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When to take blood thinners. Blood thinning - indications and rules for the use of drugs and folk remedies for blood thinning. Causes of SPV

How not to get bogged down in platelets

“Human blood is not water,” says an ancient Slavic proverb. And advanced modern researchers, who are not inclined to poetize this “red liquid”, call blood the most important substance, the internal environment of any living organism. Arguing that there is not a single living bloodless creature on Earth, it is blood that is involved in all vital processes of the body. It carries both oxygen and nutrients through the vessels to all tissues and organs, regulates body temperature, heat delivery ... To perform all these complex functions, blood must first of all be fluid ...

So what should be the composition of human blood in order for homo sapiens to live long and not get sick? So that he could avoid at least fatal vascular accidents - heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke, gangrene of the legs ... Many of us, as they say now, “do not worry” about this and do not even consider it necessary to think about it. Blood is taken for granted. Hematologists, specialists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases, perceive blood in a completely different way.

This mysterious acid-base balance...

- Blood clotting is definitely a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis of large vessels and the development of strokes, - said in an interview with MK, the head physician of the Blood Transfusion Station of the Moscow Health Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Olga Andreevna MAYOROVA. - Hence all the problems in the body: organs and tissues suffer. Our internal environment is a single whole: if one thing fails, it affects the work of other components of the body.

In order to prevent blood clotting, thrombosis, it is very important to eat rationally. Vegetable products contribute to blood thinning, especially the so-called watery ones: cucumbers, watermelons, etc. Normal blood fluidity is also ensured by sufficient consumption of water and other drinks. Water, by the way, is very good at thinning the blood. In addition, if there is little water in the body, then there is nothing to form blood from. It is also necessary to drink a lot of water for those who are consciously losing weight. If a person loses weight and drinks little water, then his blood also becomes viscous.

By the way, in ancient times, bloodletting was used to thin the blood. And today science does not deny this method. In practice, local bloodletting is used in case of blood stagnation, inflammation of various organs and parts of the body. Someone uses leeches to thin the blood. All this is done, including for the prevention of thrombosis, lowering blood pressure.

In this sense, donation is very useful, if you donate blood regularly, the blood will be more fluid.

Alas, these wishes are not new. But who, tell me, is serious about the recommendations of even the most experienced nutritionists, researchers of proper nutrition, especially regarding the state of the blood? And absolutely in vain. It must not be allowed to thicken. The most interesting thing is that today there are all possibilities for this. Even additional finance is not required. But a person is such a creature that he allows himself everything in food: he eats a lot of protein food until diseases begin to press him against the wall. Acidifies the body, the blood becomes less fluid. And thick blood is already conducting its destructive action on all fronts.

Space doctor technique

In fact, the creator of space medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ivan Pavlovich NEUMYVAKIN spoke about the same thing - about the importance of maintaining acid-base balance in the body - in our editorial office two years ago.

“The degree of acidity is an important chemical characteristic of blood and other body fluids,” Ivan Pavlovich explained. - It is evaluated on the pH scale. The body constantly monitors the acid-base balance of the blood, since even a slight deviation from normal pH values ​​\u200b\u200bcan have a serious impact on the functioning of many organs. Today, in most people, the acid-base balance system is tense due to increased neutralization of poisons that enter the body with water, food, air, and synthetic drugs.

And as a neutralization of acids, the creation of acid-base balance, the legend of space medicine and the creator of many methods of natural healing of the body Neumyvakin suggested ... ordinary drinking soda. It is soda, in his opinion, that thins the blood well, increases its alkaline reserves. He devoted a lot of time to this topic, turned to the experience of scientists and researchers who had already applied soda in practice.

“The blood-thinning effect with the internal use of soda in the form of a solution has been recorded by many researchers,” Neumyvakin believes. - This is due to the fact that bicarbonate, after being absorbed from the stomach and intestines, is concentrated directly in the blood, shifting the pH to the alkaline side. In such an environment, its density and the risk of blood clots in the vessels are significantly reduced. But it is important that there are no contraindications for alkalizing the body. Therefore, before using soda as a remedy, you need to check the pH of the blood. If it turns out that the indicator tends to be acidic, then you can safely start drinking soda solution.

Check your blood:

if pH 7.35-7.45 is the norm, the blood has a slightly alkaline reaction;

if the pH is less than 7.35 - there is an increased acidity of the body. You can start taking soda (from 5 g to 40 g per day);

if the pH is less than 7.25, the acidity is greatly increased;

if the pH is less than 6.8, the most severe form of acid-base imbalance is evident. Very serious health problems are possible.

“Another important point when prescribing such therapy is the confidence that it is needed,” our experts warn. - After all, a person may have a slight acidification, but at the same time a low ability of the coagulation system. In this case, you should not experiment with blood thinning. The environment of the body should be neutral or slightly alkaline. Its changes in both the acidic and alkaline side can be harmful. This is especially dangerous for people with gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, when the secretion of hydrochloric acid is increased. Its production can be protective in nature, saving the body from excessive acidification. In response to the use of soda, acid begins to be produced to an even greater extent, which aggravates the disease of the stomach. This must be taken into account before using soda as an anticoagulant.

Recipe from Neumyvakin:

- You need to take soda on an empty stomach (1/5-1/4 teaspoon per glass of hot milk, 30 minutes before meals, so as not to disrupt the action of hydrochloric acid secreted by the cells of the stomach). A remarkable property of soda is that its excess is easily excreted by the kidneys. But even for general health improvement and disease prevention, it should be taken starting from small doses.

By the way, soda can also be used in the treatment of cancer, tobacco and alcohol addiction, drug addiction and substance abuse. And also to carry out the prevention of radioactive contamination of the body.

Blood clots come at night

Another blood clotting fighter is aspirin. Almost everyone has heard of him too. But it is one thing to know and quite another thing to use to thin the blood. Ask your friends: has anyone seriously thought about using it? It is unlikely that you will receive a positive response. But advanced Europeans have long been using aspirin and preparations based on it to fight platelets. Available! Cheap! Just! Thin the blood and sleep peacefully. The fact is that (and this is known for certain) the formation of blood clots occurs precisely at night.

“The effective action of aspirin for blood thinning has been proven for a very long time,” commented therapist Vera MOLOKOVA. - Today, this drug (and its analogues) is a first aid for such dangerous diseases as heart muscle infarction and pulmonary embolism. It is no coincidence that cardiologists advise: every heart patient should carry aspirin along with nitroglycerin. Indeed, aspirin begins to act so quickly that, in case of emergency, a positive effect in terms of blood thinning can occur in a few minutes. The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows: once in the bloodstream, aspirin affects the blood cells responsible for triggering the formation of clots - platelets.

Aspirin should be taken in small doses for prevention. Better - courses and at bedtime (due to the increased risk of thrombosis at night). The standard single dose for adults is 75-150 mg (3 grams daily). No more needed: this will not increase blood thinning, but is fraught with the development of complications. In emergency cases, the dose of aspirin is similar to prophylactic, but it can be increased to 300 mg. The tablet must be chewed and kept under the tongue for faster absorption. Enteric aspirin is available in 50, 100, 300 mg.

Contraindications. Aspirin is also harmful. One of the negative consequences is irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. It happens quite often, especially if the doses of the drug are violated. The consequence may be ulcers, ulcerative bleeding, erosion. There are other side effects, but they are less dangerous.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Acetylsalicylic acid has also recently been used as a blood-thinning agent - in fact, this is the same aspirin. “This chemical is now part of many modern blood thinning drugs, both as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent,” our experts explain. These drugs also do not affect the clotting factors produced by the liver. But on the other hand, they block the ability of platelets to stick to the walls of blood vessels and stick together: it is this reaction that underlies the formation of blood clots. Platelets inactivated by acetylsalicylic acid decrease in size and move freely with the blood stream even in the most narrowed areas of the vessels, which maintains the blood in a relatively liquid state.

Contraindications. The systematic intake of acetylsalicylic acid in its pure form is undesirable due to pronounced side effects, this is manifested by irritation of the stomach. Today, many drugs based on this substance have been synthesized, which do not have such a negative effect at all or it is minimized. By the way, numerous studies have proven the safety of taking them as a prevention and treatment. The dose is 75 mg in terms of the pure substance of acetylsalicylic acid. But ... When taking these drugs, you must follow some rules. If you started, you need to maintain the course (a single dose does not give anything). It is best to drink these funds in the evening, before going to bed. But not on an empty stomach, so that the gastric mucosa does not suffer. And be sure to periodically take a blood test for clotting.

Just one glass of juice and net problems

Blood viscosity can also be reduced with the help of various vegetable and fruit juices. As our experts explain: it's all about the vitamins and microelements they contain, which are responsible for the balance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems. Water, which is in any juices, also helps. One glass of freshly squeezed juice a day - and there will be no big problems with blood clotting. It can be both fruit and vegetable juices or their mix. Mixed juices will bring the greatest effect: grapefruit, orange and a little lemon (lemon helps not only thin the blood, but also cleanse the entire lymphatic system and liver). No less, and maybe more, tomato juice is useful (among other things, it is also an excellent antioxidant). Gooseberry, raspberry, blackberry juices, from which juices are made, have the same effect. But, in principle, “loners” will also help - carrot, apple, orange, cranberry, pineapple, pomegranate and others juices. They are very good at reducing blood clotting, however, if you drink them regularly.

The most common products that reduce blood viscosity, experts include cranberries, lemon, garlic and ginger. Seafood, vegetables and fruits, fish, greens have a slightly weaker effect.

Ordinary drinking water also has an unusual property for reducing blood viscosity. Our experts believe that you need to drink up to one and a half liters of water per day. This is the norm. In case of blood thinning, it can help no worse than any medicine.

... Since ancient times, blood has been given great importance as a medicine. For example, in Egyptian papyri, treatment with one's own blood was recorded - healers recommended using it for the most serious diseases. Also, with the help of blood, they tried to rejuvenate the elders and resurrect from the dead.

Today, experts talk about blood as a kind of tireless supplier: it runs all its life through the entire branched network of arteries, veins, capillaries and carries oxygen and nutrients into cells. And in order for the blood to become more active and fluid, doctors, among other things, recommend that a person lead a more mobile lifestyle. And live positively!

Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, stroke, angina pectoris, heart attack, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, atherosclerosis. What do these diseases have in common? The fact that all of them, one way or another, are associated with increased blood viscosity (thick blood).

And in order to get rid of these diseases, the blood must be “thinned”, that is, in scientific terms, to lower its viscosity. This is necessary so that the blood flows easily through the vessels, joyfully carries food and oxygen to the organs, and does not push through with difficulty, creating congestion, depriving the organs of the necessary nutrition and giving the heart an extra load.

As we age, blood tends to thicken. The diseases listed at the beginning of the article appear. Therefore, to reduce blood viscosity, doctors advise elderly patients to take a quarter of an aspirin tablet or prescribe specialized drugs based on it.

But there are more simple, affordable and effective means - these are herbs. To thin the blood in folk medicine, lungwort, evading peony, wormwood, chicory, hazel, meadowsweet (meadowsweet), lemon balm, hawthorn, red clover, Caucasian Dioscorea, ginkgo biloba, willow bark (predecessor of aspirin), sweet clover, acacia, mulberry are used.

And, of course, horse chestnut. This is one of the most powerful remedies for treating diseases associated with thickening of the blood. The recipe for treatment is very simple. It is necessary to collect the fruits (seeds) of the horse chestnut, smash them with a hammer, collect the brown peel. Take 50 g of this peel and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain. Take 2-3 times a day for a teaspoon (mixed with 1/4 cup of warm water) on an empty stomach. You can eat food no earlier than 30 minutes.

I myself periodically treat myself with this remedy (in combination with Dioscorea and Ginkgo), and I am more than satisfied with the results. The people to whom I gave this remedy also confirm the effect. The body becomes lighter and more obedient, blood pressure normalizes, you do not react to weather changes, your mood improves, headaches and tinnitus disappear, sleep becomes healthy and strong, vigor and energy appear.

Medical tests show that the blood formula becomes like that of a young person, the vessels are cleansed, and blood flow is normalized. In some patients, movements in the paralyzed leg were restored after a stroke. Chestnut is not the only remedy.

Here are two more recipes, they are less effective, but more accessible.

Buy nutmeg, grind (or buy already ground). Pour 100 g of ground nuts with 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2-3 weeks, filter. Drink 20-30 drops (mixed with 1/4 cup of warm water) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Garlic grate or pass through a meat grinder. Fill any jar with chopped garlic by a third of the volume and pour vodka to the top. Insist in a dark place for two weeks, shaking every 2-3 days. Then strain. How much garlic extract turned out - add the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice and the same amount of honey. Mix all. Store in a dark, cool place (not necessarily in the refrigerator). Drink 1 tbsp. l. 1 time per day before bed.

But do not overdo it in blood thinning! After all, bleeding may open, which will be difficult to stop on your own.

Contribute to blood thinning from food sea ​​fish, garlic, melon, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apples, cherries, plums, grapefruit, wheat germ, zucchini, cucumbers, red bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic, lemon, beets, dark chocolate, cocoa, aloe juice and Kalanchoe.

And thicken the blood buckwheat, bananas, cabbage, mountain ash, viburnum, fatty meat, sausages, canned food, smoked meats, cream, white bread, lentils, pomegranate and grape juices.

Medicinal herbs thicken the blood plantain, St. John's wort, valerian, yarrow, corn stigmas, knotweed, burnet, nettle, horsetail, tansy, shepherd's purse. A special place is occupied by a walnut (kernels, leaves, internal partitions): it increases blood viscosity, but in combination with other herbs it is used in the treatment of the consequences of a stroke, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, etc. The same applies to Japanese Sophora.

To keep the circulatory system in a healthy state, we must not forget about physical activity.. Running, swimming, bodybuilding, dancing - whatever you have a penchant for. Of course, the most accessible method of self-healing is running.

But running in the morning is a run to a heart attack, because in the morning the blood viscosity is increased, and it is not easy for the heart to push blood through the vessels even without a load. In the morning, you should only do a warm-up to stretch the muscles, and it is better to run in the evening. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

There are many ways to deal with thick blood, to achieve the desired effect of blood thinning, you can use folk remedies. It is very important to note that the folk remedies for blood thinning that are in the top ten are effective and some of them are quite powerful. Therefore, the use of folk remedies should be under the supervision and approval of medical professionals.

Blood is one of the most important connective tissues. Thick human blood negatively affects the functioning of many organs, so it is important to determine the cause of thick blood as soon as possible and eliminate it.

Physiological hormonal changes that can occur in women during pregnancy, menopause, in men over the age of 45, caused by platelet aggregation can lead to a decrease in blood flow and, as a result, to the formation of blood clots. The cause of thick blood can be such factors and diseases:

The presence of one or more of these symptoms may be the cause of blood clots.

Symptoms and consequences

Whatever the reasons for thick blood in a person, the symptoms of this phenomenon are almost always the same: fatigue, weakness, fatigue, memory problems.

The presence of thick blood leads to disorders of many organs in the human body. For example: lung perfusion, which occurs due to lack of oxygen in the blood, thrombosis, and as a consequence a heart attack. It takes time to make a correct diagnosis.

Thick blood can result from various syndromes and diseases, and can also be associated with various lifestyle factors such as smoking. In these cases, the viscosity of the blood changes and becomes both thicker and more sticky, making it difficult for the blood to circulate throughout the body, deliver oxygen, and transport waste efficiently.

Top 10 Best Ways to Thin Your Blood

We present the top ten effective folk remedies for blood thinning and preventing the formation of a blood clot. Slow medical attention to treat blood clots and delay in care can greatly reduce the chances of successful treatment, and increase the risk of complications.

However, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as other diseases, you can include herbs in your daily diet that increase blood thinning. You can easily include them in your daily diet. Herbaceous plants effectively thin the blood:


It has been proven to lower blood pressure. Garlic has natural antibiotic properties. It was hung around the neck of slaves to prevent outbreaks of epidemics.

Another property of garlic is known - to thin the blood, as well as lower blood pressure. A good product for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


Used throughout the world in cooking, preserving, adding to ice cream, and toothpaste, mint also has a wide range of medicinal uses, but is mainly known for its soothing properties on the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Peppermint is also vitamin K, which prevents abnormal clot clumping. Used to thin the blood.


Oregano is used in a wide variety of cuisines around the world as a spice for culinary use. It is used in various branches of medicine. The ability of oregano to thin the blood is only one property of the application.


The perennial herbal plant ginger is the basis of traditional Chinese medicine and a well-known stomach pain reliever. It is used to prevent nausea. Ginger also has a place on the list of folk methods for thinning the blood and restoring healthy circulation.

curry powder

Curry spice powder, the most famous flavor in Indian cuisine, also boasts salicyls, which are beneficial and effective in fighting blood clots. Curry cleanses the body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains vitamin K, which promotes blood thinning.


One of the oldest herbal remedies, licorice root is used to combat respiratory problems and osteoarthritis (when the cartilage of the joint is damaged). It is a common remedy for indigestion and other gastrointestinal ailments such as ulcers. It also earned a place in our top ten herbal remedies. Licorice contains natural salicylic acid, which makes it possible to thin the blood in a natural way.

How to use licorice root correctly, you can learn from this video.


Cinnamon may be one of the most versatile methods of preventing blood clots with herbal remedies. It can be used in drinks such as tea. Cinnamon is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes and muffins, to improve taste. Cinnamon is also believed to have a number of other health benefits.


Turmeric is known as a folk anti-inflammatory, but it also earns a spot on the top ten blood thinners list thanks to its turmeric content. Used for a variety of culinary and medicinal purposes, turmeric is one of the oldest herbal remedies in ancient medicine.


The herb has been used in folk medicine for many years. The salicylic content of paprika makes it also useful for thinning the blood.

Cayenne pepper

The action of cayenne pepper is aimed at improving blood circulation. The spice may benefit the cardiovascular system by promoting blood thinning.

To further increase blood thinning, these herbs can be combined with foods that keep blood flowing.

How to eat right

The right treatment can be prescribed by a doctor. When symptoms or diseases are detected, it is recommended to follow a balanced diet, which will help eliminate the causes of thick blood.

Daily therapeutic diets include:

  • liquid in large quantities (1.5 l. -2 l.);
  • herbal teas;
  • fresh juices;
  • aspirin (at the discretion of the doctor if the patient does not have a problem with the gastrointestinal tract);
  • grapes, blueberries, figs, sunflower seeds, garlic, artichokes, ginger, kalanchoe, cocoa.

Improper nutrition can cause thick blood in people. In this case, it is recommended to completely exclude the following foods from the diet: potatoes, bananas, alcohol, fatty foods, smoked meats, foods high in protein, buckwheat. Limit sugar and salt intake. People with blood diseases (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis), as well as those who have too thick blood, should not eat nettle, this can provoke the appearance of blood clots.

You can choose one or two items from the list of blood thinning herbs and follow a daily diet. This will serve as a good prevention of stabilizing blood circulation and maintaining the necessary blood density.

Elena Malysheva in her program talks about the best products for blood thinning.

In contact with

Pathological processes in the spleen can also affect the composition of the blood, especially the increased production of enzymes. Great physical exertion, diarrhea, unbalanced nutrition - an excess of sugar and carbohydrate products, a lack of vitamins and minerals - all this affects the functioning of the body as a whole and the state of the blood in particular.

How to determine the thickening yourself

The first signs of problems are increased fatigue, irritability, drowsiness and poor memory. In this case, it is necessary to take tests at the clinic. Diagnoses caused by thick blood are varicose veins, hypertension, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack.

Blood thinning can be provoked in the following ways:

  • power fix;
  • taking medication;
  • the use of folk methods;
  • hirudotherapy.

In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

What pills can thin the blood? Pharmacology has in its arsenal two types of special drugs: anticoagulants (act on clotting) and antiplatelet agents (improving platelet production).

  • Heparin.
  • Warfarin (taken strictly on schedule).
  • Curantyl (can be used for prevention purposes).
  • Dabigatran.
  • Aspecard.
  • Medicines containing selenium, zinc, lecithin (replenish blood composition).
  • Aescusan has a positive effect on blood vessels.

Taking multivitamins reduces the possibility of blood clots in the vessels. There is an emergency remedy - Fenilin. But they can be used only with the permission of the doctor observing you.

The most common drug is Aspirin. Its reception helps to avoid heart attack and stroke, it is able to prevent the formation of blood clots, it does not allow platelets to stick together. However, it is impossible to exceed the prescribed dose for you, this can lead to other diseases. People with stomach diseases and bronchial asthma Aspirin is contraindicated. For such cases, an updated drug Aspirin Cardio has been developed.

In addition to Aspirin, you can also use Cardiomagnyl. It is not as harmful to the gastric mucosa as Aspirin. This drug is indispensable for high blood pressure, thrombosis, diabetes, migraine, angina, conditions after surgery. Medicines without Aspirin can also be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and after determining the diagnosis and the causes that caused this condition. For example, pregnant women with similar symptoms are recommended Curantyl. To strengthen the vessels with varicose veins, Curantil and Lyoton are prescribed.

Other means

Any medicine to improve the condition is made on a plant basis. Therefore, folk remedies are also applicable for this disease.

  1. First of all, these are fresh natural juices that enrich the blood with vitamins and water. Pomegranate, apple, cranberry are especially recommended. It is necessary to drink 250 grams of juice daily.
  2. Soda solution, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for 14 days.
  3. Apple cider vinegar (its solution) also has a thinning property. It is taken in the morning (course - 2-3 months). This method should be abandoned for people with problems with the stomach and digestive tract.
  4. Flaxseed oil is useful not only for the blood, but for the entire digestive system. It improves the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels. One tablespoon in the morning every day will bring the desired effect. You can conduct monthly courses with breaks. However, this treatment is not recommended for patients with stone formation problems.
  5. Medicinal herbs:
  • willow bark contains salicin, taking this remedy does not promote bleeding and does not harm the stomach;
  • sweet clover is also indicated, but you should not collect it yourself, purchase it at a pharmacy (it cannot be taken with herbs of a similar effect). It has contraindications for hemorrhoids and bleeding.

There are products that will help to establish normal blood circulation. Introduce garlic, lemon, figs, beets, sunflower seeds into your diet. Limit the consumption of foods that provoke blood clotting: sugar, carbonated drinks, meat, beans, potatoes, bananas, smoked foods. The main thing is modern diagnostics, diagnosis and urgent conscientious treatment.

Thick blood in medicine is understood as its rapid clotting. Viscous blood is usually the cause of diseases such as thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, heart attack, stroke. To prevent their development, you need to know what thins the blood. Various means are known today:

  • medical preparations;
  • folk medicines;
  • food and drinking regimen;
  • healthy lifestyle.


Various drugs have been developed to reduce blood clotting. These are antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants. The former reduce the adhesion of platelets, prevent the formation of blood clots, these include Ticlopidin and Aspirin. Anticoagulants act depressingly on the blood coagulation system, among them are Warfarin and Heparin.

  1. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid. This is the most famous and common blood-thinning agent that prevents the formation of blood clots. It has contraindications and side effects, so it is not suitable for everyone.
  2. Curantyl. Assign with vascular insufficiency, impaired microcirculation and blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, with thrombosis.
  3. Fenilin. Prevents platelet aggregation. The action begins 8-10 hours after ingestion and lasts for 30 hours. The drug has many side effects and contraindications.
  4. Cardiomagnyl. An effective remedy against rapid blood clotting. Used to prevent thrombosis.
  5. Aspecard. The drug, which has a long-term effect, is designed to prevent thrombosis.
  6. Aescusan. Prescribed for varicose veins. It normalizes impaired blood circulation, reduces vascular permeability, relieves swelling and pain, eliminates heaviness in the lower extremities.
  7. ThromboASS. It is used to thin the blood, prevents the formation of clots by reducing the concentration of blood clotting factors.
  8. Gingo Biloba. Improves blood circulation, lowers platelet activity, thins the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots.

As you can see, today there are many drugs, except for aspirin. You should always remember that you need to take medicines only under the supervision of your doctor.

Traditional medicine

Blood thinning medications have many side effects and contraindications and are not suitable for everyone. In this case, there are folk remedies. To thin thick blood at home, medicinal plants are used that do not affect the body as negatively as tablets.

Honey with garlic

Finely grate the garlic (a few cloves), mix with honey (300 grams), leave for three weeks. Take forty minutes before a meal, one tablespoon of the tablespoon.

Bay leaf

You can thin the blood with a bay leaf. To do this, you need to add it to all first courses.

sweet clover

Grass sweet clover (tablespoon) pour boiling water (1 cup) and leave in a thermos for an hour. Drink half a glass before meals.

Cinnamon with ginger

Mix a pinch of cinnamon, fresh ginger (root), a teaspoon of green tea. Pour boiling water (0.5 l) and let it brew. Add lemon juice and honey before drinking.

Chestnut tincture

Pour vodka (0.5 l) over several large chestnuts and leave for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Use dark glassware. When the tincture is ready, strain. Take 30 drops for a month several times a day. Store in a dark place away from sunlight.

In addition to those listed, it is worth noting such folk remedies as fish oil, peony roots, angelica, Kalanchoe, cinquefoil grass, white willow bark, raspberry leaves.

Traditional medicine suggests thinning the blood with chestnut tincture


Nutrition plays an important role in reducing blood clotting. First of all, you need to know what foods make it thick, and limit their consumption. These include the following:

  • any food of animal origin, with the exception of dairy; in such products there is a lot of harmful cholesterol and acids that contribute to the removal of fluid from the body;
  • smoked and fried foods, especially those with a heavily browned crust;
  • protein food;
  • carbohydrates, especially sugar (sweets, pastries, cakes, fresh bread, potatoes);
  • alcohol, carbonated and sweet drinks.

It should immediately be said that you need to drink more liquid to thin the blood. Water not only makes the blood less viscous, but also promotes faster absorption of nutrients. A person is recommended about two liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. In addition, teas from herbs and fruits (willow-herb, ginger, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries), green tea, freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables are good at thinning the blood. Juice obtained from fresh red grapes is especially useful.

  • any fresh berries: cherries, viburnum, sweet cherries, red currants, sea buckthorn, raspberries, grapes, prunes, raisins, blueberries;
  • fruits: lemons, figs, oranges, pomegranates, grapefruits;
  • linseed and olive oil;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • almonds, walnuts;
  • onion garlic;
  • vegetables: cucumbers, broccoli, tomatoes (fresh tomato juice), carrots, zucchini, cabbage, sweet bell peppers (preferably red), eggplant, celery, beets;
  • germinated wheat seeds;
  • ginger root;
  • foods rich in magnesium, such as oatmeal porridge.
  • sea ​​fish;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • dairy products - yogurt, kefir;
  • dietary meat - turkey, chicken (without fat and skin).

Blood thinning during pregnancy

Blood thinning during pregnancy is very important. During this period, in almost all women, the blood becomes viscous. Although this is considered a physiological norm and recovers after childbirth, the situation should not be left unattended, since varicose veins, blood clots, oxygen starvation of the fetus, and miscarriage are possible. What means can be taken during pregnancy to reduce blood clotting, the doctor should tell.

Thrombo ASS is one of the most effective and frequently used drugs that prevent thrombosis.

It is not allowed to take medications during the period of gestation, so traditional medicine and the inclusion of such products in the diet will come to the rescue:

  • fruits: pomegranate, pineapple, dried apricots, citrus fruits;
  • berries: plum, strawberry, viburnum, cranberry, sea buckthorn, raspberry, black currant;
  • vegetables: zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, onions, beets, garlic;
  • spices: dill, ginger, paprika, cinnamon, thyme, oregano, turmeric, curry;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • linseed, olive oil;
  • mint;
  • buds, bark, birch sap.

Red berries and fruits, as well as citrus fruits, are recommended to be eaten with caution, as they can provoke allergies. Home remedies are best taken under medical supervision.

If nutrition and traditional medicine are not enough, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Thrombo ACC, Phlebodia, Curantil, Cardiomagnyl.


To thin thick blood, you need not only to eat right, take medicines, folk remedies, vitamins, but also lead a healthy lifestyle. It is important to become mobile and active, spend more time outdoors, forget about bad habits, look at the world around you more positively.


In order to reduce blood clotting and make it less viscous, a set of measures is needed. Thanks to a large number of folk recipes and a wide range of blood-thinning pills, each person has the opportunity to choose the best option. The main thing is not to self-medicate. Which drugs are suitable in each case, only the attending physician can determine.