.
  3. In the event of emergency incidents resulting in environmental damage: analysis of the problem, search for optimal solutions.
  4. Establishing cause-and-effect relationships, studying the causes of natural disasters, man-made and environmental disasters.
  5. Development of programs to protect the environmental environment, lobbying for relevant laws, regulations, and public sentiment. Information support of existing problems in the environmental sector.
  6. Development of tools for optimizing production capacity in accordance with the requirements of environmental safety criteria.

Where to study, in what specialties?

There are courses upon completion of which you will be provided with certificates indicating that you attended them. But it is obvious that the value of such certificates cannot be even close to being equal to having a full-fledged diploma obtained from a prestigious university.

Two priority specialties: “Ecology and environmental protection”, as well as “Ecology and environmental management”. During the training, students, in addition to acquiring other specialized skills, also learn:

  1. Study ecosystems, the biosphere, interactions of organisms, compounds and substances.
  2. Detect and monitor the influence of factors affecting the health of living beings, their behavior and life activity in general.
  3. Identify, investigate and solve local and global environmental problems.
  4. Conduct laboratory research and mathematical measurements, as well as other calculations.

In addition, environmental students receive detailed information about rational environmental management and the legislative framework governing environmental issues.

You can become an ecologist by receiving an education at the following universities (and not only):

  1. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
  2. Academy MNEPU.
  3. MSHA named after. K.A. Timiryazev.
  4. MGIMO.
  5. Gorno-Altai State University.
  6. Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Who is this profession suitable for?

Both men and women cope equally well with the work of an ecologist. The best option is if the future ecologist has spent most of his life in rural areas. Of course, the best ecologists are those who have loved wildlife since childhood, are interested in geography, natural history, gardening, biology, and fiction about travel and adventure, when the main actions take place against the backdrop of wild nature. Also, active people will cope with this work perfectly: fighters for a healthy lifestyle, justice, animal protection, ideological adherents of environmental purity, pedantic people who love order, but are not devoid of creativity; people who enjoy caring for animals and plants and observing natural phenomena.

Where do environmentalists work, how much do they earn?

Ecologists are in demand in ministries of forestry and agriculture, environmental organizations, hydrometeorological services, industrial enterprises, and municipal structures. The average salary of specialists in this profile (based on the results of this year) is:

  1. Up to 60,000 rubles from the chief ecologist.
  2. Up to 45,000 rubles for specialists and senior specialists.
  3. Up to 30,000 rubles for beginning ecologists.

How can an ecologist get a job?

Unfortunately, the demand for this profession is very small - the number of jobs for ecologists at industrial enterprises is often limited to one or two. And even more often, the responsibilities of an ecologist are assigned to engineers as an additional burden. Of course, the salary of a certified ecologist is quite high, but in our time, the position of an ecologist belongs to the “fat” (that is, good) jobs. The responsibilities of the average specialist are limited to bureaucratic red tape, the so-called “shifting of papers.” And the salary, of course, is not bad.

Two options:

  1. You have a thorough knowledge of the theoretical basis and have done an excellent job in practice. You are ready to undergo interviews in hundreds of companies and successfully pass thousands of tests, and also amaze not only the HR manager with the depth of your knowledge, but also all your future superiors. But be warned. The competition will be very high. And if an enterprise needs a promising specialist for serious work, and not “a person who will plug a hole in the staff,” you will have to give more than 100%.
  2. You just somehow completed your studies and received your diploma. Your parents have useful contacts. In this case, your job is guaranteed, and the depth of your knowledge and level of qualifications have practically no meaning. Unfortunately, this concerns not only environmentalists. This is a global problem of the post-Soviet social system.