
Children's Day: the history of the holiday. Children's Day Why June 1st is Children's Day

Children's Day, which falls on the first day of summer, is one of the oldest international holidays, celebrated all over the world since 1950. The decision to hold it was taken by the Women's International Democratic Federation at a special session in November 1949. The UN supported this initiative and declared the protection of the rights, life and health of children one of the priorities of its activities.

International Children's Day is, first of all, a reminder to adults of the need to respect the rights of children to life, to freedom of opinion and religion, to education, recreation and leisure, to protection from physical and psychological violence, to protection from the exploitation of child labor as necessary conditions for the formation of a humane and just society.

In 1959, the UN adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which included articles calling on parents, state bodies, local authorities and governments, non-governmental organizations to recognize the rights and freedoms of children set forth in them and strive to respect them. The Declaration was only advisory in nature and had no binding force.

The first and main international legal document, in which the rights of the child were considered at the level of international law, was the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN on November 20, 1989. The Convention was signed by 61 countries, on July 13, 1990 the Convention was ratified by the USSR.

Children make up approximately 20-25% of the population in each country. In different countries, they are exposed to different dangers from which they need to be protected: in developed countries, these are the negative consequences of addiction to TV and computers (serious studies have shown that children tend to copy in life those cruel actions that they see on the screen or during computer games), in Western Europe they are concerned about too early sexual development of children, in Japan they see the main danger in the destruction of traditional methods of education and the increasing penetration of Western habits and behaviors, in the least developed countries of Africa and Asia, children are threatened by hunger, AIDS, illiteracy and military conflicts.

According to the statistical collection "Children in Russia" published in 2010, there are more than 26 million underage citizens in our country. Every year, the child population of Russia is reduced by 1 million people, and the number of children left without parental care and in orphanages is increasing by 4-6 thousand people a year. The total number of orphans and children left without parental care is about 714 thousand people, of which more than 136 thousand are brought up in residential institutions.

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development at the end of 2010, almost 18.5 million children (or 71% of the total number of children) attend preschool and general education institutions, spending most of their active time there.

In 2010, according to official data, 20.7% of schoolchildren had the first health group, 59.2% had the second health group, and 18.3% had the third health group, i.e. 1.8% of children had chronic diseases, the fourth and fifth health groups (disabling diseases). There is an increase in the number of children graduating from school with a decrease in hearing acuity by 44%, with a decrease in visual acuity by 2.7 times, with impaired posture by 45%, with scoliosis by 5.7 times.

According to the report of Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, the unfavorable dynamics of the growth in the number of sexual crimes committed against minors and young children continues. In 2010, according to official data, more than 9.5 thousand crimes against the sexual inviolability of children were committed.

The rights of children in Russia are protected by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" dated July 24, 1998. The law establishes the basic guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The state recognizes childhood as an important stage in a person's life and proceeds from the principles of prioritizing the preparation of children for a full life in society, the development of socially significant and creative activity in them, the education in them of high moral qualities, patriotism and citizenship.

International Children's Day has been celebrated on June 1 in more than 60 countries for several decades. It was officially celebrated for the first time in 1950, but the birth of Children's Day took place in the 20s of the last century.

Background and history of the holiday

History knows that in 1925, on the very first day of summer, the Consul General of China in San Francisco found children who had lost their parents and organized a national holiday for them - Duan Wu Jie, commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival. In parallel with this event, the first international conference was held in Geneva on the first day of June, considering the pressing problems of the well-being of the younger generation. These events contributed to the birth of the idea of ​​a holiday dedicated to children.

Officially, the holiday was established in the post-war 1949 at the November Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women. The first Children's Day in world history was celebrated on June 1, 1950, events dedicated to it were held in 51 countries of the world. The purpose of these events was to draw attention to the non-childish problems of those who cannot fend for themselves on their own. Above all, the organizers wanted to protect children from hunger and war. At this conference, they vowed to do everything possible to maintain peace throughout the planet.

The UN approved the initiative and contributed to the protection of the younger generation. In 1959, she drafted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which includes a number of articles that ensure the legal protection of underage citizens. The Declaration had no legal force, but its recommendations were readily accepted in many states.

After 30 years, in November 1989, the UN prepared the Convention on the Rights of the Child - the main document that defines the obligations of states to children. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the convection on July 13, 1990, and on September 15 it entered into force. In total, the document contains 54 articles regulating the rights of children and the obligations of adults towards them.

International Children's Day is also unique in that it has its own flag. On a rich green background, the planet Earth is depicted, around which there are multi-colored figures symbolizing children holding hands.

Importance of International Children's Day in Russia

In Russia, the holiday continues to be celebrated on a large scale. It has never been and is not a day off, but it is on this day that schoolchildren's favorite time starts - summer holidays. Sports competitions, competitions, concerts, film screenings and other entertainment events are traditionally held in schools and preschool children's institutions.

Following good traditions, children's drawing competitions are held in city squares and parks. Like decades ago, kids draw the sun, the peaceful sky, mom and dad holding hands on the pavement. Loving parents try to spend this day with their child and give him a festive mood with the help of affordable entertainment.

Authoritative adults gather to solve pressing issues, and generous sponsors time financial assistance to coincide with the holiday. Particular attention is paid to helping orphanages, large families, children from dysfunctional families and children suffering from serious illnesses.

The favorite time of the year for all schoolchildren - summer - begins with International Children's Day. This bright and joyful holiday appeared a long time ago and has an interesting history.

International Children's Day - the history of the holiday

At the beginning of the last century, the Chinese consul decided to gather on June 1 children who had lost their parents and arrange a holiday for them. In Chinese tradition, this celebration was called the Dragon Boat Festival. On the same day, a conference was held on the problems of the younger generation. Thanks to these two events, the idea arose to establish a holiday dedicated to children.

In the post-war years, concern for the health and well-being of children around the world was very important. During the war, many of them lost their relatives and friends, remained orphans. In 1949, at the Congress of Women in Paris, its representatives called on all people to fight for peace. After all, only he can ensure the happy life of our children. During this period, the International Children's Day was established, the first time the holiday was celebrated on June 1, 1950, and since then it has been held annually.

In 1959, the United Nations proclaimed the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, whose recommendations for the protection of children were accepted by many states of the world. And already in 1989, this organization approved the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which defines the obligations of all states towards their minor citizens. The document spells out the duties of adults and children's rights.

International Children's Day - facts

For more than half a century, the international children's holiday has acquired its own flag. The green background is a symbol of harmony, growth, fertility and freshness. In the center is the image of the Earth - our home. Around this sign are five stylized multi-colored children's figures holding hands, which represent tolerance and diversity.

Unfortunately, today, all over the world, many children need treatment and die without receiving it. Many kids are starving without having their own home. They don't have the opportunity to go to school. And how many children are used as free labor and even sold into slavery! Such outrageous facts call on all adults to stand up for childhood. Moreover, you need to think about these issues not once a year, but every day. After all, healthy children are the happy future of our planet.

International Children's Day - events

On International Children's Day, many schools and kindergartens hold traditional holidays. Various sports competitions are organized for children, concerts are organized, children participate in competitions with gifts and surprises. In many cities competitions of drawings on asphalt are held. Most parents arrange family holidays and entertainment for their children on this day.

All over the world, in honor of Children's Day, charity events are held to raise funds for kids, who have no parents. After all, these children are completely dependent on us adults.

Visits to children's institutions by sponsors who provide material assistance to children have become traditional for this holiday. Children's homes, hospitals and hospices with seriously ill children deserve special attention from adults.

Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time in life. However, unfortunately, not all adults have such joyful memories of their childhood. Therefore, it is so important to make every effort to ensure that our children and grandchildren in the future have only warm memories of their childhood years.

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Every year on the first day of summer, a big holiday is celebrated - International Children's Day. On this day, there are concerts and evenings in all schools, children's institutions. In city entertainment centers for children, films are shown, competitions and festivals are held. Music, children's laughter are heard everywhere, gifts are handed out. This holiday is joyful and sad at the same time. It is wonderful that our children are happy, but it is sad that so many have to be protected and even saved from adult cruelty.

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History of Children's Day


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It is believed that for the first time the holiday of the child was organized back in 1925 by the Chinese consul in the United States, in the city of San Francisco. He invited children of Chinese origin who had no parents to his Duan-wu-jie festival. They were fascinated by the presentation of dragon boats (this holiday is dedicated to them), received gifts and were happy. Similar holidays began to be held every year.

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Whether this event or something else - history is silent - served as the starting point for the announcement of June 1 as International Children's Day. The holiday was loudly spoken about in the same 1925 in Geneva, at the World Conference on the Welfare of Children.


Subsequently, the tragic war years in the history of not only Europe, but the whole world prevented the celebration of the date.


After the Second World War, in 1949, the Women's International Democratic Federation was organized, it was held in Paris, raised many social issues for which borders do not exist. And it was here that they remembered a good pre-war undertaking - the Children's Day.


Since 1950, International Children's Day (in English - "International Children's Day") has been held all over the world.

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Purposes and traditions of the holiday




International Children's Day is not only fun, laughter, songs and entertainment. It is also an opportunity for adults to speak out loud about their desire and opportunities to do something good for those children who need to be protected.

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And these are not only guys from the unsettled, starving countries of Asia, Africa, countries where wars are going on, and children are dying without counting. These are the children of Russia who do not have parents, who live in orphanages, abandoned by mom and dad. These are children who were abused, who were kicked out of their homes, or they themselves had to leave the terrible parental life in unrestrained drunkenness and bullying.

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On International Children's Day, representatives of most public organizations, enterprises that have the opportunity to help, try to visit orphanages, shelters and other state institutions for children left without parents, which would not be better, but we have them! And, unfortunately, they will not disappear soon.

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Gifts, surprises, excursions to museums, children's theaters, circus, zoo; meetings with artists, singers and musicians on this day are able to distract the child from sad thoughts, at least for a while warm his soul, push back the feeling of uselessness in this world. By the way, anyone can come to the nearest orphanage with gifts, entertainment, an invitation to creativity, sports competitions. And you! And this will also be a tribute to the holiday of protecting the child from the difficult circumstances of life.

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In an ordinary family, parents and grandparents also try to celebrate the holiday. But at home, of course, he does not carry that deep meaning of universal protection of childhood. At home, just the joy of communication, celebration. Adults give gifts, take the baby to the zoo, to the cinema, to the competition of drawings on asphalt, where both children and adults draw the world, the globe, and symbol of International Children's Day- own flag of this date. It is green, the color of peace and tranquility, in the center is the sign of the earth and multi-colored little men, symbolizing the differences and unity of people living on Earth.



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International Children's Day is not the only children's holiday on a global scale.

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July 25 is a date with a beautiful name - White Orchid Day. This is a holiday of embryologists, a day in honor of children who appeared "from a test tube", and is celebrated by the date of birth of the first such baby - Louise Brown, born on July 25, 1978.


In Russia, they recently began to celebrate another holiday - Eighth of July, Day of family, love and fidelity, which also directly relates to the happiness of the child - the key to a friendly and strong family.



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It is one of the most important holidays in June. On the one hand, it is a fun holiday, in which many different events take place. On the other hand, it is a reminder that every child needs protection. Adults should give children the opportunity to grow up into healthy, honest, responsible people.

Where does security begin?

June 1 is a holiday on which society should once again remember the need to create safe living conditions for children. One of the most important guarantees of culture is continuity. It concerns not only various traditions, but also the way of action. Each parent must understand their responsibility for the child, realize that it is his actions that can become the key to a happy life or a bitter tragedy. It all starts at the moment when the child is discharged from the hospital. Transportation must take place in a special car seat.

Over time, it should be replaced by a car seat. Even if you get very close, and the speed of movement can not be called high. After all, an accident can happen at any point along the way. It is important that the little man is protected to the maximum. It is not worth risking your life in vain, crossing the road in the wrong place. Especially if there is a child nearby. A toddler who has been riding in a car seat for years won't ride without a seat belt when he's an adult. If in childhood he crossed the road only on a green light, then over time he will become a completely respectable pedestrian. Therefore, every adult should remember that raising a worthy person is in his power.


June 1 (Children's Day) is considered one of the oldest holidays. The tradition of celebrating it dates back to 1925. Then the World Conference on Childhood and Youth took place in Geneva. The Consul General of China is considered the founder of Children's Day, June 1st. He invited a group of orphans to San Francisco and hosted a dragon boat festival for them. The date of this event clearly coincides with the Conference.

After the end of the Second World War, the issues of preserving the life and health of children acquired particular relevance. In 1949, another event took place in Paris - the congress of women, at which for the first time the oath was sounded about the tireless struggle for world peace as the main guarantor of the safety, health and life of every child. And a year later, on June 1, 1950, this wonderful holiday was celebrated for the first time.

The first document in which the rights of children were officially spelled out at the level of international law was the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It was adopted on November 20, 1989. 61 states have signed this document. And already on July 13, 1990, the Convention was signed by the USSR.

Childhood in a person's life

Childhood is a very special period in the life of every person. It is at this time that he learns to understand how the world around him works. The early years are an integral part of the way of life of any people or culture. The life of every person begins from this period, so there is not a single inhabitant of the planet who would not be touched by the holiday of June 1. Protecting children is everyone's business. One who was once a child has a responsibility to look after the lives and well-being of other babies.

On this holiday, adults should remember that every child has the right to freedom, security, health, protection from all kinds of violence, as well as freedom of religion. Every kid should be happy, have the opportunity to have fun and learn. Only in this way will he become a truly worthy citizen of his country in the future. One of the most important tasks of every adult is to save the life of the child, as well as his health.

special day

On June 1, various events are held in each city - these are special excursions, exhibitions, concerts, lectures. Various organizations open their doors - amusement parks, museums, fairs. Not a single first day of summer is complete without a themed celebration. To create a festive atmosphere for your child, you can visit one of these events.


Events on June 1 are held in many countries. The main guests of various entertainment and cultural events are, of course, children. Orphans and the disabled, as well as kids from low-income and large families are invited. Charitable events of various kinds are held all over the planet. Funds are collected to help single mothers to help abandoned children. Such charitable actions allow them, at least for a while, to gain what they were deprived of from birth.

June 1 is Children's Day in many countries. It is usually celebrated in parks of culture and recreation. There are often held various competitions, bright concerts. And sometimes even funny discos are organized for teenagers. On June 1, on Children's Day, adults delight kids with various gifts, cotton candy, balloons, and toys. Just on this day, the season of carousels and attractions opens. Despite the fact that this holiday is neither a birthday nor a New Year, every kid looks forward to it. The best joy for every child is a gift on this special date. The joy given to the baby will make the adult even happier. After all, the happiness of a child is so nice to see.

Problems of the child population of different countries

What is the percentage of the child population? It varies in different states, but on average it is about 20-25%. In different countries, babies face different problems and threats. For example, in Europe and America, one of the negative factors is the impact of television and the Internet.

June 1 is the time to remember the problems of children in different countries. As for the states of Africa, as well as Asia, here the kids are threatened by malnutrition, infections, and military conflicts. Illiteracy is widespread. Children are dying from the fact that there are not enough medicines, doctors. Therefore, in such countries, the mortality rate among the child population is much higher. In addition, most kids in such countries cannot get a good education. Sometimes they are used as free labor.

Things to Remember

June 1 is the day when you should once again remember about the safety of your child. In order for the baby to tell his parents about everything, it is important to learn the rule: an adult must correctly respond to the revelations of the baby. Whatever happens, in no case should you reproach the child with the words that "he was warned" and "how could he." After all, then the child will close, and mom and dad run the risk of not learning about possible dangers. The child must understand that in any, even the most terrible situation, he can count on the help and support of his parents.

It is necessary to teach a child never to begin communication with strangers - even with those who seem kind. Explain that the child is not at all obliged to answer questions asked by unfamiliar adults. Children also need to be told about the dangers that may await them on the Internet. It is necessary to explain that a person on the network is not always who he claims to be. The "friend" may turn out to be an adult criminal. Therefore, no one can tell their address and phone number, place of study and other similar information.