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Stories about encounters with a werewolf. Are there werewolves, or the real life of mythical creatures. What are werewolves

Trade in building materials brought Leonid good money. At first there was one store, then two more appeared in different parts of the city. Accordingly, there was an urgent need for additional storage facilities. Leonid got acquainted with the proposals and settled on a large spacious building in an abandoned industrial area. Once life was in full swing there, but then the enterprises stood up, and all repair shops, warehouses, bases were depopulated.

The industrial zone was located almost on the outskirts of the city and was surrounded by a concrete fence. A good asphalt road led to the gate. Inside the industrial zone, the roads were also in good condition. And the module chosen by Leonid looked almost like new from the outside. It had entrance and exit gates, convenient access for trucks and compact premises for staff.

Having paid the rent, Leonid decided to visit his new warehouse the next day and decide on all organizational issues. He wanted to leave early in the morning, but he got busy with business, and the routine took him all day. Only by 7 pm all the business leapfrog was over, and Leonid had already decided to postpone the trip the next day, but then he thought that problems would pile up again tomorrow, and it was urgent to resolve issues with the module. For starters, at least you need to plant a watchman there. And Leonid did not go home, but to the industrial zone.

The gate leaves were wrapped in wire, and the man, unwinding it, decided to find the watchmen tomorrow. Of course, there was no security, and the car drove unhindered to the rented building. Leonid turned on the machine on the light shield, went inside the module and found himself in a spacious long room. Anything could be stored here, and the entrepreneur's mood improved markedly.

Small utility rooms stretched along the walls; Leonid decided to walk through them, figure out what and where it will be. He had already walked around two back rooms when he suddenly heard a strange sound: someone at the opposite end of the module was quietly banging some object on a metal surface. This sound surprised the man rather than frightened him. People rarely looked into the industrial zone, since there was nothing to do here. The homeless did not like this place at all: it was too far from the city streets.

The entrepreneur crossed the module with a decisive step and stopped, trying to determine which room the sound was coming from. After standing for a while, he realized that thuds were coming from behind the door, on the handle of which, in some places, long-faded green paint remained. The man stepped forward, pulled the handle toward himself, and opening the door, peered inside.

He saw a spacious room with several workbenches in the corner. The light of three bulbs gave a good view, and to his amazement Leonid saw a woman with a girl in the far corner. They stood with their backs to the man and scraped with something on a sheet of iron leaning against the wall. All this surprised the new owner of the module, but at the same time he completely calmed down, since the woman and the girl could not harm him.

The man coughed loudly and then called out to the strange couple. But the woman and the girl did not react in any way to the appearance of a stranger. They continued to enthusiastically scratch at the metal and did not seem to notice anything around. Leonid was extremely puzzled by this, but then the thought came to his mind that maybe the couple was deaf and dumb and homeless. However, in any case, these people had to leave the module in which the rightful owner appeared.

The businessman took a decisive step towards the woman with the child, intending to politely but persistently escort the couple out into the street. He came very close to the side and saw a terrible picture. The woman and the girl scraped the metal with their nails, but those nails looked more like claws. They were long and curved down. It seemed that the ladies sharpened them on metal.

Caused a feeling of rejection and the appearance of the couple. The woman was well dressed and did not look like a homeless tramp. But the black hair on his head was tangled and fell on his shoulders in untidy tufts. The face itself looked thin and something predatory was visible in it. The girl was wearing expensive and clean clothes, but her hair was in the same condition as that of the older partner. The child's face looked angry and sullen, and there was no harmless childish immediacy in it at all.

All this alerted Leonid, but he still plucked up courage and said loudly: “Dear ladies, what are you doing here? This is my room, and I would really like you to leave it right now.” But the man's words had no effect. The ladies continued to sharpen their nails, or rather their claws.

Then Leonid stretched out his hand and touched the woman's shoulder with his fingers. She turned her head sharply and looked at the man with reddish eyes. The businessman recoiled, and he became terrified. And the woman again began to sharpen her claws without saying a word. All this looked so strange and unusual that the man was both frightened and confused at the same time.

He stood, shifting from foot to foot, while the ladies continued their strange work. Finally, the woman stopped sharpening her claws, looked at them with satisfaction, and turned abruptly to Leonid. "What time is it?" she asked in a hollow voice. The man shuddered, glanced at his watch, and hurriedly said, "A quarter to nine."

“Soon,” the woman said.

- What soon? Leonid asked, and his soul was filled with fear.

“Full moon,” the strange lady replied and looked at the girl. At that moment, she also stopped sharpening her claws, and a satisfied smirk slid across her face.

It suddenly dawned on the man that the werewolves were activated during the full moon. Of course, he did not believe in all this nonsense, but at the moment he doubted that there were no werewolves, vampires and various other evil spirits in the world. Leonid was seized by a nasty weakness, and he said in a thin voice: "I, perhaps, will go." The woman nodded her head in agreement and said squeaky: "It's not too late, go away, but only quickly."

The owner of the module ran away as fast as he could. He jumped out into the street, fell into the interior of the car, with a trembling hand inserted the key into the ignition. The engine started; Leonid, turning the steering wheel, turned the car around, and it sped along the empty road of the industrial zone. The man realized that it was a real meeting with werewolves. Not cinematic, but real and tangible. He looked at his watch; The hands showed two minutes to nine. Three hours remained before the reincarnation.

There was still time, and the car was moving fast. Soon the industrial zone was left far behind. Gone are the fears. It began to seem to Leonid that he had imagined everything. He met ordinary tramps, but for some reason mistook them for werewolves. However, the man did not return. No force could force him to return to verify his mistake. Soon he was already at home, and the family atmosphere completely weathered the state of fear, bordering on horror. Falling asleep, Leonid could not answer the question: did he have a meeting with werewolves or not?

The story for the site was prepared by Leonid Starikov

To be honest, I have asked myself this question more than once, since it is still interesting to know whether this is a myth or reality. Thinking most of you have thought about it.

The most complete Witcher collection

First of all, let's look at who werewolves are? A werewolf is a person who turns into a monster in the moonlight. You and I know about their existence from films and books, some believe that this is a terrible disease, and someone actually saw them.

Werewolves are tall and powerful, do not age, and are virtually immortal. You can kill a werewolf with a silver bullet or blessed iron.

It was possible to turn into a werewolf in different ways, but the end result was always an unthinkably terrible, evil, strong and dangerous creature. He had wolf habits and at the same time human ingenuity. The person who turns into a werewolf is aggressive, violent, restless, and suffers from insomnia.

Book - True werewolf couple

According to legend, the transformation began with a slight chill of the body, the next step was fever, unbearable pain in the head and an insatiable desire for blood. The arms swelled and became large and long, the skin coarsened. Perspiration formed on the forehead, breathing slowed down, mind was lost, speech became incomprehensible, from the mighty growth of the body, clothes were torn to pieces, the skin became dark and overgrown with hair.

In the distant ancient world, it was believed that the werewolf attacked people and ate them, destroyed entire villages, killed children. When he satisfied all his desires, he woke up in the morning as an ordinary person and did not remember anything.

According to legend, they turned in several ways:

  1. Magic
  2. A curse
  3. From the bite of a werewolf
  4. If a man was born from a werewolf
  5. If a person wore clothing made from the skin of a wolf
  6. Through the rite

Who is right? Different versions of the existence of werewolves

And so ... Is there really a possibility of reincarnating people into a wolf? Or is it fairy tales and legends? Or just the inventions of a person who has a rich imagination? Let's take a look at you.

Most para-psychologists believe that there really is no such thing as redistribution. This is a kind of hypnosis, i.e. a person is able to inspire himself that he is a beast if he has a bad character and he feels negative in relation to the people around him.

Book - Me and the Werewolf

Physicians argue otherwise and adhere to the opinion expressed back in the nineteenth century by Lord Byron. He called the transformation of a person into a monster, a disease in which a person suffers from delusion - Lycanthropy (mental disorder). A sick person with lycanthropy, leaves the hut at night and walks around the cemeteries. They recognized the patient by the following signs: a pale face, dry, sunken eyes, a constant desire to drink, and from this there was a dried tongue, and lacerated wounds on the legs.

According to ancient Greek physicians, lycanthropy is a type of melancholy and should be treated with bloodletting until the sufferer faints. The patient was placed in a bath of water with sugar and bled until he fainted. After that, they put him on a special diet.
At the present time, scientists from Australia suggest that certain phases of the moon can contribute to the state from a normal person to a beast. And in fact, from an ordinary person, it is not possible to reincarnate into a bloodthirsty beast, but research suggests otherwise.

Evidence of werewolves in our lives

With signs similar to turnoverism, there was a case in 2009. A group of people who were behaving strangely were taken to an Australian hospital at midnight. People rushed and scratched, biting doctors.

Another case happened to Briton John Galloway. It would seem a calm fifty-year-old man, a wonderful family man, calm and balanced, the father of 3 - their kids. I could not understand when, after the full moon in the morning, I opened my eyes not at home, but in prison or in a hospital. That was very surprised.

According to the police, he attacked a woman at night, who, all intimidated, ran to the police station and said that a man had attacked her like a beast. And he tried to bite it with large and sharp teeth.

The police, without wasting a minute, quickly reacted and caught him, brought him to the station. Where he showed strong resistance, for some half an hour, he defeated almost all the furniture, scattered all the policemen, broke the window and jumped down from the 2nd floor, but he couldn’t hide, they caught up with him and stuck a sedative. Where in the morning I woke up in a cell and did not remember anything.

According to local Filipinos, supposedly some of them took the form of dog-like monsters at night and killed animals, gutting the internal organs. People are afraid that a dangerous beast will be able to switch on them.

Recorded outbreaks of werewolves in 2008 in Brazil. According to the residents, the man is a wolf, at night he robs houses and carries away livestock. And in 2009, a strange girl turned to the police, according to whom, she was attacked by a terrible beast, of a huge size like a wolf. The girl was asked to make a portrait, according to which it was determined that this terrible beast resembled a werewolf.

Faced with an incomprehensible terrible beast and a truck driver. According to him, on the roadside, an incomprehensible huge beast, similar to a gorilla and a wolf, tore apart a deer.

In France in 1760, people and cattle disappeared every day, according to the residents, it was a beast similar to a werewolf. And allegedly it is not possible to kill him, since he is immortal. When the dangerous beast began to make more and more violent attacks, King Ludwig 15 sent a whole army to destroy the monster.

Unfortunately, the army failed to destroy the monster, he was wounded, but he managed to escape. Then the king announced a hunt and a reward. And only in 1676, the monster was lucky enough to fall down with a silver bullet, the hunters headed by Jeanne Chastel.

People who have seen werewolves. They say that they are able to acquire not only the image of a wolf. For example, in Burma there is the Taman people. According to the Taman people, a person who experiences nervousness and anxiety does not arbitrarily transform into a tiger.

In 2010, in England, a girl was walking in the park with a dog, not far in front of her, she saw a large creature that looked like a dog. Her dog escaped and rushed to an incomprehensible beast, the woman followed after her, coming closer, taking a closer look, she saw that the beast was somewhat similar to a huge fox. The beast looked at the girl, and then slowly left.

The girl, having come home, began to look at atlases about animals, but she did not find such an animal. Then she opened a book about werewolves, in which she found a creature that she encountered face to face.

Video whether werewolves exist in real life

Now, in our time, there are legends about Bigfoot, who knows, it is likely that werewolves exist somewhere. And what do you think? Do werewolves exist today? Leave your comments! Let's figure it out together.

Sincerely, Alex!

It is curious that legends and legends about werewolves, people who can turn into animals of their own free will, can be found literally in every corner of our planet. Scientists are still arguing about what could serve as a real basis for the emergence of popular beliefs about such a fantastic creature.

Medieval Horrors

The blood-splattered, filthy beggar snarled, bared his teeth ferociously, and ran on all fours around the corpse of the teenager he had torn to pieces. Such a terrible picture appeared before the eyes of passers-by, who looked into a rare bush on the outskirts of the forest, hearing a suspicious noise. The detained beggar called himself Jacques Roulet and claimed that he had torn the boy to pieces when he turned into a wolf with the help of a magic ointment. This real story, which happened at the end of the 16th century in France, was by no means the only one when people seriously claimed that they managed to turn into a ferocious predatory animal in one way or another.

In the same France, already in the 18th century, a woman appeared before the court, whom the peasants accused of turning into a wolf and attacking people and livestock. The accused promised the court to demonstrate some kind of witchcraft process with which you can turn into a wolf. The woman, under escort, went to her hut and brought out a bowl of foul-smelling ointment, rubbed herself with it and fell into a coma for several hours ... Of course, her fangs did not grow and hair did not appear, nevertheless, when she woke up, she declared that she had been a wolf and even managed to kill a cow and a sheep on the outskirts of her native village. Great was the surprise of the judges when the peasants specially sent to the place indicated by the woman actually found the dead animals ...

In the Middle Ages, the vast majority of the population of Europe did not doubt the reality of the existence of werewolves. They were regularly caught and, like witches, burned at the stake. It was enough for some wolf to kill a child or a cow, and angry peasants usually always found the culprit in werewolves. Most often it was a person who, by some external data or by his behavior, stood out in the peasant environment. Only in France for 100 years, almost 30 thousand people were convicted and executed, who were considered werewolves.

The signs of a werewolf from medieval treatises are very curious. If a person had pointed ears, some oddities with his teeth, too hairy hands, thick eyebrows fused on the bridge of his nose or crooked legs, then he could well be mistaken for a werewolf ... It is enough now to look around in any crowded place to understand: to catch a "werewolf "In the Middle Ages, there were no problems ... Well, if a person did not meet these signs, he could be accused of drinking water from a source chosen by wolves: this was considered sufficient for him to turn into a werewolf.

The unfortunate accused of being a werewolf was often tortured, especially if he persisted in his innocence. Unbearable torment forced the victim to confess the most unimaginable sins. There was an opinion that a werewolf, turning into a wolf, simply turns his skin inside out ... Therefore, especially biased werewolf hunters tried to find wolf hair under the skin of the unfortunate ... Few people could survive after such savage "research".

Where are the origins of "fairy tales" about werewolves?

Why was the belief in the existence of werewolves so strong in ancient times? Many scientists have dealt with this issue. They found that beliefs about werewolves existed and sometimes still exist in almost all nations. The difference was only in the predatory beast into which a person could reincarnate. In Europe it was a wolf, in South America it was a jaguar, in Africa it was a lion, a leopard or a crocodile, in India it was a tiger, in North America it was a bear. In ancient times, people often deified predators, which posed the greatest danger to them. In Africa, until recently, there was a cult of leopard people who wore the skins of these predators and performed human sacrifices. At one time, the Vikings put on the skins of wolves during raids, believing that they would bring them the ferocity and dexterity inherent in this predator in battle. Undoubtedly, such attire had a certain psychological effect on the enemies. Some researchers believe that it was these people dressed in animal skins that became a certain prototype for the legends about werewolves.

An essential factor for the emergence of legends about werewolves was literally the dominance of wolves in medieval Europe. These ferocious predators attacked not only cattle, children, lonely travelers and even horsemen often became their victims. Wolves became especially arrogant and dangerous in winter, when hunger drove them closer to people. Sometimes real monsters appeared in the vastness of Europe, like the cannibal wolf from Zhevodan, whose victims were at least 60 people, most of whom were children and women. The resourcefulness and elusiveness of the monster from Zhevaudan suggested to many that this is not a simple wolf, but a real werewolf.

Researchers were surprised by the fact that in the Middle Ages, many accused of werewolves sincerely believed in their ability to turn into a wolf ... Scientists see the explanation for such facts in the effects of various hallucinogens. In some cases (in various magical rituals), they were clearly used purposefully, in others, entire sections of the population could hallucinate in reality due to poisoning with ergot, a fungus that affects cereal crops. Peasants very often, in order not to die of hunger, had to bake bread from grain affected by ergot. Under the influence of various hallucinogens, a sensation of body transformation could appear.

Undoubtedly, maniacs, mentally ill people, who were enough in those days, had a certain influence in maintaining the belief in werewolves. In 1754, the Garniers were burned alive as werewolves. The study of this case by historians has shown that the main accused, Gilles Garnier, was most likely a mentally ill cannibal.

It is possible that people with a rare genetic disease, porphyria, could also be mistaken for werewolves. It is characterized by severe skin lesions, nervous disorders, light intolerance, and a strong change in appearance. Patients with porphyria are forced to walk only at dusk or at night. According to some scientists, these symptoms could well be taken for signs of a werewolf.

To identify a werewolf, according to an ancient recipe, it was necessary to wound him in the paw when he was in a wolf's skin. If later the corresponding arm or leg of the suspect in werewolf turned out to be wounded, then the medieval “Sherlock Holmes” immediately became clear ... On the topic of just such a detection of a werewolf, perhaps the largest number of all sorts of fairy tales appeared. Let us recall at least a paw cut off from a wolf, which then turns into the hand of a countess with a ring on her finger that is noticeable to everyone ... The count recognizes his wife’s hand from his hunter friend, goes to her and ... Well, then everything is clear. Such stories fed and still feed many novelists, and now filmmakers.

Are they still being met?

With the advent of firearms and the gradual extermination of wolves, terrible stories about werewolves began to disappear. If it were not for movies and books on this subject, perhaps, werewolves would now be almost forgotten.

Surprisingly, eyewitnesses still manage to report meetings with werewolves. True, none of them saw the process of turning a man into a wolf. In 1960, in one of the foreign magazines, Mrs. Delbart Cregg from Texas described a mysterious incident that happened to her in 1958. One of the nights, someone scratched through an open window covered with a metal mesh. The woman began to look closely and, when lightning flashed, she saw a terrible wolf face. When she jumped up for a flashlight, the monster ran into the bushes, and soon a man came out of the bushes instead of him, who quickly disappeared in the direction of the road.


"Don't drink, Ivanushka, will you become a kid from a goat's hoof?" From a fairytale. In folklore, a rare fairy tale does without such a character as a werewolf. Let us remember how brother Ivanushka, having drunk water from a goat's hoof, became a kid. Or the cannibal from another fairy tale "Puss in Boots" willingly turned into one or another animal, until, finally, he was devoured. Without a werewolf, any fairy tale is not a fairy tale, therefore, this mysterious character is almost invariably present in it, and sometimes very insidious, ready to turn into anyone at any moment. (Almost like in life, when some people, depending on everyday circumstances, are ready at any moment to change one's disguise to a more suitable one, which is what the great poet had in mind when he said: "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it").

The encyclopedia of the werewolf says that this is a person with the ability to turn into a beast, as well as into inanimate objects, such as a bush or a stone.

In a word, the werewolf, it turns out, exists not only in fairy tales, but also in real life.

This is confirmed by historical documents. The story that will be discussed happened a long time ago, back in the 16th century in France, in its mountainous region of Auvergne. In those days, it was densely overgrown with forests, in which there were many different animals, and it was not safe to wander in these forests even with a gun. Especially local residents were worried about wolves, which often attacked livestock and carried dogs into the forest. But these were the usual misfortunes, as in all forest areas. However, for some time there have been persistent rumors that some special wolf has wound up in the forests of Auvergne, which rushes at people. There have been several such cases, and they all ended tragically. The wolf tracked down and carried even children into the forest. In those days, a very wealthy gentleman named Sanrosh lived in Auvergne. He was rich and famous. He lived in grand style, loved society, was known as a hospitable host, kept many servants. Sanrosh had a wife, a beauty, whom he loved very much and was happily married to her. The Sanroche estate was located on a mountain, from where there was a beautiful view of the green slopes, magnificent forests and distant mountains. One day in early autumn at noon in 1580, Sanroche was sitting at the window and admiring the autumn landscape, when a servant came in and reported that Monsieur Ferol had come ... He went in to invite his friend Sanroche to hunt, but he, with great regret, was forced to refuse this occupation, which he himself passionately loved, for the reason that he was waiting for his lawyer, who was about to come to him on urgent business. Ferol went hunting alone to those places where he and Sanrosh usually hunted together. In the meantime, the lawyer came as agreed, and for more than an hour Sanrosh dealt with him on matters connected with the estate. After seeing off the lawyer, he dined alone and suddenly remembered Ferol's invitation. Sanrosh had no urgent business, his wife was also not at home, and in order not to be bored alone, he decided to go to the places where his friend hunted. He quickly went down the familiar path leading to the valley, and after a while noticed the familiar figure of Ferol on the opposite slope. He hastened to him. But the closer he approached, the more he was seized by some kind of anxiety. When they met, Sanrosh realized that his anxiety was not in vain - all Ferol's clothes were covered in dirt and blood, and he, barely breathing, was unable to utter a word. Sanrosh took a musket and a bag for game from a friend, and they quietly walked home from the forest. At first they walked in silence, Sanrosh did not question his companion about anything, giving him time to calm down and recover. Finally, Ferol began to tell his friend about the amazing experience he had experienced in the forest. When he entered the forest, he immediately saw a group of deer not far away. He couldn't get close enough to take a shot. After pursuing them for a long time, he finally entered a dense thicket and realized that it would take a long time to get out of it. Turning home, he suddenly heard an eerie growl coming from a damp, fern-covered ravine. Slowly backing away and not taking his eyes off the place where the growl came from, the hunter slowly, step by step, covered about fifty meters, when suddenly a huge wolf jumped out of the ravine and rushed straight at him. Ferol fired, but missed, as he stumbled backwards. The wolf, with a furious roar, jumped at him, aiming his teeth at his throat. But Ferol, having a quick reaction of an experienced hunter, got ahead of the beast, hitting him with the butt of his musket, and he stretched out on the ground. Almost immediately, the wolf jumped up and immediately rushed at Ferol, but he managed to grab his hunting knife ... They met in a deadly fight. The terrible mouth of the wild beast was very close, and the skinny Ferol, instantly realizing what he should do, put his cloak, which had previously hung on his arm, into it. While the enraged beast was trying to free himself or his cloak, Ferol struck him blow after blow with a heavy dagger ... In a fierce duel, man and beast fell to the ground and rolled. At some point, they ended up at a fallen tree and the paw of the beast caught on its clumsy trunk, ending up on top of it. Ferol instantly cut with his heavy dagger on this paw. The wolf let out a long, longing howl, and, escaping from the deadly embrace of the hunter, with bloodshot eyes, jumped away from him and disappeared instantly into the forest. Ferol, all spattered with the blood of a wild beast, sat exhausted for some time on the ground, not even having the strength to get up. After a short rest, he examined himself, but there were no serious wounds on his body, and only superficial scratches remained. It began to get dark, and the hunter had to hurry home so as not to stay in the forest. On his way back, he met a friend. Now they were alone, and the danger was over. So they wandered slowly until they entered the garden of the Sanroche estate. Ferol, pointing to his bag for game and noticing that it was almost empty, said among other things: "I took the paw of the beast with me, so that you can be sure of the veracity of my story." He leaned over the bag and let out a strangled cry, dropping something on the grass. When he turned to Sanroche, he was struck by the expression on his face. “I don’t understand anything,” Ferol whispered, “it was a wolf’s paw, after all. .." Sanrosh bent down, looking at the trophy, and he was horrified: a freshly chopped hand of a woman's hand lay on the grass. He was horrified even more and was directly dumbfounded when he noticed several rings on the dead graceful fingers, one of which, skillfully made in the form of a spiral and decorated blue topaz, he had once given to his wife, a ring she never took off. ", trudged home. His wife had already returned. The servant reported that she was resting and asked her not to disturb. Pushing him aside, Sanrosh entered his wife's bedroom. She was lying on the bed in a semi-conscious state. On her face - deathly pallor, on the sheets - bloodstains. A doctor was called in, who skillfully treated the wound, but the hand on his wife's hand was gone. Sanrosh spent several agonizing weeks before talking to her about what had happened. He was, and his wife confessed to Sanroche that she was a werewolf and nothing could be changed. Some time passed before Sanrosh turned to the authorities and told about everything. Litigation was started, the documents of which preserved this story. After being tortured, the woman confessed not only to this, but also to other crimes. Soon she was burned at the stake (a common execution in the Middle Ages). There were no more similar cases of wolf attacks on people in Auvergne.

Reports of werewolves are very ancient.

Werewolves and their bloody deeds were known even at the time of the founding of Rome according to written sources that have come down to us, they were also feared in ancient Greece. A werewolf is not a "degenerate". He is a purely earthly phenomenon, quite real, which people at all times were afraid of in panic. Maybe that's why in the Middle Ages a wild fear of this incomprehensible phenomenon forced to deal with it cruelly. Any person who "looks" like a wolf, has sharp teeth, a thin, long face and other suspicious signs, could become a victim of the most cruel massacre, always ending with his execution. For this reason, many suffered, mostly, of course, not at all guilty of werewolves. Most of all, people were afraid of the full moon, since it was believed that it was at this time that a person becomes a werewolf. The science of werewolves cannot say anything, therefore, in order to have at least some idea about them, they resort to ancient treatises that say that you can meet a werewolf at any time of the day, but a person is especially at risk in the moonlight. According to these treatises, any person can turn into a werewolf, moreover, suddenly, without wanting it and without suspecting what phenomenon he is exposed to. This transformation occurs like an attack, the beginning of which is accompanied by a slight chill, turning into a fever, then a headache and intense thirst. Sweating begins, it becomes difficult to breathe, shoes get in the way, which is why they are thrown off, the toes are bent and become tenacious. Simultaneously with these changes, a person also changes externally. The mind of the victim of werewolf, the treatise narrates, also changes. It becomes crowded in the house, and she seeks to break out. This is followed by nausea and spasms, and the mind becomes completely clouded. The tongue refuses to obey, instead of human speech, this creature makes guttural sounds, then it generally takes off its clothes, gets on all fours, its body is instantly covered with thick hair, and it becomes an animal. With the loss of human form, this creature is seized by a thirst for blood, and it runs into the night, howling at the moon, and kills everyone who gets in its way. Having satisfied his bloodthirstiness, the werewolf fell to the ground and fell asleep, and by morning he again became a man, horrified by what he had done, tormented by the torments of the mind. Werewolf is a phenomenon that has its own name - lycanthropy. It is considered a human disease. Those suffering from this misfortune, knowing about the beginning of the next attack of lycanthropy, were preparing for changes in their appearance. They hid in secret places or ran away into the forest in advance. The werewolf (lycanthrope) himself could not be healed. Everything was predetermined for him: either a stronger beast would tear him apart, or a man would kill him. He was not given a third.

In addition to werewolves-victims, there were werewolves at will

who took pleasure in being cruel and merciless to people. To become such a werewolf, an outlandish brew was used, which they drank, and special ointments were also prepared for rubbing. Such a werewolf at will was a certain Jean Grenier in France in the 16th century, whose "exploits" became known thanks to the sensational trial in the town of Bordeaux (in France) in 1574, whose interrogation protocols are still read like a detective novel, whose history is as follows. In the French forest in Lavdy (nowadays a favorite place for tourists, but in those days it was a remote, sparsely populated area), at one time, mysteriously unfolded. new and terrible events: a huge wolf began to pounce on the people of the village of Saint-Sever. Meetings of this kind usually ended in the death of a person. This began to happen so often that the villagers were afraid to stick their nose out, but this did not help either. The wolf found its victims everywhere. Finally he was caught. But it was not a wolf, but a man-wolf. The case was simply unique. This guy was not even fifteen years old, he worked as a shepherd for a wealthy landowner near the village of Saint-Sever. He told the judges interrogated by him that once in the forest he met a demon who introduced himself to him as the owner of the forest and took an oath from him to serve him, giving in return the ability to turn into a wolf. Having concluded an agreement with the devil, the young man turned not just into a wolf, but into a cannibal wolf, cracking down on victims with special diabolical cruelty, killing everyone in a row, sparing neither women nor children. Youth did not save Jean Grenier. He was convicted and publicly executed. After this, the attacks on the wolf people in the vicinity of Saint-Sever ceased.

Another stunning case of lycanthropy (optional) is documented in France in the middle of the last century.

Two judges, members of the magistrate, hunted from the forests of the Gironde. They got lost in the forest and by nightfall decided to spend the night in a clearing, which they stumbled upon by chance. But as soon as they began to build a shelter for themselves, they suddenly heard a rustle - someone was sneaking through the forest. They hid, and a minute later an old peasant appeared from behind the trees, heading towards them. They recognized him. He was known as a person with a bad reputation... This man stopped and began to make some signs in the air with his hands. It looked like the old man was engaged in black magic, and, looking at him, the hunters remembered the engravings from old books about sorcerers. Having finished the preparatory passes, the old man suddenly lifted his head and let out a long, despondent howl. He was very reminiscent of an animal and led the amazed and frightened observers into wild horror. But this was only the beginning of some diabolical ritual. The old man howled for several minutes, and then an answering howl was heard from somewhere far away ... The nerves of two people behind the bushes were strained to the limit, and when a distinct rustle of leaves was suddenly heard nearby, one of them lost his head from horror and almost rushed away, but the other decisively kept him from death. The eerie spectacle continued. From the darkness of the forest emerged the silhouette of a huge shaggy wolf. In the light of the moon, not only he was clearly visible, but also other rolls emerging from the thicket. Soon the whole clearing was filled with them. Saliva flowed from their mouths, their red eyes glowed, and they let out a wild roar. The old man stood calmly in the center of the clearing and waited for the animals heading towards him. Suddenly, the largest wolf of the pack, apparently its leader, rushed ... to his feet and, like a huge dog, began to seek affection from the owner. He caressed the beast, scratching behind his ears. Other wolves surrounded the man and their leader and howled loudly. This terrible chorus was unbearable, and two involuntary listeners covered their ears with their hands and buried their faces in the ground. When they came to their senses a little and again looked out of their hiding place, instead of one huge wolf in the pack, they saw two, and the other suddenly came from nowhere, it was whitish-gray, lighter than the leader, and the old man was nowhere to be found. A few more moments passed, and the clearing was empty, the wolves disappeared into the forest. Their howl became quieter and finally stopped. When the hunters were convinced that the danger had passed, they got out of their hiding place, kindled a fire and sat huddled together, having survived the mortal danger and not believing in their salvation. When morning came, they set off. Soon they came across a path that led them to people. They told them about the nightmare and then documented the incident. They were firmly convinced that the second whitish-gray wolf was the peasant who was gathering the wolf pack. Werewolves can take on not only the appearance of a wolf, but any animal, bird, fish, reptile. Such a conclusion can be drawn from the numerous stories with werewolves that have come down to us.

Here are some of them.

The English captain Schott, who hunted in the north of Nigeria at the beginning of our century, somehow, together with other hunters, went on hyenas, which greatly annoyed the locals. They followed the tracks of these predators, but suddenly the tracks disappeared, and instead of them there were traces of human feet. The pursuit had to be stopped. The secondary forced hunt for hyenas again ended with the same result, but this time the hunters decided to continue the pursuit so that, having met that mysterious man, they could learn something from him about a pack of hyenas. They did not meet a man, but wounded one large animal in the pack, shooting off his jaw. The trail of blood led them to a neighboring village. And the next day, one of the inhabitants there died from the same wound that was inflicted on the beast. Another episode refers to the 60s of our century. A European, the owner of a small zoo, was in the mountains near the Burmese-Thai border, hoping to replenish the number of inhabitants of his zoo. Local residents warned him to be careful because a weretiger appeared in those parts. Once a European spent the night in one of the villages. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, he was awakened by screams. Running into the house at these cries, he saw a huge tiger that was tormenting a woman by the throat. With a shot, the hunter wounded the beast in the side, but he jumped into the night, leaving only a bloody trail. The next morning, the zoo owner, along with other hunters, followed a trail of blood that led them to a nearby village, and then to a hut, where they found a man with a fresh bullet wound in his side.

The ethnographers of Siberia recorded one episode connected with werewolves.

The entry is as follows: "... We grazed cattle. And then a bird flies ... How it screams! How it whistles! And all the cattle fled. And you can’t collect it in any way ... But my father caught this witchcraft. In the second - that day they drove me to graze. I say: "Tatya, now this bird is flying, the cattle will disperse ..." And tya already loaded the gun ... He shot and ... wounded, but we could not find her in the grass "What a failure! That same evening they found a woman who was suspected of being a werewolf. She was lying wounded at home. You won't drive cattle anymore," they told her. She didn't do it again..."

There are cases of lycanthropy, when a person becomes a werewolf as a result of some special technique.

peculiar only to him, as only one key fits the lock and no other. In the village of Luchasy, Smolensk province, there once lived a man who knew how to become a werewolf. It will go to the floor and disappear. Once they found a knife stuck in the ground behind a barn and took it out. Since then, this man has disappeared and has been missing for three years. One healer advised the relatives of the missing person to stick a knife in the same place where he stuck out before .. So they did. Soon after that, the missing peasant came to his hut, but all overgrown with wolf hair. They heated the hot bath, put the werewolf on the shelves and began to soar with a broom; the wolf hair is all gone. The werewolf told how he turned: as soon as he "spread" through the knife, he turned into a wolf. When they took out a knife for a barn, he ran into the field like a wolf. He ran, but there was no knife. And so he would run in this form, if they had not guessed to stick a knife in the old place. Although this man turned into a wolf, his thoughts and feelings were human. He could not even eat unclean food, such as carrion. When he approached the water, it reflected not a wolf, but a human image.

There are also cases when transformations into a beast are made unintentionally, but independently of a person, unexpectedly for him.

Here is one of these stories: "... Not far from his uncle's bakery, a thief lived. Well, just a robber! He just got out of prison, he was imprisoned for murder. he was terrible, well, just like a wolf, and it sparkles from under his eyebrows! As soon as I saw him, I was so scared! I’m coming from the pasture. But his house is nearby. I’m standing, and his look is unkind. And then I had to throw coal into the stove. like a wolf. My legs gave out like that. She grinned, growled and ran away .., "

A small Tibetan people, the Tamans, live in Burma.

According to the stories of ethnographers, neighboring tribes claim that tamans often experience sudden spontaneous transformations into animals. Half-jokingly, half-seriously, they say: the taman asks if anyone has seen his wife and son, and when they answer him that they only noticed a tigress with a tiger cub, he exclaims: “Why, they really are!” and hurries in the direction where they saw the animals. According to the testimony of the tamans themselves, such reincarnations are an involuntary act, which is preceded by a state of tension, deep nervousness, and anxiety. In addition, a person finds himself in the grip of an irresistible desire to behave, for example, in a titrino way, lie in the reeds, run away into the jungle, etc.

When a person enters the body of a tiger or other animal, the human "I" still dominates in such a combined creature,

those. a person feels himself a person in any state, so the atrocities and cruelty that he commits are unforgivable to him? hiding under a different guise. While there was talk about werewolves, when reincarnation is reversible, that is, a person, having been in the skin of an animal, after a certain time becomes a person again. But there is also an irreversible reincarnation, when people who have taken the form of a beast never become people and never return to them. Here is a rare thing even for countries where such phenomena are practiced - the transformation of a person into a leopard, leaving for the jungle forever.

This happened in our time in one of the tribes living in Africa - Dahomey.

An eyewitness said: “...Finally, the drums began to beat quieter and slower, and three priests came to the middle, holding chickens and a goat in their hands (ritual sacrifices that replaced the previously obligatory human ones). The blood of animals fell to the ground ... It was the same ancient a ritual I've heard so much about... Ngambe (the priest) leaned over and whispered something incomprehensible. Aho (the guide) whispered to me that if the beast appeared from behind the bushes, I should in no case touch it. You should also not try to run away. Both of them are a gross violation of the ritual and can cause the wrath of leopards ... And so ... the chief priest began to sing even louder... the drum began to beat again loudly and quickly... And suddenly it seemed to me that my eyes would now pop out on my forehead: right behind the girl (it was she who was subjected to the ritual of reincarnation) at the border of the flickering light I saw a shadow vividly a lot; I didn’t even have time to express my surprise when a strong adult leopard appeared in front of me ... Two more leopards appeared behind the girl ... They passed majestically across the platform, and all three disappeared into the shade of the trees. I was most struck by the fact that I quite clearly saw a chicken in the teeth of one of them ... These leopards went into the jungle forever.

Even entire families can turn into werewolves.

In 1598, in the district of Conde in France, the population was frightened by several terrible murders in a row. They were so cruel that it was clear that wolves appeared in this area. Passions reached the limit when they dragged a little girl from the village, who was then found by hunters in the forest, and three wolves were seen near her body. An alarm was immediately raised, and a group of peasants immediately went to the forest to bring the corpse of a child, but they saw only one wolf there, who immediately disappeared in the bushes, and after a while the peasants found in the bushes a tattered man with a tangled beard, long disheveled hair and crazy eyes. He was seized and taken to the magistrate, where he confessed that he was a werewolf. He further said that the other two wolves that the hunters saw at the corpse of the child were his brother and sister, who could turn into rolls with the help of a magic ointment. The crazy old man was sent to life imprisonment.

What are these magical ointments that can turn people into werewolves?

When another accused of lycanthropy, Jean Perel, in 1518, at the trial, told how he made such ointments, several people in the courthouse fainted from disgust. Despite such a confession, the accused was sentenced to be burned, and his ashes were scattered to the wind. Thousands and thousands of people fell victim to werewolves in the Middle Ages, but in our times, although such cases are quite rare, people also become their victims.

It has been established that since 1990 alone, 46 people have become their victims in the following countries:

Brazil, Spain and Great Britain, and according to the United States in their country there are about a thousand people suffering from this rare and terrible genetic scourge, in which quite normal men and women turn into monsters. But this data is from abroad. As for Russia, apparently no such records are kept, and only occasionally does the press notify readers of incidents of this kind, which, no, no, and do happen, as, for example, in Bashkiria, about which R. Latypova. Here is what she said: “One summer at the end of the 60s (I was then 18 years old), my friend and I were returning from the cinema. The club in our village was old and stood on the outskirts, right behind the stable. It was about one in the morning. We got to the river, we look: a guy and a girl are standing on the bridge. She is in white clothes, and he is in black, as if from a wedding. As soon as we approached, they went to the side, past the stables in front of us. It was surprising that in everyone in the village knows each other, and we saw this couple for the first time. They walked ahead of us, but neither conversation nor the sound of heels was heard. What miracles! They reached the gate of the stable - and there, only the door hinges creaked. And we laugh : what can you do at one in the morning in a smelly stable? Literally a few minutes later the gates of the stable flung open and two dogs ran out - white and black. We stood dumbfounded for a few seconds, and then rushed towards the village ... We ran to the middle of the village, stopped there was no one around, we laughed at the same time, looking at each other ha: a friend lost her heel on the way, her high hairstyle fell to her left side. Let's go and discuss what it could be. We got to the house where a friend lives, began to say goodbye. Suddenly the gate of her house opens of its own accord and out of there ... the same dogs, black and white, and soundlessly approach us. A frightened friend kicked one of the dogs with her left foot, but she did not even bark ... That night my friend spent the night with me, she was afraid to go home. And in the morning we told our mother and our neighbors about everything. They explained to us that the stable was an enchanted place and one should not go there at night. The next day, a friend was paralyzed, namely the left side. She lay in bed motionless for about a year. The truth is, it's cured..."

Since ancient times, mankind has been writing legends about people with supernatural abilities that are not available to other members of the race. The most popular of these are stories about the existence of werewolves. Werewolves are people who, under the influence of certain conditions, can turn into an animal, while retaining the human intellect and some physical traits. But whether werewolves exist in real life, or is it just a fiction of writers, it will soon become clear.

What are werewolves

Mythology does not have a clear idea of ​​​​what a werewolf should be. Each nation has its own understanding of what kind of animal a person can turn into, and does it have mythical abilities:

  • The lycanthrope is the most common werewolf. This creature has many names: volkodlak (Slavic mythology), vilktak (Lithuanian), werewolf (German and Anglo-Saxon), mardagail (Armenian), bisclavert (Breton), ulfhednar (Scandinavian).
  • Berserker - a warrior with the strength of a bear and the rage of a wolf, originally from the Scandinavian epic.
  • Kitsune is a werewolf fox from Japanese mythology. From there, stories began about Tanuki (were-raccoon), Anioto (leopard man) and Rugaru (human-pet hybrid).
  • Shelks are werewolf seals from Celtic mythology.

Transformation methods

According to the legends, there were two ways to turn a person into a werewolf - this is on their own and against their will. Each werewolf had their own way of transformation.

That is, if he could become a beast whenever he wanted, then nothing could make him turn against his will. And this principle also applied to those who were forced to become a werewolf. Unfortunately, they could not control their reincarnations.

But who exactly could transform whenever he wanted, and which werewolf was influenced by the desires of his beast? This was available to certain types of mythical creature:

Why is the possibility of their existence more controversial than the reality of other werewolves? Just imagine. Werewolves who did not know how to control themselves, in moments of hunger attacks, attacked any living creature that was in the access zone. How many random attacks have there been? Accordingly, the number of new changelings would increase tenfold. And the more inexperienced newcomers, the more difficult it is to keep their very existence a secret. Therefore, the presence of werewolves in real life would have long been an indisputable fact, and not the usual interesting legend from the depths of mythology.

Man in the shape of a beast

The transformation process itself was quite painful. It all started with a slight chill that turned into a fever. Pain throbbed in my head, which gradually spread to my whole body. First, the arms and legs lengthened and increased, their muscle mass increased, the skin darkened and coarsened. At this stage, the person lost his mind, speech became slurred and more like a growl. Then the whole body increased in size, and the skin was covered with wool. Gradually, moving away from sensations, human intelligence and ingenuity returned to the werewolf.

It was an unusual creature, far superior to its fellow animals in physical parameters and endurance. Usually, werewolves walked on both four and two legs, had a very high growth and great strength. The duration of their life depended on the number of transformations, that is, the more there are, the longer youth lasts. According to some reports, there were immortal werewolves.

These were the kings of the animal world. Any living being felt the presence of a werewolf and obeyed him. There is very little information about whether werewolves had magical powers or not. But the fact that they are always associated with the phases of the moon (the so-called full moon) suggests that they felt the magnetic poles of the Earth, and could influence them.

Do werewolves really exist?

It is difficult to figure out, after all, werewolves are a myth or reality, because if you are guided by the amount of evidence about meetings with werewolves, then there is no doubt that they exist in real life. If you remember about common sense and the lack of solid evidence, then you immediately begin to doubt the mental health of those people who made up legends about them. But what could have so influenced many witnesses that they unanimously asserted the reality of meetings with a bloodthirsty killer beast?

First, we must remember the time in which the authors of these legends lived. The Middle Ages is a period when it was not the president with his ministers who reigned, but the Church and the Pope. The Church used the Bible for its own purposes, interpreting the sacred laws in its own way. Accordingly, everything that did not fit into the generally accepted framework was considered the intrigues of the devil, eager to grab another human soul.

Secondly, lycanthropy is a mental disorder during which a person considers himself an animal. The work of that part of the brain that is responsible for a person's perception of himself as a person is disrupted, and the patient seriously begins to perceive himself as a representative of the animal world and copy his behavior and habits.

During an attack, the body temperature rises very much, dehydration begins in the body, as a result of which the eyes dry and the tongue cracks. The strongest claustrophobia begins, and the patient by all means strives to be on the street. Anyone who dares to interfere with him, he perceives as an obstacle that must be removed. This explains all his attempts to scratch, bite or push.

This disease is incurable, but has a fickle character. She then appears, then disappears, however, a person remembers everything that he did at these moments. And he talks about it himself. This is similar to a split personality, the patient is firmly convinced that he has turned into an animal, and seeks to tell all his friends and acquaintances about it.

And now imagine people frightened by the church, who consider any manifestations of the weather to be whims of the gods, and too open neckline - a temptation from the devil ... Imagine? And so sick people come to such people and tell them about their nightly adventures. They want to help in their own way by going to the church for advice. Only now she has only two ways to cure a person: to a monastery or to a fire ...

And what if a person was “lucky” to meet a sick person at night in the forest, pale with crazy eyes, shreds of clothes on his body, which he tore in a fit of fever? He climbs on all fours, growling and trying to figure out where to find water, and the man has already imagined all the seven circles of hell. Here are the details of bloody encounters with a huge beast...

The facts of the existence of werewolves in Russia

No matter how strange it may sound, it also happens that a person meets a mythical creature personally, eye to eye. One fact of the meeting can be attributed to the fact that the person lied or confused him with some animal. The second case is attributed to the usual coincidence. But what to do when it happens for the third, fourth, fifth, sixth time? For example, we can recall those cases that occurred on the territory of Russia:

  • Meeting in Irkutsk: This incident took place in the late eighties on military territory. In the middle of the night, the senior lieutenant is called to the service unit. When he arrived, he noticed among the soldiers his private, intelligent and reasonable man, in a state close to hysteria. In addition, what he said did not fit well into the framework of reason. Judging by his words, the incident occurred an hour ago, when he made another round of the facility entrusted to him. Behind the prickly fence, the man saw an incomprehensible creature that looked like a wolf, but about two meters tall. It also noticed the man, and tried to climb over the fence. The private did not lose his head and opened fire on him. To his dismay, the bullets bounced off the creature without hurting him. But the beast did not like the noise raised, and he went deep into the forest. To study all the details of the incident, the lieutenant, together with the head of the guard, went to the scene of the incident. To their dismay, there were indeed footprints of a very large animal walking on two legs. In addition, a large tuft of dark wool hung from the barbed wire.
  • Kostroma region: Schoolgirl Ira spent her summer holidays with her grandmother in the village. One day, while cycling in the forest, she accidentally stumbled upon a local old woman, almost knocking her down on the path. Stopping in time, the girl wanted to apologize to the woman. But looking at her, she was scared to death. The old woman's face was long and covered with gray hair, and white fangs flashed between her lips. It only lasted a couple of seconds, and her face returned to normal. The woman looked at the girl and told her to forget about this meeting, turned around and left.

And there are many such cases. None of us know what a werewolf looks like in real life, and even more so cannot answer the question of whether werewolves exist in our time at all. But no one can dispute the fact that such strange encounters still occur in our time. What is it, a stormy human imagination, or a really real-life mythical creature? At the moment, no one knows.