
An interesting speech therapy lesson using mnemonics. The use of mnemonic techniques in corrective work with children with general underdevelopment of speech. in speech therapy

The development of speech is becoming an increasingly urgent problem in our society. It is the most important condition for the success of a child's education in school. The development of speech is becoming an increasingly urgent problem in our society. It is the most important condition for the success of a child's education in school. Only with a well-developed coherent speech, a student can give detailed answers to complex questions of the school curriculum, consistently and fully, reasonably and logically state their own judgments, reproduce the content of texts from textbooks, works of fiction and oral folk art, and finally, an indispensable condition for writing program presentations and essays is a fairly high level of development of coherent speech. Only with a well-developed coherent speech, a student can give detailed answers to complex questions of the school curriculum, consistently and fully, reasonably and logically state their own judgments, reproduce the content of texts from textbooks, works of fiction and oral folk art, and finally, an indispensable condition for writing program presentations and essays is a fairly high level of development of coherent speech.

In speech therapy work with children in a correctional school of the VIII type, the formation of coherent speech is of particular importance due to the structure of the defect and becomes the main ultimate goal of the entire correctional process. In speech therapy work with children in a correctional school of the VIII type, the formation of coherent speech is of particular importance due to the structure of the defect and becomes the main ultimate goal of the entire correctional process. Children with disabilities experience serious difficulties in independent plot planning, in creating a coherent context, in independent operation of lexical and grammatical categories, in the grammatical design of speech material. Children with disabilities experience serious difficulties in independent plot planning, in creating a coherent context, in independent operation of lexical and grammatical categories, in the grammatical design of speech material. Therefore, along with the development of thinking, memory should also be developed, which are expressed through coherent speech. Therefore, along with the development of thinking, memory should also be developed, which are expressed through coherent speech.

The task of this stage is to teach children coherently and consistently, logically harmonious and complete, accurate in the use of vocabulary and content, correct in grammatical design, independently and freely present the material, build statements. The task of this stage is to teach children coherently and consistently, logically harmonious and complete, accurate in the use of vocabulary and content, correct in grammatical design, independently and freely present the material, build statements.

When teaching how to compile a coherent text using reference pictures and mnemonic tables, the following techniques are used: When teaching how to compile a coherent text using reference pictures and mnemonic tables, the following techniques are used: 1. Considering pictures, illustrations; 2. Building in a logical sequence a series of plot pictures to the text; 3.Inventing an additional and missing ("missing") picture to separate fragments of text; 4. Selection from the text of phrases for each picture; 5. Isolation and pronunciation, selective reading, memorization of individual fragments, expressive means (epithets, metaphors, comparisons, repetitions, beginnings, direct speech of heroes and characters); 6. Lexico-grammatical exercises in the text: selection of signs and actions of objects from the text; selection of new characteristic features and actions in accordance with the content of the text; replacing words with synonyms; word formation of related words, nouns with a diminutive meaning; relative and possessive adjectives; dissemination and transformation of proposals; 7. Discussion of the proposals made and selection of the most successful ones. Compiling a connected text.

Mnemonics is Greek for "the art of memory". Memorization and recall techniques increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations. Mnemonics is Greek for "the art of memory". Memorization and recall techniques increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations. The use of mnemotables, i.e. schemes in which certain information is embedded aims to: consolidate various methods of memorization, expand vocabulary, develop figurative perception, oral speech, the ability to speak coherently and tell students. The use of mnemotables, i.e. schemes in which certain information is embedded aims to: consolidate various methods of memorization, expand vocabulary, develop figurative perception, oral speech, the ability to speak coherently and tell students. When working with mnemonic tables, symbols and pictures are entered: When working with mnemonic tables, symbols and pictures are entered: The bright warm sun began to shine. The bright warm sun began to shine. The spring season has begun. Merry streams ran. Merry streams ran. Children love to sail boats.

Mnemotable SPRING Spring A warm spring has come. The bright sun is shining. Merry streams murmur. The first snowdrops have blossomed. There was green grass. Sticky buds swelled on the trees. Migratory birds returned from the south. In the spring, children love to launch paper boats.

Creative story "SPRING" Spring A warm spring has come. The radiant sun shines brightly. Merry streams murmur. Blooming blue snowdrops. There was green grass. Sticky buds swelled on the trees. Willow hung fluffy earrings. Birds sing loudly and make nests. The guys love to walk on the street and let the boats in the puddles. Mother's Day is celebrated in spring. I love my mother very much. Therefore, I give her a bouquet of mimosa and my drawings on this day.

1. object (who is it?, what is it?) - an apple 2. sign of the object (what?, what?, what?) - red, round, sweet 3. action of the object (what does it do?, what will it do?) - grows, pouring, falling 4. writing a sentence - A ripe apple hangs on a branch. Apple An apple grows on an apple tree. It is red and round. Apples ripen in autumn. They make apple jam. I love eating juicy apples. Compilation of a short story based on a subject picture

A lot of work is done when drawing up a plan for the text (The story of K.D. Ushinsky "Morning Rays"). A lot of work is done when drawing up a plan for the text (The story of K.D. Ushinsky "Morning Rays"). An effective form is a retelling according to a plan with visual support or a mnemonic table. An effective form is a retelling according to a plan with visual support or a mnemonic table. The method of forming students' skills in planning their speech statements, as well as visual modeling of the stories being compiled, has proven itself in the practice of teaching children in a correctional school of the VIII type. The method of forming students' skills in planning their speech statements, as well as visual modeling of the stories being compiled, has proven itself in the practice of teaching children in a correctional school of the VIII type.

Techniques for using visual modeling of compiled stories using reference pictures and mnemonic tables in corrective speech therapy classes give positive results. Techniques for using visual modeling of compiled stories using reference pictures and mnemonic tables in corrective speech therapy classes give positive results. The advantage of the proposed methods is that they have a strong theoretical basis. Based on the concept of the complex and active nature of memorization processes, which in humans rely on a number of cooperative apparatuses of the cerebral cortex, each of which makes its own specific contribution to the organization of these processes, they open up wide opportunities for correcting deviations in speech and mental development caused by insufficiency of brain activity. The advantage of the proposed methods is that they have a strong theoretical basis. Based on the concept of the complex and active nature of memorization processes, which in humans rely on a number of cooperative apparatuses of the cerebral cortex, each of which makes its own specific contribution to the organization of these processes, they open up wide opportunities for correcting deviations in speech and mental development caused by insufficiency of brain activity. Optimal ways of learning often surpass the role of "natural features" in their significance. Optimal ways of learning often surpass the role of "natural features" in their significance.

Relevance: It's no secret that today there are many problems in the speech of children. A speech therapy examination of children from the senior group of our kindergarten also revealed a number of difficulties in the development of coherent speech: Insufficient vocabulary. Monosyllabic speech consisting of only simple sentences. Inability to construct a common sentence grammatically correctly. Inability to build a monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words. All of the above led me to the idea of ​​using mnemonics in my work on teaching children coherent speech.

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information. The purpose of mnemonics is the development of memory, thinking, imagination, attention, i.e. those mental processes that are closely related to speech and its full development. Tasks: development of basic mental processes - memory, attention, figurative thinking and speech; development of visual-spatial functions; development of fine motor skills of hands with partial or full graphic reproduction; development of coherent speech

Preparatory work: Studying the topics of the senior group's annual plan. Drawing up a work plan for the year on mnemonics. Selection and correlation of pictures and information with a given topic. Main work: Compilation of mnemonic tables and abstracts. Interaction of a speech therapist teacher with an educator while working with mnemonics in GCD. The use of mnemonic tables by educators without the participation of a speech therapist. Final work: Summing up the work, planning for the next year.

Various authors refer to mnemonics in preschool pedagogy: mnemonic tables and collages, sensory-graphic schemes, subject-schematic models, block-squares, as well as storytelling schemes. A mnemonic table is a scheme that contains certain information.

Stages of work on mnemonic tables Stage 1: Examination of the table and analysis of what is shown on it. Starting with the simplest mnemonic squares, we successively move on to mnemonic tracks, and later to mnemonic tables. At the initial stage, an adult offers a ready-made table, and as they learn, children begin to actively participate in the process of creating a diagram. At first, only some details of the mnemonic diagram are drawn together with the children, then most of the mnemonic diagram, and then the entire mnemonic table is created together with the children (after the children are familiarized with the information or works that should be encoded).

Stage 2: Information is recoded, i.e. transformation from abstract symbols to images. Stage 3: After recoding, a retelling of a fairy tale or story on a given topic is carried out. In older groups, children must do this on their own, only at the beginning of the school year is adult assistance allowed. As children learn this technique, one should gradually remove some of the information from the mnemonic table, leaving the most key points, so that later the retelling is carried out by the children from memory. Stage 4: A graphic sketch of the mimic table is made by children (after a minimum mastery of the first three stages of work). Stage 5: Inventing your own scheme and compiling your own story, fairy tale or riddle based on it.

The results of our work: The use of mnemonics in work with children of the senior group led us to the following results: The time frame for the assimilation of such abstract concepts as sound, vowel, consonant, soft, hard by children was reduced; Vocabulary has been activated; The concept of the logic of the construction of the story (beginning, middle and end) was fixed; Reduced the number of grammatical errors in the construction of a common sentence; Children willingly compiled and retold literary works on the proposed topic; Development of coherent speech; In addition to the goals set, the children overcame shyness and shyness.

Bolshova, T.V. We learn from the story. Development of thinking of preschoolers with the help of mnemonics. SPb., 2005.

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To increase the amount of memory, facilitate memorization and assimilation of information, a technique called "mnemonics" is used, which in ancient Greek means "the art of memorization".

Mnemonics allows you to get total control over the assimilation of the material, using only natural memory.

The history of mnemonics began as an inseparable part of oratory, rhetoric. This technique was used to memorize long monologues delivered by speakers.

Today, mnemonics is very actively used by speech therapists during classes with children.

The technique of rallying images into a common associative array is one of the fundamental ones in mnemonics. With the help of finding associations, random and unrelated information is combined into a whole associative image created by means of images formed in the head. To reproduce any part of the material, it is enough just to build a certain image in the head and provoke a chain reaction to remember the rest of the images, united in an associative set. Some speech therapists use mnemonics cards for work in the classroom, otherwise cheat sheets for the development of auditory, visual, speech-motor and motor memory.

A powerful method is the association technique in audio automation. Sometimes it is very difficult to motivate a child to repeatedly pronounce the same words. From the very beginning, paired pronunciation of words should be practiced by showing the child two images with automated sound and offering to remember them. To complete the task, the child must form an associative image in his head, for this he must make sentences with these words. The child must independently find an association in his head. An interesting detail: the most ridiculous associations are remembered much better, as they cause laughter and positive emotions.

When the child sees all pairs of images, you need to show one picture from each pair so that he remembers the one that is not currently shown. The number of photographs shown depends on the level of development of the child. At the first stage of using the mnemonics technique, it is worth using up to four pairs of images, subsequently increasing to fifteen.

After that, you can begin to teach the child to memorize a whole chain of words.

Mnemonics in speech therapy classes. Teaching students with disabilities to write descriptive stories is a very important aspect of their development. Pedagogical experience shows that the process of forming in children the ability to describe an object is very slow. Therefore, in my practice I use one of the techniques that greatly facilitates the memorization of poems and the compilation of stories - this is mnemonics. Mnemonics is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations. Such techniques are especially important for children with disabilities, since mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external means, visual material is absorbed better than verbal. A child with a speech disorder is observed - insufficient vocabulary, lack of formation of the grammatical structure of speech, inability to build a monologue, poor diction. Mnemotables serve as didactic material in the work on the development of coherent speech of children, to enrich the vocabulary, in teaching the compilation of stories, retellings, guessing riddles, memorizing poems. The goal is to develop visual and speech-auditory memory, to activate the vocabulary on a specific lexical topic. When used in their work, visual modeling teaches children: to obtain information, make comparisons, draw up a clear internal plan of mental actions, speech utterance; formulate and express judgments, draw conclusions; the use of visual modeling has a positive effect on the development of non-speech processes: attention, memory, thinking. The use of reference drawings for learning to memorize poems captivates students, turns the lesson into a game. This method is most effective for students with disabilities. The visual image, preserved in the child after listening, accompanied by viewing the drawings, makes it possible to memorize the text much faster. Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, the use of mnemonics in the educational process allows integrating several educational areas: speech, social and communicative, artistic, aesthetic, and cognitive development. Using mnemotables in speech therapy classes to correct reading and writing, students make their statements more clear, coherent and consistent. Students have a desire to retell fairy tales, texts, invent interesting stories - both in class and in everyday life. Active and passive vocabulary is also expanding. The peculiarity of the methodology is that not images of objects are used, but symbols, which greatly facilitates the search for and memorization of words for students, since the symbols are as close as possible to the speech material. The ability of a child to accurately describe an object contributes to the improvement of his speech, thinking, and facilitates the process of exchanging information. In my practice, I use reference schemes to compose descriptive stories from Internet resources.