
Gift for 2 month old son. What to give a child up to six months? What to give a boy and a girl

Two months together is a short time, but if every day with your loved one is a joy for you, why not celebrate even such “insignificant dates? Small holidays will help you become even closer and make your relationship pleasant and easy. But it is often difficult to choose what to give a girl for 2 months of relationship. We will advise the most appropriate gifts to please your girlfriend and make the holiday memorable.

Gift selection rules

To make a girl like your present, try to take into account her tastes and interests. Of course, it’s not easy to study all the girl’s hobbies in two months, but you probably already know about many. You can ask a couple of questions for clarification, but you just need to do it unobtrusively so that the girl does not guess that she is preparing a surprise.

Don't try to impress a girl with something expensive. You've only been together for 2 months and a too valuable gift can confuse a girl, make her feel obligated. If a girl accepts an expensive present without a shadow of a doubt, perhaps she is only used to such. Think about whether you can afford it.

You should not give rings, even jewelry, after two months of a relationship. Usually girls perceive them as a marriage proposal. If neither you nor she is ready for such a rapid development of events, choose something more neutral.

When choosing a gift, be sure to take into account the age of the recipient. For example, a very young girl may be pleased with a soft toy, but most adult girls do not need them. At the same time, make sure that the gift does not strongly hint at age, this may seem offensive.

And do not forget that two months of relationship is not the longest period and you can celebrate it without gifts at all. If everything goes well, you will be together all your life, and every month you will definitely not be able to give something. Therefore, such small dates can be celebrated with a delicious dinner, a joint walk or a romantic evening together.

TOP 10 gifts for a girl for 2 months of relationship

  1. Flowers (you can present a frozen bouquet)
  2. Candies or other sweets, preferably in the form of a composition or bouquet
  3. Romantic evening
  4. Caskets, vases, photo frames and other cute little things
  5. Joint photo session or portrait of a girl
  6. Chinese lantern launch
  7. Helium balloons or balloon bouquet
  8. photo collage
  9. Invitation to the cinema, theater or concert
  10. Books, music discs

Universal gifts for a girl

If you haven’t got to know the girl’s tastes very well yet and are afraid to choose something very individual, you can prepare a gift that will not leave indifferent any of the fair sex:

  • Bouquet of flowers. There are statistics that only 70% of girls love when they are given flowers, while the rest prefer something more practical. But any girl will be pleased with the attention from her beloved, and the bouquet is just a sign that expresses feelings. For two months, you have already studied exactly what flowers your beloved prefers, so you can pick up a beautiful composition.
  • Sweets. A box of chocolates, a composition of sweets or an interesting cake will appeal to most girls.
  • Frame. This is a cute and non-binding gift that will be a reminder of your little anniversary. You can print your general photo or her portrait and insert it into a frame.
  • Book. If your girlfriend loves to read, then you probably already know her preferences, so you can choose the edition of your favorite author.
  • Vase or box. These are cute souvenirs, which, moreover, have a practical application. This gives hope that they will not gather dust on the shelf in the company of useless figurines.

Such gifts are suitable for a girl of any age and position. They do not require mutual “gifting” and will cheer up your beloved.

The most romantic gifts for 2 months of relationship

Your love is still in its infancy, so any romantic gifts will come in handy. If you can serenade under her window or write a love poem, that's great. But those who do not have such creative talents should not be upset. There are many other no less romantic gifts, for example:

  • Balloons filled with helium. You can write declarations of love on them or just draw hearts on them.
  • Live butterfly in a box. Such a gift is suitable only for a girl who is not afraid of insects.
  • Joint photo session. Photogenic and self-confident girls will like this present.
  • Portrait of a girl. It can be ordered from a street artist during a joint walk or prepared in advance.
  • Launching a Chinese lantern. This is a very romantic and at the same time a budget gift.

In addition, do not forget about one of the most appropriate presents - a romantic evening. You can book a table in a cafe or restaurant, arrange something unusual at home, or spend an evening in an unusual setting. Dinner in a park under the stars, on the roof of a skyscraper or in a greenhouse will definitely be remembered by a girl for a long time. You can also pet her to the movies or to a concert.

When preparing a romantic evening, remember that this is a gift for a girl, so add her favorite dishes and drinks to the menu, music and table decoration should also match her tastes.

Inexpensive gifts for a girl

What to do if there is not enough money for an expensive gift for your beloved girl, but you really want to congratulate her? It is necessary to make maximum efforts and imagination, and come up with something stunning. The worst thing you can do in the absence of finances is to buy a tasteless trinket at the nearest newsstand.

Do not be afraid to give handmade gifts, even if they are not of very high quality. The main thing is to put your soul into your gift.

The most simple and inexpensive gifts for a girl:

  • ice flowers. Take a beautiful bouquet or one flower, put it in a suitable container, fill it with clean water and freeze. When it's time to give, the ice block must be removed from the mold and packaged. But keep in mind that you won’t be able to take such a gift far away, it quickly melts. Therefore, it is best to give it just before a romantic dinner and immediately put it in a suitable dish.
  • box of love. Take small pieces of paper, preferably colored, and write confessions and just kind words on them. Now every time she gets sad, your girlfriend will be able to read something nice.
  • Personalized chocolate bar. This will require a regular chocolate bar, Photoshop skills and a printer. It is enough just to take a photo of a girl and make a wrapper for a chocolate bar based on it, which is then printed out and used for its intended purpose.
  • Photo collage or photo composition. You can make it both in any graphic editor, and with the help of scissors, glue and whatman paper. Choose which method is closer to you and start creating.
  • Sweet composition. You can take several different sweets, small chocolates and cookies in separate packages, attach them to wooden skewers and fold them into a bouquet.

Such gifts will not require significant financial costs, but they will definitely please the girl, as they will be made especially for her, taking into account her tastes.

What to give a child for 2 months? Only not toys, but something from (diapers, nistozhen, napkins ...). Budget 500 rubles. and got the best answer

Answer from Alisa Karasevich[guru]
Up to 3000 is quite a normal budget :) The baby will soon need a high chair, a playpen - you can discuss this with your parents and participate in the purchase.
Album frames... unless a photo frame. It costs somewhere around 1500 - 2000, you can upload new pictures all the time to take them with you to show. Yes, an option. You don’t have to carry albums for any meetings with girlfriends :)
You can donate a blender or chopper (if they don't have one yet). Right now, of course, it is not needed, but with the start of complementary foods it will be very useful.
Oh, I still remember! I saw a small portable DVD player in the store. It cost about 3000. There you can watch pictures and movies while you are walking with a stroller (the baby sleeps mostly on the street). This is what I dreamed about at the time. But they gave me an iPod already when the child began to run, and there was no time for viewing :)

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What to give a child for 2 months? Only not toys, but something from (diapers, nistozhen, napkins ...). Budget 500 rubles.

Answer from Lara m[guru]
Give? ..What will it look like?... or just buy?

Answer from Alyonushka[guru]
The best baby cream for "BUTT"

Answer from Yatiana Petrova[guru]

Answer from *~* MOON MELOOOODY *~*[guru]
Lord! feed her well and put her to sleep! what gift for a 2 month old girl? and for 500 rubles, buy yourself something, not flavored chemicals (napkins), for the baby!

Answer from Marina Komissarova[guru]
you can have a good soap for bathing, such as Chicco, a large towel, hats, socks. Wet wipes are always needed!

Answer from Friend of human[guru]
Just enough for a terry robe!

Answer from MiJoke[guru]
if you donate to someone badly with money .. give diapers .... if it is very bad - then there are a lot of little things to give mono .... and a mono rug with toys costs just 3 .... also a mono set for a bath .. or a silver spoon

Answer from Squirrel[guru]
The mother of a 2-month-old baby herself, and when they ask what to give, I answer 6 PAMPERS - there are not many of them, but in general, I think you can put money in an envelope and the parents themselves will buy what the baby needs!

Answer from Oksana Fazlyeva[active]
If the parents themselves have not yet purchased, give a deck chair. A very useful thing for the release of mom.

Answer from Olga Budylina[master]
it’s better to ask mommy if the child is artificially fed, then mixtures and porridge are better, they leave very quickly, and if a baby, then the best gift is diapers and napkins, and another good thing is a carousel bed, just take it in a pharmacy and make it soft to be able to wash

Answer from Yatyana Nikolaevna[guru]
I myself recently faced the same issue, but when I went to the store, the issue was resolved unambiguously. Bathing set - terry and delicate - a towel with a corner and a glove for washing the body. I think that such a set will always come in handy, even if you already have one. The child is still growing, and towels are not eternal.

Answer from Eugenia Shaffert[guru]
Fitball and a book on the topic "How to do gymnastics with a child." Suitable for both mom and baby.
Good comfortable carrying: ring sling, ergo or sling scarf.
Developing rug with arcs so that mom can put the baby down - and calmly drink coffee in silence ...
Mom - baby monitor or video baby monitor. Projection night light with music - if the child sleeps separately.
A rocking chair for a baby with an arc so that toys can be hung there.
And yes, a large package of good diapers is a great solution :)
Here is another article: link

Some time after the appearance of the baby in the house, parents invite relatives and friends to visit to introduce a new family member. In this case, a baby cannot do without a gift. It is customary to give presents to a boy or girl when visiting. There are other events when it is necessary to choose gifts: a goddaughter or godson for christening, for 2, 3, 4 or more months, New Year, Christmas and so on. I really want the gift to be useful, liked and brought joy.

Age features

A two-month-old, three-month-old, four- or five-month-old child is still too small, he does not yet move independently. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to figure out what to give a child for 2 months, after three months the activity becomes more obvious, the time of wakefulness increases, the baby begins to attract objects. But you can always choose a gift a little ahead of time, because children grow up very quickly. It is important to remember that during this period of life, the baby tastes everything, so when choosing a toy, know that sooner or later it will end up in his mouth.

After six months, the child is already sitting and perceives the world differently, so gifts in the period from birth to 5 months are significantly different.

Basic Rules

Before you buy a toy, pay attention to such points as:

  • quality of materials- this is the main criterion that you need to focus on; in no case do not give toys and clothes of dubious production, since low-quality materials can cause allergies and even provoke poisoning;
  • convenience- this applies, first of all, to toys that the baby will hold in his hands - they should be light and easy to fit in the palm of your hand;
  • color- after two months, babies begin to distinguish colors, they are attracted by everything bright, catchy, so restrained colors and pastels are not the best choice, give preference to catchy colors, colorful design.

Feel free to ask what to give - it is better to buy the right thing without a surprise. Originality does not always work with children, if you do not know exactly what to give, buy a gift certificate for a children's supermarket.

Refrain from buying a bouquet for the baby's mother, he may have an allergy, but a fruit bouquet is a great solution.

Popular toys

If you want to give a toy, pay attention to several options.

  • Rattles. This is the very first baby toy, it is at this age that the crumbs are able to appreciate all the charm of a rattling little thing. It attracts their hearing, attention, they look at rattles with pleasure, drag them into their mouths. The main thing is that it should be small so that it is convenient to take it. Discard options that can hurt you or easily tear off a small part.

  • Teethers. This is another hit of the kids. Active teething can begin at almost any age, but even before it begins, children taste everything, this is how they experience the world. Teethers are designed specifically to be chewed on. Here, too, it is important that the baby is comfortable holding and chewing on it.

  • Little toys. They can be made of plush, fabric, equipped with a variety of details that rustle and squeak. They have tiny mirrors, bright details. Such toys can be hung in a stroller, crib, baby rug, so that the baby touches them, sorts them with his fingers, beats them with his hands.

This range includes connector toys that give the child a sense of security, something familiar when moms are not around.

  • interactive models. Toddlers love to watch bright toys that ring, play, blink, make sounds, move around and so on. Pay attention to the ability to adjust the sound or the absence of too harsh sounds.

  • Finger toys. This is a kind of puppet theater, with which you can arrange real performances for the baby.

  • For bathroom. Toddlers love to bathe, and they do it with great pleasure when there are toys in the tub. It can be ducks, frogs or other bright animals, bathroom books.

  • First books. It is better to start your baby's acquaintance with this category with soft books, bathing books, hard little books.

  • Development mats. This is a great gift for both the baby and parents, as it gives the opportunity to put the baby down for a while and do something during this period, for example, drink coffee or wash the dishes. When choosing a rug, be guided by the quality of the materials and the number of toys that can lure him.

  • Mobile in the crib or arc with toys. Another way to give a new mother some rest. In the crib, the baby is safe, the mobile spins, plays the simplest melodies and attracts the baby. Pediatricians recommend giving preference to models that can be washed, as dust settles on rag toys, so they will need to be washed periodically.

  • Arena. This device perfectly helps out many mothers, because in the playpen an actively turning over baby is safe. You can hang an arc with toys there.

  • Development aids. Now it is very fashionable, if you know that a young mother is a supporter of development from the cradle, you should give her a set of developmental activities, for example, “School of 7 Gnomes” or “Clever Girl”.

  • Musical toys. This category will come in handy for the baby a little later, but he will definitely appreciate a small bright pipe or balalaika right now.

Useful gifts

If you are a practical person and love useful gifts, this category is for you. Making life easier for young parents is now quite simple, pragmatism in these matters is a very good quality, especially if you know that the financial situation in the family makes you save. Practical gifts for kids include the following:

  • children's cosmetics- first, be sure to check if the crumbs are allergic to any lines, what cosmetics they use now, so as not to harm;
  • night light will allow the mother not to turn on the bright light, getting up at night to the baby, while not remaining in complete darkness;
  • textile it is never superfluous, because children are such impractical creatures, feel free to buy bed linen, towels, napkins for babies;
  • surveillance devices, for example, video and baby monitors will help mom go to another room, cook quietly in the kitchen of a big house, without worrying that the baby will wake up and she won’t hear;
  • cocoons- studies have shown that children feel much more comfortable, cozier, protected in them, it is enough for mom to shift him from the stroller to the crib;
  • bathing items- a bathtub with or without a stand, a ladle, a pillow, a circle, a cap;
  • thermos and bottle sterilizer, if the baby is artificially fed;
  • rockers, swings, deck chairs- this is an excellent choice if the baby is not too tame; if he asks for pens all the time, give mom a sling or scarf;
  • fitball for gymnastics;
  • children's car seat;
  • feeding chair.


First of all, pay attention to the quality, the naturalness of the fabric, the absence of decorations and the size that corresponds not only to age, but also to a real little person. So don't hesitate to ask your parents. In general, this is a rather controversial gift category, it must be borne in mind that children grow up very quickly, so he does not need too many clothes, he will grow out of it in an instant. It is worth assessing the need for such a presentation. Once the decision is made, you can choose from options such as:

  • diaper cocoon will allow mom to instantly swaddle the baby, without suffering with ordinary diapers;
  • a variety of costumes, bodysuits, overalls, booties, socks, sliders, hats;
  • transformer-overalls which is perfect for walks and trips in the car seat.

There are original bouquets of children's clothes, you can present such a spectacular gift to your mother.

For memory

You can buy memorable gifts for your little daughter, such as:

  • head adornment;
  • earrings;
  • body with ruffles, skirts;
  • jewelry nipple;
  • booties with rhinestones.

Boys are often given the following presents:

  • nipple with antennae;
  • bodysuit with a painted tie;
  • hat with the inscription BOSS;
  • souvenir machine.

For information on what to give a child up to a year old, see the following video review.

In this article:

It seems that the baby was born only yesterday, but now he is already 2 months old. You have to choose a gift for the baby and congratulate the happy parents on a small celebration in the family. And this is where most of the invitees are lost. It would seem that everything is clear. The gift should be practical, beautiful and, most importantly, safe. Or maybe unique and memorable? How best to arrange congratulations and what to give a child at 2 months? Consider the most suitable options for babies of this age.

How to congratulate parents

What to come up with congratulations to parents when their child is 2 months old? First of all, with warm wishes to them and the baby. Congratulations can be backed by a gift. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the baby is so small that any gift is intended not only for him, but indirectly for his parents. Therefore, it will be good if the surprise suits the child, and also pleases the baby's mom and dad.

If there is no close contact with the relatives of the birthday person, there is no certainty that it will come in handy and what mom and dad prefer, then it would still be more correct to ask them directly about it. If parents are modest, then you can safely choose a gift to your taste.

In doing so, some recommendations should be taken into account. The cost of congratulations may vary. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the donor. But the price of the issue in this case is completely irrelevant. The value of a gift is determined by the love and care with which it was chosen.

Options for budget gifts for parents "for the soul":

  • a set for making a cast of the handle or leg of the crumbs;
  • a photo album containing colorful pictures, or a frame is appropriate as a congratulation to a child at 2 months old;
  • paid photo session;
  • a gift certificate to a children's clothing or toy store, which will guarantee that the gift will definitely not gather dust in the closet and will please mom and dad of the baby.

As an inexpensive gift, you can present a nightlight to the room, a set of children's dishes, a drinking bowl that will come in handy later, a beautiful set of baby clothes for the crib.

Budgetary, but troublesome gifts include arranging a babysitter for an hour. You can invite a professional, or you can offer your services if you have experience in dealing with such little ones. Mom doesn't have enough free time.

If a more expensive purchase is planned for the baby's parents, then it is better to clarify what of the dowry has already been purchased, and what the mother dreams of. Perhaps it is not so difficult to realize her dream.

It could be:

  • bathroom chair;
  • highchair for feeding;
  • useful household appliances (blender, double boiler);
  • swing for children up to a year;
  • a deck chair that will unload mom's hands.

The baby is growing and needs constant attention. Therefore, a very relevant gift will be either a good one. Breastfeeding mothers will love this comfortable nursing pillow.

A good gift would be a massage course for a baby, if it is assigned to him by a doctor. You can please the course of massage and mom. This will help her relax and recover faster after giving birth. A basket of sweets for mom will look original. It should be noted that the products in it should be useful and recommended to a woman during breastfeeding.

How to congratulate a child

Deciding what to give a child for 2 months is not very difficult. You can present everything that is suitable for age 0+, if the crumbs do not already have this.

It could be:

  • Developing mat . A really necessary thing that will be interesting to the baby and will free mom's hands for a while. Modern rugs are made in a three-dimensional format. This means that arcs are attached to the rug itself with appliqués sewn to it, toys with various sound effects, on which rattles can be hung.
  • Suspension on a stroller, crib or car seat. It can be a rattle, a mirror and a shushralka all rolled into one. The toy will help the baby develop motor skills and not get bored.
  • Beanbag . This is a thing that is never superfluous for a two-month-old baby. A child of this age gets bored with toys very quickly. Once the process of studying a subject is completed, the subject becomes uninteresting. Therefore, we can safely say - there are never too many rattles! When choosing such a gift, it is necessary to take into account the predilection of kids to study everything to taste. You should pay attention to the material from which the rattle is made, as well as to ensure that it does not contain parts that can come off and get into the baby's airways. You can buy a toy that the child will hold in the pen, or the mother will hang it from the crib. The rattle should be bright, preferably made in one or two colors.
  • Tumbler - Another timeless classic gift. Perhaps this is a toy for growth, but it will definitely bring a lot of positive emotions to the crumbs.
  • Set of rubber toys for bathing . At this age, the baby already likes this procedure, and with friends he will be much more fun.

Congratulations to the boy

Gifts for an infant of this age are the same for both boys and girls. The interests of two-month-old babies coincide and come down to the love and care of the mother. Therefore, toys will be universal, and care items and bed linen differ only in color and print.

The main difference concerns the clothes of the crumbs. Therefore, if the choice fell on wardrobe items as a gift, one should take into account not only the size of the baby, but also the style and color scheme. Do not buy things much for growth. For example, if you buy overalls for the winter in the summer, then it’s not at all a fact that in the winter it will be just for the child.

As for the color scheme, it is recommended to choose clothes to your taste. Do not focus only on blue or blue colors. Boys of this age, unfortunately, often turn out to be hostages of stereotypes and are forced to wear only blue, blue or white things. And absolutely in vain. You can experiment with flowers at this age, bright clothes will decorate a little boy.

When a child is 2 months old, congratulations to a boy can be completely different. It all depends on the imagination and capabilities of the donor.

Congratulations to the girl

Congratulations to a girl at 2 months old are universal. The difference is in the clothes. You can pick up cute girly dresses for any age and other clothes for a little princess. It is recommended that you carefully consider the choice of color. It is completely wrong that the clothes for a little girl are only pink. It can be absolutely any color suitable for a baby - from bright, rich tones to delicate pastels.

If you decide to donate, then here you also need to take into account that diapers today are produced separately for boys and girls. The absorbent layer is located in different ways. Before buying them, you need to ask your mother which diapers she prefers.

Congratulations and gifts to a child at 2 months, both for a boy and for a girl, can be different, for every taste and financial possibilities. It doesn't matter how much the gift costs. The main thing is that the congratulations are made from the heart and with best wishes.

Useful video on how to choose toys for children

In order for the gift to please the baby, be interesting and useful to him, you need to consider what is typical for this period of child development. In addition, do not forget that the baby grows very quickly, and every next month after the birth is marked by new skills and abilities.

It is probably wrong to raise the question of what a baby should be able to do at a particular age, because children are all different, rather, the task of adults should be competent education, and even gifts - toys and other necessary things, should contribute to this.

Research and cognitive activity in babies from birth is expressed in the manipulation of various objects, the main of which in the first months is a rattle. And only from 5 months old the baby begins to be interested in studying the properties of individual objects.

Therefore, children's gifts can be different:

  • entertaining toys - pyramids, rattles, soft rubber toys-squeakers, plastic and rubber toys for swimming in the form of ducks, fish, turtles, boats;
  • educational, which are mobiles, musical pendants, large bright pictures;
  • useful, practical gifts - children's bedding, clothes, diapers, and perhaps more serious household items - a baby car seat, a stroller, in a word, what the baby needs, but the parents did not have time to purchase.

Since at the age of six months the child is actively developing hearing, sight and touch, we can emphasize this. A one-month-old child needs bright, one-color toys of various shapes, at three months he can perceive sound well, and this makes it possible to choose singing and dancing figurines, music boxes and carousels as a gift.

It should be borne in mind that red, blue and yellow rattles, balls and animal figures should appear in the arsenal of the baby, since these are the first colors that he distinguishes.

Up to six months, boys and girls can be given the same gifts, excluding clothes - for babies of different sexes, it has a lot of differences, including color.

Rules for choosing toys for children

The requirements for toys for young children are quite stringent. In addition to the attractive appearance, other nuances are important:

  1. In the first place is the safety of any item in the hands of the baby. First of all, it should be a high-quality material that does not contain toxic substances, the absence of small parts that the baby can swallow, it’s good if the toy is solid - it will be impossible to disassemble it.
  2. Musical toys should have a gentle, quiet melody; when choosing, you should refuse things with a sharp and low sound that can scare the baby.
  3. Any toy must meet age requirements, usually such information is indicated on the packaging.
  4. It is also important that the items purchased for a newborn can be washed and cleaned regularly without losing their quality, so the practicality of the chosen toy also matters, but mainly for the family budget.
  5. It is better not to give soft toys to small children, because they, intensively absorbing dust, often cause allergies in babies.

When purchasing a gift for a child for 1 month or six months, you always need to make sure of the quality of the product - you can not buy dubious toys with an unnatural or synthetic smell, defects and lack of a certificate. A multifunctional toy that will occupy several senses of the baby at once, the best choice for a baby under the age of six months.

Gifts that develop motor skills and intelligence

Of course, a toy for a baby is an ideal gift, but how quickly it can cope with a developmental task depends on how quickly a child can learn certain skills that help him learn about the real world.

A gift for a child for six months will be optimally useful if it has an interesting texture for him, because in this period the tactile sensations of the baby are in the foreground, and by the month he begins to distinguish the colors and outlines of objects, so toys should be large, bright with interesting geometry forms. Parents or their friends may well give children useful and beautiful toys that promote different abilities.

Toys that develop logic at this age:

  • pyramids and soft cubes from which they can build a house or tower;
  • sets of cards with bright images of one or more objects;
  • sorters with slots for figures;
  • toy books with dense waterproof pages (wooden or rubber);
  • rugs in the form of puzzles with a minimum number of details;
  • developing business boards, consisting of a board with various objects fixed on it - buttons, locks, simple figures made of plastic and rubber;
  • developing soft mats made of natural materials, equipped with small toys, musical details, all kinds of laces, balls, geometric elements, such games are designed for children 3-4 months old, they develop fine motor skills, learn to distinguish colors, shapes of objects, and bright images on the surface of the rug broaden the child's horizons.

Attention should be paid to the fact that solid objects have a variety of textures - several toys made of plastic, latex may have a ribbed, wavy or bumpy surface. If you give a rattle to a three-month-old baby, it is desirable that it be with a comfortable handle; at this age, children begin to actively take everything that falls into their hands into their mouths.

If you don't know what to give for your child's birthday, you can choose things that will help instill in your child a love of music and creative pursuits.

Creative gifts for children

If friends of the parents go to make a surprise, specifically, for a 6-month-old baby, choosing a gift is not so difficult - you can stop at toys for creative development.

The range of such things is quite wide:

  • musical pendants, tables and cubes for the little ones;
  • interactive, sounding toys that can entertain the child and, at the same time, develop his hearing;
  • spinning top with musical arrangement;
  • a box with a surprise in the form of a pleasant melody;
  • a toy phone that sings funny livers, talks and performs different melodies, if desired, it can be configured so that it will communicate with the baby in a mother's voice;
  • for six months, you can already give a baby a toy piano - this is a new kind of toy that sings, talks, plays and, at the same time, teaches;
  • developing center with sound effects - a toy representing a game panel that can be attached to a cradle, crib or playpen, and containing rattle balls, rattles, all kinds of rustling elements - each touch is accompanied by light or sound accompaniment;
  • if at 2-3 months children are more suitable for musical development of rattles, bells, sets with bells, figurines of animals that make sounds, as well as maracas and drums, then closer to the sixth month they can already purchase such instruments as squeakers, pipes as a gift , xylophones, trumpets.

Some parents believe that at the age of six months it is too early for a child to draw and sculpt, but this is not so. Right now you can give children their first finger paints, crayons, plasticine.

Toys and things for physical development

For the general development of children under the age of six months, such a gift as a developmental rug on which the baby will crawl is well suited, but in addition to this, you can give him specific things that will help strengthen the muscles of his arms and legs:

  • a useful acquisition will be a massage ball, in this case, a fitball - charging using this gymnastic apparatus will help the baby relieve excessive stress, perform the task of a massager, strengthen his musculoskeletal system;
  • jumpers - a device that looks like a seat in the form of children's panties for outdoor activities or hanging, it is believed that the device helps to activate the child's motor skills, but you need to choose such a gift with your parents if there is a recommendation from a pediatrician.

At the age of six months, children are already happy to play with cars, rubber toys, collect the details of the designer, while trying to move as much as possible. It remains only to consider which gifts in the form of toys are more suitable for children of different sexes.

What to give a boy and a girl

Despite the fact that for children at such a tender age, by and large, it is not so important whether a gift is for a girl or a boy, parents need to know what is best for their son or daughter.

You can give a girl both educational toys and other interesting and practical things:

  • musical mat with special effects;
  • a music book with voluminous luminous pages;
  • a bright large pyramid made of soft material;
  • clockwork turntable carousel with musical accompaniment;
  • elegant vests and rompers, dresses, booties and blouses, made in the original style;
  • silver spoon;
  • baby cosmetics specially designed for babies.

You can give the boy several multi-colored balls, soft cubes, a children's designer, a logic ball. The baby already knows how to crawl and sit, so it's time to buy cars for him.

Children of both sexes will enjoy the entertainment center, finger theater, clockwork bunnies and bears, bathing toys, puzzles. It is too early to give dolls to girls, because they start playing with them a year or later.

What else can you give to children and their parents

The gift can be practical, useful for parents and baby. If the invited guest wants to make a major purchase, it is probably appropriate to talk to the father and mother of the baby in advance - perhaps the child already has such a thing.

There are many options for such presentations:

  • bedspread, blanket in the baby's crib, bed linen made of natural fabric;
  • a set of bathing towels - this is relevant, since water procedures are provided daily, and towels wear out quickly;
  • high quality children's clothing, preferably for growth - undershirts, slips, blouses and sliders, they should have as few seams, coarse fasteners and zippers as possible;
  • a set of diapers, in this matter, again, you should consult with your parents;
  • a humidifier for a children's room in the form of a beautiful fountain, or a special ultrasonic device;
  • "Mom's hugs" - a child seat for rocking a baby;
  • high chair for newborn babies;
  • for 6 months, you can give a high-quality blender, because the baby switches to complementary foods, and mom will need to chop his food every day;
  • playpen or crib, other children's furniture - consultation with parents in this case is necessary.

As you can see, the choice is quite large, but friends who are close to the child should probably not give him a baptismal set or other gifts that only parents or relatives can give.

When thinking about what to give a child’s birthday, parents, as well as their guests, should start from the benefits that this or that thing can bring for the baby, because a gift is, first of all, a wish for health, harmonious development and a happy life for a little one. to a person.