
How to build a stone brazier with your own hands. Stone barbecue. What are the pros and cons of a stone barbecue in the garden

In the minds and minds of the majority, the dacha is certainly associated with a place of rest and a relaxing pastime, a cozy gazebo and barbecue become attributes of relaxation. One of the options is a brazier made of stone, which will be discussed.

Made in compliance with all building codes and regulations, using high-quality natural materials, it serves as the pride and decoration of a well-equipped suburban area.

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Before starting construction, you should think in advance about the place where it will be installed, the design and dimensions, related facilities, as well as the materials that serve as the basis.

Choice of location. Ideally, the brazier is equipped in the immediate vicinity of the gazebo, dining area, covered terrace. This makes food preparation, cooking and table setting easier.

Important! A brazier built independently must meet a number of safety requirements:

  • protection from gusts of wind;
  • remoteness from trees and bushy vegetation;
  • the absence of flammable objects near the barbecue.

In addition, from an aesthetic point of view, the country grill should be organically combined with the landscape design of the site.

Design and dimensions

With regards to the configuration, the grill can be the simplest, consisting of a base and a brazier, or multi-tasking, including a smoker, stove, countertop.

The choice of design is purely individual and depends on the functions assigned to it and the preferences of the owners:

  1. The dimensions of the stationary barbecue are calculated depending on the height of the people who will use it. So, for people of average height, the following values ​​\u200b\u200bare applied:
  2. Height. Not lower than 80 and not higher than 1 meter. For better orientation, it should not exceed the height of the arms of a person bent at the elbows and standing on his feet. That is, the height of the brazier should allow you to calmly rotate the skewers and turn the dishes on the grill.;
  3. Width. As a rule, 400 mm is enough to accommodate a standard number of skewers (8-10). However, it is recommended to have a margin for quiet use, because the internal width of the brazier is at least 50 - 60 cm.
  4. The depth of the grill is calculated by the length of the skewers and the dimensions of the grate. Most often, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare from 30 to 40 cm. The heat located at the bottom of the brazier should cover the entire portion of the food.
  5. The space under the brazier. The remaining space under the brazier is advisable to use for storing firewood, coal supplies, and inventory.

Video of the construction process:

Material selection

One of the main advantages of building a barbecue made of stone is the availability of materials. Having natural stones at your disposal, you can create true masterpieces of architecture and design. Traditionally, they are built of two types of stone:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

Natural stone, on the one hand, is easier to get, on the other hand, it takes much more time to process and fit it together. Therefore, if funds are available, artificial stone is often used. Thus, for the equipment of stationary grills and barbecues, they use:

  • granite;
  • processed sandstone;
  • slate;
  • natural cobblestones;
  • flagstone;
  • brick;
  • facing tiles.

The choice of artificial stone gives the structure neatness, elegance of lines and is combined with the facades of capital buildings made of siding and facing bricks. The use of "wild" stone and cobblestones allows you to organize with houses and gazebos made of natural wood and log cabins.

Video selection of different options for stone barbecues:

Foundation construction

Mangal building. Step 1.

The construction of the foundation is a mandatory work that should not be ignored. In the absence of it, you may encounter the fact that after a while the rains and melt waters will wash away the soil under the base, and the structure, at best, will warp. Therefore, preparing the site and pouring the foundation is the first step.

To do this, a pit is dug with a depth of at least 80 cm and a width of at least 30 cm from the width of each side of the planned structure. An expanded clay pillow is poured into the pit and carefully compacted. Then, mixing, layers of crushed stone and sand are poured. With an increased water content in the soil, it is recommended to build a reinforced frame. This will help maintain the structure of the brazier when the soil structure changes. Then, formwork is built around the entire perimeter of the pit. Traditionally, it is made of boards or plywood and protrudes 15–20 cm above ground level. The resulting step will be the base of the barbecue.

The next step is to pour a concrete mixture of water, sand and cement in the proportion of 1 part cement to 3 parts sand. Small crushed stone is also added to the mixture to increase the amount of binders. The poured foundation is left for several days of full setting and then the construction of the grill itself is started.

Construction erection

Mangal building. Step 2

The laying of the brazier is carried out on the foundation plinth. When erecting it, an indispensable tool is a level - laser or bubble. It will help to achieve a smooth vertical and horizontal erection. The principles of masonry are not very different from pure brickwork. A binder solution is applied to the lower plane of the stones stacked on top of each other.

Important! For laying stones or bricks, a specially prepared mixture of clay and sand is used, soaked in water for 2 to 3 days, or special oven adhesives for stone. An ordinary cement mortar is not an assistant, since under the influence of high temperatures, cracks in the masonry are very likely.

The main structure is laid out with a stone, which, due to its characteristics, will withstand repeated sudden temperature changes. In this case, the brazier and the furnace must be made of refractory material, for example, brick. They immediately think over the elements for installing the dome and the chimney, if any, in the project, and also mount metal brackets in the inner perimeter of the brazier, on which the mesh or skewers will be installed.

Mangal building. Step 3

The design of a stationary grill should include a hole in the bottom of the brazier to create air draft. It is also desirable to organize smoke removal, if space permits. The arrangement of a small dome will add comfort to cooking and relieve annoying smoke in windy weather.

The finished main structure should be lined with stone. This is the most creative part of the whole event. Carefully selected stones of different sizes and shapes are carefully coated with special glue and stacked tightly to each other. At the same time, two rows of stones of the external and main structure are periodically connected to each other using thin metal rods or wire. Thus, a common integral structure is obtained, which will not fall apart into its component parts over time.

Photo examples

These examples can be the basis for creating your own original ideas.

The easiest version of the barbecue (video):

conclusions. Creating a stone brazier can turn an abandoned part of the site and a dining area into the most pleasant place to relax. Built with taste, in accordance with all technical standards, using natural materials, it will become not only a street decoration for a summer residence, but also a traditional hearth where you want to cook the most delicious meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

Every barbecue lover eventually thinks about how to build a stone barbecue with his own hands. After all, this is the most convenient and enjoyable way to cook meat on fire, and barbecue is an excellent occasion to get together and relax with friends. Building a brazier yourself is very simple, you only need drawings, a little material and desire.

Today, a country barbecue can be bought, but a stone one, and even a hand-made one, will have a number of advantages over the purchased one. In addition, the owner of the brazier, who folded it with his own hand, will be able to be proud of his product.

If we talk about the advantages of stone barbecues, then there are quite a few of them:

  1. Compared to metal, stone brazier is much more durable and does not give in to corrosion.
  2. The working surface of the stone barbecue is larger, which means that more kebabs or vegetables can be fried at a time. It is possible to remove almost ready-made pieces of meat away from the heat.
  3. The stone hearth looks much more beautiful on the site and can complement any design.
  4. A homemade brazier will cost less, especially if you know where to find clay and stones.
  5. A stone oven with a chimney is much more convenient to use, since the smoke does not get into the eyes of the cook during cooking.
  6. A stone brazier can be equipped with a tabletop, a canopy, and tools can be fixed on it. All this will make cooking on it very convenient.

Types of barbecues

The very design of the brazier is a box with legs, the walls of which serve to place skewers and barbecues on them, and the bottom holds the coals. But modern barbecues have several improved options:

  1. Portable - made of sheet steel, has a prefabricated structure, which allows it to be transported in the trunk of a car. Pretty light and mobile. The downside of this brazier is a short service life.
  2. Mobile - made of thin metal or sheet steel. May be collapsible or non-collapsible. Equipped with wheels for easy movement around the site.
  3. Electric - designed more for indoor cooking, it requires electricity instead of wood and coal to work. But the main disadvantage is the lack of natural smell and taste of food cooked on it.
  4. Stationary - can be stone, brick, metal or combined. It is a massive structure built on a foundation. Durable and convenient to use. It is also a good decoration for any yard.

Required materials and tools

To build a stove with your own hands, you will need some materials and tools. Before starting work, make sure that you have enough everything to complete it. If you decide to make a brazier out of brick, then you should not save on the main material. Brick can only be used refractory and always of good quality. Barbecue stone must be durable, of regular geometric shape and small size - for ease of masonry. A stove made of stone is a cheaper and more affordable option. Barbecue material can be combined. For example, the main part is made of stone, and the chimney is made of brick.

Required tools:

  • concrete mixer or container for mixing concrete;
  • Master OK;
  • building level and plumb;
  • solution container.

Required material:

  • refractory brick or stone;
  • cement and clay;
  • sand;
  • metal grid;
  • rolled waterproofing (roofing material or others);
  • fittings;
  • sheet material.

Choosing the right location for the future furnace is very important, as this is a fire hazardous structure. It is necessary to place the building away from wooden structures, trees and other flammable materials. It is advisable to build a stone brazier closer to the water source. Wind direction must be taken into account. Your barbecue should be placed so that the smoke does not go to the house or to the neighbor's plot.

Having decided on the location of the future barbecue, you need to choose the scheme of the furnace. This will allow you to do everything right and find out in advance the dimensions of the building, decide what kind of barbecue you want, and calculate the approximate amount of material needed.

Foundation and foundation

For a barbecue, the foundation is very important. How long your oven will last depends on the availability and quality of the foundation. A stone structure tends to sag in the ground, and this leads to the formation of cracks and the destruction of the entire building. The foundation must be reinforced. To do this, you can use 2 grids or 3 rods. The following is a step-by-step instruction for building a foundation:

  1. Based on the drawings, dig a hole 30 cm deep at the construction site. The length and width of the hole should be slightly larger (10 cm) than the furnace itself. For accuracy, mark the desired area with pegs and twine.
  2. Pour and level the sand at the bottom of the pit (up to 10 cm). On the walls, install formwork made of wood or plywood.
  3. Prepare a cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1: 3 in a concrete mixer, add another 1 share of crushed stone.
  4. If using a reinforcing mesh, pour concrete into the formwork 1/3 of the entire volume, lay the reinforcing mesh, pour another 1/3, lay a second mesh and pour the remaining concrete to ground level. If you use reinforcing bars for reinforcement, pour concrete 1/2 of the total volume, install 3 rods and pour the second half of the concrete mixture.
  5. Level the concrete mix and compact it. Now you need to let the concrete harden. He gains 50% strength in the first 3 days, 70% - during the first week. At 70% concrete strength, work can continue.
  6. A rolled waterproofing material is laid on the foundation. The most common is ruberoid.
  7. As the foundation of the brazier, you can also use rubble concrete. Unlike a conventional foundation, rubble stones and crushed stone are laid at the bottom of a rubble concrete foundation and filled with a liquid cement-sand mortar, tamping it into the cracks between the stones. After that, the next row of stone and rubble is laid, poured with mortar, etc. The last row is aligned more carefully.

Construction of barbecue

Before erecting the furnace, make sure that all materials are available. Bricks and stones are recommended to be pre-moistened with water so that they do not absorb it from the solution. Prepare cement, sand and slaked lime or clay. If you decide to use clay, fill it with water in advance, it should soften.

Consider how to fold the barbecue. It is necessary to start laying from the corner. It is recommended to first lay out the row “dry”, without mortar. This is necessary to calculate how many whole bricks are needed for 1 row, halves or quarters. In this case, consider the presence of seams. Each row of masonry should be level horizontally and vertically, use a building level and plumb line for quality control. The seams of subsequent rows of masonry must be placed above bricks or stones, that is, each joint should be shifted by half a brick or stone. It is recommended to reinforce the masonry every 3-4 rows. To do this, use a reinforcing mesh or wire. If a stone oven is being built close to another building or a stone (brick) fence, the reinforcement must be inserted into the masonry of the existing building. To do this, use a drill with a drill of the same diameter as the armature. Keep in mind that the stove will get very hot, and if the adjacent building is made of silicate brick or other non-refractory material, then you should not make a barbecue close to such a structure.

Supports for the brazier can be made from fittings or metal corners. A metal sheet is installed on them. The main thing is that it is convenient to clean it from the ashes. In the side walls of the firebox, empty holes must be left for air to flow into the stove. Otherwise, firewood and coals will not burn and it will not be possible to make heat. The furnace firebox is made of thick metal that can withstand high temperatures, because. this is the "heart" of the fireplace.

Finishing and decoration

To get a beautiful brazier after the completion of its construction, you can proceed to finishing. This is especially true for those who love to eat outdoors. The folded oven is usually decorated with refractory tiles, stone, or stucco mixed with clay. Although stone barbecues look beautiful even without finishing, it is recommended to at least paint or whitewash them. A small set of tools will help to decorate the brazier, such as:

  • poker for mixing coals;
  • ash shovel;
  • a small metal sheet for fanning the fire;
  • barbecue grill (if it is not built into the oven);
  • set of skewers.

Paving slabs around the barbecue or a stone path will look good. Nearby you can make a table and seating, which will not only be a worthy decoration of the summer cottage, but also allow you to comfortably relax in the fresh air. A canopy can be attached to the stove, which will allow you to hide from precipitation and the scorching sun. On the surface of the brazier, you can make a countertop, this will allow you to cut and mix the ingredients of the dish right next to the stove.


Having learned how to build your own brazier, we can conclude that a stone stove for a summer residence is a fairly simple task that everyone can do. And a barbecue for a summer residence is not just a good detail of the landscape, but also a convenient device for cooking delicious food. A summer resident who has done everything according to the instructions, in a short time and with little effort and finances, will be able to enjoy barbecue cooked in his country house.

The aroma of kebabs of neighbors-dacha residents wakes you up in the morning or does not let you fall asleep in the evenings?! Then it's time to think about building a stone barbecue, perhaps it will replace your stuffy kitchen in the summer and become your favorite place for cooking.

Why stone? Because it is relatively easy and inexpensive to make a brazier out of stone, and if everything is carefully thought out, such a design will last for decades.

In addition, a do-it-yourself brazier made of natural stone will be a wonderful element of landscape design.

Another plus is that it can be absolutely any shape, height and width, the most important thing is to think about how the required number of skewers and the net will be located on it.

What do you need to know before building?

Before starting the construction of a stone barbecue, decide on its location.

This may be near the recreation area or in any convenient place on your site.

Approach the choice of a place responsibly, taking into account the fire safety of the structure and the fact that after construction it will be impossible to transfer the structure to another place.

To avoid a fire, do not place the barbecue immediately near the house and under low trees.

It is also very important to assess the direction of the wind in specifically selected places and the level of groundwater.

To choose a convenient place, you can arrange a picnic experiment with a portable barbecue in several places and choose the best one.

Tools and materials for construction

After the site is chosen, you can think about building. It is best to make a drawing of the future building, having thought through everything to the smallest detail.

In addition, prepare the necessary tools, among which must be:

  • wheelbarrow;
  • bucket;
  • joiner's hammer;
  • bayonet, shovel;
  • trowel, pickaxe, mason's jointing;
  • concrete mixer;
  • building level;
  • jigsaw;
  • pieces of metal, fittings;
  • saw;
  • sledgehammer with short and long handle;
  • Bulgarian;
  • tape measure, chalk;
  • chisel.

In addition, you will need:

Preparatory work

After you have chosen a place, decide on the parameters of height, width, length. They depend on the amount of food you plan to cook.

Remember that a stone brazier is a construction made of natural stone or. Therefore, it can be built both from natural stone or refractory bricks, or you can combine these two techniques.

It is possible to build both a simple structure without a roof, and a more complex one with a canopy, a place for butchering meat and a sink.

The amount of consumables is easy to calculate after creating a drawing.

To make your work easier and as a result get a good brazier, you can order a project from an experienced stove-maker, he will also be able to prepare step-by-step instructions for performing the work.

First you need to decide from what you will create a brazier. If the choice fell in favor of stone, remember that before construction it must be processed with hand tools (they are listed above), and this is a laborious process.

Brick does not need such careful processing.

Do-it-yourself construction is also not difficult - instructions, tips and nuances of construction are discussed in our material.

Why is it easiest and fastest to make a brazier with your own hands from metal? ensure the durability and beauty of your building?

A good foundation is the key to a long-lasting barbecue

Whatever brazier you choose: a rectangular structure or a large covered structure, you need to make a solid foundation. It is needed so that with changes in humidity and temperature, the barbecue does not move or fall apart.

For the foundation of a simple structure, cobblestones with cement mortar are sufficient. For a brazier with a height of 1 m or more, you need to make a deep foundation below the freezing level of the soil.

If your site has clay soil, it is better to pour the concrete solution into a dug recess, not reaching the edges of the pit by about 15 cm.

Now you need to install the formwork, so you will create an even rectangular shape. But if the soil is sandy, the formwork must be installed immediately, and after the foundation has hardened, it must be removed. Waterproofing must be done with white, red or yellow clay.

The foundation is done like this: you need to dig a small pit, 20 cm wider than the planned barbecue on all sides. Sand and gravel are poured into the finished trench, compacted. Then you need to mount a solid frame from pieces of wire, metal residues and fittings.

Next, builders pour a mixture of concrete and sand onto the prepared base, you can add crushed stone of a medium-sized fraction. The finished surface should stand for several days for better setting of the concrete mixture.

A good approach to how to qualitatively mark the foundation of any structure in the video.

Creation of a complete structure

After the foundation has hardened, you can begin to create the walls of the barbecue.

At the same time, the technology of laying stones is not much different from the construction of conventional furnaces. Consumables: stone or brick - the choice is yours.

The connecting material in the first and second cases is a clay mortar with sand, cement can crack from exposure to high temperatures. To prepare the solution, the clay must be soaked in water for 2-3 days, then mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:3.

Brick, like stone, must also be moistened with water before laying.

Check the evenness of the masonry with a level, and for even corners, make a wooden frame and install it along the edge of the building.

It is better to make the frame of the building from natural brick, and build a firebox from refractory. Red building bricks or natural stone, previously soaked in water, are also suitable. The main thing is that the source material is resistant to temperature extremes and heavy loads.

Do not forget to make space for the blower at the bottom of the structure, it will not be superfluous to come up with a compartment for storing coals, firewood and other useful things.

Now it's time to install a metal circle with a removable grate where the firewood will once burn. For this, a piece of roofing iron is suitable, in which you need to drill holes.

In order for the brazier to be as reliable as possible, it must be strengthened along the inner edge with a steel tape measuring 5x50 mm. It will support the skewers and protect the edges of bricks or stones.

Video instruction on how to create a brazier from stone with your own hands.

Let's deal with facing

When the brazier is almost ready, its outer side must be lined with cement mortar or glue. For this, stones are suitable, which should fit snugly against each other so that the design looks solid and beautiful.

It is very important to bind the outer and inner stones with steel wire. You can come up with hooks for important accessories.

The brazier is ready, and it is important to put it into operation correctly. After the whole structure dries and grabs well, it is important to periodically light a small fire in the brazier for a week - this contributes to good drying.

In the photo, a finished brazier created from natural stone with your own hands

If by the end of the work there are few stones and a lot of imagination left in your arsenal, you can lay out a decorative path to the barbecue or do something like that. If you stop on a path or platform, lay it on a sand cushion, in which case it will be easy to replace a cracked stone or brick.

Just a godsend will be a cover from the rain. Its shape can be any, the main requirement is that water can flow down and not accumulate on the surface.

Of course, it will turn out beautiful and original. Your friends will at least be delighted, because you have built a wonderful place in the open air for cooking fish soup, pizza, barbecue, entrecote and other delicious dishes with your own hands. Their taste will be real, rich, with a smoky aroma, and the cooking process will be fascinating.

"In the master class presented to your attention from the author, it will be shown how to independently fold a stone barbecue in the country or in the courtyard of a private house.

Today, the topic of building and creating all kinds of barbecues, smokehouses, barbecue stoves made of stone is very popular. Let's look at another rather unusual type of stone grill, and its peculiarity is that it resembles a "tandoor" in shape but has natural cracks in the walls through which air enters the combustion source. According to the author, you can start frying meat on it without waiting for the firewood to burn out and turn into coals, you just need to turn the skewers or grate a little more often.

A stone brazier does not require a serious foundation; a small recess with compacted gravel is enough. Stones can be obtained completely free of charge: in a quarry, along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, along roadsides. The collected stones should then be thoroughly washed with water and a metal brush, so the solution will adhere more strongly to the stone surface. For masonry, the author used a special masonry mixture for stoves and fireplaces, which withstands high temperatures.

And so, let's look at what exactly is needed to create a stone barbecue?


1. stone
2. coarse gravel
3. masonry mixture for laying stoves and fireplaces (heat-resistant)


1. shovel
2. trowel
3. tape measure

This type of brazier was advised to the author by his friend to build, and he saw such a miracle while relaxing in the south. We consulted and decided to repeat it on our native land) We went to the quarry, collected more stones (it’s a freebie))) How much is not known exactly, by eye) It was decided to put the brazier closer to the recreation area next to the gazebo, so that when cooking and frying barbecue everything was side by side. As already mentioned above, it is not necessary to fill the foundation here, a small recess for a shovel bayonet and 1x1 m in size is quite enough.

First, the stones were prepared and laid out so that it would be convenient to choose a pebble that was suitable in size and configuration.

The top layer of soil is removed, the earth can be used in the beds.

We go deeper by 25-30 cm.

This is quite enough, but if you wish, you can pour a small concrete slab.

A couple of buckets of coarse gravel are poured into the bottom of the pit and carefully rammed.

Then the first row of stones is laid out. For the base, you should pick up the largest stones and put them in a circle on a gravel cushion.

The next row is laid out from smaller stones on a special masonry mixture for stoves and fireplaces.

Attention! You can’t lay out the whole grill at once! We laid out a row, let the solution harden for at least a day! This is necessary so that the structure simply does not part, because the stones are heavy and have a non-standard shape.

Each subsequent row goes to narrowing.

Of course, everything was done with an assistant))

A temporary lid was made from a 200 l barrel.

And here is the gazebo itself, overgrown with grapes, the cottage is still under construction and the gazebo is the main place to relax after a hard day.

As mentioned above, there is no need to wait for the firewood to burn out and coals to form, we start frying right away, we just turn it over more often.

But the fire, of course, should not be strong, otherwise everything will simply burn out)) A fire that is lit should support slow burning.

After the kebab is all fried, you can simply burn firewood and use it as a hearth.

In order to make your grill area look like a decorative object, you can add a stone grill to it. This advice has been tested more than once, everything will look very impressive. In addition to aesthetic advantages, the brazier will delight you with its durability and wear resistance. You should not spare your efforts during its construction, because, as a result, you will receive a product that will serve you for a very long time. The case needs a professional approach: you should carefully select raw materials and perform work in accordance with the regulations. It is worth considering in detail all the stages of the work.

brazier from gabions

The design of the brazier requires focusing on itself from the very beginning

From the executions of brick and metal, the brazier made of stone has several significant differences. The main thing is the appearance. Textured finish, massive construction will help to bring something new and unusual to any yard. However, do not be too lazy at the very beginning to analyze the arrangement of various parts of the barbecue, since in the future it will be extremely difficult to modify anything.

When building a stone barbecue made of stone, it is worth considering the features of working with this material. To give stability and aesthetic appearance to the product, it is simply necessary to carefully approach the fitting of each individual element of the masonry. You need to think very carefully before deciding to build a stone barbecue with your own hands.

simple brazier

Pros and cons of stone grills

Among the advantages, we highlight the following:

  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • variety of performances;
  • decorative;
  • frost resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability.

The disadvantages include the following features:

  • labor intensity of work;
  • stationary structure;
  • high price;
  • complex processing;
  • careful selection of parts of the structure.

huge barbecue

The next stage in the construction of the brazier is the development of the idea

In order for your stone brazier to fit perfectly into the exterior of the yard, it is important to clearly think over the final project in advance. You can not miss even the slightest detail, because later it can have a considerable impact on the entire volume of installation work.

We highlight the following preparatory stages:

  • tool preparation;
  • study of the dimensions of the barbecue structure;
  • selection of materials;
  • design options and selection;
  • choice of building site;
  • working out drawings.

At the same time, often the preparation stage lasts longer than the construction process itself.

stone grill idea

Design development

It is important at the initial stage to determine the design, as well as the design of the future stone barbecue. The fact that a material such as stone has a huge variety of types contributes to the possibility of drawing a large number of possible projects.

There are two diametrically opposed approaches to the construction of stone barbecues. This is a design with rough lines, or a neat layout, at its core having a smooth surface with even edges.

The simplest brazier includes a brazier installed on the base. Thus, in order to arrange a multifunctional grill zone, it will be necessary to build an oven complex with a brazier. A stove, a smokehouse and other facilities will also be an integral part of this complex. In such projects, you can not do without combining other different materials.

brazier implementation

Choice of construction site

It would be advisable to place the future barbecue next to the dining area. Traditionally, gazebos or terraces with a roof are built for such purposes, often with their own hands. In this performance, the brazier will successfully fit into the ensemble of the building. It happens that a territorially similar location is impossible, in which case it makes sense to make a barbecue out of stone in the front yard of your summer house or country house.

There are some criteria according to which it will be possible to judge the successful location of the barbecue:

  • organic design that easily fits into the overall landscape picture;
  • wind protection;
  • location relative to the dining area;
  • sufficient distance from trees and bushes;
  • the presence of a hood or the possibility of removing smoke from your own house or the house of neighbors;
  • no flammable objects in dangerous proximity.

You can judge the safety of the chosen place for a stationary barbecue when most of these points are true for your project.

Now a little about the drawings

The fundamental point is the preparation of drawings of the brazier and the determination of the optimal dimensions of the future structure. In order to make it easier to plan, we focus on the following indicators:

  1. Width definition. It is known that to accommodate a dozen skewers, you need about 40 cm. Providing a margin, 50 cm can be taken to the width of the brazier. We will leave about half a meter for the shelves and the tableware.
  2. Determining the height of the brazier. A standard brazier is 80 to 90 cm high. To make it convenient for you to handle it in the future, be guided by the height of your arms, bent at the elbows at waist level.
  3. Depth determination. Typically, 20 centimeters are allotted to the grill. Here, much depends on the type of grate, as well as skewers. But the desktop can be deeper.

barbecue components

Let us consider in more detail the subtleties of the selection of materials

To build a brazier, it is quite possible to use artificial, along with natural stone, the decoration of which will look advantageous. The advantage of natural stone is its strength, but it takes more time to prepare it. The most commonly used materials are:

  • quartzite;
  • dolomite;
  • sandstone;
  • slate;
  • granite;
  • shungite.

The shape of the stone can also be different: torn rubble, and thallus, as well as flagstone are suitable. Rough cobblestones can also be used, but it will take many times more time and effort to process them.

Given the cost of any natural materials, many opt for artificial stones. The basis in this case is the masonry of brick or concrete. The rest is finished with clinker, concrete or clay tiles.

You can not do without a cement-sand mixture when performing masonry. And now the market offers a ready-made mixture on an adhesive basis, having the consistency of a paste or powder, with the main components - sand and cement. In addition, various additives are used in such mixtures, which impart moisture resistance and heat resistance to the resulting solution.

As in any construction, we cannot do without specialized tools and materials. We will need a tool, first of all, for fitting and performing various kinds of installation work. This set must be in the possession of the master who has started the construction of the brazier:

  • bit;
  • sledgehammer;
  • trowel;
  • tongue;
  • chisel;
  • stitching;
  • Bulgarian;
  • building level;
  • hammer.

Construction stages

Having developed a scheme for laying out rows, as well as a general design plan, you need to prepare the site and proceed with the assembly of the grill.

The basis of the structure is the foundation

For such massive structures, a stable base is a must.

Take into account the slope of the ground.

Of course, you need to strive to ensure that the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe terrain is aligned with the building level. For our type of structure, a slab concrete foundation will be used, although another type can be used.

First, we remove the layer of earth to the depth of the shovel bayonet - about 25 centimeters. The bottom of the formed pit must be filled with water and carefully compacted. After everything dries, the pit is filled with a third of the sand and gravel mixture. Next, a concrete mixture is used, additionally reinforced with a reinforcement frame for strength.

brazier base

Plinth part of the brazier

A good foundation after pouring should protrude about 15 centimeters above ground level. This part will serve as the basis for the location of the plinth of the structure. In this case, the laying is performed on a cement mortar. When adding plinth rows, use a frame so that the final structure does not have wall slopes. The foundation, roof and oven must be level checked.

Barbecue work area

The upper rows of the basement are the basis for the brazier, other work surfaces, and also the upper vault of the woodshed is laid here.

Metal lintels and wooden spacers at the stage of construction of the structure allow it to keep its shape until the solution has completely hardened. Arrangement of a place for coals is completed by installing a frame and a metal grate. At this stage, they usually provide for the possibility of installing the grill on staples driven in at the level in the walls.

The final stage of construction

At the final stage, they get rid of excess mixture, equip the brazier with decorative materials and clean out the dirt.

Those who made the frame of concrete or brick can make the brazier lining from natural stone, using its reliability, or from artificial. The shape of these barbecue elements is flat, since such material goes through a large number of processing steps.

If all the stages of work are performed correctly, then you will be able to use it for many years to come.