
Key wedding characters and their responsibilities. The newest and most complete wedding script for the host What character is missing from the wedding

When newlyweds come to our agency for the first time, they often do not quite imagine either the general direction or the theme of the upcoming event. And if a wedding in a classic style is mentioned, then it seems to them something boring and traditional, like official events. In fact, the classics are always relevant and always in trend. The classic style has subtlety, luxury, grace, moderation and elegance.

If the newlyweds stop at the classic version of the wedding, then at the end they will get a truly magical celebration. For our part, we can assure our heroes that a classic wedding is beautiful, romantic and fun.

When organizing and holding a classic wedding, every detail is necessary, starting with the design, images of the main characters of the celebration and ending with the show program.

wedding palette

White is considered the traditional color in the design of a classic wedding, but any pastel shades are quite appropriate: beige, pink, pale blue, pearl, creamy, linen options are suitable. Soft inclusions of gold and silver are possible, but without excess. The main thing is that there is nothing flashy and pretentious in the decor elements. At the same time, it is not forbidden to put inconspicuous color accents.

Wedding printing

The wedding for guests begins at the moment when they receive invitations. Their design must certainly immediately reflect the style of the wedding, create a mood for guests even at the stage of preparation for a romantic holiday. Consequently, the rest of the printing should be done in the same style as the invitations. Boarding cards for guests are obligatory, it is possible to make a book of wishes for a young family, boxes of compliments from the newlyweds to present to guests and much, much more.

Images of the main characters

The main requirement for images is restrained elegance. Costumes and accessories should look decent, they cannot contain outrageous elements.

To create a harmonious image of the bride, a long dress made of expensive materials in pastel colors is usually used. The decorations are modest and inconspicuous. It can be both jewelry and expensive jewelry. On the head - the appropriate hairstyle, complemented by a veil or diadem. Makeup doesn't have to be provocative. Completing the look are neat stiletto heels. Each flower in the bride's bouquet should be in harmony with her whole image.

The groom should match his lady: elegant, in a classic suit or tuxedo, with a tie or bow tie, cufflinks would be appropriate. Fabrics for a suit should be chosen noble, shoes - elegant.

It is desirable that the outfits of the guests correspond to the level and style of the celebration, so it is necessary to warn them in advance about the dress code.


Classic wedding décor should be luxurious, match the theme of the celebration and not have too much cheap shine. For classic decor can be used:

  • Natural flowers;
  • elements in silver and gold tones;
  • lace details;
  • chandeliers, candles, mirrors;
  • fluff, rhinestones and beads.
Place for a wedding

For a classic wedding, you should take the choice of location seriously. It should be as sophisticated as the wedding itself. Avant-garde art objects, lofts, ethnic and national establishments, any places where the interiors use an emphatically modern design style are strictly not recommended.

At the same time, it is possible to hold a wedding in nature, setting up a snow-white tent, in a museum or palace hall, on a yacht, in a luxury hotel, in an elite country club or restaurant.

The Wedding People wedding agency has extensive experience in creating weddings in a classic style of various themes. We will develop not only a general style, we will create an individual wedding scenario in a classic style, which will be filled with romance and mood. Each number of the show program will correspond to your level and style of the event. Wedding with us will be not only beautiful, but also emotional and fun. With us, your wedding day will be truly unforgettable.

Hello, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. Today we have September 2, 2017, which means that the popular TV game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” is on the air of Channel One. In this article you can read the review of the game, as well as find out all the answers in today's game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" for 02.09.2017.

Our favorite colleagues of Dmitry Dibrov are visiting us today: Vladimir Gomelsky And Dmitry Borisov . These comrades of the procedure know how hard it is to make money on television, especially on the first channel, but they did not come to work, but to relax. But these guys are very confident if they named a fireproof amount of 400,000 rubles, at least they intend to answer 12 questions. Let's see what happens.

1. What are the long shorts called?

  • canaries
  • Maldives
  • bermuda shorts
  • Kuriles

2. What fictional creature has recently become a popular internet meme?

  • Chatterbox
  • Howler
  • Munchkin
  • Zhdun

3. What is the name of the species of butterflies?

  • orange blossom
  • lemongrass
  • grapefruit
  • kumquat

4. The name of which plant is the same as the nickname of the hero Fenimore Cooper?

  • St. John's wort
  • immortelle
  • kalanchoe
  • burdock

5. What was the first height in the pole vault that Sergey Bubka reached?

  • 5 meters
  • 6 meters
  • 7 meters
  • 8 meters

6. What is the name of the administrative-territorial unit of Germany?

  • fire
  • Earth
  • air

7. What prevents fluid from flowing out of the high pressure cylinder in a hydraulic jack?

  • collar
  • button
  • cuff
  • strap

8. What faculty did Rodion Raskolnikov study at?

  • medical
  • legal
  • philosophical
  • mathematical

9. Which character is missing from the wedding in the classic production of Sleeping Beauty?

  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Puss in Boots
  • Thumb boy
  • Blue Beard

10. What do sailors often call the "Marusin belt"?

  • ribbon caps
  • waterline
  • anchor chain
  • deck railing

11. What group of instruments does the Australian didgeridoo belong to?

  • brass
  • strings
  • drums
  • keyboards

12. Who became the first full Cavalier of St. George in Russia?

  • Kutuzov
  • Golitsyn
  • Suvorov
  • Menshikov

13. Who or what did the Parisian couriers secretly put into the newly appeared mailboxes so as not to be left without work?

  • mice
  • nettle
  • embers

14. What mineral forms a beautiful transparent variety of "marino glass"?

  • mica
  • spinel
  • gypsum
  • cinnabar

Unfortunately, the players did not manage to correctly answer the fourteenth question, but they managed to win a fireproof amount. Therefore, the players' payoff in the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" for September 9, 2017 amounted to 400,000 rubles.

The second part of today's game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" has begun, in which Olga Prokofieva And Valery Garkalin . The players chose a fireproof amount of 100,000 rubles.

1. What do they say about a person who does not want to tell anything?

  • how to look into the water
  • like water off a duck's back
  • seventh water on jelly
  • got water in his mouth

2. How does a hockey match start?

  • from throwing out
  • from a throw-in
  • from a toss
  • from the offering

3. What do men say they love?

  • lips
  • teeth
  • eyes
  • brains

4. What is the name of a young worker, trainee?

  • trainee
  • major
  • boyfriend
  • editor

5. What expression can define folklore?

  • from hand to hand
  • Tet-a-tet
  • word of mouth
  • from foot to foot

6. What position did Gerasim, the hero of Turgenev's story "Mumu" hold in the manor house?

  • blacksmith
  • groom
  • street cleaner
  • coachman

7. What should a perlustrator do on duty?

  • make chandeliers
  • read letters
  • illustrate books
  • put people out of work

8. Which name is not usually shortened to the diminutive Seva?

  • Severyan
  • Vsevolod
  • Savely
  • Eusebius

9. What does the hero of the film "The White Sun of the Desert" Red Army soldier Sukhov do in his dream?

  • mows the grass
  • plows
  • cleans the hay
  • beats a sickle

10. What is the name of one of the aerobatics figures?

Your best friend is getting married and asked you to be a witness? It's great! But, before agreeing to such a responsible role, it is necessary to clearly understand for yourself the duties of a witness at a wedding. This role is honorable, but no less responsible.

The witness is the right hand of the bride

The witness is the first assistant at the wedding. The bride chooses one of her unmarried close friends as a witness, hoping that the girl will help her prepare for the wedding, and will also support her during the wedding ceremony and the festive feast. First of all, the witness provides moral support. The "right hand" of the newlywed should not leave her alone for a long time, help may be needed at any moment.

The witness should be aware of how excited the friend is before the wedding and during it, and help organize the celebration. Also, the duties of the witness include planning some organizational moments at the wedding. For example, she plays a leading role in the ransom, goes to the registry office with the newlyweds, and is also nearby during the marriage procedure. Although witnesses now do not always put their signatures in the registry office, but without them, as before, a wedding is not a wedding.

Appearance of the Witness

The witness should look elegant and festive, emphasizing the happiness and joy of her best friend with her whole appearance. The main thing is not to overdo it.

  • You should not choose a dress that would give a resemblance to the bride. Vulgar outfits are unacceptable - too short or with a large neckline that attracts the eye.
  • It is not recommended for the witness to wear a trouser suit; next to the puffy dress of the hero of the occasion, it will look out of place.
  • Ribbons with the inscriptions “Witness”, “Witness” are put on top of the attire for witnesses, which in itself already indicates that they bear a great responsibility for the successful conduct of the wedding.
  • The witness should not wear high-heeled shoes, because she will have to walk and run a lot, and the dead legs will not bring much joy to either her or the guests. Shoes should be comfortable and worn in advance.
  • Makeup and hairstyle should be in tune with the outfit, the embodiment of modesty and festivity.

Responsibilities before marriage

A witness is needed not only at a wedding, her duties begin long before the celebration. You need to run around the shops in search of the most beautiful wedding dress, think over the redemption scenario, be a “lighter”, raising your spirits at a bachelorette party.

In addition to solving organizational issues, the main duty of the witness is to psychologically support her friend, sacrificing some of her personal plans for this, postponing urgent matters. This is where true friendship is truly tested.

Choosing a dress

The witness provides all kinds of assistance in choosing a wedding dress. Choosing the right wedding dress is not so easy, given the nervousness, changeable mood of a friend before the wedding. You will have to see tears more than once, even cry with her, until you choose one of the dresses. If you give practical advice, help you choose a dress that will hide the flaws of her figure, emphasize her dignity, it will not take long to choose.

Organization of a bachelorette party

Who, if not a witness, to entrust the holding of a bachelorette party before the wedding? Be prepared to go through this test too. While you shouldn't be hosting a bachelorette party yourself, actively involve your girlfriends in the preparations to make it even more fun. You have to choose a suitable place for the event, make an entertainment program, prepare an original surprise. The bachelorette party should go so that the bride says: “Well, work up! After this, you can get married!

After the bachelorette party, the witness is obliged to ensure the rest of the newlywed, so that she gains strength before the wedding.

Buyout scenario

The ransom is an extremely exciting moment at the wedding, which the newlyweds will remember for a lifetime. The ransom ceremony does not take place without the participation of a witness. In advance, together with your girlfriends, you will have to write a ransom script, come up with interesting entertaining tasks. Try to select such tasks that are suitable individually for your couple, then it will be interesting for everyone.

Although you are “selling” the bride, do not demand too much money from the groom, this is not the main thing. Let him show better how he is ready to fight for the narrowed one, go through a series of obstacles and competitions, show his ingenuity, determination.

Keep in mind that knowing by heart the text of the script, pronouncing it without hesitation, is the duty of the witness. If something is forgotten, be able to improvise in your own words, sticking to the topic. The newlywed is waiting in the next room for her ransom. Do not upset her with your forgetfulness or sluggishness.

Decoration of the apartment, entrance

On the day of the wedding, the groom comes to the apartment with his friends to buy out the betrothed and take it to the registry office. In order for the ransom process to become solemn and memorable, the witness decorates the entrance accordingly, so that it becomes festive from dull. Instruct your girlfriends, younger sisters and brothers to cut out jewelry, and you yourself can become a creative.

Decorate the floor with rose petals, colorful confetti. The floor, painted under a stencil with various patterns, looks original. Well, if the entrance floor is in a terrible state, the red carpet will be the best way out.

We cling paper flowers, garlands, balloons to the walls. Buy them or make them yourself, for this you will not need special skills and a lot of time.

You can learn how to make paper flowers by watching the video below.

A variety of original decorations for the apartment and the porch used in the purchase are shown in the video.

Colored crayons are successfully used for this purpose, they paint the walls of the entrance, so that later it would be easy to erase them from the walls.

Attach a bright holiday poster or a basket of flowers or just a boutonniere to the apartment door.

Responsibilities on the wedding day

The duty of a witness at a wedding is to be at the bride’s house in the morning to help her put on a wedding dress, do her hair, think over the details, while creating a cheerful mood. She will have to defend the ransom procedure, be next to her at the registry office, and play an important role during the marriage ceremony. The witness should be the shadow of a friend, accompany her throughout the wedding, solve problems with dress, makeup, shoes, hair.

She is obliged to take care of the newlywed so that she is not kidnapped, and if the theft is discovered, she must make every effort to return the main culprit of the wedding. You will have to prove yourself in all its glory, go through a lot of fun difficulties and difficult trials with the witness.

It's going to be a tough day, so get ready!

Bride's Gathering

The main role in the collection of the bride for the wedding belongs to the witness. Her responsibilities include knowing the stages of the celebration, telling her friend how to behave in different situations. She needs to collect in advance a passport, wedding rings, champagne, glasses, and other items that will be needed at the wedding ceremony. It is necessary to check everything several times, because this day does not provide for any unpleasant surprises.

The main assistant comes to the bride's home in advance, because the collection takes a lot of time. She inspects the wedding dress again, whether everything is in order with him. Perhaps you need to hem somewhere else or let go. If everything is fine, help to dress.

While the bride is waiting for the hairdresser and makeup artist, it is your responsibility to gather everything you need. You are a maid of honor, so let your purse have everything that can be useful during a walk, shooting or banquet. Consider these details of your responsibilities in advance.

Here is a sample list of what you need to prepare in advance for the wedding:

  • Passport
  • Handbag with cosmetics, handkerchief
  • Spare stockings or tights
  • Umbrella if the weather turns bad
  • Needle and thread, a few pins
  • Comb, hairpins, hairpins
  • Small first aid kit (head pill, ammonia, cotton wool, band-aid)
  • Mobile phone
  • Camera, camcorder, do not forget to check the charge
  • Rose petals, millet, small coins, sweets. All this will be sprinkled on the young when leaving the registry office.
  • Pre-written scripts, hand-picked toasts

Moral support

The best friend of the bride, like no one else, will understand her feelings, djpvj;ye. panic before the celebration of marriage. Be able to find the right words, give good advice, reassure and support. Moral support is your main task. Let it be hard sometimes, stock up on valerian, justify the trust.

at the registry office

After overcoming all the obstacles, the groom takes the betrothed from his father's house, in a festively decorated car they go together to the Wedding Palace. It is customary for the witness to sit near the groom, and the witness near the bride.

The duties of a witness in the registry office include assistance during the painting. During the marriage ceremony, the witness must first stand next to the groom. When the time comes to lay out the wedding towel for the young, it is the duty of the witness to do this together with the witness.

Some cases provide for affixing and signatures of witnesses.

Immediately after the painting, the guests come up and congratulate the newlyweds on the marriage registration. At this time, the witness must reorganize and stand near the bride in order to accept the presented bouquets from her hands.

At a banquet

Witnesses sit next to the newlyweds at the wedding table. Their duties here are to help young people in receiving gifts and flowers. The witness must ensure that the bride's shoe is not stolen. If this happens, the organization of bargaining with the “thief”, the ransom of the shoe, falls on her shoulders. During the dances, witnesses help the toastmaster to organize various games and competitions, in which they themselves take an active part.

I am 32 years old, and in my entire life I have probably attended 32 weddings. One of them was mine, one was my father's wedding, with a dozen uncles and aunts, a dozen girlfriends and friends, and at one of them I myself acted as a toastmaster. I have been a witness twice. After I have prepared, directed and hosted my wedding, I can almost consider myself a wedding expert, but, whatever one may say, most of the time I was just a guest!

At other people's weddings (foreign - meaning one that is not one's own) I observed several mistakes that guests cannot ignore. They do not spoil the overall impression, but it is very useful to know them in order to take them into account.

Here are the errors.

The first mistake. Inviting guests

If there are married people among the guests, then it is customary to invite them only together! Even if you're on a tight budget, keep that in mind when planning your guest list! At the very least, you should find out in advance what the situation is in the guest's family, perhaps his significant other is leaving at that time, for example, and then you can invite only one.

So, family to family!

Second error. Bride ransom - the business of bridesmaids

Very often, a wedding begins with a ransom. It is the ransom that can set the mood for the whole celebration, here, at the entrance or on the way to the house of the beautiful bride, the first jokes, practical jokes, songs and dances begin. But often the groom himself is simply forgotten! Meanwhile, it happens that the groom is somewhat unpleasant to redeem the bride and he does not share the general fun. Why? The reasons may be different: shy, unable to sing or dance…

The ransom is usually prepared by the bridesmaids and, of course, they are not required to know all the character traits of the groom, all his features. They may not even really know him, seeing each other once or twice before the wedding!

No matter how much the bride has to do, I would advise her to find time to herself, together with her friends, outline the main direction of the ransom, in order to tell the girls which contests will be interesting and which are not appropriate.

So, the ransom is the business of the bride herself, and not just her friends!

Error three. Long trains

Every bride wants to be the most beautiful on this special day. It is very unusual to have a long train on a dress. It is beautiful when little smart girls in the registry office carry it. But often the train is left unattended and dragged through the mud, delivering only inconvenience to the most beautiful girl at the wedding, and instead of being proud of the bride, her friends feel pity.

However, if you are a fan of a long train, make sure that after the solemn registration of marriage you can unfasten it.

So, calculate your strength by wearing a train!

Mistake four. All girlfriends - the same dress!

The most beautiful at the wedding should be the bride. No one has any doubts about this. But all the guests, including the girlfriends of the future wife, want to be beautiful and, most importantly, bright individuals.

There is a European tradition, according to which all the girls at the wedding dress in similar dresses, the same colors. From the point of view of a Russian bride, it is not entirely correct to ask her friends to dress the same way, since everyone wants to stand out and show their character in clothes.

So, long live individuality!

Mistake five. Walk - a place for a photo shoot of the bride and groom

It's no secret that after the solemn registration in the registry office, there is usually a festivity. All young guests go for a walk with the bride and groom. And here it often happens that the newlyweds are the target of photographers and videographers, and the guests slowly loiter nearby with a glass of champagne at best.

Use this time to communicate not only with each other, but also with your guests, because during the wedding feast you will not have the opportunity to devote time to everyone. And photos with guests, including original, unusual ones, will then please not only you, but also your friends.

So, if a photo session is for everyone!

Mistake six. Temple visit

If you are a religious family, and you have a wedding on your wedding day, then each guest has the right to choose whether to attend the temple with you or not. But if you have a simple walk, skiing, then not all guests will be interested in visiting the church. You should not put people in an awkward position and invite them to visit a religious institution, if, for example, they do not even know all the traditions and are not inclined to observe them.

So, visiting the temple should be treated with special care!

Error seven. humble witnesses

Since ancient times, witnesses are the people who conduct the wedding. In our time, this role has been transferred to the toastmaster, or wedding general, but the role of witnesses can hardly be overestimated. However, often the witnesses remain invisible throughout the wedding, they remain only a tribute to tradition. Now even their signatures in the registry office are not required!

Give the witness a role to supervise the process during the walk, for example, loudly announce the procedure, who is meeting where and where you are going now, as well as who is driving in which car; instruct the witness to help the toastmaster at the wedding feast, and also monitor the comfort of the bride, because a fluffy dress causes a lot of problems at some points.

So, give witnesses the initiative!

Mistake eight. boring contests

It seems that this error does not need to be decrypted! Coordinate competitions with the toastmaster so that it is interesting for all guests. Vulgar or stupid contests are not needed at all at a wedding, but overly intellectual ones are also not interesting. If you are afraid that due to all kinds of entertainment and congratulations, there will not be enough time for dancing at the wedding, make one of the dance competitions and reward the best dancer with a dance with the bride (if it is a boy) or the groom (if it is a girl)!

Mistake nine. Complete stranger at a wedding

Once, at one of the weddings where I was present, the toastmaster announced that now a complete stranger who met the bride on the street would congratulate the couple. It was summer, and the man in shorts and flip-flops surprised no one. He handed the bouquet, and they gave him something to drink and eat. He entered into conversations with the guests, danced until the witness had the idea to send him out.

The man was offended, let's say he had nothing bad in his head. But think about what could happen if one of the guests did not count the money later or lost their mobile phone?

So, at the wedding - only people you know!

Mistake ten. But the bouquet is not real!

Traditions are traditions, and if you follow them - in your style, then the bride at the end of the celebration should throw a bouquet to her unmarried friends. If a copy or a second, spare bouquet flies to the girls, then they feel deceived. So, I advise you to throw a real bouquet, or not to throw at all.

So, long live the real bouquet! In the end, in my case and in the case of my girlfriend, the magic of the bouquet worked one hundred percent!

A classic wedding is a celebration that every girl dreams of from an early age. A luxurious snow-white dress, an elegant groom in a tailcoat, stylish retro cars, elaborately dressed guests - all these are the distinctive features of a traditional wedding event. Adherents of a conservative style are advised to organize a wedding using a discreetly elegant decor. But the choice of a classical ceremony does not mean at all that the holiday will be devoid of individuality.

How to organize a wedding in a classic style

Newlyweds who want to have a luxurious and at the same time elegant celebration stop their choice on organizing a classic wedding. This style implies consistency in all details and decorative elements. A classic wedding celebration requires a careful selection of the image of the newlyweds and ways to decorate the banquet hall, create themed invitation cards, purchase an appropriate bouquet for the bride, and a wedding cake.

Decide on the color scheme of a classic wedding. White is a timeless classic for weddings, but it comes in many different shades. So, a classic wedding in ivory, pearls or pastel colors will come out elegant. The selected shade should be seen in the design of the restaurant, floral arch, seating cards for guests, and other details. Experienced stylists, decorators and florists will help you choose thematic materials and fabrics.

The image of the bride and groom

The classic style of the bride and groom implies restraint in details. Unacceptable are bright, frilly outfits with an abundance of colored jewelry. A bride's dress for a wedding should be made of expensive materials, such as satin or silk. It can be straight, fitted or lush cut, but always floor-length. It is recommended to choose an outfit with a train. A dress with lace or hand embroidery will look harmonious. Handbag and shoes are matched to match the outfit. Give preference to classic shoes with thin heels with a closed toe.

The groom must match the image of the bride. For this fit tailcoat or tuxedo. Three-piece suits (with vests) will also be appropriate. As for the color scheme of the outfit, in addition to black, dark blue or gray suits are chosen for a classic wedding. This style goes well with a white, pink or blue shirt. Complete the classic look with a tie or bow tie. It is recommended for the groom to make a high-quality styling, and for the bride to gather her hair up or leave curls falling over her shoulders.

Dress code for guests

By sending invitation cards to the wedding, the newlyweds inform their future guests about the dress code. For a classic event, evening dresses will be appropriate. Male guests are advised to wear formal suits or tuxedos. Women should choose evening dresses and make appropriate hairstyles. Pay special attention to accessories: bow ties for the strong half of humanity, hats, veils and neat clutches for ladies.

Separately, it is necessary to think over the classic dress code for the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Photos will look elegant and elegant, in which the newlyweds are captured surrounded by close friends, dressed in outfits of the same style. Bridesmaids don't have to wear identical dresses. Dresses from one fabric look beautiful, but the styles of dresses will be different for each girl. Friends of the groom should not be dressed in the same suits. You can make accents in their outfits on the same type of shirts and fun bow ties.

The chosen style should be seen in every detail of the celebration: from the outfits of the newlyweds to the wedding procession. A classic wedding is a harmony of restraint, sophistication and elegance. It should not contain bright artsy details. A classic is something that is always relevant, timeless. The main focus is on a lavish, chic wedding ceremony.

They decorate the celebration with the help of floral compositions, flowers, mainly roses. The chosen stylistic solution is manifested in the decoration of the banquet hall, the registration area, in the decoration of wedding tables for guests and newlyweds. The main decorative elements for a classic wedding are floristry with fresh flowers and fabric draperies (satin, chiffon, organza, silk).

Wedding invitations for guests

With the help of invitation cards, the guests of the future ceremony get acquainted with the upcoming celebration. The card itself should become part of the wedding decor, be designed in a classic style, match the color scheme. When making invitation cards for a classic wedding, it is recommended to use beautiful thick paper with embossing, smooth, patterned or cut-out edging.

Give preference to the formal style of writing, although for a small wedding ceremony held in a narrow circle of friends, playful appeal in the invitation is acceptable, but not desirable. If possible (when not many people are invited), make your own invitation cards. To decorate such products, use satin ribbons, bows, semi-beads, rhinestones, small artificial flowers.

Banquet room decor

When decorating a banquet hall in a classic style, it is necessary to refrain from using excessively massive bright details. The decoration of the room should be simple, but refined. Guests for such an event are seated at separate tables, which are covered with beautiful tablecloths that match the color of the main gamut of the holiday. Vases with fresh flowers are placed on the tables. Named landing cards for guests, which are made in the same style as invitation cards, are considered a mandatory attribute of a wedding.

The table of the newlyweds should stand out from the crowd. It is decorated with fabric draperies, floral arrangements, candles in glasses, porcelain figurines, garlands with light bulbs. It would be appropriate to decorate the room with the help of balloons, paper garlands, bows. Chairs are decorated with covers with ribbons. Small bookcases or small tables with flowers and other themed decor elements are placed throughout the hall.

If possible, a flower arch is installed in the banquet hall at the table of the newlyweds. It will serve as an excellent backdrop for colorful photos. If the wedding banquet takes place outside the city, in a villa, in a garden, then a special tent is installed to help shelter from the scorching sun or rain. Preference is given to white tents, which are decorated with satin ribbons, garlands with light bulbs, lanterns, flowers.

The bride's bouquet

When choosing a bouquet, it is necessary to take into account not only the theme of the event, but also the style of the bride's dress, the material from which it is made. For light, along with inserts made of airy material (organza, chiffon), order a small miniature bouquet. Calla lilies, roses, gladioli are considered traditional flowers for a classic wedding, but wild flowers (daisies, spray roses, stephanotis) are also suitable, they will add romance and touching to the image.

For a more discreet option, give preference to floral arrangements with tulips, alstroemerias, orchids, daisies, roses, bluebells. A bouquet of bright color will look unusual and beautiful; it will emphasize the image of the bride. A snow-white bridesmaid dress can be complemented by bouquets of red, pink, purple, lilac, orange or yellow.

A wedding cake

The final chord of the wedding celebration is the removal of the cake and its cutting by the newlyweds. When choosing a holiday dessert, you must be guided by three main principles:

  • the taste of the cake;
  • its compliance with the theme of the holiday;
  • its external decor.

For a classic wedding, it is customary to prepare multi-tiered cakes. They look grandiose in photos and videos, amaze those around them with their beauty. At the end of the holiday, not all guests will be able to eat a high-calorie, fatty dessert, so choose light baking options, the cakes of which are soaked in butter or fruit cream. A win-win option would be a soufflé cake, such a dessert is light and tasty.

The cake should be beautiful and delight everyone present at the celebration. Discuss the theme of the wedding with the confectioner, ask him to make an elegant and luxurious dessert. Traditionally, wedding cakes are decorated with icing, cream flowers. The top of the dessert is decorated with figures of newlyweds, rings, hearts, swans. The cake will look elegant, which in style, color and some elements echoes the bride's dress.

Classic style wedding accessories

The tone of the event, its spirit and atmosphere largely depend on such important trifles as wedding accessories. Preparing for a classic holiday, you need to think through every detail that will fall into the frame. In this case, there can be no trifles. Even one accessory that falls out of the style of the wedding can spoil the mood of the newlyweds and bring discord into the theme of the celebration.

  • Groom's tie. For a classic wedding, the bride and groom can choose a traditional model of a tie 132-147 cm long, 7-9 cm wide, or opt for a bow tie. Both options will be appropriate for the holiday. Give preference to accessories made from natural fabrics, preferably silk. They will look elegant, and will not give unnecessary artificial highlights in the photographs.
  • Basket for rose petals. This accessory is made using natural vines, painted in white or pastel colors that match the chosen color scheme of the wedding. For the classical ceremony, baskets are used, decorated with fresh or artificial flowers, satin ribbons.
  • Cushion for rings. This elegant accessory will help to beautifully present the newlyweds with rings during registration. On the pillow there should not be unnecessary decor, artsy decorations. A classic accessory is a small satin pillow decorated with lace, ribbons, pearls or hand embroidery.
  • Wedding procession. It is not necessary to over-decorate the car with bright bows, balls or ribbons for a classic wedding. Restrained simplicity is achieved through the use of small floral arrangements around the perimeter of cars and one decorative element, for example, figurines of rings or hearts.

Video: holding a classic wedding

In most cases, a classic wedding is a fairy tale ceremony. A touching bride in a luxurious dress, an elegant groom in a suit or tuxedo, an abundance of fresh flowers, smart guests are the main foundations of a canonical celebration. Those newlyweds who want to emphasize the sweet ceremony and the joyful bride and groom, rather than the bright details of the decor, decide to organize a classic wedding. Elegance of style is the backbone of a classic wedding. The sophistication of the classic is well demonstrated in the video below.