
Congratulations on your first day of work. Congratulations on your return to work after the decree Congratulations on your return from vacation

Congratulations on your return to activity, with the end of your vacation. I wish you to start the work process with renewed vigor and fresh ideas, I wish you not to lose your dexterity and self-confidence, I wish you to go to work as if on a holiday, and go home with inner warmth and a sense of happiness.

Time has flown by, vacation has come to an end, it's time to return to work. I wish you an optimistic attitude, confident strength and incredible enthusiasm, high activity, diligent and fruitful work, a wonderful mood and excellent health.

Congratulations on your vacation. I wish you to start working with renewed vigor and positive energy, I wish you to quickly achieve all your goals and not lose optimism, I wish you tremendous success and constant inspiration, I wish you high prosperity and no fatigue.

I know I didn't really want to, but I have to. Congratulations on your return. Vacation is over and it's time to get back on track. I wish you a quick “build-up” and confident steps towards new successes. And let your every day begin with a smile, enthusiasm, a new dream and great luck.

Congratulations on your vacation! I wish that the replenished strength and gained impressions are more than enough for the entire period of employment, until the next vacation! Let the work give incredible results, please and give pleasure. Wealth, prospects and career growth!

Enough fooling around, time to get back to work. Congratulations on leaving the vacation and I wish you to quickly swing, easily join the work process. Let there be no difficulties and obstacles on the way to new successes and achievements. In general, you have the strength after the holidays, let there be also inspiration for productive activities.

Congratulations on your vacation. With a new charge of energy, inspiration and strength, I wish you to start fruitful, fun, successful work and with high salaries and high results, get to your next vacation as soon as possible.

Congratulations on your return from vacation and I want to wish you with new enthusiasm and a huge supply of inspiration to return to work and achieve incredible success. I wish you to work without fatigue and boredom, but actively and easily, work and win more and more prizes, awards and praises.

So the vacation is over, but this is not a reason to be sad, this is a reason to rush forward into battle, to new victories and heights. Let the charge of energy that has accumulated during the rest helps to break even through the walls.

The vacation is over, it's time to go to work, otherwise we've been waiting. I wish you to return to your business and duties with new strength and brilliant ideas after the rest, I wish you to feel an incredible surge of energy and self-confidence, I wish you not to overwork and not doubt your success. Good luck, cheerfulness and fun work.

Summer is over and with it the holidays. While some were basking in the sun in hot countries or relaxing in the country, others worked for two and waited for the return of their colleagues. And it is necessary to meet vacationers, if not with music, then at least with surprises, for example, such as in our review.

1. Bright corner

Paste all possible surfaces with bright stickers that will definitely please a colleague on the first working day.

2. Wrapping paper

"Wrap" a colleague's desktop in wrapping paper and present it to the owner who has returned from vacation.

3. Aquarium

Set up a small aquarium in the closet where important papers are usually stored.

4. Pop art

Surprise a colleague by pasting his office with pop art portraits.

5. Web

Stretch a web of threads around the perimeter of the cabinet.

6. Cardboard crafts

Replace real furniture and appliances with their cardboard copies.

7. Styrofoam balls

Fill your colleagues' offices with styrofoam balls so nothing gets damaged while they're away.

At the workplace of a colleague, organize a themed fan zone dedicated to some celebrity.

Cover cabinet surfaces with bubble wrap, which can be used as a sedative.

Bring a toilet bowl to the chief's office so that he does not break away from the accumulated cases for a second.

In the absence of the owner, carefully wrap all surfaces of the cabinet with cling film.

Put all the lunch boxes in an empty office so that its owner will later appreciate how much he missed.

A little positive before the first day of work.

Inform a colleague that his office is temporarily occupied by guinea pigs.

A joke that will help a rested employee quickly get back to work.

Oh, this cherished word is vacation. For a person who is tired of everyday workloads, it causes awe. With his head held high, the employee leaves the hateful office and heads to warmer climes. But everything has its end, which means that the time comes when you have to return to work again. To help a colleague cope with the first working day after a vacation, the team often speaks personally or gives a postcard with pleasant, encouraging wishes. In this article, you can find the right words.

For boss

"For some time, the life of our team has changed: everyone was not working so actively, day after day was gray and dull. This is due to the absence of a wise leader who always knows where to direct the energy of his subordinates. Now you are with us again! We hope that the forces accumulated during the rest, they will be partially transferred to the team, and it will work even more productively.Forward, with new ideas for better results!

Our team is a family, and you are its head. Like all children, we should not be left unattended for long periods of time. The team is glad that now we will work in full force. When a leader is inspired to new achievements, then subordinates adopt this feeling. Together with you we will achieve our goals!

The boss's vacation evokes different emotions. Joy from the opportunity to relax a little, envy (exceptionally white) from the emotions experienced by another person, longing for the one who from the first minutes sets the tone for the entire working day. But the leader is sure to return, which means that the atmosphere in the team comes full circle. We hope that during the rest you replenished your strength and patience in order to return to duty again! Please accept my congratulations on the first working day after the holidays!

Colleagues of the weaker sex

"A woman is always beautiful, but decorating the world around her is not an easy task. She requires a lot of strength that needs to be replenished. Then you left us, which made the whole team very upset. Now we are together again, and a light tan and a sea of ​​​​photos for a long time will remain the envy of all colleagues.Let the memories of a wonderful vacation brighten up sometimes difficult working days!

Our postcard on the first working day after vacation is a way to show how much we missed your company. The male half of the team, with expectation and bated breath, counted the days when they would see one of the most beautiful members of the team again, and the female half, in turn, suffered from a lack of information. We all breathed a sigh of relief, because now the employees are in place and working life will be the same. May joyful memories not be overshadowed, and the smile does not leave your face! The next vacation is just around the corner!

For male colleagues

"Rest ... How tiring it must be to be torn from day to day between going to the beach and a serene sleep in a hotel room. But now you do not have to experience these torments, and a loyal team and a sensitive boss will make sure that work does not cease to bring pleasure, and the vacation seemed just a waste of time! This is all, of course, an irony! We are sure that a change of scenery and a break from the bustle of the city did you good. We are very glad that you returned to our ranks again!

Keep our congratulations on the first working day after the holidays! We know that you are a very energetic and active person, and therefore a long absence of work is a burden for you. But the team suffered no less! We have lost the soul of the company and are very glad that you have started working again!".

funny congratulations

"To brighten up the first working day after the holidays, cool congratulations from your favorite team are what you need! Now your life has meaning again, we have appeared (which, in principle, is the same thing). We wish you to steadfastly meet Monday morning, cope with work and replenish the collection of magnets on the refrigerator!

It took us a long time to get used to your absence. Even the guard noticed that someone had not greeted him for two weeks. We are happy to congratulate you on your first working day after your vacation and wish you new achievements, high wages, delicious coffee and only pleasant troubles!

Getting started is not always easy. To please a colleague, congratulate him on the first working day after the vacation. The support and love of the team will brighten up the difficult ones and allow you to tune in to the right wave.

It's hard for you today
First day to work
After your vacation, you left.
And you're a little lazy.

But favorite work
It will quickly lead to feelings.
Let the mood worker soon
It will come to you on this day!

Here you are again at work -
All in business and all in care.
With the release of you, colleague,
With a new creative run!

Congratulations on your return from vacation. May new forces and fresh ideas contribute to the achievement of great success and high results in business. I wish you unquenchable enthusiasm, eternal inspiration and great luck in your work.

It was so nice to rest
You don't have to get up in the morning
Make vacation plans
Now it's nice to remember.

But the hour has struck, it's time to work,
Even though it's hard to get to work,
And there are worries
And again on vacation you want something.

But don't be sad and don't be sad
Enjoy the memory
Feel free to work
And do not lose optimism.

sunburned hands,
New hairstyle!
Congratulations to all of you
With the exit from vacation.

Don't be sad and don't be sad
The days have gone by.
Get to work
Clear the rubble.

At work, life flies
And in hot works
You will not notice how again
Vacation fades.

We know the day is not easy,
But you are all welcome.
We've been waiting for vacation
Already exhausted completely.

We wish you strength
Apply immediately.
The nerves that healed
Try to save.

Coming out of vacation
We congratulate you
The team solemnly
Joyfully meets.

The work has accumulated
no end
You are in it, like in the sea,
Dive with your head.

Welcome back, welcome back
Days of carefree ending.
Vacation flew by. So what?
You are going to work.

Congratulations! There is work!
Now the main concern is
Do everything, be in time everywhere
Understand everything and be able to do everything.

Just hold out for a year
And again - on vacation. Relax.
The fact is that he does not go on vacation
Who lives without work.

Oh, how hard it is to go to work.
Rest a drop of hunting.
After all, your vacation is not long.
Work has a birthday again.

And you have to work, my friend.
Be like everyone else, and not be lazy at all.
With the end of vacation! You know,
Let everything be as you only dream!

Your vacation flew by quickly
It's a pity you can't stay in warm countries!
So many things have accumulated
And it's time to get to work!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday
Gave you a lot of strength!
And now I confess honestly:
You were missed at work!

That ended so quickly
All happy days.
Flew in an instant
Like crazy moths.

I want the strength to quit
Into our great cauldron of labor.
So that excitement, inspiration
A wave suddenly picked up.

Congratulations on your first working day

Congratulations on the first working day in the style of Vladimir Mayakovsky

You give labor
Exclusive personality
Your working day is the most
Let it be joyful
With your work you
Benefit to society
Can create an atmosphere
And this is only the first day!
You will get in on the action
maybe something for you
Amazing even
it seems
But then it's all in my head
"settle down"!
Let in work today
and beyond
Only luck accompanies!
To not be
a team!
To work
on the positive!

To the celebration on the first working day

Everything happens for the first time:
The aroma intoxicates lilac ...
And in a bouquet of wild flowers ...
And a working day!

This is the first day in my career
It will become a starting point, you know
Everything in the salary will be rewarded as ...
No, let it be immeasurably in the salary!

May success portend this day
To please the life of work,
The path to the heights always illuminates,
Like a torch in the night fire!

On your first day of work
Let the matter argue
Everything is with your head
Get smart!

On the work lane
We wish you feats
With a professional start, we are all here
Friendly congratulations!

Happy first day of work
Today is your first working day
Let laziness retreat immediately
After all, in our friendly team
Only a workaholic in the future
And you are what we need -
Noticeably unarmed look!
You will work hard for everyone
Live by the same rules.
And soon success
Fall on the heads of all of us.
Wish you fast progress
And only happy moments
To always be lucky at work,
Fewer calls on Saturday
So that you love us like a family,
Moment drove into a rut,
Became a train driver
And from a clean, colorful page
Went to new accomplishments
And the best decisions.

Congratulations on your first working day

Today is your first working day
So let the flame of passion burn.
We know it's scary, because everyone was there,
You know: everyone will help you always and everywhere.

Read also: Decree on a temporary position

We will easily accept you into our team,
Believe that we will not deprive you of your salary,
Let's help, suggest a working moment, -
And instantly in the wallet is already a dividend.

We wish you success in hard work,
So that you see profit for the company everywhere.
Work is like a holiday, always to be
And never upset you.

Poem from the team
In the eyes of fear, doubt, fear,
After all, your first day at work.
Throw away the weight of your thoughts,
Our team will open the door

With support, help, support,
Always gives you good advice.
"Family" you will love soon -
Have been working here for many years.

Well, today we accept
You are warm, even hot.
We wish you good luck in your career
And next to a strong shoulder.

Of course, so that the salary
Never failed.
Colleague, happy, rich
And always be happy!


Gives a clear "good"

On ideas, plans and ideas,

Congratulations on your first working day
We hope you enjoy
You have a new team.
We want to deal with everything.
Boss is fair

The work is interesting
And the work is easy for us.
The task is clear to everyone in the morning.

Try not to be late
Do work on time
And express an opinion
Correctly and not in the forehead,

Then you will be honored
Of course, respect.
Well, that's all greetings -
Let's get started!

Let the work go smoothly in the new place.
To inspiration on weekdays, and on Saturday.
To join the team very soon.
And so that the boss is only fair.

So that all colleagues are best friends,
Let work become like a family.
Promotion would be up the career path,
Let them arrive nearby - happiness and success!

Congratulations for the new employee
On the first day of work
Let's congratulate.
Others for presidency -
Should know it.

Let the money shovel
You will row.
For one paycheck
Find happiness.

Together in a team
It was always.
Anger let the leadership -
From a goose, like water!

Verse for the first day of work
The rules are simple to learn:
Need to get started on work
Do not argue with the boss and love colleagues
And be known as an expert in the field.

Congratulations on the first working day (employment, vacation, after the New Year)

Congratulations on the first working day after the New Year

The holidays are over
I was lazy at work
But still I had to go
To succeed with a salary!
And now we are friends
And work friends
We're all drowning in business,
We are waiting for the New Year again! ©

New Year's and Christmas,
How good it was
Christmas trees, dances, tinsel,
Rest was ours with a bang!
But everything comes to an end
Well, let's meet without sadness,
Our first day of work
We will even meet without a tear.
In fact, it's good,
let's earn more!
To have something to spend
To go on vacation, on the floor! ©

Santa Claus and Snow Maidens,
And herrings that are under the skin,
Tangerines, tinsel,
It's all gone, that's it!
It was fun, beautiful
It was sometimes playful
Glorious New Year's holiday,
He came out, and there he is!
What is the first day of work
I see you again with my own eyes
Congratulations on order for you
So that the work is successful! ©

The new year has come to work,
The head is still not very
Let's remember everything again
That work is destined.
Where are the reports, where are the cases,
The head will be around.
What, what was walked away,
We celebrated the holidays
Nice, friendly, good,
A year will pass and everything will happen again!
Until then, congratulations
With a production moment,
What will happen to us in the process,
Do not confuse us so that the devil!
A year to be fruitful
To make all dreams come true
At work, and in life,
Yes, and in general for the fatherland! ©

Congratulations on the first working day after vacation

How good it was
Rest, here it is…
But we know everything with you
That we still live on earth.
Not in paradise yet
Maybe then let things
We are surrounded by the worldly,
Only we do not get us to hell!

The whole vacation is already out,
We are very glad to you
After all, we have a big blockage,
Moreover, rush!
You came here with strength
Dial you in your hem
All work quickly
Do it live!

Colleague with the first working day (employment)

Now you've washed up on the shore.
Today is the first time for you
How did you come into this world
They will write in the work book.

Write and stamp
That is the way it is.
They will give a table, and they will get a chair,
And they will say: "Your place is here."

You are both happy and scared
And the head is moving around.
But these feelings will evaporate -
Not in a day, so in two.

Work days will begin.
Now - plow, plow, plow.
The boss will get wise -
It won't be stressful.

But it will be a dream very soon
How labor excitement subsides,
Once a disgusting school
Or even kindergarten.

Read also: Termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer

Nice landscape on the table!
Although little work experience
Don't shy away from tradition
Our young colleague.

Against such arguments
No objections -
Having drunk you without problems
To this glorious team

From now on and forever
Now you are our man.
You can steward until payday
From their colleagues to take.

Suck you longing -
Let's support a little
In the evening he will miss you
A bottle of beer.

We go to the forest for mushrooms
And if you want - for football,
For other events
We also have a female gender.

Congratulations to my son on his first working day

I wish you happiness and warmth
Colleagues are good and kind,
Great hopes, pleasant meetings.
I wish you success
And on this day - fun, laughter,
In your affairs - no fluff, no feather!

Suntan and a torn backpack -
All that's left of the holidays.
It would seem that such a small
But there is no way to deal with her.
Time to get to work
And let go of dreams
But the sweet captivity of memories
Doesn't want to let you go.
We will help you together
Gather your courage and cheer up
And join our friendly team.
You are part of the workforce! ©

First working day after vacation

We congratulate you on the first day,
You are back in your office
You rested and tanned,
And I managed a lot on vacation,
May your first working day
Scare away relaxation and laziness,
It's time to forget about rest
A mountain of work awaits you. ©

Everyone is glad that in our friendly team,
Such a refill has come.
And we congratulate you all, that there are forces!
It's not easy for us to contain our excitement.
Let your first working day
Will be remembered for smiles and laughter.
You will not be lazy to work here
Shockingly, and, of course, with success. ©

Today is an unusual day
Interesting, unusual
Your first working day
Life is a new stage.

Congratulations on this date
And I wish you good luck!
Let the work bring
Pleasure without worries. ©

Start on a good note
First day of work.
Easily join the team
And don't be afraid to work.

I heartily congratulate!
I wish you fruitfulness!
Don't be lazy, don't languish
Always strive for the best! ©

The very first! working day -
How many will be ahead!
If only you want
Can you go ahead.
From the bottom of our hearts, now we wish
So that there is an upswing in your career.
Happy working day, congratulations,
With the main, the most important day! ©

We congratulate you today
With the beginning of a new working life!
And on the first working day we wish
Good luck in your endeavor, with all your heart!
More success, advancement and growth
On your career ladder!
At first, it might not be easy,
But you look at the difficulties bolder! ©

Today is your first day of work
With what I congratulate you now,
Let work bring you only joy,
So that it was not too lazy to deal with them!
To have money - a full dump truck!
To be a good director at work,
Didn't force me to work on Saturdays
And so that he gave a salary every day! ©

Something saddens your face,
The look became different.
Your team is very welcoming!
We will forgive you.
Yes, the weekend goes by so fast.
We are waiting for you!
Let congratulations vacation spend.
The spirit lives by work. ©

So you went to work
Well, join the team
Away with worries and worries!
Get ready for the positive!
New place, new business.
Don't be afraid to get paid.
Get it, don't be shy.
Everything will be great now! ©

© - Congratulations on the first working day are written especially for the holiday portal SuperTosty.ru by our authors. Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our site.

Didn't find the right greeting? We are offering to you congratulations in verses to order!
For any reason, any length, any person PERSONALLY! Poems to order - the best gift!

Congratulations on your first day of work
May it pass quickly and easily.
Chief always, as if by the way,
Gives a clear "good"
On ideas, plans and ideas,
What will have to embody with brilliance.
Let the sea be knee-deep -
So, probably, it is more interesting to live.

Happy first day to you colleague
And work with the sweat of your face
After all, our director told us.
What are you a guy - well done!
Don't be lazy and don't sleep
The goal is always on the way
Here we wish you
Find your way here, with us.

On the first day of work
Let's congratulate.
Others for presidency -
Should know it.

Let the money shovel
You will row.
For one paycheck
Find happiness.

Together in a team
It was always.
Anger let the leadership -
From a goose, like water!

The first day of work - you begin the experience,
You have decided to board your career.
What is bold, otherwise how?
If you want to be successful, just do it.
Well, we will help, if something suddenly
By word or deed. You have joined our circle.
So congratulations - away the shadow of doubt.
Think back to that first day.

It's hard for you today
First day to work
After your vacation, you left.
And you're a little lazy...

But favorite work
It will quickly lead to feelings.
Let the mood worker soon
It will come to you on this day!

sunburned hands,
New hairstyle!
Congratulations to all of you
With the exit from vacation.

Don't be sad and don't be sad
The days have gone by.
Get to work
Clear the rubble.

At work, life flies
And in hot works
You will not notice how again
Vacation fades.

Congratulations on your return to activity, with the end of your vacation. I wish you to start the work process with renewed vigor and fresh ideas, I wish you not to lose your dexterity and self-confidence, I wish you to go to work as if on a holiday, and go home with inner warmth and a sense of happiness.

So the vacation has flown by
sweet days,
Dozens of things are waiting for you
Everyone was very bored.

And let the memory keep
carefree rest,
And in the hands rather boils
All your work.

Is it a holiday or not
I don't even know,
But after leaving
I congratulate you
We missed you without you
And now we are happy
So boldly this day
We refer to the holidays.
We wish to work
Dip with your head
So that luck from vacation
Came after you.

Coming out of vacation
We congratulate you
Colleagues on the faces
Smiles bloom.

been waiting for you
Favorite work,
I had to work hard
We are up to the seventh sweat.

Vacation ends
We were looking forward to
Your exit is beautiful
Restored everyone's spirits.

Vacation gave
health, strength
We wish him
Enough for a whole year.

Coming out of vacation
Accept, you, congratulations,
We gladly meet
We are your return.

We wish to tune in
in a working way,
For fresh energy at work
Let there be no barriers.

May vigor, energy
Stocks don't run out
Questions after vacation
Let everything be easy.

So your vacation is over
It's time to work.
Congratulations on a beautiful day
And I shout to you: hurrah.

Strength, I hope, has accumulated,
So jump right into the fight
Let the whole year not subside
Vacation enthusiasm dashing.

It was so nice to rest
You don't have to get up in the morning
Make vacation plans
Now it's nice to remember.

But the hour has struck, it's time to work,
Even though it's hard to get to work,
And there are worries
And again on vacation you want something.

But don't be sad and don't be sad
Enjoy the memory
Feel free to work
And do not lose optimism.

Vacation, vacation, where are you?
It's gone like summer rain.
And go to work today
Rested, you go.

So it's worth smiling
And get to work.
And now to rest
Weekends must be expected!

There was the sea, the sun and the water,
I wish it was always like this
Roll on the white sand,
Ride the high waves!

Fresh juice and fruit abundance,
Two lilies grow in silence on the pond,
Wherever there is a vacation - it is beautiful,
But so that your mind is not clouded,

Need to go to work
Live in the rain and snow somehow
To collect money for vacation,
We need to conquer the peaks!