
Physical and mental stress for a child - should it be reduced? Vitamins for mental stress and nervous tension Mental stress


The article presents the content of designing a way to reduce the tension of students' intellectual work implemented within the framework of social and hygienic monitoring of students' intellectual work. Based on a multidimensional analysis of the factors of information stress, the requirements for the design of a testing system aimed at reducing the intensity of mental work among students are determined. A comparative characteristic of indicators and criteria for assessing the intensity of mental load models is presented: models with and without feedback options, as well as a model aimed at optimizing tension (an adaptive testing system). It is indicated that the use of an adaptive testing system helps to reduce the time of the load, optimize the intensity of work without reducing the effectiveness compared with the effects of traditional forms of testing the theoretical preparedness of students. The article is part of the scientific project "Studying the regularities of integrative processes in the central nervous system in the conditions of educational and professional activities" (reg. No. 2669) as part of the implementation of the design part of the state assignment in the field of scientific activity to educational organizations of higher education subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

labor intensity

intellectual labor


load simulation

mental stress

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The target setting for the modernization of the modern education system predetermines high efficiency, including the organization of the educational process. Efficiency in this context is understood as the effectiveness of activities, which is characterized by the achievement of the highest quality with the optimal use of a complex of resources, in particular hygienic and psychophysiological ones, as the foundation of professional longevity.

The quality of education as a category expressed in quantitative terms can and should be controlled. Management becomes optimal upon receipt of operational, current information - the basis for determining the qualitative parameters of education results. Such a mechanism in the management system is hygienic monitoring as a system for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating information about the educational system or its individual elements. Monitoring allows you to judge the state of the object at any time and predict its development, provides the necessary information basis for making informed management decisions aimed at achieving the set goals for the development of the object. Mandatory components in this control system are the stages of design and simulation. The results of these processes, performed on the basis of a multidimensional analysis of the impact of environmental factors, predetermine the effectiveness of management.

Purpose of the study. Based on a multidimensional analysis of the factors of information stress, to determine a way to reduce the intensity of students' intellectual work. Methodical approaches to load modeling. The probable effects of the influence of mental stress on the state of the body of students were studied in the course of implementing one of the two methodological approaches used in the design of work systems, which are, among other things, a substantive part of monitoring the state of the body of the subjects and environmental conditions (workplace).

The approach we use to modeling mental load is based on a comparative description of the proposed models - mental load options (table). This methodological approach is based on a multidimensional analysis of the causes of information stress according to the scheme proposed by V.A. Bodrov (2000) .

A.Mental load model with and without feedback option. The mental load model consisted in imitation of control computer testing of students' knowledge in the academic discipline "Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge and Healthy Lifestyle" (pedagogical profile) using the database of the FEPO system. The features of the test shell, in addition to having the proper attributes of the testing system, allowed the subject to fix a subjective assessment of the degree of task complexity (easy, normal, difficult), as well as predict his answer (correct; I doubt it). The duration of the test was one academic hour.

Comparative characteristics of indicators and criteria for assessing the intensity of mental load models


Level, indicator, quality


1. Semantic (semantic)

subjective complexity of the task

high index of complexity (according to the ratio of subjectively difficult tasks to subjectively easy ones)

variable (adequate to the level of preparedness of the subject with the prospect of a higher level of complexity)

task responsibility

testing progress control

inconstant and ambiguous (according to the regulations)

high probability of subjective control

uncertainty (uncertainty) of test items

takes place

development, testing progress

probably controlled


probably controlled

success of the activity


Potentially high success score

test information quality

Depending on the complexity (difficulty) of the test building, the following are not excluded: probable inconsistency of information, variability of special terminology, etc.

2. Operational (procedural)

completeness of test information

Variable, due to lack of information

amount of test information

Depending on the effectiveness - the success of the answers

regulations for the receipt of information

streaming (chaotic)

Determined by performance dependency (series of previous responses)

3. Temporary

time allotted for the task


Determined by the dependence of performance

workload duration


task arrival time

subjectively controlled

4. Organizational

the moment of presenting the task


selection of the necessary information (answer)


state of attention

variable (distraction/concentration)

skipping a task

subjectively controlled

combination of activities


objective complexity of the task

takes place (indefinitely variable)

Conditional Difficulty Control (Hard-Easy)

5. Technical

system health

probable failure or blocking

signal interference

takes place

quality of task information features

probabilistic contradiction

attractiveness of the task



the degree of compliance of the test task with the requirements for its preparation

probable mismatch

subjective (subjective)

6. Moral




observed (isolated cases)


7. Professional

knowledge level


development of skills and abilities

testing experience


8. Physiological

body reserves

(according to HRV)

variability (decrease due to fatigue)

optimal (no signs of fatigue)

functional states

There have been cases of adverse conditions (nausea, fatigue, etc.)

no complaints

analyzer sensitivity level

variable (satisfactory and unsatisfactory)

9. Psychological

motivation for activity

predominantly high

personality traits and mental states

Manifestation of concentration of attention, verbal aggression, perseverance


10. In the organization of labor

work and rest schedule


Depending on the success

subjectively high

adequate to the level of preparedness

performance feedback


assessment of labor activity

operational assessment

no operational assessment

workplace organization

in accordance with requirements + achievement of subjective comfort

job choice

11. In the means of labor

instrument layout

task view interface

no (standard)

presence of interference

variety of input devices


12. Working conditions

the state of the microclimate of the room (workplace)

noise level



workplace design


availability of input devices


psychological climate


verbal, visual contact with the assistant

verbal accompaniment of the examination (instruction)

B.A mental load model aimed at optimizing tension. We consider it appropriate to elaborate on the principles of designing this version of the model, which we position as an adaptive testing model (ATM). The latter, in our opinion, allows us to implement the provisions set forth in the theory of resource assessment of mental stress.

According to T.N. Tyagunova (2003), "an effective test can be called, which is better than other tests, measures the knowledge of students of a specific level of preparedness, with fewer tasks, better, faster, cheaper, and all this - if possible in a complex" . In determining the effectiveness of the test, two key points are taken into account: the number of tasks and the level of preparedness of students. This approach is the basis for the development of an adaptive testing system designed to optimize inadequate tension.

Regulationstesting in ATM format. The test subject is offered a standard instruction provided before the immediate procedure for testing the level of theoretical preparedness. The standard briefing focuses on technical performance - the so-called. operational behavior of the operator in the conditions of work with the technical system. A feature of the testing instructions in the ATM environment is the explanation of the fundamental model (scheme) underlying the testing system or the regulations - an intuitive selection (generation) of test tasks, the objective difficulty of which corresponds to the level of preparedness of the subject.

When designing the ATM, it was taken into account that the work consists of a combination of tasks performed on a specific type of PC (laptop) in a specific environment (stationary laboratory conditions) and in a specific organizational structure (under the conditions of students' educational and professional activities). So, each of the listed components by default, in a certain way, affects the body, causing a certain degree of reactivity, the quality of the solution of the problem by the tested.

Testing begins with tasks of medium complexity and ends when the student reaches a certain constant level of complexity, answering in a row a certain critical number of questions of the same complexity level.

The effectiveness of testing is due to the algorithm in which the next step is performed only after evaluating the results of the previous step. After the subject has completed the next task, each time there is a need to make a decision on the selection of the difficulty of the next task, depending on whether the previous answer was correct or incorrect. The algorithm for selecting and presenting tasks is based on the feedback principle, when, with the correct answer of the subject, the next task is chosen more difficult, and the wrong answer entails the presentation of a subsequent easier task than the one to which the subjects were given the wrong answer.

The result was determined automatically when calculating the ratio of positive to negative responses after the second step of testing. At the same time, there should be three more positive answers assigned to one level than negative answers of the same level.

The proposed ATM principle implies the use of sublevels or "intermediate levels of knowledge" as a way to exclude random answers (both correct and erroneous) - the logical distribution of clarifying questions for grades 3, 4, 5 (knowledge levels are respectively 3, 5, 7) . The result obtained, expressed in a certain level of knowledge, can be reduced to an evaluation system, for example, a 5-point one.

The reliability of the test results in this case is the highest, because adaptation to the level of knowledge of a particular student is carried out, which ensures a higher accuracy of measurements.

Conclusion. Thus, the adaptive test system is an automated system for scientifically based verification and evaluation of learning outcomes, which is highly efficient due to the optimization of the procedures for generating, presenting and evaluating the results of adaptive tests.

The efficiency of optimizing the intensity of mental work is determined by the choice of the variant of the organization of control and measuring (testing) activities, adequate to the dominant psychophysiological reaction of the students' organism in various conditions of mental load. It has been previously proven that the use of ATM helps to reduce the time to complete the load, optimize labor intensity without reducing productivity compared to the effects of traditional forms of testing the theoretical preparedness of students.

The article is part of the scientific project "Studying the regularities of integrative processes in the central nervous system in the conditions of educational and professional activities" (reg. No. 2669) as part of the implementation of the design part of the state assignment in the field of scientific activity to educational organizations of higher education subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.


Pavlova V.I., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Life Safety and Biomedical Disciplines, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk;

Belousova N.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head Department of Mathematics, Natural Science and Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Natural Science, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk.

Bibliographic link

Baiguzhin P.A., Baiguzhina O.V. MODELING OF MENTAL LOAD AS A WAY TO MANAGE THE INTENSITY OF STUDENTS' INTELLECTUAL WORK // Modern Problems of Science and Education. - 2015. - No. 6.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

At the bottom of the article is a selection of drugs for the prevention of the disease

You can increase efficiency, improve memory and concentration, as well as become more quick-witted and attentive even during periods of great mental stress, whether it is preparation for entrance and final exams, sessions, graduation, candidate, large projects or just important business meetings. To do this, it is enough to introduce into your diet a complex of special products that are responsible for the functioning of the brain. Interestingly, among other things, they will help improve sleep, get rid of irritability and stress, and significantly improve the quality of your life (1) .

Vitamins to improve mental performance

It's no secret that the brain, like any other organ, requires proper nutrition. At the same time, in the diet of a person seeking to improve mental activity, the following must be present:

  • B vitamins. They affect memory and help restore brain cells. Contrary to the erroneous belief that these cells do not regenerate.
  • Vitamins A, C and antioxidants. They stand in the same row, as they perform identical functions, protecting cells from the action of free radicals and toxins.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. They improve brain function and lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Zinc. It improves memory and cognitive functions.

At the same time, it is imperative that the body receives all the vitamins along with food, and not as part of medicines and vitamin complexes. And there are several reasons for that.

Firstly, in this form they are better absorbed.

Secondly, vitamins, which are contained in food, are absolutely safe. Meanwhile, the effect of such drugs on the human body has not yet been studied.

Thirdly, they have no contraindications. At the same time, doctors do not recommend taking some vitamin complexes to improve brain function for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases or allergies (1) .

Top 21 foods for high mental stress

To improve brain function, it is important to choose quality organic and, most importantly, fresh food. At the same time, we should not forget about clean drinking water. After all, our brain is 85% fluid, which means it is in dire need of it (2) . By the way, in case of fatigue during prolonged mental activity, doctors advise replacing the usual cup of coffee with a glass of clean water.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of products that have a beneficial effect on the human brain, scientists identify the most basic ones. Among them:

  • Salmon. In addition to it, mackerel, sardine or trout are suitable. This is an oily fish, thanks to which omega-3 fatty acids enter the body. Research conducted at the New Zealand University of Nutrition by scientists led by Velma Stonehouse showed that "regular consumption of oily fish improves short-term and long-term memory and prevents the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease" (3) .
  • Tomatoes. These vegetables contain the antioxidant lycopene. It protects cells from the action of free radicals and toxins, improving blood circulation, and with it brain function. Regular consumption of tomatoes improves memory, attention, concentration and logical thinking. It also prevents the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Blueberry. It contains antioxidants and polyphenols that help improve short-term memory and concentration. In addition, they can prevent the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, the cause of which, according to one hypothesis, is toxins (3) . You can replace blueberries with cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and other berries.
  • Green leafy vegetables. First of all, these are all types of cabbage and spinach. Their uniqueness lies in the high content of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid. Their lack in the body is the cause of forgetfulness and even the development of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, they contain iron, which reduces the risk of various cognitive impairments.
  • Cereals. Brown rice and oatmeal are best. Among other things, they improve blood circulation. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on brain function. In addition, these are complex carbohydrates that provide the body with energy and help improve concentration and speed up the process of comprehending new information.
  • Walnuts. Source of omega-3 fatty acids. Numerous studies have shown that they improve memory, concentration and cognitive skills. It is enough to eat only a handful of nuts a day. They also contain vitamin E, which prevents the development of age-related brain diseases (3) .
  • Avocado. It contains monounsaturated fats, which normalize blood circulation and also prevent the risk of developing hypertension.
  • Eggs. It is a source of protein and vitamin B4. This vitamin plays an important role in the regulation of emotional behavior and sleep. In addition, it improves memory and concentration.
  • Green tea. This drink has a huge number of useful properties, among which there is a memory improvement.
  • Almond. Like oily fish, it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which directly affect brain activity. It also contains antioxidants and vitamin E. In combination, they protect cells from the harmful effects of toxins and improve blood circulation, thereby allowing a person to remain concentrated, attentive and maximally collected for a long time.
  • Sunflower seeds. A source of vitamin E and an antioxidant that prevents memory loss.
  • Beans. Improves cognitive functions of the brain.
  • Apples. They contain quercetin, an antioxidant that prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease. Apples also improve brain function and memory and prevent the risk of cancer.
  • Grape. All types of grapes contain quercetin and anthocyanins, substances that improve memory.
  • Carrot. Source of vitamins B, C and beta-carotene. Regular consumption of carrots slows down the aging process, which, among other things, is manifested by memory deterioration and the extinction of brain activity.
  • Pumpkin seeds. They contain vitamins A, E, zinc, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Regular use of these seeds allows you to get rid of sleep problems, as well as improve concentration and brain function.
  • Quality dark chocolate. It is a source of caffeine and antioxidants. These substances improve blood circulation, so that the brain receives more oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the ability to concentrate and focus improves, as well as memorize new material (4) .
  • Sage. A source of antioxidants and beneficial substances, which, moreover, are contained in drugs against Alzheimer's disease. According to a study published in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior in 2003, “sage helps improve short-term memory and speed up the process of memorizing new material. In addition, it improves concentration and speeds up the process of understanding what is read or heard” (3) .
  • Caffeine. It is an antioxidant that, in moderate amounts, can quickly relieve fatigue, increase efficiency and concentration.
  • Beet. It has a positive effect on the processes of blood circulation. This improves memory and concentration. At the same time, a person acquires a clear and sharp mind (3) .
  • Curry. A spice that contains curcumin, which improves memory, stimulates neurogenesis, which is actually the process of creating new cells, and reduces the risk of developing brain inflammation and Alzheimer's disease.

How else can you improve brain function during high mental stress?

  1. Take care of a sound and healthy sleep.
  2. Don't forget about rest. Alternate mental and physical activity.
  3. Exercise regularly (4) .
  4. More often solve puzzles for the mind, solve puzzles and crossword puzzles.
  5. Listen to music. Some studies show that listening to music while doing mental work allows you to relax and rejuvenate.
  6. Refuse to eat fatty foods, foods high in starch, as well as sweet and starchy foods. It dehydrates the body, thereby impairing brain function (5) .


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How to start earning with "Siberian Health"

According to the type of work performed, human activity is conditionally divided into physical and mental, however, in each type of activity there are elements of physical and mental work. At the same time, physical and mental activities differ from each other in the nature of the work, its results and the physiological mechanism that implements them.

Physical work is a combination of dynamic and static activities. Dynamic work is accompanied by a change in human muscle efforts when moving the human body or its parts in space. These movements are repeated in a certain rhythm. Physical activity is characterized by severity, which is estimated by the total energy consumption of the body. At rest, the energy consumption of the body is 80 ... 100 W, and when performing various activities - 150 ... 500 W.

On the one hand, with insufficient physical activity, hypodynamia can develop, which is characterized by a violation of such important body functions as blood circulation, respiration, digestion, and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. On the other hand, physical overload negatively affects the safety and functional state of the body. When performing heavy work, the likelihood of injury increases, serious violations of the functioning of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system (CVS) occur. In the case of a long time to perform hard work, fatigue and overwork develop.

Mental activity refers to neuropsychic stress. She, like muscle, is primarily the activity of the central nervous system, its higher department - the cerebral cortex. The central nervous system regulates the mental state, memory, observation, vision, hearing, the ability to think logically, the ability to make the right decisions. During mental work, as well as during physical work, metabolic processes change, but the increase in total metabolism is only $ 10 ... 15. Unlike physical work, during mental work, there is a narrowing of the vessels of the extremities and an expansion of the vessels of the internal organs. The pulse changes slightly. Oxygen consumption by the brain increases by 15...20 times. Mental work requires significant neuro-emotional stress. In this case, changes in blood pressure and an increase in blood sugar are possible.

With prolonged mental work that requires great emotional and nervous tension, such cardiovascular diseases as cardiosclerosis and atherosclerosis can develop.

Mental work is evaluated by the intensity coefficient

where r- amount of transmitted information, bit/s;

According to doctors, within a few days after a smoker quits smoking, his blood pressure normalizes, heart function recovers and blood circulation in the extremities improves. After eight hours, the amount of oxygen in the blood normalizes.

Tantra involves the connection of both bodies and souls, and gives pleasure not only physical, but also spiritual. However, in the modern world, tantric sex is often of interest to people only in terms of obtaining additional, unknown pleasure from sexual intercourse. Tan technique.

Many sooner or later think about how to get rid of excess weight. But not everyone manages to achieve noticeable and stable results. There are many reasons for this. A person reacts sharply to external stimuli and temptations. It can be advertising, beautifully designed.

There are not so many successful people, and therefore the question arises by itself: “Why? Can success be very difficult? Or maybe people just don’t know where the road to success begins? Let's figure it out! We are gradually starting to download a failed social program.

The method of electrotherapy based on the principle of the influence of a high frequency magnetic field (from three to thirty MHz) on the human body is called inductothermy. Inductothermy has a beneficial and healing effect on the body. Thanks to it, blood vessels increase,.

What woman does not want to stay young and attractive for a long time, does not dream of the absence of wrinkles on her face and neck? But most often, women take care of their faces more, forgetting that the neck ages much faster and ignore the care of it. Now that many cosmetics are open.

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Not all people are larks (that is, they wake up cheerfully in the morning). Many of us like to lie in bed longer, luxuriate in a soft bed. In this case, the body fully recovers only by about the middle of the day. That the awakening was faster and the day longer.

The state of our mental faculties depends on health. - Health is a blessing, the price of which only a few know, but the state of our mental and physical abilities largely depends on it. Our feelings and desires are directly connected with our body, and in order to use our gifts with the greatest benefit, the body must be kept in the best possible physical condition and under the most spiritual influence. Anything that saps our physical strength weakens our minds, making them less able to discern good from evil (The Review and Herald, June 20, 1912; Message to Youth, p. 235). (See Chapter 42, Mind and Health.)

All abilities can be developed. - Many do not bring maximum benefit, because their mind works only in one direction and they do not pay due attention to those branches of knowledge for which, as they think, they have no inclination. Thus, hidden reserves remain unclaimed, since people do not find pleasure in work that can open and develop these dormant forces. All mental faculties should be exercised and developed. In order for thinking to be balanced, perception, judgment, memory, and logical thinking must be equally developed (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, pp. 32,33).

Weaknesses cannot be neglected. - It is pleasant to practice what is good from childhood, although it will not bring us much benefit if we neglect the development of our weaknesses, which need and can be corrected. We should pay maximum attention to what we have poorly developed by nature, so that all mental faculties are balanced and each performs a certain role, just as a well-oiled mechanism works.

In preserving and increasing all our abilities, we must rely on God. Christians have an obligation to Him to exercise their mental powers so that they may be more fully developed and strengthened. If we neglect this duty, many of our gifts will not fulfill their purpose and will remain unclaimed. We have no right to neglect at least one of those abilities with which God has awarded us.

All over the country we see a lot of maniacs, people obsessed with one passion. All this because they focused on one subject and neglected the development of other mental abilities. As a result, they have a mental strain, a disease, and they collapse. God is not glorified in the lives of these people; if they evenly developed all the abilities they have, without focusing on just one thing, then all the forces of their body would develop normally and not one of them would be broken (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 33 , 34).

The goal inspires the mind. You also need to find purpose and meaning in life. If a man has no purpose, he is prone to idleness, but when he sets himself a sufficiently important task, all his mental faculties begin to operate involuntarily. To succeed in life, you need to fix your eyes on the ultimate goal and not deviate from the intended path, do not engage in all sorts of trifles and not be content with idle thoughts, which, in fact, are an attempt to avoid responsibility. Building castles in the sand corrupts the mind (Testimonies for the Church 2:429).

An overworked stomach weakens the mental faculties. - Children are generally not taught how important it is to know when, how and what to eat. They are allowed to chew whatever they want, and at any time they please, take fruit from the table if they catch their eye, and eat them with pies, cakes, bread and butter, pancakes, sweets. This makes them gourmets suffering from indigestion. Their digestive organs are constantly working, like a windmill, becoming weak, causing an outflow of vitality from the brain to an overloaded stomach, thereby weakening the mental faculties. The unnatural excitement and depletion of the vital forces makes children nervous, easily excitable, willful, and irritable.—Health Reformer, May, 1877; Essentials of Healthy Diet, p. 181.

Development takes effort. -Children should be taught that the development of their mental and physical powers is theirs, an effortful business.—The Signs of the Times, February 9, 1882; Education of Children, p. 206.

Immutable laws. - Healthy habits contribute to the development of excellent mental faculties. Mental strength, physical endurance, and longevity depend on immutable laws.—Christian Temperance and Biblical Hygiene, p. 28, 1890; Fundamentals of Healthy Diet, p. 29.

The mind is strengthened by the right handling of it. - Every day, people in positions of responsibility have to make decisions that are fraught with very important consequences. Often they have to think through decisions quickly, and only those who practice strict abstinence in their lives are capable of this. The mind is strengthened by the right use of physical and mental powers. If the stress is not too high, the forces are renewed after each load.

But often the results of malnutrition affect the work of people who are obliged to consider important plans and make responsible decisions. An upset stomach leads to a disorder of the mind of a person. Often a person with a sick stomach is irritable, rude and unfair. How many plans that could have been a blessing to the world have been put on hold, how many unjust, despotic, even cruel measures have been taken as a result of the morbid condition caused by bad eating habits! (Ministry of Healing, pp. 309, 310).

Avoiding fatigue. - I hear about workers who destroy their health under the weight of the burden they carry. It shouldn't be. God wants us to remember that we are mortal people. In our work, we should not take on too much. We should not be under such stress as to exhaust our physical and mental powers. Many heavily burdened workers need some of the burden lifted from their shoulders (The Review and Herald, April 28, 1904; Evangelism, p. 660).

One year instead of two. - A student who wants to complete a two-year course in one year should not be allowed to have his own way. For many, the attempt to do double work causes mental overstrain and neglect of exercise. It is unreasonable to assume that the mind is capable of assimilating supersaturated mental food. And to overload the mind is as great a sin as to overload the digestive organs (Advice to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 296).

Excessive mental stress reduces self-control. - With excessive mental stress, blood flow to the brain increases, and therefore painful excitability is created, the ability to control oneself decreases, and this explains why a minute impulse or whim often controls a person. Thus the door is opened for all uncleanness. The abuse of physical forces or the unwillingness to use them at all are in many ways the causes of moral corruption and permissiveness spreading throughout the world. "Pride, abundance of bread and excess of idleness" are the same mortal enemies of human progress in the present generation, as when they led to the destruction of Sodom (Education, p. 209).

Diversify your topics. - If the mind is focused on one thing, it often becomes unbalanced. Human abilities develop better if mental and physical forces are evenly loaded and thinking is versatile (Education, p. 209).

The study of science should not be neglected. - The work of self-education could be much more successful if we were clearly aware of the opportunities and advantages that are provided to us. True education means more than colleges can give. Of course, the study of the sciences should not be neglected, but there is indeed a higher education, which can only be achieved through a living relationship with God. Let every student take the Bible and open his heart to listen to the Great Teacher. Let your mind be prepared to grapple with difficult problems in search of divine truth.—Object Lessons, p. 334. (*See Chapter 54, Activity Overload.)

Impure air weakens the mental faculties. - Many constantly complain of malaise and suffer from various ailments. In almost all cases this is due to the fact that they do not properly plan their work and do not observe the laws of health. Often they spend too much time in a hot heated room and breathe unclean air. They write and do theological research in their stuffy offices, do little exercise, and rarely change jobs. As a result, the blood flows sluggishly in their veins, and mental strength decreases (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 264).

Health-damaging habits should be avoided. - Every habit that weakens physical and mental strength makes a person incapable of serving the Creator (The Great Controversy, p. 473).

How to maintain mental abilities. - A person who is simple in all his habits, who restricts his appetite and controls his passions, can keep his faculties strong, active, cheerful, quick to respond to everything that requires the application of thought and action, shrewd to distinguish between holy and unholy and ready to participate in every enterprise for the glory of God and for the benefit of men.—The Signs of the Times, September 29, 1881; SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 2, p. 1006.

The electrical current in the nervous system affects the vital forces. - Physical passivity causes a decrease in not only mental, but also moral forces. The nerves of the brain, which are connected with the whole organism, are the means through which heaven communicates with man and influences his inner world. Everything that impedes the circulation of electric current in the nervous system, weakening the vital forces and reducing mental perception, makes it difficult to awaken the moral personality (Education, p. 209).

Independent thinking and moral insight. - Education based on the training of memory weakens the independence of thought and has a moral aspect that is not highly valued. When a student sacrifices the ability to reason and draw conclusions for himself, he ceases to distinguish truth from error and easily becomes a victim of deception. It is not difficult to force him to follow any tradition or custom (Education, p. 230).

Raised to achieve the highest efficiency. - Physical, mental faculties, as well as affections, must be developed in such a way as to achieve the highest efficiency (Pamphlet "Distributing Our Health Magazines", With. 1, 1901; Health advice, p. 445).

The study of nature strengthens the ability. - In the lessons taught by nature, there is that simplicity, that purity, which give them the highest value. Anyone who seeks knowledge needs to turn to this living source. The very beauty of nature leads the soul away from sin and the temptations of the world, directs it to purity, peace and God. How often the minds of students are occupied with human theories and constructions, falsely called science and philosophy. They need to get back in close contact with nature. Let them know that the God of creation is the God of Christianity. There they will learn to see the harmony of the natural world and the spiritual. Let all that their eyes see or their hands touch be a lesson in the formation of character. This will strengthen their mental powers, develop their character, ennoble their whole life.—Christ's Object Lessons, pp. 24, 25.

Studying the Bible gives strength to the mind*. - Those who yearn for new knowledge in order to be a blessing to their neighbors will themselves receive blessings from God. The study of the Word of God will awaken their minds to diligent work. It will expand, develop the talents, and the mind will gain strength and effectiveness (Christ's Object Lessons, p. 334).

Turning to God frees the mind from the darkness of ignorance. The will of God is revealed in the Bible. The truths of the Word of God are the sayings of the Most High. The person who makes these truths a part of his life becomes a new creation in every way. He is not given new mental abilities, but the darkness is removed, which through ignorance and sin clouded the mind. The words "I will give you a new heart" mean "I will give you a new mind." A change of heart is always accompanied by a clear awareness of Christian duty, an understanding of the truth. Those who prayerfully study the scriptures carefully will acquire clear understanding and sound judgment, as if they had reached a higher level of intellectual development in turning to God (The Review and Herald, December 18, 1913; My Life Today, p. 24). (See chapter 11, Bible Study and the Mind.)

Excessive mental stress

According to statistics, vegetovascular dystonia in children and adolescents is diagnosed as often as in adults. Despite the fact that some experts do not consider the disruption of the autonomic nervous system to be a disease, the symptoms of this disease adversely affect the child's body, exhausting it and reducing the quality of life. Therefore, even with the appearance of minor and single symptoms, it is important to immediately contact a specialist for a comprehensive diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia in children aged 3 years

Causes of VSD in children and adolescents

Cases of diagnosing such a disease as vegetovascular dystonia in children are quite common. Pathology requires complex treatment and maximum participation of parents. The following factors can provoke the development of the disease:

  • infectious diseases;
  • heredity;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • the negative impact of chemical and physical environmental irritants;
  • pathology during pregnancy;
  • addiction of parents to alcohol and smoking;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • poor quality sleep. Lack of time to rest during the day;
  • scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spinal column;
  • diabetes;
  • malnutrition, lack of vitamins;
  • reduced motor activity;
  • hormonal changes in adolescence;
  • excessive mental stress.

Vegetovascular dystonia symptoms and treatment in children

An exhaustive list of factors in the development of pathology has not been established by medicine to this day. However, special attention must be paid to the psychological climate in the family circle, since children are especially susceptible to changes in emotional tension between parents.

Classification of pathology

In order to compile the most comprehensive and adequate treatment regimen for VVD in adolescents and children, the doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis, during which he determines the etiology, nature of the disorders, the type of dystonia and the course of the disease.

According to the reasons for the development of pathology, the following forms are distinguished:

  1. Dishormonal, caused by a change in hormonal levels in adolescence.
  2. Essential, as a result of heredity.
  3. Infectious-toxic, provoked by infectious diseases, the negative impact of the environment and other external factors.
  4. Neurological, provoked by disorders of the central nervous system as a result of overwork or stress.
  5. Mixed, combines several factors.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children and its treatment

By the nature of the disorder, the following types are distinguished:

  1. The predominance of the sympathetic department of the sun (sympathicotonic).
  2. The predominance of the parasympathetic division of the sun (vagotonic).
  3. Mixed.

According to the symptoms, VVD is divided into the following types:

  1. Cardiology. Pain, discomfort in the region of the heart.
  2. Arrhythmic. Heart rhythm disturbances.
  3. Hyperkinetic. Overload of the left ventricle due to an increase in blood volume, increased pressure.
  4. BP instability.
  5. Asthenoneurotic. Increased fatigue, loss of strength, anxiety.
  6. Respiratory. Shortness of breath even at rest.
  7. Weather dependent.

By the nature of the course, the symptoms of the disease can be latent, paroxysmal or permanent (permanent).

Features of pathology in children under 5 years of age

The causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children are varied.

Primary manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia in children are possible already in the first year of life. The cause of the pathology can be violations of intrauterine development, the course of pregnancy in the mother, the negative impact of external factors after birth. Symptoms of VVD in children under one year old can be:

  • stomach ache;
  • unstable chair;
  • weak appetite;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • poor sleep (frequent awakenings).

The next stage, characterized by a high risk of developing pathology, is the period when the child begins to go to kindergarten, contact with children and adults without parental help. For VVD in a child of 2-3 years, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • stomach ache;
  • tearfulness;
  • increased fatigue, weakness;
  • dizziness, pain in the head;
  • paleness or cyanosis of the skin.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) in children

The presence of VVD in a child of 4-5 years old may be indicated by the appearance of symptoms such as:

  • frequent and sudden mood swings;
  • categorical refusal to attend kindergarten or sports section;
  • enuresis;
  • frequent colds, regardless of whether the child attends kindergarten or not;
  • apathy;
  • shortness of breath, increased fatigue.

Regardless of the number and severity of symptoms, even a slight deviation from the usual behavior and well-being of the child is an indication for going to the doctor.

Symptoms of the disease in children under 10 years of age

The occurrence of vegetovascular dystonia in children aged 6–8 years is associated with the beginning of a new, serious and responsible period, namely, schooling. An unusual daily routine, new acquaintances with peers, teachers, excessive mental stress and other factors provoke prolonged fatigue, which leads to disruption of the organs. VVD can be manifested by the presence of such symptoms:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • a sharp change in mood, tantrums;
  • nausea, abdominal pain;
  • headache;
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • pale skin;
  • thermoregulation disorders.

How to treat VSD in a child

Children 9–10 years old are prone to developing VVD as a result of a discrepancy between mental, physical, psychological stress and opportunities, the potential of the child's body. The following manifestations are characteristic of the disease:

  • rapid change in body weight;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • memory impairment;
  • restless sleep;
  • rashes, itching;
  • depressive state;
  • headache.

It is important to understand that intra-family relations play a major role in the development of VVD. Communication of parents with the child and among themselves, mutual understanding, trust are important components of the healthy and harmonious development of the child in the family circle.

VSD in adolescents: features of the course of the disease in girls and boys

Adolescent vascular dystonia

The main cause of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents is hormonal changes against the background of a discrepancy between psycho-emotional and physical development. The presence of such factors can provoke pathology:

  1. Increasing school load. Complex and voluminous homework makes you spend a lot of time and effort, leading to overwork and lack of sleep.
  2. Physical inactivity. Free time is spent in front of a computer or with a phone in hand.
  3. Consumption of information that adversely affects the fragile psyche (cruelty, violence).
  4. The presence of difficulties in relationships with peers, teachers or parents.

The course of the disease in boys and girls can differ significantly. Males are more susceptible to pathology. This is due to excessive physical exertion or, conversely, an addiction to smoking, drugs, and alcoholic beverages. The disease can be manifested by such symptoms:

In the fair sex, the disease is manifested by a feeling of fear, hysteria, irritability, increased fatigue, tearfulness and mood swings.

diagnostic activities. Which specialist to contact?

Risk factors for vegetovascular dystonia in adolescents

The first thing parents need to do when a child has any symptoms is to see a doctor, in this case, a pediatrician. Based on the history, examination and evaluation of the results of the main studies (electrocardiogram, general urine and blood tests), the specialist will refer the patient for further examinations to clarify the diagnosis of VVD and prescribe adequate treatment. In the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, such doctors can take part:

Comprehensive diagnosis of the disease may include the following methods:

  • blood test for hormones;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • blood pressure monitoring;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasound examination of vessels located in the brain;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • vegetative tests.

Symptoms of VVD in children 7-12 years old

A complete diagnosis allows you to choose the most appropriate treatment that will most effectively relieve the disease.

Therapeutic methods

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia in children is, first of all, non-drug therapy. Proper nutrition, adequate physical activity, outdoor walks, elimination of stressful situations, prevention of overwork, psycho-emotionally healthy family environment are the basis of treatment.

One of the methods of non-drug treatment is physiotherapy, and it includes:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • magnetic laser treatment;
  • electrosleep;
  • water procedures;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phytotherapy;
  • aromatherapy.

Therapeutic treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents

In a situation where non-drug therapy does not bring sufficient results and the child's quality of life continues to decline, the doctor may decide to prescribe medications, namely:

  1. Cerebroprotectors that normalize metabolic processes in the brain.
  2. Drugs that stimulate blood circulation.
  3. The intake of antioxidants is relevant when the disease is caused by the negative influence of various environmental stimuli.
  4. Beta-blockers are recommended when diagnosing the hyperkinetic type of the disease.
  5. Nootropics that activate intelligence, memory, mental performance.
  6. Antidepressants that relieve anxiety, hysteria, and improve mood.
  7. Tranquilizers.

Even when prescribing drug therapy, it is important not to stop following non-drug recommendations. Since the elimination of the disease requires a complex and comprehensive impact.

Vegetovascular dystonia is one of the diseases that can be easily defeated once and for all by seeking medical help in a timely manner and following all the doctor's instructions.

Symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia in adolescents

The task of parents is to fulfill, both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the following recommendations:

  1. Balanced diet. The menu for the child should contain foods rich in vitamins and minerals. It is important to exclude harmful, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, store-bought sweets, and fast food from the diet. Nutrition should be complete, contain fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, dried fruits, cereals, meat, fish, durum wheat pasta, freshly squeezed juices, a sufficient amount of clean water.
  2. Complete sleep. During the rest, the child's body is restored and stocked with strength. It is important to create favorable and comfortable conditions for sleep and daytime rest. Bedtime and wake up time should be the same from day to day.
  3. It is important to ensure that the child does not overwork. An intensive school program, a huge number of extra classes, electives are more likely to harm the child than help in adulthood.
  4. Do not force but encourage your child to play sports or other physical activities. It must be remembered that the lack of load has the same negative effect on the body as its excess. Special attention must be paid to hardening.

None of the above recommendations, drugs and physiotherapy methods will help a child who is in constant stress. An unhealthy situation in the family, lack of mutual understanding in the team, psycho-emotional overstrain are the main causes of VVD. Treatment of the disease must begin with the normalization of the emotional situation. It is important to teach the child an adequate response to stressful situations, to help master self-control and increase self-esteem. Your child's health is in your hands!

Physical and mental stress

According to the type of work performed, human activity is conditionally divided into physical and mental, however, in each type of activity there are elements of physical and mental work. At the same time, physical and mental activities differ from each other in the nature of the work, its results and the physiological mechanism that implements them.

Physical work is a combination of dynamic and static activities. Dynamic work is accompanied by a change in human muscle efforts when moving the human body or its parts in space. These movements are repeated in a certain rhythm. Physical activity is characterized by severity, which is estimated by the total energy consumption of the body. At rest, the body's energy consumption is 80.100 W, and when performing various activities - 150.500 W.

On the one hand, with insufficient physical activity, hypodynamia can develop, which is characterized by a violation of such important body functions as blood circulation, respiration, digestion, and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. On the other hand, physical overload negatively affects the safety and functional state of the body. When performing heavy work, the likelihood of injury increases, serious violations of the functioning of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system (CVS) occur. In the case of a long time to perform hard work, fatigue and overwork develop.

Mental activity refers to neuropsychic stress. She, like muscle, is primarily the activity of the central nervous system, its higher department - the cerebral cortex. The central nervous system regulates the mental state, memory, observation, vision, hearing, the ability to think logically, the ability to make the right decisions. With mental work, as with physical work, metabolic processes change, but the increase in overall metabolism is only $ 10.15. Unlike physical work, during mental work, there is a narrowing of the vessels of the extremities and an expansion of the vessels of the internal organs. The pulse changes slightly. The consumption of oxygen by the brain increases by 15.20 times. Mental work requires significant neuro-emotional stress. In this case, changes in blood pressure and an increase in blood sugar are possible.

With prolonged mental work that requires great emotional and nervous tension, such cardiovascular diseases as cardiosclerosis and atherosclerosis can develop.

Mental work is evaluated by the intensity coefficient

where r- amount of transmitted information, bit/s;

с - throughput of information transfer, bit/s.

Emotional stress can lead to stress. Stress is essentially a reaction of the body's adaptation to extreme or extreme conditions.

Fatigue and overwork

Fatigue and overwork are physiological conditions that occur with prolonged mental or physical stress. The signs of these conditions are manifested by the oppression of working capacity. With mental fatigue, it is difficult for a person to think and concentrate.

Fatigue and overwork - causes and mechanism of development

Overwork develops with excessive activity, which is not compensated by proper rest.

In addition, the following circumstances can lead to overwork:

  • constant overstrain of the psyche at work;
  • poor living conditions;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • low physical activity;
  • stressful situations;
  • performance of physical work disproportionate to the possibilities;

Often the cause of overwork is the combined action of several factors that reinforce each other. For example, the performance of complex physical work, which the body is able to withstand, in combination with an improper diet, leads to overwork.

The body reacts to the action of the stimulus by developing an adaptation syndrome, in which the work of the anterior part of the pituitary gland and the adrenal cortex is activated. A certain amount of so-called stress hormones is released into the blood, which help the body adapt to a certain type of load.

If such stress is repeated many times, the organs that produce these hormones are exhausted, which leads to a violation of the body's adaptation. In a person with overwork, the basal metabolism is accelerated and a disturbed metabolism of carbohydrates is often observed.

This is manifested in poor absorption and excretion of glucose. The blood sugar level goes down. The course of oxidative processes in the tissues of the body also changes, which can manifest itself as a sharp decrease in the amount of ascorbic acid.

Types of disorder in women and men

There are the following types of fatigue:

Physical fatigue does not develop immediately. Initially, a person feels a little tired and slight pain in the muscles. Most people do not pay attention to this and continue to lead a normal life.

After a while, the body is depleted, and characteristic symptoms appear:

  • constant fatigue that does not go away even after a long sleep;
  • painful feelings in the muscles intensify, bringing significant discomfort to the patient;
  • sleep is disturbed - it is difficult for a person to fall asleep, while he wakes up several times a night;
  • feeling of weakness in the morning;
  • violation of emotions - a person becomes either too lethargic or too aggressive;
  • unpleasant feelings on the left side, in the region of the heart;
  • increased blood pressure, accelerated heart rate;
  • appetite is poor or absent; a white coating forms on the tongue;
  • weight gradually decreases;
  • women may experience menstrual irregularities.

Mental fatigue is often mistaken for ordinary fatigue. People try to rest and sleep, believing that it will pass in this way. Doctors say that in many cases, such activities will not be enough. To recover, a person must undergo treatment.

Symptoms of mental fatigue include:

  • frequent causeless headaches;
  • a feeling of fatigue that does not go away after sleep and rest;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • pallor of the skin, bags appear under the eyes;
  • eyes become red;
  • falling asleep is extremely difficult.

What diseases lead to overwork

There are certain diseases and conditions that have a long course and worsen the quality of life, thereby provoking fatigue and overwork.

These pathologies include:

  • respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia;
  • heart failure;
  • diseases of viral origin;
  • anxiety and depression;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad dream.

There are also diseases that begin with overwork.

They belong to:

  • inflammatory diseases of the liver;
  • tumors;
  • hormonal diseases, especially diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • obesity;
  • mononucleosis;
  • asthenia.

After questioning and examination, he will be able to say for sure whether the patient has a disease concomitant with overwork, and, if necessary, refer him for a consultation to a more highly specialized specialist.

Doctors about chronic fatigue syndrome on video

Self-treatment methods

The first step is to take at least a short vacation.

The best options for recovery during this period would be:

  • Daily walks in the fresh air, especially before bedtime. At the same time, you do not have to worry about various household problems. Thoughts should be only good, then the brain will fully rest.
  • A balanced diet will aid recovery.
  • Moderate physical activity must be present. For example, you can clean the house or work in the garden.
  • You can go for a massage or other relaxing treatments.

Medical treatment and prevention

Drug treatment is started only after consulting a doctor.

For this purpose, appoint:

  • vitamin preparations such as vitrum, duovit, supradin;
  • immune system stimulants: echinacea solution, interferon;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve headaches and muscle pain: paracetamol, diclofenac;
  • adaptogens: adaptol;
  • nootropics: phenibut, phenotropil;
  • antidepressants.

Prevention of overwork is not difficult and consists in following only a few rules. The first of these is a mandatory good rest. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of home and work. If the work is associated with physical exertion, at home it is better to change it to mental, and vice versa.

Exercise is a great way to prevent overwork. It is necessary to take walks every evening. You can sign up for a pool or at least do exercises in the morning. To relax after a hard day's work, you can go to the bath, sauna or massage.

If overwork still occurs, in no case should you drink alcohol. This will only make the situation worse.

  • ➤ How can I get rid of noise in my right ear?

A balanced diet is the best cure for fatigue.

As numerous studies have shown, people who eat often, but in small portions, get tired less than people who eat infrequently, but in large portions.

At the same time, their head is always “fresh”. Experts recommend eating fruits or drinking juices between meals. If the work is associated with mental stress, you can eat a couple of pieces of fish during the day. It contains a lot of phosphorus, which stimulates the brain.

Also for this purpose, you can eat walnuts, peanuts, almonds. Green onions will help relieve fatigue and drowsiness. When tired, you can throw an egg yolk into hot milk, add a little sugar and drink it.

External signs of fatigue and overwork

Throughout his life, a person works, then rests. Any physical and psychological stress leads to fatigue of the human body.

Fatigue is a natural physiological state of the body that occurs as a defensive reaction to physical and psychological exhaustion.

Fatigue can be both physical and psychological. In the first case, as a result of a decrease in the functional activity of the muscles, a decline in strength occurs, and coordination of movement is disturbed.

Psychological fatigue is caused in most cases by prolonged mental stress and is manifested by a qualitative decrease in intellectual activity, as well as a loss of concentration.

Normally, the body always has a certain "reserve fund", the so-called emergency reserve of energy, which is released under certain circumstances. A sudden emotional tension, a feeling of fear or an uncontrolled attack of aggression can induce the body to use its inviolable resources.

A wide range of caffeine-based energy drinks can serve as an additional source of strength. Any form of rest significantly favors the restoration of energy balance.

A decrease in efficiency, a deterioration in the quality level of working capacity or a weakening of intellectual activity occurs mainly against the background of prolonged physical activity, psychological exhaustion and numerous stresses, lack of a balanced diet or chronic lack of sleep.

The foundation for overwork can be a disproportionate ratio of the duration of work activity and rest. Accompanying all this are poor working conditions, unfavorable living conditions and an unsatisfactory emotional background among the work team.

The main signs of body fatigue are:

  • a decline in physical strength due to a violation of the activity of the muscular apparatus in the form of a violation of the balance of movements, their rhythm and coordination;
  • memory impairment and decreased attention as a result of prolonged, intellectual stress (which often indicates problems at the level of the psycho-emotional sphere);
  • sleep disturbance or insomnia, which may be accompanied by frequent headaches;
  • excessive irritability for no reason;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • trembling in limbs.

Chronic overwork in some cases can be the main cause of the weakening of the immune system. As a result, the risk of a viral or infectious disease increases dramatically.

An insufficiently strong or not yet fully formed nervous system, with excessive mental stress, combined with various experiences and physical exhaustion, can lead to various forms of neurosis and hysterical conditions.

Preventive measures for fatigue

As measures aimed at preventing fatigue, it is necessary:

  1. Prolonged exposure to fresh air, especially walks before going to bed, will noticeably improve the condition after a hard day. At the same time, it is important to create the right psychological background and internal emotional mood. It is advisable to protect yourself as much as possible (in thoughts) from the everyday life of miserable monotony and causeless fuss. It is better to direct your thoughts towards something positive and good, something that will bring peace and inner harmony. All hardships and hardships must be thrown aside. Compliance with these simple rules, combined with fresh air, will noticeably improve your condition.
  2. Balanced diet. Food should include lots of fruits and vegetables. Try to exclude fatty, salty and spicy foods from daily consumption. Since it is very burdensome and tires the body. Dairy, light cereals will be an adequate substitute. It is advisable to drink a course of vitamins that will help strengthen your immune and nervous system.
  3. Change your attitude towards the world. Take everything easier, avoid unnecessary emotional experiences and stressful situations.

It would be appropriate to start the day with morning exercises, which smoothly turns into restorative water procedures, followed by a light breakfast. Such actions will give you vitality and positive energy for the whole day.

Recovering strength after a hard day

In order to relieve fatigue and restore the energy potential of the body, it is advisable to follow a number of very simple rules:

  • healthy sleep in a well-ventilated area;
  • massage, which helps to relieve both physical fatigue and relax on a mental level;
  • evening exercise with the right, positive attitude is the best way to get rid of fatigue after a busy, emotional day at work;
  • healthy, easily digestible food;
  • for psychological relaxation, it is recommended to use various meditation techniques;
  • sports games (team or individual) or visiting the gym;
  • calm, relaxing music.

It is very useful to take a refreshing, contrast shower in the evening. Water will help get rid of all the negative emotions that have accumulated during the day, and relieve tension from the muscles of the body. Many doctors recommend visiting a bath or sauna as a restorative therapy.

Due to the fact that the modern information space is oversaturated with negative, destructive information, many psychotherapists strongly recommend abstracting as much as possible and minimizing TV viewing.

We treat fatigue with folk remedies

Modern medicine offers a wide range of drugs that allow you to quickly and effectively cope with fatigue and its consequences. However, there are often circumstances in which the use of these drugs is contraindicated.

In such cases, you can use the time-tested and experience of many generations of traditional medicine:

  1. Bee Honey. Mix 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar with 150 grams of May honey. Take the resulting elixir 3 times a day.
  2. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm water. After mixing thoroughly, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Such a drink, drunk in the morning, will fill you with energy for the whole day.
  3. Ginger tincture. Take the ginger and finely chop it. Then carefully pour into a bottle of vodka. Put in a dark place for 2 weeks. The resulting energy tincture is desirable to take 50 gr. before dinner. In those cases, if you have alcohol intolerance, it will be relevant to drink ginger tea before bedtime.
  4. An effective means of relieving fatigue is the well-known herb St. John's wort. In order to prepare a decoction of this herb (which can be bought at any pharmacy in the city), you need to pour a tablespoon of St. John's wort with boiled water - 300 ml. Let it brew for 1.5 hours. The resulting decoction is taken orally 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Of course, life does not stand still, and the modern food industry provides an opportunity to purchase a variety of energy drinks or regular coffee. However, their frequent use can lead to disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Is it true that excessive mental stress contributes to weight loss?

As you know, the brain can consume up to 25% of a person's energy. An interesting note was once on the pages of the RBC portal - link

"The human brain, even in a state of relative rest and sleep, consumes an unusually large amount of energy - 16 times more than muscle tissue (in terms of a unit of mass). "The brain, having a mass of no more than 1.5-2% of body weight, consumes 25 % of all energy. At the same time, one of the most energy-consuming operations is concentration. A person is not able to keep attention at a consistently high level for more than a minute, because during this time the brain will “eat” as much glucose as it would not eat even during a day of relative rest. So tasks for attention and reaction, and even in a time pressure situation, are able to squeeze out all the energy, - Igor Lalayants, candidate of biological sciences from the Institute of Neurosurgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, told RBC Daily. - The need for energy decreases only during sleep, because. the synchronization of the left and right hemispheres increases and the brain does not have to spend energy on "coordinating" their work.

Excessive mental stress

The recovery period for athletes

Restoration of the physical performance of athletes

High psycho-emotional stress

High physical and mental stress

high physical activity

Continuous overload and voltage

Prolonged physical and mental stress

Prolonged physical activity

Intense mental and physical stress

Intense physical activity

Intense mental activity

Mental disability

Malnutrition due to physical and mental overload

Nervous and physical stress

Increased mental and physical stress

Increased physical activity

Increased physical and mental stress

Increased physical and psycho-emotional stress

Increased physical and emotional stress

Increased psycho-emotional stress

Increased physical activity

Decreased mental performance

Decreased physical and mental performance

Mental and physical fatigue

Psychological and physical stress

Syndrome of physical overstrain

Decreased mental performance

Reduced tolerance to psychophysical stress

Decreased mental performance

Mental and psycho-emotional load

Mental and physical overload

Mental and physical fatigue

Mental and physical exhaustion

Mental and physical stress

Mental and physical strain

Mental and physical fatigue

Increased physical and mental stress

Physical and mental performance

Physical and emotional overload

Physical and mental stress

Physical and mental stress

Chronic physical stress

Excessive physical and mental stress

Excessive physical and mental stress

Excessive mental and physical stress


Psychology of labor protection

Any activity contains a number of mandatory processes and functions that ensure the achievement of the desired result.

Attention is the focus of mental activity on certain objects or phenomena of reality. Involuntary attention arises without any intention, without a predetermined goal and does not require volitional efforts. Arbitrary attention arises as a result of the set goal and requires certain volitional efforts.

Involuntary distraction - fluctuation of attention and its weakening to the object of activity. Distribution of attention - simultaneous attention to several objects of activity while performing an action with them.

Switching attention is the intentional transfer of attention from one object to another. Sensation is the simplest process, consisting in individual properties or phenomena of the material world, as well as the internal states of the body with the direct impact of stimuli on the corresponding receptors. There are several types of sensations: visual, auditory, skin.

Perception is the process of reflection in the mind of a person of objects or phenomena with their direct impact on the senses, during which the ordering and integration of individual sensations into integral images of objects and phenomena takes place. Preservation of a constant, unchanging visual perception of objects when their illumination, position in space, distance from the perceiving person changes - the constancy of perception.

Observation is purposeful, planned perception. The dependence of the perception of the characteristics of a person's personality, his past experience, profession, interest, etc. called apperception. The perception of space, volume, shape, size and relative position of objects, their relief of remoteness and the direction in which they are located, the reflection of changes in time, the position of objects in space - this is the perception of movement.

The perception of time is a reflection of objective reality, the speed and sequence of the phenomena of reality.

Memory - the processes of remembering, preserving, subsequently recognizing and reproducing what was in our past experience. Motor (motor) memory is the memorization and reproduction of movements and their systems, which underlies the development of informing motor skills and habits.

Emotional memory is a person's memory of feelings he experienced in the past.

Figurative memory is the preservation and reproduction of previously perceived images and phenomena.

Eidetic memory is a very pronounced figurative memory associated with the presence of vivid, clear, vivid visual representations.

Verbal-logical memory - memorization and reproduction of thoughts, text, speech. Involuntary memory manifests itself in those cases when there is no special goal to remember this or that material and the latter is remembered without the use of special techniques and volitional efforts. Arbitrary memory is associated with the special purpose of remembering and applying appropriate techniques, as well as certain volitional efforts.

Short-term (primary or operational) memory is a short-term (for several minutes or seconds) process of fairly accurate reproduction of just perceived objects or phenomena through analyzers. After this point, the completeness and fidelity of reproduction, as a rule, deteriorates.

Long-term memory is a type of memory that is characterized by long-term preservation of material after repeated repetition and reproduction.

Working memory - memory processes that serve the direct implementation of actual actions and operations by a person.

Psychology and security issues

The psychology of labor safety is an important link in the structure of enterprises to ensure human safety. The problems of accidents and injuries in modern industries cannot be solved only by engineering methods. Experience shows that accidents and injuries (up to 60-90% of cases) are often based not on engineering and design defects, but on organizational and psychological reasons: 1) low level of professional training on safety issues, 2) insufficient education, 3) weak attitude a specialist for compliance with safety, 4) admission to hazardous types of work of persons with an increased risk of injury, 5) people being in a state of fatigue or other mental conditions that reduce the reliability and safety of the specialist.

Safety psychology studies the application of psychological knowledge to ensure the safety of human activities. Psychology of security considers mental processes, properties, and especially analyzes various forms of mental states observed in the course of work.

There are three main groups of components in human mental activity: 1) mental processes, 2) their properties, 3) states.

Mental processes - form the basis of mental activity and are a dynamic reflection of reality. Without them, the formation of knowledge and the acquisition of life experience is impossible. There are cognitive, emotional, volitional mental processes (sensations, perceptions, memory).

Mental properties - (personal qualities) - these are the properties of a person or her own characteristics (orientation, character, temperament). Among the personality traits are intellectual, emotional, strong-willed, moral, labor. These properties are stable and permanent.

The mental state of a person is a relatively stable structural organization of all components of the psyche, which performs the function of active interaction of a person with the external environment, represented at the moment by a specific situation. Mental states are diverse and temporary in nature, determine the characteristics of mental activity at a particular moment and can positively or negatively affect the course of all mental processes.

Based on the task of labor psychology and the problems of labor safety psychology, it is advisable to single out industrial mental states that are important in organizing the prevention of industrial injuries and the prevention of injuries.



Human activity is of the most diverse nature. Despite this, it can be divided into three main groups according to the nature of the functions performed by a person (Fig. 2.1).

Physical work. Physical labor (work) is the fulfillment by a person of energy functions in the system “man - a tool of labor”.

Physical work requires significant muscle activity. It is divided into two types: dynamic and static. Dynamic work is associated with the movement of the human body, his hands, feet, fingers in space; static - with the impact of the load on the upper limbs, muscles of the body and legs when holding the load, when performing work while standing or sitting. Dynamic physical work, in which more than 2/3 of the human muscles are involved in the process of labor activity, is called general, with participation in work from 2/3 to 1/3 of the human muscles (muscles of the body, legs, arms only) - regional, at local less than 1/3 of the muscles are involved in dynamic physical work (for example, typing on a computer).

The physical severity of work is determined by energy costs in the process of labor activity and is divided into the following categories: light, moderate and heavy physical work.

Rice. 2.1. The main forms of human activity

light physical work(category I) are divided into two categories: 1a, in which the energy consumption is up to 139 W, and 16, in which the energy consumption is 140-174 W. Category 1a includes work performed while sitting and accompanied by little physical effort. Category 16 includes work performed while sitting, standing or walking and accompanied by some physical effort.

Physical work secondary gravity (category II) are divided into two categories: Pa, at which energy costs are 175-232 W, and Pb, at which energy costs are 233-290 W. The category H includes work associated with constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing or sitting position and requiring certain physical efforts. The Ib category includes work related to walking, moving and carrying loads weighing up to 10 kg and accompanied by moderate physical effort.

Heavy physical work characterized by energy consumption of more than 290 watts. This category includes work associated with constant movement, movement and transfer of significant (over 10 kg) weights and requiring great physical effort.

Energy costs for muscle work. The energy costs for muscle work in labor (above the level of rest and regardless of the influence of emotions associated with work, the influence of air temperature, etc.) can be calculated for the average worker as the sum of the costs of maintaining a working posture (Table 2.1) and performed by muscles mechanical work (Table 2.2).

Mechanized forms of physical labor in the "man-machine" system. A person performs mental and physical functions. The activity of a person (hereinafter referred to as a human operator) occurs according to one of the processes:

deterministic - according to pre-known rules, instructions, action algorithms, strict technological schedule, etc.;

Table 2.1. Energy costs for maintaining a working posture

A busy at work

1,7(1,3-2,5) 4,6(2,9-5,9) 13,9(10,5- -16,8)
3,0(2,5-3,8) 7,6(5,9-9,2) 21,0(16,8- -25,2)
4,2(3,8-5,0) 10,9(9,2-12,6) 30,2(25,5- -35,7)

Hands and fingers

Arms and torso, as well as the simultaneous work of three or four limbs

non-deterministic - when unexpected events are possible in the ongoing technological process, the unexpected appearance of signals, but at the same time, control actions are known when unexpected events occur (rules, instructions, etc.) are known in the ongoing process.

There are several types of operator activity in technical systems, classified depending on the main function performed by a person, and the proportion of mental and physical load included in operator work.

The operator-technologist is directly involved in the technological process, works in the main mode of immediate service, performs mainly executive actions, guided by instructions that clearly regulate actions, containing, as a rule, a complete set of situations and decisions. These are operators of technological processes, automatic lines, etc.

Operator-manipulator (driver). The main role in its activity is played by the mechanisms of sensorimotor regulation (execution of actions) and, to a lesser extent, conceptual and figurative thinking. Among the functions performed by him is the management of individual machines and mechanisms.

Operator-observer, controller (for example, a dispatcher of a production line or a transport system). Its activities are dominated by the share of information and conceptual models. 20

lei. The operator works both in the mode of immediate and deferred maintenance in real (real) time. In his work, to a large extent, the apparatus of conceptual thinking and the experience embedded in figurative-conceptual models are used. physical work plays an insignificant role here.

the functioning of the body requires the flow of chemical and biochemical processes in it within fairly strict temperature limits. For body temperature, this interval is within

In the process of human interaction with the environment, body temperature can change significantly, which is associated with temperature, humidity and air mobility in the environment, as well as thermal radiation from various types of equipment used in the production environment. The adaptation of the human body to changes in the parameters of the state of the environment is expressed in the ability of the processes of thermoregulation to occur in it.

thermoregulation- a set of physiological and chemical processes in the human body aimed at maintaining a constant body temperature (» 36-37 ° C). This ensures the normal functioning of the body, contributes to the flow of biochemical processes in the human body. Thermoregulation (0 excludes hypothermia or overheating of the human body. Maintaining a constant body temperature is determined by the body's heat production (M), those. metabolic processes in cells and muscle trembling, heat transfer or heat gain (R) due to infrared radiation that emits or receives the surface of the body; heat transfer or heat gain due to convection (C), i.e. through heating or cooling of the body by air washed over the surface of the body; heat dissipation (E) due to the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, lungs. Thermoregulation, thus, provides a balance between the amount of heat continuously generated in the body and the excess heat continuously given off to the environment, i.e. maintains heat balance


Thermoregulation can be represented by the following expression:

Q = M±R±C-E.

Under normal conditions, with a weak movement of air, a person at rest loses about 45% of all thermal energy produced by the body as a result of thermal radiation, up to 30% by convection and up to 25% by evaporation. At the same time, over 80% of the heat is given off through the skin, about 13% through the respiratory organs, about 7% of the heat is spent on warming the food, water and inhaled air. When the body is at rest and the air temperature is 15 ° C, sweating is insignificant and amounts to approximately 30 ml per 1 hour.

Temperature (30 ° C and above), especially when performing hard physical work, sweating can increase tenfold. So, in hot shops with increased muscular work, the amount of sweat released is 1-1.5 l / h, the evaporation of which takes about 2500 ... 3800 kJ.

There are acute and chronic forms of violation of thermoregulation. Acute forms of violation of thermoregulation:

Thermal hyperthermia - heat transfer at relative humidity
air content 75 ... 80% - slight increase in body temperature, abundance
sweating, thirst, a slight increase in breathing and heart rate.
With more significant overheating, shortness of breath, headache
pain and dizziness, difficulty speaking, etc.

Convulsive disease - the predominance of a violation of water-salt
th exchange - various cramps, especially the calf muscles, and
accompanied by great loss of sweat, great clotting of the blood.
The viscosity of the blood increases, the speed of its movement decreases and
therefore, the cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen.

Heatstroke - a further course of convulsive illness
- loss of consciousness, fever up to 40-41 ° C, weak
rapid pulse. A sign of severe injury from heat stroke
is the complete cessation of perspiration.

Heat stroke and convulsive illness can be fatal.

Chronic forms of violation of thermoregulation lead to changes in the state of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems of a person, forming work-related diseases.

Prolonged cooling often leads to disruption of the activity of capillaries and small arteries (chilling of the fingers, toes and tips of the ears). At the same time, hypothermia of the whole organism occurs. Cold-induced diseases of the peripheral nervous system are widespread, especially sciatica, neuralgia of the facial, trigeminal, sciatic and other nerves, exacerbations of articular and muscular rheumatism, pleurisy, bronchitis, aseptic and infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, etc.

Humid air conducts heat better, and its mobility increases heat transfer by convection - this leads to great frostbite (even death) under conditions of low temperature, high humidity and air mobility.

There are three stages of cooling the human body, which are characterized by the following indicators:

I-II stage body temperature from 37 to 35.5 ° C. In this case, the following occurs:

Spasm of skin vessels;

Decreased heart rate;

Decrease in body temperature;

Increased blood pressure;

Increased pulmonary ventilation;

Increase in heat production.

Thus, within the limits of up to 35 ° C, the body tries to fight on its own against the cooling microclimate.

Stage III - body temperature below 35 ° C. When this happens:
._ drop in body temperature;

Decreased activity of the central nervous system;

Decreased blood pressure;

Decreased pulmonary ventilation;

Decrease in heat production.

Illnesses caused by cold: frostbite, swelling of the elbows and feet, acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Creating a favorable microclimate of the working area is a guarantor of maintaining the body's thermoregulation, increasing the efficiency of a person in production.

Mental labor (intellectual activity). This work combines works related to the reception and processing of information that require a predominant tension of attention, sensory apparatus, memory, as well as the activation of thinking processes, the emotional sphere (management, creativity, teaching, science, study and

Operator labor- characterized by great responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress. managerial labor- is determined by an excessive increase in the volume of information, an increase in the lack of time for its processing, an increase in personal responsibility for decision-making, and the periodic occurrence of conflict situations. creative work-requires a significant amount of memory, tension of attention, neuro-emotional stress. Teacher's work- constant contact with people, increased responsibility, lack of time and information for decision-making - this causes a high degree of neuro-emotional stress. Student Labor- memory, attention, perception, the presence of stressful situations.

At intensive intellectual activity, the brain's need for energy increases, amounting to 15 ... 20% of the total volume in the body. At the same time, the oxygen consumption of 100 g of the cerebral cortex turns out to be 5 times more than the skeletal muscle of the same weight consumes at maximum load. Daily energy consumption in mental work is from 10.5 to 12.5 MJ. So, when reading aloud, energy consumption increases by 48%, when delivering a public lecture - by 94%, for computer operators - by 60-100%.

When a person performs mental work with neuro-emotional stress, there are shifts in the vegetative functions of a person: an increase in blood pressure, a change in the ECG, an increase in

... >

Pulmonary ventilation and oxygen consumption, increased body temperature. At the end of mental work, fatigue remains longer than during physical work.

When operating technical* systems in any area of ​​the environment, the human manager controls not the technical components of the system or a separate machine, but other people. Management is carried out both directly and indirectly - through technical means and communication channels. This category of personnel includes organizers, managers at various levels, responsible decision makers who have the appropriate knowledge, experience, decision-making skills, intuition and take into account in their activities not only the capabilities and limitations of technical systems and their components, but also the full features subordinates - their capabilities and limitations, states and moods.

The severity and intensity of work. The severity of labor is a quantitative characteristic of physical labor. Labor intensity is a quantitative characteristic of mental labor. It is determined by the amount of information load.

In production, there are four levels of influence of factors of working conditions on a person:

Comfortable working conditions ensure optimal performance
the performance of a person and the preservation of his health;

Relatively uncomfortable working conditions when exposed to
within a certain time interval provide a given
performance and health preservation, but cause subjective
sensations and functional changes that do not go beyond

Extreme working conditions lead to a decrease in work
human properties, do not cause functional changes, output
outside the norm, but not leading to pathological

Super-extreme working conditions lead to
pathological changes in the human body and loss of employment

The medical and physiological classification of the severity and intensity of labor is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the factors of working conditions, called the intefal value of the severity and intensity of labor (I t).

Category I includes work performed in optimal working conditions with favorable burdens. Category II includes work performed under conditions corresponding to the maximum permissible values ​​of production factors. Category III includes work in which, due to not quite favorable working conditions, people develop reactions characteristic of a pagan state of the body (deterioration of some indicators of psychophysiological

whom state by the end of the work). Category IV includes jobs in which unfavorable working conditions lead to reactions characteristic of a pre-pathological condition in most people. Category V includes work in which, as a result of exposure to very unfavorable working conditions, people at the end of the working period develop reactions characteristic of the pathological functional state of the body. Category VI includes jobs in which such reactions are formed shortly after the start of the working period (shift, week).

I and II categories of labor severity and intensity correspond to comfortable working conditions, III- relatively uncomfortable, IV and V - extreme and VI - over-extreme.

The category of severity and intensity of labor is determined by calculation. To do this, each factor of production conditions is evaluated according to a six-point system using special tables. The integral assessment of the severity and intensity of labor is calculated by the formula:

And t \u003d (Ho P + [SCH(6 - х„ n)/(n- 1)6]} 101, (2.1)

where d^ n is the defining (highest in terms of score) element of working conditions at the workplace; 2 - the sum of the scores of all /-th biologically significant elements without a defining element at the j-th workplace; P- the number of all elements available at the workplace; x tj- scoring of the /-th factor in the workplace. Each element of working conditions in the workplace receives a score from 1 to 6, depending on its magnitude and duration of action (exposure). For exposures less than 90% of an eight-hour work shift, the actual item score will be:

where х, groin is the maximum rating of the element at an exposure of 90% or more; Г f, - the actual duration of the element during the work shift, min; 480 - working time background of an eight-hour work shift, min.

In this case, instead of x, y, in the formula (2.1) for calculating And t, Af, is used.

If there are factors in the workplace that, taking into account the exposure, have a score of 2 points or more, only these biologically significant factors are taken into account. Factors with a score of 1 and 2 points are not taken into account

Example. Determine the category of severity of labor in the workplace, based on the data given in Table. 2.3.

Table 2.3. Characteristics of working conditions factors

Maximum factor score, score

180360 200

3,75 2,5

And t = 10 = 45.

Therefore, labor is used in the workplace III categories of severity and intensity of work.

When assessing the severity of physical labor, indicators of dynamic and static load are used. Dynamic load indicators:

The mass of the lifted and moved cargo manually;

Distance of cargo movement;

The power of the work performed: when working with the participation of muscles
lower extremities and torso, with the predominant participation of muscles
shoulder girdle;

Small, stereotypical movements of the hands and fingers, the number of
credit for the shift;

Movement in space (transitions due to techno
logical process), km.

Static load indicators:

Weight of the retained cargo, kg;

Duration of holding the load, s;

Static load per shift, N, while holding the load:
with one hand, two hands, with the participation of the muscles of the body and legs;

Working posture, being in an inclined position, percentage
shift time;

Forced tilts of the body more than 30°, quantity per shift;

Linear spatial layout parameter of the element
cops of production equipment and workplace, mm;

Angular space-layout parameter of elements
production equipment and workplace, viewing angle;

The value of the resistance of the drive elements of the controls
niya (the force required to move the controls), N.

Dynamic physical load is determined, as a rule, by one of the following indicators: 1) work (kg "m); 2) power of effort (W); static physical load is determined in kg / s. 26

To determine the dynamic work performed by a person in each individual segment of the work shift, it is recommended to use the following formula:

W= (РН + (PL/9) + (РН,/2))К,

where cg- work, kg m; R- mass of cargo, kg; I is the height at which the load is placed from its original position, m; L- the distance over which the load is moved horizontally, m; N\-distance at which the load is lowered, m; TO- coefficient equal to 6.

To calculate the average shift power, you should sum up the work done by a person for the entire shift and divide it by the duration of the shift:


where N- Power, W, t- shift duration, s; TO\- work transfer coefficient (W) from kg "m to Joule (J), equal to 9.8.

A static load is an effort on a person's muscles without moving the body or its individual parts. The magnitude of the static load is determined by the product of the magnitude of the effort by the maintenance time (in the case of different magnitudes of efforts, the maintenance time of each of them is determined separately, the products of the magnitude of the effort by the maintenance time are found and then these products are summed up).

When assessing the intensity of mental labor, indicators of attention, the intensity of visual work and hearing, and the monotony of labor are used.


phases of performance. Efficiency is manifested in maintaining a given level of activity for a certain time and is determined by two main groups of factors - external and internal. External - the information structure of signals (the number and form of information presentation), the characteristics of the working environment (the convenience of the workplace, illumination, temperature, etc.), relationships in the team. Internal - The level of preparation, fitness, emotional stability. Working capacity limit - variable value; its change in time is called the dynamics of performance.

All labor activity proceeds in phases (Fig. 2.2):

I- Pre-working state (mobilization phase) - subjectively expressed in thinking about the upcoming work (ideomotor act), causes certain pre-working shifts in the neuromuscular system, corresponding to the nature of the upcoming load.

I. Workability or the stage of increasing efficiency

0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time.h Operating time

Rice. 2.2. Phases of human performance during the working day

(phase of hypercompensation) - the period during which the transition from a state of rest to a working one takes place, i.e. overcoming the inertia of rest of the system and establishing coordination between the systems of the body participating in the activity. The duration of the workability period can be significant. For example, in the morning after sleep, all characteristics of sensorimotor reactions are significantly lower than in the daytime. Labor productivity during these hours is lower. The period can take from several minutes to two or three hours. The duration is affected by: intensity of work, age, experience, fitness, attitude to work.

III. The period of stable performance (compensation phase) - the optimal mode of operation of the body systems is established, stabilization of indicators is developed, and its duration is approximately 2/3 of the entire operating time. Labor efficiency during this period is maximum. The period of stable performance is the most important indicator of a person's endurance for a given type of work and a given level of intensity.

Endurance is determined by the following factors:

1. Intensity of work. The greater the intensity, the shorter
period of stable performance.

2. The specifics of the work. For example, dynamic work can
continue without signs of fatigue ten times longer than
static. What matters is which organ is involved. For
leg muscles endurance is 1.5 ... 2 times greater than for the muscles of the arms. Among
the muscles of the arms are more enduring flexors, and among the muscles of the legs - extensors.

The influence of the specifics of the work performed characterizes fig. 2.3, where a- light physical activity and rational speed of operations; b- maintenance of a complex control panel; - significant physical activity with a high concentration of attention and the implementation of fast and accurate movements; d- simple visual work; e- complex visual work.

3 Age. In adolescence and young age, endurance increases, in the elderly, it decreases.

4. Floor. When loaded, equal
half of the maximum
capabilities, endurance
static and motor activity
pregnancy in men and women
is the same. With a large load
kah men are more enduring.

5. Focus and
volitional tension with intense
active work reduce the indicator
whether endurance.

6. Emotional state
eat. positive-sure
calmness, calmness, good
mood - activate action
efficiency, extending the stability period
good working capacity. Autry
nouns - fear, insecure
nost, bad mood - eye
evoke a depressing effect, remove
living a period of stable work

7. The presence of skills, skills, fitness - reduce in
left and emotional stress, increasing efficiency.

8. Type of higher nervous activity (individual nature
nye capabilities of the nervous system). The strength of the nervous system character
improves the performance and reliability of the operator, especially in
extreme situations.

IV. Fatigue period (decompensation phase). Characterized
decrease in productivity, the reaction rate slows down,
there are erroneous and untimely actions, physiological
dullness. Fatigue can be muscular (physical), mental
(mental). Fatigue - a temporary decrease in performance
due to the depletion of the energy resources of the body.

V. The period of increasing productivity due to emotional
left voltage.

VI. The period of progressive decline in performance and emotional
Cional-volitional tension.

VII. Recovery period. Needed by the body to restore
operability. The length of this period is determined
is determined by the severity of the work done, the amount of oxygen debt,