
Voskobovich's educational games - learning through a fairy tale. Educational games by Voskobovich We play with a fairy tale

Svetlana Volodina

« Geocont» or "Plate with nails". On the plywood playing field, plastic carnations are fixed, on which multi-colored elastic bands are stretched, and the contours of geometric shapes, subject silhouettes are obtained. Toddlers create silhouettes according to an adult's show, their own design, older children - according to a sample scheme and a verbal model (on the playing field « Geocont» , unlike similar games, a coordinate grid is plotted).

playing with « Geocontom» children develop sensorimotor abilities (learning colors, shapes, sizes, creative thinking.

Working according to the Voskobovich method, I wanted every child to have such a square. Decided to show how to make a simplified version" Geocont"with my own hands. I share with you, maybe someone will come in handy.

That's all I needed. The square can be made in any size. I have 21x21.

Fill the square with yellow color.

We draw lines along two diagonals in black.

We draw vertical and horizontal perpendicular lines through the center in black.

We draw squares with sides 6cm, 9cm, 15cm, 20cm. Check the connection of the corners along the diagonals.

The points of intersection of the lines are indicated by numbers from the center (C) to the edges (1-4) .

We decorate the intersection points with colored buttons. The top section is white. Next, follow the order of the colors of the rainbow. The center is black.

"Geocont"do-it-yourself ready. Play and develop.

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This game is intended for children 2-3 years old, but is also popular among children of other age groups. A good example of that.

Master class for educators "Using the developing game aid "Geokont" by V. Voskobovich Master class for educators “Using the developing game aid “Geokont” (V. Voskobovich) for the development of the intellectual sphere.

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Dear readers, this article is for those who are interested in how to create a geocont with their own hands and what educational games you can play with it.

A geocont is a board with buttons or studs fixed in a certain order, on which colored rubber bands are pulled. In fact, such a game square can be called an original designer that allows you to create various geometric shapes, schematic images of objects, all kinds of ornaments. At home, it is quite possible to make an analogue of an industrial toy. Do you want to know how? Read!

Entertaining educational game

Geokont is a useful game for the development of logic, imagination and sensory and spatial sensations of the baby. It stimulates the formation of figurative thinking and mathematical abilities. The child learns to construct various geometric shapes from rubber bands, creates houses, boats, cars, flowers, etc. This process naturally and unobtrusively develops fine motor skills of children's fingers, stimulates the development of speech and memory.

Children 3-4 years old learn to independently pull elastic bands on colored hats, creating the simplest geometric shapes. The children get acquainted with the concepts of "exactly", "higher", "lower". At the same time, kids memorize colors.

At the age of 5-6, preschoolers master mental counting, spatial concepts, begin to study numbers and letters. During this period, the geocont game simulator will be a great helper. Parents come up with schemes, name the coordinates of the points for fixing the elastic, and the baby must find them. Gradually, an image is created that needs to be named.

In creating a picture, feel free to use several rubber bands of different colors. Complicate the contours by combining broken and straight lines. Design with fantasy and imagination. Invite the baby to recreate the image from memory, naming the coordinates of the desired points. Ask about the associations that various broken lines and shapes evoke.

For senior preschool age, come up with tasks for self-transfer of the image in accordance with the diagram on paper. Arrange contests for the most interesting scheme or the most complex figure. Children are always pleased with the game competitive basis of activity.

home workshop

It is very easy to make a geocont yourself. Look up a master class on the Internet on how to make a toy with your own hands. Explore different game board layout options. Determine the appropriate dimensions and materials and get to work.

Required materials and tools:
  • square board (fibreboard, plywood, very thick cardboard) with sides of 21 cm, or 35 cm, or 50 cm;
  • materials for board design: paints, self-adhesive colored film, fabric, oilcloth;
  • carnations or buttons with colored caps in all colors of the rainbow;
  • colored stationery gum;
  • ruler, pencil, colored markers, glue;
  • pliers.
Instructions for making a geocont:
  1. Prepare the base square of the desired size, carefully process its edges and corners.
  2. Cover the square base with colored paint or cover with a cloth, film or oilcloth. The color of the base should be uniform, light, allowing you to clearly distinguish the colors of carnations or buttons. Traditionally, a geocont has a yellow field.
  3. Draw intersecting black diagonals, connecting opposite corners.
  4. Through the intersection point of the diagonals, draw perpendicular lines connecting the midpoints of opposite sides.
  5. Draw squares with vertices on diagonals and sides of 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm, etc. if you have a large board.
  6. Mark the point in the center of the square with the letter "C", number the remaining points of intersection of all lines from the center to the edge of the segments. Each line has its own numbering. So, for example, in the smallest square around the center, all points will be with the number "1", in the next - with the number "2", etc.
  7. On each segment with numbers from 1 to the last, firmly insert carnations or buttons with hats of the same color. The first line from the center up is white. Then arrange the color segments in the order of the colors in the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo, violet. Don't be discouraged if some color is missing. Feel free to replace it with an available one or repaint the hats.
  8. Mark the extreme points of each colored segment with the first letter of the corresponding color (B, K, O, F, H, D, C, F). Now each point has its own name (B2, K4, Z2).
  9. Turn the board over and check the back side. If the sharp edges of nails or buttons dangerously pierce the base, bend them with pliers and fill with glue. It is best to stick cardboard on the back of the game board, which will protect the baby from scratches and injuries.

The geocont for your child is ready.

Possible options

The geocontact may look different.

  1. Prepare a large square - this will be the base, as shown in the picture.
  2. Draw the playing field into squares with sides of 5 cm.
  3. Distribute buttons across all intersection points. Moreover, all hats can be the same color.
  4. Secure the back of the board.

Such a play square is quite suitable for the kid for designing and modeling. Please note that an ordinary chessboard can become the basic basis for such a geocontact. It already has the perfect markup. It is enough to securely and securely fasten the buttons.

Summing up

  • The geocont game square helps children develop and learn.
  • You can create this game at home.
  • Be sure to monitor the safety and reliability of all parts and fasteners.
  • Use geocontact for speech development classes to master the basics of mathematics.
  • Encourage the initiative of children in creating new images.

Dear readers, if you have experience in creating a geocont and working with it, please share with us. We look forward to your feedback and comments. See you soon!

Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich - lives in St. Petersburg. In the past, Vyacheslav Vadimovich is an engineer-physicist. The desire to diversify the play assortment of their own children and the shortage in the era of perestroika served as a pretext for the invention of games. So in the early 90s, his first creative games appeared: Geokont, Game Square, Color Clock. Voskobovich's practice quickly went beyond the family. Voskobovich's technology is just the way from practice to theory. He has developed more than 40 educational games and manuals. Basically, these are games - constructors and puzzles, accompanied by fairy tales. Voskobovich's games are multifunctional and designed for children from 2 to 10 years old.

The most famous of them are "Geokont" and "Voskobovich's Square".

These games are aimed at developing spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, fine motor skills, the ability to compare, analyze and compare. There are also more complex games that teach children to model, correlate parts and a whole.

“We have abandoned “disposable” products: assembled, disassembled and put aside, we create universal games that can be repeatedly used creatively,” says Vyacheslav Voskobovich.

A little later, the Voskobovich Educational Games LLC center was created for the development, production, implementation and dissemination of methods for developing and corrective games.

Features of Voskobovich's educational games

Games are designed based on the interests of children.

Being engaged with such game aids, children get real pleasure and discover more and more new opportunities for themselves.

Wide age range: the same game can be played by children from 2 to 7 years old and older.

The game begins with simple manipulation, and then becomes more complex due to a large number of various game tasks and exercises.

Multifunctionality and versatility: by studying with only one game aid, the child has the opportunity to show his creativity, develop comprehensively and master a large number of educational tasks (get acquainted with numbers or letters, color or shape, counting, etc.).

Ready-made developing didactic material systematized by age and educational tasks. - Methodological support.

Many games are accompanied by special methodological books with fairy tales, in which various plots are intertwined with intellectual tasks, questions and illustrations. Fairy tales-tasks and their good heroes - the wise raven Meter, the brave little Geo, the cunning but rustic All, funny Magnolik - accompanying the child through the game, they teach him not only mathematics, reading, logic, but also human relationships.

The most popular Voskobovich games


It is also called a "board with carnations" or "multi-colored cobwebs". It is a plywood board with a coordinate film applied to it. Plastic nails are fixed on the playing field, on which multi-colored "dynamic" rubber bands are stretched. figures, patterns, numbers, letters.The game set is accompanied by a methodical fairy tale "Baby Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava" (the word "geometry" is encrypted in the name of the fairy tale).

The game begins with a fairy tale in which you need to help the heroes by laying rays and segments. Thus, the kid does not just create images on the "Geocont", but makes the web of the Yuka spider, rays and segments, which are called the "orange cry of the Red Beast", "green whistle of the Yellow Bird" or "blue whisper of the Blue Fish". The book contains diagrams-drawings of what the child should succeed in.

As a result of games with "Geocont", children develop motor skills of the hand and fingers, sensory abilities (learning color, shape, size), thought processes (designing according to a verbal model, building symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, searching and establishing patterns).

"Voskobovich Square" or "Game Square" it can be 2-color (for children 2-5 years old) and 4-color (for 3-7 year old children)

The game consists of 32 rigid triangles glued on both sides at a distance of 3-5 ml from each other on a flexible fabric base. On the one hand, the “Square” is green and yellow, on the other, blue and red. The "square" is easily transformed: it can be folded along the fold lines in different directions according to the "origami" principle to obtain three-dimensional and planar figures. That is why this game is also called "Eternal Origami" or "Transformer Square".

The game is accompanied by a methodical fairy tale "The Secret of the Raven Meter, or a fairy tale about the amazing transformations-adventures of the square." In it, the "Square" comes to life and turns into various images: a house, a mouse, a hedgehog, a kitten, a boat, a shoe, an airplane, a candy, etc. The child collects figures from the pictures in the book, which shows how to fold a square, and an artistic representation of the same object is given.

This square puzzle is a material that introduces the basics of geometry, steriometry, counting material, the basis for modeling, creativity, which has no age restrictions.

"Miracle Crosses" are an insert game. Inserts are made of circles and crosses. The crosses are cut into pieces in the form of geometric shapes. At the initial stage, children learn to assemble the cut figures into a single whole. Further, the task becomes more complicated: according to the schemes in the "Album of Figures" (attached), the child first collects paths, towers, and then dragons, men, soldiers, insects and much more.

The game develops attention, memory, imagination, creativity, “sensorics” (distinguishing the colors of the rainbow, geometric shapes, their size), the ability to “read” diagrams, compare and compose a whole from parts.

"Ship" Splash - spray " is a playing field made of carpet in the form of a ship with a glued plywood hull and numbers from 1 to 7. To the mast on the hull you need to attach flags with Velcro - sails - according to the colors of the rainbow and according to the required number.

The game develops fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, gives an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmathematical concepts, color, height, spatial arrangement of objects, the number of objects, their serial number and digital series.

"Math Baskets"- this manual will help the child literally "by touch" to fix the account, to understand the composition of numbers, and also to understand the meaning of addition and subtraction. The kid needs to put a certain number of mushroom inserts into baskets with a different number of recesses.

According to the fairy tale plot, the child, together with the numeral animals: Hedgehog-One, Bunny-Two, Mouse-Troika and others, collects mushrooms in baskets, counts them, distributes an equal number of mushrooms to the animals and checks who has full baskets and who does not. Animals collect mushrooms, and the kid finds out who has collected more and who has less.

"Funny Letters"- these are cards with images of the vowels of the Russian alphabet in the form of acrobat jesters: the first jester bent like the letter A and his name is Harlequin, the other jester twisted with the letter O and his name - Orlekin, U - appears to be Urlekin, there are also Yarlekin, Yrlekin, Yurlekin and etc.

Playing with cards and singing the names of jesters, the child gets acquainted with the letters, exercises in the sound analysis of words; develops attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech.

"Teremki Voskobovich" This is a visual aid for learning to read. The game consists of 12 wooden tower cubes of different colors (2 white, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 purple, 2 brown) with consonant letters on the sides, as well as 12 cardboard chest cubes (2 blue, 2 green, 6 double blue -green, 2 sign) with vowels on the sides, which are embedded in tower cubes to make syllables. And from several "towers" you can make a word.

At the first stage of the game, the child gets acquainted with sounds and letters. At the second stage, we learn to compose syllables.

At the third stage, you can compose and read simple words. The device of tower blocks allows you to turn the process of learning to read into a series of exciting games. For example, a game of “transformers”, where “house” easily becomes “smoke”, and “ice” into “honey”.


The game-allowance "Skladushki" is designed to teach children to read in the warehouse system.

The manual is made in the form of a book, on each page there is a bright picture and a poetic signature with highlighted warehouses. There is also a CD-ROM with voiced storage songs.


Training. Before offering a game to a child, read the guidelines and the game itself.

Mostly children work with their hands and speak little. Therefore, during classes, ask the child what he is doing, why he chose this particular figure and not another, ask him to retell the fairy-tale task or come up with his own plot.

Being engaged with game materials, the child is most often in the same sitting position. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children and distract them in time to switch to another type of activity from sitting for too long.

Playing with Voskobovich's manuals requires perseverance, and this is not for every kid to their liking and strength. Therefore, do not be upset if your child is not interested in the proposed game. Take a break and come back to this game a little later.

I will add from my personal experience - such games as "Voskobovich's Square", "Geokont" are very convenient to take on the road or places where waiting is expected with the child. It is in such situations that you can attract the attention of the child, and further develop options for using and applying this or that game!

Play with pleasure!)

« Geocont » or "Plate with nails". On the plywood playing field, plastic carnations are fixed, on which multi-colored elastic bands are stretched, and the contours of geometric shapes, subject silhouettes are obtained. Toddlers create silhouettes according to an adult's show, their own design, older children - according to a sample scheme and a verbal model (on the playing field « Geocont» , unlike similar games, a coordinate grid is plotted).

playing with « Geocontom» children develop sensorimotor abilities (learning colors, shapes, sizes, creative thinking.

Working according to the Voskobovich method, I wanted every child to have such a square. Decided to show how to make a simplified version" Geocont"with my own hands. I share with you, maybe someone will come in handy.



Master Class

"Developing games by V. V. Voskobovich"


Vyacheslav Vadimovich was born in Zaporozhye. He spent his school years in Kherson, from there he went to Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), where he graduated from the Polytechnic Institute with a degree in engineer-physics. After serving two years in the army, he returned to his hometown. In addition to physics, he had a parallel hobby - he participated in the bard movement: he wrote poetry, music, songs, performed at various venues.

As Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich himself admits, he was “led” into pedagogy by his own children, sons. In the early 90s, V. Voskobovich's technique was born. Vyacheslav Vadimovich began to be invited to seminars in St. Petersburg.

In 1993, the first traveling seminar took place in Krasnodar.

In the early 90s, Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich organized a company for the production of games. At the moment, this is Voskobovich's Educational Games LLC - the only manufacturer of games and manuals; recorded two discs of songs for adults.

No wonder they say that a talented person is talented in everything.

Characteristics of Voskobovich's educational games:

1. Multifunctionality

In each game, you can solve a large number of educational and educational tasks. Unbeknownst to himself, the baby masters numbers or letters; recognizes and remembers color, shape; trains fine motor skills of hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

2. Wide age range of game participants

The same game attracts children of three and seven years old, and sometimes even high school students. This is possible because it has both one-two-action exercises for toddlers and complex multi-step tasks for older children.

3. Creativity

Games give the child the opportunity to translate their plans into reality. A lot of interesting things can be made from the details of the Miracle Puzzles, the multi-colored webs of the Geocont, the flexible Game Square. Cars, planes, ships, butterflies and birds, knights and princesses - a whole fairy-tale world! Games provide an opportunity to show creativity not only for children, but also for adults.

4. Structural elements

Each game has its own unique design elements. In "Geocont" it is a dynamic "elastic band", in "Game Square" it is rigidity and flexibility at the same time.

For educational games, methodological support was developed - the game technology "Fairytale labyrinths of the game" (authors Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G.), which is aimed at the intellectual and creative development of children aged 3-7 years. The technology was reviewed by Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Institute of Childhood and the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzena Krulekht M.V. and Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Institute of Childhood and the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen Polyakova M.N. The features of the technology are such that there is no need to restructure the work of the institution, break the usual way and build a new one. Technology is organically woven into the already familiar rhythm of life and the educational objectives of the program being implemented.In preschool institutions working on this technology, the child is surrounded by a relaxed, cheerful, intellectual and creative atmosphere that does not cause negative emotions. Like a lace of thin threads, it is woven from a sense of external security, when the child knows that his manifestations will not be negatively evaluated by adults, and a feeling of inner looseness and freedom due to the support of adults for his creative endeavors.

Basic principles of technology

  • Game plus fairy tale

The first principle of the technology "Fairy tale labyrinths of the game" is the game teaching of preschool children. Its peculiarity is that almost the entire process of teaching a child is really built in this game. "Fairytale labyrinths of the game" is a form of interaction between an adult and children through the implementation of a certain plot (games and fairy tales). At the same time, educational tasks are included in the content of the game.

Methodical fairy tales also create additional game motivation. A system of questions, tasks, exercises, assignments is organically woven into their plots. It is very convenient - an adult reads a fairy tale, a child listens to it and, in the course of the plot, answers questions, solves problems, and completes tasks.

  • Intelligence

The second principle of Voskobovich's technology is the construction of such children's play activities, as a result of which the mental processes of attention, memory, imagination, thinking, and speech develop. The constant and gradual complication of games ("in a spiral") allows you to maintain children's activities in the zone of optimal difficulty. In each game, the child always achieves some "objective" result.

It is no coincidence that so much attention is paid to the development of intelligence in preschool children. At this age, they tend to develop verbal, that is, "acquired" intelligence. Mom reads books to her child, examines encyclopedias with him, takes him to museums. As a result, he knows a lot, heard a lot. School teachers call such children "trained". But there is no guarantee that such children will continue to study well. And non-verbal, that is, "innate" intelligence, they may be poorly developed. What is innate intelligence? These are the mental processes of attention, the ability to analyze, synthesize, the formation of cause-and-effect relationships, fine motor skills, and memory. Voskobovich's games are primarily aimed at their development, and one of the conceptual provisions of the technology "Fairy tale labyrinths of the game" is the development of non-verbal intelligence in children.

The authors of the technology "Fairy tale labyrinths of the game" are not supporters of the early forced development of children. All material is sensitive, that is, the most favorable for the perception of preschool children, taking into account their psychological characteristics.

  • Creation

The third principle of the "Fairytale Labyrinths of the Game" is the early creative development of preschoolers. The game creates conditions for the manifestation of creativity, stimulates the development of the creative abilities of the child. An adult can only use this natural need to gradually involve children in more complex forms of play activity.

  • Developing Environment - Purple Forest

In fact, this is a developing sensorimotor zone. It is made of plywood, carpet, painted on the wall, fabric. The child acts independently here: he plays, constructs, training those skills that he acquired in joint activities with an adult. In the Purple Forest, there are always fairy-tale characters.

Each game occupies a certain area in the Purple Forest and has its own character:

  • Game "Geokont" - Wonderful Glade of Golden Fruits, characters - Baby Geo, Raven Meter, Spider Yuk, spider Rhombic, Plusik, Question, Fantik, Ray.
  • Game "Geovisor" - School of Magic, characters - Okolesik, Dwarfs Divide-Combine, More-Less, Spin-Twist, Appear-Disappear.
  • The game "Voskobovich's Square" (two-color) - Wonderful Glade of Golden Fruits, characters - Raven Meter.
  • The game "Voskobovich's Square" (four-color) - Wonderful Glade of Golden Fruits, characters - jesters Dion, Dwan, Trin.
  • The game "Transparent Square" - Lake Ice, characters - the Keeper of Lake Ice, Baby Geo, Raven Meter, Invisible All.
  • The game "Transparent figure" - Digital circus, characters - Magnolik.
  • Games "Math baskets", "Counter" - Digital circus, characters Magnolik, Hedgehog One, Bunny Two, Mouse Three, Rat Four, Dog Five, Cat Six, Crocodile Seven, Monkey Eight, Fox Nine.
  • Set "Igrovisor" - Land of Ant, characters - Okolesik, Queen Murana and her servants, ant Murashik.
  • Set "Casket" - Carpet Glade, characters Lopushok and Caterpillar Fifa.
  • Games "Miracle Crosses", "Miracle Honeycombs" - Miracle Islands, characters - Bee Zhuzha, Kitten Timoshka, Galchonok Karrchik, Bear Cub Mishik, Crab Krabych.
  • The game "Miracle Flower" - Glade of Wonderful Flowers, characters - Baby Geo, girl Dolka.
  • The game "Voskobovich's Towers" - City of Talking Parrots, characters - Jesters Harlequin, Orlequin, Urlekin, Yrlekin, Erlekin, Yarlekin, Yerlekin, Yurlekin, Irlekin, Yerlekin.
  • Games "Designer of numbers" - City of Talking Parrots, characters - parrots Enik and Benik.
  • Games "Designer of letters", "Cord-entertainer" - Digital circus, characters - Filimon Kotterfield.
  • Games "Logoforms" - characters - Exclamation.

You will meet these characters in fairy tales-methods for each game.

Game examples

1. "Voskobovich's towers"- basic development. There is a cube, there is a teremok. The cube is put into the tower - it turns out a syllable. Such construction helps children understand the principle of merging sounds in a syllable. Towers with cubes are connected together and thus words are formed. In total, there are 12 cubes, 12 towers in the set - a very compact, convenient design.

Within the framework of the article it is impossible to describe the whole game. Let's dwell on only two cubes - blue and green, the so-called cubes of the first stage of learning to read. The colors "blue" and "green" - symbols of the softness and hardness of the consonant sound - will subsequently become a hint for children. What is located on the five sides of these cubes? Pairs: a letter and its image. Here the jester shows the letter A, his name is Harlequin. If the jester represents the letter O, then his name is Orlekin. And if W - guessed it? - Urlequin. On the sixth face - a hint where which letter is located. Yarlekin, Yrlekin, Yurlekin, etc. - fairy-tale characters with whom the child is more interesting for the time being than with a sign.

The characters, the color of the cubes, towers, letters, the height of the sides of the towers, the shape of the windows, the prohibition stars, the Enik parrot and much more - all these are game moments that were originally laid down in "Teremki".

The playbook "Teremki" can be used with both preschoolers and schoolchildren.

2. "Constructor of letters."From its elements-modules, you can add any letter of the alphabet. Such construction helps the child to remember the motor image of the letter and in the future not to confuse P and N, B and C, C and O.

3. Readers 1 and 2 . Games for the development of reading skills. The child, bending the corners alternately, receives different words. On a small "patch" 4 words are read, and in the game - more than a hundred.

4. Carpet graph "Larchik",ropes (“stick” to the rug). Carpetograph, a game educational complex, extremely common in preschool institutions, replaces the flannelgraph. Carpet graph allows you to solve a wide variety of tasks in a playful way.

5. GEOCONT popularly called simply - a plate with carnations. A multi-colored elastic band is stretched through the carnations in such a way that the contours of geometric shapes are obtained. Tasks vary depending on the age of the children:

Little ones just invent their geometric figure,

Older preschoolers - "stretch" the figure according to the pattern.

True, the word geometry exudes some kind of seriousness, so for children it is a fairy tale about Baby Geo, Raven Meter and Uncle Slava.

The game can also be turned into a real quiz: if the child answers the question correctly, then the obstacle (the elastic band stretched on the field) disappears and opens the way for further play.

6. Voskobovich square- Kerchief, Eternal Origami, Maple leaf - all these are synonyms of Voskobovich's Square. It looks quite simple: triangles are glued on a square fabric base. Red on one side and green on the other.

The square can be folded into various shapes: kids can easily make a house with a green roof or a candy in a red wrapper, older children will be able to distinguish geometric shapes hidden in the house. Mother Trapezium, father Rectangle and grandfather Quadrangle help the child solve problems. Addition options - 1.000.000 (!).

Many preschools create a "vertical" developmental environment in the form of the Purple Forest. In fact, the Purple Forest is a sensorimotor corner in which the child acts independently: plays, constructs, training those skills that he acquired in joint activities with an adult; engaged in research and experimentation.

At home, it is possible and necessary to create a developing environment, and not necessarily in the form of a Purple Forest. Is it possible to play these games without author's fairy tales? Yes, you certainly may. Adults just need to come up with their own way to attract the child's attention to the game. Today, dozens of games, manuals, game development complexes are offered with the logo "Educational Games of Voskobovich".

During classes with children on Voskobovich's games, teachers should pay attention to the following:

Training. Before offering a game to a child, read the guidelines and the game itself.

Speech. Mostly children work with their hands and speak little. During classes, ask the child what he is doing, why he chose this particular figure and not another, ask him to retell the fairy-tale task or come up with his own plot.

Static. Being engaged with game materials, the child is most often in the same sitting position. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children and timely distract the “playful”.

perseverance. Playing with Voskobovich's manuals requires perseverance, and not every child likes and can do this.

Master class on making the game "Geokont"

"Geocont" or "Plate with nails". On the plywood playing field, plastic carnations are fixed, on which multi-colored elastic bands are stretched, and the contours of geometric shapes, subject silhouettes are obtained. Toddlers create silhouettes according to an adult's show, their own design, older children - according to a sample scheme and a verbal model (on the playing field"Geoconta" , unlike similar games, a coordinate grid is plotted).

Playing with "Geokont" children develop sensorimotor abilities (learning colors, shapes, sizes, creative thinking.

Working according to the Voskobovich method, I wanted every child to have such a square. Decided to show how to make a simplified version" Geocont "with my own hands. I share with you, maybe someone will come in handy.

That's all I needed. The square can be made in any size. I have 21x21.

Fill the square with yellow color.

We draw lines along two diagonals in black.

We draw vertical and horizontal perpendicular lines through the center in black.

We draw squares with sides 6cm, 9cm, 15cm, 20cm. Check the connection of the corners along the diagonals.

The points of intersection of the lines are indicated by numbers from the center(C) to the edges (1-4).

We decorate the intersection points with colored buttons. The top section is white. Next, follow the order of the colors of the rainbow. The center is black.

" Geocont "do-it-yourself ready. Play and develop.

Master class for teachers

“The use of the educational game of V. V. Voskobovich"Geokont", for the development of the intellectual sphere of preschoolers "

Purpose of the master class: improving the professional skills of teachers in the development of the intellectual sphere of preschoolers in the process of playing activities.

Tasks of the master class:

Introduce teachers to the use of educational games"Geokont" with children of preschool age;

To teach the participants of the master class the methods and techniques of using the developmental game in the pedagogical process;

Develop interest in original educational technologies, initiative, desire to put these technologies into practice;

Arouse a desire for cooperation, mutual understanding.

Handout: didactic game"Geokont" , samples for making patterns.

Master class plan:

1. Opening remarks, the relevance of the topic.

2. Familiarization of the participants of the master class with the game technology for the development of the intellectual abilities of children by V. Voskobovich.

3. Practical session with the participants of the master class on using the game"Geokont" for the development of the intellectual sphere of preschoolers.

4. Reflection:

conclusions, summing up,

Questions from the participants of the master class.

Master class progress:

Dear colleagues!

One of the most important tasks of raising a small child is the development of his mind, the formation of such mental skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things. The basis of V. Voskobovich's technology is the idea of ​​focusing the intellectual and gaming activities of preschoolers on the result that is obtained when solving problematic and creative tasks. A system of ever more complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks for each game. This makes it possible to use one game to solve different problems of educational activities for a long time.

The purpose of the technology is to develop the intellectual abilities of children.

Characteristics of the developing game:

1. Multifunctionality. In the game, you can solve a large number of educational and educational tasks. Unbeknownst to himself, the child masters numbers or letters; recognizes and remembers color, shape; trains fine motor skills of hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

2. Wide age range of game participants. This game attracts children of three and seven years old, and sometimes even high school students. This is possible because it has both one-two-action exercises for toddlers and complex multi-step tasks for older children.

3. Fairy cut. A fairy tale story for children is both an additional motivation and a model of mediated learning. The children play with pleasure not with squares, triangles and trapezoids, but with the non-melting ice floes of Ice Lake and the multi-colored cobwebs of the Spider Yuka, they do not master the relationship of the whole and the part, but unravel the secrets of the Miracle Flower together with Baby Geo. New, unusual always attracts the attention of children and is better remembered.

4. Creativity. The game gives the child the opportunity to translate their ideas into reality. A lot of interesting things can be done from multi-colored "cobwebs". Cars, planes, ships, butterflies and birds, knights and princesses - a whole fairy-tale world! The game provides an opportunity to show creativity not only for children, but also for adults.

The purpose of training with the game "Geokont":

The development of the child's cognitive interest and research activities.

Development of observation, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity.

Harmonious development in children of emotional-figurative and logical principles.

Formation of basic ideas about the world, mathematical concepts.

The development of fine motor skills.

People call Geokont"Plate with carnations". Indeed, plastic nails are fixed on the plywood playing field, which are called"colorful". For "multi-colored" cloves are pulled"webs" (multi-colored elastic band, and the contours of geometric shapes, object silhouettes are obtained. Dynamic"elastic" acts as a design tool.

The same game attracts children of three and six - seven years old, as it is possible to solve exercises in one or two actions for kids and complex multi-stage tasks for older children.

With the help of one game, you can solve a large number of educational tasks. Unbeknownst to himself, the child learns numbers and letters, learns and remembers color, shape, trains fine motor skills of hands, improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

What game does the child play with the longest? Of course, with the one that gives him the opportunity to translate ideas into reality, How many interesting things can be thought up and made from multi-colored"cobwebs" "Geocont".

Children's interest in fairy tales is both an additional motivation and a model of mediated learning. Children are happy to play not with squares, triangles and trapezoids, but consider and create on"Geoconte" not construction models, but multi-colored cobwebs.

On Geokont children create silhouettes according to an adult's show and their own plan, according to a sample scheme and a verbal model (on the playing field"Geocont" unlike similar games, a coordinate grid is applied).

The whole complex of games and manuals under the general name"GEOKONT" intensively develops the intellectual sphere of preschoolers.

First of all, "Geokont" opens the way to the world of Geometry, this is evidenced by the name of the game, formed from two words"geometric""contour"

With the help of the game, children master sensory standards of color, shape, size, train tactile-tactile analyzers. This is of great importance for their further mental development.

Designing figures on"Geoconte" contributes to the maximum development of fine motor skills of children's fingers, which is important for improving speech and intelligence.

In the game "Geokont" there is no age gradation of game tasks, so it is important to focus on the level of development of the child, selecting game tasks according to one's abilities.

The possibility of these games in their use both in the home, family game library, and in groups of children, kindergartens, in individual and correctional practice is invaluable. The structure of the game has a strictly algorithmic nature and allows it to be used in various models of education. This is an opportunity for individual work and correction of the educator, this is material for organizing classes in a group. Moreover, games can be used both as individual material and as a group-wide visual aid.

To encourage the child to engage in"Geokontom" it is enough to organize an explanation of the rules and tasks once, and the availability and manufacturability of the material will allow the child to discover its new and new facets each time communicating with the game. Unstructured figurative material stimulates spontaneous creativity, and here the task of the teacher, on the wave of the child's interest, is to use the flexibility of the game system. Principle"play-feel-know", step by step, consistently provides not only a fun pastime, but also a technological learning model based not on a conscious need to gain knowledge, but on constant interest, creativity of both a child and an adult.

To make sure of all this, practical tasks that we will complete with you using a tablet will help us."Geokont".

1. Task: "Tracks" and "Square, triangle, house"for children 2-3 years old and at the first acquaintance with"Geokontom" older preschoolers. (teachers follow the pattern)

You can invite children to walk with their fingers along the red, blue, etc. paths. Then we try to build long and short paths, wide and narrow, stretch large and small squares, build houses. It is important to invite children to come up with a pattern themselves. A prerequisite for the game is to name the shape and size of the objects being created.

2. Tasks completed according to ready-made schemes for older preschoolers(4-7 years old) - "Gold fish"

3. Play with "Geokont" children will be more interested if we try to include them in some fairy tale story.

We will now go with you in search of the missing Pinocchio.

"Excited Pierrot(from the famous fairy tale about Pinocchio)told me that he met a frightened Pinocchio with a Golden Key in the forest. “I think he was hiding from robbers. I wanted to catch up with him to help him, but I couldn't. I'm very worried that something bad will happen to him! whispered Piero.

Educator: Pinocchio can get lost and get lost in the forest. Guys, let's help Piero find and protect Pinocchio from robbers! We have a wonderful clearing with carnations and magic cobwebs. With the help of them, we will find Pinocchio. (Children(in our case, teachers)from rubber bands - cobwebs on"Geoconte" make up the silhouette of Pinocchio according to the model shown by the teacher.) Guys, you are great! You did it! Pinocchio rejoices that nothing threatens him now and thanks you very much.

4. Very interesting tasks and games can be invented for children of the speech therapy group to make it easier for them to memorize the letters of the alphabet. (teachers lay out letters, syllables)

Thus, using the logic game"Geokont" By connecting your imagination, you can achieve very good results in the development of the intellectual sphere of children in a relaxed game, and most importantly, an interesting form for a preschooler. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote : “Without the game there is, and cannot be, full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitive curiosity.