
"Spring Awakening" Presentation for the preparatory group. Abstract and presentation for the lesson on the development of oral speech "spring - the awakening of nature" Download presentation video awakening of nature spring

Lesson topic: Spring - nature awakens (Grade 1)

The purpose of the lesson:

Expanding the conceptual base of students by including new elements in it (the awakening of nature, signs of spring, the sequence of events in nature and their connections) and mastering the lesson material at the level of conscious reproduction and memorization.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Give an idea of ​​the changes in the life of plants and birds in spring
  2. Show the connection of these changes with inanimate nature
  3. Learn to generalize your own life experience and, drawing on the knowledge gained, build logical conclusions and generalizations
  4. Cultivate a sense of pride in one's native land
  5. Continue the formation of elements of ecological culture
  6. Develop students' monologue speech through the use of an answer algorithm;
  7. To form analytical and synthetic thinking, the ability to carry out grouping, the ability to generalize, draw conclusions;
  8. Develop communication skills through work in pairs and groups, assessment and self-assessment of activities;


  1. textbook "The world around. Grade 1, part 3 "(A.A. Vakhrushev),
  2. cards with assignments for pair work (No. 1, No. 2),
  3. card with a task for group work (No. 3),
  4. results of the experiment with tree branches,
  5. self-reflection cards
  6. a computer,
  7. screen,
  8. disk with a presentation for the lesson.

Pupils of primary school age of general education schools and gymnasiums studying according to the Educational system "School 2100". This lesson plan can also be used for students studying in other programs.

Expected Result.

The external result of educational activity in this lesson is the discovery of new knowledge and the ability to apply it in solving a learning problem (show the awakening of nature, teach to observe the signs of spring throughout its entire length, determine the sequence of events in nature and their connections).

At the internal level, the result is the development of the personality of students (mental operations, motivational, emotional-volitional spheres, the development of communication skills, activity, independence, responsibility)

Technologies, methods and techniques used in the lesson.

The lesson uses the technology of problem-dialogical learning, which involves the creation of a problem situation under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve it, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities.

Active teaching methods are used (according to the classification of I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin): problem presentation, partial search method. At the introduction stage, problematic methods are used that guide students through two links of scientific creativity - the formulation of the problem and the search for a solution, and are aimed at organizing search cognitive activity. At the stage of reproduction, tasks are offered that allow you to go through two more creative links - the expression of the product and the implementation of the product. Thus, the student carries out a full cycle of creative activity. The partial-search method allows you to teach students to independent thinking and creativity.

To organize an educational process of a developing type, I use a research approach (learning through "discovery") and a communicative approach (when the student becomes the author of some point of view).

At the stage of updating knowledge and setting a learning task, tasks are offered for repeating the studied material. At the same time, the teacher sets a problem that plays the role of motivation for learning activities. The guys offer their own ways to solve this problem, find out in a conversation what they need to solve the problem, what they already know and what they have to learn. The knowledge that underlies the performance of these tasks is basic for learning new material.

At the next stage, children discover new knowledge as a result of joint actions of the teacher and students (a system of leading creative tasks). Hypotheses are put forward, which are then accepted or rejected, the essential features of the concept are highlighted, links are established with previously studied material. New knowledge acquired in the course of joint discovery is personally significant and is assigned by students immediately, without additional efforts to memorize.

At the stage of primary consolidation, tasks are used that allow you to start learning how to use. At the same time, in each task, the most important concept or presentation of the topic is formed and worked out, and, in addition, one of the many ways to apply it in the life of a student is considered.

The latter are offered a task of a partially exploratory and creative nature, which is carried out according to the principle of "advanced multilinearity".

At the stage of summarizing the lesson, students participate in evaluative and reflective activities. Each student thinks about what he is doing well and what is still not working out and what he plans to work on in the next lessons in terms of self-education, self-development and self-learning.

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Joint discovery of the new.
  3. Fizminutka.
  4. Primary consolidation (learning how to use)
  5. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.
  6. Homework assignment.

During the classes:

  1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys.

Today in the lesson we will go on a visit to nature, we will try to make friends with it, reveal some of its secrets, learn about some of the relationships. To find the key to these mysteries, we will observe, compare and analyze, do exercises in pairs and groups. I am glad that you are in a great mood, and you are ready to climb up another step of knowledge.(Slide 2)

What will we do with you

To nature become friends?

To become a friend of nature

Know all her secrets

Unravel all mysteries

Learn to observe

Let's develop quality together


And it will help you to know

Our curiosity.

  1. Actualization of knowledge and formulation of the topic of the lesson.

Let's review some of the concepts that will be needed in today's lesson.

What is nature? (Everything that surrounds us and exists independently of a person)

What is nature like?

What is related to wildlife? (Plants, animals, people)

What about inanimate nature? (Water, air, minerals, soil)

On what grounds do we attribute certain objects to living nature? (grow, feed, multiply, die)

Listen to the poem and try to formulate the topic of today's lesson.(Slide 3)

The snow is no longer the same

It darkened in the field.

Ice cracked on the lakes

It's like they split.

Clouds run faster.

The sky got higher.

Sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

It's getting blacker every day

Stitches and paths

And on willows with silver

Earrings glow.

(S. Marshak)

- (Slide 4)

Spring - nature wakes up.

name the spring months(Slide 4) ( MARCH APRIL MAY)

March is named after the god of war Mars, April is called the gifted month or snowman, and the month of May is named after the goddess Maya, who was given gifts so that she would give a rich harvest in the fall.

  1. Problem statement.

(Slide 5)

Read the question that the wise owl has prepared for us.

What changes in inanimate nature and how do they affect the awakening of nature?

Can we now immediately answer the main question of the lesson? Why?

(Slide 6) Painting by A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”

Consider the illustration of the famous Russian artist Savrasov, who painted pictures of his native nature.

What is shown? How would you title it?

The artist titled this painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” (Slide 6)

Name the objects of inanimate nature.

Now name the objects of wildlife.

Today in the lesson we will look for the relationship between inanimate and living nature in the spring.

  1. Joint discovery of the new.

Work in pairs.

How do we know that spring has arrived? (children's options)

Take cards. Cross out those natural phenomena that are not related to spring.

(Children work on cards in pairs)(Slide 7)

Card number 1.

It got colder. It's getting warmer

The thaws formed. The ground was covered with snow.

The day is getting shorter. The day is getting longer.

The river freezes. The ice on the river is melting.

The leaves are unfolding. The leaves turn yellow.

Birds fly south. Birds come from the south.

Snow and ice melt.

Examination. Name in order, which signs were crossed out in column 1? And at 2?(Slide 7)

Let's try to highlight the most important feature. (The day is getting longer and warmer)(Slide 7)

How is warming related to precipitation? (Rain instead of snow)

How is warming related to snow conditions? (On the slopes of hills, ravines on the south side - thawed(Slide 8) ; the snow turns gray, at night and in the morning a hard dense crust forms on the snow - crust; snow begins to melt - flood: the river overflows with water, overflows its banks - a flood that brings a lot of trouble)(Slide 9)

  1. Fizminutka
  1. Primary consolidation (learning how to use).

How are warming and soil conditions related?

An experience.

Do changes in inanimate nature affect living nature in any way? Let's try to uncover the secrets of the sorceress of spring.

Look at the results of the experiment with tree branches. What did we do 2 weeks ago? (Some branches were put into the water in a warm classroom, while others were put in the refrigerator)

What happened?

Let's make a conclusion. What is the main reason for the revival in the life of plants? (warm)

Textbook work.

Open the textbook on p.48. Consider the bottom picture. What is drawn?

Read the question and try to answer it.

So why are these plants called primroses? (bloom first)

These plants are also called early flowering (flowers appear before leaves)(Slide 10)

What early flowering plants do you know? (showing early flowering plants on a slide)

Coltsfoot (from the leaves prepare a tincture for the treatment of colds)

Blooms from under the snow

Welcomes spring first

(snowdrop) - "galanthus"

There are blue and white

What was the name of the heroine of N. Nosov's work about Dunno, who prepared medicines and treated her friends? (Lungwort)

medicinal lungwort(changes color four times: pink - red - purple - blue. Visited by bees and bumblebees)

May lily of the valley (flowers are used to make perfume)

- Anemone oak.What word is hidden in the title? (The flowers are white. Flowering coincides with the period of the winds. Toxic. Dangerous for livestock

The story of a pre-prepared student about the spring primrose.

- (Slide 11) All early-flowering plants have either a thickened rhizome or a bulb under the ground. Nutrients have been deposited in them since autumn. Due to these reserves and heat, these plants bloom first, rush to pollinate and form seeds before the general flowering.

Plant protection.

It is very common to see people in early spring selling early flowering plants (snowdrops) or returning from the forest with bouquets of flowers that are on the verge of extinction.

I picked a flower in the meadow on the run,

I blew it, but I can't explain why.

In a glass, he stood for a day and wilted,

And how long would he stand in the meadow?

What can we do to save plants? (in the forest, move along the paths, because the death of herbaceous plants has a detrimental effect on the condition of the entire forest; make bouquets from flowers that a person has grown in his own garden; do not collect birch sap)

Not only plants react to the appearance of heat.

Dreaming of a spider at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch

Long beak and two wings...

Arrives - things are bad.

And who is the spider afraid of?

Guessed? This is ... (bird)

Remember why in the fall many birds flew to warmer climes? (Cold, insects disappear, nothing to eat)

What is the main condition with the onset of heat, so that the birds return? (The appearance of insects: bee, bumblebee, ants, nettle butterfly, flies, mosquitoes)

Textbook work.

Look at the picture on page 49. What birds winter with us? (Tits)

What birds come in spring?

What are these birds called? (migratory)

Guess which of the birds arrives first.

All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

Jump back and forth across the arable land,

And the bird is called ... (rook)

(Slide 12)

Read on page 49 the folk omen about the rook.

The message of a pre-prepared student about the rook.

And who flies right after the rook?

We built together

For guests spring house,

Or rather, a palace.

Come soon ... (starling)

(Slide 12)

Read the folk tale about the starling.

The starlings soon have chicks. Starlings bring food to their chicks up to 300 times.

The larks are next.(Slide 12)

But the tits (Slide 12) in March, as soon as the sun begins to warm, they return to the forests and settle in the hollows of trees. They have chicks. In the midst of spring, thrushes, finches, and redstarts arrive.(Slide 13)

Swallows and swifts are among the last to arrive.(Slide 14)

What are the benefits of birds? (The great tit destroys up to 6 thousand insects during the day; the rook - up to 8 thousand harmful worms and caterpillars; the swallow catches up to 1 million midges and mosquitoes during the summer, thus birds protect crops and plantings of cultivated plants from pests and bring more benefit to man).

Look at the drawings on pages 50-51. How do people take care of birds?

What should you do if you find a bird's nest in the forest?

And in the spring, silence must be observed in the forest. This is nesting time for birds.

  1. The practical part of the lesson (the beginning of the formation of skills).

Let's go back to the main question of the lesson.(Slide 15)

Can we answer it now?

Work in pairs

All events in the spring come in a certain order. Take the cards and restore the true sequence of events in the spring period (place the numbers next to each sentence).(Slide 16)

Card number 2.

Returning from the warm edges of the bird.

Plants are blooming.

Snow is melting.

Insects appear.

More sunlight.

Slide check.(Slide 17)

Group work.

Face each other and form groups of 4. Your task is to compose a story about the awakening of nature in the spring according to the plan.(Slide 18)

Card number 3.

  1. Spring comes to us immediately after _______.
  2. The spring months are _______________.
  3. Spring can be recognized by such signs _______,
  4. What early flowering plants appear in spring?
  5. What are the features of early flowering plants?
  6. Protection of early flowering plants.
  7. What birds come to us in spring?
  8. What is the main condition for the birds to return?
  9. What are the benefits of birds?
  10. Taking care of birds in spring.

Examination. (A story in a chain based on a plan. 1 person from the group speaks. Each group voices 2 points of the plan).

  1. Summarizing.

Do you think we have achieved the goal of our lesson?

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What was the most interesting part of the lesson for you?

What was difficult? Cause trouble?

Self-esteem. (Slide 19)

Take cards of little men with different facial expressions and evaluate your work in the lesson

(the little man learned the new knowledge with a smile and learned how to put it into practice.

the man with the straight mouth has acquired new knowledge, but he still needs help.

The little man with a sad smile was upset, the topic of today's lesson remained incomprehensible to him.

I would like to finish today's lesson with the words of the great writer, connoisseur and nature lover M. Prishvin:

“Everything beautiful on earth is from the sun, and everything good is from man.”

How do you understand them?

Remember. They will help you to be true friends and protectors of nature.

  1. Homework.

What do you think the homework will be? (Compose a story about spring changes in nature)

If desired, together with the parents, make a titmouse (drawing on page 51). And on Bird Day, children, together with older students, can hang artificial nests.


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Textbook"Me and the world around", Vakhrushev A.A. Rautian A.S.


  • educational. Show the awakening of nature, the connection of spring changes in living and inanimate nature.
  • Educational. Develop the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions.
  • Educational. Cultivate interest and respect for nature. Learn to work in a group.


1. Organizing moment

2. Updating knowledge

We have a very unusual lesson today. It takes place at an unusual time for us and in an unusual setting. But we will work as actively as always and show our skills. And let's start the lesson by going to a forest clearing and see what happens there.

Scene in the forest.

Hedgehog. I was asleep. Lost weight.

Squirrel. I had a lot of stock. Didn't starve. Now I feel so good - as if there was no cold winter.

Fox. And I was starving - I ate only mice, but sometimes I counted chickens in a neighboring village. And what are you, godfather, so thin?

Wolf. You will be thin with such food.

I haven't eaten for four days.
I saw lunch at the stump.
And lunch in all the blades
Got away from me.
Here is the misfortune, here is the trouble -
Fast food.

Fox. Misha, tell me, how are you doing?

Bear. I woke up, I hear - caplet. Here's the trouble! In the darkness, he rummaged around with his paw and jumped up - there was water all around. Fills! No sleep!

At what time of the year could such a conversation take place?
- And now outside the window what time of year?
- Today we will talk about spring, about its signs.
– Do you know the spring months?
- You have tablets with the names of the months on your tables. I will read poetry, and you will raise a sign with the name of the month in question.

A warm south wind is blowing
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, soft, melting.
What month, who knows? (March)

Slide "March"

- March is the time when the sun sends its helpers to the earth. That is why this season is called the “spring of light”.
In ancient Rome, March was not only the first month of spring, but also the year and was dedicated to the god Mars, the patron of fields and herds.
February is strong with a blizzard, and March - a drop.
Opens the spring March - protalnik.
The March sun shone, charged drops.

Furiously the river roars
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
The moon has come... (April)

April slide.

The origin of the word "April" is Ancient Rome. It means "warm", "sunny".

  • April - snowmobile, melted the snow.
  • April puddles wake the earth.
  • Where there is water in April, there is grass in July.
  • April is high water season.

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings.
The garden is dressed in white.
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?... (May).

May slide.

- In honor of the goddess Maya, the goddess of the earth and fertility. May is popularly called "grass".

Meadows are turning green, buds are blooming.
May decorates the forests, summer is waiting for a visit.
The rain in May raises bread.
As it rains in May, so it will be rye.

Folk signs can be instructed in advance to find children in rows.

Why is it said that nature wakes up in spring?

3. Conversation about inanimate nature in spring

dynamic picture.

Picture 1

- Let's see what happens in the spring in inanimate nature?

  • The snow is melting (getting dirty)
  • thawed patches appear
  • streams run
  • Precipitation in the form of rain
  • getting warmer
  • The sun rises higher

In spring, the sun is dazzling. Its light is thick and golden. The sun's rays warm the face and hands. The sky in spring is blue, blue, and white clouds spread across it. The first thawed patches appeared on the hillocks. On the edge of the forest you can hear the singing of birds. Slide.
Artists, composers and poets feel the picture of native nature especially keenly. In their works, they convey the mood of expectation of spring, hope for happiness, extraordinary inspiration, upliftment, joy.

– Look in the textbook on p. 38 at the picture of the great Russian artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov.

Slide. The painting "Rooks have arrived"

- What season?
- By what signs did you guess?
Who was the first to bring the news of spring? The picture is called "The Rooks Have Arrived."
Russian village, small church. The leaves on the birches have not yet blossomed. Rooks build nests. With spring cries they fly over the trees, fuss about housing. How many sounds are in this picture. Do you hear the birds calling to each other and the drops ringing? The wind rustles in the wet branches.

Let's listen to spring. Music of the remarkable composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. He wonderfully conveyed all the sounds of spring in his music.

Clip to the music of the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "April".

4. Conversation about wildlife

- And what other birds come to us in the spring?

On the board are pictures of different birds. Say their names (attach signs). You can use the pictures in the tutorial page 40.

5. Group work

Among the plates with the names of birds, select only migratory ones and attach them on the board.
Examination. (Slide)

  • Starling
  • Martin
  • lark

Helps us in the household
And willingly settles
Wooden palace
Our cheerful friend ... ( starling)

Slide with starling singing.

Came to us with warmth,
Having made a long way,
Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay. ( Martin)

Still in the lowlands snow and ice,
But spring skies
And he flies and sings
Glowing plumage.
He builds his nest in the field,
Where plants grow. ( lark)

Solve the riddle.
A sprout breaks through
Amazing flower.
Grows out from under the snow
Welcomes spring first. (Snowdrop)

- The soil thaws from the spring heat, grasses wake up. The first flowers appear.
Find out these plants by description.

  • This plant blooms first. We all look forward to little yellow suns. Why does the plant have such a strange name? Its leaves are soft and fluffy underneath. They warm like mom's hands. And on top, the leaves are shiny and cold, like those of an evil stepmother from a fairy tale. (Coltsfoot)
  • You will notice this plant immediately. It has multi-colored flowers: pink, purple, blue. Therefore, bumblebees quickly find it. The flower does not spare its juice-nectar, treats all the sweet tooth. For the sweet, honey taste it was named. (Lungwort)

- We will see all this beauty with you very soon. With each passing day, spring will come into its own more and more boldly.
Well, it's only the beginning of spring. Today we talked about the signs of spring. Name them.

  • The sun is rising higher.
  • warmer
  • Snow is melting
  • thawed patches appear
  • streams flow
  • The birds are coming
  • Leaves are unfolding.

- You have signs on the tables with signs of spring. Now each group will choose in your opinion the most important reason for changes in nature.
The sun is rising higher. It got warmer.
The day is getting longer. And the moment will come, and it will happen on March 21, when the day becomes equal to the night. This time is called the DAY of the SPRING EQUILION.

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. In spring, a new life begins in nature. A person who looks at this beauty lifts his spirits, wants to sing, dance, go outside.
Let's create a picture of spring in our class. Place flowers on the board, the color that matches your mood.

  • Yellow- excellent mood. You liked the lesson, and you discovered something new for yourself.
  • Green- I liked a lot, but something didn’t quite work out or not everyone understood.
  • Brown- you are unhappy with yourself.

- Well, I'm satisfied with you. Well done!

Ekaterina Bagaryan
"Spring Awakening" Presentation for the preparatory group

Winter is not angry for nothing,

Her time has passed.

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives from the yard. F. I. Tyutchev

March-first spring month. He is called "spring morning", "solar". The sun rises higher and shines brighter, the days are getting longer. The sky seems blue-blue. In the forest on the snowdrifts lie blue shadows from the trees.

From the sun's rays, the snow becomes loose, the snowdrifts settle, the icicles fall and break. At noon, the March drop sings a sonorous song. Therefore, another popular name for March is "drip".

I listen to drops at noon

It murmurs like a bird's chirp.

Ringing with a crystal bell

Escaping from the roof above the porch.

Kapel murmurs, rings, sings,

She breaks snow and ice.

She doesn't care about a big snowdrift,

She runs like a living stream.

I'll clear the way for the stream

So that he can take a look.

It grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.

Comes with good

It blows with warmth.

Red with sunshine,

And her name is...

I am always friendly with the world.

If the sun is in the window

I am from a mirror, from a puddle

running up the wall.

Signs in March

if water doesn't flow in March, grass doesn't grow in April

frequent fog portends a rainy summer

dry March - fertility, rainy - crop failure

in March, the day is measured with the night, equals

in March, the frost is creaky, but not burning

in March, winter is both behind and in front

Cheerfully titkaet tits they say: "Rook breaks winter". There is another one proverb: "native bush and hare roads".

In March, animals and birds come to life. Cheerfully titkaet tits, sparrows rumble, quarrel, share nesting sites, and hooded crows build nests and lay eggs in them. At the end of March, rooks arrive - heralds of spring. among the people they say: "Rook breaks winter". There is another one proverb: "If the rook is on the mountain, then spring is in the yard".And the bear is still sleeping in the den, sucking its paw. The fox and the wolf roam the forest, looking out for prey. The badger hides in a hole, and the hare - under the bushes, because "native bush and hare roads".

What is the popular name for March? Why?

Tell us about the weather in March.

What do birds do in March?

Why is the rook called "herald of spring"?

What do animals do in March?

Who do we congratulate in March? What holiday?

Mid spring. Snow melts everywhere, stormy sonorous streams run. It's not in vain that they call April "month of living water".

A stream runs down the stairs

On the steps of ice

And spring live songs

They run loudly after him.

Ice on rivers, ponds and lakes cracks, becomes loose, darkens and melts. At the end of April, the rivers break up, ice drift begins. Ice floes float along the river, break with a crash, and melt water floods the meadows and lowlands. People call this month "icebreaker" and "snow chaser"- April breaks the ice and drives snow from everywhere.

April is talking about: "April is glorious with water, red with buds". The forest is alive. Tree sap warmed spring sunshine, rise from the roots to the swelling buds. The buds of the willow have fluffed up, and although there are no leaves yet, the whole tree seems to be shrouded in a delicate yellow-green cloud. Earrings on alder and hazel become brighter, fluffy. Young tender grass shyly greens on sunny lawns. On the hills, on the slopes of the hills, yellow coltsfoot stars bloom. In the forest glades, snowdrops turn blue, which are called "blue eyes of spring".

Very good-natured

I am soft, obedient,

But when I want

I will even wear out a stone.

I run to my mother-river

And I can't be silent.

I am her own son

And was born in the spring.

First to get out of the ground

On the thaw.

He is not afraid of frost

Even though it's small.

In mid-April, a she-bear with cubs comes out of the den. A badger comes out of a hole. The she-wolf has cubs. In April, a hare has motley fur, because the oblique one changes a white winter coat for a summer one - gray-brown. The squirrel also sheds - fluffy gray fur changes to reddish - summer.

In April, anthills come to life, butterflies, bumblebees, bees and other insects fly out. In April, bullfinches and waxwings fly north, and starlings, wagtails and larks return to their native lands.

In April, people germinate seeds, prepare the soil for sowing, sow oats, barley, millet, feed winter bread. In the gardens at the end of April, early seeds are sown culture: dill, parsley, carrot, onion.

What is the popular name for April? Why?

Why say "April with water, and May with grass"?

What is ice drift?

What do forest dwellers do in April?

What insects appear in April?

What birds arrive in April?

What are people doing in April?

May is the heart of spring. The snow has already melted, only in the most remote forest thickets its remnants are still preserved. The sun rises high and warms the earth. Warm winds blow, white clouds float like swans across the blue sky.

There are often thunderstorms in May: lightning flashes, thunder rumbles angrily. May rains wash the awakened earth and nature comes alive: grasses turn greener, corollas of flowers open. Trees and bushes, grasses and flowers drink warm drops. After a rain in May, a multi-colored rainbow often appears in the sky.

Above the river - river

The fish arched.

Leaning on the tail

Curved like a bridge.

May rain drops

Seven-colored scales sparkled.

And over the green willow

In the sky, a rainbow burns with gems!

Noisy, thundered,

I washed everything and left.

And orchards and orchards

I watered the whole area.

They won't wait for me

When they see it, they run away.

An arrow flew

Fell into a swan.

I'm looking - I can't find it.

The ox roared

On a hundred mountains

For a thousand cities.

Painted rocker

It hung over the meadow.

The garden tried on white

The nightingale sings a sonnet

Our land is dressed in greenery -

We are warmly welcomed...

People talk about spring: "Spring is red with flowers", and the month of May calls "pollen". In May, lilies of the valley, corydalis, lungwort, and coltsfoot bloom in the forest.

Trees bloom and shrubs: poplar, birch, pine, bird cherry, lilac. Gardens are covered with white and pink lace capes - apple trees, cherries, plums bloom.

bird cherry

Bloom, fragrant bird cherry, bloom!

Scattering strands of inflorescences in the wind,

Like a princess in a wedding dress

Rustling green silks.

And let no one bring the ax

You will not be cut down and maimed,

And your festive attire will not crush -

Wedding dress of Spring-princess.

No wonder the month of May is called "songwriter". Birds have flown to us from distant countries and sing, flood, chirp in the forests, meadows and fields. The best singer is the nightingale. The bird is gray, inconspicuous. Nightingales love to build nests in the green thickets of bird cherry and willow near rivers and streams, in ravines. The cuckoo cuckoos in the forest, the oriole whistles, the finches ring, the thrushes fervently sing.

The animals continue to molt. Hares and squirrels change winter coats for summer ones, their fur is shorter and the color is more suitable for spring and summer color of the forest. Foxes, hares, wolves and squirrels grow up babies.

On May 9, we celebrate the Victory Day of our people in the war against Nazi Germany. We remember the soldiers who defended the Fatherland. A festive parade takes place on Red Square in Moscow on this day. We give flowers and gifts to veterans and participants of the war, listen to their stories about battles with the enemy, about the exploits and courage of our soldiers.

In May, people have a lot of worries. It is necessary to plow and sow the field, dig trees in the garden, cut dry knots and branches, prepare beds in the garden and sow onions, carrots, and beets. And plant beautiful flowers in the flower beds.

Tell us about the weather in May.

What happens to herbs, trees, flowers after a May rain?

What is the popular name for May?

What flowers bloom in May?

Why is May called "songwriter"?

What jobs do people have: in the field, in the garden, in the garden?

Generalizing tasks:

The game "The Fourth Extra"

March, April, May, January;

coltsfoot, lungwort, chamomile, snowdrop;

bear cub, fox cub, calf, squirrel;

butterfly, wagtail, bumblebee, bee;

tractor, shovel, rake, pitchfork.

Memorization and expressive reading poems:

Spring has a lot of work

Help her rays:

Together they drive along the roads

talking streams,

Melt the snow, break the ice,

Warm all around.

From under the needles and blades of grass

The first sleepy beetle crawled out.

Flowers on the thaw

golden blossoms,

Poured, swollen buds,

Bumblebees fly from the nest.

Spring has a lot of worries,

But things are looking up:

Emerald field became

And the gardens are in bloom.

Class: 1

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Textbook"Me and the world around", Vakhrushev A.A. Rautian A.S.


  • educational. Show the awakening of nature, the connection of spring changes in living and inanimate nature.
  • Educational. Develop the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions.
  • Educational. Cultivate interest and respect for nature. Learn to work in a group.


1. Organizing moment

2. Updating knowledge

We have a very unusual lesson today. It takes place at an unusual time for us and in an unusual setting. But we will work as actively as always and show our skills. And let's start the lesson by going to a forest clearing and see what happens there.

Scene in the forest.

Hedgehog. I was asleep. Lost weight.

Squirrel. I had a lot of stock. Didn't starve. Now I feel so good - as if there was no cold winter.

Fox. And I was starving - I ate only mice, but sometimes I counted chickens in a neighboring village. And what are you, godfather, so thin?

Wolf. You will be thin with such food.

I haven't eaten for four days.
I saw lunch at the stump.
And lunch in all the blades
Got away from me.
Here is the misfortune, here is the trouble -
Fast food.

Fox. Misha, tell me, how are you doing?

Bear. I woke up, I hear - caplet. Here's the trouble! In the darkness, he rummaged around with his paw and jumped up - there was water all around. Fills! No sleep!

At what time of the year could such a conversation take place?
- And now outside the window what time of year?
- Today we will talk about spring, about its signs.
– Do you know the spring months?
- You have tablets with the names of the months on your tables. I will read poetry, and you will raise a sign with the name of the month in question.

A warm south wind is blowing
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, soft, melting.
What month, who knows? (March)

Slide "March"

- March is the time when the sun sends its helpers to the earth. That is why this season is called the “spring of light”.
In ancient Rome, March was not only the first month of spring, but also the year and was dedicated to the god Mars, the patron of fields and herds.
February is strong with a blizzard, and March - a drop.
Opens the spring March - protalnik.
The March sun shone, charged drops.

Furiously the river roars
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
The moon has come... (April)

April slide.

The origin of the word "April" is Ancient Rome. It means "warm", "sunny".

  • April - snowmobile, melted the snow.
  • April puddles wake the earth.
  • Where there is water in April, there is grass in July.
  • April is high water season.

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings.
The garden is dressed in white.
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?... (May).

May slide.

- In honor of the goddess Maya, the goddess of the earth and fertility. May is popularly called "grass".

Meadows are turning green, buds are blooming.
May decorates the forests, summer is waiting for a visit.
The rain in May raises bread.
As it rains in May, so it will be rye.

Folk signs can be instructed in advance to find children in rows.

Why is it said that nature wakes up in spring?

3. Conversation about inanimate nature in spring

dynamic picture.

Picture 1

- Let's see what happens in the spring in inanimate nature?

  • The snow is melting (getting dirty)
  • thawed patches appear
  • streams run
  • Precipitation in the form of rain
  • getting warmer
  • The sun rises higher

In spring, the sun is dazzling. Its light is thick and golden. The sun's rays warm the face and hands. The sky in spring is blue, blue, and white clouds spread across it. The first thawed patches appeared on the hillocks. On the edge of the forest you can hear the singing of birds. Slide.
Artists, composers and poets feel the picture of native nature especially keenly. In their works, they convey the mood of expectation of spring, hope for happiness, extraordinary inspiration, upliftment, joy.

– Look in the textbook on p. 38 at the picture of the great Russian artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov.

Slide. The painting "Rooks have arrived"

- What season?
- By what signs did you guess?
Who was the first to bring the news of spring? The picture is called "The Rooks Have Arrived."
Russian village, small church. The leaves on the birches have not yet blossomed. Rooks build nests. With spring cries they fly over the trees, fuss about housing. How many sounds are in this picture. Do you hear the birds calling to each other and the drops ringing? The wind rustles in the wet branches.

Let's listen to spring. Music of the remarkable composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. He wonderfully conveyed all the sounds of spring in his music.

Clip to the music of the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "April".

4. Conversation about wildlife

- And what other birds come to us in the spring?

On the board are pictures of different birds. Say their names (attach signs). You can use the pictures in the tutorial page 40.

5. Group work

Among the plates with the names of birds, select only migratory ones and attach them on the board.
Examination. (Slide)

  • Starling
  • Martin
  • lark

Helps us in the household
And willingly settles
Wooden palace
Our cheerful friend ... ( starling)

Slide with starling singing.

Came to us with warmth,
Having made a long way,
Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay. ( Martin)

Still in the lowlands snow and ice,
But spring skies
And he flies and sings
Glowing plumage.
He builds his nest in the field,
Where plants grow. ( lark)

Solve the riddle.
A sprout breaks through
Amazing flower.
Grows out from under the snow
Welcomes spring first. (Snowdrop)

- The soil thaws from the spring heat, grasses wake up. The first flowers appear.
Find out these plants by description.

  • This plant blooms first. We all look forward to little yellow suns. Why does the plant have such a strange name? Its leaves are soft and fluffy underneath. They warm like mom's hands. And on top, the leaves are shiny and cold, like those of an evil stepmother from a fairy tale. (Coltsfoot)
  • You will notice this plant immediately. It has multi-colored flowers: pink, purple, blue. Therefore, bumblebees quickly find it. The flower does not spare its juice-nectar, treats all the sweet tooth. For the sweet, honey taste it was named. (Lungwort)

- We will see all this beauty with you very soon. With each passing day, spring will come into its own more and more boldly.
Well, it's only the beginning of spring. Today we talked about the signs of spring. Name them.

  • The sun is rising higher.
  • warmer
  • Snow is melting
  • thawed patches appear
  • streams flow
  • The birds are coming
  • Leaves are unfolding.

- You have signs on the tables with signs of spring. Now each group will choose in your opinion the most important reason for changes in nature.
The sun is rising higher. It got warmer.
The day is getting longer. And the moment will come, and it will happen on March 21, when the day becomes equal to the night. This time is called the DAY of the SPRING EQUILION.

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. In spring, a new life begins in nature. A person who looks at this beauty lifts his spirits, wants to sing, dance, go outside.
Let's create a picture of spring in our class. Place flowers on the board, the color that matches your mood.

  • Yellow- excellent mood. You liked the lesson, and you discovered something new for yourself.
  • Green- I liked a lot, but something didn’t quite work out or not everyone understood.
  • Brown- you are unhappy with yourself.

- Well, I'm satisfied with you. Well done!