
Game moments for high school students on the school line. Scenario of the thematic line for high school students "feat of Leningrad". Game moment "minute of acquaintance"

The first of September is approaching, traditionally this date marks the beginning of the academic year, which starts with a festive line in honor of Knowledge Day. The celebration is most of all postponed in the memory of first-graders, since this event is new for them. Older students no longer treat the First Bell so reverently, and some skip it with pleasure. However, it is unlikely that even the most hardened high school student will miss the opportunity to visit the solemn line if it is really interesting for him. Scenarios on September 1 are usually full of some stereotyped. This is not surprising: the event is primarily official, and only then entertaining. It is important to understand that for schoolchildren this day is not such a holiday, because at least a small creative will already enliven the line and make it more interesting for children and adults.

Traditional first call

Opens the top five scenarios for the First Bell, the traditional version of this event. The official part is obligatory for any such holiday: the floor is given to the headmaster and guests from higher authorities.

First-graders are solemnly brought to the line. As a rule, this is done by students of the eleventh grade and the class teacher of the kids.

Then follows a series of wishes to schoolchildren, a word to first-graders, and finally - the first call given by a first-grade student and a future graduate.

This day brings a lot of emotions to first graders.

Solemn "rainbow" line

Students in all grades pre-select their color from the rainbow spectrum and stock up on balloons, ribbons, or bandanas of that color. The decoration of the facade of the school is multi-colored, bright.

The hosts of the holiday emphasize that this year children enter the bright and colorful world of knowledge, in which each color means something different.

Then, seven students from different grades of middle and high school, who personify a particular color, perform a small number (song, dance, skit, poem) and give the first graders a gift and a ribbon of their color. The tape is placed on a pre-prepared board in front of the entrance to the school.

When all seven colors are collected, the host announces that the school year has begun and wishes it to be truly rainbow. The holiday ends with some vocal or dance number performed by the students of the school. A first grader and an eleventh grader give the first bell.

According to the scenario of the "rainbow" line, first-graders fall into an unusual and interesting world of knowledge

dance holiday

Ideal for schools with an artistic and especially choreographic focus. First-graders are gathered in advance for general rehearsals so that they learn a joint dance with students of the eleventh grade. The dance should embody the meeting of childhood and maturity, kids and adults.

In parallel, some students from other classes are preparing their dance performances, in which they show scenes from school life. For example:

  • turn;
  • preparing or taking an exam;
  • first school love;
  • teacher and students.

Mixing of students, performances of students of different classes in one dance number is allowed. School teachers can also take part in the performances.

At the end, all the speakers (except first-graders) gather for a general flash mob on the line and dance to the theme song for the first of September.

A student of the eleventh grade and a student of the first give the first call.

The dance festival will be especially appropriate for schools with an artistic bias

Fairy tales

First graders love fairy tales. They will be especially pleased with the scenes with the participation of their favorite characters during the solemn line.

Middle and high school students play the role of fairy tale characters who are also about to go to school and think about how and when to do it.

Each hero presents himself as a simple riddle in poems or songs to the music, and the kids have to guess. Then the heroes of fairy tales loudly argue about the rules of behavior at school, and the presenters offer them to turn to first graders. The heroes agree and start asking first-graders questions from the category “what can and cannot be done at school”. For example:

  • “Is it possible to run around the class during the lesson?”;
  • “What do we need at school: a diary, a doll or candy?”;
  • What should be done when the teacher enters the classroom?

First graders respond.

Heroes from fairy tales say that thanks to children, they now know how to behave at school, and can easily enter the first grade.

After that, the word is passed to first-graders who recite verses. And the eleventh grade student gives the first bell together with the first grader.

By tradition, a senior student and a young first grader give the first bell

Scenario for September 1 "Patriotism and love for the Motherland"

The topic of patriotism is especially relevant now. In many schools, children come to the holidays dressed in costumes with elements of the national style.

Listening to the national anthem has long become a tradition for the First and Last Bell, and for many other holidays, not only school ones.

The whole celebration is based on the motivation to study for the good of the country, to become a worthy citizen of the state.

Entertaining rooms should be designed in the national style, the design of the facade of the school - too.

For example, children can dance folk dances or dances stylized as folk, sing national songs.

Usually, students, if not all, then at least those who participate in the solemn line, are offered to come to such an event with the national dress of the country.

Costumes for schoolchildren are selected with national symbols

A holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge does not have to be boring and dull. Of course, it is better to observe the main traditions, otherwise the whole meaning of the event is lost. However, the creative approach has not yet spoiled a single solemn line. First-graders are already frightened by the new atmosphere for themselves, and the excessive seriousness of the event will only strengthen their feelings.

The script for the line dedicated to

Knowledge Day

for grade 10.

Compiled and conducted by: Baikova O.B.,

class hands-l 10B class.

The script for the line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge for grade 10.

A musical fragment from any song on a school theme sounds.
After that, fanfares sound, and the presenters open the line

1 host: Happy Knowledge Day!
With school, with friends!
With kind, strict teachers!
The sun with the first autumn ray!
Happy, wonderful day!

2 presenter: The doors were opened by your favorite school!
Everything here is dear, painfully familiar,
Everything here is so sweet and dear to us,
And our beloved teachers!

1 presenter: Today, on this holiday, you are welcomed by the Deputy Director for Education Tsygankova S.M.

(The word of the head teacher).

Lead 1: For the 2010-2011 academic year, three tenth grades were formed in our school: A, B and C. This is ______________ people, including _________ boys and ______ girls.

2nd leader: Stop, stop! Have you decided to read the statistical report to us?

1st: No, these are interesting facts.

2nd: Interesting facts must be presented in an interesting way.

(1st shrugs and steps aside)

2nd (to the hall): Guys, have you learned to read expressively in nine years? Those who have not learned can use our tips today. Just before all the girls say: “Aaaah!”(with surprise) And now the boys: "Hmm!"(with approval). And all together: "Wow!"(with admiration

(Refers to the 1st): Let's voice your facts one more time, but now with interest.

(Reads, assistants hold up banners APPLAUSE, WOW!, A-A-AH!, HM!)

For the 2010-2011 academic year, three tenth grades have been formed in our school: A(applause), B (applause) and C (applause). This is ____person (everyone: WOW!) , including ___ boys(Girls: Ahh!) and ____ girls (Boys: Hmm!).

1st: Miracles! So much more interesting.

2nd: Miracles do not end there.

(to the hall) Look around. Do you know the people next to you? Let's check.

(Three people per class per stage)

Each participant calls his name and an adjective to it., Before that, naming all those who have already introduced themselves.

3rd: By the way, why did you come to the 10th grade?

2nd: And my grandfather promised to give me an SUV at the end of school. "Oka" is called.

3rd: What kind of SUV is this! She doesn't always make it on the road!

2nd: So I say: SUV ...

3rd: Still great. But I have a different situation.

Take a look and it's funny. And these are all gifts?

Used laptop - ax hints,

Excuse me, they say, until the oligarchs ...

They cannot equip a child with five!

Teaching is light, and the yard and street are an infection,

So tear them away by titimit!

And no later! You can't EVERYTHING and AT ONCE

So there is nothing to have kids at all!

And how they whistle about the new mountain bike,

About diving and surfing in the Hurghada area ...

For what?! For a thousand hundred cu pocket money,

What did grannies and grandfathers scrape together from pensions?

I'm not a major and redneck, like my friend Vovka,

I promised - I'll go! But next time

They decide to get off with the same small things,

Let them know: I will not go to the eleventh grade!

1 led. : Well, everyone has their own values ​​... Who has - c.u. and the mountain is great, who has reliable friends and strong knowledge.

(to the hall)

You are going on a long journey, which is called "high school". Here is your suitcase. Let's collect it! Take with you what is necessary for the successful completion of the path. For example, reliable friends, strong knowledge, etc. You need to write it on a sheet and put it in a suitcase.

(Work in classes for 2 minutes. Then everything is collected in a suitcase and read out from the stage).

2nd: In ancient times, there was a wise man to whom people came for advice. He helped everyone, people trusted him, respected his age, life experience and wisdom. And then one day, one envious person decided to disgrace the sage in the presence of many people. The envious person came up with an insidious plan on how to do this: “I will catch a butterfly and bring it to the sage in my closed palms, then I will ask if the butterfly is alive or dead in my hands. If he says that he is alive, I will close my hands, crush the butterfly and, opening my hands, I will say that the sage was mistaken. If he says that the butterfly is dead, then I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away, and the wise man will have to admit his mistake. And so did the envious person. I caught a butterfly and went to the sage. When he asked what kind of butterfly he had, the sage replied: "Everything is in your hands."

(Sounds backing track "Everything is in your hands")

From each class, 3 people are called to the stage. The rules are explained.

Posters “YES”, “NO”, “MAY BE” are hung at different ends of the room, the Host asks questions. Participants move to the poster that corresponds to their answer to the question asked. The facilitator asks selectively why this particular answer was chosen.


  1. Would you like to change your age?
  2. Are you lying to your parents?
  3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  4. Could you live alone?
  5. Is it better to be smart than rich?
  6. Did you come to the 10th grade because your parents forced you to?
  7. Did you come to 10th grade because you need a good education?
  8. Is our school a good school?

It sounds like a lyric.

2nd host: One person fell in love with the moon and yearned for her. In order to be closer to the moon, he made his dwelling on the mountain and looked at her every evening, dreaming of someday approaching her. One day the lunar path reached his dwelling. The man decided to step on it - and went towards the moon. He had already gone half way, but he doubted his strength, looked down in fear, swayed and fell.

1st presenter: It is necessary to believe in yourself and not doubt your abilities. And so that luck always accompanies you, we will attract it.

Lead 2: Mentally draw any symbol that you think represents good luck. It can be a geometric figure, or a well-known symbol that attracts good luck.

After you draw the sign of good luck, place it in an imaginary balloon. Now take a breath, imagine that you are inflating this balloon. Imagine that with each exhalation the ball increases, and at the same time you mentally repeat: “I attract good luck to me!” How many times you make exhalations - so many times repeat the text. Try to clearly imagine the sphere with the symbol above your head.

Now luck will accompany you throughout the tenth grade.


1st host: School, hello!

2 host: Hello September!

1st presenter: Let the school bell ring us again.

Lead 2: There are many roads in the country of knowledge!

1st leader: Let the first lesson begin!

2nd presenter: The honor to give the first bell of the new academic year is given to an excellent student, holder of a special diploma Yulia Lonyagina.

The bell rings. The boys go to class.

Children come out to the song "Our School", sing the chorus in chorus (1 verse and chorus)

1. Hello! Hello!

Together we are again

And the school is ready for the school year.

2. Our school desks are waiting for us again,

Notebooks, textbooks, books and maps!

3. And our teacher will lead us to knowledge -

Dear goodness, dear discovery.


4. Expensive, difficult, but interesting,

Dear with a smile, a joke and a song.


5. We are glad that the doors are open to us again,

That at school we will find and test knowledge.


Good luck with everything: the new school year has begun!

Today, on the First of September, one of the most beautiful holidays, the Day of Knowledge, is celebrated throughout our vast country.

And that means the holidays are over and the new school year is starting.

We are opening a festive line dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Knowledge (performance of the Anthem of Russia).

The floor is given to the director of the school Eck R.D.

The floor is given to the Head of the administration of the rural settlement "Gagshor" Syamtomova A.V.

Video greetings sent by graduates of 2013

- Guys, today you are congratulated by all mom and dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers. And telegrams came to us. Try to guess who congratulates you.

I wish from the bottom of my heart

Health to you kids

So that they are not afraid of vaccinations,

Hardened daily,

So that bronchitis does not torment you.

Good doctor...

I wish you a huge cake as a gift,

Chocolate and cookies

Marmalade and jam

Get fatter, get taller

Waiting for your answer on the roof.

Let the school year for you

Only bears nasty things!

Get only deuces

Very rarely you can triple,

Beat windows and shop windows,

Don't go shopping

Start more fights.

Hey old lady...

I want to wish you

Only get fives

Good books to love

Be friends with math.

From Piero, Malvina

Your buddy...

Pinocchio (Tanya) appears

He is all hung with bags and briefcases.

— Disperse! Make way! Let's get through, finally!

Pinocchio puts down briefcases and bags, wipes his forehead with his sleeve

- I'm not late? Hello! Three days going, zamyalsya completely. Now everything is in order! Now, so to speak, armed to the teeth, Do you think it's easy? Knowledge, how much they weigh! But I was determined to become smart. And as I decided - everything: I will die, but I will become. (Starts to collect the bags in his hands.) Where do you register for school here?

Why are your bags so heavy?

- Well, I brought different things ... For study. And books ... What I found at home - I brought everything! Here is the book brought "For those who knit."

- Knitting what?

- Well, all sorts of things - socks, mittens, blouses ...

Is this book needed in school?

— Aaa! Perhaps, I think that we will not go through knitting today.

Pinocchio gives the book and takes out an iron from the bag.

- And why do you need it?

- It's just an iron! You have to be neatly dressed to school. So I grabbed the iron, suddenly I remember the trousers. And also, if I fight with someone, you can attach it to a bruise. Like this.

Pinocchio opens the bag and takes out a broom.

- Well, why is this?

- And this was advised to me by a friend, he said that if they sweep out of school, then at least they will sweep it with my broom - it won’t be so insulting!

Yes, your friend has a good sense of humor. But you don't need all that!

Isn't everything needed?

Before you go to class, you need to collect a portfolio. Does each of the guys know what to take to school, and what things are best left at home? Now let's check!

So guys, if I name an item to take to school, you clap your hands. If this item is not needed, you stomp your feet.

textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

clockwork steam locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

brushes and paints,

christmas masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Collected to school student!

- I understood everything, thanks. I'm off to pack my portfolio!

And now I want to find out something and find out hidden details about each of the guys in our school. And your activity will help us in this. The one who gets up is ... (just be honest, otherwise it will not be interesting)

- glad to meet friends;

- did not miss school at all;

- went to school with pleasure;

- tuned in to finish the year on "4" and "5";

- had a great summer

- already looking forward to the next holidays;

— wants to sleep and can’t think of anything else yet;

- got up on the wrong foot;

- already afraid of the upcoming lessons

- who did not have enough summer;

- read at least 10 books over the summer

The boys take their seats.

Warmer for a person on difficult roads.

Far away from that

That somewhere in the world there is a sweet school,

There is a good school for him.

Every summer, our school misses children's laughter very much, it changes over the summer thanks to the employees of the garden school and, of course, our helpers - parents.

Today I want to thank…..

As a gift to you……

- We received a video question from experts by e-mail. Guess what we're talking about?

Video "Connoisseurs"

- And here is a conversation about the teachers of our school I managed to hear one of the summer evenings.

Girls come out to the tune of the song "Teach at school"

Scene "Girlfriends" (MARCELINA and VIOLETTA)

bench on stage

Oh Marceline, hi!

- Hey, Violetta! I have not seen you for so long…

I was with my grandmother for two weeks. Bor-u-u-ch!

- Me too. Mom and dad don't get vacations.

“So the holidays will fly by, you won’t notice.

“And I missed school.

- Me too…

- I wish I could go to school for a week, and then the holidays again!

- Great, I would agree ... Our teacher is the kindest.

- And we have the best! She meets everyone at the locker room in the morning.

Just think, our teacher not only meets, but also helps to undress and hang up clothes.

- And ours also touches the forehead, checks if anyone is sick.

- When our Vera Alexandrovna leads the students to the classroom, everyone makes way for us.

- And the director of the school is always the first to greet our Marina Vitalievna.

The first to say hello is the one who is more polite ... or who is younger ... I forgot.

- And Marina Vitalievna allows us to play with dolls right in the lesson!

- And with us you can even bring a kitten or a puppy to the class.

“I once took my favorite pony with me to school.

Pony? Inventing!

No, really.

Where do you keep it at home - in your father's garage?

Are you in your room!

— Pony, in the room?

So he's a toy!

- Ah ... But Vera Alexandrovna never gives us twos.

- And Marina Vitalievna will check the dictation or mathematics and correct all the mistakes herself. And if it’s dirty, he will turn the page, do everything again and write: “Well done!”.

I'm not lying, I'm fantasizing...

- Our Vera Alexandrovna is the most beautiful among the teachers at school, and her dress is sequined, like a princess!

- And Marina Vitalievna is also beautiful, like my mother! And she's also the kindest. When she had a birthday, she handed out sweets to everyone in the class.

And Vera Alexandrovna treats us with chocolate bars.

- Do you know what kind of sweets Marina Vitalievna has? As big as chocolates. Eat them, eat them, and they never end.

- What's this! Vera Aleksandrovna just like that, not for her birthday, she brought a cake ... no, two cakes! We ate, ate - the whole class could not eat ...

- Oh, they call me home, let's run!

school bell sound

Scene from the lesson (ALYONA and VADIM)

Teacher: Vadim, how much will it be: four divided by two?

Student: And what to share, Marina Vitalievna?

Teacher: Well, let's say four apples.

Student: And between whom?

Teacher: Well, let it be between you and Anton.

Student: Then three for me and one for Anton.

Teacher: Why is that?

Student: Because Anton owes me one apple.

Teacher: Doesn't he owe you a plum?

Student: No, you shouldn't plum.

Teacher: Well, how much will it be if four plums are divided by two?

Student: Four. And all to Anton.

Teacher: Why four?

Student: Because I don't like plums.

Teacher: Wrong again.

Student: How much is correct?

Teacher: And now I will put the correct answer in your diary!

Dance "Az, beeches, lead"

Competition Let's remember the words. (in turn, everyone comes out and chooses a letter on the screen)

A. Letters built for roll call (alphabet)

B. What is taught to write “with a thin feather in a notebook” (letters)

C. Mathematical action that occurs with the pocket money of a student who buys a bun in a school cafeteria (subtraction)

E. A traditional place in the classroom where students share their knowledge with teachers and classmates (blackboard)

E. The official name of the mark that stands "stake" (unit)

G. The collective dossier that teachers make on students in each class (journal)

Z. If unbearable, then unanswered (task)

I. The one that is born in a dispute (truth)

J. A person who can lie on nails (yogi)

K. The best but very short time in the life of students and teachers (holidays)

L. The traditional construction of students at the beginning of the school year (ruler)

M. The white pebble melted, left traces on the board (chalk)

N. Part of the face that students sometimes hang when they receive a “deuce” (nose)

A. The time of the year when the new year begins for students (autumn)

P. Grandfather of modern student backpacks (briefcase)

R. Hanging on the wall how many and what lessons he says (schedule)

C. The only place in the school where students are allowed to jump, run and jump (gym)

T. Minus in Russian (dash)

U. You can cook, but you can’t eat (lessons)

F. A school subject that continues in the summer at stadiums, courtyards, and holiday camps (physical education)

X. A student who violates discipline and order at school (hooligan)

C. They are called Arabic, although they first appeared in India (numbers)

H. Antique writing utensils (ink)

Sh. Institution where illiterates are admitted (school)

S. Little brother who can't be brought to class (puppy)

E. The test that every student passes at the end of school (exam)

Y. Computer user (user)

I am a student who complains about everyone (sneak)

- And now I propose a competition for our parents. Guess what movie this melody is from ("The Adventures of Electronics")

- Yes, progress has reached our families - a Robot has appeared that works better than any lie detector. Don't believe? See for yourself.


3 participants: Starting position: the robot stands with arms wide apart, mother and son are on the sides of the robot a little closer to the audience (the palms of the robot are not far from their heads).

Son (pointing to the robot): Oh, who is this?

Mom: It's a robot. He knows how to distinguish whether a person is telling the truth or deceiving. For example, tell me what grades you got today at school.

Son: five

Mom: So you were lying. So what did you really get?

Son: Four.

BOOM!!! (the robot pretends to give his son a slap on the back of the head)

Mom: Not true again. What did you get?

BOOM!!! (the robot pretends to give his son a slap on the back of the head)

Mom: Tell the truth. What have you been given?

Son (sighing): two.

The robot strokes his son's head.

Mom: Oh, you. And I studied at your age for one five!

BOOM!!! (the robot pretends to give a slap to the back of the head to MOM)

Melody of the song "What progress has come to"

School uniform has been introduced since this school year. Some guys have already figured out what to do if they get tired of wearing it. How will parents react to this? Let's see…

Melody "Yeralash"


M: And a tomato.

D: And nail polish.

M: And some engine oil.

D: Let's take it to mom now

Mom (strict): Oh, what happened to the shirt? Well, nothing, it is washed off with my powder, here you go wash the powder ...

Melody "Yeralash"

M: I don't like this shirt.

D: Let's get some dirt (pretends to smear dirt on his shirt).

M: And a tomato.

D: And nail polish.

M: And some engine oil.

D: Let's take it to mom now

M: Yes, now it definitely won’t wash off

Mom (kind): Wow, what a shirt, it has become even better, wear it if you like it.

M: I don’t like it so much, can I wash it a little?

D: Yes, it's quite dirty.

Mom (kind): Yes, of course, of course, with my automatic washing machine and excellent powder, everything is washed off.

Mom (kind): Here, I washed it, stroked it, sewed elastic bands for mittens, don’t go cold!

Melody "Yeralash"

M: I don't like this shirt.

D: Let's get some dirt (pretends to smear dirt on his shirt).

M: And a tomato.

D: And nail polish.

M: And some engine oil.

D: Let's take it to mom now

M: Yes, now it definitely won’t wash off

Mom (fashionable): Cool shirt!

D: Yes, only dirty.

M: And the stain... here...

Mom (fashionable): Yes, nonsense, fashionable, bring pants, we will make an excellent set (Pretends to stain his pants with dirt, oil, etc.), and you will walk.

They say on New Year's Eve what you don't want, everything will always happen, everything always comes true ....

Do not be surprised, because today we, schoolchildren and teachers, begin a NEW SCHOOL YEAR! Therefore, I suggest everyone make a wish under our autumn tree. And whether it will come true or not, the leaves that you will pluck will say

Guys get up

Our holiday is coming to an end. And by tradition, we end it with the First Bell in the new academic year.

(The “bell” enters) MIROSLAV

And then I said, seeing off the spring:

"Relax, sunbathe,

Have fun, don't fight.

Read different books

Don't forget about me!"

Now I'm calling again

To invite you to school!

School year to start

Collect knowledge again!

Everyone learn together

Grieve and have fun!

Thank you all for coming

And smiles brought

A sea of ​​scents

Hello guys!

Song - video "Time to go to school"

The first school line is a solemn event of great importance for students and teachers. For those who are just starting to learn, this day is remembered for a long time. To make the impressions of the holiday positive and bright, an element of surprise is included in the script.

Target: Make the celebration bright and original.

Roles: 2 leading, Santa Claus, Five.

Event progress

Leaders in order:

The wind blows through the trees
Freeing them from leafy fetters.
And this means that autumn has come to us again,
And again the school calls all the students!

Solemn trills let them hear
Those who came are not at all out of boredom!
A call for you is a signal that again
Year after year, you will have to gnaw at the granite of science!

The call is sad and unhurried
Those who study the last year will hear.
Let this time be very interesting,
May this year be remembered for many years to come!

Special trill for first graders:
It is permeated with a funny overflow,
Which reveals everything that matters
And whatever will make you happy!

Let's meet them together today
Let their first school waltz sound!
Hey first graders! Are you already there?
Come on! We are already waiting for you!

The school waltz sounds, the exit of first graders from.

Leading: Attention school! Attention! The right to raise the flag is granted ... .
Anthem, raising the flag.

Presenter: Guys, the school day has just begun, and the guests are all in a hurry to congratulate! And the first to speak ... (calls the invited guest).

Leading: For those who are the main guest on the line, namely: who entered our first class! Now we will introduce you to the school, tell you how great it is with us!

Song of high school students about school.

Presenter: And the chief here, of course, is the director! He is like a president in this school: he watches, decides, does and thinks - and all problems are solved in one moment!

Speech by the principal of the school.

Presenter: Traditionally, on this day we honor all those who are not lazy: the guys who studied well, who studied and worked in the summer!

Leading: Let's listen to the Deputy Director ... .

Rewarding students who distinguished themselves in the summer.

Presenter: First graders! Everyone wants to congratulate you today: parents, teachers, other people. You listen to the wishes - instructions, remember - but just do not forget!

Presentation by parents.

Leading: Guys, are you in the holiday spirit?
First graders: Yes!

Presenter: Can not hear! Now you need to answer in unison so that you can hear well: are you glad that you came to school?

First graders: Yes!

Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost: I'm going, I'm going already! They must have been waiting for me! How they screamed! (Suitable for the boys) . Well, what holiday is today? Who is the most important person on it?

Leading: Grandpa, how did you get here?

Santa Claus (grouchily): How how! On the flying carpet! There, behind the school left! And he flew in because they called me! My hearing is excellent - even if you call in a whisper - I will hear!

Presenter: We didn't call you, grandfather!

Father Frost: What was it not called? (children) Shouted?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost: What were they shouting?

Leading: The fact of the matter is that the children shouted “Yes!”, And not “Grandfather Frost!”

Father Frost: Yes? And it seemed to me... (looks around) Oh, what time of year is this? Why is there no snow?

Presenter: So because no, it's not winter. And the children will tell you about the season!

with a poem about autumn.

Father Frost: So, autumn ... Not winter ... And what to do? I brought gifts! Yes, only the Snow Maiden put some strange ones for me this time.

He takes out cards with drawn numbers - twos, threes, fours and fives.

Leading: But we know what these gifts are, right, guys?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost: What do these strange numbers mean?


Two means I don't know
Troika - I can't imagine
And fours and fives are good marks,
Only diligent children receive them for knowledge!

Father Frost: Clear! These are marks! And why did the Snow Maiden put them in a bag for me?

The magic sound of bells, Santa Claus looks into the bag, takes out an envelope.

Father Frost: Look guys! Letter from the Snow Maiden! Let's see what it says!

Reading a letter:

“Guys, congratulations on your first day of school! You will meet many difficulties on your way, solve more than one problem, solve many puzzles! But whatever the outcome, don't despair! Believe you will succeed! After all, a person is capable of much!

I wish you and your parents patience, luck and good mood!

Your Snow Maiden.

PS. And the gift is connected with your future grades - which card you get, you will receive more such marks!

Father Frost: Now everything is clear! Why such gifts! So guys, want some magic? Close your eyes and pull out the cards!

Santa Claus takes turns coming to the first graders, offering to take out a card. Everyone takes out cards with good marks (cards with bad marks, Santa Claus, after the show, puts them in a secret pocket in a bag).

Presenter: That's lovely! All first-graders are set for a good study! Show your future grades to your parents!

Children raise the cards up, music sounds, Five comes out.

Five: Guys! Hello! You know me?

Leading: Of course! After all, you are the most long-awaited assessment for a student! Everyone is waiting for you, everyone is happy for you! Have you come to congratulate us?

Five: Of course! First of all, I want to congratulate you, first graders! I assure you that there will be a lot of interesting things in school life, because every day is a new discovery! And your teachers will help you not to miss the discovery. They will lead you along the path of knowledge, trying to protect you from falls and bruises. But you don’t need to rely only on their experience: your independence, curiosity and resourcefulness will allow you to follow this path confidently and quickly!

All students - further success in their studies, parents - patience and love for children, as they are. Teachers - self-confidence, patience, kindness and, of course, love for children and work.

Presenter: Thank you very much for the congratulations, dear Five!

Father Frost: I also want to congratulate the first-graders on the first day of school! And prepared a surprise for you! But you will see it only after you become real disciples! That is after the first lesson! Well, now it’s time for me - the Snow Maiden is probably very worried.

Santa Claus and Five say goodbye, leave. Gifts from Santa Claus (stationery, books or other school “little things”) are found on the desk when they go to the classroom after the line.

Leading: OK it's all over Now! All congratulations have already sounded! It's time for us to go to the light class!

Presenter: Wait! Have you forgotten about the teachers by any chance? They asked to give the floor now!

Presentation by class leaders.


The bell is ringing! Today is not the last
And it sounds first! Which time
He is a ringing, joyful, impatient trill
Takes all students to class!

Presenter: Give the first call is provided… (announces students in grades 11 and 1) .

Leading: And now the seniors will take the first-graders to the first lesson!

Presenter: The line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared closed.