
Taurus-Virgo compatibility: double earth tenacity. Taurus and Virgo: compatibility with an unexpected effect in tandem

Virgo and Taurus are peace-loving and calm zodiac signs who will be able to resolve any disagreements between them diplomatically. These people have good compatibility, regardless of the type of relationship that binds them, there will always be mutual understanding and harmony between them.

VIRGO man and TAURUS woman

The Taurus woman will take responsibility for the development of this relationship, most often this couple is together precisely on her initiative. On the other hand, although a Virgo man can be a follower, it is impossible to force unnecessary relationships on him. Just thanks to a woman, this connection will become even stronger.

♍ + ♉: In love

PERFECT PAIR— A Virgo guy and a Taurus girl in love prefer to spend their free time in each other’s company, avoiding too crowded places and noisy campaigns. This couple is very pleasant to the people around them; outwardly they make a worthy impression with their calmness and politeness.

The main thing that unites them is the desire to create long-term relationships. Both are not inclined to flirt on the side; each of this couple prefers to devote all their attention to the other half. Usually these pleasant meetings lead to the creation of a family, but the Virgo guy is in no hurry to propose to his chosen one, and the Taurus girl does not urge him on; she also prefers to take this step deliberately.

♍ + ♉: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— In this family, harmony reigns in almost all areas of life, with the exception of some little things that are not so significant. A Virgo man is a good family man, he earns good money and manages it wisely, behaves calmly, is thrifty and loves comfort. A Taurus woman behind him feels like behind a stone wall. In everyday life, the husband is demanding, but for such a person it is pleasant for the wife to fuss and take care of him.

There is no bright passion in intimate life, but given the calm temperament of Taurus and Virgo, this is exactly the kind of relationship this couple needs. Still, a Virgo man may want some variety in bed, and it would be better if he tells his Taurus wife about this as delicately as possible.

Contradictions in this marriage are resolved peacefully and culturally; there simply cannot be major quarrels, much less scandals. The only worrying point is that both husband and wife tend to accumulate grievances, as they often suppress emotions and do not allow feelings to come out. They should be more attentive to each other, and then everything will be wonderful.

♍ + ♉: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR“This couple is guaranteed complete mutual understanding; they are on the same page in almost everything.” Since both the Virgo guy and the Taurus girl don’t like to waste time, they prefer to spend it together, but with benefit. Very often this couple is united by a common cause or work. in this case, it can easily turn into a romantic relationship.

TAURUS man and VIRGO woman

Such good compatibility is very rare; these people seem to be made for each other. Each of them sees in the other what they want to see. In the relationship between a Taurus man and a Virgo woman, everything is open and transparent, they feel each other’s mood and thoughts even without words.

♉ + ♍: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR— Relationships most often begin on the initiative of a Taurus guy, and he doesn’t have to woo his beloved for a long time. A Virgo girl is looking for constancy in a relationship; she sees this young man as very reliable.

Both zodiac signs have high intellectual development; they will be interesting to each other not only in personal relationships. Such a couple can develop in a work team or in a higher educational institution. A common activity will make the relationship between young people stronger, and feelings will not in the least harm them from doing business. Such couples break up extremely rarely; most often, the relationship of lovers leads to the creation of a strong family.

♉ + ♍: Married

PERFECT PAIR- If a Taurus man and a Virgo woman decide to enter into a marriage, it means they have already weighed everything and made this thoughtful decision together. Such marriages are very strong and last for many years.

This family will have everything you need for comfort: mutual understanding, harmony and material stability. The relationship between the spouses is reminiscent of a lady from high society and a knight of noble blood - they treat each other with such respect. The birth of children will make this marriage even stronger, they will receive a good upbringing and education, and in the future they will become successful people.

In their intimate life, both husband and wife are cold, this is a feature of their temperament, and since they behave approximately the same in bed, there are no mutual complaints. Over time, the Virgo woman will become the initiator of diversity; if she is tactful, her husband will happily agree.

♉ + ♍: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR- This union is very strong, but friendly relations between a Virgo and a Taurus begin only if the heart of at least one of them is occupied. If a Taurus guy and a Virgo girl are free from a relationship, most likely, they will very soon become more interested in each other, and their relationship will turn into a love affair.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Amazing calculation of compatibility according to biorhythms! I have always been interested in astrology, not just ordinary general horoscopes, but individual ones. I do yoga. I'm interested in a person's aura. I read about chakras and kundalini, etc. The same interpretation is striking. Thank you. Incredibly interesting and exciting. God bless you, site creators and specialists. When you read about compatibility with a person with whom you have lived for 15 years, you are convinced that such knowledge is not an empty phrase.

Now I (my date is September 20, 1977) have had a crisis in my relationship with my husband for the second year. Born on October 6, 1974. He is a foreigner. And reading the result, I realized even more than with my experience and reflection and analysis that what is still important is nationality and mentality and religion (the inclinations of each person individually and aspirations), which are also given and brought up by parents, society, as well as the STARS in moment of birth.

What LOVE we have had all these years. What intensity, mutual interest in each other and desire to be together. But heteropolarity still played a role. My husband’s ability to let things take their course had a negative impact. I, with my pedantry, love for clarity and organization, stressed him out. Only feeling and love helped to overcome all stumbling blocks.

It seems that all the family crises have passed for 1,3,5,7,9,11 years... but suddenly, for 15 years, circumstances arose that unlearned us. The housing issue and my reluctance to live in the house of my husband’s parents and his lack of understanding why this is unacceptable to me. This is how we live apart for now. We come only because of the children. My husband and son live with his parents, my daughter and I are in another city thousands of kilometers away - where my mother lives, she has her own apartment.

But what I want to say is that no matter how much I wanted to fix everything and regular attempts to find a compromise, to come up with something, life apart has borne fruit. Somehow everything internally calmed down, became reconciled... and now I don’t know: do I want them to be together?! I want one thing for sure, that the children are together and both parents are within reach, that there is a family.

So... still so far away. Something bad happened to me and through it I met a man (he helped resolve everything with the authorities), the matter ended - everything was resolved well. The man is very noble. I even invested my own money at the beginning to make the process faster. And so far I’m finding the amount. In general, good friendships emerged. We collide from time to time. We don't find ourselves alone. Both are reserved. I’m still, at least formally, married. He's decent.

In general, I don’t really understand his attitude towards me - he is very reserved. But if I disappear (his words), he finds a reason to call or dock. Like he doesn’t lose sight of it. Taking into account the specifics of his work, I sometimes need to call and consult. In general, the relationship is not completely interrupted, but nothing more is looming. It’s just that the relationship is becoming more and more warm, as if it were relatives)) Asking him: are you busy? Maybe he can report to me. It's interesting to spend time over a cup of coffee or a business lunch. One of these days we should meet to discuss some formalities in the documents.

And today I came across your site. I looked at compatibility... not even as a partner, but as a friend - with friends, too, because compatibility doesn’t matter how interested they are in each other.
It turns out that this person and I have almost absolute intellectual compatibility))) It says it’s not so important for men and women, they say a man can find it with friends, but on the other hand, it’s good. In men, when there is an intellectual match with a woman. That's of special interest)

Its date is 05/08/1980. Yes, a little younger. This confuses me a little. But according to everyone, I look like I’m 30)) And the most interesting thing is that his day and month coincide with my mother’s birthday - 08/05

Thank you again for such interesting information.

Neta, thanks for your story. The fact that your friend has a birthday on the same calendar day as your mother is really nothing more than a coincidence. But, oddly enough, there are parallels between you and your friend and you and your husband:

Date of Birth 20.09.1977 06.10.1974 08.05.1980
Biorhythms/Chakras 38% 37%
Physical 18% 14%
Emotional 99% 61%
Intellectual 13% 95%
Cordial 1% 29%
Creative 34% 8%
Intuitive 59% 43%
Higher 45% 12%
Zodiac signs Virgo - Earth Libra - Air Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 2 4 3
Family 3 2 4
Temperament 5 2 3

Sorry, this compatibility table did not fit on the phone screen, so we left it for the desktop version

As already mentioned, the probability of finding a partner with high overall compatibility in terms of biorhythms/chakras, say 70-80%, is equal to the probability of meeting a partner with whom you will have only 30-40%. You were lucky in this twice in a row. But this is not luck at all, but your subconscious, tuned over many years to a certain “wave” of the partner next to you. The specifics of the relationship, when there are 1-2 strong maxima against the background of non-overlapping levels, have also already been discussed. And, in principle, this option has the right to life. Sometimes even a good and interesting one, when there is still something “above” and the foundation of compatibility of the signs.

With your husband, apart from, I believe, there was love in the female sense at times. Almost 100% in emotions - it is very strongly felt. But crises as scheduled every two years are too much. This is already from the category of tales of family psychologists, setting up a problem couple, that you will be patient this year, and the next year everything will work out. So it was possible to stop even after the first couple of crises.

Who is the new man for you: a friend or someone more is still an open question. And the answer to it rather depends on you. From his side, everything is clear: (again) a man with a stronger character met a woman of his own element, whose sign for him is “Child” or “Student”. They have the same ground under their feet, the same topics and excellent mutual understanding. And the most important thing is that this man deeply sympathizes with you because of his intellectual maximum. Remember your emotional upsurge at the early stage of your relationship with your husband and you will understand the man next to you. A kind of male love with the mind. By the way, you and him also have some overlap in emotions. Therefore, in absolute terms, the new friend beats the husband in terms of the number of points of contact. Probably, if everything suits you, then it’s worth trying to move forward. Your age plays absolutely no role in this case.

Good afternoon Me (04/22/1978) He (09/18/1969). We met for the first time 16 years ago, we dated for a year and a half, I was a little girl in love, he is a grown man who had girls like me scattered throughout the former USSR, I think quite a few. But at some point he became serious about me and even wanted to marry me. BUT a disaster happened: his best friend raped me, and I became pregnant. I got rid of the child, said goodbye to my man without explanation and gave up on him. He never found out what happened to me. All these years he called periodically, but I was not criminal. But this winter we finally met and feelings flared up. Serious relationships and plans for the future immediately began: family and child. But there are constant quarrels and misunderstandings between us. The last quarrel led to a breakup. I’m in a lot of pain and I don’t know what to do, try to get our relationship back or not. I couldn’t decipher the compatibility calculation. Help, because we were planning to start a family... and have a baby.

In-contri: Olga, let's decipher it together. What we see: Taurus and Virgo - two Earth signs, with harmony in character - both are “golden” (a rare case of compatibility of two identical characters without pronounced dominance), with the same harmony in impulsive temperaments - both partners have 3, but with female family close to the maximum—5 points—against domesticity 2 for the male partner. Is it not this family spirit, Olga, that clouds your mind and makes you want to get married and have a child? I’m not talking about all girls, of course, but for some reason the majority, especially those with a family history of 3 or more, have a pronounced trend: meet a guy, get married as soon as possible, or even give birth... and only then discover that the guy is somehow not very good, and there are a lot of problems with him, and his feelings have faded, and in general “he has ruined his youth,” etc. Therefore, it’s still worth thinking for a minute: what kind of serious relationships and plans can there be when there are constant quarrels and misunderstandings? Or do you seriously (like many, by the way) think that some people enter the registry office, and completely different ones leave it, and immediately everything changes, the clouds disperse, the sun rises, everyone becomes kind and affectionate, they begin to hug, love each other and then die on the same day? Unfortunately no. Rather, I believe that from your youth you still had a certain anchor in your relationship with this man, and this meeting after so many years brought back those very feelings to you, as if you rewinded time back, made you feel like that 20-year-old again. But youth is meant to make mistakes. You, Olga, I think you’ve already done enough of them and it’s not worth going through the same rake a second time. And now the chakras on a more subtle level are already giving us the answer that between you... there are only quarrels and misunderstandings. Emotions are almost dissonance, intelligence is almost dissonance, there is an intersection along the heart chakra (conventionally female level), but it doesn’t have much weight in this situation. There is nothing else either, except for a couple of intersecting rhythms. On the one hand, you would remain good friends and have infrequent meetings in the same company, but, on the other hand, your high family spirit, the commonality of some life values ​​(since the same earthly element) and the same impulsive temperaments throw sparks into a long-burnt bonfire. You cling to the past, trying to correct your “mistake”, which was actually fate (i.e. fate had diverted you then), which is why you cannot soberly assess these relationships in the present, while, as is typical, in principle, for all of us, you picture a prosperous future in your dreams. No, Olga, don’t waste your life on these exhausting relationships, they won’t bring you happiness. I wish you the best of luck in finding your partner in the present, not the past.

Pets of the earthly element, Taurus and Virgo, personify different states of the stronghold: Taurus symbolizes constancy, and the power of Virgo moves layers of soil from place to place. That is, there is an opposition to the expression of the earthly essence in its integrity. What is the compatibility of Taurus-Virgo, how can the tranquility of mountain ranges coexist with an earthquake? Let's consider the issue in detail.

What the characters of Taurus and Virgo have in common is hard work and determination. Both signs methodically and consistently move towards their intended goal; they are not afraid of obstacles and difficulties along the way. Despite their tendency to stubbornness and pessimism, both signs exhibit these qualities at different times, so they do not create conflict situations. If one is tired, the other will lend a friendly shoulder and a helping hand.

Virgos are so careful and prudent that sometimes they need encouragement from Taurus in order to decide on an important step. These signs are united by the desire to preserve traditions and not change anything in their way of life for years. These are two conservatives who find satisfaction in permanence. Virgo can teach Taurus to relax and rest in a timely manner. This is useful for the hard worker Taurus, who forgets even to have lunch in the process of painstaking work.

Astrologers believe that to create a successful and lasting union between Taurus and Virgo, it’s not a big deal - they just need to meet.

Regardless of the sphere of relationship, the connection between Taurus and Virgo will always be harmonious and comfortable. Both are polite, calm and self-possessed - this union makes a favorable impression on others.

Taurus Woman and Virgo

The initiator of the relationship in this couple is Taurus. Despite the stubbornness of the Virgo man, to whom nothing can be imposed, under the influence of the charming Taurus woman he will completely relax and trust her gentle pressure. The atmosphere will be so comfortable that the shy Virgo will suddenly become eloquent. Lovers do not need noisy parties and large gatherings of people; they prefer meetings in secluded places and silence.

Both signs are characterized by a desire for long-term, strong relationships.

If a Taurus girl decides to invite Virgo to visit, she must put the house in perfect order. Virgos are famous for their manic attitude to cleanliness and are able to see specks of dust without a microscope in the most inaccessible places. However, the beauty of Venus’s ward can dampen even such an integral quality of Virgo as the desire for absolute sterility - a man will simply lose the power of speech and thinking.

The harmony of relationships is facilitated by the devotion of both to each other. Taurus and Virgo never risk flirting on the side; they strive to devote more time to each other. None of them are in a hurry to formalize the legality of the relationship, but they are not going to interrupt them either. Taurus and Virgo always carefully think through every step and slowly move towards the goal.

Marital compatibility

Astrologers consider the marriage of Taurus and Virgo ideal. Both signs understand each other perfectly, since their worldview completely coincides. Sometimes Virgo can be too scrupulous, but this does not prevent general harmony from reigning. The Virgo man loves family comfort, so he appreciates the care and attention of the Taurus woman. He considers her an ideal housewife and mother. Taurus likes Virgo's thriftiness, ability to earn money and spend it wisely.

The Virgo man may sometimes seem too demanding of cleanliness and order, but Taurus likes to take care of the house and take care of the household. Virgo's desire for ideal purity can bring Taurus many unpleasant moments, but they will have to put up with it or turn it into humor.

Pedantic Virgos do not let anyone down in this regard, not only Taurus: from birth, all things are in their place and are characterized by perfect cleanliness. However, Taurus will instill in Virgo a new quality - the enjoyment of classical disorder, elevating it to the rank of art. And what else can you compare the fragrant rose petals scattered on the carpet with, if not with art?

In intimate life, both partners completely coincide in temperament and attitude towards sex. There will never be an explosion of emotions in this couple, but both are completely satisfied with the calm and measured marital idyll. If Virgo wants some variety, you need to delicately warn Taurus about this in advance.

Can there be disagreements in the idyllic union of Taurus and Virgo? They happen, but they are always resolved through peaceful negotiations. However, here you need to take into account the peculiarity of Taurus and Virgo to accumulate grievances and keep them under lock and key for a long time. At the most inopportune moment, Pandora's box can open, and then thunderstorms along with an earthquake cannot be avoided. But the exception is more than the rule, since both signs rarely come into conflict.

Taurus Man and Virgo

Astrologers are sure that this couple is made for each other. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to build stronger and more stable relationships. Taurus and Virgo see themselves in each other or what they want to see in their partner.

The couple understands each other completely without words or even half-hints, the partners’ feelings are so close.

Even at the first meeting, Taurus and Virgo understand that they have found each other. The Taurus man does not need to be persistent and win Virgo’s favor - she immediately approves of his choice. Virgo feels that she has found a reliable partner and trusts him completely. Both know how to combine business with pleasure - feelings do not prevent them from doing business, and business does not interfere with feelings. As a rule, relationships between lovers always end with a wedding.


This is one of the most stable and strong marriage unions, about which there are legends. In this family there is always comfort, well-being, mutual understanding and respect. Friends are watching a fairy tale come true between a noble knight and a royal lady. The children of this couple are always well-mannered and neat, and they delight their parents with their educational successes.

In bed, the spouses behave exactly the same, so they do not make any claims to each other. Virgo may offer suggestions for variety in intimate life, to which the Taurus spouse will respond approvingly. Astrologers believe that over time, partners will learn to feel each other even more. Hot and insatiable Taurus will be able to inflame some of the coldness of Virgo and create a more passionate lover out of her.

Partnership and friendship

The couple is on the same wavelength, so mutual understanding will be ideal. Both prefer to combine business with pleasure, so they will not waste time. If representatives of the earth are of different sexes, then friendship almost always ends in marriage.

In a business partnership, success awaits the couple, because redoubled persistence in achieving goals always leads to excellent results. Persistence, coupled with passion, will attract many envious people and competitors. But Taurus and Virgo will be able to overcome any machinations of competitors and take their ship to clean and calm waters.

However, the tendency of earth signs to be constant is not always useful in business projects, so a team of like-minded people will not be hindered by the presence of an air sign - they are all distinguished by a creative approach to business and a penchant for innovation.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Amazing calculation of compatibility according to biorhythms! I have always been interested in astrology, not just ordinary general horoscopes, but individual ones. I do yoga. I'm interested in a person's aura. I read about chakras and kundalini, etc. The same interpretation is striking. Thank you. Incredibly interesting and exciting. God bless you, site creators and specialists. When you read about compatibility with a person with whom you have lived for 15 years, you are convinced that such knowledge is not an empty phrase.

Now I (my date is September 20, 1977) have had a crisis in my relationship with my husband for the second year. Born on October 6, 1974. He is a foreigner. And reading the result, I realized even more than with my experience and reflection and analysis that what is still important is nationality and mentality and religion (the inclinations of each person individually and aspirations), which are also given and brought up by parents, society, as well as the STARS in moment of birth.

What LOVE we have had all these years. What intensity, mutual interest in each other and desire to be together. But heteropolarity still played a role. My husband’s ability to let things take their course had a negative impact. I, with my pedantry, love for clarity and organization, stressed him out. Only feeling and love helped to overcome all stumbling blocks.

It seems that all the family crises have passed for 1,3,5,7,9,11 years... but suddenly, for 15 years, circumstances arose that unlearned us. The housing issue and my reluctance to live in the house of my husband’s parents and his lack of understanding why this is unacceptable to me. This is how we live apart for now. We come only because of the children. My husband and son live with his parents, my daughter and I are in another city thousands of kilometers away - where my mother lives, she has her own apartment.

But what I want to say is that no matter how much I wanted to fix everything and regular attempts to find a compromise, to come up with something, life apart has borne fruit. Somehow everything internally calmed down, became reconciled... and now I don’t know: do I want them to be together?! I want one thing for sure, that the children are together and both parents are within reach, that there is a family.

So... still so far away. Something bad happened to me and through it I met a man (he helped resolve everything with the authorities), the matter ended - everything was resolved well. The man is very noble. I even invested my own money at the beginning to make the process faster. And so far I’m finding the amount. In general, good friendships emerged. We collide from time to time. We don't find ourselves alone. Both are reserved. I’m still, at least formally, married. He's decent.

In general, I don’t really understand his attitude towards me - he is very reserved. But if I disappear (his words), he finds a reason to call or dock. Like he doesn’t lose sight of it. Taking into account the specifics of his work, I sometimes need to call and consult. In general, the relationship is not completely interrupted, but nothing more is looming. It’s just that the relationship is becoming more and more warm, as if it were relatives)) Asking him: are you busy? Maybe he can report to me. It's interesting to spend time over a cup of coffee or a business lunch. One of these days we should meet to discuss some formalities in the documents.

And today I came across your site. I looked at compatibility... not even as a partner, but as a friend - with friends, too, because compatibility doesn’t matter how interested they are in each other.
It turns out that this person and I have almost absolute intellectual compatibility))) It says it’s not so important for men and women, they say a man can find it with friends, but on the other hand, it’s good. In men, when there is an intellectual match with a woman. That's of special interest)

Its date is 05/08/1980. Yes, a little younger. This confuses me a little. But according to everyone, I look like I’m 30)) And the most interesting thing is that his day and month coincide with my mother’s birthday - 08/05

Thank you again for such interesting information.

Neta, thanks for your story. The fact that your friend has a birthday on the same calendar day as your mother is really nothing more than a coincidence. But, oddly enough, there are parallels between you and your friend and you and your husband:

Date of Birth 20.09.1977 06.10.1974 08.05.1980
Biorhythms/Chakras 38% 37%
Physical 18% 14%
Emotional 99% 61%
Intellectual 13% 95%
Cordial 1% 29%
Creative 34% 8%
Intuitive 59% 43%
Higher 45% 12%
Zodiac signs Virgo - Earth Libra - Air Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 2 4 3
Family 3 2 4
Temperament 5 2 3

Sorry, this compatibility table did not fit on the phone screen, so we left it for the desktop version

As already mentioned, the probability of finding a partner with high overall compatibility in terms of biorhythms/chakras, say 70-80%, is equal to the probability of meeting a partner with whom you will have only 30-40%. You were lucky in this twice in a row. But this is not luck at all, but your subconscious, tuned over many years to a certain “wave” of the partner next to you. The specifics of the relationship, when there are 1-2 strong maxima against the background of non-overlapping levels, have also already been discussed. And, in principle, this option has the right to life. Sometimes even a good and interesting one, when there is still something “above” and the foundation of compatibility of the signs.

With your husband, apart from, I believe, there was love in the female sense at times. Almost 100% in emotions - it is very strongly felt. But crises as scheduled every two years are too much. This is already from the category of tales of family psychologists, setting up a problem couple, that you will be patient this year, and the next year everything will work out. So it was possible to stop even after the first couple of crises.

Who is the new man for you: a friend or someone more is still an open question. And the answer to it rather depends on you. From his side, everything is clear: (again) a man with a stronger character met a woman of his own element, whose sign for him is “Child” or “Student”. They have the same ground under their feet, the same topics and excellent mutual understanding. And the most important thing is that this man deeply sympathizes with you because of his intellectual maximum. Remember your emotional upsurge at the early stage of your relationship with your husband and you will understand the man next to you. A kind of male love with the mind. By the way, you and him also have some overlap in emotions. Therefore, in absolute terms, the new friend beats the husband in terms of the number of points of contact. Probably, if everything suits you, then it’s worth trying to move forward. Your age plays absolutely no role in this case.

Good afternoon Me (04/22/1978) He (09/18/1969). We met for the first time 16 years ago, we dated for a year and a half, I was a little girl in love, he is a grown man who had girls like me scattered throughout the former USSR, I think quite a few. But at some point he became serious about me and even wanted to marry me. BUT a disaster happened: his best friend raped me, and I became pregnant. I got rid of the child, said goodbye to my man without explanation and gave up on him. He never found out what happened to me. All these years he called periodically, but I was not criminal. But this winter we finally met and feelings flared up. Serious relationships and plans for the future immediately began: family and child. But there are constant quarrels and misunderstandings between us. The last quarrel led to a breakup. I’m in a lot of pain and I don’t know what to do, try to get our relationship back or not. I couldn’t decipher the compatibility calculation. Help, because we were planning to start a family... and have a baby.

In-contri: Olga, let's decipher it together. What we see: Taurus and Virgo - two Earth signs, with harmony in character - both are “golden” (a rare case of compatibility of two identical characters without pronounced dominance), with the same harmony in impulsive temperaments - both partners have 3, but with female family close to the maximum—5 points—against domesticity 2 for the male partner. Is it not this family spirit, Olga, that clouds your mind and makes you want to get married and have a child? I’m not talking about all girls, of course, but for some reason the majority, especially those with a family history of 3 or more, have a pronounced trend: meet a guy, get married as soon as possible, or even give birth... and only then discover that the guy is somehow not very good, and there are a lot of problems with him, and his feelings have faded, and in general “he has ruined his youth,” etc. Therefore, it’s still worth thinking for a minute: what kind of serious relationships and plans can there be when there are constant quarrels and misunderstandings? Or do you seriously (like many, by the way) think that some people enter the registry office, and completely different ones leave it, and immediately everything changes, the clouds disperse, the sun rises, everyone becomes kind and affectionate, they begin to hug, love each other and then die on the same day? Unfortunately no. Rather, I believe that from your youth you still had a certain anchor in your relationship with this man, and this meeting after so many years brought back those very feelings to you, as if you rewinded time back, made you feel like that 20-year-old again. But youth is meant to make mistakes. You, Olga, I think you’ve already done enough of them and it’s not worth going through the same rake a second time. And now the chakras on a more subtle level are already giving us the answer that between you... there are only quarrels and misunderstandings. Emotions are almost dissonance, intelligence is almost dissonance, there is an intersection along the heart chakra (conventionally female level), but it doesn’t have much weight in this situation. There is nothing else either, except for a couple of intersecting rhythms. On the one hand, you would remain good friends and have infrequent meetings in the same company, but, on the other hand, your high family spirit, the commonality of some life values ​​(since the same earthly element) and the same impulsive temperaments throw sparks into a long-burnt bonfire. You cling to the past, trying to correct your “mistake”, which was actually fate (i.e. fate had diverted you then), which is why you cannot soberly assess these relationships in the present, while, as is typical, in principle, for all of us, you picture a prosperous future in your dreams. No, Olga, don’t waste your life on these exhausting relationships, they won’t bring you happiness. I wish you the best of luck in finding your partner in the present, not the past.

Nelly Frolova

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

One of the most harmonious couples among the zodiac signs in all respects is Taurus and Virgo. These are two horses - hard workers who work in one team, and mutual support both in friendship and in work will be maximum.

The horoscope of these signs is similar in characteristics.

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


Taurus is persistent the ability to plan, save, create conditions for the best living conditions. He looks at life soberly, does not have his head in the clouds, his horoscope is full of positive character traits. Its compatibility with many zodiac signs is simply amazing.

It is impossible to control a Taurus without a good attitude towards him; he will easily see falsehood and play, and will not succumb to external beauty, no matter how sexy and alluring it may be. He first of all pays attention to the internal component. In love, Taurus is distinguished by tenderness and at the same time unbridledness.

Taurus's horoscope makes him a desirable employee for any company. Those born under the zodiac sign of Taurus are not without romance.

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Practicing astrologer


Virgo is a worker bee, a maximalist and, in some way, a conservative. There is no greater connoisseur of order among all the signs of the zodiac circle than Virgo. Representatives of this sign look at life soberly, rely on their strengths and are wonderful friends. In love, as in friendship, Virgo women and men give themselves completely, dissolve in close people, give themselves without reserve. This is the most sacrificial sign of the Zodiac.

If we calculate their dedication as a percentage, it will be ninety-nine, and one percent are people who have not yet recovered from deception or betrayal. They are often unlucky in love because they expect a lot from their partner. A young guy or girl of this sign is very trusting and insecure, but this goes away after they meet a strong personality who will be proud of them.

Taurus and Virgo, whose compatibility is maximum, will certainly achieve even more in any relationship, provided that they do not require their partner to adapt to each other. They both love the truth and trustingly give new chances even to those who have failed them.

The horoscope sees them as allies in almost any area. If the compatibility of this couple is questioned, this is a mistaken opinion of others, since men and women of these zodiac signs are skilled negotiators. They easily come to consensus.

Compatibility of signs in business, friendship and work

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Practicing astrologer


Taurus and Virgo can start any project together; it will be successful a priori. They can raise even a declining business to the highest level due to the fact that they carefully delve into the little things and details. Virgo learns quickly and can quickly change professional direction; diligence and perseverance will help in solving such problems as: finding errors in calculations, determining the cause of a particular result.

Virgo– humanitarians, they easily formulate the essence, they have a flexible mind, logical thinking. Taurus quickly understands the essence of all technical characteristics, he is strong in law and jurisprudence. The horoscope, among all the signs of the Zodiac, has endowed these two signs with the ability to carefully smooth out rough edges.

The compatibility of these signs in work is just as great, provided that Taurus knows how to praise, can evaluate the contribution of an employee, and can set the task correctly. Virgos will work efficiently under the leadership of Taurus; he seems more collected and sober-minded to Virgos.

If the leader is Virgo, their tandem will be more sincere and friendly. Virgo here will act as a mentor, whom Taurus will follow and support. But he must be more patient, since Virgo loves scrupulousness, she asks for accurate reports, wants to understand the essence, and be aware of all changes. Taurus can be restrained, since Virgo works leisurely. The horoscope shows interesting turns in relationships, depending on the year of birth.

Compatibility in friendship largely depends on Taurus, since Virgo is too trusting, but for her there is a certain line beyond which she will not be able to forgive deceptions and a cold attitude towards herself.

Women in this regard are more vulnerable, they take friendship very seriously, they will always come to the rescue, lend money, and find words for support. But they expect the same thing - the same attitude towards themselves, and are often disappointed.

Taurus is to be admired. Virgo can do this, and their compatibility only increases because of this.

Compatibility in marriage, love and sexual relationships

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Practicing astrologer


Taurus is dependent on the sensual sphere, he is sexy, frantic in bed. He is interested in a partner who also loves sex and is liberated. Taurus does not like hypocrites, although there is also a note of hypocrisy in him, and it very often appears in him when condemning too liberated behavior.

Taurus is driven primarily by curiosity, they want all kinds of innovations in sex, it is for this reason that they enter into relationships outside the family, but they really value their spouse. Taurus women can be described as patient spouses and kind mothers. They are wise and this makes their compatibility with other signs possible. The Taurus man and woman are somewhat selfish, but honest.

Virgos are misunderstood by many - they are considered puritans, compatibility and relationships with whom will result in boredom in the love bed. But this is just a mask. They do not like to show their sexuality, they are not public, modest and do not trust their partners for a long time. In fact, they allow limitless amounts to those of whose decency and kindness they are convinced.

Sexy Virgo, in marriage or in an easy relationship, will bring maximum pleasure to her partner, and this will come as a surprise to him. Outwardly modest and even a little sanctimonious, Virgos turn into a hurricane in a few seconds. The man and woman of this sign are born connoisseurs of beauty; they get maximum pleasure from the fact that their partner enjoys them. The wives and girlfriends of Virgos are not interested in their husband’s financial condition; they can start in a hut and lead their husband to success.

Woman – Taurus and man – Virgo

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This is the case when a Woman will have to take decision making. The Virgo man is somewhat weak-willed, but this is not a bad trait here, since Taurus wants to be in charge. In such a relationship, a man is taken care of and treated kindly; he receives a mother and a wife in one person. The horoscope advises such couples to be more tolerant of each other in terms of the issues discussed, since the man also wants to express his opinion. Most often, he turns out to be right, since Virgo knows how to see the situation from the outside, think logically, and draw conclusions from past mistakes. The Virgo husband is a responsible husband and father, he is proud of his family and does everything to make the relationship comfortable.

Taurus man, Virgo woman

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Practicing astrologer


This is the best option for many. In such relationships, the woman gives the right to decide and rule to the man. She is happy to relieve herself of responsibility for making decisions. The best thing about this relationship is that Virgo will not remind you that her husband made a mistake last time; she can skillfully turn the conversation in the right direction. There are only a few such wives, and they value fidelity in their spouse, or the ability to hide adultery.

The Taurus man and husband love to make grandiose plans, he knows how to prove that he is right, and the Virgo wife will always support his endeavors, even if she sees them as futile. Many people lose wives with this approach due to their inability to appreciate this character trait. A woman of this sign will make every effort to help her realize her plans, but her husband must be able to gently answer her questions.

The horoscope advises Taurus-Virgo couples to live in love based on friendship and trust. Zodiac signs, so strongly tied to the emotional, spiritual component, must treat each other patiently and with respect. A husband, or a male friend, must accept Virgo’s female vulnerability and protect his wives and girlfriends from stress and external insults. He is the foundation of marriage.

If a woman is a Taurus, she should initially express her desire to be weaker if she wants it, otherwise the Virgo husband simply will not understand her insults, since he follows Taurus’s emotions more than actions. Taurus wives who decide to shoulder all the worries will be disappointed, because sooner or later they will want to see that their husband is the leader, the head of the family. The Virgo girl is very vulnerable in her first love, and therefore it is better if she chooses a reliable husband with whom she can be herself.

Horoscope and compatibility of any sign may have nothing to do with your character and your family, but choosing wives and husbands is a responsible task on which your destiny depends. If your other half is Taurus, he will always be your support. Virgo is easy in relationships, and in choosing husbands and wives she will pay attention only to character.