
Marshmallow according to the guest from the chadeyka. Zephyr according to GOST - chadeyka Zephyr according to GOST recipe

It is believed that the first mention of marshmallows was in Greece, but in Rus' they also prepared something similar, and in the USSR there was a GOST for this delicacy. With some differences in the composition of homemade, GOST, dietary and other aspects, the principle of preparing marshmallows is to combine fruit puree with syrup and gelling ingredient, beat and... fix.

I give two compositions of ingredients for making marshmallows at home. The first is declared on the Internet as a dietary product, promising 243 calories, and the second - according to GOST 326 calories, but one way or another, marshmallows are also considered a dietary product, there is not a drop of fat in it, and you cannot eat a lot of this light-weight, airy dessert.

Marshmallows are not devoid of health benefits; they contain fiber, pectin, iron, phosphorus and other beneficial substances.

Prepare the ingredients for marshmallows according to GOST:

To prepare the puree, apples need to be baked in the oven or microwave until soft.

It is better to take sour varieties of apples.

Then you need to scrape the pulp out of the peel; the cores are also not needed.

Puree until smooth using a blender or sieve.

Add sugar and vanilla sugar to the warm puree and mix thoroughly.

The apple puree should be as tender as baby puree sold in jars.

Dissolve agar in water.

Then bring to a boil and cook for a couple of minutes, this will reveal the gelling properties of the agar.
Add sugar and molasses or syrup.

Cook until thickened and caramelized for about five minutes at 110 degrees, i.e. when boiling, and when scooping, a “string” should stretch.

While the syrup is cooking, beat the egg whites

and adding them in portions, beat with applesauce.

Pour the hot, but not boiling, syrup into the apple-white mixture in a stream while stirring.

Then beat the mixture until thick and fluffy for a few minutes...

Place the marshmallow mixture into a piping bag.
I still have it for years! so I fill a simple food bag, which I then cut off the tip of.

On a suitable flat surface: glass, silicone, metal, food paper or foil, etc. plant the blanks - half of the future marshmallow.

Dry them at room temperature for 24 hours; the surface will become crusty and the inside will remain soft. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, remove from the surface and stick the halves together with the sticky part.

Homemade marshmallows according to GOST, ready.

Bon appetit and good mood!

Homemade apple marshmallows, GOST recipe!

GOST, not GOST, but I really didn’t have enough sourness in marshmallows! Either apples need more acidic varieties, or it wouldn’t hurt to add citric acid. If you decide to make marshmallows using store-bought winter apples, I still recommend 1/3 tsp. put citric acid. And the consistency of real store-bought marshmallows is obtained after about two days, before that it is still somewhat soft (see photo below.) And so, it’s very good, but not delightful, unlike bird's milk, there is complete delight :) I don’t want to praise the marshmallows I got, because I’m not very happy with the taste, but it’s not about the recipe, but rather about my apples, because marshmallow the apple taste was pronounced and there was sourness, but they had their own apples, a fresh harvest, and I made marshmallows using store-bought, “plastic” apples..

So, the GOST apple marshmallow recipe!


  1. Applesauce – 250 gr. (3-4 medium apples) *If you don’t have scales, then 1 heaped tablespoon contains 50 grams. puree
  2. Sugar 250 gr.
  3. Vanilla sugar - sachet
  4. Protein – 1 pc.


  1. Sugar 475 gr.
  2. Agar-agar – 8 gr. (4 tsp under knife)
  3. Water – 160 ml.


  1. Powdered sugar


  1. Soak agar-agar in 160 gr. water and leave for now
  2. Peel the apples, cut them and bake them in the oven at 220 degrees. until soft *Can be baked in the microwave
  3. Pass through a blender or break into porridge with a mixer *Can be rubbed through a sieve
  4. Set aside 250 gr. puree
  5. Add sugar (250 g) and vanilla sugar and leave to cool completely
  6. Add half the egg whites to the cooled puree and beat for a minute until the mixture turns white.
  7. Add the remaining protein and beat until stable foam *Took me 7 minutes
  8. Agar soaked in water (160 ml), bring to a boil and let it swell completely *Looks like glue
  9. Add sugar (475 g) and start cooking over medium heat for 5-6 minutes.
  10. The finished syrup trails behind the spoon in thin strings *I still have a thick one, but I couldn’t catch the thin one in the frame :))
  11. Cool the syrup slightly and pour into the apple foam, stirring constantly with a mixer at low speed.
  12. Beat the prepared mixture for marshmallows for a couple more minutes. As the agar hardens, you will see that it’s time to plant it :)
  13. Fill the pastry bag with the mixture and place the marshmallows onto the paper.
  14. Leave at room temperature for 24 hours.
  15. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, glue the halves together and eat :)
  16. Look, it’s still a bit damp, which means you can safely leave it to dry to that rubbery structure of store-bought marshmallows for 12-24 hours.

For storage, put the marshmallows in a bag. I got 50 halves + my eldest son ate some of them while whipping them in liquid form :) I didn’t have to put away the finished 25 marshmallows for storage, they were already gone :) And it doesn’t matter that I didn’t have enough sourness, the children ate it anyway :)

Bon appetit!

Today we will prepare marshmallows according to GOST with our own hands at home. This recipe is quite simple and affordable.

However, before we get down to business, let's talk to you about the benefits of marshmallows and whether you should give them preference over other sweet treats.

Useful properties of marshmallows

Marshmallow is made from proteins, fruit and berry puree, sugar, as well as natural thickeners - gelatin, pectin or agar - agar.

The beneficial properties of marshmallows directly depend on what gelling agent is added to the product during its manufacture. However, the calorie content when using various thickeners remains unchanged: per 100 grams of marshmallows - 330 kcal.

The protein contained in marshmallows serves as a strengthening and building material for the muscular system, and glucose will strengthen your immune system and improve brain activity.

Pectin, which is used to make marshmallows, is of plant origin, so if it is included in sweets, it is especially useful.

Pectin-based marshmallows: helps remove harmful substances, toxins, and metal salts from the body. Pectin also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, increases the overall endurance of the body and the resistance of the immune system to environmentally unfavorable factors.

The benefits of marshmallows are high in phosphorus and iron; this sweet delicacy has a very positive effect on nails, hair growth and our blood vessels.

Marshmallow prepared with agar-agar thickener contains iodine, calcium, potassium, and iron. Agar - Agar is a natural thickener that is obtained from algae. However, it is worth noting that the taste of marshmallows with agar-agar will not be so tender and a little cloying.

You can eat marshmallows without fear for the health of your teeth. To prevent these sweets from causing tooth decay, it is recommended to eat them after meals, and no more than two or two pieces per day.

Gelatin-based marshmallows are good for joints and bones, strengthening nails and hair.

An interesting feature of marshmallows is that if you eat marshmallows from 4 to 6 pm, it will help reduce blood glucose levels.

The beneficial properties of marshmallows were noted by nutritionists; this delicacy is also recommended for baby food. Special studies have confirmed that marshmallows, when consumed in moderation, have a beneficial effect on the child’s body - it improves digestion and increases the child’s mental activity.

Contraindications - marshmallows should not be eaten if you have diabetes!

However, diabetics should not be upset, there are marshmallows made with fructose - there are no contraindications for this delicacy.

Now that you know the benefits of marshmallows, it’s time to prepare this delicious, fluffy delicacy with your own hands.

Marshmallow recipe according to GOST

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Applesauce - 250 grams. To make applesauce we need 4 large apples;
  • Proteins - 1 protein;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Marshmallow syrup:

  • Sugar - 474 grams;
  • Water - 160 grams;
  • Agar - agar - 8 grams, that's 4 level teaspoons.

Preparation of marshmallows:

  1. Soak the agar - agar in water. As indicated in the recipe - 8 grams of agar and soak in 160 grams of water.
  2. Let's use the apples to make the puree. To do this, bake the apples in the oven until tender - so that they are soft.
  3. Then scrape out the baked pulp from the skins with a spoon. It’s even easier to rub the baked apples through a sieve or use a blender to puree.
  4. Add sugar and vanilla sugar to the resulting applesauce and leave until completely cooled.
  5. Agar soaked in water - put the agar on low heat and bring almost to a boil so that our thickener dissolves in the water. Add sugar, stir well and bring to a boil.
  6. Cook the syrup, stirring constantly, over medium heat for 5 minutes. Until its temperature reaches 110C. A wooden spatula lifted from the finished syrup will pull a thin, sweet thread. Set aside the syrup and let it cool slightly.
  7. Add half the egg white to the cooled applesauce and begin whisking. Beat until the apple mass is lightly lightened, and then add the second half of the protein and beat until a thick and fluffy marshmallow mass is obtained.
  8. We begin to pour the slightly cooled but still hot syrup into the mass, pour in a thin stream, without stopping whipping.
  9. After adding the syrup, beat the mixture for several minutes. You need to take a large bowl, since the marshmallow mass will increase in volume. Beat until the mixture resembles a bizet.
  10. Then quickly transfer the mass into a cornet with an attachment, which must be prepared in advance. Place marshmallow halves on a sheet lined with baking paper. We will have about 60 pieces of halves - we need to prepare a lot of space!
  11. Agar - agar hardens very quickly, already at 40C, so we don’t wait for the mass to harden, we plant it immediately and quickly. Let's leave the marshmallows on the table for a day, during which time it will harden and there will be a thin sugar crust on it. Sprinkle the halves with powder.
  12. We connect the marshmallows in pairs, they will stick together without any problems, their bases are sticky. Place the finished sweets in a beautiful dish.

Marshmallow is ready according to GOST, as you can see it is very easy to prepare. We ended up with a very tasty and healthy delicacy.

Many of our readers remember the times of Soviet marshmallows. This is a divine substance. Moderately sweet, with a slight sourness. Dense and delicate texture at the same time... Mmm... Do you remember everything? Mothers always brought marshmallows along with sweets to their children in pioneer camps during parent's day. People with a sweet tooth were ready to eat marshmallow for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the 90s, state standards and technologies changed. Marshmallows with a dull taste, lacking this unique moisture, began to appear on the shelves. Dry and not at all pretty.

Now, if you wish, you can find a quality product. But for the most part, marketing offers us Marshmallow. This sweetness does not at all resemble real marshmallows. And if you have a desire to treat your children and loved ones to real marshmallows, read this article quickly. In it we will look at the option of making real marshmallows at home. And we will take into account all the nuances and subtleties of technology.

Marshmallow classic

The recipe was created in compliance with all USSR GOST standards. Marshmallows prepared according to this recipe will be just the way we love them.

We will need:

  • sour apple puree – 250 g
  • egg white – 1 pc.
  • vanilla sugar – 1 pack.
  • granulated sugar – 250 g
  • pastry bag with toothed tip
  • culinary parchment

For the syrup:

  • water – 160 g
  • agar-agar – 8 g
  • granulated sugar – 475 g


  1. Soak 8 g of agar-agar in 160 g of water in a small bowl for 3-4 hours.
  2. Making applesauce. The apples need to be washed, wiped, cut into 4 parts and the core and seeds removed. Bake apples in the oven or microwave. For the required 250 g of puree you need about 400 g of apples.
  3. Using a spoon, scoop out the softened pulp from the baked apples. You don't need a peel to make marshmallows. Place the pulp in a blender or food processor. Turn it into a smooth puree. Important! Achieve perfect smoothness for puree. This is a very important stage of cooking technology.
  4. Add 250 g of sugar to the warm puree, mix well and leave for 1 hour for the ingredients to mutually release to each other.
  5. Agar-agar, soaked for several hours in water, must be put on fire in the same water. Bring the mixture to a boil while constantly stirring. Reduce heat. The binder should completely dissolve and the mixture should take on the consistency of jelly. In time it is about 2-3 minutes.
  6. Pour 475 g of sugar into agar-agar. Cook the syrup over low heat. Boil the syrup until a caramel string trails behind a spoon immersed in the syrup. It is important not to overdo it with the temperature. At temperatures above 110 degrees, the astringent properties of agar-agar disappear. Boiling the syrup takes about 6-7 minutes. Remove the finished syrup from the heat and let it cool slightly.
  7. Divide the egg white into 2 parts. Dip one into the applesauce and start blending the mixture with a blender. After a minute, add the second part of the protein. Beat for a few minutes. In the process, the apple mass will acquire a lighter tone and increase in size.
  8. Gently pour the warm sugar syrup into the applesauce in a thin stream. Continuing to beat with a blender or mixer. Set the finished mixture aside for 5-6 minutes.
  9. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet. Fill a cooking bag with the mixture and place neat marshmallows on the paper. The finished marshmallows should be left for a day at room temperature. During this time it will be covered with a crispy crust.
  10. After settling, connect the marshmallow halves to each other.

Enjoy your tea!