
Modern scenario on September 1 for high school students. Scenario of the thematic line for high school students "feat of Leningrad". What awaits me at school

Presenter 1: Good morning, dear students, dear parents and beloved teachers!

Host 2: This morning can be called good not only because of the clear sky and the bright sun, but above all because of the good that it brings to us, students.

Presenter 1: Indeed, today - September 1 - the beginning of a new academic year, new meetings with the wonderful world of knowledge that our teachers will open before us.

Host 2: Let this year be kind for everyone - for those who cross the threshold of our school for the first time, and for those who come here not for the first time.

Good luck to all participants of our holiday and our guests!

Presenter 1:

A couple of minutes - and the first call

You will be called back to class.

School doors open again

Tomorrow the school days will start.

Well, today is a holiday!


Happy holiday, we congratulate you all!

Lead 2

An unusual day today in the world

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And do not be sad girls, boys,

On games, undertakings and fairy-tale books

In school life, the magic does not end,

The story continues here as well.

Presenter 1:

Where are the lesser of you?

Let it come out now

The very first, first class!

Presenter 1:

Today we are accepting a new group of first-graders into our school family. They will go to the festive lineup accompanied by their first teachers ______________________ and ______________________, as well as the oldest children of our school - future graduates of grade 9.

(Music No. ___ sounds, accompanied by 9th graders, first graders enter)

Host 2:

- To the one who cares for the school,

Caring for night and day

Our school director

We gladly give our word.

- Word ………

(Melody No. ___ "Exit Director" sounds)

Director's speech , 9 cl gives flowers

Presenter 1:

We have a lot of guests today

The road is open to all

Honored guests are in a hurry now

Happy Holidays to all of you!

Lead 2

The word for congratulations is given ...

Guest performance , 9 cl gives flowers

Leading 1. Today, we welcome and congratulate all, all the students of our school, because today is our holiday with you. And so that we spend the school year and finish it perfectly, let's take an oath.

I will read the sentences, and after that you will say: “We swear!” And so, let's start...

We, students of school No. _5_, on the day the new school year begins, we swear:

Never go to school... with lessons unlearned.

Never wear second shoes... in the same sandwich bag.

Never solve problems ... by copying them from a neighbor.

Never open textbooks... with dirty hands.

Never finish a quarter...with bad grades.

Never show your parents the diary… on holidays and birthdays.

Host 2:

Autumn turns golden leaves,

And in the beautiful golden rain

Chrysanthemums white, large

Blooming stars everywhere.

Presenter 1

This is a first-grader bloom

At the time of golden, wonderful days.

This is the glow of new stars

And flying white doves.

Host 2: The word is given to the youngest students who begin their exciting journey to the Land of Knowledge today.

Presenter 1: Greet our dear first-graders with friendly applause!

Music "First Graders"


  1. Kindergarten doors open
    He is happy with the kids today!
    But we are no longer babies
    We are here to go to school!
  2. Behind the garden
    Carefree days.
    First grades coming soon
    We'll get into the diaries.
  3. For some reason mom and dad
    They were very worried.
    They say they didn't sleep the night
    They were afraid for me.
  4. We salute you all
    You have first class.
    We stood and waited a long time
    And thought about the speech.
    We've already said
    Phew, the mountain fell off my shoulders.
  5. I said goodbye to the doll at home -
    I went to school!
    There is no time to play at school -
    Here I will read books!
  6. Toys given to sister
    Barbie has a new owner.
    I'm learning the alphabet of the page,
    To become an excellent student-know-it-all!
  7. Finally dreams come true
    Ahead is education.
    Bright flowers everywhere
    Today is a special day.
  8. Daddy cleaned my shoes
    And the grandfather stroked the suit.
    I have to as a first grader
    Be smartly dressed!
  9. Dad sighs: “Not ready!”
    Mom drinks valocordin -
    Like they have school today
    Go by yourself for the first time!
  10. Big bag for the whole family
    Collected all day.
    And then I dreamed of books -
    We went ourselves, went to the briefcase!
  11. I sculpt from plasticine
    Learned the alphabet
    I'll tell you without stress
    You add up the whole table,
    I know the north, I know the south
    I'll draw a circle with chalk.
  12. I will study at school
    And I dream about
    To excel in studies
    And, like dad, become a doctor.
  13. To learn the business
    You have to work hard
    We are taught everything at school,
    Nurture our will.
  14. Even an important general
    Everything started at school.
    True, he did not know then
    That he will be a general
  15. Not a drop for us, friends,
    It wasn't embarrassing
    When they said: "First class
    You can't see it because of the flowers!

ALL: We promise not to be lazy,
(in chorus) Come without delay,
Diligently learn everything
And love the school family!

Presenter 1:

To know how big the earth is

To discover sciences, like countries,

Teachers will lead you to knowledge -

Experienced captains.

Host 2: The word is given……

Presenter 1: On behalf of fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, greetings are addressed


1st grade parents performance

Host 2: The song "First time in the first class" performed by the youngest students of our school sounds for you.

Song of first graders


There is noise, crackling, roaring. Baba Yaga and Leshy ride out on a bicycle.

To the soundtrack from the film "Diamond Arm" they sing the song "Island of Bad Luck"

Island for slackers

The planet has

There these loafers

Just don't count.

They are allowed here

There are no restrictions for them

They do not know science

They eat a lot of sweets....

Baba Yaga:— I smell first-graders! Oh, I don't like this! I don't like people, especially small children. Oh, yes, there are even older ones here ... Again, they are celebrating something! I feel bad when they smile. Well, nothing, while you were lisping around here, but performing, I am your key to something ... that ... bye-bye ... so the holiday is over, you can go home. I need peace, I am an elderly woman, faint of heart ...

Look, you, Yagusya!
First graders are here
Knapsacks are kept, protected.
You and I are very quiet
Let's get closer to them.
And we ask all children...
Give us money soon!

And at the same time a pencil case, notebooks ....
Sell ​​and you'll be fine!

Goblin: Here they are, let's go!
Let's take something! (tries to take backpacks from children)
They don't give away! Nothing works!

Yaga: Fi, so what do you want to study? Will you stay here at school? Are you waiting for lessons? Don't wait! (shows key)

2 LEADER: Guys, are we really going to let Baba Yaga ruin our holiday? Do not be this!

1 LEADER: It is necessary to take away from her the key to the land of knowledge! Are you ready for the test? (Yes)

Goblin: Now let's check!

Yaga: Here, along with the key, I grabbed congratulatory telegrams, guess who they are from, then I will return the key to you. Goblin, start the test!

Goblin: I wish from the bottom of my heart
Health to you, kids!
So that they are not afraid of vaccinations,
Hardened daily,
So that bronchitis does not torment you.
Good doctor ... (Aibolit.)

Yaga: I wish you a gift
Get a huge cake
Chocolate and cookies
Marmalade and jam
Get fatter, get taller
Waiting for your answer on the roof. (Carlson.)

Goblin: I want to wish you
Only get fives.
Good books to love
Be friends with math.
From Piero, Malvina
Your friend ... (Pinocchio.)

Yaga: But this telegram is my favorite.

May you have an academic year
Only bears nasty things!
Get only deuces
Very rarely possible - triplets,
Beat windows and shop windows,
Don't go shopping
Have more fights
Hello, Old Woman ... (Shapoklyak.)

- Friends, will you fulfill the wishes of my girlfriend old woman Shapoklyak?

Goblin: Some of them are too correct. Poems are read, tasks are performed, we will be bored with them!

Yaga: Take your key, it's time for us, but you don't have fluff or feathers! (give the key to the first graders and leave)

Presenter 1: It seems that yesterday our school mothers joyfully met their new children, but four years have flown by unnoticed - and other teachers are already accepting grown-up pets into their family. The new cool mother of our 5th graders is _________________________. Let's welcome the 5th grade with a friendly applause!

Host 2: As a gift for the whole school, the song “Back to School” is performed by a 5th grade student ____________________________.

Song back to school

Presenter 1: On the line among the students of our school, quite adult faces are also visible - these are those who come to the walls of their native school for the last time on September 1, who will hear the trill of the school bell announcing the beginning of the school year for the last time. The beauty and pride of our school are our 9th graders!

Host 2:

For you, both sad and cheerful
Universal holiday - knowledge day,
After all, with him today comes
And your last year of school.

Presenter 1:

From us and all teachers
Wishes for you: be bold
Go difficult dear,
Find your calling!

Host 2: WORD 9 CLASS:

Nikita S.

Finally, autumn has arrived!
And the summer season is over.
Summer gave us a lot of sun,
Flowers and berries - a whole mountain.
Daniel B.
We need to get back to school:
We have a lot to learn.
And the school is waiting for us in the walls again,
After all, she holds a lot of knowledge in herself.
Sasha G.
We will be together with friends again.
We will be sitting in class again.
And we will discuss many important topics.
You can make noise during breaks.
Egor G.
We still have a whole year to study.
Should please their teachers.,
Success is a must
And get a little smarter.
Nurik K.

Missed you, looking forward to meeting you
And even the first grade is waiting for lessons.
We will not get tired, even after a month,
Teach, decide and listen to you.
Lisa K.
Our doors are wide open
This school welcomes us.
And we climbed the stairs
Let's go to a cozy quiet classroom.
Daniel F.
We enjoy the moment
We are in our last year at school.
This is a little sad
Time has its turn.
Nikita S.
Elegant, restrained, and again
Already calling us to the lesson
Such a familiar chime
Last Our first call.

Pauline Dear first graders!

We turn to you at this hour,

Accept a precious gift from us.

Sasha.1 . This key will help you open one small but very important secret: (gives the key to the second bride)

Alina 2: In our wonderful school,

There is a magical wall. (passes to third)

Dasha 3: In the wall of that cherished door,

Behind the door is a big country. (gives fourth)

Marina 4: Open with a golden key

Treasured door in the wall. (passes fifth)

Polina 5: At the same time, all desire is repeated.

Which? Tell me? (gives sixth)

All: Desire W-CHIT-XA!

Lead 2. According to the tradition that has developed in our school, the 9th grade gives a gift to the first grade.
music presenting gifts to grade 1 No. _____

Lead 1. For you, the song “Summer Vacations Flew Flew” performed by a graduate of grade 9 _________________________.

Music Dasha

Lead 2. As a gift for the whole school, 9th grade gives a dance.


Lead 1.

Let the very first bell ring now

And the long-awaited lesson will begin.

You will keep these moments in your hearts

And carry the joy from them through the years!

Lead 2. The right to make the first call is granted to a graduate of grade 9 ______ and a student of grade 1 ____________.

Presenter 1:

Our holiday is coming to an end, but let the joy of meeting be endless!

Host 2:

Well, good luck and good luck,

Smile, schoolboy, do not forget!

The school invites us to the Land of Knowledge,

And the school account begins its year!

Presenter 1:

And the first to leave our line, students of the first grades, to our loud and unceasing applause.

Host 2:

Hold hands tightly

And go to class.

Host 1 and 2:

Good luck, friends, go ahead!

The school is looking forward to it!

(script prepared by MBOU secondary school No. 5 r.p. Sosva)

MBOU secondary school No. 2 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union N.I. Boreeva, Morshansk, Tambov region

Hotel for students

2017 - 2018 academic year G.



(for pupils living in a school hotel)

Goals and objectives of the event:

    cheer up the pupils and help them look at their past school years with humor and love;

    create conditions for the formation of a sense of responsibility through the awareness of "I do my life myself";

    promote professional self-determination of students.

Host of the event: educator I.V. Mokshanova

All participants of the event (pupils and educators) sit at a festively laid table.

Leading. Good evening dear guys! Dear colleagues! We are glad to see you all together again after 3 months of summer holidays.

And so that you, dear friends, do not leave the feeling of the holiday of the first school days, we gathered at a hospitable table in our school dormitory, this is - firstly.

And secondly, this year you will have to live side by side with new neighbors who have joined the ranks of our common life, even if it is one person. Meanwhile, you have to spend the coming year together, and the new neighbor may become your good friend. Indeed, it is much more pleasant to live in a close-knit team than in a disunited one! So let's get to know each other better!

First of all, I invite you all to introduce yourself, but to do this in an unusual way. Each of you must name your name and any quality inherent in you that begins with the same letter as the name. Well, for example: “My name is Alik, and I am a neat person,” or “I am Olga, and my main quality is sociability.” Is the task clear? Ready?


Leading. Well, so you remembered the characteristic features of your old friends and learned something about new acquaintances.

Each academic year begins with a holiday, the Day of Knowledge - this is the beginning of a new stage in the comprehension of the amazing world of knowledge and discoveries by schoolchildren. For some of you, this day was the first day of school in the last school year. I am sure that in the eleventh year of school life you will show maximum diligence and diligence. Have a good mood and success in your studies!

Your attention is invited to a congratulatory film, from which you can learn historical and geographical information about the holiday of Knowledge Day.



Leading. The coming school year for most of you will be the last in your school biography. He, of course, does not promise to be easy, like all previous years. But without a doubt, it will be a special and very exciting year. Of course, you still have more than one year of study ahead of you - at an institute, a technical school ... But that will be a completely different story.

I suggest that you now look back and remember the years that you spent within the walls of the schools in which you studied. After all, who better than you, school luminaries, to know what school life is! Well, are you ready?

Pupils. Ready!

Leading. Then I suggest that the school life experts divide into two "scientific" teams.

In order not to drag out the process of dividing into teams, the leader does it personally on a geographical basis: West-East or North-South.

Leading. Despite the fact that you will have to complete competitive tasks, today we will have neither winners nor losers, according to the principle “The main thing is not to win, but to participate!”

And we will start by defining some school concepts:


Leading. Conditions: I will read "tricky" definitions. Your task is to determine and say what (or whom) it is about. The first person to raise their hand will be able to answer. But attention, guys - to cope with this task, you will have to show not so much erudition as ingenuity and a sense of humor.

So let's go! Definitions:

    School aboriginal, on whose carpet it is better not to wipe your feet ... (Director)

    The most "grated kalach" in school ... (Graduate, eleventh grader)

    A lesson during which you can legally pick up a virus or catch a glitch ... (Computer science lesson)

    The red price of knowledge of negligent students ... (Deuce)

    Short, but regular "relaxation" ... (Turn)

    A place from which, during the lesson, you can fish out some of the people who do not reach it ... (Dining room or toilet)

    The main ringing-vibrating irritant of teachers in the lesson ... ( Mobile phone)

    Clothes loved by all ages, often shabby and full of holes, unofficially became a school uniform, not only among students, but also among teachers ... (Jeans)


Leading. List the most frequent cases when students have to justify themselves to teachers? ( For example: being late for a lesson, absenteeism, broken glass, a broken chair, etc.).

Pupils list.

Leading. Sometimes you have to make excuses for a hint! It seems that he did a good deed - he helped a friend, but no one is in a hurry to praise for it! However, this in no way applies to our next competition, during which you not only can give hints, you will even have to do this in order to complete the competition task.


Each team is invited to 2 players.

The facilitator asks them to imagine the following situation:

Literature lesson. Both players (from each team) answer in the lesson. One teenager knows the poem, and the other does not. The task of the first player is to convey the text of the poem to the second player with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Moreover, this must be done deftly so that the second player has time to read the poem quickly and well enough so that the teacher does not suspect anything.

The first player receives the text of the poem from the host - APPENDIX.


Leading."Learning and labor live side by side." What does this proverb say?

The teacher listens to the answers of high school students.

True, the proverb speaks of the value of knowledge, the need to learn all your life, that knowledge is the path to success in life.

Now you have to take part in the competition for the knowledge of proverbs and sayings about the importance of knowledge - we have such a pun.

Condition: I start saying a proverb, and you must finish.


    Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

    Learning is beauty, and ignorance is simplicity (dryness).

    Repetition is the mother of learning.

    Teach others and you will understand.

    The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

    Without flour there is no science.

    Learn to be good, so the bad will not come to mind.

    And the strength of the mind is inferior.

    With someone else's mind, you will not go out into the people.

    You can't buy intelligence overseas if you don't have it at home.

    Knowledge and wisdom adorn a person.

    Science - or rather the golden bail.


Leading. The upcoming academic year is very difficult and responsible for you: not all of you, probably, have decided on the choice of a profession. When choosing a profession, young people often have to face various obstacles. First of all, many young people have a superficial and distorted idea of ​​professions.

When choosing a profession, there is often a factor of prestige. But looking back at prestige is not the most correct principle of choice, since prestige is akin to a fad, a fashion. And fashion is a phenomenon, as you know, not very constant.

It would be more correct, navigating the world of professions, to decide for yourself what is most important for you in the future, what you consider absolutely necessary for yourself: measured, calm work or constant business trips, expeditions, independence and independence, creativity or the fulfillment of clearly defined duties. But it is not necessary to understand that creativity is good, and diligence is bad. Each profession has its own characteristics. It is important to decide on the main thing, i.e. understand which of the quality aspects of professions are important to you, and which can be neglected.

To help you make the right decision, a film has been created about the most important directions in the development of our country. From this movie you will learn:

    about promising areas of application of their own talent in three, five or ten years;

    about the possibilities of their own development in Russia.

It will also discuss such ambitious and very important projects for our country as:

    "Far Eastern hectare",

    Cosmodrome Vostochny,

    the world's largest laser machine,

    cyclic collider of the future,

    about what professions will be in demand in the labor market in our country in the near future.



Leading. It is time to draw up a general set of principles according to which you will live in our hotel this academic year. Each team will have to develop several principles for the hostel, and then bring them up for public discussion. Suggest your principles, and we will all consider them together: whether they are suitable for our team or not. Start an idea with the word "Can".

For example: “You can wish each other good morning every day.”

The principles approved by the whole team are recorded by the educator on a separate sheet. Later, they can be printed and hung in the common lobby so that high school students have access to them throughout the year. In resolving conflict situations that now and then arise during your stay, you can always refer to the aforementioned principles.



Leading. And now I invite you to imagine what the coming years of coeducation will be like. To do this, I ask each of you in turn to name one adjective. I will write these adjectives in this text (facilitator shows a sheet of paper with text), and then read what happened. Attention, condition - the proposed adjectives must be non-trivial and funny. Ready? Started!

Students take turns saying adjectives. The host enters them into the text - APPENDIX 2.

When the text is ready, the facilitator reads it aloud. The facilitator casually comments on the resulting cheerful text, after which he wishes the pupils a successful academic year.

Leading. In the new academic year, we wish all our students success in their studies, firmness and perseverance in achieving their goals, and all the teaching staff - good health, creative success in educating young people.

May good luck accompany everyone in all endeavors, may the new academic year become a year of new achievements! Happy new school year everyone!

At the end of the event, during the cleaning of tables, the background clips:

    "The Day of Knowledge!" Sayings and phrases of great people;

    Life hacks for school;

    Musical congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, September 1 (to the melody of the song by the group "Love Stories").


The goby is swinging,

Sighs on the go:

"Oh, the board is over,

now I'm going to fall."

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.


___________ summer has passed, ________________ holidays have ended, and the _____________________ school year has begun.

The school opened its ___________________ doors for ____________________ children. Here they were met by ____________________ classrooms, ___________________ canteen and ___________________ sports hall.

Oh, what ________________ life will begin in these _______________ walls!

Together with their ___________________ teachers ___________________

students will delve into the granite of knowledge, comprehend _____________ sciences and master new ____________________ activities.

Nina Strelnikova
Solemn line for Knowledge Day for grades 5–9

Target: Create a positive image of the educational institution, motivate students for successful educational and creative activities.

(Before the beginning rulers songs about school

Fanfares sound, the leaders of the holiday, a student and a student, come out.

Lead 2

September scattered gold in the squares,

The path to school spilled with rain

And in this day- shining and first -

Gave a meeting with friends again!

Presenter 1

We rested over the summer and grew up a little,

And today on ruler we came to our school

Here we are like in a very friendly, understanding family.

Hello dear school, we missed you!

Lead 2: Good morning dear friends, guests, teachers!

Presenter 1: Kind day, school! We are together again!

Lead 2: Attention! Holiday dedicated to the day knowledge 2012-2013 academic year let us consider it open! Equalization and silence on the anthem of Russia!

(Russian anthem sounds)

Presenter 1- Our school is rich in its history. For 87 years, she has reached great heights.

Presenter 2 - Many times the school successfully confirmed its status in the course of state certification and accreditation, repeatedly became the winner of the competition of general educational institutions that are actively implementing innovative general education programs as part of the implementation of the national project "Education".

Lead 2: For 87 years, the school has released many gold and silver medalists from the walls.

Presenter 1: For 87 years, our students have become winners and laureates of many tournaments, olympiads, contests, conferences, social projects. Even during the holidays, our guys had time to relax and show their talents in summer camps, for example, ___ became the best actor in the camp. For active work in the camp, she was awarded a ticket to the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean", ___, and to ___ student 5b class recently received a diploma for and victory in the competition "Me and my rights", we congratulate our winners on the successful start of the academic year, and wish everyone else to be actively involved in creative, social, and sports activities.

Presenter 2 - The pride of the school is always its graduates, who successfully enter secondary and higher educational institutions (Name of students enrolled in technical schools and universities)

Presenter 1 - Students study successfully because a highly professional team of teachers and administration work at the school.

Presenter 2 - The word for greeting is given to the director lyceum:

Presenter 1 - Today the high school is replenished with new fifths classes, these are __ mischievous, beautiful girls and __ strong, courageous boys.

Them class teachers:

Presenter - Our young pathfinders conducted a study and found out that the most popular name among girls of the fifth classes became names ___, among boys.

Presenter 1 - We looked at the year of birth of our fifth graders and found that basically these are the guys according to the horoscope.

Presenter 2 - In addition, we looked into the eastern horoscope and found out that the year of these guys is very favorable for getting new ones. knowledge, this is very important, because fifth graders changes a lot much: different teachers, training in specialized classrooms, new subjects.

Presenter 1 - On this festive day everyone is in a hurry to congratulate schoolchildren on the beginning of the school year, we also sent an invitation, and Mrs. Science came to visit us, meet us!

(music sounds, Mrs. Science comes out)

Hello, respected adults and curious, creative dreamers - children! Welcome to my magical land - Land Knowledge. I manage all the numbers, geometric shapes, and formulas, I know all the rules for writing words and help write smart and important textbooks, books. Today I open the doors to a magical land and to all - big and small students. In my magical land Knowledge discoveries and miracles await you, if you just do not be lazy, but begin to work. I am especially concerned about fifth graders and I want to ask them. Are there lazy people among you? (children scream no) And the couch potatoes? What about discipline breakers? It's so pleasing. But let's continue the poll. Do you always do your homework? Do your parents help you with difficult tasks? Are you friendly guys? (children scream yes! Great, I am very glad that worthy guys came to school, who are not afraid of difficulties, ready to work, and take an oath in front of all the children and parents. I say a phrase, and you answer - we swear, agreed? We are rehearsing!

Protect the textbook, do not throw or tear. We swear!

Complete all homework assignments. We swear

Come to school without delay. We swear

Become smarter and mature in a year. We swear!

Become the pride of parents and teachers. We swear! We swear!

As a memento of our meeting with you, I give you a commemorative scroll with tips that will help you overcome difficulties in your studies. Until we meet again in the country knowledge.

(Gives a scroll with good wishes cool teams)

(vocal group perform a number "Song of School")

Presenter 2 - The word for greeting is given to the deputy director for educational work of the school ___

Presenter 1 - Today on our there are high school students in the lineup, they have come a long way along the road of school life, what has the school become for them, let's ask them to decipher the meaning of the word what is a school?

(Come out high school students, in the hands of balls with letters)

1 (a student comes out with the letter Sh) School is nimble, noisy students

2. (a student comes out with the letter K) School is everyday hard work.

3. (student comes out with the letter O) School is optimism, the bestowal of one's strength and knowledge

4. (a student comes out with the letter L) School is love for the subject, friends, parents who are always ready to help

5. (student comes out with the letter A) School is the ABC of our life, the ABC that you need to master only for the highest score.

1. Long live the school! Long live life!

Long live the rule "Live and learn"!

2. We always remember this rule

It's never too late to learn, friends, never!

3. Here is sports and a computer, a favorite subject,

We don't have another school like it!

(Music, release balloons and go to places)

Presenter 1

Each the day the school meets us,

How to go home, go to a friend Class.

My friends are waiting for me at school

School is my family.

Everyone here is happy to see me, I know for sure.

Lead 2

Silence is replaced by noise and din,

But no one rushes home

We have unfinished business,

They can not be done in a year,

School is waiting for us again tomorrow morning.

Presenter 1

In the world of school, everything cannot be counted,

Maybe somewhere better than ours.

I'm dearest to me,

Just think of her

And immediately it will become warmer in the soul.

Host 2- And finally, from our trusted researchers, some telling statistics. For school desks of the academic year among 5 -9 classes __ students will sit down at the lyceum, ___ teachers will organize the educational process and help to master the material, help with homework, wake up in the morning, worry and tasty feed ___ parents, ___ grandparents, we wish us all success, health and new discoveries.

Presenter 1 - Now the music will sound, and we invite the guys to congratulate all the teachers with flowers, say kind words to them, take a picture for memory. Day Holiday knowledge will continue in every classroom. And our ceremonial line completed. Have a good academic year everyone!

The scenario of the holiday on September 1 for high school students. Humorous scenario of the concert of the holiday of knowledge.

In this scenario, a parallel is drawn between the New School Year and the New Calendar Year.

For high school students, an interesting form of holding a Knowledge holiday can be a surprise concert prepared by teachers in a very unusual way, which, as a rule, is accepted with gratitude by children. This concert includes a wide variety of numbers. It is important that they be interesting to the audience, prove that teachers have many talents.

The proposed program is a variant of an entertainer of such a concert.

The song sounds (in the soundtrack) "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree." On the stage is a Christmas tree decorated with rain.

Father Frost(with pathos):

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

I was in a hurry to get to you

Through mountains high

And the snows are deep

Through dense forests

And bitter frosts

On untrodden roads,

Oceans boundless,

By frozen streams

And snowy fields.

And from the very ends of the earth

I brought you my congratulations.

Snow Maiden:

Hello dear people

Both old and young!

Accept our greetings and our heartfelt greetings.

We are glad to see you, of course.

Happy New Year, we congratulate

We wish you happiness and joy.

Grandpa, look at our beautiful Christmas tree! She stands sad, does not burn with bright lights! What to do? You need to light it up. Well, let's all say together: "Herringbone, light up!".

Father Frost:

So that our Christmas tree is fun

Always met us

Let's sing a song guys

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest!

Soundtrack sounds. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden dance around the Christmas tree, the children sing.

The leader comes out.

Leading(at a loss):

Wait, there's something I don't understand. Who are you?

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka(together):

How is who? We are Father Frost and Snow Maiden! We came to wish you a Happy New Year, and do not interfere with us!


No, you've got something mixed up! Now it's autumn in the yard, there are still 4 months before the New Year, it's still too early for you.

Father Frost(worried):

How is autumn? How is it - before the New Year for another 4 months? I left everything, hurried, hurried, through mountains, seas, oceans I got. And you say it's too early. It's never too early for a good holiday. And New Year is the best holiday. Children, do you want New Year? Well, see?! So we continue to sing the song. Snow Maiden, sing.


I don't mind, of course. But something is wrong here.

Father Frost:

Yes, you invited me yourself.

Leading(is reading):

“Dear Grandfather Frost, dear Snow Maiden! I invite you to our holiday, the New Year. Will wait. Don't forget the gifts." I don't understand anything! (Examines the telegram.) Ah, everything is clear! The lightning telegram lay in the mail for six months - they forgot to send it. Or maybe they were looking for an addressee for a very long time. Look at the number - it was sent back in December!

Father Frost:

O! Indeed! I think it's kinda hot in here. I thought it was an environmental crisis, and it's only September.

Snow Maiden:

What to do now, grandfather? Is it to return home?


No, no, stay! Live here so you don't just wander back and forth. Wait for the snow, the New Year. And actually, today is also a kind of New Year - the New School Year!

Father Frost:

Yes? Well then, Happy New Year, friends!

Pages of red days...

There will be many of them.

All right

Clear will go

And you want to know what it will be?

And what will the incoming year give the school?

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather! But what about gifts, because in 4 months they will deteriorate.

Father Frost:

Let's hand them over now. Bring the bag!

The Snow Maiden "brings in" a bag of gifts - these are teachers, young professionals. The leader introduces them to the children.

Father Frost(digs into the bag):

I still had something here (Pulls out the program of the concert.) Here! The main gift is for the soul. Watch and rejoice.

There are numbers prepared by teachers. They are announced by the Host, necessarily naming the teacher and the subject he teaches, because all the teachers are in New Year's costumes and masks.

At the end of the concert, all participants go on stage and read line by line with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden:

We wish you well

And only five always.

We wish you kind words

Good deeds and good dreams.

Will the road take you

Away from the school threshold

Let someone tell you:

"Good luck and good luck!"

We wish you a year

Find a good friend

To together through a blizzard

And dangers to pass.

We wish to be with you

People were happier

To kind eyes

You were looking at people.

To be fair

And you are wise in your answers.

You will be kind to people -

People will be kind to you.

The final song is played by all participants of the concert.