
Phlegmatic: characteristics, pros and cons of temperament. Who is a phlegmatic person and his psychology Phlegmatic temperament

Surely you have noticed that some people are in a good mood all the time, while others have the slightest reason to be sad; some have time for everything, while others cannot come anywhere without being late; someone grasps on the fly, and someone needs long and tedious explanations. The reason for this is human temperament. Today we will talk about phlegmatic people, their characteristics, the characteristics of relations with them and the upbringing of children of this type.

Who is that?

The definition of phlegmatic in psychology refers to very slow people, whose feature is the equanimity that they maintain in any situation. In order to unbalance them, you really need to try, such people are extremely laconic and, as a rule, carefully hide their feelings and experiences.

Due to the fact that phlegmatic people have a slower response rate, many of these people seem lethargic, tired, and even unwilling to fulfill the requests of friends and the orders of their superiors. Sometimes one gets the feeling that these people are not able to feel neither fear, sadness, nor joy, nor delight. Actually, many people believe that phlegmatic people do not experience any emotions at all, but this is far from the case. Under the guise of serenity lies a real hurricane of feelings and experiences, but these people will never betray themselves with a look or a word.

Phlegmatic people are calm, balanced and unshakable like a rock., you can expect aggression from them only in the most extreme situations. These people are also distinguished by the thoroughness, balancedness of the decisions made. Phlegmatic people never base them on feelings and sensations; these people make the final verdict only as a result of careful consideration, many days of analysis and weighing all the pros and cons. This means that you will never hear from such a person the phrase “an inner voice prompted me ...”, they are extremely responsible and extremely focused.

Phlegmatic people avoid conflicts; leaving the usual zone of maximum comfort is considered a rather difficult test for them. These people love to live the life they are used to, any changes are unacceptable to them.

Selecting a phlegmatic is quite simple. These people are stingy on the manifestation of emotions. They always express their joy or sadness with exceptional restraint, the biggest problem for them is a sharp change in activity or the transience of events occurring in their personal lives. For example, they may become upset if a favorite restaurant closes or an unwanted move to a new place of residence is about to take place. The absence of any changes becomes the basic parameter of well-being and complete security. If the circumstances around change too much and quickly, this can cause a nervous breakdown and neurosis, since the phlegmatic psyche simply cannot withstand acute internal experiences.

Phlegmatic people are introverts, that is, people who often resort to introspection and introspection. Being alone, they get the opportunity to dream, reflect on their mistakes and make plans for the future.

As a rule, phlegmatic individuals have adequate or even reduced self-esteem. These people do not have the habit of making increased demands on others, they are not characterized by the manifestation of ambition, therefore they rarely reach heights in their careers, they have enough tits in their hands. Phlegmatic people avoid being in the spotlight, they are alien to the crowd, a large audience or any public speaking.

In relations with relatives and friends, they try in every possible way to avoid aggravating corners. At the time of quarrels, they are either silent or agree with their opponent, and more often they simply leave so as not to take part in the showdown.

Advantages and disadvantages

Phlegmatic character has both its advantages and disadvantages.

These people are distinguished by external firmness of character, absolute calmness, strength and confidence. Usually, everyone around is drawn to such personalities, they are attracted by the opportunity to find support and participation. Phlegmatic people are sweet and very charming people who charge their friends and relatives with their charisma.

The undoubted advantage of phlegmatic people is that it is almost impossible to knock them off balance. For them to lose their temper, something extraordinary must happen, in which case he will express his displeasure quite strictly, in a very menacing voice, but succinctly. As a rule, such "remarks" make a crushing impression on the opponent.

Phlegmatic people are considered unique people who can easily get along with representatives of all other types of temperament. Such people accept others as they are, do not seek to bend them for themselves and remake them. These are born diplomats who can always find a common language even with unsympathetic personalities. They do not take disappointment, resentment and threats to heart, therefore they rarely experience an unpleasant feeling of bitterness if the desired does not work out.

Such people absolutely do not have the habit of using the people around them for personal gain, it is unusual for them to weave various intrigues behind their backs, such people keep secrets well and you can always trust them without fear of publicity.

Phlegmatic people always help if you ask them for help, but they do everything in their power to ensure that the request is granted. At the same time, they are always responsible for their words, and if they are thanked for their support, they will continue to try to help with even greater zeal.

Phlegmatic people have the peculiarity of making decisions for a long time, but if they still intend to act, they will go to the end. If the situation starts to get out of control, then they will activate all their internal forces and direct them to find a way out of the current situation. Exceptional determination, full diligence and endless diligence - these are the main qualities of a phlegmatic.

You should not assume that phlegmatic people are always "in themselves", on the contrary, they are people with a well-developed sense of humor. At the same time, they do not throw jokes non-stop, unlike sanguine people, but they can always defuse the situation with a witty joke in difficult times.

In addition, the phlegmatic is very neat - in his room or on the desktop you will never notice a mess.

However, there are phlegmatic and disadvantages.

People of this type have difficulty adapting to various changes that can unsettle them for a long time, deprive them of a sense of security and security, and cause nostalgia. Phlegmatic people do not really like travel and trips, as they are unable to quickly get used to new living conditions.

Outwardly, these people do not show any emotions, therefore, many around regard such an attitude as complete indifference. Such people are often accused of callousness and heartlessness. And since they are laconic, they do not seek to convince others of the opposite.

Sacrifice is a feature that quite often harms the phlegmatic himself, as it quickly depletes his nervous system. In any difficult situation, the phlegmatic person tries to console the others, literally radiating confidence and calmness, but a real storm boils in their souls. Internal experiences do not receive an external outlet and deplete the internal forces of the body. Thus, the phlegmatic directs all his negativity to himself, since acting out on other people is a taboo for them.


As a rule, phlegmatic people need a lot of time to assess their environment. Any change of circumstances can knock the ground out from under their feet, but after the whole environment is thoroughly analyzed, phlegmatic people begin to take steps towards achieving their goals.

Due to their balance, such people are quite hardworking and persistent, they tend to memorize a large amount of information and thoroughly analyze all the information they have.

As a rule, phlegmatic people often act as a vest- constantly lend a shoulder and are ready to provide any support. Their prudence and inner core allows them to reconsider the problem situation and offer a different solution, more balanced and thoughtful.

As for his own experiences, a person of this type will never share them with other people, even those closest to him. These people are real realists who do not build any illusions, live in the present, set clear goals for themselves and do not consider dreams necessary and useful for life.

It is impossible to determine what the phlegmatic person thinks and feels, their face is devoid of any emotions and it is difficult to describe their feelings and thoughts from it. By the way, this sometimes infuriates more quick-tempered choleric and emotional sanguine people. Many take this outward calmness and low reaction rate for the fact that a person is simply inhibited, but in fact this is not at all the case.

However, if you “try” and still bring the phlegmatic to the manifestation of emotions and make him cry, then it will be oh so difficult for you to calm such a person.

Phlegmatic people are rather closed people, which is why it is quite difficult for them to make friends and build close relationships. They are rather reluctant to make contact and converge with others for too long. But if this person nevertheless chose a friend for himself, then such a connection will be very strong, this is friendship, which is called “for centuries”. It is safe to say that you will not find a more faithful and reliable friend than a phlegmatic.

Phlegmatic people are considered very good family men; they rarely find their other half from among new acquaintances. As a rule, this is a person with whom they have known each other for a long time - perhaps they lived in the neighborhood or studied together. When they mature to a marriage proposal, phlegmatic people think for a long time. Although such inhibition is more likely to benefit them, since a spouse is a person with whom they will have to go hand in hand through life, and the decision to marry should be as balanced and thoughtful as possible. The value of marriage bonds for a phlegmatic person is very high.

As a rule, phlegmatic people enter into marital relations in middle age. Their family life goes smoothly - you won’t expect any scandals with breaking dishes from them. If a partner hurts them, they will simply shut up and stop communicating indefinitely.

Comparison with other types of temperament

Sanguine people are characterized as active, lively and mobile people who quickly respond to the events around them and at the same time relatively easily survive the failures and troubles that happen to them. This type is completely opposite to the slow, phlegmatic, afraid of change, who is characterized by introspection and introspection, which are included whenever something in life does not go according to plan.

Choleric is perhaps the most emotional type, an extrovert. People of this temperament are impulsive, fast and at the same time completely unbalanced. Cholerics are characterized by mood swings, violent nervous reactions, emotional outbursts and a change in behavior. Unlike phlegmatic people who know how to control themselves, the choleric will never accumulate discontent - everything he wants to say to his opponent, he will not say, but shout. This means that Italian passions with throwing objects and breaking dishes are about them.

But melancholics are described by psychologists as very vulnerable and sensitive people who deeply and long experience even the most minor setbacks - this is their main difference from phlegmatic people. But the absence of a strong external reaction, of course, unites these two temperaments. This is a kind of mixed type between choleric and phlegmatic.

How to raise a phlegmatic child?

Phlegmatic children fully correspond to the characteristic features of this type of temperament. Already from a very young age, such crumbs are distinguished by extreme slowness, love of order. At the same time, they are characterized by high efficiency and energy. Children of this type switch from one activity to another with great difficulty. They have a hard time accepting any change, so changing schools and places of residence can cause them a lot of stress.

Many call phlegmatic children golden, it is very easy to get along with them, children are very obedient and inactive. At a very young age, they very rarely cry and do not require increased parental attention. Such children speak slowly, between words they make long pauses. Toddlers do not immediately answer the questions posed and can literally sit for hours on a piece of paper, and often they need to be pushed in order for them to start doing something.

It is not easy for these children to quickly get used to kindergarten and school, but when they fully adapt, they feel quite comfortable in their familiar environment and begin to cope very well with all the tasks assigned to them.

That is why psychologists give several important recommendations to parents of phlegmatic children.

Try to develop mobility in your child, but you need to do this gradually, without rushing. Give him to the sports section, but it is desirable that these are not team sports - let him go his own way. At the same time, harden him, do not let him sleep too much. Such a baby should not be left alone for a long time, he needs to ensure frequent changes of backgrounds and impressions - travel with him, visit exhibitions, museums, concerts, be sure to visit and invite friends to your house.

Try to develop the creative abilities of the crumbs, let him draw, play music, dance, sculpt, recite and express himself in every possible way. At the same time, do not set yourself the goal of making a great artist or artist out of him. Your task is to reduce the baby's fear of the public, of communication and self-expression.

A separate role in the education of a phlegmatic person belongs to games. It may seem to you that your child does not need anything and is not interested, but this is far from the case. Serious passions boil inside the phlegmatic and you should teach your child to cope with them. That is why role-playing games should play the main role in your leisure time, while encouraging the child to independently invent a thematic line, ask who exactly you intend to play with - a plush bunny or a kitten. Ask him to come up with a name for his hero himself, offer to compose the route of the toy's movements and find a way out of the difficult situation in which the animal has fallen. The child should feel like a real master of the situation. A child needs such games, and from early childhood - only in this way will he gradually learn to respond to certain situations and by the age of 4-5 he will be able to confidently keep himself in a circle of peers.

Pay special attention to outdoor games. Many mothers find it pointless to spend time in the sandbox, and this is natural, because most of us associate the picture of a happy childhood with active pastime, fun races with friends, toy fights, chasing and tags. And yet do not try to break the child, you must help him adapt, awaken his interest in physical activity, but not force him. To start with, start with the most common games, such as catch-up. Let the baby catch up with you, and then you him, while be sure to let him catch you, and do everything possible so that the baby considers himself fast and dexterous. This gives the baby self-confidence and liberates him.

If a child is having fun rolling down a hill, be sure to loudly express the delight of his speed and agility; if he threw the ball into the goal, congratulate him on a successfully scored goal. The child should love sports games, only in this case physical activity will become a part of his life in the future.

A phlegmatic child, much more than everyone else, needs manifestations of parental care and affection. Be sure to read with him, go for walks, play, and be sure that your baby will certainly grow up to be a happy and socially adapted person.

Suitable Professions

Work for people with a phlegmatic temperament is considered from the point of view of achieving various business goals. As a rule, at the start they give a slow reaction, but thanks to the penchant for analysis, endless diligence and exceptional hard work, they usually become ideal performers.

Despite a large number of positive characteristics, such people, as a rule, tend to underestimate their self-esteem, do not feel confident in their abilities, which does not allow them to build a good career and achieve some TOP positions in business.

Such a person always refuses mass events, lectures, seminars, trainings, speeches and meetings with partners in public places. Phlegmatic people categorically do not accept work associated with constant business trips and trips, because in this case they will be forced to leave their home and spend at least the minimum time where everything is alien and far away to them.

A phlegmatic is a person with an analytical mindset.

Many people wonder why some people manage to do everything and are constantly in a good mood? At the same time, other people, no matter how hard they try, do not have time for anything and constantly mope. It's all about human temperament.

Let's take a closer look at what features are inherent in phlegmatic people? What is the character of a typical phlegmatic person? What is he good at, and what is he not very good at?

Any emotion is involuntary if it is sincere.
Mark Twain

Psychological characteristics of phlegmatic: features of memory and emotions

Phlegmatic people need time to assess the environment, so a sharp change in the environment can unsettle them for a long time. However, after all the conditions are analyzed, the phlegmatic will begin to methodically move towards achieving his goal.

A calm, balanced character makes such people unusually able-bodied.

They are able to memorize large amounts of information and analyze it for a long time. Other people may envy the perseverance of phlegmatic people. Memory stores all the information learned for a long time, which helps phlegmatic people to be successful in those areas where it is necessary to analyze and manipulate information.

Emotions in a phlegmatic

Phlegmatic people are realists, they do not believe that dreams are good, they do not build illusions, they live with clear and developed plans. Usually such people move up the career ladder due to their perseverance, calmness and hard work. Bosses trust phlegmatic people, because their decisions are made deliberately and never fly out on emotions. But not everyone manages to take a place in managerial positions, which is the fault of the slowness and isolation of such people. Often phlegmatic individuals turn out to be excellent writers or artists. They see the world in their own way. And in this vision there is something bewitching, unusual and beautiful.

Outwardly, it is almost impossible to determine what emotions are raging in the soul of a phlegmatic. His face is most often calm and does not express emotions. This can piss off emotional and.

Such external calm is associated with a constant analysis of the environment and a slightly inhibited reaction.

If phlegmatic people get upset and start crying, it will not be easy to calm them down. At the same time, they will not sob sobbing.

Phlegmatic in the profession

Work for a phlegmatic person is always positive in terms of achieving career and business goals. A slow reaction to what is happening, unlimited zeal and unlimited ability to work makes phlegmatic people ideal performers.

Despite a whole range of good qualities, phlegmatic people have low self-esteem, their self-doubt sometimes prevents them from achieving something more that they are really capable of. Such a person also refuses from some events, speeches, tries to reduce communication with strangers both at social events, and especially at work.

Work that requires frequent business trips will be immediately rejected by the phlegmatic, because frequent trips mean that the phlegmatic is forced to leave his home and at least temporarily settle where everything is alien.

They will perfectly cope with any routine work. Phlegmatic people are suitable for professions such as accountants, secretaries, researchers, librarians, archivists and other specialists who do a lot of monotonous work every day.

Phlegmatic people always soberly assess their abilities. Therefore, they do not undertake overwork. They always bring everything to their logical conclusion.

Phlegmatic women, choosing a field of activity, should abandon social activities, constant communication with clients, and should also avoid business trips.

Family, love and friends

By their nature, phlegmatic people are secretive and reserved people.

Not surprisingly, it is very difficult for them to make new friends. They meet new people for a long time and it is very difficult to make contact. However, if they begin to be friends with someone, they do it sincerely, and their friendship lasts until death. It can be said that it is difficult to find more reliable friends than phlegmatic people.

Phlegmatic people are great friends and family people. They rarely make new acquaintances, usually their friends are childhood friends with whom they are connected quite a lot, and, therefore, such people can be trusted. It is very difficult for phlegmatic people to communicate with new people, and acquaintance rarely occurs on their part.

Such people meet their soul mate among old friends or acquaintances. When it comes to a marriage proposal, phlegmatic people turn on their slowness and prudence and think for a rather long period. However, this inhibition in this case is even beneficial, because the spouse is a person with whom the phlegmatic will have to live, at best, all his life. for phlegmatic people - this is a support, a place where it is comfortable, and a feeling of calmness comes. A family for a phlegmatic is a reliable fortress, which they are ready to protect from everyone.

Considering how difficult it is for phlegmatic people to converge with other people, their old acquaintances become the second half of these people. Perhaps even classmates or classmates.

Phlegmatic people enter into marriage, most often, already in middle age. At home, they will not roll up high-profile scandals with breaking dishes. If they are offended, they will prefer to withdraw into themselves and not communicate with the offender for a certain period of time.

Phlegmatic child: how to educate

One child grows fearless and mischievous, the other - closed and shy. Someone is slow, and all his friends are always running somewhere and in a hurry. It's all about such an innate feature of the nervous system, so temperament.

Whatever your baby is, do not envy your friends and do not try to re-educate him. It's impossible. The child will forever remain with the character that nature has awarded him.

  1. First, each type of temperament has both advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Secondly, inept intervention can only harm and bring the baby to a nervous breakdown. And in order to understand how best to interact with the baby, you need to determine as early as possible who he is by temperament.

Phlegmatic child

Slow, loves order, can show great efficiency and energy.

A phlegmatic child hardly switches to a new one, gets used to any changes for a long time.

  • Develop your child's mobility gradually without rushing it.
  • Praise the phlegmatic child for promptness,
  • Engage in hardening with him, various sports,
  • Don't let too much sleep
  • Do not leave the baby alone for a long time, involve in outdoor games,
  • Visit more often
  • Develop your creativity.
  • Make sure that lethargy and inactivity do not harm the baby.

Phlegmatic child: what games to play

Carefully observing the child, you will surely determine the features of his temperament. Depending on this, it is necessary to organize his leisure.

Although in its pure, that is, absolute form, this or that temperament is rarely found in babies, nevertheless, the predominant features of a certain type of personality are clearly visible from the very first years of life in every little one.

And since the predominant type of children's activity is play, then it is necessary to select games for a phlegmatic child, taking into account his type of temperament. Of course, kids choose their favorite activities for themselves, but you, as parents, must organize the gameplay in such a way that help develop the positive aspects of your child's personality.

Generating interest

Is your baby a phlegmatic who does not need anything? But often it only seems to you! It's just that such children do not like change, they do not show their emotions.

Parents are perplexed: is this what a happy childhood should look like? Nevertheless, in no case should you “break” a baby who stubbornly does not want to leave the sandbox. But it is in your power to push him to activity. Your goal is to help the baby successfully adapt to a society that he is not yet set to enter.

Start with physical activity, free movements in themselves liberate and provoke the manifestation of emotions. Play catch-up and be sure to catch up with yourself - let the kid enjoy the victory. Reveal to him the truth that winning by trying to overcome yourself is fun and great! Rejoice openly, showing this to the baby when he famously slides down a steep hill.

Be sure to offer role-playing games to the little phlegmatic. Wherein inspire the baby as much as possible to independently make all the plot decisions. Ask who will you play with - with a bear or with a bunny? And what will he be called - maybe we will come up with a new name? Where will our hero go and what will he do?

At first, while the child is not very oriented in social roles, you can offer the situation yourself: for example, a bear and a bunny quarreled, what should they do now? But offer to find a way out for the baby - this way he will feel like the master of the situation, and at the same time he will get, albeit theoretical, but communication experience that will come in handy when he starts playing with other children closer to three years.

Whatever your baby is, he really needs parental love and affection. Pay attention to him, play with him, go for walks, read books at night. And then your little phlegmatic will surely grow up to be a truly happy person!

Video: The positive and negative sides of the phlegmatic

Famous Phlegmatic People

Is it bad to be phlegmatic? Absolutely not, because every temperament on Earth exists for a reason!

A lot of talented people were, and are phlegmatic, they were able to overcome themselves and their character. And they were able to show their talent. After all, the negative qualities of any character can be corrected and then improved every day.

Among the famous phlegmatic people, such personalities stand out as:
  • Galileo Galilei (February 15, 1564) - Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician;
  • Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (October 24, 1632) - Dutch naturalist, founder of scientific microscopy;
  • Immanuel Kant (April 22, 1724) - German philosopher, founder of German classical philosophy;
  • Carl Ernst von Baer (28 February 1792) - one of the founders of embryology and comparative anatomy;
  • Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (born September 16, 1745) - commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the Patriotic War of 1812;
  • Ivan Andreevich Krylov (February 13, 1769) - Russian publicist, poet, fabulist;
  • Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev (April 5, 1890) - philosopher, biologist, entomologist;
  • Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov (June 26, 1944) is a Soviet and Russian politician.

This type of temperament is distinguished by high mental balance, the phlegmatic person belongs to the inert type of temperament, therefore it is very difficult to get them, but if this is done, then the phlegmatic person will not calm down for a long time. Personally, I rarely met pronounced phlegmatic people, these calm and balanced people are excellent performers, there are very few initiative ones among them. Possessing imperturbable calm, at the same time, phlegmatic people are not able to rejoice from the bottom of their hearts, in general, they are tight with emotions, and this, in my opinion, is their strongest point. The fact is that emotions often fail a person, they prevent him from thinking rationally, or even thinking at all. I consider emotions to be the enemy of a person, their excessive manifestation is understandable, when behavior, desires and reactions become too obvious, which of course can be used. A person who is on a wave of emotions often makes mistakes, or, not wanting to switch from one wave of emotions to another, is charged with a certain mood for a long time, while the situation may require several other manifestations of emotions and actions associated with them.

So, having a kind of immunity from emotions, a phlegmatic person may not experience violent joyful emotions, but he is not under their power, being able to clearly follow his plan without being distracted by external factors. But phlegmatic people are somewhat inhibited, it is often difficult for them to switch from one type of activity to another, they are used to doing everything consistently, efficiently, thoroughly. So these people do not take on ten things at the same time, and it is highly undesirable to entrust them with dynamic work that requires constant switching of attention, reaction speed, constant communication, all this is not suitable for pronounced phlegmatic people. The strength of phlegmatic people is their adequate self-esteem, I have already written that the more realistic a person looks at the world and at himself, the less unnecessary mistakes he makes. Moreover, phlegmatic people often tend to underestimate their capabilities, despite the fact that they are confident in their abilities, therefore, in fact, they are not inclined to brag about their successes, demonstrating their genius.

For a phlegmatic, any type of activity that he approaches with all responsibility and care, sooner or later, will bring positive results, because assessing himself adequately and working with great effort, a positive result for a phlegmatic is an obvious pattern. Yes, these people do not have patience, and although, of course, the dynamics of the modern world require a little more flexibility and dispersion, it is people with the type of character that is inherent in phlegmatic people who climb the career ladder more often. Phlegmatic people do not like to conflict in a team and are calm about the manifestation of negativity and dislike towards them, from which they often get along with any type of character. Even if the phlegmatic seems to be a very accommodating person, executive and completely unambitious, this does not mean that he does not have long-term plans for his life, which in his understanding is far from being so helpful, and he sees himself much higher than you can imagine.

In this, phlegmatic people are similar to melancholic people, but unlike melancholic people, they have enough self-confidence, and they perceive failures much better, so it is much more difficult to break their spirit. Another similarity between melancholic and phlegmatic is their seriousness and long-term relationships with other people, phlegmatic people are also quite amorous and not inclined, as they say, to change partners like gloves. Smooth, calm relations completely suit them, but phlegmatic people often hide their feelings, as well as the emotions, and if they don’t hide, then at least you won’t see their vivid expression and a storm of emotions. As a rule, a phlegmatic person does not have a lot of friends, people with this type of temperament keep a limited circle of friends around them, but at the same time, this very circle of friends can be called selective, phlegmatic people do not want to be friends with everyone in a row, if we are talking about really true friendship, not about friendships.

I would also single out such a feature of phlegmatic people as enjoying the process, which allows them to be quite patient, consistent and achieve their goals. Without losing sight of the goal, they achieve it, contemplating every moment of micro success, which then develops into one big success when they achieve the result. We can highlight such positive features of this type of temperament, dear friends, and although, as already mentioned, several types of temperament are combined in each of us, the basic one can be traced immediately, and we can see it if we just show attention to ourselves or to to other people, in order to identify this most basic type. Phlegmatic people certainly have more pluses than minuses, and although, of course, some inhibition, as well as a lack of predisposition to communicate, somewhat limit their capabilities, in comparison with other types of temperament, phlegmatic people need to work on themselves much less.

In principle, here it is necessary to strive for greater openness, not to shy away from communication, and sometimes it doesn’t hurt to evaluate yourself a little higher than you actually are, but for a leader, of course, organizational skills and the ability to hit the table with your fist are important, if necessary. So for a not pronounced phlegmatic, in principle, it’s not difficult to tune in to victory in life, you can’t call them losers anyway, but they can become winners without any problems, albeit consistently as their temperament requires.

Temperament is fundamental in the formation of character in an individual. There are 4 main types of temperament - choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Each has its own distinctive features.

Phlegmatic is a person with a calm character. And also inherent in him: an increased need for comfort and security, the presence of order in any things, perseverance, organization and hard work.

The nervous system of the individual is highly stress resistant. This is a person who does not like conflicts and prefers to calmly settle any quarrels. He prefers to work in the same place, because he does not like strong changes in location. It is difficult to anger such a person, he is extremely unperturbed. Emotionally, the individual is constant: emotions are always constant, not changeable, like a choleric person. It is extremely difficult to surprise such a person, and if it does, then not for long.

Phlegmatic in psychology

In the psychology of relationships, it is considered a faithful and devoted partner. Always comes to the rescue, does not refuse support. A phlegmatic woman will be a faithful companion for a man. All his time and attention will be given to the family and husband. Comfort, order and love always reign in the house. A phlegmatic man is monogamous. Emotions are not his element. He expresses his feelings through actions. He will always support and protect his companion.

Phlegmatic on Wikipedia is considered the most reliable person. Always there to help and support. Because of the stinginess of feelings, he is more dedicated to work - hardworking. However, a phlegmatic person has a number of disadvantages:

  1. lethargy. It occurs under unfavorable conditions for life.
  2. Laziness. Sometimes a person has an extremely pronounced phlegmatic state. It arises from strong internal experiences and conflicts.
  3. Reduced activity. Appears when the situation changes.
  4. Emotionless state. This condition occurs with psychological trauma.
  5. slowness. Most are very annoyed by the slowness of the phlegmatic. This state he appears during brain activity. He thinks long and hard and solves the issue in such a way that he does not have to leave his comfort zone.


Phlegmatic has peace of mind and the ability to avoid conflict and stressful situations. This is due to the fact that such a person always has a stable assessment of himself and his qualities in general.

Often a phlegmatic person is distinguished by an adequate assessment of himself. This is clearly expressed in work and everyday life. The individual adequately assesses his capabilities, does not try to reach a new level in any area. It is difficult to force a person with normal self-esteem to do what he cannot do. He is comfortable in the circumstances that are subject to him.

In work, a phlegmatic person with average self-esteem behaves calmly, balanced. Tries to complete all assigned tasks. Loves praise. Thanks to the positive assessment of their work by their colleagues, their working capacity increases, however, this does not particularly affect their mood. People working with a phlegmatic person can entrust him with any secrets, because he will always listen and keep everything secret. He willingly helps his employees if they ask him to. Purposefulness, perseverance, love of order and unwillingness to change makes him an excellent shot for any employer.

In addition to people with adequate self-esteem, among the phlegmatic there are those who have it low. Such individuals are rather stingy with emotions. There is a reluctance to conduct a conversation and be in the center of events. Distance from society begins, excessive laziness and indifference to everything. This condition is easily confused with depression. However, a person with low self-esteem needs support and praise. Thanks to these criteria, a desire is developed to do something in order to receive praise.

Phlegmatic - an introvert since childhood

Any type of temperament manifests itself from childhood. Some children are too active, others dreamy or too emotional. About a child whose predominant type is phlegmatism, one thing can be said - no problem, calm.

The kid develops well, explores the outside world with pleasure. These children develop habits for a very long time. They can sit in one place for hours, sleep well, have no problems with appetite. From an early age child is independent and will not cause problems for parents.

There is another side to this coin. Phlegmatic children, accustomed to home comfort and a calm lifestyle, can have a hard time experiencing age-related changes associated with social life - kindergarten, school and other institutions. Excessive calmness and slowness often develop into a problem at an early stage of development. Such features are not always correctly perceived by peers and adults. This leads to poor adaptation in a new circle of friends.

Most often, a phlegmatic introvert has only one good friend.. Often this person is choleric or sanguine. Choleric does not allow to relax, stimulates the phlegmatic to work. Sanguine is a person with whom there is something to talk about. These two types can easily find a common language due to the perseverance of a phlegmatic person and its features - to be able to listen.

Features of phlegmatic people

Phlegmatic people are different from other people. They are wise beyond their years, though they speak little. Most often this is due to the fact that they have a complex thought process in their head, during which a large amount of water is discarded, leaving only the semantic text. Therefore, they speak briefly, sometimes long and in fragments, but always to the point. Due to the tendency to laziness, such people always do their job well.

They find a way out of any situation in order to subsequently prevent its reappearance. Have a high level of intelligence which helps them find shortcuts to solve problems. love attention but don't show it. As well as very clean. The presence of order in a phlegmatic develops a sense of security, stability. Phlegmatic Wikipedia is inquisitive and will be able to answer almost any question.

Suitable Professions

Phlegmatic is a responsible and hardworking person. He is characterized by such qualities as perseverance and love for constancy. Such people are well suited for quiet professions:

  • Accountant
  • Economist
  • Jeweler
  • Veterinarian
  • Editor

Perhaps a job in a lab or in a technical department might be suitable. Thanks to perseverance, love for small, painstaking work is manifested. So, the profession of an agronomist or a programmer is well suited.

Phlegmatic - people with whom it is always calm and easy. They will easily find a common language with everyone, but they will be able to trust only one person - the one who will always support and not turn away from him, because not everyone succeeds.

- (from the Greek phlegma mucus) a subject with one of the four main types of temperament, characterized by a low level of mental activity, slowness, inexpressive facial expressions. F. it is difficult to switch from one type of activity to ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

Phlegm (colloquial) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. phlegmatic noun, number of synonyms: 7 fearless ... Synonym dictionary

- (from the Greek phlegma mucus), going back to Hippocrates, the designation of one of the four temperaments, characterized by slowness, calmness, a weak manifestation of feelings outside ... Modern Encyclopedia

- (from the Greek phlegma mucus) the designation of one of the four temperaments dating back to Hippocrates, characterized by slowness, calmness, external weak manifestation of feelings ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Temperament in the classification of Hippocrates. A person of phlegmatic temperament can be described as slow, imperturbable with steady aspirations and a more or less constant mood, with a weak outward expression of spiritual ... ... Psychological Dictionary

Phlegmatic, phlegmatic, male. (book). A person distinguished by phlegmatism, slow, imperturbably indifferent, cold-blooded. "Frequent intercourse with a lethargic phlegmatic would have made me a passionate dreamer." Lermontov. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

PHLEGMATIC, a, husband. A person of phlegmatic temperament. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (from Greek phlegma mucus) eng. phlegmatic person; German Phlegmatiker. An individual who has one of the four main types of temperament, characterized by slowness, calmness, and a weak manifestation of feelings. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of sociology, ... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

Phlegmatic person- Phlegmatic ♦ Lymphatique One of the four temperaments described in the Hippocratic tradition. Implies lethargy, slowness, inattention ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

phlegm, phlegmatic person whose calmness and composure prevail in the mood and are almost never disturbed by any sudden outbursts, hobbies, etc .; mostly a little lazy, sometimes even a sluggish person. The complete dictionary... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language


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  • You will wait for me there, Lorina I.. The series "Detective with a Sea View" combines melodramatic, detective and ironic lines in the narrative. Exciting events are taking place in Sochi, against the backdrop of marine scenery, in an atmosphere ...