
How not to fall asleep on a boring couple. Our blog how not to fall asleep at a lecture. How to overcome the desire to sleep in the classroom at the university - people's advice

Those who have had to experience the hardships of higher education will understand that a daily visit to the university is not only nibbling on the granite of science, but also ... fighting sleep!

After all, to come to the university to the first couple is a real feat. And even then those who deign to come, nod off and wake up closer to the third pair. Therefore, every student should know how not to fall asleep on a couple. This knowledge will be useful to absolutely everyone who wants to learn and understand why he came there.

By the way, not all teachers have the talent of eloquence. Moreover, many present the material from their own point of view, that is, after teaching 20 or even 30 years of the same material. How can you not remember, if you say the same thing for many years in a row.

Now we focus your attention on the main ways in the fight against university drowsiness.

5 ways to stay awake in lectures:

1 way

Paraphrasing is a very effective method against sleep. First, it allows you to be interested. Secondly, you begin to use your brain, to think about the information that comes from the teacher.

2 way

The method is very difficult to master, however, if you adapt, then it can be called the most effective of all. In order to put it into practice, you just need to listen and write a lecture. After a couple or during a break with comrades, you can arrange a blitz survey, and what happened at the lecture. If no one answers, try to briefly explain in plain language. Thus, you yourself will remember better and help your classmates.

3 way

The method is about taking notes. In any case, the abstract must be written. It should reflect not only the thoughts and words of the lecturer, but also your position. To do this, we recommend that you enter your designations, make notes and ask questions. Also, instead of long sentences or to explain them, draw illustrations in which you depict comic or even obscene scenes. After all, as you know, we remember everything vulgar and funny much better.

4 way

Try to free your hearing from extraneous sounds. Focus on the teacher's voice. Listen to them: its modulations and melody, shortcomings and flaws. Everything that can pull you out of the sweet should be involved.

5 way

An almost unbelievable way. For some, it probably won't help. But still, the person who slept 8 hours understands and remembers much better than the person with 3 hours of sleep at night. if you sleep well.

We hope these tips will be useful to you in a difficult student life. We will also be glad if you share your methods of how not to fall asleep on a couple.

All students, without exception, sometimes encountered such teachers who told the material in a boring and monotonous way. Or the subject itself was not particularly interested in the listeners. It is in such cases that the student is left with only two options (as he himself thinks): by an incredible effort of will to force himself to sit still and record the lecture, or to sleep. And students, believe me, sleep little at night. Therefore, the second option occurs most often. We offer a number of measures to help avoid this.

Try to find something interesting in the lecture itself. Look at the material from a different angle. You may be interested in some live or practical examples. If you do not understand something, then ask the lecturer to explain it to you with an example. Or you can change your attitude towards the significance and role of this subject and this material in your final grade and academic performance. If the lecture promises to be boring, then look at the exam materials of past years and find questions there on the topic that you will be taking. Then it will be much easier for you to motivate yourself, as you will try to write more and more legibly, so that later you can prepare for the test using this summary.

If all this does not fit, then here are a couple more chips for you. You can write down the aphorisms of the teacher (or classmates, if they are talking) at the end of the notebook, and then they can be re-read. in addition, you can compete with friends who will write more or who will write more beautifully. Or maybe you have a well-developed sense of humor, and you will compete to see who can best play a highly interested student.

In general, everything depends only on your imagination, believe me, there are many things, besides sleep, that you can do during a “rotten” lecture. Do not sleep on the desk, as it harms your spine! And I wish you less boring lectures!

How not to fall asleep in a lecture

Almost every student tried to overcome sleep during the lecture. Therefore, for sure, many will be interested in learning effective methods of dealing with drowsiness, which will be discussed in the article.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of teachers give lectures in a monotonous, inexpressive voice. Considering the restlessness of young people, against the backdrop of a poorly ventilated auditorium, the lulling monotony of the voice, students inevitably feel sleepy.

Eventually, constant sleepiness at lectures pursues almost every student, throughout the entire period of study.

Naturally, it is impossible to fall asleep during lectures, since this gesture is regarded as disrespect for the teacher and the subject. Thus, it will be useful to consider several ways that will allow students to remain cheerful throughout the lecture.

First of all, all methods should be divided into two conditional groups, namely, what can and what is undesirable to do in a lecture so as not to fall asleep.

Let's consider these groups in more detail.

What can you do at a lecture so as not to fall asleep.

If you feel sleepy, then you should prepare for the upcoming lecture in advance. As a rule, it is especially difficult to attend classes in the afternoon, especially after lunch during the hot season. Thus, during the lunch break, it is recommended to drink several cups of coffee or strong, preferably black, tea.

And also should not be passed in front of a couple, which can increase the feeling of drowsiness.

In this case, mint products should also not be abused. It should be noted that the very use of sweets can also stimulate the “sleeping” brain.

To make the process even more efficient, you should take notes and take notes in parallel. As a result, time will pass much faster, and the knowledge gained will allow you to successfully pass the exam in the future.

Some smells are known to stimulate nervous activity. Thus, it is recommended to pick up perfume, eau de toilette or deodorant with citrus or any other invigorating aromas.

Wet wipes will help to freshen up at the lecture, with which it will be enough to wipe the face. Sanitary napkins will also help keep your skin clean, and hence a neat appearance.

You can also do a little massage during the lecture. For example, massage your palms, knead your fingers, or strain and then relax certain muscle groups. Such exercises not only invigorate, but also help maintain muscle tone.

Now we can give several methods that will also help you not to fall asleep in class, however, they do not in any way contribute to the assimilation of the material presented by the lecturer.

Thus, if it goes lecture on the topic, which does not excite the student at all, then you can spend time on other more useful things, for example, studying another subject or language. The main thing is that the lecturer does not suspect that the student is passionate about completely different things, and not the topic of the lecture.

What not to do during a lecture.

First of all, it must be said that in no case should you support your head with your hand or lie down on your desk. After all, it is these postures that promote sleep. It must be remembered that during sleep, the muscles of the body relax. Thus, the head can slip from the hand onto the desk, which the lecturer will probably notice, in the worst case, you can get bruised or damage the neck ligaments.

Also, do not wear glasses with tinted lenses - this, on the contrary, will increase the desire to fall asleep. You don’t need to convey it before the lecture, because, as you know, “a full belly is deaf to study.” It is not recommended to use perfume or eau de toilette with soothing scents, clothes with a tight collar or a tight tie.

Using the above simple methods, boring lectures for students won't be as tiring. Of course, if you want to sleep very much, then it is best not to attend the class at all, however, you need to remember that such an attitude to lectures can negatively affect your studies and even cause expulsion from the university.

Therefore, it is better to have a good night's sleep before a new school day so as not to experience a feeling of drowsiness during lectures.

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Did you have a good rest in a nightclub, stayed up at a friend's house, or did you come across an interesting book and you couldn't leave it without reading it to the end? One way or another, but you didn’t manage to get enough sleep and in pairs you struggle in vain with drowsiness, falling asleep on the go? In this case, our advice will come in handy. From our article, you will learn how to overcome a sleepy state and not sleep in pairs.

When the daily routine is violated, everything goes awry, the day is like a night, and the night is like a day, it is difficult not only to work, but also to study. It is especially difficult to fight sleep if the lecturer speaks monotonously, and the material is difficult to understand. In this case, we advise you to use one, or better several, ways to overcome a drowsy state.

Method number 1: stock up on water. Drowsiness is promoted by stuffy rooms and dehydration. To counter this condition, drink more, and wash your face with cool water at breaks. It is better to ventilate audiences before lectures in order to provide fresh air access to a room where a lot of people gather, which means that by the end of the lecture there is very little oxygen.

Method number 2: aromatherapy. Scientists have proven that there are smells that awaken and promote sleep, the former invigorate, and the latter soothe. Essential oils, perfumes, colognes, lotions, soaps, or other cosmetics scented with eucalyptus, coffee, and rosemary can help you feel energized. Even inhaling the smell of ordinary fresh coffee beans, you will feel a surge of energy, and rosemary is considered an ideal essential oil for students, because it not only invigorates and saves from overwork, but also helps strengthen memory. Eucalyptus also has an awakening effect, increasing concentration and improving brain function.

Method number 3: breathing exercises. No wonder esoteric practices have recently become fashionable. Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises can bring your body to an ideal state. You will feel cheerful if you learn elementary exercises. For example, to get rid of drowsiness, practice alternating a normal inhalation and a sharp exhalation. So you can influence the pineal gland and circadian rhythms.

Method number 4: massage. Massage of certain parts of the body has an invigorating effect on the body. It is best to periodically rub the earlobes, it is not so noticeable to prying eyes. But if you can't get rid of drowsiness, try twisting your ears while squeezing your eyelids tightly. By pressing on the point of the nasolabial fold and doing a massage in the eye area, you also have an awakening effect. Between notes, massage the fingers of both hands, this will awaken your body. Massage can improve blood circulation and provide you with oxygen.

Method number 5: proper nutrition, vitamins and minerals. In the fight against drowsiness, all means are good, and especially proper nutrition and the use of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the body. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period, when the body lacks the sun and fresh fruits. Draw energy from the right foods, avoiding unhealthy and high-calorie meals and fast foods. Thiamine, biotin, vitamins B and C will help you improve your well-being and mental performance.

Method number 6: physical exercises. Vigor and sport are strongly interconnected. All athletes are full of energy and look fit. If you don’t have time to play sports professionally, do morning exercises, go jogging, dance. Try to walk, move more during breaks, do not sit in one position. Even in lectures, don't be static. Stretch often, bend over, try to reach your toes and stretch your spine as much as possible. Physical activity, even small ones, has a beneficial effect on the body. Don't forget about your eyes - give them a break and do eye gymnastics, making circular movements and in an up and down direction.

Method number 7: concentration. Whatever you do, focus on the event. Do not give yourself the opportunity to be distracted by trifles and trifles, think about the benefits of classes. If you have chosen this particular university, then you need to get the most out of it. If your drowsiness is due to the fact that you are bored and do not see the future in your studies, maybe it's time to think about drastic changes in your life?

Method number 8: dream. Yes, it sounds strange, but your dream should help you overcome an apathetic, drowsy state. What would you like? What are you dreaming about? How to achieve this? Your dream should act on you like an aphrodisiac, keeping you awake.

Method number 9: tickling. One of the most original ways of awakening is tickling, which not only causes laughter and improves mood, but also has an exciting effect on the body. You can tickle the palate with your tongue and see how it affects you. They say it's a good and very effective way to cheer up.

Method number 10: love. If all the above methods have failed, you urgently need to fall in love. Love is the best of feelings that will definitely keep you awake. Rather, on the contrary, you are threatened with insomnia. If suddenly this happens to you, you certainly know where to look for the most effective ways to overcome insomnia?

Well, if study does not let you sleep, then contact us and order any work on any subject, for example, or.

A schoolchild in the morning wants to sleep no less than an adult office worker or a person with another profession. The difference lies in the fact that at work, an adult can take some measures in order to cheer up and drive away drowsiness. And how not to fall asleep in a lesson for a sleepy student, if he has to sit still for 45 minutes, is a more difficult task.

Chasing away sleep simply and effectively

The hardest thing is not to fall asleep at classes or lessons, if you simply didn’t get enough sleep, and the body wants one thing for the teenager to close his eyes and take a nap at least a little. However, you can't sleep. The plight is aggravated by the fact that many teachers present their subject in a monotone and low voice. If there is a lesson, and outside the window there is some kind of sleepy weather - it is drizzling rain or snow is quietly falling - then you want to sleep catastrophically.

It’s easier for adults, I felt drowsy and tired - I got up from the table, walked, drank coffee or did a few squats. The student cannot get up in the middle of the lesson and go for coffee or just run along the corridor. This is not welcome at school.

But it is possible and necessary to deal with drowsiness in the classroom, as a natural disaster. And you don't have to put in any extra effort to do so. It is enough to understand that a person is prevented from falling asleep:

  • cold;
  • hunger;
  • pain or discomfort;
  • communication;
  • physical activity.

All this can be used to stay awake at school.

Gymnastic exercises against drowsiness

Exercising in the morning is a great way to get rid of sleep and recharge your batteries. A simple set of exercises to stay awake in class:

  • slopes;
  • squats;
  • jumping;
  • stretch marks;
  • rotation.

This will help to disperse the blood through the sleepy body. The result will be fixed with a contrast or room temperature shower, after which it is necessary to rub well with a terry towel.

The same exercises, but in a minimalized version, can be used during breaks between lessons if the dream decides to return to its original positions. You can influence the bioactive points in the lessons by stretching your legs and pressing on the side of your knees, or by pinching your earlobes so as not to sleep.

Proper breakfast is half the success in the fight against sleep. In order not to fall asleep at a lecture or lesson, it is not recommended to eat heavy food in the morning and eat a lot. The optimal morning meal for a schoolboy or student is protein. Fried eggs, a little lean meat (chicken or turkey), dried toast, which can be thinly spread with jam or butter, hot strong tea or natural coffee.

Tip: if you don’t feel like eating, don’t eat, but be sure to take with you: an apple (sour is preferable), yogurt and water.

You should not drink warm milk, it will make you sleepy. The same applies to cereals with the addition of milk, meat with a high-calorie side dish, etc. Fried potatoes, pasta - this will make you want to sleep. As for soups, as an exception, you can drink a little rich low-fat broth with dried bread - this will give strength, energy and invigorate for a while.

How to stay awake at school and stay awake in class

It is difficult for anyone to sit still and silent for 45 minutes. If this is a person who has not slept all night or is experiencing chronic lack of sleep, the situation is doubly difficult. If you know the subject, then raise your hand to answer, walk to the board. As a rule, public speaking causes the release of endorphins in the body, which excites the central nervous system and drives away sleep.

A few easy ways to stay awake in class:

  • stretch your arms, hands and palms;
  • rub the neck and back of the head;
  • massage the earlobes;
  • avoid monotonous movements, as They only make you want to sleep more.

Effective pocket inhalers with the smell of mint and lemon. The smell of ammonia (ammonia) completely drives away sleep, but it is recommended to handle such an inhaler with caution. Mint flavored chewing gum also invigorates and eliminates drowsiness. If you can't chew in class, put it behind your cheek. There are also mint drops and other small edible items with mint extract that will help you stay awake.

Extracurricular work to combat drowsiness

Recess is a lifesaver for sleepy students and an opportunity to:

  • move;
  • wash your face with cold water or wipe your face with snow in winter;
  • buy coffee or black tea with lemon in a cafe.

You can’t get carried away with coffee: a small portion will invigorate, and if you drink a lot, then the opposite effect will work with signs of lethargy. Also, the lack of constant use of caffeine in large quantities leads to diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

A good way to cheer up is to yell out loud when you go outside. This ventilates the lungs, activates the work of the brain and does not allow you to fall asleep during the lesson after the break.

Preparing for the school day in the evening, as a guarantee of well-being

In order not to fall asleep in class, you need to get enough sleep first. It is easier to force yourself to go to bed in the evening than to suffer from lack of sleep during the day. For this it is recommended:

  1. Do not delay doing homework - pediatricians advise doing homework an hour or two after coming home.
  2. The most boring or difficult subject, in your opinion, should be done first. Subsequent lessons are done more easily and with pride that the difficult has been overcome.
  3. Put everything you need for school right away in a briefcase or satchel so that you can take it in the morning and go to class. The same applies to clothing - it must be cleaned, ironed, so that in the morning you do not waste time looking for the right accessories or clean clothes.

The daily routine is a guarantee that you will not want to sleep at a lecture or lesson. To do this, always go to bed and get up at the same time. You can not drink coffee, strong tea at night. Thus, one should engage in self-discipline, plan the upcoming day, counting time for lessons and sleep.

What psychologists and somnologists say

A person cannot want to sleep when he is interested in something, and when he communicates. You should not communicate with classmates in the classroom and classmates in a pair, teachers do not approve of conversations in the classroom - but you can discuss the topic with the teacher. This will establish personal contact and turn on the centers of activity in the brain.

Any subject, even the most boring and abstract, can be animated, revived. Imagine a comic book featuring numbers in math or a ray adventure in physics. With humanitarian subjects (history, literature), this is much easier to do.

Drowsiness will decrease if you constantly write in a notebook. Keeping notes will force the teacher to listen, to concentrate. Practical benefits - a detailed summary and useful information on the subject. If there is nothing to write, have fun decorating letters: calligraphic curls, changing handwriting and other variety.

Before going to bed, you can not get overexcited, and get excited too. That's what the first half of the day is for. To sleep soundly at night, you do not need to watch horror films, action films and detectives before going to bed. The rush of adrenaline will keep you awake for two hours after lights out. You can’t quarrel in the evening, sort things out, etc. Stress in the evening is a guarantee of a sleepless night.

Weekends and holidays are not a reason to break the daily routine. This is especially true for students who during the semester do not really go to bed at ten in the evening, and during the session they sleep little and are in a state of stress. Most, having passed the session, plunge into a long sleep, and then have unbridled fun, going to bed already in the light of day. Both psychologists and physiologists say: a person who is used to planning a day manages to have fun and get enough sleep.

It is easier with elementary school students: the task of parents is to ensure that the child goes to bed on time and wakes up on time. Preschool children and schoolchildren are given 9 hours of sleep. Oversleeping is just as bad as not getting enough sleep.

And the last advice from a psychologist on how to eliminate sleep - even if you really want to sleep - do not do anything that can anger or offend the teacher. Rock music in headphones will cheer you up - but will convince the teacher that the student is rejecting discipline and neglecting knowledge. This can negatively affect the test or exam. The same applies to any other gadgets that are sometimes used to drive away sleep in class.

Little tricks

A good way to stay awake in class or class is to ask someone sitting next to you to look after you and gently push, pinch, etc. You can even lightly prick with a pin.

In a Soviet school, a girl could tie the end of her braid to the back of a chair to prevent falling asleep. Every time her head began to tilt, she pulled herself by her hair in this way - and there was no sleep.

After a lack of sleep, it is better to hold out all day, no matter what it takes, and then put to sleep at nine or ten in the evening. The next morning, the rise will be easy, and the day will be vigorous without drowsiness. This will be the first step in developing the right daily routine.

When you understand that sleep cannot be overcome, and falling asleep in class is fraught with consequences, you just need to tell the teacher or teacher that you are unwell and ask to leave. In this case, this is not a lie at all: if a person slept less than half of the time set for sleep, there is a serious threat to his health. And the best medicine in this case is sleep. You need to come home and sleep. Just don't use this method. It is better to work out a normal sleep pattern.

When a schoolboy or student wants to sleep in class, knowledge of physiology and psychology will help to overcome sleep. Simple but effective ways to eliminate drowsiness and hold out until the end of the lessons, but the best option is to go to bed on time.