
Educational program of the historical circle "clio". History mug Historical mug for schoolchildren

Sections: History and social studies

There is hardly a history teacher who has not been involved in this or that kind of extracurricular work. It helps to solve the problems of the worldview of students, to foster a sense of patriotism, helps to identify the creative abilities of schoolchildren, to involve them in active work, helps to find their vocation, to choose a profession. In contrast to the lesson, extracurricular work involves voluntary participation: in the classroom you get to know your students better, their character, hobbies, moral ideals and, thus, you get a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe effectiveness of your pedagogical efforts. In extracurricular work, interest in the subject increases - an indispensable condition for improving the quality of education. Extracurricular work is of a search, research nature, and this is perhaps one of its attractive features. History is a very lucky science. The child's interest in it, as a rule, awakens much earlier than the passion for mathematics or physics. But, alas, not many teenagers manage to maintain this attitude until the end of their school years. A repeated outburst of fascination with history occurs, usually in adulthood. Suddenly you begin to notice that it is more interesting to comprehend historical facts than to learn about them for the first time. Sometimes you yourself manage to find answers to questions that have long worried you; then you understand that solving the problems posed by History is a fascinating business. And how many different secrets and mysteries she keeps! And how you want to touch them, try to open the veil of secrecy. History, measured in years, seems long and ancient. And if we translate its calculation into generations of people, creators of history, then the reality of events becomes more visible. The times of Peter the Great are separated from us by only 9 generations, the Mongol invasion - 25 generations, the time of Earth's catastrophes - 400 generations. And when the Egyptian priests told Herodotus that their first pharaoh ruled the country after the demigods 341 generations ago and all the deeds of the subsequent pharaohs were recorded by them, that statues of not only these pharaohs, but also all the high priests are kept in the temple of Zeus, the story becomes simply tangible.

I'm teaching a history class in 6th grade. We are now studying the history of the Middle Ages. However, the guys did not want to part with the history of the Ancient World, full of secrets and mysteries. It turned out that in ancient history, each child had his own story and his own secret, which he wants to tell or learn more about. This is how the course “All the secrets and mysteries of the world or the secret that I wanted to tell about” was born. A special feature of the course is that the children themselves planned it. Each member of the circle suggested not only his own topic, but also the form of the lesson. I just had to process it a little and include it in the thematic plan. One can argue that these topics have been studied, and you need to move forward; after all, students will return to the study of world history only in the 10th grade! We need to devote more time to studying the history of the Fatherland. That's all right. But this course seemed promising to me: firstly, the guys are familiar with the general history of the Ancient World, which means they have something to rely on (there is a base that will give an impetus to independent, creative, search work). Secondly, they will study the history of the Middle Ages in the classroom more closely so that they can find their secret or riddle there. That will allow us to continue our work already in the second half of the 6th grade, supplementing it with secrets and riddles from the history of the Middle Ages - and there it is not far from the ancient and medieval history of the Fatherland. Thus, we not only deepen our knowledge of history, but also practice the skills of independent work, improve search methods, maintain interest in the subject, and develop creative skills.

In extracurricular activities, it is possible to use the element of play more often. In the learning process, the game has been used for a long time. True, when playing moments were included in the content of the lesson, the main attention was paid to the assimilation of knowledge and skills by students through play. Meanwhile, didactic play is an internally contradictory phenomenon; the contradiction is expressed in the combination of play, as an intrinsically valuable, spontaneous activity, not aimed at a practical result, and learning - a purposeful activity subordinated to didactic goals that go beyond the game tasks. Hence, not forgetting the need for students to assimilate knowledge and skills in play, the priority direction of play activity should be the development of thinking skills on the material through play. In this case, the contradiction between play and learning can be removed due to the fact that in the process of playing learning there is a live display of the features of historical reality, the interaction of participants in the educational process is structured in a special way, teaching history becomes emotionally more attractive for students, turning to historical material does not become duty, but develops into a hobby. In the course of the game, filled with culturally meaningful communication, the relationship between the teacher and the students is built through the establishment of cultural and semantic ties, which allow them to gain personal meaning in the study of history, to realize their involvement in the rich and diverse world of history. Understanding the laws of social development, “living” the fate of mankind as one's own, when correlating with it one's behavior, spiritual and value content, should, and, in my opinion, be the main meaning in comprehending history. It is precisely the "living" of history that historical thinking should promote, moving the student along the path of active involvement in various moments of the "world-historical drama." And, on the contrary, the awareness of one's involvement in the fate of humanity is the most important guarantee of the success of the formation of historical thinking. The mechanism for the formation of historical thinking: first of all, it is necessary to determine its structure, highlighting not just interrelated components, but levels, each of which will be based on certain historical knowledge, and include the skills of their use. The content of each subsequent level of historical thinking will be based on the content of the previous one, deepening and developing it; - choose the type of game for the formation of each level.

The levels of historical thinking: 1) structural and logical; its content is made up of elementary historical knowledge that underlies the structure of history as an academic subject, and skills based on the use of logical thinking. The formation of this level of historical thinking proceeds through the assimilation of knowledge of historical facts and events (complexes of interrelated facts) in the game, and the development of the ability to see historical processes (the connection of events with each other) and to highlight cause-and-effect relationships, i.e. patterns in the course of processes, the meaning of events. (Test games, educational games for working with the test, quizzes).

The second level of historical thinking - socially meaningful - should include knowledge about the main spheres of social life (cultural, economic, legal, socio-political, everyday life), the significance of the history of individuals, and also apply the tools of historical knowledge to study social processes. Games that can be used to form a given level: reconstruction games (recreating a process or event based on individual facts), modeling (playing social processes), operating (practicing an operation). The formation of the third, emotional-value, level of historical thinking seems to be the most difficult, since it includes knowledge about the inner, spiritual world of a historical person, based on the “living” of concrete historical situations. Its content is inextricably linked with the knowledge and skills that were acquired during the development of the first two levels, and the main task is that the students, putting themselves in the place of a certain historical figure, taking into account all the variety of facts of his life and the life of society in this period, using the acquired skills, we tried to get as close as possible to his spiritual world, to determine his value orientations, to understand why he made such a decision in a given situation. To form this level, you can use psycho- and sociodrama, role-playing games.

In the work of our circle, we tried to use various types of games in a complex: here are quizzes, role-playing games, conferences, etc.

Let's summarize.

The objective of our course: the formation of historical thinking through play.


1) Developing in schoolchildren ideas about the main sources of knowledge about the past and the present, about the ambiguity of perception, reflection and explanation of the events of history.

2) Development of students' abilities to consider events and phenomena of the past, using the methods of historical analysis (comparison and generalization of facts, disclosure of cause-and-effect relationships, goals and results of people's activities).

3) Formation of value orientations and beliefs of schoolchildren on the basis of personal understanding of the social, spiritual, moral experience of people in the past, mutual understanding between peoples.

4) Development of the humanitarian culture of schoolchildren, familiarization with the values \u200b\u200bof national and world culture, fostering respect for the history, culture, traditions of their own and other peoples, the desire to preserve and increase the cultural heritage of their country and all mankind.

Autumn, winter and early spring are the time to go to additional classes, circles and sections. Summer will clearly not be up to them.

I propose an overview of interesting children's clubs in various museums in Moscow.

1. State Darwin Museum
from 7 years
m. Leninsky Prospect
is free

The Darwin Museum has an Animal Painting Studio, where schoolchildren and preschoolers can get a serious art education. The art studio program is designed for 7 years of study, and students receive an extensive understanding of drawing, painting, composition and art history. And for children 11-12 years old and older, the Circle of Young Biologists has been operating in the Darwin Museum for over 50 years. Schoolchildren who love travel and research and want to learn more about animals and wildlife are invited here.

2. State Biological Museum. Timiryazeva
from 10 years
m. Krasnopresnenskaya
is free

At the Biological Museum, schoolchildren can enroll in the Paleontological Club. The training program is designed for two years. During this time, children will get acquainted with the basics of the theory of evolution, paleontology, geodesy and other disciplines, with the biological diversity of the Moscow region and other regions of Russia. Kids will love keeping a field diary, writing scientific notes and abstracts, and doing real research.

from 12 years old
m. Krasnopresnenskaya
is free

From October to May there are astronomy clubs for children in the Planetarium, in which children can learn more about astronomy and space. Classes are held in the Great Star Hall, the Observatory and the Astronomical Site. Here you can not only listen to interesting lectures, but also go on a fascinating excursion or field observation of the starry sky. Among other things, meetings with interesting people are organized for the circle members.

from 6 years
m. Okhotny Ryad
from 2 640 rubles / course

The Historical Museum pays a lot of attention to children: this year there are 14 different circles working here. You can engage in fine art or handicrafts, study the history of Ancient Russia, get acquainted with archeology, numismatics or woodcarving technology, and even stage performances in the historical puppet theater. In some circles, children can study with their parents.

from 6 years
m. Park Kultury
from 500 rubles / lesson, 1500 rubles / subscription

Like many museums in the capital, the Museum of Moscow has a Children's Creative Center. For example, kids are encouraged to study art history. In the studio, you can go from rock painting to contemporary art - with an emphasis on the history of Moscow. Also at the museum there is a circle for lovers of plasticine modeling. Another studio is dedicated to archeology: in an entertaining way, kids will be told about the basics of this science, the ancient past of Moscow, medieval crafts and other interesting things.

from 6 years
m.Alexander Garden
900-6 400 rubles / course

The Children's Center operates at the Moscow Kremlin museums. The Svetlitsa studio was opened there for the little ones. The studio's program includes interesting excursions around the Kremlin and creative assignments that will help to consolidate the knowledge gained in practice. The Kremlin Museum Lecture Hall invites children and their parents to fascinating lectures on history and art history. Lectures are held on weekends in the Armory building. For children over 10 years old and their parents, there is a Club of Antiquities Lovers in the Kremlin - there you can get acquainted with various museum professions and sciences: archeology, numismatics, weapons science and gemology.

from 4 years
m. Tretyakovskaya

The Tretyakov Gallery pays great attention to young guests. There is a lecture hall for children, where they talk about contemporary art, about outstanding artists and important trends in the art of our time. In addition, there is a children's studio in the Tretyakov Gallery, in which professionals of this business draw with preschoolers. You can get into the studio based on the results of a creative competition and an interview. In the branch of the gallery on Krymsky Val there is a creative workshop for children: there, among other things, subscription classes are held for young art lovers.

8. State Museum named after Pushkin
from 4 years
6,000-12,000 rubles / subscription

The Pushkin Museum has several educational programs and more than 18 subscriptions for children. Kids are offered to playfully familiarize themselves with Pushkin's fairy tales, take their first steps in the field of painting, drawing and decorative techniques and folk crafts, and study in a theater studio. And children from 9 years old and older can enroll in the School of a Young Nobleman and fully feel like a contemporary of the great poet. The full schedule of subscription classes can be found on the museum website.

from 7 years
m. Okhotny Ryad
2,000-7,000 rubles / course

The museum has several clubs for children and adults. First of all, this is the Young Geologists Club, in which children get acquainted with the basics of geology and ecology, study natural phenomena and foreign languages \u200b\u200b- English or Chinese. Classes are held once a week, the duration is 2 hours. The Club is taught by museum staff, as well as teachers and students of Moscow universities. Young geologists are given lectures and master classes. In addition, children make educational trips to other natural science museums in Moscow. And some classes are conducted in the field to acquaint children with the basics of the profession.

In addition, at the Vernadsky Museum you can experiment in the Science Adventures circle, study physics, be creative in the Nature Workshop art studio, visit a chess club, study industrial design or robotics, or study at a school for young watchmakers.

from 8 years
m. VDNKh
50 rubles / lesson

The Cosmonautics Museum has opened the Space Detachment club for junior and secondary school students. Here, young space lovers will be able to get answers to their questions: for example, to find out what astronauts do in orbit, how a spaceship differs from a rocket. Children are given lectures about the latest technologies in the space industry, they arrange informative meetings with astronauts, astrophysicists and other scientists, organize excursions and astronomical observations. Classes are held in two groups: 8-11 and 11-15 years old. Anyone can join the "Space Detachment".

Stay in touch!

The school of the young historian is an attempt to penetrate into the historian's "kitchen" and to feel like a researcher himself.

click on the "start" icon in the player screen to view the video

Who is the School of Young Historians for?

School for Young Historians is designed to familiarize future applicants Faculty of History of Moscow State University, today's schoolchildren, with the basics and the latest achievements of historical science. Students of grades 5-10 are invited to study at ShUI.

What is the purpose of the School for Young Historians?

The School of the Young Historian aims not only to acquaint students with the world historical process, but also to instill the skills of researching historical primary sources and reading scientific literature. The task of SHUI is to give an expanded understanding of the human past, to help the student choose a narrower specialization in the humanities.

What is the difference between the program of the School for Young Historians
from general education programs?

In contrast to the programs of general education schools, the most important and problematic topics of world history are considered in the classes of the School for Young Historians, and the history of Russia is considered in the context of the world.

The School for Young Historians is not limited to the program of Russian history; it gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world historical process as a whole.

Classes in full-time School for Young Historians - free, they are held in the premises of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University (in the Shuvalov building of Moscow State University at the address: Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, building 4) in the evening, starting at 16:25.

Since 2010, within the framework of the full-time course, " Lecture hall of the school for young historians ", where senior students and graduate students speak about their own scientific research. Within a few months, students will be able to learn how to work with historical sources and scientific literature, get acquainted with interesting events and phenomena of world history, get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe world historical process, try to independently identify the patterns of its development.

Several times a year, students speak faculty of History teachers - leading specialists in various fields of historical science. In addition to lecture and seminar classes, excursions and visits to museums are planned.

Distance School for Young Historians

Since February 2017, on the basis of the Center for the Development of Electronic Educational Resources of Moscow State University, a new educational program, "School for Young Historians (distance form)", has been launched.

It is designed to interact with students who, for various reasons, are unable to attend the full-time course of the School of the Young Historian.

Weekly classes include introductory lectures on general and national history, links to various Internet resources, as well as assignments to consolidate the material. The course is designed for students in grades 5-10 and is designed to help them learn history, as well as develop their independent research skills.

The cost of training for this program is 20,000 rubles in two semesters.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 1" of the city of Velizh, Smolensk region


At the meeting of the ShMO of teachers of socio-political disciplines and a foreign language


dated _______ August 2015

Head of ShMO _____


Deputy Director for BP

___________ ….

"___" ___________ 2015

I approve

Head teacher

___________ ……

"___" ____________ 2015

Working programm

mug "Clio"

at 201 5 -2016 academic year

The work program was drawn up

teacher Chudinova I.V.

velizh 2015

Explanatory note.

The program is developed on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education,regulations on the work program of teachers MBOU "Secondary School No. 1" in Velizh, the plan of educational work of the school for the 2015-2016 academic year.


One of the main tasks set by the modern school is to strengthen the spiritual connection between generations, the preservation and revival of national, ethnocultural traditions, the moral and patriotic education of students. It is history that is able to fulfill this task, since it is a fascinating, interesting and necessary science about the fate of humanity. History is rightfully called the memory of the people and the teacher of life. And the importance of local lore in this aspect is difficult to overestimate. Historical local history is one of the most important elements of historical science. It acts as an important means of shaping historical thinking, national identity, tolerance and humanism. It is one of the sources of enriching students with knowledge of the history of their native land, fostering love for it and the formation of civic concepts and skills, introducing students to the study of the history of the Fatherland through independent research work.

Objectives: -introducing students to the study of history through independent research work ; development of the child's personality: the formation of an active life position, the ability to independent intellectual activity, familiarization with the spiritual experience of the people;


    Development of students' cognitive interests in understanding phenomena, events, processes

    Development of academic research skills

    Development of the activity and independence of students.

    Providing methodological support to students during research work and preparing speeches (presentations) at various scientific and practical conferences and competitions for schoolchildren

    The acquisition by students of the functional research skill as a universal way of mastering reality

    Introduce students to scientific and social problems

    Fostering a respect for the historical heritage of the native land

general characteristics

The program is focused on the active life position of a child involved in social activities, self-education, the development of creative abilities and is designed to contribute to the education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for human rights, freedoms and duties, the education of moral feelings, beliefs, ethical consciousness.

The program is aimed at developing the patriotic, creative abilities of students, forming in them the foundations of a culture of research and project activity, systemic ideas and positive social experience in the application of methods and technologies of these types of activities, developing students' skills to independently determine the goals and results of their activities.

The program meets the requirements of the Standard for the organization of the system-activity approach in training and the organization of independent work of students, the development of critical thinking in the process of achieving a personally significant goal that is of cognitive interest for students.

Research is one of the components of historical science.

The research method is the highest form of educating students' creative initiative and their independence. Students become not consumers of ready-made information, but accomplices in the creative process. Schoolchildren learn to reveal the dialectical relationship between general historical and local material.

The skills and abilities of a researcher are easily instilled and transferred in the future to all types of activities. At the same time, it is important to remember that the most solid knowledge is those that are obtained independently, in the course of their own research. The knowledge gained by students as a result of research activities will become new and personally significant for each student.

The practice of student research is today one of the means of enhancing the learning process and a special area of \u200b\u200bextracurricular work, closely related to the main educational process and focused on the development of research, creative activity of students.

Thus, the research method is purposeful, arouses interest in research, discoveries, creates a creative upsurge, activates the cognitive activity of students, develops their skills and abilities of research and creative work.

It is proposed to use as methods of educational and research activities: method of projects, experiment, method of analogies, method of comparison, laboratory, method of independent research, method of working with text, historical document, method of continuing research, method of sociological survey, interviewing. The following forms of activity are also assumed:

Observation and research in nature and society;

Creation of specific databases on selected topics;

Compilation of chronicles, chronicles, essays on historical events and natural phenomena,

Research work, booklet production;

Participation in conferences, olympiads and competitions;

- excursion work.

The peculiarity of this course is that it involves not only the theoretical part of the program, but most importantly, the skills of project activities are formed.

The program is based primarily on active learning methods, with considerable attention paid to the independent work of students.

The main form of recording the extracurricular achievements of students is a portfolio.

Areas of work:

    Cognitive, research

    Local history

Circle Classes are carried out in the following variants:

Participants act as consumers of information (lectures, excursions, meetings with interesting people);

Students continue the activities started in the lesson (games, holidays, exhibitions of creative works);

Children apply the knowledge and skills gained in the lesson (research work, search work).

The basis of the work of the local history circle is research work.

Students perform research work both group and individual:

Preparation of a report on the proposed plan, drawing up an album;

Compilation of research papers

Thus. the program of the circle includes theoretical and practical lessons:

1) theoretical (conversations, lectures, reports, independent work).

2) practical (excursions, meetings, workshops in the library, archive, work with documents, media, work with a computer, other information carriers, preparation for competitions).

The program is designed for students in grades 6-11 who are interested in history, who have an appropriate level of knowledge and assumes the gradual development of children's thinking from a sensory perception of the world around them to logical thinking, which forms the knowledge and worldview of the future citizen. The term of study is 1 year. Number of hours - 34 hours.

The program continues the work of the previous year, since the work of the circle was of interest to the students and during the previous academic year, research work was created and started, which the students wish to continue.

The result of the implementation of the program of the circle is to familiarize students with the study of history through independent research work; the formation of historical thinking and education of citizenship in the younger generation through the study of history; teaching techniques and methods of educational research work: compiling bibliography, annotations, working with a catalog, local history, scientific and reference literature, with documentary and reference materials, recording memories, collecting local history material, using logical techniques; teaching techniques and methods of observing and describing objects of material culture, historical monuments, events, the ability to correlate general historical processes and individual facts; development of the activity and independence of students; successful performance of students at various conferences, olympiads, competitions.

Summing up the results of the program implementation is carried out in the following forms: exhibitions, competitions, reports on search tasks, participation in scientific and practical conferences, creative presentations

Requirements for the level of training

The requirements for the results of the activities of the members of the circle presuppose the implementation of activity, competence-based and personality-oriented approaches, which ultimately will ensure the mastery of students with knowledge, various types of activities and skills that implement them.

Personal results

- assimilation of national values, traditions, culture of the native land;

Foundations of Social Critical Thinking;

Knowledge of the basics of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Civil patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in their country;

Respect for history, cultural and historical monuments;

Respect for the individual and his dignity, friendly attitude towards others, intolerance to any kind of violence and readiness to resist them;

The need for self-expression and self-realization, social recognition.


Communicative results

Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

Formulate your own opinion and position, argue and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation in developing a common solution in joint activities;

Establish and compare different points of view before making decisions and choices;

Argue your point of view, argue and defend your position in a way that is not hostile to opponents;

Ask questions necessary to organize your own activities and cooperation with a partner;

Working in a group - establishing working relationships, collaborating effectively and fostering productive cooperation; integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction with peers and adults.

Cognitive results

Learn the basics of the implementation of design and research activities;

Carry out observation and experiment under the guidance of a teacher;

Carry out an advanced search for information using the resources of libraries and the Internet;

Explain the phenomena, processes, connections and relationships identified during the research.

Regulatory universal training activities

- set learning goals,

-  plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its solution;

Make adjustments to actions.

Subject results:

Mastering holistic ideas about the historical path of the peoples of their country, small homeland

Ability to study and systematize information from various historical and modern sources, revealing its social identity and cognitive value;

Willingness to apply historical knowledge to identify and preserve the historical and cultural monuments of their country and the world.

Expected Result

    Know the peculiarities of your native land, the history of your school

    Be proud of your small homeland

    Learn to use sources of information, work in an archive, library, Internet

    Create your own research projects

    Learn to give a talk in front of your classmates

The main content of the subject

Introduction.Acquaintance with the work plan of the circle safety requirements in the classroom, excursions. Major All-Russian and regional scientific-practical conferences and competitions for schoolchildren. Local history work

Basic concepts of research work: hypothesis, idea, concept, keyword, research method, methodology of scientific knowledge, scientific topic, scientific theory, research, fact, review, research object, research subject, principle, problem, theory, inference. Types of research work. Research topics in socio-political disciplines, local history

The general scheme of the course of scientific research: substantiation of the relevance of the selected topic, setting goals and specific research objectives, describing the research process, discussing research results, formulating conclusions and evaluating the results obtained.

Methods of scientific knowledge: observation, comparison, measurement, experiment, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, historical method ,.

The structure of the content of the research work: title page, table of contents, introduction, main part, conclusion (conclusions), list of references and other sources.

Project planning and work rules

Choice of theme. Drawing up a research plan. Working with scientific literature. Working with the conceptual apparatus. Experimental work.

Collecting material for writing a research project. Historical sources. Search for an interlocutor. Preparing for the interview. Interview recording technique. Work in archives. Registration of work. Work in the Power point program Defense and presentation of a research project.

Information search: types of information (overview, reference), information search methods. Working with a historical source: types of sources, forms and methods of working with them. Practical lesson.

Searching for information in the archive

Types of archives. Work in the archive: search for information, types of sources, forms and methods of working with them. Practical lesson.

Library. Search for information. Working with catalogs, encyclopedias, reference books. Practical lesson.

Acquaintance with electronic resources, their content, opportunities.

Study of electronic resources

Practical lesson

Work on selected topics

Local history direction

School history

Acquaintance with the history of the native school. Work in the proposed areas.

Topic: "School symbols"

Topic: "Our graduates"

Hometown history

Study of the history of the hometown. Work in the proposed areas.

Theme: "Children of War"

Topic: "Occupation"

Creation of research papers

Work on selected topics

Presentation of projects

The psychological aspect of readiness to perform. Requirements for the report. Culture of speaking and conducting a discussion: following the rules of etiquette, addressing opponents, answering questions, closing remarks.

Final lesson

Reserve 4 hours

Used for individual lessons on selected projects.

Description of educational and methodological material and technical support of the educational process

Information and communication means.

Collection of IKS history cabinet.

Intel. Learning for the future.

Internet resources.

- site "Country of Gardarika (Ancient Russia

old - rus . narod . ru - "Anthology of Old Russian Literature"

- "Russian section" - ancient Russian history, culture, literature on the site

- Site "Ancient and Specific Rus".

- "Paganism of the Slavs" - Encyclopedia of Slavic Religion.

slavyans . narod . ru - "Slavyanskaya Sloboda"

Egorov K. website "Formation of Kievan Rus" -

a - nevskiy . narod . ru - "Alexander Nevskiy" .

library . tver . ru "... this is Peter, Father of the Fatherland ..."

history 164. narod . ru - "The era of Peter the Great" Educational-methodical complex (for teachers).

ekaterina 2. bnd . ru site "Ekaterina II Great "

- Internet project"1812" .

decemb . hobby . ru - virtual "Museum of the Decembrists" ... Articles, memoirs, gallery, archive.

(= ) project " Chronos

- - Maps and diagrams on the history of Russia.

history . atomlink . ru - History of Russia (862-1917).

clarino 2. narod . ru - "Rulers of Ancient Rus" ... Enumeration and characteristics (before AlexanderIII).

- chronological table"Thousands of Dates on the History of Russia" .

- table "Rulers of Russia, Empire, Russia" - from Rurik to Putin.

- "Rulers of Russia and the Soviet Union" (period 1721 - 2004)

- "Rulers of Russia"

clarino 2. narod . ru - little work"Genealogy of Russian princes" (from Rurik to Shuisky).

- maps on the history of Russia: Ancient Rus, Caucasian, Crimean, Russian-Turkish, etc.

- Russian Biographical Dictionary .

all - photo . ru - Russian Empire in photographs.

bojre . orthodoxy . ru - "Boyars" - an encyclopedia of boyar families.

- Ancient slavic myths and legends .

grandwar . kulichki . net site "Grandfather Wars"

"General Staff"

armor . kiev . ua - site "Anatomy of an Army"

- Revolution and Civil War.


(or )- History of political repressions in the USSR (1918-1991).

- The system of forced labor camps in the USSR ; - History of prisons and camps in the USSR (GULAG) ... GULAG Map - .

- History of the dissident movement.

- "Virtual Museum of the GULAG" (more than 70 museums)

(Library of fiction and nonfiction texts - )

slava - cccp . narod . ru "Soviet Union"

- " Sovetika . ru - site about the Soviet era "

"Soviet music

(= sovetsky - soyuz . narod . ru ) site "Time of the USSR"

(oldgazette . narod . ru ) site "Old newspapers

world - war 2. chat . ru - " World War II on the Russian Internet "

- "World War II, 1939-1945." .

gpw . tellur . ru - site "The Great Patriotic War" Thematic collections of publications (articles, books).

voina . com . ru - "People's War" (1941-45) Memories; chronicle; documents; gallery, etc.

tsushima . org . ru - "Naval history 1855-1945"

- electronic almanac"Russia. XX century. Documents

- "Human Rights in Russia" .

- site "History.RU" .

- Russian electronic journal"World of history" .

history . tuad . nsk . ru - site "Russian history" .

istrorijarossii . narod . ru - site "History of our country" Library, maps, documents.

- Archives of Russia.

- Faces of Russia.

heraldry . hobby . ru - Coats of arms of cities of the Russian Federation .

www.hist.msu.ru/ER/index.html Library of electronic resources, Faculty of History, Moscow State University Lomonosov
bookz.ru/ Bookz.ru is a large free library.

garweb.ru/project/law/index.htmrF codes

history.pu.ru/biblioth/ email library

http://www.rsl.ru Russian State Library

http://www.nlr.ru The National Library of Russia

http://www.shpl.ru State Public Historical Library (GPIB)

http://www.liatr.ru Russian State Art Library (RSBI)

http://www.gopb.ru State Social and Political Library (GOPB)

http://www.libfl.ru All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature. M.I. Rudomino

http://www.gnpbu.ru State Scientific Pedagogical Library. K. D. Ushinsky

http://www.nbmgu.ru Scientific Library of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

http://www.lib.pu.ru Scientific Library. M. Gorky St. Petersburg State University

http://www.lib.ru Library of Maxim Moshkov

http://www.lib.km.ru Network library

http://www.ihtik.lib.ru Electronic full-text library Ikhtika

http://www.msu.ru/libraries Electronic catalog of MSU libraries

www.vusnet.ru/biblio Library of the Russian Humanitarian Internet University

http://www.rvb.ru Russian virtual library

http://www.bookz.ru Electronic library

http://www.magister.msk.ru/library Library of electronic publications of works, biographical and critical literature http://www.auditorium.ru. Library of social and humanitarian literature

http://www.istmat.ru Library of historical and philosophical literature

http://www.filosofia.ru Library on Philosophy and Religion

http://www.peoplelife.info Biography. Digital library

http://www.contr.info/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,20/func,select/id,1/ Library of socio-political and philosophical literature.

http://www.public.ru Public Internet Library. Russian Media Database 1990-2006

http://www.school.edu.ru Library of the Russian educational portal

http://www.isn.ru Russian Information Society Network

http://www.soc.lib.ru Sociology, psychology, management

http://www.igh.ru Institute of World History (IVI RAS)

http://www.spbrc.nw.ru/!russian/org/iri.htm St. Petersburg Institute of History (SPbII RAS)

http://www.historia.ru World of History magazine

http://www.history.machaon.ru/about/virtual/index.html International Historical Journal "Virtual World of History"

http://www.philosophy.ru Institute of Philosophy RAS

http://www.rss.isras.ru Russian Society of Sociologists

http://www.isras.ru Institute of Sociology RAS

http://www.igpran.ru Institute of State and Law RAS


Portal "Official Russia" - http://www.gov.ru/ - server of government bodies of the Russian Federation
President of the Russian Federation - http://www.president.kremlin.ru/

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Russian Security Council http://www.scrf.gov.ru/

Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation - http://www.grankin.ru/russia/ru_prez14.htmhttp://www.ras.ru/win/htm/

Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation -

Government of the Russian Federation - http://www.government.gov.ru/

Rossiyskaya Gazeta - http://www.rg.ru/ - the official publication of the Government of Russia

Cyril and Methodius - http://www.km.ru/ - Knowledge about everything

Rubricon - http://www.rubricon.ru/ - the largest encyclopedic resource of the Internet

Directory of personalities of the authorities of the Russian Federation - »Dedicated to people . ru / index . html World history in persons.


List of literature for the teacher.

Golub G.B., Perelygina E.A. Churakova O.V. The project method - the technology of competence-based education: a methodological guide for teachers - project managers of primary school students / Ed. prof. E. Ya. Kogan. - Samara: Educational Literature Publishing House, Fedorov Publishing House. 2006 .-- 176 p.

Demin I.S.Application of information technologies in educational and research activities // Development of research activities of students: Methodological collection. M .: Public education, 2001.S. 144-150.

Karpov A.O. Scientific research of youth // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2002, volume 72, no. 12, p. 1069-1074.

Leontovich A.V. Research activities of students: Collection of articles. M., MGDD (Yu) T, 2002.110 p., Bibl. 98.

Obukhov A.S. Research activity as a possible way for a teenager to enter the space of culture // School technologies, 2001, №5, p. 26-35.

Development of research activities of students. Methodical collection. - M .: Public education, 2001 .-- 272 p.

Development of research activities of students: Methodological collection. M .: Public education, 2001.

List of literature for students.

Encyclopedia of Russian History (862-1917). M., 2002.

Aleksandrov V.N. History of Russian Art: A Short Reference Book of a School Student. - Minsk: Harvest, 2007.

Brockhaus F.A., Efron I.A. Russia. Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary. - M .: Eksmo, 2007.

World history: In 24 volumes - Minsk: Literature, 1996.

Velizh. Pages of history. - Velizh, 1995.

Goland S. Velizh ghetto, Smolensk region, XI. 1941-1942. - M .: House of Jewish Books, 2012

Volkovich A.Ya. Velizh velizhan: in 2 books. - Smolensk, 2014

From the history of Velizh and the region. - Smolensk, 2002

Material and technical support of the educational process

Technical teaching aids.

    Multimedia computer.

    Multimedia projector.


    Audio speakers

Educational and practical equipment.

    1. Auditorium board

      Classroom board with a magnetic surface.

Calendar-thematic planning

T - theoretical lesson

P - practical lesson

Lesson number

Program section (total hours)

Lesson topic

Activity type

Planned date





Cognitive, research direction


Types of research work and their topics



Study. Structure of research, project



Project planning



Search for information. Working with historical sources



Searching for information in the archive



Finding information in the library



Electronic resources for the educational project. (Internet, electronic encyclopedias, electronic catalogs)



Study of electronic resources.



Creation of research papers


Local history direction

School history


Topic: "Our school on Sovetskaya 29"



Topic: "School symbols"



Topic: "Our graduates"


Hometown history


Theme: "Children of War"



Topic: "Occupation"



Registration rules



Creation of research papers



Presentation of projects



Final lesson

Reserve 4 hours


Municipal government educational institution "Nizhnechumanskaya secondary school of the Baevsky district of Altai Krai"

Historical circle educational program

for the 2013-2014 academic year

Head S.V. Ignatenko

a history teacher

with. Nizhnechumanka


Program structure

    Explanatory note

    Thematic plan

    The main content of the program

    Conditions for the implementation of the program

    Planned results


Explanatory note

Historical science builds its conclusions on the material of historical sources. Historical sources are understood as all the remnants of the past that are associated with human activities and reflect the history of human society. The circle program provides students with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the main auxiliary historical disciplines, to give those knowledge and skills that are not always indicated in history curricula and there is no way to give it in the classroom.
The course is designed for 34 hours, of which part of the study time is allocated for intellectual games and research activities, taking into account the knowledge and skills acquired.

Purpose of the course : - development of intellectual, creative abilities of students, cognitive activity of students and interest in Russian history;
Course Objectives :

    Form a system of students' historical views.

    Develop an interest in research

    Create conditions conducive to improving the educational level of students.

    To develop the abilities, creativity, horizons of students.


Organization of research activities of students;

Participation in the work of the school's local history corner;

Participation in the regional historical and local history conference;

Distribution and promotion of materials about their activities.

Thematic plan

p / p

Lesson topic

Total hours




Search and research work of students










Social etiquette

Examination of values

Final lesson


Content of the program:

Introduction 2 hours. Goals and objectives of the course. Acquaintance with the content of the program. Historical sources: material and spiritual. Keys to the secrets to CLIO: SPECIES - auxiliary historical disciplines.

Search and research work of students. Approaches to the problem of motivation in school and educational and research activities. Fundamentals of research work. Preparatory period in research work. Collection of material and principles of working with it. How to present the research results. Applications. Research writing consulting.

Paleography 2 hours.

External signs of manuscripts, writing material. Alphabet and graphics of letters, artistic decorations.

Numismatics 2 hours.

Study of the first monetary systems, coins and paper money, money circulation.
Metrology 2 hours.

The existence in different periods of history of measure of length (length) and weight (gravity), surface (area) and capacity (volume), their relationship with the modern system of measures.
Chronology 2 hours.

Various systems of time calculation, methods of processing direct and indirect dating information.

Sphragistics 2 hours.

Seals and their role in the historical process. Documents with and without seals. Separate seals.
Heraldry 2 hours.

Coats of arms as symbolic insignia of individuals, surnames, families, regions, cities, states, institutions. Family coat of arms and my personal coat of arms.
Onomastics 2 hours.

Own names in history. Connection with linguistics. Patterns and different categories of names. My name.
Toponymy 2 hours.

Geographic names in the history of the country, region, small homeland. My land, my district, my village.

Genealogy 2 hours. Studying and compiling pedigrees. The Rurik and Romanov dynasties in the history of the country. Pedigree of my family and clan.
Social etiquette 2 hours.

Systems of social etiquette: titles, ranks, awards, titles, insignia.

Generalization 2 hours.

Features of teaching methods

The fulfillment of the assigned tasks will be carried out on the basis of a personality-oriented approach. The main forms of conducting classes will be: lectures, conversations, excursions, workshops, laboratory work.

Working methods:

reproductive, partly search, search, research.

Conditions for the implementation of the program.

When working in the classroom, students use notebooks, pens, pencils. They gain practical skills in working with historical sources, exhibits in the historical and local history corner.

The intended result:

When solving problems, the result can only be positive.

Students should know:

  1. What is research work

    What is heraldry, numismatics, sphragistics, metrology, onomastics, toponymy.

    Rules for writing research papers.

Students should be able to:

    To interview

    Record received data

    Solve problems in chronology.

    Conduct excursions in the historical and local history corner.


    Leontyeva G.A., Shorin P.A., Kobrin V.B. Keys to the secrets of CLIO. - M: Education, 1994.

    Fedorchuk I.A. History. Intellectual games for schoolchildren. - Yaroslavl: "Development Academy", 1998.

    Ageeva I.D. Who knows history best? - M: TC Sphere, 2005.

    Mironov V.A. In the name of the secret power - M: FAIR PRESS, 2003.

    School history circle // Teaching history in school.-1993.-№1, p.45