
Scenario for the day of local governments. Scenario of the event - the day of local government Scenario for the day of local government

It's noisy in the field today
Opinion spread,
'Cause the day is conceived

Away with dependence on the center!
We are all local
We probably know better
How can we make it fun!

Let's walk from work
Well, new tomorrow
Let's get back to reporting
On the "top" severe.

On the day of self-government

On the day of self-government
We wish that always
With nice mood
All things were done!

The area is well-maintained
May it please our eyes
And life will be better
All hope is on you!

On each if street -
Order, cleanliness...
It will become cleaner, happier
And our whole country!

If I were chosen

If I were chosen
to the self-government body
I would imagine in detail
The interests of the people!

And I would solve questions
About roads, about taxes,
About increased requests,
And speaking of reduced income...

I would be seething with energy
I would make everyone work
Better quality of life!
But I wasn't chosen...

Now of local importance
Congratulations managers!
Let the right decisions
Questions are accepted!

Happy local government day

Happy local government day
Congratulations in our verses
And the inhabitants of the settlement
And the power behind them.

The people there are simple, trusted,
Head, your man is a neighbor,
Issues are decided by gathering,
Water, off-road, light.

And the main achievement
Order, control, accounting.
And to everyone understanding
Worthy in the village - honor.

Local Government Day today

Local government day today
And I would like to wish with all my heart
Health, happiness and warmth to you in the house,
Comfort, peace, beauty.

May all your wishes come true
Let the money flow continuously
May the best be remembered forever
Let all bad things go away forever.

Today is local government day

Today is local government day,
It's a wonderful holiday, no doubt about it.
Local managers, we congratulate you,
We wish you success in your work!

About the good for the people, while working, do not forget
And make wiser decisions more often.
We wish you health, and happiness, and good,
Good luck and luck. Happy holiday! Hooray!

Today we celebrate a young holiday - the Day of Local

Today we celebrate a young holiday - the Day of Local Self-Government. In today's world, where we talk so much about a democratic society, local government plays a particularly important role, because it enables citizens to participate in solving local issues. On this day, we wish maximum mutual understanding between the people and the authorities, well-being and prosperity to each region.

President Vladimir Putin

President Vladimir Putin
Introduced such a decree for everyone,
What will we be together today
Raise the consciousness of the masses.

Each role will appreciate
And understand the responsibility
What good can be done
Find a way out for the country.

Let today be a holiday
Let the boss rest
Let the worker without prompts
Business leads to profit!

To all city councils, paradise - and village councils
Today we send our sincere greetings!
We wish you an extensive budget,
In the elections - well-deserved victories!

Let self-government be true,
You are trusted, appreciated highly,
And your area will be the first in the reports,
Works smoothly and easily.

In the spring, let the plantings turn green,
Playgrounds for children will appear everywhere,
And they will say to you with deep respect:
“There is no such management anywhere!”

Local Government Day

local government day,
We celebrate all over the country
We often run to them with a statement
To help us in our trouble.

No wonder we chose them
To rule everything in the field,
We trust them completely
in districts or cities.

You think more about people
And not about your wallets,
Then you will be loved everywhere
And you will be needed everywhere!

MOU "Ostaninskaya basic comprehensive school"

Single lesson

for students in grades 5-9

on this topic:

« Local government"

Prepared by:

social studies teacher

N.M. Potapenko

April 21, 2018

Lesson Objectives:

Tutorial: ensure the assimilation of knowledge on this topic; based on the existing knowledge on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to systematize them in relation to this topic.

Developing: to develop the ability of students to independently select, analyze information, form their own point of view on the problem under discussion.

Educational: to promote the formation of a legal and political culture among students, an active life position, an understanding of responsibility and the importance of participating in local self-government.

Lesson plan

    The concept of self-government.

    From the history of the formation of local self-government.

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation on local self-government.

Educational and methodological support of the lesson:


    Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Local government laws


Multimedia projector, presentation, tasks for groups on the history of the formation of local self-government. Tests

Interdisciplinary connections:

history of Russia, general history, social studies

Terms and concepts:

Self-government, local self-government, structure of local self-government, issues of local importance, representative body of the municipality.

During the classes.


Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, the great Soviet dissident, no less a great patriot of Russia, returned to Russia in 1994 after 18 years of emigration. He believed that both life and power could be improved. “Democracy should not be planted like a cap. Democracy can only grow, like all plants, from the bottom up. There must first be a democracy of small spaces…”

?? What is he talking about?

About local self-government

And this is the topic of today's lesson.

On April 21, Russia celebrates the "Day of Local Self-Government", which was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated June 10, 2012 No. 805. The new memorable day, as stated in the text of the Decree, "is established in order to enhance the role and importance of the institution of local self-government, development of democracy and civil society”.

It was on April 21, 1785, that Empress Catherine II approved " ”, which actually laid the foundation for the development of Russian legislation on local self-government.

Historical experience has shown that the path to the rule of law, civil society lies through properly organized local self-government.

The most complete and broadest interpretation of the term "self-government" was given as early as the 17th century in England. From England in the middle of the 19th century. the term was borrowed by Germany and in the 60s by Russia. There are more than 30 definitions of the concept of "self-government".

?? What is self-government?

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", local self-government is defined asindependent and under its own responsibility activities of the population to address directly or through local governments issues of local importance, based on the interests of the population.

Statement of the problem task:

We are faced with the task of determining what the benefits of local self-government for society are.

Group work.

History helps to understand many questions. And we will contact her. Let's try to characterize the role of each stage in the formation of local self-government in Russia.

Task number 1.

On the basis of an excerpt from the book of the historian V. Lugovoi "Elections in Medieval Novgorod", describe the features of self-government in Novgorod.

Novgorod was divided not only into ten hundred, but also into five independent administrative regions.(ends).

At the ends lived the boyars and people dependent on them.Control these unitswas carried out by a posadnik chosen from the boyars.

With the establishment of republican orders, powerelected mayor spread to all Novgorod administrative-territorial units. These units were ledpublicly elected officials - sotsk and street elders.

Each Novgorod region hadterritorial assembly - veche. There were acceptedsolutions for various everyday issues , formed its own militia, elected officials -headman and his assistants(government). The principle of direct participation of Novgorodians in management was put as the basis for the activities of all levels of administration.

At the citywide veche endscompeted in elections posadnik and other officials,fought for political power and economic influence, for control over a vast territory Russian North.

?? What features of self-government in Novgorod can you name?

Task number 2.

Read the historical background on the development of self-government in the era of Catherine II. Make a conclusion about the nature of the reform of local self-government. Historical reference:

Reforms of Peter I strengthened the role of the state thandeveloped idea of ​​local government. A deeper footprint in the field of local government leftCatherine's reforms . With her, “zemstvo courts” and “zemstvo police”, “orders of public charity”,"zemstvo duties"self management receive the nobility and urban estates. "Zemstvo" is identified with the organization of life "in truth and conscience", whenjustice is achieved through the harmony of the system of class interests . Since then, the Zemstvo idea has been constantly present in all Russian reforms.Of particular interest is the document - "Charter on the rights and benefits of the cities of the Russian Empire", adopted by Catherine II in 1785. "Charter on the rights and benefits of the cities of the Russian Empire" in 1785 established the rights and privilegescities . It secured the city's ownership of "lands, gardens, fields, meadows, rivers, forests ...". Each city had to have its own coat of arms.

?? What is the nature of local government? (estate)

Question to the class. So what is local government?

Our theorists will tell us about it


Theorist 1. (message) The term "self-government", like most terms in the social sciences, does not have a completely precise and unified scientific meaning. It is understood differently in different countries and by different authors. The most complete and broadest interpretation was given back in the 17th century in England, from where it was borrowed in the 50s of the last century by Germany and in the 60s by Russia. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, local self-government is defined as an independent activity of the population to resolve issues of local importance, based on the interests of the population, its historical or other traditions.

- What issues of local importance are solved by the population through local self-government bodies? (opening of new schools, kindergartens, improvement and gardening of territories, protection of public order, protection of historical and cultural monuments, etc.)

- What is the purpose of local governments? (serving the daily needs of people)

Question to the class. Who can be elected to local governments?



In accordance with Article 10, Article 3 (law on elections), the preparation and conduct of elections to local self-government bodies are carried out by territorial, district, precinct election commissions. Elections are held on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot on an alternative basis. The right to be elected head of a municipality belongs to a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 on the voting day and has the right to elect local governments. A citizen who has reached the age of 18 on the election day may be elected as a deputy of a representative body of local self-government. The candidate who receives the largest number of votes is considered elected.

Primary fastening.

Teacher. And now a little test. I'm going around in circles nowpolitician's hat .

1. Determine which problems will be solved by the state, and which - by local governments. Justify the answer.

1. installation of garbage containers in the village;(m/s)

2.Capital repair of the road on the streets;(m/s)

3. Approval of the Tax Code;(state)

4. Construction of a new children's playground;(m/s)

5.Payment of pensions;(state)

6.Construction of a covered market;(m/s)

7. Conclusion of a union treaty between Russia and Belarus;(state)

8. Measures to reform the army;(state)

9. Construction of a new area for a summer disco.(state)

2. Determine which problems the Council of Deputies will solve, and which the city administration :

    Control over the use of municipal property; (adm).

    Improvement of living conditions for citizen A.; (adm).

    Repair of the school building; (adm.)

    local law; advice

    Help a refugee. who have nowhere to live and work; (adm.)

    Approval of the plan for the socio-economic development of the city; (advice)

7. Approval of the city budget. (advice)

Consolidation. Tests.

1 . Local self-government means:

a) the independence of the population in solving certain issues

b) independent activity performed under one's own responsibility

c) solving local issues

d) all of the above

The forms of implementation of local self-government include:

a) a referendum

b) elections

c) gathering

d) all of the above

3. The structure of local governments is determined by:

a) public authorities of the subject

b) independently by the population

c) by the population together with state authorities

d) there is no correct answer

4. The jurisdiction of local government does not include:

a) organization of transport services

b) regulation of territory planning

c) formation of the local budget

d) adoption of regional development programs

5. Which local governments are mandatory?

a) appointed

b) elected

c) temporary

d) permanent

1-d; 2-d; 3-in; 4-d; 5 B.

?? And now back to ourproblem :

What are the benefits of local government for society?


- the proximity of the needs and problems of citizens;

- development of independence, energy and entrepreneurship in citizens;

- public life is distributed evenly throughout the state, and is not drawn to the center;

- connects the administration with the people;

- gives citizens a close and practical acquaintance with public affairs.

Conclusion: President Vladimir Putin once admitted: "We are a rich country of poor people." And he connects hopes for the improvement of life, first of all, with young and energetic people.I wish you to be worthy citizens of Russia, to find yourself and your place in life!

Thank you for the lesson!

On April 21, residents of Russia celebrate Local Self-Government Day or Worker's Day. The purpose of the holiday is to convey the value of the activities of this state institution.

This holiday is very young for our state. On April 21, 2013, the Day of the Municipal Worker was celebrated for the first time. The decree on the inclusion of this day in the calendar of holidays of the country was signed by the President in June 2012.

This date was not chosen at random: on April 21, the first Letter of Complaint to the cities was published, which became the beginning in the development of the law on local self-government.

Historical reference

After Catherine II issued the Letter of Complaint, local self-government continued to develop. The crisis period of the Institute began after the Revolution. Self-government was not remembered until the early 1980s. The rapid development of this institution took place in 1993.

Who is celebrating

The day of the municipal worker is celebrated by certain people. There are more than 23 thousand municipal formations in Russia today. More than 340 thousand people work in these bodies.

The culprits of this holiday work in certain organizations and are their representatives. They call their own - Local Government Worker's Day or Municipal Worker's Day.

The main work of such people is to solve many problems of Russians and improve their standard of living. The responsibility of employees affects such areas of state activity as road improvement, housing and communal services, education, medicine, culture, and sports.

This day is not a day off, but nevertheless, all employees of municipalities congratulate all their colleagues on this day.

About the profession

One of the most important systems for ensuring the effective activity of citizens is local self-government. The work of these organizations is fully aimed at making independent and proactive decisions by the population.

The role and place in our lives of institutions of local self-government in Russia is growing, which is explained by the growth and development of democratic freedoms and civil society. The day of the municipal worker helps to emphasize the importance of this profession.



All professions are important, especially those relating to the self-government of the state. Therefore, it is worth congratulating these persons on this day, because this is their professional holiday - the Day of the Municipal Worker. On April 21, you can make a gift to the workers of this irreplaceable sphere or simply congratulate them with pleasant words.

Very little is known about this holiday in Russia. But it is the Day of Local Self-Government in 2019 that deserves special attention. Let's figure out why the date is so important, what "self-government" is and what opportunities are open to the citizens of the country. It is worth noting that this year the celebrations will be celebrated on Sunday, so we have time to properly prepare for the holiday.

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When is Local Government Day 2019?

The Day of local governments in 2019 is celebrated on April 21. This is a Sunday holiday and therefore you can go to the squares and streets of the city with pleasure. On this day, the mayor's office organizes many pleasant events. The city authorities will not stay away from the holiday - it was they who were chosen by the citizens for local administration, therefore the holiday will be held especially widely.

History and traditions of the holiday

Russian legislation on local self-government has a long history. Let's follow the main steps:

  1. Peter I introduced the positions of governors, governor, organized elected councils of the nobility. All these innovations were borrowed from the scenes beloved by the king based on antiquity.
  2. In 1785, Catherine II signed the Letter of Complaint for the cities. The diploma consisted of sections, articles and a manifesto. In accordance with the document, the population was assigned a class status, and it did not depend on professional activity. Also, according to the Charter, people were given many other rights.
  3. In 1864, Alexander II made his contribution - his zemstvo and city elective assemblies became the result of the Regulations on zemstvo institutions. These are already local self-government bodies with extensive rights. In 1870, the same ruler introduces city dumas, councils.
  4. Alexander III, by royal decree, abolishes everything that his predecessor had done. Then comes 1917 and the innovations have not returned to life.

In 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrined and guaranteed the rights of independence for local governments. Thus, Self-Government Day is a truly solemn date that all citizens of the Russian Federation should know. In 2019, we will celebrate the Day of Local Government Workers on April 21.

About the profession of an employee of local governments and the stages of strengthening

On April 21, on the Day of Local Self-Government, one can fully evaluate the work of municipal employees. It is these people who manage the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, communicate with citizens, find out problems and solve them. Municipalities are responsible for:

  • development and adoption of special development programs;
  • formation and development of the tax base;
  • collection of fees and allocation of funds to meet the needs of the municipality, the entrusted administrative-territorial unit;
  • control over the activities of persons who manage the municipality.

Also, employees of self-government bodies issue municipal securities, manage loans for doing business.

The main stages of strengthening:

  1. In 1991, the Law "On Local Self-Government" was adopted. Local authorities are being reformed, a system of MS is being created.
  2. 1992 is the time when the bodies of the MC officially cease to belong to the state bodies.
  3. 1993 the termination of the activities of the Soviets. Responsibilities are shifted to district administrations.
  4. 2003 CHI reform.
  5. 2009 - Federal Law 131-FZ came into force, fixing the foundations of MS.

The city administration is not just a managerial apparatus, it is a system without which cities simply cannot exist today. For example:

  • the local budget is not approved;
  • there will be no reporting on income and expenses of the treasury;
  • the municipality will not receive the rules by which it must be carried out.

In addition, many social structures will not receive subsidies. Local self-government bodies carry out activities that concern all citizens of the Russian Federation. As of January 1, 2016, 1,788 municipal districts and 563 urban districts were operating in Russia - this is a large-scale network of compulsory medical insurance.

How is Local Government Day celebrated?

Knowing what date is Self-Government Day, you need to prepare for it. TV will show speeches and solemn events from the first persons of the state. Regions are recommended to hold events dedicated to the solemn date. Despite the "young holiday", it already has its own traditions - these are festivities and concerts on the square, performances by ensembles and amateur groups.

The official part is held with the awarding and presentation of valuable gifts, thanks to especially distinguished employees of municipalities. The organization of local festivals has also become a good tradition. People come to rallies, the awarding of winners of various regional and city competitions is timed to coincide with this day.

What to give and how to congratulate local government workers

Congratulations for the employees of the CHI should be worthy. These people work for the benefit of all citizens and therefore deserve our respect. As a general congratulation, an article in a newspaper, a thank-you speech at a holiday is suitable. Gifts are selected depending on the gender of the representative:

  • women will be pleased with flowers, good books, notebooks and pens;
  • for men, watches or desktop appliances - such gifts are always in price.

If the proximity of acquaintance allows, it is not bad to present a figurine or a personalized set of stickers.

Congratulations in verse and prose

No holiday is complete without solemn speeches. Give the employees of the OMS your thanks, expressed in prose and poetry:

All employees of local governments, with a professional holiday! Work hard for the good of the people. Make decisions based on the calculation of the interests and needs of your countrymen. Perform your duties with dignity, honor and justice. I wish you success in everything, well-being in your personal life and good prosperity.

Congratulations on the Day of Local Self-Government! May all wishes come true, old dreams come true. Let honesty and responsiveness, openness and reliability meet more often. Let all the tasks set be solved and satisfy the needs as much as possible. Health to you, strong nerves, true friends and sincere mutual assistance!

On the day of local self-government, I want to wish that your work is appreciated and respected. Achievement of the set goals, high efficiency of work, good financing, prosperity and well-being!

Today is local government day.
The holiday is wonderful, that's for sure.
Local managers, we congratulate you
And we sincerely wish you success in your work!

Do not forget about well-being
Make smarter decisions more often.
Good health, happiness and kindness,
Good luck and luck. Happy holiday! Hooray!

On the day of self-government
We wish that always
With nice mood
All things were done!

The area is well-maintained
May it please our eyes
And life will be more worthy
All hope is on you!

On every if street
order, cleanliness,
It will become cleaner, happier
And our whole country!

To all city councils, paradise - and village councils
Today we send our sincere greetings!
We wish you an extensive budget,
In the elections - well-deserved victories!

Let self-government be true,
You are trusted, appreciated highly,
And your area will be the first in the reports,
Works smoothly and easily.

In the spring, let the plantings turn green,
Playgrounds for children will appear everywhere.
And they will say to you with deep respect:
“There is no such management anywhere!”

A beautifully designed thank you card is the best gift.

Video greetings and postcards

Such congratulations - postcards, pictures and videos can be sent by mail or phone:

Photo citation:

Photo citation:
Photo citation:

Pleasant video congratulations on the Day of Local Self-Government:

Scenario of the event in the library and for the school

Of course, on the Day of Local Self-Government, the scenario of the holiday will be developed by the mayor's office, the municipality and will organize celebrations for all citizens. But you can do the same Self-Government Day at school, in the classroom - develop a comic action plan to show children how difficult it is to manage society.

The scenario can be drawn up on the basis of the main responsibilities of municipal employees:

  • Spend one day in class without teacher guidance. A student is selected at the meeting to act as mayor. He recruits "employees" and all day long the children themselves direct the activities of the class, conduct lessons, prepare the class for tests.
  • Making a funny quiz on knowledge of the basics of budgeting is for high school students. Set tasks for collecting the budget, calculating "tax evaders", determining the optimal contribution rate. Think about budget allocation.

The purpose of the events is to convey the importance and complexity of the work of employees of the MC to the younger generation. A help for the lesson will be the presentation of some of the achievements of the CHI in the city - this can be done with the children in the form of a wall newspaper, honor roll. Reviews of the best programs that have been implemented over the past year will also be useful - municipal reporting on the work done is posted on the official website.

Comic quizzes with questions on knowledge of the laws of the city, the rules of public order and other social acts will cheer you up. These all aspects of people's lives are also in the hands of the employees of the municipality, who manage the city.

Local Self-Government Day is a Russian professional holiday for employees of municipalities. The celebration is celebrated by employees of local governments of urban districts, settlements, intracity districts and territories of federal significance, municipal districts.

In Russia, in 2020, Local Self-Government Day is celebrated on April 21 and is held at the official level for the 8th time.

Meaning: the holiday is timed to coincide with the publication on April 21, 1785 by Catherine II of the Charter of Letters to the cities.

Concerts and festive events are timed to coincide with the holiday, at which municipal employees are awarded certificates and diplomas, and gratitude is entered into personal files. Conduct round tables, exhibitions in the municipal archives.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

Local Self-Government Day was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 10, 2012 No. 805. The holiday was first held in 2013. The date of the celebration is timed to the publication on April 21 (according to the old style), 1785 by Catherine II of the Letter of Letters to the cities. This document became the basis for the development of Russian legislation on local self-government.

Holiday traditions

On this day, the leadership of local self-government bodies presents certificates and diplomas to employees for their work, makes thanks to personal affairs, and gives gifts. Round tables are organized, the participants of which share their achievements and plans. Employees of municipal archives prepare exhibitions of archival documents, arrange excursions. Holiday concerts are held in cultural institutions.

Task for the day

Find out what holidays or sporting events, charity events or clean-up days are planned in your municipality in the near future. Take part in such an event and feel like an activist.


“To all employees of local governments, happy professional holiday! Work hard for the good of the people. Make decisions based on the calculation of the interests and needs of your countrymen. Perform your duties with dignity, honor and justice. I wish you success in everything, well-being in your personal life and good prosperity.

“Happy Local Government Day! Comfort and success in work, bright ideas and the ability to resolve any situation, loyal subordinates and new achievements, all this and more in addition - vivacity, health, faith in the best and love!

“When a person has power in his hands, he passes a test for many qualities, and on Local Government Day, I want to congratulate you on successfully passing this exam from life and say that we are very proud of you! Do not give up your positions and remain the same worthy people's deputies and just good people!


Bouquet of flowers. A bouquet of flowers will be a discreet and official gift for the holiday. Also a good option would be a blooming flower in a pot, which will decorate the office.

Sweet present. A cake, a basket of sweets or a chocolate arrangement can be an excellent individual or collective gift.

Tickets. Tickets to the cinema, opera, philharmonic, concert, hippodrome will be an original gift idea that will diversify your leisure time.

Diary. A stylish diary in a leather cover will be a useful and practical business gift.


Seated dancing
For the competition, you need to put the chairs in a row. The contestants take their places. Famous dance tunes are switched on in turn: waltz, cancan, salsa, sirtaki, lezginka, polka, rock and roll. The contestants, without getting up from the chair, must demonstrate the dance. The most charismatic participant wins.

Money to the budget
Before the start of the competition, the host distributes a pack of printed banknotes to the guests of the holiday. Contest participants are offered to find a way to earn money. For example: sing a song, dance, remove dirty dishes from the table, prepare a cocktail, do a haircut or massage. Guests pay for services provided. At the end of the competition, each participant calculates his budget. The winner is the participant who manages to earn the largest amount.

Eye gauge
Participants of the competition are provided with different products: potatoes, apples, sweets, oranges, etc. Each participant must measure a kilogram by eye. To check, you need to install the scales. The participant who will be the most accurate in their measurements wins the competition. As a prize, you can present a kilogram of the product that the winner happened to measure.

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation recognizes and guarantees local self-government and enshrines its principles.
  • According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2016, there were 1,788 municipal districts and 563 urban districts in Russia.
  • In September 2014, the creation of the Association "Arctic Municipalities" was initiated in order to develop the Arctic zone.
  • As of January 1, 2018, there were 21,945 municipalities in Russia.
  • Any resident who is ready to change the life of his district for the better can become "People's" deputies of local self-government.

About the profession

The powers of municipal employees are determined by the law "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation."

Employees of local self-government bodies manage the budget of the administrative-territorial unit. They order works, goods and services to ensure the activities of the municipality. They take loans for doing business, issue municipal securities.

This holiday in other countries

In Kyrgyzstan, on the last Sunday of October, the Day of Local Communities of the Kyrgyz Republic is celebrated.