
Calculation of carbon dioxide emissions from boiler houses. Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from the use of natural gas and biogas. From automobile transport enterprises

System of normative documents on environmental protection

Governing Normative Document




Executor: RSE "KazNIIEK" MEP RK

Client: Ministry of Environmental Protection

Environments of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Astana 2010

1. General Provisions

2. Purpose and objectives

3. Settlement procedure

3.1 Theoretical foundations

3.2. CO 2 emissions

3.3. Emissions of other greenhouse gases

4. Calculation example

5. Estimation of uncertainties

6. Reporting and documentation

7. List of sources used


In terms of importance, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from all modes of transport in many countries usually follow the emissions of energy enterprises. In some large cities, vehicle emissions often exceed those of utilities.

It is therefore clear that reliable methodologies are needed to account for GHG emissions by all modes of transport. In addition to carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) are also greenhouse gases.

The category "road transport" corresponds to the category "road transport" according to the Guidelines and includes all types of passenger cars, light and medium trucks, heavy-duty vehicles such as tractors with trailers and buses, as well as motorcycles of all types. Vehicles run on different types of liquid and gaseous fuels, as well as biofuels or a mixture with conventional fuels. In addition, the Guide also considers CO2 emissions from the operation of catalytic converters using urea.

CO2 emissions from biofuels are assigned to another section of accounting and are accounted for separately as information units. This, as well as the fact of very small amounts of biofuel use in the coming years (less than 2%) became the basis for not including the calculation technology in this methodology.

Catalytic converters on urea give CO 2 emissions from the decomposition of urea in the amount of 1 to 3% of CO 2 emissions from a car engine. This figure, when adjusted for the percentage of converters of this type in the country, turned out to be negligible. This also became the reason for not including this source of СО 2 emissions in this methodology.

To account for GHG emissions, there is a methodology in the Guide, which is constantly being improved. An inventory guide has been developed for the inventory of all air emissions. By analogy with CORINAIR, road transport in the Guidelines is divided into special group 7, in which three subgroups are distinguished (table 1).

Table 1

Division of cars according to operating conditions

Continuation of table 1

07 01 03 02
07 0103 03 City traffic
07 01 04 Passenger cars LPG vehicles
07 0104 01 Highway driving
07 01 04 02 Rural traffic
07 01 04 03 City traffic
07 0105 Gasoline two-stroke vehicles
07 01 05 01 Highway driving
07 01 05 02 Rural traffic
07 0105 03 City traffic
07 02 01 Light duty petrol powered vehicles
07 02 01 01 Highway driving
07 02 0102 Rural traffic
07 02 01 03 City traffic
07 02 02 Diesel light duty vehicles
07 02 02 01 Highway driving
07 02 02 02 Rural traffic
07 02 02 03 City traffic
07 03 01 Heavy duty vehicles powered by gasoline
07 03 01 01 Highway driving
07 03 01 02 Rural traffic
07 03 01 03 City traffic
07 03 02 Diesel heavy-duty vehicles
07 03 02 01 Highway driving
07 03 02 02 Rural traffic
07 03 02 03 City traffic
07 04 MOPEDS & MOTORCYCLES< 50 см 3
07 04 0101 Rural traffic
07 04 01 02 City traffic
07 05 MOTORCYCLES> 50 cm 3
07 05 01 Highway driving
07 05 02 Rural traffic
07 05 03 City traffic

For each of the subgroups, the need to take into account the features of the movement has been introduced, namely:

Motorway traffic;

Rural traffic;

Traffic in the city.

The comparative classification of vehicles in CORINAIR and in the Guide (ECE) is shown in Table 2. It can be seen that the CORINAIR classification is easily derived from the classification of the Guide (UNECE).

Table 2 Vehicle classification used in calculating pollutant emissions

Transport type:
Cars Category Ml: Transport used for the carriage of passengers and having no more than 8 seats, excluding the driver's seat
Light duty vehicles Category N1: Transport used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight not exceeding 3.5 tons
Heavy-duty transport Category M2: Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and having more than 8 seats, excluding the driver's seat, with a maximum weight not exceeding 5 tons
Category M3: Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and having more than 8 seats, excluding the driver's seat, with a maximum weight exceeding 5 tons
Category N2: Transport used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes but not exceeding 12 tonnes
Category N3: Transport used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight exceeding 12 tons
Two-wheeled transport Category LI; L2; L3; L4; L5 - all types of motorcycles

Thus, taking the classification of transport according to the Guidelines as a basis, one could expect that our methodology for calculating GHG emissions would be close to international approaches.

Unfortunately, much of the information required for calculations in accordance with the Guidelines is missing. Therefore, we have adopted an approach based on the available vehicle data, and at the same time quite close to the approaches of the Management and CORINAIR.


This normative document is intended for use by road transport enterprises for independent annual calculation of greenhouse gas emissions.

The purpose of this regulatory document is to develop a scientifically grounded and structurally similar method to the International and European approaches for assessing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles of all types, acceptable for the conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

Study what information is available for any road transport company regarding the operating conditions of its technical means;

To study the scientific literature known for today, mainly from far abroad about specific GHG emissions by various types of transport and choose the most appropriate for the conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Develop the very methodology for accounting for GHG emissions from the company's vehicles;

Prepare a sample emissions calculation to be used as an example in an enterprise calculation.


Theoretical basis

The main greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO 2), the calculation methodology for which is described in the Guidelines and is based on the equation of pure carbon oxidizable. This technique works well for coal combustion. In theory, there are 3.67 tons of carbon dioxide for every ton of oxidized carbon. In practice, due to the influence of a number of factors, noticeable deviations from theory are possible, which must be taken into account. Such factors are the completeness of combustion, the presence of impurities in carbon (coal), the loss of a part of the gaseous component during storage and preparation technology.

With regard to liquid hydrocarbons, the problem is somewhat complicated by the fact that there is only their general formula C n H m and the ratio between n and m fluctuates markedly even for one type of fuel, for example, gasoline. The hydrogen component produces water during oxidation, and CO2 emissions are associated with the oxidation of the carbon component. Hydrocarbons are characterized by significant evaporation losses.

As for other greenhouse gas emissions, their values ​​depend on the operating mode of motor vehicles. The smallest emissions per unit of fuel burned fall on a certain steady-state mode of operation with a warm engine. Transient modes, especially the mode of warming up a cold engine after starting, are accompanied by increased emissions of other GHGs.

Depending on the completeness of the information, the calculation of GHG emissions is possible for three levels: Level 1, 2 and 3.

The more information about the type of vehicle, its mode of operation and operating features, the higher the level can be and the more accurate the result.

In general, the steps for estimating GHG emissions are shown in Fig. one.

Rice. 1. Steps for estimating emissions from road transport

It can be seen that CO 2 emissions are usually estimated separately from CH 4 and N 2 O. In fig. 2 shows the general decision-making scheme depending on the completeness of the information and the choice of the level of calculations.

Rice. 2. Decision tree for CO 2 emissions from fuel combustion in road vehicles.

For Kazakhstan, it is possible to perform Tier 1 calculations using some of the Tier 2 capabilities.

3.2. CO 2 emissions

Emissions of the main greenhouse gas at level 1 for all types of automobile gasoline and diesel engines, regardless of technical condition, are calculated using the formula:


where m m- the amount burned by cars of this class (fuel consumption, tons);

k m- conversion factor, TJ(unit of fuel);

k e- emission factor CO 2 for this type of fuel, which is taken from table 4 by default.

n is the number of cars for which emissions are then summed up CO 2.

All coefficients necessary for calculations are shown in tables 3 and 4.

Table 3 Conversion factors for calculating emissions CO 2

The calculation results for each class of vehicles and for each type of fuel are then combined into a common table.

Emissions of other greenhouse gases

Decision tree for calculating emissions CH 4 and N 2 O is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Decision tree for emissions CH 4 and N 2 O from fuel combustion in road vehicles.

It can be seen from the structure of the scheme and the requirements contained in it that if there is no mileage data, then level 3 cannot be used. The availability of data on the types of vehicles and fuel burned (types of technologies) makes it possible to perform calculations at level 2. In this case, the greenhouse gas emissions for one vehicle are determined as:


where m j- specific greenhouse gas emission CH 4 and N 2 O car with engine type k,(kg / TJ) (see table 5);

T k- fuel burned for the billing period, thousand tons;

k m - conversion factor for fuel, thousand tons in TJ (see Table 3);

ПR jk- the product of the coefficients of the influence of the following factors: technical condition ( P) and the age of the car ( R) for the release of the i-th gas (see Table 6);

n is the number of vehicles for which emissions are then summed up.

Calculations of GHG emissions for the following groups of vehicles are provided:

Freight and special trucks with a gasoline engine;

Freight and special freight with a diesel engine;

Gasoline-powered buses;

Passenger cars, service and special.

The coefficients required for calculations are shown in tables 3, 4 and 5.

Table 5 Emission factors N 2 O and CH 4 default for road transport

Fuel type / Representative vehicle category CH 4(kg / TJ) N 2 O(kg / TJ)
Default Lower Upper Default Lower Upper
motor gasoline - uncontrolled 9,6 3,2 0,96
motor gasoline - oxidation catalyst 7,5 8,0 2,6
motor gasoline - Light commercial vehicle with low mileage, manufactured in 1995 or later. 3,8 1,1 5,7 1,9
Gasoline / Diesel 3,9 1,6 9,5 3,9 1,3
Natural gas
Liquefied petroleum gas na na 0,2 na na
Ethanol, trucks, USA
Ethanol, cars, Brazil na na na

The values ​​of the coefficients for taking into account the technical condition (P) and the age of the car (R) for the emission of the i-th gas

Table 6

Coefficient P

R factor


Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions by road transport in Almaty (2008).

We note right away that the application of this methodology provides for accounting for greenhouse gas emissions by enterprises, and not by administrative units. Therefore, if necessary, GHG emissions in Almaty should be calculated as the sum of emissions of these gases by auto enterprises located in the city.

The given example of calculation, therefore, is intended only to demonstrate the technology of calculations on real data according to the above methodology. The distribution of vehicles by category is shown in Table 7.

Table 7.

Fuel consumption by its types is shown in table 8

Table 8.

Distribution of fuel consumption.

A. GHG emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles.

Table 10 Number of emissions CO 2

In the calculations contained in Table 10, the coefficient for converting fuel to [TJ] is taken from Table 3. The specific coefficient for CO 2 was taken from table 4 "by default", which was converted to [t / TJ] for convenience of calculations.

CH 4 emissions.

Table 11 Number of emissions CH 4 from cars running on gasoline.

N 2 O emissions.

Table 12 The amount of N 2 O emissions from vehicles running on gasoline.

Note: Since GHG emissions for Kazakhstan's vehicles are assumed to be uncontrolled, the specific factors are taken from the first row of Table 5 by default, the same for both types of vehicles, as recommended by the Guidelines.

So, emissions from vehicles running on gasoline are:

CO 2- 2 385 716.1 t.

CH 4- 1 136.4 t

N 2 O- 110.2 t

B. GHG emissions from vehicles using diesel fuel.

EmissionsCO 2

Table 13 Number of outliers CO 2

CH 4 emissions.

Table 14 Number of emissions CH 4 from cars running on diesel fuel.

EmissionsN 2 O .

Table 15 The amount of N 2 O emissions from vehicles running on diesel fuel.

So, emissions from vehicles running on diesel fuel are:

CO 2- 987 740.5 t.

CH 4- 207.25 t

N 2 O- 207.25 t


1. Emissions CH 4 and N 2 O turned out to be the same due to the equality of specific emission factors CH 4 and N 2 O"By default" (table 5).

2. Calculations at level 1 can be simplified due to the fact that the “default” factors for different types of transport are the same. The example below for calculating emissions from a gas-powered vehicle is done just like this.

B. Calculation of GHG emissions from gas-fueled vehicles

EmissionsCO 2

Table 16. Number of outliers CO 2

CH 4 emissions.

Table 17. Number of emissions CH 4 from cars running on gas.

EmissionsN 2 O .

Table 18 Amount of N 2 O emissions from gas-powered vehicles.

So, emissions from gas-powered vehicles are:

CO 2- 250952.1 t.

CH 4- 410.5 t

N 2 O- 13.4 t

Let us estimate the total GHG emissions from the city's motor transport.

Table 19 Sum of greenhouse gas emissions


1. Final calculations should be presented similarly to table 19.

2. If there are international flights, then the calculations for such routes must be performed and presented separately from flights within the city and the country.

Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions by road transport in Almaty (2008).

We note right away that the application of this methodology provides for accounting for greenhouse gas emissions by enterprises, and not by administrative units. Therefore, if necessary, GHG emissions in Almaty should be calculated as the sum of emissions of these gases by auto enterprises located in the city.

The given example of calculation, therefore, is intended only to demonstrate the technology of calculations on real data according to the above methodology. The distribution of vehicles by category is shown in Table 7.

Table 7.

Types of transport

Buses, total

Buses, private. Vlad

Passenger cars total number in thousand units

Private cars. Vlad thousand units

Number of cars per 100 people

Fuel consumption by its types is shown in table 8

Table 8.

Distribution of fuel consumption.

Car Type

Fuel types and share of consumption in%

Gasoline, t

Diesel fuel, t

Passenger cars

Light duty vehicles

Heavy-duty transport


A. GHG emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles.

Table 10 Number of emissions CO 2

Car types

Coefficient k m

thousand tons / TJ

Fuel quantity, TJ

Specific Coefficient

CO2 emissions t / TJ

The amount of СО 2, t



In the calculations contained in Table 10, the coefficient for converting fuel to [TJ] is taken from Table 3. The specific coefficient for CO 2 was taken from table 4 "by default", which was converted to [t / TJ] for convenience of calculations.

EmissionsCH 4 .

Table 11 Number of emissions CH 4 from cars running on gasoline.

Car types

The amount of fuel burned, thousand tons

Coefficient k m

thousand tons / TJ

Fuel quantity, t / J

Specific Coefficient

emissions CH 4 t / tj

The amount of СО 2, t



EmissionsN 2 O.

Table 12 Number of N 2 O emissions from cars running on gasoline.

Car types

The amount of fuel burned, thousand tons

Coefficient k m

thousand tons / TJ

Fuel quantity, t / J

Specific Coefficient

emissions CH 4 t / tj

The amount of СО 2, t



Note: Since GHG emissions for Kazakhstan's vehicles are assumed to be uncontrolled, the specific factors are taken from the first row of Table 5 by default, the same for both types of vehicles, as recommended by the Guidelines.

So, emissions from vehicles running on gasoline are:

CO 2 - 2 385 716.1 t.

CH 4 - 1 136.4 t

N 2 O- 110.2 t

B. GHG emissions from vehicles using diesel fuel.

EmissionsC O 2

Table 13 Number of outliers CO 2

Car types

The amount of fuel burned, thousand tons

Coefficient k m

thousand tons / TJ

Fuel quantity, TJ

Specific Coefficient

CO2 emissions t / TJ

The amount of СО 2, t


Light duty transport

Heavy-duty transport + buses

EmissionsCH 4 .

Table 14 Number of emissions CH 4 from cars running on diesel fuel.

EmissionsN 2 O .

Table 15 Number of N 2 O emissions from cars running on diesel fuel.

So, emissions from vehicles running on diesel fuel are:

CO 2 - 987 740.5 t.

CH 4 - 207.25 t

N 2 O- 207.25 t


1. Emissions CH 4 and N 2 O turned out to be the same due to the equality of the specific emission factors CH 4 and N 2 O"By default" (table 5).

2. Calculations at level 1 can be simplified due to the fact that the “default” factors for different types of transport are the same. The example below for calculating emissions from a gas-powered vehicle is done just like this.

B. Calculation of GHG emissions from gas-fueled vehicles

EmissionsC O 2

Table 16. Number of outliers CO 2

EmissionsCH 4 .

Table 17. Number of emissions CH 4 from cars running on gas.

EmissionsN 2 O .

Table 18 Number of N 2 O emissions from cars running on gas.

So, emissions from gas-powered vehicles are:

CO 2 - 250952.1 t.

CH 4 - 410.5 t

N 2 O- 13.4 t

Let us estimate the total GHG emissions from the city's motor transport.

Table 19 Sum of greenhouse gas emissions


1. Final calculations should be presented similarly to table 19.

2. If there are international flights, then the calculations for such routes must be performed and presented separately from flights within the city and the country.

Good afternoon, dear subscribers! We are doing the calculation of greenhouse gases correctly!

Once again, the legislators are doing another "trick" with us. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia No. 554 dated December 23, 2015 approved the application form for registering objects that have a negative impact on the environment (NVOS) on state registration. The document contains information required for entry into the state register, including in the form of electronic documents signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature (EDS).

Calculation of greenhouse gases in a new way

By order of the Ministry of Natural Resources dated September 27, 2016 No. 499, the content of some information has been changed.

There are not many changes, which is good news:

1. In paragraph 2 of Section II "Information on the impact of the facility on the environment" the words "actual mass of carbon dioxide emissions" shall be replaced by the words "actual mass of greenhouse gas emissions in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2-equivalent)".

2. After footnote 1 to paragraph 4 of Section I, add footnote 2 to paragraph 2 of Section II as follows:

"In accordance with the methodological guidelines and guidelines for quantifying the volume of greenhouse gas emissions by organizations carrying out economic and other activities in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated June 30, 2015 No. 300 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 15, 2015, registration 40098), the actual mass of greenhouse gas emissions is determined in terms of carbon dioxide. "

Those who are currently busy with filing applications for state registration, please keep in mind the recent changes. Always a site for you!


You can always find additional information on environmental safety by using our Blog Search.

Finally, we suggest watching a video on the topic of greenhouse gases. So to speak for general development;)

How do greenhouse gases actually work?

That's all. If the information turned out to be useful, then put asterisks and share the link to this note on social networks;) Thank you!

The boiler house makes a greater contribution to the CO2 pollution of the atmospheric air.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fuel combustion in boiler houses

The need for an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions is determined by Russia's participation in the UN Framework Convention on the Prevention of Global Climate Change (UNFCCC). The UNFCCC was made more concrete by the protocol adopted at an international conference in the Japanese city of Kyoto (Kyoto Protocol). According to this protocol, highly developed countries must reduce emissions at the level of 1990 in the period until 2012, the protocol has a “flexibility mechanism”, providing for trading in greenhouse gas emissions. The Russian Federation signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1999. and has now ratified it.

A measure of the effect of greenhouse gases on climate is the forcing radiative forcing (sometimes referred to as “climate-forming forcing”). Forcing radiation exposure is a violation of the energy balance of the Earth - the atmosphere that occurs, for example, after changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide. The climate system reacts to the forced radiative forcing in such a way as to restore the energy balance. The positive forcing effect that occurs when the concentration of greenhouse gases increases, tends to warm the surface. The main greenhouse gas is CO2, accounting for about 80%.

CO2 emissions are calculated according to the following method:

"International methodology for inventory of greenhouse gas emissions" St. Petersburg 2003.

The calculation of CO2 emissions from fuel combustion is broken down into the following steps:

  • 1) Determination of fuel consumption in weight units;
  • 2) Correction for unburned carbon;
  • 3) Calculation of energy release during fuel combustion;
  • 4) Calculation of CO2 emissions;

Emissions are calculated using the formula:

E = M * K1 * TNZ * K2 * 44/12 * 10-3, tons / year

Where: E - annual CO2 emission in weight units (tons / year);

М - actual consumption of fuel (fuel oil) per year (tons / year) М = 19000;

К1 - coefficient of oxidation of carbon in fuel (accounting for incomplete combustion of fuel);

ТНЗ - net calorific value (J / ton);

К2 - carbon emission factor (tons / J),

Burning fuel oil in a boiler room:

E = 8776 * 0.99 * 40.19 * 21.1 * 44/12 * 10-3 = 27015 tons / year

I approve

Minister of Security


Republic of Kazakhstan

System of normative documents on environmental protection

Governing Normative Document




Executor: RSE "KazNIIEK" MEP RK

Client: Ministry of Environmental Protection

environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Astana 2010

1. General Provisions

2. Purpose and objectives

3. Settlement procedure

3.1. Theoretical basis

3.2. Calculation of CO2 emissions

3.3 Calculation of emissions of other greenhouse gases

4. Calculation example

5. Estimation of uncertainties

6. Reporting and documentation

7. List of sources used


Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy enterprises are decisive in the national emission inventory of any country. For Kazakhstan, these emissions also make up the bulk of GHG emissions among all spheres of economic activity. Therefore, it is natural that the accounting of GHG emissions by energy enterprises should be especially careful, and the uncertainty in the estimates should be minimal.

These guidelines are intended to estimate GHG emissions only from thermal power plants and boiler houses, i.e., enterprises for which the generation of electricity or heat, as well as electricity and heat is simultaneously the main goal. The guidelines are intended for calculating GHG emissions at all thermal power plants and boiler houses, regardless of the form of ownership. At the same time, all other enterprises in which fuel is also burned, but for which the generation of electricity and heat is not the main output product, are not covered by these guidelines.

Depending on the completeness of the information, it is possible to estimate (calculate) GHG emissions at three levels. The more information about the applied fuel combustion technology, the higher the level of assessment can be. So, if only the data on the amount of fuel burned per year are known, then calculations are possible only at level 1. In this case, it will also be necessary to use the GHG emission factors per unit of fuel burned, obtained for Europe and the USA, the so-called. default emission factors.

If national data on specific emission factors are available for the given emission sources and fuel type and, in addition, the carbon content of the fuels used is known, then the calculations can be performed at Tier 2. In this case, the default GHG emission factors for Tier 1 are replaced with country-specific emission factors. Such factors can be calculated based on country-specific data on carbon content, the state of combustion technology, carbon remaining in ash, which may also change over time. It is good practice to compare country specific emission factors with default factors. The difference should be small, around 5%. However, such a comparison is carried out by the corresponding research institutes of the country. The task of the enterprise is to use national coefficients, if any.

Level 3, the most preferred, as giving minimum errors, can be used if the following data are available:

Information about the quality of the fuel used;

Combustion technology;

Operating conditions;

Combustion control technologies;

Maintenance quality;

The purpose of this regulatory document is to develop a scientifically grounded and similar in structure to the International and European approaches method for assessing the volume of greenhouse gas emissions from thermal power plants and boiler houses, which would be acceptable for the conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

Studied scientific information from near and far abroad on modern GHG emission factors depending on the type of fuel, technology and combustion mode;

The structure of energy enterprises in Kazakhstan, existing technologies and available data were studied;

A methodology for accounting (calculation) of GHG emissions by enterprises in Kazakhstan has been developed;

A sample of calculations of GHG emissions for energy companies has been prepared, following which it is possible to perform calculations for a real enterprise.


3.1. Theoretical basis.

Calculations of carbon dioxide emissions ( CO2) are best controlled because they are based on the equation for carbon oxidation:

C + O2 = CO2

or in molar masses:

12 + 2 ´ 16 = 12 + 16 ´ 2 = 44

Consequently, there are 44 masses of carbon dioxide for 12 molar masses of carbon. Accordingly, one molar mass of carbon accounts for the mass of carbon dioxide, that is, for every ton of carbon burned, or "3.67 tons of carbon dioxide is emitted.

The theory is easily implemented in relation to the combustion of coal, which, after the separation of all kinds of impurities, is pure carbon. True, solid fuels do not always burn 100%, however, in the latest Guidelines, it is recommended to calculate emissions based on this very condition, which we also follow.

Slightly harder to calculate emissions of other greenhouse gases CH4 and N2 O... The specific amount of emissions of each of them is determined by the peculiarities of the combustion process, such as the combustion temperature and its distribution over the chamber volume, the amount of supplied air, etc. Accordingly, the uncertainty of the calculations is greater. At the same time, the technological processes of thermal stations and large boiler houses are characterized by high stability and control over them, which contributes to keeping the level of uncertainty within acceptable limits.

Regardless of the type of fuel, the scheme of approach to estimating GHG emissions (decision tree) is the same, Fig. 1.

In any case, it is necessary to know the amount of fuel burned per year or types of fuels.

If only these data are available, then according to the diagram in Fig. 1. to calculate GHG emissions from each of the fuels used (coal, fuel oil, etc.), one has to use the “default” specific GHG emission factors. These factors are shown in Table 1. Specific emission factors CH4 and N2 O are given in table 2.

Calorific value,

Qн, TJ / tyst

Carbon emission factor, tC / TJ

Raw oil

Raw oil

Gas condensate

Aviation gasoline

Automobile gasoline

Jet fuel such as gasoline

Aviation kerosene

Jet fuel such as kerosene

Other kerosene

Lighting kerosene and other

Gas / diesel

Diesel fuel

Household stove fuel

Fuel for low-speed diesel engines (motor)

Heating oil

Petroleum fuel (fuel oil)

Fuel oil for the fleet

Liquefied petroleum gas

Liquefied propane and butane

Hydrocarbon liquefied gases

Oil bitumen

Oil and shale bitumen


Waste oils (other oils)

Petroleum coke

Petroleum coke and shale

Other fuels

Other fuels

Coking coal

Coking coal of the Karaganda basin

Sub-bituminous coal

Hard coal

Lignite (brown coal)

Coal coke and semi-coke

Coke oven gas

Coke oven gas

Blast furnace gas

Blast furnace gas

Natural gas

Natural gas

Solid biomass

Firewood for heating

Note: D - values ​​from the IPCC Guidelines (IPCC default);

CS - country specific;

PS - plant specific.

Table 2 Emission factors from industrial sources

Core technology


Odds 1 emissions (kg / TJ of energy input)

Liquid fuels

Fuel oil boilers

Gas oil / diesel boilers

Large stationary diesel engines> 600hp With. (447kW)

LPG boilers

Solid fuels

Including coking

Shubarkol deposit

Kuu-Chekinskoye field

Borlinskoye field

Ekibastuz basin

Maikuben pool

Yubileynoye deposit "Karazhyra")

Source: "The main directions of development and distribution of the productive forces of Kazakhstan for the period up to 2015" ed. and. - Almaty: RGP Institute for Economic Research, 2002, 656 p.

For those coals that were not included in Table 3, the data in Table 1 should be used.

3.3. Emissions of other greenhouse gases.

Emissions CH4 and N2 O calculated using the same formula 1 and in the simplest case when calculating at level 1 specific emission factors CH4 and N2 O are taken from the same table 1 "by default". However, emissions CH4 and N2 O strongly depend on the fuel combustion technology, so it is advisable to use additional information on this in order to perform calculations at level 2.

It is good practice for this tier to obtain and then use their specific emission factors for specific combustion technologies. Such factors are developed in the framework of national programs or regional studies for the same purpose. Unfortunately, in Kazakhstan, national emission factors CH4 and N2 O not yet available.


Suppose there is a boiler house in which 32,000 coal from the Shubarkol deposit and 1,700 tons of fuel oil have been burned per year. Find greenhouse gas emissions WITHO2 , CH4 and N2 O.


1. Since there is no data on the fuel combustion mode other than its amount, the calculations will have to be performed at level 1.

Let us first estimate the emissions WITHO2 from coal combustion, for which, based on formula 1, for convenience, we will compile table 4.

Table 4. Results of emission calculations WITHO2 from burning coal

Thus, emissions WITHO2 from coal combustion amounted to 60 thousand 396.9 tons. In this case, we took the national coefficient for conversion to terraJoules from Table 3, and the specific emission factor from Table 2.

2. Let us now estimate the emissions WITHO2 from burning fuel oil. Let's use the same equation 1 for calculations and construct table 5 similarly to table 4.

Table 5. Results of emission calculations WITHO2 from burning fuel oil

Combustion of fuel oil, therefore, had emissions WITHO2 in the amount of 5414.9 tons.

Total emissions WITHO2 boiler house were:

60366.9 + 5414.9 = 65781.8 tons

3. CH4 emissions andN 2 O .

Emissions from coal combustion.

Since emissions CH4 and N2 O are carried out from the same amount of fuel as for WITHO2 , then we will use the already recalculated fuel data from tons to terraJoules, taking them from tables 3 and 4, respectively.

The calculations will be performed according to the same equation 1, for which we will compile table 6.

Table 6. Emission values CH4 and N2 O from burning coal

In this case, the specific emission factors CH4 and N2 O taken from table 2 "by default".

Emissions from fuel oil combustion.

Our actions are similar, but the type of fuel is fuel oil.

Table 7. Emission values CH4 and N2 O from burning fuel oil

Total emissions CH4 is:

0,63 + 0,21 = 0,84 tons,

and the total emissions N2 O are equal:

0,94 + 0,04 = 0,98 tons.

The total or total emissions for the boiler house were:

CO2- 60905.6 t.

CH4- 0.84 t.

N2 O- 0.98 t.

In this case, to convert CH4 and N2O to CO2 eq. must be multiplied by 21 and 310, respectively.

All obtained data with intermediate results of emissions for each type of fuel (with initial data) must be submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Calculations are carried out in exactly the same way if the boiler house runs on liquid fuel.


Estimates of Uncertainties in Emission Calculations CO2 relatively small, if the amount of fuel burned is calculated correctly. It is the amount of fuel burned that is the source of uncertainty. Therefore, its constant accounting is required, especially if part of the fuel is imported.

In terms of their characteristics, petroleum products fall within a narrow range and, due to their heterogeneity, uncertainties in estimating emissions CO2 are small. Coal can be a source of uncertainty more than oil or gas products. Its carbon content can vary greatly.

Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry "(GPG-LULUCF 2003),

7. Revised Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. IPCC, 1996: v. 1. Reference manual.

8. Revised Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. IPCC, 1996: vol. 2. Working book.

9. Revised Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. IPCC, 1996: v. 3. Guidelines for reporting.