
Ice skating games. Winter fun at the skating rink in elementary school. Scenario Children's games on ice

Equipment. Each participant in the game has skates, a bell or a rattle.

Description. 10-15 skaters can take part in the game, one of them runs across the ice field with a bell (or rattle), and two drivers chase after him, trying to show off. The owner of the bell can at any time give it to another player who comes to the rescue, and the drivers have to chase the new player.

If the player with the bell is upset, he becomes the driver. The second driver becomes the one who gave him the bell, and the game begins again.

If a player is insulted before he has time to hand the bell to someone, the one who insulted him becomes the player with the bell, and he becomes the driver.

Above the towns


Description. Ten towns or pins are placed in a row on the ice at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. The players stand one after another 15-20 steps from the outermost town.

At the leader’s signal, they take turns taking a run and gliding in a straight line on two skates placed parallel. When approaching towns, you need to drive around them; To do this, you need to spread your legs wider so as not to hurt them. Having passed all the towns, the player makes a turn and returns to the starting place. The game is repeated several times.

The winners are those who did not touch the towns even once.

Circle snakes

Equipment. Each participant in the game has skates, ten skittles or pins.

Description. Ten towns or pins are placed in a circle with a radius of approximately 15 m at an equal distance from one another. Skaters, moving in a circle one after another, must go around the towns in a snake, going around one on the right and the other on the left. After some time, at the leader’s signal, everyone stops, turns around and moves in the opposite direction, observing the same rules.

The winners are those who during the game never touch the town and do not miss the next turn.

Collect quickly

Equipment. Each participant in the game has skates.

Description. Three or four skaters stand at the starting line. In front of each person, at a distance of 10-15 m, a snowball is placed and behind it, every 3-4 m, two or three more snowballs.

At the leader’s command, the players run towards the first snowball, bend down, pick it up, then run to the second, third, pick them up and run back.

The winner is the one who returns first, having picked up all the snowballs.


  • Gordeev A.T. Children's games. Perm, 1992.
  • Minskin E.M. Games and entertainment in the GPA. M., 1980.
  • Shurukhina V.K. Physical education and health work. M., 1980.
  • Yakovlev V.G. Games in elementary school. M., 1952.
See also: Games with snow

Having looked through many pages on the Internet, we have selected interesting games and competitions at the skating rink that can be held at a birthday party and more!

Get in order!

The host speaks into each player's ear his serial number. The players' task is to get in order as quickly as possible. The task is complicated by the fact that there should be two or three teams and the players should not speak or show their numbers.


The players skate in circles on the skating rink. The presenter periodically blows the whistle 1 time, twice, 3 times. At the signal of the whistle, participants must join hands in pairs, threes, etc., depending on the number of signals.

Relay race

Two lines are drawn - start and finish. Each participant must ride in a different way from start to finish. Methods:

  1. I'll run as far as possible on one leg.
  2. Slide on two feet without taking your skates off the ice.
  3. Trying to take as few steps as possible, i.e. glide for a long time on one skate, then on another, etc.
  4. Slide on one leg, push off with the other leg.
  5. Slip like a snake.
  6. Skate with your legs together and apart, forming a line from your skates in the form of beautiful lanterns.
  7. Drive in a sitting position.
  8. Drive with a pistol, i.e. squat on one leg and extend the other forward.
  9. Pass by a swallow, etc.


One player is appointed as a “coach”. He shows some kind of movement, for example, he glides like a swallow on one leg, or jumps, or makes a turn, etc. The others must reproduce his movement. Whoever succeeded in this movement better becomes the next “coach”.


One of the players is chosen as the driver, he salutes the players running away from him. The upset player becomes the driver.


The players stand in a column of 3-6 people, holding onto the waist of the person in front. The result was trains. Each train must travel a certain distance or a designated winding route. The line can be drawn on the ice with paint, or drawn with something sharp.

The more complex the route, the more interesting the game (curls, spirals, zigzags, a broken line means a jump, a double line means driving while sitting, etc.)


Lines are drawn in the four corners of the skating rink to create houses for the players. At the beginning of the game, the playing player is in the middle of the skating rink, and all other participants are in one corner.

The players' task is to go around all the corners clockwise. The trickster's task is to hit as many players as possible and not let the players reach the last corner. The good thing about the game is that even those who are bad at skating will enjoy it


Arrange a photo shoot at the skating rink. This event will appeal to all the girls. Who will come up with the most beautiful pose and who will get the best photo.

Figure skating

As a rule, there is always music playing at the skating rink. Why not use it! Give each participant time to come up with a dance and dance to the music.

You just need to limit the time for preparation and for the dance itself (some are very keen on this event and are ready to dance all evening.


If you have someone to give this number to, it should definitely be done at the skating rink! The ice skating loaf will please both the guests and the birthday boy.

In addition to these competitions, you can use the games and competitions from the video below at the skating rink:

Dear blog readers, what ice competitions did you participate in? Leave feedback or comments below. This will be very useful for someone!

Teacher. Hello everyone gathered today on this sports ground! On this winter day we gathered for a wonderful holiday of sports, strength and health! The 22nd Winter Olympic Games started today in Sochi. So let our games begin! We will be worthy of the Olympic motto “Faster, higher, stronger!” May the best man win!

On the world stage, five rings of the Olympics -

The symbol of all future meetings,

Five rings of the Olympics

We must cherish our youth!

Marina; Our wonderful skating rink

Attracts glances to itself.

Hey kids, get on the ice quickly!

What else do you need for happiness?

Our holiday will be a success,

Everyone will definitely like it!

Skating lovers, it's time to start our holiday!

Teacher. Dear spectators, welcome the participants of the competition, team -______________, led by captain Victoria Kholodenko

Marina; And the team_________________, team captain Valeria Seibert

Teacher. Attention, attention, attention, alignment to the flag!

Marina; The right to carry the flag into the ice arena is granted____________________

(music, flag removal) Russian anthem

Teacher. So, our “Sports Festival on Ice” is declared open!

Marina; Before the start of the competition, we want to remind you of the rules necessary for athletes:

- participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held, and respecting an obviously weak opponent;

Teacher. run only in the direction indicated by the judge - a step to the side is considered an attempt to escape;

Marina; observe the Olympic motto: faster, higher, stronger;

Teacher. do not trip up your opponent, do not finish off those who have fallen;

Marina; compete in a true sportsmanlike spirit, for the glory of the sport and for the honor of your team;

Teacher. not to fight over first place, but to win at any cost.

Marina; Competitors, please come to the start. Today our competitions are judged: __________For winning the competition, 2 points are given, for second place - 1 point.

One of rituals The Olympic Games is lighting a fire This is where we will start, each team receives a torch, team members run to the mark and back, pass the baton to the next one.
Teacher. The Winter Olympic Games include sports such as speed skating, biathlon, cross-country skiing, luge, figure skating, alpine skiing, hockey, curling, moguls, and freestyle. And our next competition is speed skating - speed skating. So, speed skating competitions! Team members run to the mark and back and pass the baton to the next team member.

Marina; The next sport is hockey. A team member runs to the mark, moving the puck with his stick and back. At the finish line, he transfers the equipment to another team member.

Teacher.: Now let's move on to biathlon.

Biathlon a winter Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. Instead of skis you have skates. Snowballs will replace rifle shooting. In front of youbasket with snowballs. Your task is to get to the shooting line,throw the snowball into the basket and run back. The team that comes first gets 2 points, the 2nd team gets 1 point, and 1 point for each snowball that lands in the basket.

Marina: the most beautiful competitions in the Winter Olympic Games are, of course, , figure skating- view sports , in which athletes move on skating By ice with the implementation of additional elements, most often under music . Skating can be either singles or pairs; we offer you pairs skating. One participant turns his back, the other faces forward, and holding hands you move to the mark, then change places back.

Teacher: Next competition - luge Each team has a sled with a passenger. Your task is to carry the sled to the mark and back without dropping the passenger; if the passenger falls, you need to stop and put him back on, only then continue moving. At the finish line, the passenger takes the sled and carries the next team member. The relay ends when the team brings the first participant on a sled.

Marina : Skiing includes five sports disciplines: slalom, giant slalom, super-G, downhill, alpine combined. While descending from the mountains, athletes must overcome special tracks marked with gates and flags. As you understand, there will be no skiing down the mountain, but you will have to go around obstacles.Your task is to beautifully snake between objects.

Teacher : Curling - a sports game on ice in which two teams of four people compete to accurately hit the treasured circle (house) of special projectiles. (exercise)

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Teacher. Well then, friends! The time has come to say goodbye to us. The strongest won, but we have no losers. Each of you has won a small victory over yourself. We will all follow the success of our athletes in Sochi. Today the spark of the Olympic flame reached our school. So may it never go out in your hearts!

Marina : To harden your body and soul,

To grow up vigorous and healthy,

You should always play sports

Go through life with physical education.

Competition scenario"Skating Games" for younger schoolchildren.

Nekrasov Sergey Anatolyevich, physical education teacher

MBOU "Podyuzhskaya Secondary School"

Sections: Extracurricular activities

Goals and objectives: organization of healthy recreation for children; development of basic motor qualities; fostering the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, fostering a sense of collectivism, camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Location: hockey field

Equipment and inventory: skates for each participant, relay batons, small balls, hoops, sticks, ropes.


    General construction

    Division into teams

    Team greetings

    Commanders' report on readiness for competition




Teams line up in a column one at a time in front of the starting line. In the hands of the relay baton guides. There are 5 chips in front of the teams at a distance of 5m. from each other.

Carrying out:

At the signal, the first participant runs like a snake between the chips, runs around the last chip and runs back in a straight line. Passes the baton to the next participant. The team that reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

    "Young Hockey Players"


Teams line up in front of the starting line in a column one at a time (boy, girl, etc.). The boys have a stick and a puck at the guides, and the girls have two small balls.

Carrying out:

The first participant must pass the puck between the chips and back with his stick, and when he crosses the starting line, the girl starts running, puts one ball in the first basket, runs further and puts the second ball in the second basket. Then he runs around the counter and finishes. The game continues until all participants complete the tasks.

    "Guess a riddle"


Teams line up in a column one at a time in front of the starting line. Each team member is given a card with the answer.

Carrying out:

The relay race is carried out according to the example of the game “Challenging numbers”, but instead of a number, each team member is given a card with a answer. The presenter asks a riddle, and whoever has a card with the answer in his hands overcomes the obstacle course. The participant who was first brings a point to his team. (Relay tasks: run a “snake” between the posts and hit the target with the ball).

passes the baton by touching his hand to the next participant. The next participant runs, collects tangerines, runs around the chip and runs, passing the tangerines to the next participant.

    "Centipedes on Ice"

Organization :

Teams line up in columns one at a time. Each team is given a long rope or a thick rope, which all participants grasp with the same (right or left) hand.

Carrying out:

At the signal, both teams begin to move forward to the opposite edge of the site. The team that comes in full strength, where none of the players fell or unhooked from the rope, wins.



Three stand next to each other, girdling themselves with a rope, one from behind holds on to the edges of the rope (he is on skates), two are in front without skates.

Carrying out:

At the signal, the troikas move forward, the drivers crouch down, holding the reins, run around the stand and run back. The top three finishing first wins.



Teams line up 5m behind. to the starting line in columns one at a time.

Carrying out:

Players compete with each other to see who can drive as far as possible in one of the poses (it is forbidden to push off after passing the starting line).

1. Heron: clasping the leg bent at the knee with your hands.

2. Swallow: also on one skate, raising your leg back up, arms spread to the sides.

3. Pistol: crouching on one leg and stretching the other forward.

    "Relay with hoops"


Teams line up in columns one at a time in front of the starting line. In front of each team, 5-6 meters away, lies a large gymnastic hoop.

Carrying out:

At the signal, the first numbers of each team run up to their hoop, climb through and quickly return, then the first and second numbers do this together, then the first, second, third, etc. The team wins, all of whose players are able to complete the task first.

    "Sparrows and Crows"


sparrows and crows turn their backs to each other in the center of the playground. The houses of the two teams are determined in advance.

Carrying out:

At the presenter’s signal: “Sparrows!” or "Crows!" - the named team runs to their house, and the other tries to catch up and stain them. The presenter counts the number of players caught on both sides and announces the winners.

    "Riding a Stick"


Players are divided into pairs and line up at the starting line.

Carrying out:

At the signal, the first player pulls the second, who crouches on the stick and slides on his skates to the post. Here the players change roles, and the one who was sitting on the stick now carries his friend. The first couple to arrive wins.

    "Throwing Rings"


Ten towns are installed along the path at a distance of 4-5 m from each other.

Carrying out:

Skaters must take turns, holding five rings in their hands, run along the track and throw the rings on any towns. Then go back, collect the rings and pass them to the next player.

For each ring thrown on the town, the player receives one point. Those who score the most points win.

text: Dmitry Pryanik

We are not yet preparing for the Olympics or international competitions, and we are not even raising an athlete, but in winter we definitely take sleds, skis or skates for a walk.

Riding them is already fun. But if you go to the skating rink or the slide every day, then even this can get boring. Therefore, we offer several games that both your child and the surrounding children will enjoy playing.

Let's start with the skates. The main condition is the ability to skate at least a little and not be afraid of possible bumps and bruises.

When your child gets tired of cutting simple circles around the skating rink, you can invite him to try himself as a figure skater and master some simple movements.


The child runs up and slides on two skates in a straight line. While sliding, you should try to do 3-4 squats. To make it easier to maintain balance, you need to move your arms forward during squats.


The beginning is the same - we run up and slide in a straight line on two skates. While sliding, you need to spread your legs apart, then bring them together. There will be traces on the ice - “lanterns”. To make the drawing beautiful and form a whole garland, you need to bring both legs together and spread them at the same time.

Sliding step

First you need to slide on the ice, trying to ride as long as possible on one skate, then on the other, taking long steps. Then move forward in small steps, pushing off as often as possible. If your child is captivated by this activity, next time you can take the player for a walk and, turning on the music, come up with your own dance. Mastered movements (flashlight-springs-steps) are quite enough for this. Well, if your child gets tired of riding alone, it’s time to team up with other kids and organize ice games.

Snowflakes and ice

Before the game starts, the participants agree on what movements the children will make after hearing this or that word. For example, the driver (adult) says: “Snowflakes!” and the children raise their hands up and spin around in place, or roll to one side of the skating rink. The driver says: “Ice!” and the children freeze in place or roll to the other side of the skating rink.


For this game you will need plastic bottles or other objects that need to be placed on the ice. Players stand according to their height, put their hands on each other’s shoulders and ride like a snake. The players' task is to go around all the objects without knocking over any.

Who is faster

A line is drawn on the ice, behind which all participants stand, and toys are placed at a certain distance from each of them. The task of the players, at the command of the leader, is to quickly get to the object and take it. For older children, you can make the task more difficult by placing a coin on the ice. The player must pick up speed and, at full speed, without stopping, drive through and pick up the coin.


A game for older kids who are already good at skating. She has many options, but taking into account the place and time (winter, skating rink), the most suitable one is tag with “freezing”. When the driver catches up with the player and spots him, he stops with his arms spread out to the sides - as if he were frozen. Other players who are “still alive” can “unfreeze” it if they drive nearby and touch the “frozen” one with their hand. And the driver, of course, tries to prevent this. His task is to freeze everyone.