
What does the autumnal equinox mean? History and traditions. Autumn equinox Spring and autumn solstices

The autumnal equinox is the name of the astronomical phenomenon in which every year in September the day is equal to the night.

In 2018, the autumnal equinox in GMT (UT) will occur on September 23 at 01:54, and in Tbilisi time on September 23 at 05:54.

What happens on the autumn equinox

It is worth noting that in reality the day today, both north and south of the equator, will last longer than the night. This is due to the fact that the sun's rays are refracted in the Earth's atmosphere, and during sunrise and sunset, the solar disk for the observer is somewhat "raised" above the horizon, which makes it seem that the morning comes a little earlier, and the evening - a little later. This phenomenon is called "atmospheric refraction", and if it were not for it, day and night would indeed be light and dark times of the day would be equally long.

By the way, in the Northern Hemisphere, astronomical autumn and winter together last five days less than spring and summer, and in the Southern Hemisphere, on the contrary, five days longer. This is due to the fact that the Earth during this period passes through a part of its orbit closer to the Sun, which is why it moves somewhat faster. At the same time, contrary to a common misconception, the change of seasons itself is not associated with a change in the distance to the Sun (which becomes minimal at the height of winter in the Northern Hemisphere), but with the fact that the Earth's axis of rotation has an inclination to the plane of the Earth's orbit.

The autumn equinox is of interest not only from an astronomical point of view, but also from a cultural point of view, since many folk traditions took into account that during this period the night becomes longer than the day.

Customs, traditions

Since ancient times, four sacred holidays have been solemnly celebrated, including the autumnal equinox, to which the people attached mystical significance.

People believed that the connection between the dead and the living was especially strong on this day.

In those distant times, they lived according to the natural calendar, according to which the new year began with the onset of the autumn equinox. During this period, people thanked the gods for the harvest and prosperity and honored the dead by decorating their graves.

The Slavs celebrated the New Year in September - the holiday symbolized the beginning of a new life cycle. The traditions of this holiday go back to ancient times. In those distant times, the Slavs, after the harvest, arranged brides, weddings and festive festivities.

Slavs in September, according to tradition, celebrated several holidays. The first - Osenins (giving away Ovsen), celebrated at the beginning of autumn. According to Slavic mythology, Ovsen is a deity who was responsible for the change of seasons. On the holiday, people thanked the Spirits and Nature for all the gifts, including the harvest.

On the day of the autumn equinox, the ancient Slavs had the seventh month of the year - Veresen (Tausen, Radogoshch). It was dedicated to Veles - the god of the three worlds (Rule, Reveal, Navi) or "three sides of being."

According to tradition, the ancient Slavs celebrated the holiday for two weeks - seven days before and seven days after the autumn equinox. They drank during the festive feasts honey drink surya. The drink was infused with freshly picked hops.

The most popular, among the delicacies on the festive table, was pastries. According to the ancient Slavic tradition, pies with cabbage brought wealth, with meat - they helped in a career, and with lingonberries - in love.

After the autumn equinox in Ancient Rus', the goddess Zhiva was escorted to the heavenly kingdom - Svarga, thanking her for the donated harvest. According to ancient tradition, the kingdom of heaven was closed for the winter.

tradition, the kingdom of heaven was closed for the winter.

The opening of Svarga in pagan times, according to tradition, was celebrated on the spring equinox, which falls on March 21. The spring equinox coincided with the last day of the festive week on Komoyeditsa (Shrovetide).

The ancient Slavic holiday Velesen, after the adoption of Christianity, was replaced by the church with the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the Orthodox celebrate it on September 21.

holiday rituals
In Rus', in the old days, they performed various rituals to attract happiness and good luck, as well as to improve their financial situation. Some of these rituals have survived to this day.

For example, wealth was attracted by such a ceremony - they baked round-shaped pies with cabbage or apples. Improvements in financial condition were expected in the near future if the dough rose quickly and the cake itself did not burn.

Another rite helped to complete the unfavorable period in life - for this, they burned all the old things in the yard, after a general cleaning in the house.

During the autumn equinox, as was believed in the old days, water had a special power. Therefore, in the evening, the girls necessarily performed the ritual of washing. And the old people and children needed to swim in order to maintain their health.

The people believed that love energy was especially strong on the day of the autumn equinox, so during this period they performed a marriage ceremony and established relationships with their soulmate.

Marriable girls performed various rituals: some put a second pillow on the bed, saying “my soulmate, come”, others burned walnut branches on a saucer with thoughts of imminent marriage, and scattered the ashes in the evening on the street.

Signs on September 23, 2018

The weather, according to signs, will be the same all autumn as it was on the autumn equinox.

The upcoming winter was judged by the rowan harvest - the more berries in the clusters, the colder the winter would be.

According to signs, autumn will be long, and winter will come late if there are a lot of cobwebs on the day of the autumnal equinox.

If the cranes are in a hurry to fly away, this is a clear sign that a harsh winter is coming.

According to signs, winter will come soon if the willow leaves begin to fall off.

A poorly laid table for the autumn equinox is a sign indicating that much will be missed in the coming year.

It was considered a good omen to visit their parents, so the children tried to visit their father's house in the morning.

Finding a “stone of luck” on the autumn equinox is a symbol of change for the better, a good omen. Therefore, people, on the way home, carefully looked under their feet, so as not to miss their happiness.

By the way, an inner feeling helped to find a stone that became a talisman. So, be careful and don't miss your luck!

The day of the autumnal equinox is an interesting astronomical event, which, in the folk traditions of various countries, was given a special, almost mystical meaning. The date of this event is not fixed. Depending on the year, it can be observed on September 22 or 23. The autumn equinox in 2018 falls on September 23 - let's recall what this phenomenon means and what importance was attached to it in the past.

The autumnal equinox of 2018 falls at 1:54 am on September 23rd GMT. In Moscow and the Moscow time zone, this will be 4:54 am on the next Sunday.

From an astronomical point of view, the equinox, whether it be spring or autumn, is a very interesting event. On the day and hour on which this phenomenon occurs, the solar disk crosses an imaginary celestial equator, moving from one hemisphere to another. In autumn, the sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern.

From the point of view of astronomy, it is the autumn equinox that means the real beginning of the autumn-winter season in the northern hemisphere and the spring-summer season in the southern.

At that point in time, which is indicated above (for each year, the time and even the date are different), the planet Earth is located strictly vertically relative to the Sun. For a short moment, both hemispheres of the Earth are turned to the heavenly body by the same degree, without a “weight” in favor of the south or north.

One of the consequences of this position of the Earth relative to the Sun is that the day on the indicated date is equal to the night. That is, light and dark time divide the day exactly in half. Both day and night are 12 hours long. Actually, this fact served as the appearance of the word “equinox”.

An interesting fact is that the days of the autumn and spring equinoxes are separated from each other by half a year, but in terms of the number of days, winter in the northern hemisphere is a week shorter than summer.

Indeed, formally from the day of the spring equinox (usually March 22) to the autumn day (September 22-23) is exactly six months. However, the duration of the months is different, and as a result, the winter period lasts 179 days in the northern hemisphere, and the summer period - 186 days. Accordingly, winter in the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, is a week longer, at least in terms of astronomy.

The day of the autumn equinox in 2018 is an event mostly purely astronomical and interesting from a scientific point of view. However, many in our country are fond of ancient Slavic traditions, so such people will be interested in what importance our ancestors attached to this September phenomenon.

Before the baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir, the autumn equinox meant the beginning of the next month, which was dedicated to Veles. Veles is a pagan god who occupied the second place in the hierarchy of gods after Perun. Veles patronized poetry and storytellers.

The day of the autumn equinox was celebrated widely - two weeks of festivities. For one week, the Slavs walked until the equinox, another week of festivities went after this date.

It was believed that water had a special power during the autumn equinox. The Slavs tried to wash themselves as often as possible these days, believing that the special properties of water give beauty and health.

After the baptism of Rus', pagan traditions became a thing of the past. Instead of the holiday of the autumn equinox in September, the Nativity of the Virgin appeared. However, some old superstitions proved to be very tenacious.

So, for example, the rowan plucked these days was very revered. It was believed that a branch of mountain ash, which was plucked on the day of the autumn equinox, would protect the home from various misfortunes that were sent by dark forces. Usually rowan was placed between window frames.

According to how abundantly the mountain ash ripened, our ancestors determined whether the winter would be frosty and harsh. The more rowan berries ripened, the more severe the winter will be.

It is believed that on the Day of the autumnal equinox, the Indian summer comes, which lasts for several days. And after it, the weather will deteriorate, and every day it will be colder. There are a number of signs that allow you to find out the future weather.

  • It is believed that what weather will come into force on the Equinox Day, this will be the next autumn days.
  • They say that if it is warm and dry in September, such weather will be before the onset of winter, and winter will come into force later than usual.
  • If the birds leave their nests on this day, then winter will come soon and it will be extremely cold.
  • Trees also help determine the approach of winter - if birch and rowan trees have yellow leaves, then winter will come very soon.
  • The mountain ash harvest is rich - autumn is rainy, winter is very cold.
  • A good harvest of acorns predicts a snowy Christmas.
  • If on this day it is dry and warm outside, then the winter will be mild.
  • Flying cranes or other birds speak of a harsh winter.
  • It will be a warm autumn if there is a thunderstorm on the Equinox Day.

Thus, on this day, you just have to look at nature, and you can predict the weather in autumn and winter.

There are many different versions about the special forces and magnetism that surrounds people on the Day of the autumnal equinox. That is why psychics and astrologers advise to perform certain rituals (ceremonies) so that the coming period is successful and brings only good things.

You need to start the day with washing with dew before dawn, this helps to maintain youth.

During the autumn equinox, ancestors who have passed away are commemorated. For this, an altar is made as a symbol of memory; apples, mountain ash and other autumn fruits are placed on it. They light candles, remember relatives and friends who are no longer alive. We need to thank, bless, wish them happiness. It is as if they are treating them with laid fruits. You need to say the phrase: "Our ancestors, eat with us." After the ceremony, it is forbidden to eat the fruits, they are given to animals, or they are taken out of the apartment.

It is supposed to meet the dawn on this day. You need to go out into the open space, look at the coming sunrise, welcome the coming day, the next step in life. You need to look at the sun and imagine how it illuminates with a special golden energy.

It is necessary to let go with gratitude all the superfluous things in life - like habits, extra kilos, negative people, situations, things. Mentally, you need to imagine how you thank and let it all go, you can write it on paper and throw the sheet into the fire or set it on fire.

You can pick rowan branches on the Equinox Day, put them on the windowsill or hang them over the doors. They say that this protects the house from evil eyes, bad people entering the living quarters.

For those who are looking for love and a couple, you need to buy an extra toothbrush, slippers or pillow on this day, or you can do all at the same time. These things should be given a certain “only their” place in the apartment (house).

On the equinox, you can “charge” a certain banknote with energy, put it in your wallet (purse), or in the most prominent place. This bill will increase the income of the owner.

You need to slander the old thing, write it on the leaf of the disease and burn everything.

On the equinox, you can tie yourself or ask a kind and positive person looking at life for a red woolen thread for 7 knots. While tying each knot out loud or to yourself, you need to lay down your innermost desires.

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There are four moments in the annual cycle that play a significant role in life on Earth.

People have long known about the existence of these transition points, but the physical essence of these phenomena became clear only with the development. We are talking about two solstices (winter and summer) and two equinoxes (spring and autumn).

What is a solstice?

At the everyday level, we understand that the solstice is the day with the longest (summer solstice) or shortest (winter solstice) daylight hours. Our distant ancestors knew well that the day shortens before the winter solstice, and after it begins to increase. In summer, everything happens the other way around. It has also been observed that on the day of the winter solstice the sun occupies the lowest position above the horizon, and at the time of the summer solstice it passes the highest point for the whole year.

What is happening with our planet and the Sun from a scientific point of view? Recall some astronomical concepts.

Celestial sphere- an imaginary surface that we look at while on Earth and looking at the sky. For us, earthly observers, it is in the celestial sphere that all celestial objects move, including the Sun.

Ecliptic- a circle located on the celestial sphere, along which the movement of the Sun relative to the Earth occurs.

celestial sphere- a circle located on the celestial sphere perpendicular to coincides with the equator of the Earth.

Due to the fact that the Earth's axis is inclined to the orbit of the planet around our star, the equator of the celestial sphere and the ecliptic do not coincide. Due to this, the seasons change with the moments of transition - the solstices.

On the day of the solstice, the Sun passes through the points of the ecliptic that are farthest from the celestial equator. Otherwise, it can be expressed as follows: the solstices are the moments of the greatest (winter) or least (summer) deviation of the earth's axis from the Sun.

Winter and summer solstice

The winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22 (the date may vary for different time zones). On this day in the northern hemisphere, the shortest daylight hours and the longest night are observed. The summer solstice falls on June 21 and is distinguished by the fact that this date has the longest daylight hours and the most fleeting night.

In the southern hemisphere, opposite processes take place: there is a summer solstice in December, and a winter solstice in June.

What is an equinox?

There are two more important points in the annual cycle - the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. These days the Sun passes the intersection points of the celestial equator and the ecliptic. The days of the equinoxes fall in the middle of the period from one solstice to another (although due to the fact that the earth moves around the Sun not in a circle, but in an ellipse, the dates shift slightly).

The spring equinox falls on March 20 or 21, and the autumn equinox on September 22 or 23. As the name implies, the equinoxes are the moments when the day is equal in length to the night.

How do the solstices and equinoxes affect life on Earth?

People have always known that critical points in the movement of our luminary across the celestial sphere affect nature. This is especially true for residents of northern latitudes, where the change of seasons is more pronounced. For example, from the day of the March equinox, real spring comes to us: it becomes warmer, the soil warms up, plants come to life. This is of great importance for agriculture.

It is no coincidence that the agricultural calendar has always been associated with the days of the solstices and equinoxes. These dates included important pagan holidays, some of which were adopted by Christianity. Here are the holidays:

Winter Solstice - Catholic Christmas and Kolyada;

Spring equinox - Maslenitsa;

Summer solstice - the feast of Ivan Kupala;

The autumn equinox is a harvest festival.

As you can see, in the technocratic 21st century, we celebrate these events without even thinking that they are connected with the annual solar cycle and how dependent our ancestors were on natural phenomena.

Winter solstice. - On the calendar end of November, which means that less than a month remains before the day of the Winter Solstice. For those who are not in the know, I will say that on the day of the Winter Solstice there will be a change in annual energies according to the theory of Bazi and Qi Men. This year this day falls on December 21, 2016. At 13:50 Moscow time, the Fire Monkey gives up its place of honor Fire Rooster! Who will be lucky in the Rooster, and who will peck them mercilessly in the most painful place, it is interesting to know?

I'll start with a pleasant - with luck: 1. Rats, Monkeys and Dragons are lucky in romantic and love relationships. The rooster for these people is the "flower of romance", so in 2017 these people will be unusually lucky on the love front. They will be noticeable to the opposite sex and incredibly attractive. 2. If you were born in the year (day) of the Snake or Ox, in 2017 you will also be lucky, especially if the Metal element is favorable for you. 3. If you were born in the year (day) of the Monkey or Dragon, and the Metal element is favorable for you, then you will also be successful in the coming year. 4. If you were born in the year (day) of Yin Metal, then the year of the Rooster is your "reward star" for you. In the coming year, you will find success in the field of career. Especially if you already have your own business or are planning to start such a business in 2017. 5. If you were born in the year or day of Yang Fire / Yin Fire, then the coming year of the Fire Rooster is the year of the Noble person for you. This means that for a whole year in the heavenly office they hear you, help and support you as much as possible! 6. If you were born in the year (day) Fire Yin/Earth Yin, then the Rooster for you is the "symbolic star" of the Academician. This means that throughout the year you will have success in the field of education. If your plans for 2017 include the item "get additional education" - be sure to take advantage of this luck from heaven. Who does the Rooster not love in 2017 and who can he attack? First of all - 1. Rooster does not like Rabbits (year or birthday). These people will be uncomfortable in 2017, especially if the elements of Metal or Fire are harmful to them. In second place is the Dog. People born in the year or day of this animal during 2017 will feel discomfort. 3. Tigers and Oxen are not particularly lucky in the year of the Rooster, but if the element Fire is favorable for you, then the Rooster will not prevent you from succeeding in 2017. 4. If you were born in the year of the Pig or the Goat, and the element of Fire is favorable for you, the year of the Rooster will be very comfortable for you, especially if you decide start a family this year.

In the Bazi map of the upcoming 2017, active, bright, active

Metal is constantly in conflict with the element of the year, the weak Yin Fire. Fire by its very nature melts, subjugates metal (money)), but because there is a lot of metal, and it is active, the elements of Fire are very difficult to control and subjugate. That is why money matters come to the fore in 2017. Everything related to business and money will be difficult to control for a whole year. Well, you need to understand that the forecast I voiced is very general, and therefore it may be incorrect for you personally. Each person's map has its own nuances that can radically change the picture. Complete information can only be given by an individual forecast calculated on your map. I will talk about such a forecast in the next newsletter.

Solstice and equinox in the northern hemisphere 2016 - 2020... - The spring and autumn equinoxes of 2016 are an astronomical event in which day equals nights, marking the change of seasons like the summer and winter solstices. We know that the spring and autumn equinoxes occur exactly at the moment when our Sun crosses the celestial equator in its annual movement across the sky. These points, respectively, are in the constellations of Pisces and Virgo.

About the daysdressing and solstice.- The summer and winter solstices are marked by the greatest distance of the Sun from the celestial equator. Accordingly, these points are at this moment in the constellations of Taurus and Sagittarius. The point of the summer solstice, according to astronomical calculations, moved to the constellation Taurus quite recently, only in 1988. Prior to this, the point of summer opposition was in the constellation Gemini. A rather slow shift of the equinoxes and solstices occurs mainly as a result of precession, which means that the directions of the earth's axis gradually change, occurring under the influence of the attraction of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. Talking about the dates of spring and autumn equinox, it is necessary to distinguish the date according to universal time (Greenwich Mean Time), as well as the date of the time zone of the area where you live. If, for example, the spring or autumn equinox occurred before 24:00 GMT, in countries that are located west of the zero meridian, this day has not yet arrived, then, according to local time, the onset of the equinox will be considered 1 day earlier. If the equinox came later than 24:00 GMT, then in those states that are located east of the zero meridian, the next day will already come, which means that the date of the equinox will be 1 day more. Below, in the table we have provided, you can see the exact dates of the spring and autumn equinoxes, just like the winter and summer solstices for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

The time below is given in Greenwich Mean Time.

Equinoxes and Solstice Days 2016

Equinoxes and Solstice Days 2017

Equinoxes and Solstice Days 2018

Equinoxes and Solstice Days 2019

Equinoxes and Solstice Days 2020

There are things in our world that are unchanging and defined. These include: spring and autumn equinoxes, winter and summer solstices. The winter solstice is a kind of astronomical event, the moment the center of the Sun passes through the points of the ecliptic, the most distant from the equator of the celestial sphere and are called solstice points. 21 andDecember 22 are the shortest days of the year. December 21-22 is the longest night. The sun will descend as much as possible into the southern hemisphere of the sky, that is, moving along the ecliptic, it will reach its lowest declination - and astronomical winter will come. During the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, the Sun remains above the horizon least of all. In astrology, it is believed that this date is the real beginning of winter. According to many customs, this is also the real beginning of the New Year: and this is logical, before that the sun was decreasing, the length of the day was decreasing, and now the day is starting to increase, the sun is getting bigger - real birthSun, and with it the New Year! Living in close contact with nature, subordinating their lives to cosmic rhythms, peoples used this time as a starting point for improving the quality of their lives. The ancient Russian calendar was based on the phenomena of the four seasonal incarnations of the Sun: Kolyada - Yarilo - Kupail - Svetovit, tied to four astronomical solar events of the year:

  1. the weak winter sun-baby Kolyada is born renewed in the morning after the Night of the Winter Solstice,
  2. on the Day of the Spring Equinox, the young man Yarilo turns into a stronger sun,
  3. on the Day of the Summer Solstice, the husband of Kupail turns into the mighty sun,
  4. on the Day of the Autumnal Equinox, it turns into an aging and weakening wise autumn sun-old man Svetovit, dying at sunset before the Night of the Winter Solstice, in order to be reborn in the morning as a renewed sun-baby Kolyada, again gaining its solar strength.

And did our ancestors stand at a low level of culture (as, in particular, D.K. Zelenin believed), celebrating Russian holidays? In their ritual complexes, was not that Great Knowledge of the laws of the cosmos preserved and preserved, which our wise ancestors wanted to convey to us - their descendants? Scientists today assume quite that in the rites Winter Christmas time, Maslenitsa and Trinity-Kupala cycle fixed those, as physicists call them, "phase transitions" through which the primary structure passes universe- the cosmic ocean in its creative, creative process. Winter Christmas time is a stable, immobile, potentially carrying all possibilities form of a crystal. She is ruled by the masculine principle - Father Frost, about which A.S. Famintsyn in his book “The Deities of the Ancient Slavs” wrote: “According to the Russian settlers, the sun is a fire supported by Grandfather, under whose name, therefore, in this case one should understand the supreme heavenly God.” Maslenitsa or Krasnaya Gorka, which in ancient times always ended on the Day of the vernal equinox. This is the movement of melted snow and ice, the transition from a crystalline potential form to an active, liquid one, which is ruled by the creative feminine principle - Mother-in-law. And finally, Green Svyatki or Semik and Trinity. Here is another transformation of the gradual transformation of water into steam, plasma, and then into the Light. Consider biology. After all, it is Light that gives birth to living life - green leaves and grass. And this entire “phase complex” is completed by the Kupala night, when the process of reincarnation of those who must return to our world as newborn children, that is, people, is turned on.

Everything is very logical: Crystal - Water - ionized steam- Light - Green leaf (tree, herbs) - Human. And at the same time, the crystal is the starting point. After all, this term itself literally means “frozen light”. And that means that a Person who has reached the “frozen light”, who has acquired a “light body”, i.e. "saint" - Rishi (or Rasha) - is: a Sage who comprehended the Main Meaning of the Universe - the eternal and endless cycle of life! There are things in our world that are unchanging and defined. These include: spring and autumn equinoxes, winter and summer solstices.

WINTER SOLSTICE. Dec 22. - On the day of the winter solstice, the light embodied in the Sun begins to rise from the very depths, highlighting the axis on which all layers of being are strung. The turn that takes place in the very center of the night of the year has a special power, joining which, all living things will begin their ascent to manifestation. By witnessing this event, we give ourselves the opportunity to participate in the deepest rhythms of our lives, to keep up with the times from the very beginning, and not wake up in the middle of an old act of life drama, with the question - “What is even going on here?”.

The main thing on this day is to feel this turn, to reproduce it as some kind of internal movement.

If you set such a goal - how to do it, options will come. Let your creativity, the sunny beginning, be manifested here, this is important. The day should not pass “as usual”, put a little more of your strength into it, appear in it a little brighter than yesterday. Do something in it that you have never gotten your hands on before. But this business should not be cumbersome, it should draw a lot of strength out of you. Just to feel that there are a little more of them, and try to get joy from it.

The days around the winter solstice are the best days of the year when you can really change your destiny. That is, to be reborn in the same way as the Sun, to discard all unnecessary and give rise to a new one.

Three days before December 21 and three after - this is an energetically charged time. Strong flows of energy descend on Earth. Therefore, in the days preceding the winter solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything unnecessary. This can be done mentally, but it is better to write on paper everything you want to get rid of and burn it. It is also beneficial before this day to cleanse your home, yourself, find time to cleanse your thoughts. Wish happiness to your loved ones, relatives, friends - this is the easiest thing to do these days. After that, it is very favorable to make plans for the whole year (preferably write in a notebook), make wishes, use intention, conduct meditations for yourself and for the whole Earth. On this day, you must definitely find time in order to touch the depths of your life. Move away from the superficial everyday bustle and pay attention to what is happening inside you, in life. And starting from this foundation, find what ideas of yours are waiting to be born, brought to life, what is ready to become a plan for the future. Plans, compiled on this day and for the whole year, have a special power - because you fill them with the power of the growing Sun. It is advisable to write down and save these plans. During the Solstice, it is auspicious to make wishes, use intention, conduct meditations for yourself and for the whole Earth. All this will have a special power due to the natural rhythms of nature. And on December 22 in the morning, try to meet the sunrise and congratulate him on his birth, thank him for everything that it gives us.

Point designation. - The points of the winter and summer solstices are indicated by the symbols of the zodiac corresponding to the constellations in which they were located at the time of Hipparchus (as a result of the prelude of the equinoxes, these points have shifted and are now located, respectively, in the constellations of Sagittarius and Taurus, and the point of the summer solstice has moved to the constellation of Taurus from the constellation Gemini relatively recently - in the fall of 1988): the winter solstice - the sign of Capricorn (), the summer solstice - the sign of Cancer ().

solstice(solstice) - the old Russian name for the solstice. Corresponded to the moment of the "turn" of the Sun for profit or loss of the day. In Rus' and in many European countries, the winter solstice was celebrated as a celebration of the birth of the sun.

1. Sun (Kolovorot).
2. All that universe that lives according to the law of a given time (the solstice is turned to the east) and space (the solstice, that is, Nature).
3. Cult Sign of the Slovenian Family (song "Wolf Solstice").
4. Medical symbol, it encodes the movement of biological time, the process of growth and aging. The circle of metabolism of the circulatory system, the respiratory cycle and the activity of the lymphatic system, etc.
5. A holiday among the ancient Slavs, dividing the year into a period of life and a period of death.
Summer solstice- the holiday of Midsummer, the shortest night of the year, the triumph of the Great Light. On the night of 20 to 21 (from 21 to 22) June, dreams and reality mix with each other. This is one of the most important and widespread solar holidays.
The night before the Summer Solstice - "there is a time for great Magic and great Power." Medicinal herbs are collected on this day. Plants - a combination of mistletoe with oak, St. John's wort, rose, fern. Celtic Oak Festival. June 20-23 are the shortest nights of the year. These nights are full of energy and magic. June 21 is considered a major turning point on the Wheel of the Year. Reality and dreams are mixed, the boundaries between the worlds become thinner. This day symbolizes the highest point, the maximum peak, rise, rise, ecstasy, both in nature and in human life. The holiday embodies fertility, abundance, glory, triumph, generosity, fullness of life, happiness. Cheerfulness, love of life, fun reign in this shortest of earthly nights. From a mystical point of view, this holiday combines all four elements at once - fire, water, earth, air. Therefore, the Spirits of these elements rejoice and have fun together with people. In ancient times, people celebrated this night in order to gain their strength and energy through the rituals and rites of worship of the Elements. For example, it was believed that the earth gives a solid foundation in life, self-confidence, fertility. However, the main essence of this holiday is that people learn to enjoy life, love it, enjoy it. It helps to open the heart and feel happiness. On this holiday, it is customary to go to nature, closer to the water. Until dawn, bonfires blaze, laughter is heard, cheerful songs ring. Ritual bathing, wreaths of flowers, dances around the fire - all these are elements without which a holiday is not conceivable. In addition, Midsummer is a good time for the initiation of youth, for the first stage of initiation - familiarization with the magic circle. This night is good for love, but not for special fertility rituals, but just for making love for your own pleasure. Running naked at dawn on the grass wet with dew and splashing your sexual energy through the fields and forests is a good remedy for infertility and a guarantee of strong, healthy offspring in the future. On this holiday, a sacrificial effigy is created and burned. It could be Wicker Man, as the Celts do, i.e. a wicker man, inside of which the victims are laid. Such an effigy is burned with the first rays of the sun. It can be a straw (or from last year's hay) scarecrow on a cross. This is set in the center of the fire, which is lit at the beginning of the night. In any case, this is a sacrifice to the Gods of Fertility, so that the harvest is plentiful and neither prolonged rains nor hail spoil it.

The night from 21 to 22 December is special. First, it will be the moment of the Winter Solstice (1:23 am on December 22 Moscow time). Secondly, the Moon will be in the phase of the full moon, its maximum light, and also in Taurus - the sign of its exaltation (Vedic horoscope).

Equinox Day 2018

The night from 21 to 22 December will be the longest in 2018 in the entire northern hemisphere. This phenomenon occurs for the reason that it is at this time that the inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation relative to the Sun becomes greatest. In the calendar, this date is called the Winter Solstice. The exact date and time of the winter solstice in 2018: GMT - December 21, 22 hours 23 minutes GMT Kiev time - December 22 at 00 hours 23 minutes Moscow time - December 22 at 01 hours 23 minutes December 21 and 22 - the shortest days of the year, and between them is the longest night of the year. Astronomical summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere at the time of the winter solstice. In astrology, the winter solstice is the moment the Sun passes into the constellation Capricorn and the beginning of astronomical winter, which will last right up to the day of the vernal equinox.


First, we have 4 important points in the wheel of the year - spring and autumn equinoxes, summer and winter solstices. They divide the solar year into a cross - a key symbol of the cyclicity of the universe and the Sun (Slavic and Vedic swastikas).

Each of these 4 stages has its own qualities, and on the day of the Winter Solstice, we in the northern hemisphere experience the longest, darkest night, after which the day begins to grow.

Secondly, in 2018 this day coincides with the full moon - a special phase of the moon, in which we receive the maximum light of the night star. This day is very important for practices and work with intention, rituals are performed on it.


The Winter Solstice is the moment of the rebirth of the Sun, when its light will be more and more. Within our human cycle, this corresponds to a spiritual uplift, a movement from darkness to light. The full moon amplifies the energies of this day, further charging the practices and intentions worth doing on this day.

Do not overlook such an important day in the annual cycle. Our ancestors always performed festive rituals on such days, which showed their deep understanding of the laws of the universe, connection with the cycles of nature, life in harmony with the outside world and the cosmos. Recommended practices:

1. Purification. To enter into the new, one must leave the old. Therefore, it will be very good to do cleansing practices the day before:

  • House cleaning getting rid of old things.
  • Body cleansing. Any available and shown to your health way of cleansing or unloading the body.
  • Repayment of debts, completion of "defects". Sit down and make a list of what you owe someone or once promised, or maybe promised yourself, started and did not finish. Some things you can complete before December 22, and some things in the near future to make room for a new cycle.
  • Forgiveness and letting go of grudges. Practice forgiveness. Remember and write down the situations, the people you have grievances against, write the words of forgiveness, speak out loud, release them from the emotional field with gratitude. Burn this piece of paper. K. Tipping's book "Radical Forgiveness" will help you.

Our ancestors knew and honored the laws of nature, so they celebrated events such as the winter solstice.

Despite the enormous progress achieved, even modern technology is not able to break the magic of natural cycles: the lunar day will not change places, and summer will not come after autumn.

In 2018, the winter solstice will occur on December 22 at 01:23 am Moscow time. On this day, the Sun reaches its lowest position. Further, at the end of December and January, daylight hours become longer.

In astrology, on this day the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Sagittarius to Capricorn, and astrological winter begins.

Note that on the night of December 21-22, astronomical winter begins. This is because the height of the sun in the sky is the lowest on this day. In the old days, on this day, our ancestors celebrated it at night, before sunrise. Various rituals and conspiracies were performed.

The traditions of many peoples implied the celebration of the winter solstice as the birth of a new Sun.

It is worth saying that our ancestors tried to prepare their homes for the Winter Solstice: a general cleaning was carried out, and the rooms and houses were decorated outside with spruce branches.

The day of the winter solstice among the Slavs was considered the New Year. The celebration was called in honor of Kolyada, the god of the new Sun.

As for the longest day, it is observed on June 22, then in the future it gradually declines. At the end of June, the days begin to slowly decrease, and by December they will reach their minimum. In the most northern cities even the polar night will come.

In turn, the day of the autumn equinox occurs from September 21 to 23, when the day is the same length as the night. After this day, the night begins to increase and the day to decrease.

According to universal time, the spring equinox occurs on March 22, when the Sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern. This is the period when the day is almost equal to the night.