
Communication games. Communication games for preschoolers. Magic bouquet of flowers

Communication is the ability of a person to express his thoughts and feelings so that they are correctly understood by other people. A child, entering this world, from a very early age begins to communicate with adults and children, manifesting himself in one way or another. And in order for this communication to take place in the most favorable conditions, it is important to teach the child to communicate correctly. And teaching children is easiest and most effective in a playful way.

Communicative game for children involves joint activities, self-expression and mutual cooperation, development of communication skills and the formation of friendly relations. During these games, the child experiences genuine joy together with other children, which later turns into cheerfulness, optimism, the ability to get along with other people, the ability to overcome life's difficulties and achieve goals.

The lack of communication skills leads to a delay in the mental development of the child, and in the future - to the formation of a negative life position.

With the help of these games in children:

  • Bodily clamps are removed;
  • There is an emotional discharge;
  • Imagination, facial expressions and gestures develop;
  • Attention is activated;
  • Skills of rules of conduct are manifested;
  • Self-esteem rises.

Communication games for young children

Communication with peers for children aged 2-3 years becomes a necessary need and is of great importance in the formation of personality. It is from this age, when a direct interest in another child begins to appear, that there is a desire to attract the attention of a peer, to interest him in himself, you need to teach children to communicate with each other.

An invaluable service in this will be communicative games for young children. These games teach a friendly attitude towards each other, the manifestation of love and respect for others, the expression of sympathy, care and compassion.

Consider a few games aimed at developing communication skills in children:

  • Game "Affectionate name". Children stand in a circle, in the center of which each of them goes in turn. The rest of the children, with the help of the teacher, name variants of the affectionate name of the child in the center of the circle;
  • The game "Who came to visit us?", Contributes to the formation of self-esteem in children, the development of a friendly attitude towards other children. An adult agrees with two or three children about what animals they will portray, then they take turns entering the circle, the rest of the children must guess which animal came to visit them;
  • "The Little Dragon Catches Its Tail" is a great communication game for kids. It helps bring the group together. Children become a "train", holding on to the belt in front of the one standing. To the sound of music, the first participant (dragon head) tries to catch the last one (dragon tail), the rest hold tightly to each other;
  • The game "The bird's wing hurts" forms love for others in children. One child portrays a sick bird, he is sad, lies down on the rug, the rest of the children, following the example of the teacher, take turns trying to console her, support her with affectionate words;
  • The game "Who will wake you up better" contributes to the manifestation of their feelings. One child depicts a sleeping cat, the rest of the children try to wake her up with various affectionate and gentle words and touches. At the end of the game, the children decide whose way of waking up the kitty was the best;
  • The Animal Piano communicative game for children develops the ability to cooperate. Children squat in a row, an adult distributes cards with the image of various animals and, then, touching the head of each child, depicts playing the piano. At the same time, children reproduce the voices of the animals depicted on the cards.

Communication games for preschool children

Preschool age is considered to be between 3 and 7 years of age. At this stage, the child develops a desire for independence, initiative, develops self-esteem. Perception becomes purposeful, meaningful, and the information received is analyzed.

At this age, the child needs more and more interaction with their peers. Communication is an important condition for the mental development of a preschooler. It has a direct impact on all the most important activities in the future: study, work, social orientation, etc. And in order for the preschooler to be better adapted to life in the social sphere, to be able to realize himself, he could always make friends and find a common language with anyone person, it is necessary to develop his communication skills through special training.

The development of constructive communication skills, the ability to clearly and correctly formulate one's thoughts and feelings, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, the ability to resolve conflict situations - all this a child can get in the process of communicative games for preschool children.

Below are some of the games that develop communication skills:

Thus, we can conclude that communicative games for children have a powerful educational and educational effect. They allow children to get closer, teach them to show care, empathy and attention to their peers, form a positive attitude towards themselves and other children in children, and increase self-confidence.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Teacher-psychologist: Parfenova Natalya Vladimirovna

Communication Skills

It is advisable to dwell briefly on the specifics of the child's communicative development.

Research has shown that a child's desire to connect with other people is innate; communication ability is written in his genetic code. Scientists have come to a startling conclusion: a child already at birth knows that he is a person and that all people are his friends.

This information inspires optimism: if the communicative ability turns out to be innate, then in cases where it is difficult for a child to deploy a communicative program on his own, it may not be about the formation of a new ability, but about its development, which, in fact, is a “generic” human property.

At preschool age, one of the most important "acquisitions" of the child in his communicative development takes place - the circle of communication expands. In addition to the world of adults, a preschooler "discovers" the world of peers for himself. He discovers that the other children are "just like him". What happens, as psychologists say, is self-identification with peers (“he is the same as me”), which radically changes the attitude towards both a peer and oneself. If at an early age the child existed “next to” in parallel with a peer, then at preschool age they fall into a common communicative space.

Communication needs of a person can be satisfied in various ways. Among them, the most important are:

- gestural,

- mimic,

- speech,

- intonation.

By the senior preschool age, the word becomes the leading means of communication.

The role of play in the development of children's communication

Well-known psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev and others) wrote about the game as a leading activity in preschool age, due to which significant changes occur in the child’s psyche, qualities that are formed and improved. prepare the transition of children to a new, school activity. And they emphasized that the child in the game from the elements taken from the surrounding life, creates a new creative construction, an image that belongs to him.

Any game provides for the presence of three components: action, knowledge and communication.

The actions of the child with objects in the game are of a transformative nature. The child in the game is a tireless researcher: he learns the properties and qualities of real objects, ways of acting with them, and depending on the idea of ​​the game, on the development of the plot, he "melts" life material, replaces some objects with others, combines knowledge, intertwining reality with fiction, fantasy . The acquisition of knowledge about the world around us, methods of action with objects is carried out, of course, in the classroom. The game, on the other hand, is an indicator of how the child has mastered this knowledge, how interesting, fascinating he transforms the information received in connection with what he has learned.

The most difficult and important thing in the game is communication: how to promote the unification of children, how to teach them to distribute roles, to reckon with their comrades, to bring their plans to the end.

At preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. Each preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the whole huge and wonderful world around him with joy and satisfaction. He strives for vigorous activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, to promote its further development. The fuller and more varied the children's activity, the more it is significant for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is, the potential opportunities and the first creative manifestations are realized.

The closest and most natural activities for a child are play, communication with adults and peers, artistic and theatrical activities, etc.

It is in these types of activities that the child experiences intensive intellectual, emotional and personal development, the ability for logical thinking and self-control, creative imagination, arbitrariness of behavior, which constitutes the most important basis for the beginning of systematic education at school.

By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

In human practice, gaming activity performs the following functions:

- entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, deliver contentment, inspire, arouse interest);

- communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;

- game therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life;

- diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

- correctional: making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators;

- social: inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human society.

The period of preschool childhood is the most favorable for the formation of the necessary mental functions and socially significant personality traits. It is at this time that the prerequisites for the future educational activity of the child are laid, and the active development of his cognitive abilities takes place.

Communication games


Target. Develop communication skills, energize children.

The game is played in a circle. Participants choose a driver - he takes his chair out of the circle. It turns out that there are one fewer chairs than those who play. Further, the leader says: “Those who have ... (blonde hair, watches, etc.) change places.” After that, those with the named sign quickly get up and change places, and the driver tries to take an empty seat. The participant in the game, left without a chair, becomes the driver.

"Bridge of Friendship"

The instructor asks the children to form pairs, come up with and show some kind of bridge (using arms, legs, torso). For example, touching heads or palms. Then he asks which of the children would like to build a bridge with three, four, etc., as long as there are willing ones. The exercise ends with the fact that everyone joins hands, raises them up, depicting the "Bridge of Friendship".


Target. Develop voluntary attention, speed of reaction, form the ability to control your body and follow instructions.

All players walk in a circle holding hands. At the signal of the leader (the sound of a bell, rattles, clapping hands, some word) they stop, clap their hands four times, turn around and go in the other direction. Those who do not have time to complete the task are eliminated from the game. The game can be played to music or to a group song. In this case, the children should clap their hands when they hear a certain (specified in advance) word of the song.

"Listen to the command"

Target. Develop attention, arbitrariness of behavior.

The music is calm but not too slow. Children walk in a column one after another. Suddenly the music stops. Everyone stops, listens to the leader’s whispered command (for example: “Put your right hand on the neighbor’s shoulder”) and immediately execute it. Then the music plays again and everyone continues walking. Commands are given only to perform calm movements. The game is played as long as the group is able to both listen well and complete the task.

The game will help the educator to change the rhythm of the actions of the naughty children, and the children to calm down and easily switch to another, calmer type of activity.

"Movement prohibited"

Target. To teach games with clear rules that organize, discipline, unite, develop responsiveness and cause emotional uplift.

Children stand facing the leader. To the music, with the beginning of each measure, they repeat the movements that the leader shows. Then a move is selected that cannot be performed. Anyone who breaks this ban is out of the game. Instead of showing movement, you can call numbers out loud. The participants in the game repeat all the numbers in chorus, except for one forbidden one, for example, the number 5. When the children hear it, they will have to clap their hands (or spin in place).


Children sit in a circle. Each participant says to the neighbor on the right (or left) a phrase that begins with the words: "I like you ...". The exercise helps the child to see his positive sides and feel that he is accepted by other children.

"Let's say hello"

Target. Relieve muscle tension, develop the ability to switch attention.

At the signal of the leader, the children begin to randomly move around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way (perhaps one of the children will want to say hello to someone who usually does not pay attention to him). It is necessary to greet in a certain way: one clap - we shake hands; two - we greet with shoulders; three claps - we greet with our backs.

A variety of tactile sensations accompanying this game will allow the child to feel his body, relieve muscle tension. Changing partners in the game helps to get rid of the feeling of alienation. For completeness of tactile sensations, it is desirable to introduce a ban on conversations during this game.


Children sit on the carpet around the "bonfire" and follow the instructor's appropriate command. At the command (verbal instruction) “hot”, the children should move away from the “fire”, at the command “hands are frozen” - stretch their hands to the “fire”, at the command “oh, what a big fire” - stand up and wave their hands, at the command “sparks flew" - clap your hands, at the command "the fire brought friendship and fun" - hold hands and walk around the "bonfire". The game is then played with the lead child.


Children break into pairs, press their palms to each other and thus move around the room, in which various obstacles can be installed. Each pair must overcome them without separating the palms.

"A World Without You"

This exercise allows each child to realize their own importance in the world, among people. Children form a circle, in the center of which one child is placed - words-compliments will be intended for him. All the children continue the phrase started by the psychologist: “The world would be uninteresting without you, because you…”

"Recognize by voice"

Children become in a circle, in the middle of which the driver enters. He is blindfolded. The players walk in a circle after the psychologist, repeating his movements (gymnastic or dance), then stop and say:

We played a little

Now we are in a circle.

You solve the riddle

Who called you - find out!

The psychologist silently points to one of the players, who exclaims: "Find out who I am!" The driver must say his name. If he guessed correctly, the recognized one becomes the driver, if he made a mistake, the game is repeated. When the guys begin to distinguish the voices of their comrades, you can allow them to change their voice to complicate the game.

"Blind Dance"

Purpose: Development of trust in each other, removal of excessive muscle tension.

"Locomotive with a name"

Children sit on chairs located near the wall in one row. The child who will be the first to portray a train is chosen using a rhyme.

“The train sets off” - the child gets up from the chair and slowly runs in a circle, alternately working with his arms bent at the elbows and saying “Choo-choo-choo.” Having made a circle, the "engine" stops near one of the children and says his name.

The named child becomes a “train” and stands in front, and the first child becomes a “trailer”. Now the two of them “ride” in a circle with the words “Goo-goo-goo”. And "approaching" the children choose a new "engine".

The game ends when the last child has drawn


"Affectionate chalk"

Purpose: The game helps to relieve muscle clamps. Development of tactile sensations.

Content: An adult tells the child the following: “You and I will draw on each other's backs. What do you want me to draw now? Sun? Good". And with a soft touch of the fingers depicts the contour of the sun. "It seems? And how would you draw on my back or arm? “Do you want me to draw the sun for you with a “gentle” crayon? And an adult draws barely touching the surface of the body. “Do you like it when I draw like that? Do you want a squirrel or a fox to draw the sun with its “affectionate” tail now? And if you want, I'll draw another sun or moon. Or something else?". After the end of the game, the adult erases everything that he has drawn with gentle hand movements, while lightly massaging the back or other part of the body.

"Siamese twins"

Purpose: To teach children flexibility in communicating with each other, to promote the emergence of trust between them.

Content: Tell the children the following: “Pair up, stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other with one hand on the belt, put your right foot next to your partner’s left foot. Now you are fused twins: two heads, three legs, one body, and two arms. Try to walk around the room, do something, lie down, stand up, draw, jump, clap your hands, etc.”

"Gardeners and Flowers"

Purpose: Development of friendly relations.

Content: The group is divided into two subgroups, and the teacher explains the content of the game: “If the flowers that are in your group are not watered for a long time, they will wither. But today we will go to an unusual garden, where flowers grow that do not need water. They fade if they do not hear kind and affectionate words about themselves for a long time. Let one group be flowers that have withered because they have not been watered for a long time with kind words, and the other group be gardeners who were called to help dying flowers. Gardeners should walk around the garden and address each flower with affectionate words, and then the flowers will gradually come to life and bloom. Then we'll switch roles."

"Vacuum cleaner and dust particles"

To the music, children - dust particles perform an impromptu dance (circle, etc.). With the end of the music, they sit down on the carpet. Under the 2nd part of the music, a child “leaves” - a vacuum cleaner. He touches the "mote" and she joins him, so he goes around all the children until he collects all the motes.

The value of the game lies in the fact that it allows children to create various forms of communication. Any game is a certain situation with its plot, conflict and actors. The situation of the game is a reflection of the situation of real life. Through role-playing, theatrical, outdoor and other games, the child's communication skills and qualities are formed: the ability to recognize the emotions of others and control their feelings, a positive attitude towards other people, the ability to empathize. The ability to express one's needs and feelings through verbal and non-verbal means, to interact and cooperate in a team is also developing.

Without the use of gaming technologies, the work of a psychologist in a kindergarten is unthinkable. Play for a preschooler is a symbolic language for self-expression. By observing how a child manipulates toys, he can see how he relates to himself, to significant adults, to his peers, to events in his life, etc.

Game technologies in the work of a psychologist are used to:

  • diagnostics
  • provision of primary psychological assistance
  • implementation of correctional and developmental work (both individual and group).

During the game, the child begins to better understand his feelings, develops the ability to make his own decisions, increases self-esteem, communication skills.

The specified properties of children's play make it in the hands of an experienced psychologist an effective means of psychological assistance to the child and allow solving several different tasks at the same time: relieving psycho-emotional stress, providing psychological relief for children, providing them with information on a developmental and educational plan, encouraging them to activate independent cognitive activity, diagnostic and corrective measures, etc.

In addition, in a play group, children have a need to regulate relationships with peers, and norms of moral behavior are formed. In the game, children are active, they creatively transform what they perceived earlier, they are freer and better control their behavior. Thus, role-playing has a great influence on the formation of a child's personality.


  1. Zaitseva O.Yu. Psychological foundations of the game activity of a preschooler: Proc. Allowance / O.Yu.Zaitseva. - 2nd ed. - Irkutsk: GOU VPO "VSGAO", 2010. - 248 p.
  2. Andreeva A.D. Features of the game motivation of modern preschoolers // Psychologist in kindergarten. 2008. No. 3. S.29-41.
  3. Gutkina N.I. Methodological and psychological principles for constructing the main (exemplary) developing educational program for preschool educational institutions // Psychologist in kindergarten. 2008. No. 4. S.3-22.
  4. Smirnova E.O., Ryabkova I.A. Games with rules // Psychologist in kindergarten. 2011. №1. pp.19-26.
  5. Zaporozhets N. A. Emotional development of a preschooler - M .: 1985



Purpose of the game: to develop attention, physical endurance, coordination of movements, purposefulness.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a long and strong rope, 2 toys, cheerful music.

This game can be played by 2 players. It is a variation on a famous fable. Participants are tied to each other with a rope by the belt. In this case, they are located back to back. At a distance of a meter from them, you need to put a toy or any other object. At the command of the facilitator, the participants must get the toy. Each of them needs to pull the opponent to their side. The game ends when one of the participants gets their toy.


The purpose of the game: to develop attention, memory, communication and analytical skills, observation.

Materials and visual aids needed: A slightly sheer curtain.

All participants close their eyes, and the leader chooses one of them and puts him behind the curtain. Then everyone opens their eyes and the facilitator explains the task. The guys should find out who is behind the curtain (or just analyze who is missing among them). Then they must remember as many of his features as possible (the color of his eyes, what he is wearing, what kind of hair he has, etc.), i.e., they must give as accurate a portrait of him as possible. When the guys have expressed all their assumptions, the player hidden behind the curtain can go out, and everyone else can see how languid their description was.

If the participants in the game are very young, then the rules of the game can be explained before they close their eyes. So they can already purposefully analyze each other's appearance and remember much more distinctive qualities.


The purpose of the game: to develop communication skills, coordination, attention, observation.

Necessary materials and visual aids: cheerful music.

This game is played by at least 6 people. More players are welcome.

All participants should stand one behind the other and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The player who will be the first will be guiding and leading. The guys should watch the driver and follow strictly in his footsteps. With the help of music, you can speed up and slow down the movement. If the guys cope with this task, it can be complicated. The leader can show not only the direction, but also some intricate movements. For example, moving on one leg, moving in the rhythm of a lambada (music will help with this), some kind of hand manipulation, etc. Those participants who have not completed the task are eliminated from the chain.


Purpose of the game: to develop communication skills, attention.

Necessary materials and visual aids: blank sheets of paper, pencil.

This game is designed to last. It can last a whole evening, a day or several days. It can also be combined with other games. Adults can even take an active part in it. Before starting the game, you need to write down the names of all participants on separate pieces of paper. Nearby you need to sign the role that the person who pulled out this piece of paper will play in relation to the one who is indicated on it. It can be a lover, a friend, a mother. Then all participants must draw out the name of a secret friend. At the same time, his name cannot be voiced, since no one else should know this yet. After that, each participant in the game in relation to the friend designated for him must behave in such a way that he can guess what role he is playing. Moreover, you need to monitor your behavior throughout the game.


Purpose of the game: to develop communication skills, attention, coordination, analytical skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: chairs for each participant, except for one.

This game is suitable for initial acquaintance. It helps to establish contact between children, contributes to the emergence of an informal atmosphere.

All participants, except for one (he will be the first driver), must sit on chairs. At this time, the facilitator should name some sign that is common to all (or some) of the participants. This can be hair color, gender, wardrobe details, etc. After he calls him, those participants to whom the named definition applies should change places. At the same time, the goal of the leader is to have time to take a chair himself. The participant who did not have time to sit on a chair becomes the new driver. He must name a new quality that can unite several participants. Now, on command, they should change places.

It is important for the presenter to make the message suddenly, in order to have time to take the place himself.


The purpose of the game: to develop communication, artistic skills, attention. The game promotes communication and mutual understanding of children.

Necessary materials and visual aids: quiet, but cheerful music.

At the beginning of the game, roles are distributed among the participants. These can be certain animals (a birthday hare, a fox deceiver, a protector bear, etc.), characteristic fairy-tale characters (Dunno, Malvina, Pinocchio, Znayka, Barmaley). You can even just give names that reflect their positive and negative human qualities (good, evil, sociable, etc.).

When the roles are distributed, it is necessary to explain in detail to the guys that they must behave throughout the game as their character would behave in this situation. If a girl plays the role of Malvina, she, like her heroine, should be hospitable and friendly throughout the game (it would be better if a modest and inconspicuous girl gets such a role). If a boy plays the role of Pinocchio, then he should ask everyone questions, be a little intrusive. Similarly, it is necessary to disassemble and analyze all the roles.

You need to distribute the roles of those characters that are familiar to the guys. It is desirable that they be the complete opposite of the nature of the child. The leader must observe the game, and if one of the guys does not succeed in the role, it must be analyzed or changed again.

There are no winners and losers in this game. It is ideal for the holidays, it can be used as a first introduction.

Games aimed at developing communication skills

Story in a circle

Purpose: to develop the ability to enter into the process of communication and navigate in partners and communication situations.

This game is easy to organize, because it does not require special training. However, it is very effective for the development of children's speech skills, their imagination, fantasies, the ability to quickly navigate in partners and unknown situations of communication.

Children sit in a circle. The teacher begins the story: “Today is a day off and ...” the next child picks him up. The story continues in circles.

magic algae

Purpose: removal of bodily barriers, to develop the ability to achieve goals in acceptable ways of communication.

Each participant (in turn) tries to penetrate the circle formed by the children. Algae understand human speech and feel touch and can relax and let the circle pass, or they may not miss it if they are badly asked.

polite words

Purpose: development of respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw the ball to each other, calling polite words. Name only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, glad to meet you); thanks (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); farewell (goodbye, goodbye, good night).

Joke dialogue

Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize and creatively perform various expressive intonations.

The teacher offers to play a dialogue: he reads all the questions (strict intonation), and the children repeat the word “forgot” in chorus (tearful intonation).

Where did you live?

Where was?

What did you drink?

The game can be varied.

1. Girls ask questions and boys answer and vice versa. At the same time, different intonations are offered.

2. Questions are asked in chorus by children, and one child answers.

1. Your shoulders say, "I'm proud."

2. Your back says: "I'm an old man."

3. Your finger says, "Come here."

4. Your head says, “No.”

5. Your mouth says: “Mmm. I love this cookie."

Situation Games

Purpose: to develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express one's thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are encouraged to act out a series of situations

1. Two boys quarreled - reconcile them.

2. You really want to play the same toy as one of the guys in your group - ask him.

3. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - have pity on him.

4. You offended your friend very much - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.

5. You came to a new group - meet the children and tell us about yourself.

6. You have lost your car - go up to the children and ask if they have seen it.

7. You came to the library - ask the librarian for the book you are interested in.

8. The guys are playing an interesting game - ask the guys to accept you. What will you do if they don't want to accept you?

9. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share it with him.

10. The child is crying - soothe him.

11. You can't tie your shoelace - ask a friend to help you.

12. Guests came to you - introduce them to your parents, show them your room and your toys.

13. You came from a walk hungry - what do you say to your mother or grandmother.

14. Children have breakfast. Vitya took a piece of bread and rolled it into a ball. Looking around so that no one would notice, he threw and hit Fedya in the eye. Fedya clutched his eye and cried out. - What can you say about the behavior of Vitya? How should bread be handled? Is it possible to say that Vitya was joking?


Purpose: to develop the ability to thank a comrade, express congratulations, determine the opinion and attitude of comrades in communication.

Children are invited to act out the situation of celebrating the birthday of one of their comrades. Since it is customary to give gifts on a birthday, the teacher tells the children that each of them can give the birthday boy something that could truly please him and, one way or another, characterize the author of the gift. A “birthday boy” is chosen, he is given the task of guessing the author of the gift.

Then the "birthday boy" goes out the door. The rest of the guys tell the teacher about what “gift” each of them will “give” to the birthday boy. The teacher makes a list of "gifts". The birthday boy enters. The teacher calls the first one from the list of gifts and asks the “birthday boy” who can give it. Next, all the gifts are named in turn.

Press conference

Purpose: to develop the ability to politely answer the questions of interlocutors, briefly and correctly formulate the answer; develop speech skills.

All children of the group participate in a press conference on any topic (for example: “Your day off”, “Excursion to the zoo”, “Friend's birthday”, “At the circus”, etc.). One of the participants in the press conference “guest” (the one who will be asked all the questions) sits in the center and answers any questions from the children.

At the King's Ball

Purpose: to develop the ability to express greetings, requests, invitations; learn to correlate the means of verbal and non-verbal communication.

Children "arrive" in the fairy kingdom and get to the ball to the king. They must come up with masquerade costumes and talk about them. The rest of the guests must guess the costume invented by the child.

The best

Purpose: to develop the ability to act in accordance with a given goal, to select verbal and non-verbal means to enhance communicative impact, to evaluate the communicative skills of a peer.

Children are invited to compete for the best clown, best friend, king (queen) of courtesy, animal advocate. The title is assigned based on the results of playing situations:

make the princess laugh;

ask the guys for a toy;

persuade mom to go to the circus;

make peace with a friend;

ask the guys to take you into the game;

make the guys laugh;

tell us about a puppy living on the street in such a way that you would like to take him home.

call a friend

Purpose: To develop the ability to enter into the process of communication and navigate in partners and communication situations.

Game rule: the message must be good, the caller must follow all the rules of the “telephone conversation”.

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. The driver stands with his eyes closed with his arm outstretched. Children move in a circle with the words:

Call me

And tell me what you want.

Maybe a true story, maybe a fairy tale

You can a word, you can two -

Only to no hint

Understood all your words.

To whom the hand of the driver will show, he must “call” him and send a message. The driver can ask clarifying questions.


Purpose: to develop the ability to use non-verbal means of communication.

The “sorcerer” bewitches children so that they “lose” the ability to speak. The child answers all questions with gestures. With the help of questions, he tries to tell the story of how he was bewitched. With his index finger, he shows the direction and objects, the size and shape of objects, using gestures characterizing them, shows the mood of the wizard and his mood at the moment of witchcraft. Children tell in words what he shows.

Draw a proverb

Purpose: to develop the ability to use non-verbal means of communication.

Children are invited to depict any proverb with the help of gestures, facial expressions:

“The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you won’t catch it”

“Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are”

“There is no friend - look for it, but if you find it - take care”

“As it comes around, it will respond”

We control the robot

Purpose: to develop the ability to select appropriate verbal means (ethical formulas) for various situations of communication.

The child is called - "robot". The children take turns giving him tasks. The robot follows the instructions. For example: “Robot, ask permission to play”, “Robot, apologize to a friend”, “Robot, learn how to find your way”. Various situations are offered: promise, advice, apology, offer, consent, request, gratitude, concession.

The game "Creating a miracle"

Purpose: development of communication skills, empathic abilities.

Necessary devices: "magic wands" - pencils, twigs or any other object.

Description of the game: children are divided into pairs, one of them has a "magic wand" in his hands. Touching his partner, he asks him: “How can I help you? What can I do for you?". He replies: “Sing (dance, tell something funny, jump rope),” or offers to do something good later (time and place are negotiated).

Comment: egocentrism is one of the characterological features of preschool children. They do not tend to worry much about the feelings of another. Therefore, the development of empathy and decentration, the ability to understand the feelings of another, to sympathize with him is one of the main tasks in the education of preschoolers.

Zoo game

Purpose: development of communication skills, the ability to recognize the language of facial expressions and gestures, the removal of bodily clamps.

Description of the game: it is more interesting to play in teams. One team depicts different animals, copying their habits, postures, gait. The second team - the audience - they walk around the "menagerie", "photograph" the animals, praise them and guess the name. When all the animals are guessed, the teams switch roles.

Commentary: children should be encouraged to pass on the habits of this or that animal, and also endow it with any character traits at will.

Game on the bridge

Purpose: development of communication skills, motor dexterity.

Description of the game: an adult invites children to go over the bridge across the abyss. To do this, a bridge is drawn on the floor or on the ground - a strip 30-40 cm wide. According to the condition, two people must walk along the "bridge" towards each other at the same time, otherwise it will turn over. It is also important not to cross the line, otherwise the player is considered to have fallen into the abyss and is out of the game. The second player also drops out with him (because when he was left alone, the bridge turned over). While two children are walking along the “bridge”, the rest are actively “cheering” for them.

Commentary: having started the game, the children must agree on the pace of movement, monitor synchronism, and when they meet in the middle of the bridge, carefully change places and reach the end.

Game "Touch..."

Purpose: development of communication skills, the ability to ask, the removal of bodily clamps.

Required equipment: toys.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, put toys in the center. The host says: “touch ... (eyes, wheels, right leg, tail, etc.)” - Whoever did not find the necessary item - leads.

Commentary: there should be less toys than children. If children's communication skills are poorly developed, conflicts may develop in the initial stages of the game. But in the future, with the systematic conduct of conversations and discussion of problematic situations with moral content, with the inclusion of this and similar games, children will learn to share, find a common language.

The game "Calls"

Purpose: development of communication skills, removal of negative emotions.

Required equipment: ball.

Description of the game: children are invited, passing the ball to each other, to call each other not offensive words, for example, the names of vegetables or fruits, while it is imperative to name the person to whom the ball is being passed: “And you, Leshka - potatoes”, “And you, Irishka - radish”, “And you, Vovka, are carrots”, etc. Be sure to warn the children that you can’t be offended by these name-calling, because this is a game. It is imperative to end the game with good words: “And you, Marinka - a picture”, “And you, Antoshka - the sun”, etc.

You need to pass the ball quickly, you can’t think for a long time.

MADOU "Kindergarten - No. 371" City of Perm

The process of adaptation of a child in a preschool educational institution has been and remains an urgent problem for teachers and parents. It is important for parents that the baby quickly and painlessly get used to kindergarten, while educators are interested in resolving the contradictions between the child’s capabilities and the new environment for him to serve as a source for the further development of children, a factor in acquiring new social experience.

The first positive relationships with peers are formed during the game. It is connected with the emergence of interest in the games of other children, the desire to get involved in the game, the first joint games, the ability to reckon with the interests of others. The more diverse, more interesting the games of kids, the richer and wider the world around them becomes, the brighter and more joyful life is.

When kids are lonely in a new unusual environment, it is games with peers under the able guidance of an adult that can brighten up the first time in kindergarten.

First, these are games for children to get to know each other: "Bell" , "Echo?" , "Whose voice?" other)

Then it is recommended to use the simplest games in which pupils act simultaneously and in the same way. The commonality of movements and playing interests enhances joyful experiences and emotional upsurge. In addition, children learn to coordinate their actions with each other and focus on the spatial conditions of movements. (games "Ribbon" , "Dwarf and House" , "Funny hands" , "Big feet" , "Carousels" , "Catch-Catch" , "Firework" , "We chop cabbage" ) .

Then it is possible to use more complex games in which you need to act in turns, in small groups. "I'm walking down the hill" , "Curl, cabbage" , "Snake" , "Ball Passing" , "Locomotive" . These games lay the foundation for children's independence and friendships.

Thus, the use of communicative games during the period of adaptation to the preschool educational institution is invaluable for creating a cheerful mood for kids and a good relationship with each other.

The game "Bell"

Let's greet each other with a bell. Children, calling the name of a neighbor in an affectionate form, pass each other a bell. For instance:

Hello, Nastenka! Ding dong dong!

Hello Sashenka! Ding dong dong! (and so on until the bell goes around the whole circle).

Game - greeting

Meeting children with a glove puppet (put on the hand of the teacher)

Who's come? The lady has arrived!

Oh, how good Zhenya I love,

I'll look at Zhenechka, I'll look at a good one! Hello Zhenechka!

Greeting Echo"

Each child pronounces and slams his name, and all the other children, like an echo, repeat it.


A sparrow walked on the roof,

Gathered my friends

Many, many, many of us

Tanechki will get up (Vanechki, etc.) now…

The game "Ribbon"

Purpose: development of communication skills; creative abilities.

Purpose for the child: to dance with a partner.

Didactic activities: children sit on chairs. A child with a ribbon in his hands walks in front of them and sings to the tune of a Russian folk song "Like ours at the gate" :

I walk in circles

And I'll show everyone the tape.

Sachet (Light, Masha ...) I'll tie a ribbon.

And I’ll invite you to a dance (he ties or throws a ribbon around the neck of the chosen child, brings him to the center, dances with him, the rest clap.

The game "Dwarf and House"

The goal for the child: memorize the text, perform movements at a general pace.

Didactic actions: children, standing in a circle, together with the teacher pronounce the words and show the corresponding movements.

Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf.

He built ... a house in the forest.

A smaller dwarf lived nearby.

He built ... a house in the forest.

The game "Funny hands"

Purpose: development of communication skills, attention.

The goal for the child is to pronounce the text and act on the words.

Didactic actions: the children stand facing in a circle, their hands are stretched forward with their palms up, the leader walks in a circle and slaps his hands on the palms of the children.

Funny palms

Run along the path

And they ran to the guys, right? (on word "Yes" the child who had the palms of the leader becomes the leader, now two children walk in the middle of the circle and spank the palms of the children ... - so until the last child).

The game "We chop cabbage..."

Purpose: team building, removal of bodily clamps.

Didactic actions: (children stand in a circle one after another)

We chop cabbage, chop (children tap on the back of the child in front of them with the edge of their palms)

We three carrots, three (cams "tinder" back of the child in front)

We salt cabbage, salt (fingers tap the back of the person in front)

We press cabbage, press ("press" hands behind the person in front)

Then all the children turn in the circle in the opposite direction, and the game is repeated.

The game "We lived under a cheerful roof"

Purpose: development of cooperation skills, overcoming tactile barriers.

The goal for the child: remember the text, repeat actions and words after the leader.

Didactic actions: the leader is chosen, he holds his hand palm down ("roof" ) . Children stick their fingers ("mouse tails" ) under the palm of the child and pronounce the text:

Under a cheerful roof

Lived - there were mice.

The host pinches the fingers of those children who did not have time to remove their finger with their palm ("cat caught" )

The game "A goat was walking through the forest..."

Purpose: development of empathy, communication skills.

Purpose for the child: repeat words, movements after the leader.

Didactic actions: children repeat words, movements after the leader:

A goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest (children jump in jumps along different paths, find a friend for themselves, hold hands "boat" .

Come on, goat, let's jump, let's jump (jump).

Legs kick up, kick up (throw legs forward).

Let's clap our hands, clap our hands (clapping),

Let's stomp our feet, we'll stomp (stomp)

The game "Firework"

Goal: relieve stress, create positive emotions.

The goal for the child is to express himself and get attention.

Didactic activities: children choose material for themselves (colored paper, napkins), within a few minutes, tear it into small pieces (or use scissors) preparing material for fireworks. Then, having heard his name, he tosses his pieces - depicts his salute, the rest clap for him.

The game "Snake"

Purpose: to develop the ability to act in concert.

Goal for the child: to hold out as long as possible in "snake" without disengaging hands.

Didactic actions: choose a driver, he stands at the head "snakes" , which is formed by the players, becoming in a row facing in one direction. The driver runs, making turns and twisting "snake" . Those who last the longest win "snake" .

The game "Play the tambourine"

Purpose: development of the ability to concentrate attention, a sense of rhythm.

Goal for the child: hit the tambourine when the turn comes.

Didactic actions: children sit on chairs, the teacher with a tambourine, singing, walks in a circle, letting them take turns hitting the tambourine:

Clap, clap, clap!

More fun clap, clap!

Hit the tambourine clearly

If you want - play! (gives the tambourine to the child in front of whom he stopped. The child plays, shaking it, the rest of the children clap).

The game "Curl, cabbage"

Purpose: to develop the ability to work in a team.

Purpose for the child: repeat words, movements after the leader.

Didactic activities: children stand in a circle, holding hands.

Curl, cabbage

Curl big.

Become like this, like this tight (children follow the leader, he twists them clockwise - "curls cabbage" ) .

Develop, cabbage, develop big.

Be like this (the last child becomes the leader and leads the children in the opposite direction ( "develops cabbage" ) ; should be a big circle.

The game "I'm walking down the hill"

Purpose: to develop the ability to coordinate their actions.

Purpose for the child: to work together.

Didactic actions:

I'm walking up the hill (children walk at a calm pace along different paths)

I will find a dear friend (find, stop in front of him)

Here you (clap their hands on the palms of a friend 2 times).

Here I am (point to themselves and clap hands 2 times).

Here is my company (take each other under right arms and spin)

The game "Beads of Friendship"

Purpose: the formation of a positive attitude towards peers.

Goal for the child: take the hand, form a circle of friends.

Didactic actions: the child puts beads on his neck, says the text:

Often I wear beads

From beads and from stones.

And today I will collect

Beads from your friends (takes his hand, gathers his friends, they form a circle)

Look, here are

Beads of friendship turned out (lead a round dance)

A variant of the game with complication: the selected children slam their names.

The game "Locomotive" ("a train" )

Purpose: development of skills of collective interaction.

Goal for the child: "wagons" the train should not be uncoupled.

Game actions: children line up in a column, holding each other by the waist, move forward slowly at first, then faster, making a sound "choo-choo-choo" . Gradually slow down and stop.

Option with complication: a) "a train" makes stops along the way (children go for a walk: pick flowers, berries, mushrooms, cones; when they hear the beep, they run to their place (you need to remember it); b) "a train" rides on the bridge (drawn lines, laid cords, boards, gymnastic bench (if a bench is used - children move without traction).

v) "Gift Train" :

The ship has arrived!

What did he bring with him?

He is tired, he is deaf and dumb, he brought a trailer ...

With stompers (stomp)

with crackers (clapping)

With flashing lights (blink eyes)

With smiles (smile)

With chants (shouting)

With hugs (hugs)

And the trailer ... with silence (silence)

The game "Jolly Train"

Purpose: unity of the children's team.

Goal for the child: say a kind word to yourself, overcome "obstacles" without disengaging hands.

Didactic actions: the leader is chosen ("locomotive" ) , children - "wagons" . "Locomotive" one by one drives up to each, gets acquainted with him (when calling his name, the child comes up with one good word for himself).

I am Lena, a cheerful little train, and who are you?

And I'm a beautiful train Sasha.


So they collect everything "wagons" .

Complication: in this position, various obstacles are overcome: "moved over the mountains" - get up and get off the bench

"entered the tunnel" - crawl with a table

"we make our way through the dense forest"

“Quietly quietly drove through the enchanted forest” - so as not to fall into the clutches of wild animals ... At the end of the teacher's summary: “The locomotive, the wagons were very attentive, took care of each other, so no one got lost along the way”

The game "Find yourself a mate"

Purpose: development of auditory attention, skills "join" to another child.

Goal for the child: find a mate (by flag color).

Didactic activities: the teacher distributes colored flags to the children (there should be 2 flags of the same color). Each child receives one flag. At the signal of the teacher (beat on a tambourine, clap, whistle ...) The children run around the group. On another signal (two beats on a tambourine, two beeps or words "find a mate" ) children with the same flags stand next to each other (children should keep their flags up).

The game "Find Your Color"

Purpose: group cohesion, development of the ability to act in concert.

Goal for the child: find their group according to the color of the flag.

Didactic actions: the child receives a flag of a certain color, finds his group by the color of the flag, grouped by 4-6 people in the corners of the group. The teacher puts a colored flag on a stand in each corner. On signal "Go for a walk" - children disperse in a group, on a signal " "Find Your Color" - children run to the flag of the corresponding color.

A variant of the game with complication: each group dances around its flag.

The game "Together let's jump over the stream"

Purpose: development of the ability to act in concert, unity of the children's group.

Goal for the child: jump over "streamlet" without disengaging hands.

Didactic actions: drawn with chalk, laid out with cords "streamlet" narrow at one end, and then wider and wider (from 10 to 40 cm). Children are invited, holding hands, to jump over "streamlet" first where it is narrow, and then where it is wider, and finally where it is widest.

The game "Presents"

Purpose: group cohesion; children have a chance to express themselves.

"toy" .

Didactic actions: the leader is chosen, the children stand in a round dance, go in a circle to the right side and say:

We brought gifts to everyone

Whoever wants it will take it.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, top and plane.

With the end of the words, the children stop, and the one standing in the circle calls which of the listed gifts he wants to receive. If he calls the horse, the children depict how the horse is galloping: they run in a circle one after another, raising their legs high, arms forward, the body is slightly tilted back; if a doll, they dance in place facing the center of the circle to any dance tune; if a top - they spin in place, then sit down, slightly leaning to one side, like a top; if an airplane, they imitate the flight and landing of an airplane: spreading their arms to the sides, they run smoothly one after another in a circle; at the signal of the teacher "Stop" - slow down and squat down with a smooth movement. Depicting this or that toy, children say the corresponding words:

Our horse gallops, choke, choke, choke,

The sound of fast feet is heard.

Doll, doll, dance

Wave the red ribbon.

This is how the top spins

He buzzed and lay down on his side.

The plane is flying, flying

A brave pilot sits in it.

A child standing in a circle chooses a toy - one of the participants in the game. The one chosen goes to the middle of the circle, the game is repeated.

The game "Ball Passing"

Purpose: development of the muscles of the hand and fingers, the ability to act in concert.

The goal for the child is to pass the ball without dropping it.

Didactic actions: children stand in a circle, the teacher passes one ball to the children, then another.

The game "Inflate, Bubble"

Purpose: development of a sense of cohesion, development of attention.

The goal for the child is to act in concert in accordance with the text of the game.

Didactic actions: children stand in a circle very closely - this "blown bubble" . Then they inflate it: they blow into the fists, placed one on top of the other, as if into a pipe. Take a step back after each exhalation "bubble" increases; after taking a few breaths, everyone joins hands and walks in a circle, saying:

Inflate, bubble, inflate big,

Stay like this, but don't burst! (makes a big circle)

The host says: "Clap!" - “The bubble bursts, everyone runs to the center ("bubble deflated" ) or run around the room (bubbles burst).

The game "Owl"

Purpose: to develop the ability to act in concert.

Goal for the child: to act in accordance with the rules of the game.

Didactic actions: chosen by counting rhyme "owl" , she sits on a chair in the center, the rest stand in a round dance, walk in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce the text:

1st option:

It's dark in the forest

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

All the birds are sleeping (depict sleeping birds).

One owl does not sleep

Flying, screaming (owl scares children).

2nd option:

Owl - owl - big head,

Sitting on a bitch, shaking his head

("owl" performs actions according to the text)

Looking in all directions

Yes, suddenly how to fly! (children run in different directions, "owl" catches up)

The game "Bunny"

Purpose: team building.

The goal for the child is to perform actions in a coordinated manner.

Didactic actions: selected "Bunny" , he sits in the center of the circle and "asleep" . Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, sing a song:

Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you?

You are sitting very sick.

You don't want to play

Dance with us?

Bunny, Bunny, dance

And find another (children stop, clap their hands, "Bunny" gets up, chooses a child, puts him in his place, he stands in a circle).

The game is repeated).

The game "Beasts"

Purpose: creation of an emotionally safe microclimate in the group; development of listening skills, the ability to perform imitative movements.

Didactic actions: children stand in a circle and perform movements corresponding to the text of the poem.

We are not guys today

And funny kittens (alternately put their hands out smoothly - "paws" forward.

Show everyone claws

They are very sharp (squeeze and unclench fingers).

We are not guys today

And funny ducks (step from foot to foot, hands down along the body, palms turned perpendicular to the body).

We follow the duck

We are not far behind her. (walk in a circle on straight legs, slightly waddling from side to side).

We are not guys today

And funny puppies (pressing bent arms to their chest, lowering their hands freely down.

We can wag our tail (waggle)

And growl softly (growl showing upper teeth).

We are not guys today

In funny goats (put index fingers to the head, showing the horns).

We love to butt horns,

Run, jump and push (tilt head, lightly push neighbors).

We are not goats today (hold hands),

Not ducklings, but guys.

We will find our friends

Let's start our round dance (start a round dance).

The game "Checkbox"

Purpose: to increase the interest of participants to be active in the game; strengthening self-confidence; development of the ability to navigate in space.

Purpose for the child: to make a choice of a peer.

Didactic activities: children sit on chairs, the selected child (teacher, according to the counting rhyme) walks with a flag under the song:

I have a flag in my hand.

It burns like fire.

I'm walking with a flag

I sing a song.

I will give the flag to a friend

And I'll sit in my place (gives the flag to another child, sits down in his place). The game is repeated. Then all the children are given flags, the children perform a dance with the flags.

A variant with complication: after passing the flag, the child sits in the place of the one to whom he gave it.

The game "Smile"

Purpose: the formation of friendly relations between children, the development of the ability to be aware of oneself in a group.

Goal for the child: to convey a smile in a circle.

Didactic actions: the leader is selected. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, singing:

We don't buy anything

We don't sell anything

We collect only smiles

And we distribute to passers-by.

The driver turns to the child standing to his right, presses his palms to his lips, then claps his palms on his palms and, smiling, turns to him:

Roma (Vova, Tanya…), smile!

To the Light (Masha, Alyosha ...) turn around!

The named child turns to the next and gives him his smile. The game continues until the smile goes around the circle (you can end the game by singing a song about friendship or dancing to a song "Smile" music V. Shainsky, sl. M.Plyatskovsky).

The game "Cow"

Purpose: creation of a benevolent emotional background in the group; developing a tolerant attitude towards physical contact.

Purpose for the child: expressively portray "cow" .

Didactic activities: children sit on chairs in a circle. walks in front of them "cow" with horns - fingers with the words:

I am a cow, I am a cow

I am a boisterous cow

I walk in the meadow

I sing a song out loud

And whom I butt

He will also say: "Moo!"

Whom he butts, he mumbles and also stands in a circle. Next time in a circle already 2

cows”, then 4, etc.

The game "Merry round dance"

Purpose: increasing self-confidence, awareness of the importance of addressing a child by name, development of creative abilities.

Goal for the child: to expressively dance with the sultans, standing in the center of the circle.

Didactic actions: children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center with sultans. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle; the teacher - in the opposite direction, shaking the sultans under the words:

A cheerful round dance rings.

The circle is getting wider.

And the one who enters this circle,

We will dance now.

The teacher gives the sultans to any child, calling him by name:

Kolya (Masha, Sasha…) dance for us now.

Kolya, Kolya will start dancing (the named child takes the sultans from the teacher, goes to the middle of the circle and dances, the rest of the children clap. Then the child becomes the leader.

The game "Naughty ball"

Purpose: development of the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text at a general pace, strengthening self-confidence.

The goal for the child is to perform movements at a general pace in accordance with the text.

Didactic actions: children stand in a circle, in the center the driver performs movements with the ball under the text:

Ball, naughty ball (pulls ball to chest),

Play with me (puts it in front of him, showing it to the children).

Turn right - turn left (turns the ball to the right and left with a half squat),

Show yourself to all the guys.

Jump along the path (ball hitting the floor),

Find a new friend.

One two Three!

Sveta (child's name), catch the ball (turns to face the child to whom he wants to throw the ball, throws. The named participant tries to catch the ball (if he catches it, he becomes the leader, if not, the leader is chosen by the rhyme).

The game "Saw"

Goal: getting positive emotions from performing joint actions, developing attention, a sense of rhythm.

Purpose for the child: expressively perform movements in pairs in accordance with the text.

Didactic actions: children stand in pairs, holding their right hand and putting their right foot forward. start "to nag" firewood, alternating forward and backward tilts: one child leans back, bending his arm, while the second leans forward, straightening his arm and stretching it forward. The movements are accompanied by the words:

One-two! One-two!

We will cut wood.

Get in, get in! Get in, get in!

Hold on tight to the saw!

At the last word, the movement stops. Then the children change hands and the exercise is repeated.

The game "Thrush"

(Russian folk game)

Purpose: to develop the ability to interact in pairs.

Goal for the child: to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Didactic actions: children walk in a circle to calm music, stop with the end of the music, turn to face each other and say:

I am a thrush (point to themselves) and you are a thrush (pointing to friend).

I have a nose (touch their nose) and you have a nose (to the nose of a friend).

I have smooth cheeks (stroking their cheeks in a circular motion),

And your cheeks are smooth (stroke partner's cheeks in a circular motion).

I have sweet lips (index fingers touch the corners of their mouth),

And you have sweet lips (point to partner's lips).

I am your friend (Put both hands on your chest),

And you (with open palms of both hands point to a friend)- a friend of mine.

We feel good together (hugs).

The game "Thread"

Purpose: team building.

The goal for the child: to move after the teacher, without disengaging his hands, changing the direction of movement.

Didactic actions: the teacher tells the children: "I am the needle and you are the thread" . Children stand behind the teacher, hold hands, go with the words:

Thread, thread behind the needle stretches,

A needle will never be left without a thread.

The teacher stops and says:

I took the thread

The thin thread broke! (children raise their clasped hands up and sharply lower them to the last syllable, disengaging).

The game "My hands are good, but my neighbor's is better"

Purpose: formation of a positive attitude towards peers, group cohesion.

The goal for the child: to touch the named part of the body, first with his own, and then with a friend.

Didactic actions: children stand in pairs and touch the named part of the body, first their own, and then their comrade with the words: "My hands (show) good, but the neighbor's is better (take a friend by the hand). My legs are good, but my neighbor's is better" . Parts of the body are listed: nose, shoulders, ears, elbows, knees, heels, back.

The game "Top - top!"

Goal: creating a joyful mood, uniting the children's team.

Goal for the child: to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Didactic actions: children act in accordance with the words:

Top-top-topotushki (alternate movements with raised palms (how to wave)

Dancing bunny on the edge ("bunny paws" )

Dancing hedgehog on a stump (cross fingers of both hands - "hedgehog's needles" )

Dancing chizhik on a knot ("beak" )

Dancing dog on the porch (show fingers "doggie" ) .

Dancing cat near the stove ("washes with a paw" )

Dancing mouse near the mink ("ears" )

Dancing goat on a hill ("horns" )

Dancing horns and tails (depict horns with one hand, tail with the other)

What are you standing (feign confusion)

Swim and you! (fingers "dance" )

The game "Clapperboard"

Goal: creating a joyful mood, developing the ability to interact in a group.

Goal for the child: remove hands in time.

Didactic activities: children and teacher stand in a circle (stretch your arms forward, put your palms on the palm of the teacher (it turns out "slide" ) , on command "One, two, three - lift this slide up (raise the hill) up). On command "One two Three" (to these words raise your hands and pull them up). On word "clap" the clapperboard claps to everyone's joy - hands quickly spread apart "fountain" ).

Commutative games

glue stream

Target: develop the ability to act jointly and exercise self- and mutual control over activities; learn to trust and help those with whom you communicate.

Before the game, the teacher talks with the children about friendship and mutual assistance, that together you can overcome any obstacles.

Children stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front of them. In this position, they overcome various obstacles.

1. Get up and get off the chair.

2. Crawl under the table.

3. Go around the “wide lake”.

4. Get through the "dense forest".

5. Hide from wild animals.

An indispensable condition for the guys: throughout the game they should not unhook from each other.

The blind and the guide

Target: develop the ability to trust, help and support fellow communicators.

Children are divided into pairs: “blind” and “guide”. One closes his eyes, and the other leads him around the group, makes it possible to touch various objects, helps to avoid various collisions with other couples, gives appropriate explanations regarding their movement. Commands should be given standing behind your back, at some distance. Then the participants switch roles. Each child, therefore, goes through a certain “school of trust”.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children to answer who felt safe and confident, who had the desire to completely trust their friend. Why?

magic algae

Target: removal of bodily barriers, develop the ability to achieve goals in acceptable ways of communication.

Each participant (in turn) tries to penetrate the circle formed by the children. Algae understand human speech and feel touch and can relax and let the circle pass, or they may not miss it if they are badly asked.

polite words

Target: development of respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw the ball to each other, calling polite words. Name only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, glad to meet you); thanks (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); farewell (goodbye, goodbye, good night).

Gift for everyone

Target: develop the ability to make friends, make the right choice, cooperate with peers, team feelings.

The children are given the task: “If you were a magician and could work miracles, what would you give now to all of us together?” or “If you had a Flower-Semitsvetik, what wish would you make?”. Each child makes one wish by tearing off one petal from the common flower.

Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east,

Through the north, through the south, come back, make a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, to be, in my opinion, led.

Lead to…

At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.

Magic bouquet of flowers

Target: Learn to show attention to others, establish friendly relations, notice the positive qualities of others and express it in words, make compliments.

Equipment: Green fabric or cardboard, cut out petals for each child.

caregiver (points to a piece of cloth lying on the floor). This is a green field. What mood do you have when you look at this clearing?

Children . Sad, sad, boring.

educate l. What do you think it lacks?

Children . Colors.

caregiver . Not a fun life in such a clearing. This is how it is between people: life without respect and attention turns out to be gloomy, gray and sad. And would you like to please each other now? Let's play compliments.

Children take turns taking one petal at a time, complimenting any peer and laying it out in the clearing. Kind words should be said to every child.

Educator. Look guys, what beautiful flowers have grown from your words in this clearing. What is your mood now?

Children. Cheerful, happy.

The teacher thus leads to the idea that you need to be more attentive to each other and speak good words.

Situation Games

Target: develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express their thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are encouraged to act out a series of situations

1. Two boys quarreled - reconcile them.

2. You really want to play the same toy as one of the guys in your group - ask him.

3. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - have pity on him.

4. You offended your friend very much - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.

5. You came to a new group - meet the children and tell us about yourself.

6. You have lost your car - go up to the children and ask if they have seen it.

7. You came to the library - ask the librarian for the book you are interested in.

8. The guys are playing an interesting game - ask the guys to accept you. What will you do if they don't want to accept you?

9. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share it with him.

10. The child is crying - soothe him.

11. You can't tie your shoelace - ask a friend to help you.

12. Guests came to you - introduce them to your parents, show them your room and your toys.

13. You came from a walk hungry - what do you say to your mother or grandmother.

14. Children have breakfast. Vitya took a piece of bread and rolled it into a ball. Looking around so that no one would notice, he threw and hit Fedya in the eye. Fedya clutched his eye and cried out. - What can you say about the behavior of Vitya? How should bread be handled? Is it possible to say that Vitya was joking.

Hands get acquainted, hands quarrel, hands make up

Target: develop the ability to express their feelings and understand the feelings of another person.

The game is performed in pairs with their eyes closed, the children sit opposite each other at arm's length. The teacher gives assignments

Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, get to know your hands, try to get to know your neighbor better, lower your hands;

stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor's hands, your hands are quarreling, lower your hands;

your hands are looking for each other again, they want to make up, your hands make up, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

Rug of reconciliation

Target: Develop communication and conflict resolution skills.

Arriving from a walk, the teacher informs the children that two boys had a fight on the street today. Invites opponents to sit opposite each other on the “Rug of Reconciliation” in order to find out the cause of contention and find a way to peacefully resolve the problem. This game is also used when discussing "How to share a toy."

Draw a proverb

Target: develop the ability to use non-verbal means of communication.

Children are invited to depict any proverb with the help of gestures, facial expressions:

“The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you won’t catch it”

“Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are”

“There is no friend - look for it, but if you find it - take care”

“As it comes around, it will respond”

Conversation through glass

Target: develop the skill of facial expressions and gestures.

Children stand opposite each other and perform the game exercise “Through the Glass”. They need to imagine that there is thick glass between them, it does not let sound through. One group of children will need to be shown (for example, “You forgot to put on a hat”, “I'm cold”, “I'm thirsty ...”), and the other group will need to guess what they saw.

squiggle Purpose: To develop respect in communication. Consider the interests of other children.

The teacher offers the children a magic marker that turns simple squiggles into different objects, animals, plants. The first player takes a felt-tip pen and draws a small squiggle on the sheet. Then he offers this sheet to the next player, who will complete the squiggle so that some object, or animal, or plant is obtained. Then the second player draws a new squiggle for the next player, and so on. At the end, the winner of the game is determined

Press conference

Target: develop the ability to politely answer questions of interlocutors, briefly and correctly formulate the answer; develop speech skills.

All children of the group participate in a press conference on any topic (for example: “Your day off”, “Excursion to the zoo”, “Friend's birthday”, “At the circus”, etc.). One of the participants in the press conference “guest” (the one who will be asked all the questions) sits in the center and answers any questions from the children.

Understand me

Target: develop the ability to navigate in the role positions of people and communicative situations.

The child comes forward and comes up with a speech from 4-5 sentences, Children must guess who is speaking (tour guide, journalist, educator, literary hero) and in what situation such words are possible. For example, “And so everyone went to the start. 5,4,3,2,! – start! (The situation is a competition of athletes, says a sports commentator).

Without a mask

Target: develop the ability to share your feelings, experiences, mood with comrades.

Before the start of the game, the teacher tells the children how important it is to be honest, open and frank in relation to their loved ones, comrades.

All participants sit in a circle. Children without preparation continue the statement started by the teacher. Here is the approximate content of unfinished sentences:

“What I really want is…”;

“I especially don’t like it when…”;

“Once I was very scared that…”;

“I remember a time when I felt unbearably ashamed. I AM.