
Why is it harmful to go to the solarium? We understand how a solarium is useful for the body Sunburn in a solarium is harmful and beneficial

At the same time, not everyone knows that with the help of a solarium, you can not only improve your appearance, but also solve some health problems. However, only on the condition that you will.

Advantages of a solarium

№1. acts on the skin more gently than the sun. The equipment for modern solariums uses a carefully balanced and controlled combination of rays of different wavelengths. Modern lamps do not emit rays harmful to the skin, and the ratio of useful ones can be adjusted using devices. Ultraviolet radiation causes the production of vitamin D in the skin, which is responsible for calcium metabolism in the body.

Result. Replenishing the body with vitamin D at a time when it is acutely lacking improves the condition of bone tissue and joints. Studies by American scientists have shown that the ultraviolet rays of a solarium act on calcium metabolism in the body 70% more efficiently than taking vitamin D capsules. After visiting a solarium, many women often experience pain in the legs and back, and the condition of their teeth improves.

№2. Sunlight, which mimics the lighting of a solarium, affects not only the skin. Under its influence, serotonin is produced in the brain - the hormone of pleasure, which improves mood and increases stress resistance. And not only. Research by physicians of the Royal Society of England has shown that serotonin is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle: it is especially abundant in the body at the time of ovulation, which coincides with the most elevated emotional state of a woman. It is impossible to obtain this hormone artificially, its content in food products is negligible. The only way out is more light.

Result. get rid of depressed mood, bouts of unreasonable melancholy, exacerbations of premenstrual syndrome, irritability, fatigue in the morning, when you need to get up in complete darkness outside the window. Such problems could be solved by a daily walk in a public garden or park, but this takes an hour and a half in the morning, and even in sunny weather. And if you spend short daytime hours in transport or in the office, besides, you live in a large industrial city, where aerosols and dust prevent the sun's rays from breaking through, then only a solarium will help.

№3. The immune status of the body also directly depends on the sun - we are so light-loving! Back in the 1960s, German and British physicians hypothesized that under the influence of ultraviolet rays the oxygen content in the blood rises, and they began to use ultraviolet irradiation to improve the condition of women in labor. Modern scientific data show that protective cells under the influence of ultraviolet become more active, their content in the body increases. In addition, immunity is increased due to the effect of light on the brain: its regulatory systems, which also control immunity, begin to work more smoothly.

Result. After a tanning course, you will feel that you are no longer subject to occasional colds, and during flu outbreaks you remain productive. In addition, chilliness and lethargy, a feeling of lead heaviness in the muscles in the morning or after a short work, disappear.

№4. A light tan reddens the skin, small hairs on the legs burn out and become invisible. However, even at a deeper level, ultraviolet rays have a positive effect on the epidermis, improving blood circulation and cell nutrition in all layers of the skin. With mild pimples, irradiation in a solarium relieves inflammation by stopping the growth of bacteria.

Result. The skin ceases to be irritated by ordinary detergents - peeling, pustules, rashes on the face and hands go away by themselves, without the use of dermatological creams. Small pimples disappear, but in cases of severe inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the skin rash can worsen even more.

№5. Sunlight, acting as a relaxing factor, lowers blood pressure by at least 15% and reduces the content of cholesterol and sugar in the blood by 1.5-1.7 times. The positive effect increases after 3-4 procedures.

Result. After that, you will notice that you have become much less irritated, your head hurts less often, and your efforts to reduce your weight have finally been crowned with success.

Solarium cons

№1. If you use sulfadimethoxine and biseptol, as well as tetracycline and doxycycline, for the treatment of any diseases, even in case of a cold and intestinal upset, you should stop visiting the solarium for this time: these drugs change the sensitivity to sunlight. Hormonal pills, including contraceptives, should also not be combined with a solarium.

There are also special drugs to increase sensitivity to radiation - Beroxan, Puvalen, Ammifurin, which are used for certain skin lesions. If you need them, you need to wait until the end of the course of treatment before going to the solarium.

№2. You can not visit the solarium with increased skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. In this case, a real allergic reaction develops: a rash may appear on the skin, and health worsens.

№3. Many skin diseases can change their course not for the better under the influence of rays. In this case, ultraviolet acts as an active and untested drug.

№4. UV radiation is strictly prohibited for any problems with the thyroid gland, which is “sheltered” by nature itself from exposure to the sun and on which the shadow of the chin always falls.

№5. The fact is that ultraviolet rays can produce "breakdowns" in various cells of the body,. In this case, it is not so much the irradiation of any organ that plays a role, but the entire volume of ultraviolet radiation that will be perceived by the body. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using a solarium for mastopathy, a feeling of heaviness and pain in the chest.

A beautiful tan is every woman's dream. Chocolate skin tone gives seductiveness, sexuality and unsurpassed charm. In addition, a tan masks the imperfections of the epidermis and allows you to save the already “lush” cosmetics from the foundation.

Is a UV laser as useful as colorful advertisements for beauty salons say about it? Is it worth it to systematically spend money on it, and perhaps health? The benefits and harms of a solarium for women will be discussed further.

Meet His Majesty Solarium

The platform of a special configuration, placed in a vertical or horizontal plane, creates powerful illumination thanks to the built-in light lamps. The emitted alpha and beta rays contribute to the active synthesis of melanin by skin cells. The given ratio of rays will determine the intensity of the tan and the degree of its durability. To avoid burns, the level of ultraviolet radiation is under strict control. By standards, the percentage of beta rays does not exceed 1.7%.

Varieties of solariums

Judging by the reviews about the benefits and dangers of a solarium for women, it does not matter which one to use. Upright models become more common In the spacious cabin, you can move to the music from the player, so the tan will lie down faster and more evenly. The lamps here are more powerful than in the horizontal counterpart, because they are located at a remote distance from the skin. If safety precautions are not followed, burns may occur.

As mentioned earlier, a horizontal solarium has lamps located in close proximity to the skin, but their power is negligible, so you can not be afraid of burning. For hygienic purposes, a special film that transmits light is changed after each client. After visiting such a unit, white spots will remain on the skin at the places of greatest glass pressure on the body (buttocks, shoulder blades, etc.).

Solarium: arguments "for"

Talking about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women, it is worth starting with the benefits. What is the reason for the high popularity of this type of beauty services? Today, not only long-legged models, women from the covers of glossy magazines visit tanning salons, but also the average accountants, teachers and nurses. Moreover, men also strive to get a chocolate tan in the summer!

The main advantage of equipment that emits ultraviolet light is the promotion of the active production of vitamin D. An indispensable component is responsible for the absorption of calcium, regulates the balance of phosphorus. It can be concluded that the solarium makes an invaluable contribution to the health of bones, joints, teeth and the nervous system, especially in winter.

The consequence of the previous paragraph is the effective prevention of arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.

Most women notice that in winter the number of pimples on the face and body increases. Ultraviolet rays dry out small inflammations and kill pathogenic bacteria that cause acne. A systematic visit to the solarium facilitates the course of eczema and psoriasis, increases the effectiveness of the treatment of certain forms of dermatitis and neurodermatitis.

Therapeutic properties

According to doctors, the benefits and harms of a solarium for women are in a 50/50 ratio. Useful characteristics include assistance in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory diseases, such as rhinitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, colds.

In winter, the solarium is an excellent therapy for seasonal depression. Ultraviolet rays relieve the feeling of apathy, despondency and drowsiness, giving energy and good spirits.

In addition to an even chocolate skin tone, a visit to the light-emitting chamber strengthens the immune system, helps fight fungal diseases, and increases potency and libido in men.

To avoid burns

Preparing for trips to a hot tropical climate, for example, to the islands, where the eternal summer is cold in January, cannot do without a couple of solarium sessions. The benefits and harms for women are obvious here: you have to spend extra money on preparing for a vacation - this is a minus, but upon arrival in an exotic country, the girls will not burn on the first day, risking spending the rest of the tour in the shade, hiding the skin from the sun's rays under a T-shirt.

For the same reason, sportsmen, singers, artists and soldiers who are forced to be outdoors for a long time are regular customers of salons with a solarium.

Solarium: arguments "against"

The abuse of "portions of light" dramatically transforms a delicate golden tan into a dirty, with a touch of a la slums of India. It's all about the pigment melanin, whose production under the influence of ultraviolet rays increases several times and the skin simply does not have time to recover from it. Age spots, freckles and even moles appear on the body.

Talking about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women over 50 years old, experts focus on the problem of melanomas. Even 50-70 years ago, malignant tumors appeared in one out of 90-100 women, and today, in the age of the popularity of solariums, the figure is frighteningly close to 20.

Owners of tattoos need to be prepared for burnout, pallor and the disappearance of parts of the picture. If you are determined to artificially tan in the winter, the tattoo area should be generously smeared with sunscreen with a maximum SPF value.

On the effects of ultraviolet radiation on organ systems

For women in the photo, the solarium bears benefits and harms equally. Unfortunately, the owners of beauty salons do not tell their clients what a visit to the solarium threatens the skin, eyes and glands.

In high doses, ultraviolet penetrates into all layers of the skin. This leads to a rapid loss of elasticity, dryness, sagging. In medicine, this process is called photoaging. Therefore, signs of aging in hot countries appear several years earlier than in peers from the northern regions.

Getting into the eyes (even through the eyelids), UV rays can provoke the development of cataracts and impair vision.

Artificial light destroys the structure of the thyroid and mammary glands, makes irreparable changes in the functioning of the adrenal glands. This is fraught with hormonal surges and tumors.

Visiting the solarium during menstruation

The opinions of gynecologists about the dangers and benefits of a tanning bed for women are unequivocal - during menstruation, it is forbidden to visit it unless absolutely necessary.

The hot hot air inside the chamber contributes to the thinning of the blood, which flows faster through the vessels. The result can be severe bleeding with spasms.

Due to the need to be completely naked in the solarium, the sanitary pad will have to be replaced with a tampon. Under the influence of the same high temperature - an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria, inflammatory processes can develop that exacerbate the course of chronic diseases.

If there is no way to wait for the end of critical days, you can reduce the negative impact of the solarium in the following ways:

  • after the procedure, drink plenty of clean water;
  • for 3-4 hours after sunbathing, exclude any physical activity;
  • use protective cream.

Solarium during pregnancy

Future mothers are sure that bearing a child is not a reason to abandon the golden color of the skin. Talking about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women in position, obstetrician-gynecologists do not put forward categorical prohibitions. In any case, before visiting the salon with artificial tan, you should consult with your doctor.

Cardinal changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, multiplied by the action of ultraviolet rays, increase the work of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, which in some cases leads to complications and miscarriage.

Solarium for women - is it harmful or beneficial in the third trimester? Definitely harm. One session is enough to provoke overheating of the fetus with an unformed excretory system and dehydration of the mother's body.

It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe in the chamber with UV radiation, regardless of the gestational age for women:

  • with gestational diabetes;
  • with a confirmed violation of the thyroid gland;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • with hypertension.

Contraindications and precautions

According to the reviews of women after 50 years, the solarium brings harm and benefits in unequal amounts. For aging skin, the action of ultraviolet radiation is most detrimental. In addition to uneven tanning, older women are at risk for oncology patients.

It is not recommended to visit artificial tanning salons for persons under 15 years of age. Claustrophobia, diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, mastopathy, a tendency to allergic reactions, a large number of moles are arguments to cancel a trip to the solarium.

When taking antibiotics and drugs sold in pharmacies by prescription, sunburn is contraindicated. Most of the components of antibiotics are destroyed by a powerful ultraviolet beam, others will bring a radically opposite effect.

You should not sunbathe in the solarium and on the beach on the same day. High light exposure is damaging to the skin.

Regardless of the state of health and well-being, the decision to visit a solarium should be discussed with a dermatologist. This is especially true for women with pale, fair skin types.

How to sunbathe with benefit?

In order not to bother yourself with thoughts, whether a solarium is beneficial or harmful, it is enough just to follow the rules of proper tanning. It would seem that difficult? I climbed into the booth, received a portion of ultraviolet radiation - it's ready! For those who want a healthy and healthy tan, there are a number of conditions:

  • The time of the first two or three sessions should not exceed 10 minutes. The skin should gradually get used to it.
  • An hour before the procedure, you can take a shower, it is advisable not to use soap and gels to avoid degreasing the skin. After solarium contact with water is not recommended.
  • Before the session, it is recommended to wash off cosmetics and refuse to use perfume.

It is forbidden to use any creams, except for those specialized for the solarium.

Sensitive places must be securely covered. Hide your hair under a scarf, put on sunglasses, seal large moles with a piece of plaster.

Immediately after leaving the booth, you must drink clean water to restore the fluid supply. On this day, the diet should be filled with foods high in carotene (carrots), this will strengthen the tan. Do not forget about antioxidants (berries, fruits, vegetables, milk, green tea).

Ever since cruise-burnt Coco Chanel introduced the tan trend, brown skin has become a symbol of health, beauty and an active lifestyle. White as cream, the beauties of the pre-revolutionary era no longer appeal to anyone today. However, fashion can dictate anything, and no one has yet canceled common sense, and before deciding to expose your body to the rays of ultraviolet lamps, it is worth finding out if it is so useful, as the supporters of the solarium say, and is it so harmful, as its opponents claim?

There is no doubt that regular meetings with the artificial sun do not pass without a trace for us, because even a real luminary sometimes affects the body in an unfavorable way. The human body in general is a rather fragile thing, and the female body in particular, and in order not to unbalance the systems that ensure its vital activity, any self-care procedure should be approached with caution, clearly understanding what benefits it can bring to you and what risks it has.

The benefits of ultraviolet

The notorious UV rays, from which we carefully protect ourselves with the help of creams with filters, panama hats and sunglasses, are not always harmful. In moderation, they bring their benefits to the body:

  • stimulate the production of vitamin D, without which there is no good immunity, strong bones, glossy nails, thick hair and young toned skin;
  • have a bactericidal effect, drying pimples, promoting the healing of small wounds and even participating in the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis - however, only if the attending physician deems it necessary to visit the solarium;
  • alleviate the condition with some diseases of the spine, injuries of bones and muscles, neuralgia;
  • lower blood cholesterol levels, albeit slightly;
  • increase a woman's self-esteem, allowing you to feel more attractive and bright. And this is important.

There is a version that being under solarium lamps enhances the body's production of endorphins responsible for our good mood, but it has not yet received serious scientific confirmation. Nevertheless, for people living, for example, in the Far North and experiencing a lack of sunlight, even doctors recommend the reasonable use of a solarium.

Harm of artificial tanning

Many girls ignore stories about the dangers of a solarium, motivating their behavior with references to "friend Katya, who has been tanning for 100 years, and nothing." Perhaps there is nothing. Perhaps Katya is lucky. But it is much more likely that either a friend does not sunbathe as often as it seems, and takes the necessary precautions at the same time, or not the best processes are already running in her body.

What threatens the love of the solarium?

  1. UV rays increase the risk of developing cancer. And this is not a “scarecrow”, but an inexorable statistic: people who allow themselves more than 10 visits to a solarium a year get cancer 7 times more often.
  2. The lamps dry out the skin, causing it to age prematurely and cause age spots. In addition, they have a detrimental effect on vision and hair condition.
  3. Having made trips to the solarium a habit, some women earn tanorexia - a psychological dependence on the usual procedure. People suffering from this disorder cannot imagine their life without a tan and begin to feel insecure as soon as the skin lightens slightly.

If you are not going to give up the idea of ​​​​turning into a darker woman with the help of UV lamps, but at the same time value your health, visit a dermatologist and mammologist. Most likely, they will not approve of your desire, but at least they will help you identify contraindications, identify risks, and advise the safest schedule for dates with artificial sun.

Solarium contraindications

Young ladies who are advised by doctors to forget the way to the solarium once and for all can be divided into two categories: those for whom tanning is contraindicated in any case and unconditionally, and those who are undesirable to stand under the lamps, but as an exception, you can try.

Under the absolute ban fall women who are diagnosed with:

  • mastopathy;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • liver disease;
  • blood diseases;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • malfunctions of the nervous system;
  • ailments of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin problems, including both severe dermatitis and slight rosacea;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • individual sensitivity to UV radiation.

In addition to diseases, the list of absolute contraindications includes the natural conditions of the female body, accompanied by various physiological changes: age up to 15–16 years, pregnancy, lactation periods and “critical days”.

Relative contraindications include:

  • very light, thin, sensitive skin;
  • a large number of freckles, moles and age spots.

In the first case, a rare visit to the solarium, which operates in a gentle mode with low-power lamps, is acceptable, and in the second, special stickers are issued for large age spots in good salons. However, keep in mind that even with these precautions, tanning under UV lamps is not recommended for you. Although not strictly prohibited.

Age is also a relative contraindication. So, ladies over 40 years old are not recommended to visit a solarium, since their skin, no longer able to recover at the required pace, quickly loses moisture, starting the aging process, and more often faces the negative consequences of sunburn.

When to Postpone Your Procedure

We did not mention another type of contraindication - temporary. It works for women:

  • who have recently undergone epilation, chemical peeling or skin resurfacing, as well as those who visited a Russian bath or sauna the day before;
  • in the recovery period after major operations and illnesses;
  • taking certain drugs - antibiotics, tranquilizers, hormonal drugs, painkillers, diuretics, antidepressants and psychotropic drugs. In general, if you regularly drink this or that drug, ask the doctor who prescribed it for you how compatible this drug is with UV rays.

At this time, the skin is especially vulnerable, the immune system is weakened, and some substances that enter the blood along with medications can cause serious troubles, up to a burn. So you have to wait until the body returns to normal.

Possible side effects

Remember the hottest day that you had to endure: how the sun burned from a clear sky, how scorchingly hot its rays were, and how unpleasantly the dry air enveloped your skin, as if flying out of a stove. Remembered? And now multiply your feelings by 2-3, because the solarium lamps shine with such intensity. And if you also take into account that you do not close yourself off from them with a pareo and an umbrella, the force of impact on defenseless skin becomes downright frightening. So it's not surprising if one of the procedures ends for you with the appearance of dry skin, redness or chloasma - dark pigmented spots.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, remember the contraindications, limit the number of your visits to the solarium and always take precautions. Which? Now we'll tell you.

A few words about the frequency with which it is permissible to carry out the procedure. An acquaintance of mine, who at one time was fond of artificial tanning, was told by a lady administrator in a beauty salon that women like her, whose skin itself has a dark tint, can get up under the lamps even every other day, and there will be no harm from it. But the doctor, to whom a friend turned to dot all i, first insisted on 10-12 procedures a year, then “with a creak” allowed several courses with a total of no more than 30 visits and categorically objected to the idea of ​​​​maintaining an equally pronounced tan all 12 consecutive months. Why did I remember this? Be sure to consult with a specialist in the salon who will help determine the phototype of your skin, the number and duration of sessions, but know how to be critical of his words. If the consultant is clearly aiming to sell you as many visits as possible, he obviously does not care about your health. Stay away from these salons.

How to reduce the harm from going to the solarium

Doctors can talk about the dangers of UV lamps for as long as they like, but the number of women storming the doors of solariums all year round does not decrease from this. If you are one of the brave young ladies who agree to a small risk for the sake of beauty, at least confirm a few rules that minimize the harm from a solarium:

Table: differences between natural and artificial tanning

Opinions of experts about solarium

I am strongly against getting a substantial tan in a tanning bed. In our climate, you can spend no more than 2 times a month for 5 minutes in the solarium to cheer up, produce vitamin D.

Putilova Natalya Yurievna, dermatocosmetologist

You need to visit the solarium no more than 1 time per week. But in case of a long absence of the sun, you can cheer yourself up with a 4-minute visit to the solarium, especially in the cold season.

Zhigir Olga Mikhailovna, dermatocosmetologist

Visiting a solarium every week all year round is certainly harmful - it dries out the skin and destroys collagen. Then it is quite difficult to recover.

Bolatova Laura Georgievna, dermatocosmetologist, physiotherapist

Video: why using a solarium requires caution

There is no such thing as a “correct, healthy tan” in principle, it is always a kind of stress for the skin, wherever you get it. But do not forget that UV rays are often used for medicinal purposes: for drying acne, treating sore muscles, and for various other disorders. In a word, if you strongly disagree to do without a solarium, consult with professionals, determine your phototype, know when to stop and do not forget about reasonable precautions - this will significantly reduce the risks. Beauty is beauty, but you have one health and it’s not good to lose it even for the sake of the opportunity to feel like a stunning dark-skinned woman.

In many parts of our country, the sun is rarely seen. So, in December 2019, it shone in Moscow for only 8 hours.

If you want to brown your pale skin and stock up on vitamin D, you can go to the solarium near the house. However, you should not do this, and here's why.



How is going to the solarium different from lying on the beach?

Solarium lamps and the sun emit similar ultraviolet (UV) light: lots of type A ultraviolet and some type B.

The difference between a solarium and the sun on the beach is the radiation power. The light from the lamp can be compared to the midday sun in the tropics.

Ultraviolet type A (95% of the light in a solarium) is no joke. I use it in an experiment to create burns on lab animals.

Differences between natural and artificial tanning

Why is UV harmful?

UV rays gradually make the skin dry, rough and wrinkled, and if it comes into contact with the eyes, it can cause inflammation (conjunctivitis) and clouding of the lens (cataract).

What else is harmful solarium - ultraviolet also damages the DNA molecules of the skin. With repeated visits to the solarium, these breakdowns accumulate, and skin cells can mutate into cancerous ones. The harmful effects of radiation exposure are usually not immediately visible, but appear years later.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) believes that tanning beds have no health benefits and are associated with the risk of the most dangerous skin tumor, melanoma.

Is it possible to dry acne in a solarium?

Also a bad idea. Tanning masks the red-brown spots of acne, but light therapy is still not recognized as an effective treatment for acne.

Separate studies speak of the positive effects of photodynamic therapy. This is when blue, red light or a combination of them is irradiated with skin treated with special substances that enhance photosensitivity. Doesn't sound like a solarium, agree.

Will a solarium help with psoriasis?

Again no. And in this situation, the solarium only hurts.

Psoriasis and some other skin diseases are treated with other ultraviolet lamps - they emit light with wavelengths specially selected to reduce inflammation and flaking of the skin. Such equipment is expensive and not easily sold. It is installed in hospitals and skin dispensaries, and the course of treatment can only be completed by a doctor's prescription.

I can't stop going to the solarium, what should I do?

You are not alone: ​​there is a real addiction to the solarium.

It has been established that exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases the release of endorphins - substances that relieve pain and cause pleasant sensations. And this can lead to addiction, the same as from cigarettes, alcohol, gambling and drugs. Many tanning enthusiasts have reported improved mood and relaxation after tanning.

In a 2006 study, tanning bed visitors were given naltrexone. It blocks endorphins, which are formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It turned out that 50% of frequent visitors to the solarium under naltrexone experienced discomfort, nausea and nervousness (withdrawal syndrome). None of the rare visitors to the solarium had such signs.

If you feel that you can not refuse the next trip to the solarium:

  • replace tanning with another source of endorphins, such as sports;
  • contact a psychologist and discuss the problem with him.

If only skin color is important to you in tanning, try self-tanning or bronzes.

Video for the curious

Watch the BBC story about people who couldn't give up fake tan and regretted it

The solarium and the sun have common features. The main effect in the solarium occurs due to ultraviolet radiation, which, in turn, is also part of the sunlight. At the same time, there are also significant ones. In addition to ultraviolet radiation, sunlight also contains infrared and visible radiation. An important advantage and difference of a solarium is a well-controlled wavelength.

It is known that solar ultraviolet radiation consists of several types of rays that have different effects on the human body.

Influencing rays in the solarium have a controlled and safe wavelength.


A large number of people visit the solarium to get a beautiful and even tan in short. It must be remembered that ultraviolet rays affect not only directly on the skin, but also on human systems and organs. There is an explanation for this. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, skin protein molecules actively decompose into biological substances that are carried throughout the body.

At the same time, there is both a negative and a positive impact on human systems and organs. Therefore, in this matter, you need to be very careful and accurate.

The effect of solarium on the human body

1. The exchange of fat cells in the body is activated.
2. In the blood, the saturation and the number of red blood cells increase.
3. A long stay in a solarium noticeably slows down the nervous system.
4. Bone and nerve tissues recover faster.
5. The supply of oxygen to the heart muscle and skin respiration increase. This increases the contractility of the heart.

The use of the solarium for medicinal purposes

Solarium is often used in the auxiliary treatment of a number of diseases. However, in this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Solarium helps with the following ailments:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (bones, myositis, arthritis);
- diseases of internal organs (peptic ulcer, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, tracheitis, bronchitis);
- skin diseases (ulcers after burns, psoriasis, eczema);
- diseases of the nervous system (spinal cord injury, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuralgia).


Solarium is dangerous to visit in the following cases:

With exacerbation of functional kidney failure and any chronic diseases;
- if the body is prone to bleeding;
- if there are localizations and neoplasms on the body (warts);
- women during lactation and pregnancy.