
Literature for reading (first graders) a book on reading (grade 1) on the topic. Teaching children to retell short stories Poems and stories about nature

Hello, friends! What are you complaining about? Is your child's reading technique lame? Tax, we will treat. Keep the recipe. I am prescribing special exercises for the development of reading techniques. Take regularly, several times a day. And the reading technique will stand firmly on its feet, and then it will jump forward.

Such magic exercises do exist. And if you try, then on the Internet you can find hundreds of different techniques, approaches, methods. To be honest, the eyes run up, and the brain begins to slowly boil. You don't know what to choose.

In order to protect my readers from such problems, I allowed myself to make a choice myself. The article contains only the most interesting and delicious, in my opinion, exercises, which will undoubtedly help to raise the reading technique to the level stipulated by the Federal State Educational Standard. I do not pretend to be their authorship, they were developed by professionals: teachers, psychologists, professors.

But I claim the authorship of their names. Painfully, they are boring in the original performance. Agree, "The Mystery of the Missing Sentence" sounds much more fun than the "Visual dictation of Professor I.T. Fedorenko ". And it will surely arouse more interest among younger students.

Lesson plan:

List of exercises

And here he is! List of special reading exercises:

  1. "Half a watermelon"
  2. Lost Letters
  3. "Very sharp eye"
  4. "Sherlock"
  5. "Through the looking glass"
  6. "Crazy Book"
  7. "The Birds Have Arrived"
  8. "Partizan"
  9. “Eh, time! Again!"
  10. "The Mystery of the Lost Offer"

Exercise 1. "Half a watermelon"

Ask your child if he can, after seeing half a watermelon, imagine what a whole watermelon looks like? Of course, the answer is yes. Now suggest doing the same experiment with words.

Take a book and an opaque ruler. Cover one line in the book with a ruler so that only the top of the words are visible. Objective: to read the text, seeing only the tops of the letters.

Move the ruler up and show only the bottom of the words. We read. This, by the way, is already more difficult.

For very young schoolchildren, you can offer another version of the game. Make cards with simple words. And then cut these cards along the words into two halves. You need to connect the two halves correctly.

How is it useful? Aimed at developing anticipation. Anticipation is anticipation. Such an ability of the brain, which gives us the opportunity, when reading, not to read absolutely all words and letters. The brain already knows they are there, so why waste time on them? Anticipation can be developed, it makes reading fluent, mindful, easy.

Exercise 2. Lost Letters

Another exercise to develop anticipation.

Letters and words sometimes get lost. But even without some letters and words, we can read. Let's try?

Write on paper, print on a printer, or write on a marker on a special board the phrases you see below.

Book ... shelf.

New ... t-shirt.

Great ... spoon.

Ginger ... cat.

Another phrase like this:

Bobik ate all the cutlets,

He does not share .......

And more like this:

Ok-ok-ok - we will build .......

Yuk-yuk-yuk - ours broke ...

Exercise 3. "Eye - diamond"

Look at the picture and draw the same rectangle. Place the numbers from 1 to 30 in the cells, in random order, but not one after another. The numbers should be randomly scattered across the cells.

The student looks closely at the picture with the sign.

The account is even, not too fast, but not too slow either.

Child's task:

  • on the count of one, find and show the unit with your finger;
  • on the count of two - two;
  • three - three, etc.

If the child hesitates with some figure, then the account will not wait for him, you need to catch up, search faster. For toddlers, you can draw smaller signs, such as 3X3 or 4X4.

What is the point of the exercise? It is aimed at increasing the viewing angle. In order to "catch" with your eyes not one letter, not one word, but several words at once, or a whole line when reading. The wider we look, the faster we will read.

One table can be used two or three times, then the location of the numbers must be changed.

Exercise 4. "Sherlock"

Place the words on a piece of paper. Very different, not very long. In no particular order. How to scatter them on paper. Name one of the words and ask your child to find it. Words can be, for example, the following:

frame, jelly, spoon, chair, horse, gold, soap, pen, mouse, mouth, knee, dog, summer, lake, cancer

Each next word will be faster than the previous one. Since trying to find one word, the student will read others along the way, and remember where they are. And that's all we need.

Thanks to "Sherlock" the angle of view is increased. And reading speed.

Exercise 5. "Through the looking glass"

We got into the looking glass world, and everything is the other way around. And they even read everything not from left to right, but from right to left. Let's try?

So, we read the lines in the books from left to right. To clarify, the words themselves do not need to be turned over. It is not necessary to read "tomegeb" instead of "hippopotamus".

With this method of reading, the meaning of the text is lost. Therefore, all attention switches to correct and clear pronunciation of words.

Exercise 6. "Crazy Book"

Tell your child that sometimes some ill-mannered books behave rather strangely. They suddenly pick up and turn upside down.

The child reads aloud. After a while, you clap your hands. The child's task is to turn the book upside down and continue reading from where he left off. At first, you can make marks with a pencil, so as not to get lost in the text. And so several times. Two, three full turns of the book.

If your student is still only in grade 1, or maybe in grade 2, but reading is still very difficult, then you can read not a book with texts, but short simple words printed one after another on paper.

What will it give? Eye coordination will develop, the ability to navigate the text. A standard of letters will be formed. And the processing of information by the brain will improve.

Exercise 7. "The Birds Have Arrived"

Show the child the phrase "the birds have arrived." And ask to read it:

  • calmly;
  • joyfully;
  • loudly;
  • quiet;
  • sad;
  • with irritation;
  • with fear;
  • with a mockery;
  • with anger.

Exercise 8. "Partisan"

The student reads the text (or individual words, if he is still very young) aloud. You say: "Partizan". At this signal, the student takes a pencil in his mouth (clamps it between his lips and teeth) and continues to read to himself. At the signal "The partisan escaped" we take out the pencil and read it aloud again. And so several times.

Why is this? To eliminate the pronunciation of words while reading to yourself. Speaking is the enemy of fast reading. So you need to remove it. And when a pencil is clamped in your teeth, you will not be able to pronounce.

Exercise 9. “Eh, time! Again!"

For this exercise, we need a stopwatch and a text to read.

We read within 1 minute. Pay attention to the reading speed, but you can forget about expressiveness for now. Ready? Go!

The minute is over. Stop! Let's make a mark where we left off.

Let's rest a bit and read the same text one more time. Go! In a minute we make a serif. Wow! More already.

And what will happen the third time? And the third time will be even cooler!

What does it give us? Increased reading speed. And the child's motivation. He himself will see that he is capable of more.

Exercise 10. "The Mystery of the Missing Sentence"

In order to solve the mystery, we need cards with sentences (look at the picture). There are 6 cards in total. Each has one sentence. The font is large and easy to read.

Let's prepare a notebook and a pen. We start the exercise:

  1. Show the first card to your child.
  2. The student reads the sentence and tries to remember.
  3. Remove the card after 6 - 8 seconds.
  4. The child writes down a sentence in a notebook from memory.
  5. Show the child the second card, etc. to the sixth sentence.

What's the point here?

As I said, in fact, this is not a game, but visual dictations developed by Professor I.T. Fedorenko. There are 18 such dictations in total. Each has six sentences.

In our example, I used the very first dictation. What is their feature? Please count the letters in the first sentence of the dictation. There are 8 of them.

In the second - 9,

in the third - 10,

in the fourth and fifth to 11,

in the sixth already 12.

That is, the number of letters in sentences gradually increases and eventually reaches 46 in the last sentence of the 18th dictation.

The texts of Fedorenko's dictations can be easily found on the Internet. One dictation can be used twice, three times, if the child cannot do everything correctly. By the fourth time, usually everything works out.

It is convenient to use Microsoft Power Point to complete this exercise. The one in which presentations are usually made.

Playing "The Mystery of the Missing Sentence" you develop your RAM. When such memory is poorly developed, the child, having read the sixth word in the sentence, will not be able to remember the first. Do visual dictations every day and there will be no such problems.

How to do it?

You don't have to try all the exercises at once. Only the game “The Mystery of Disappearing Sentences” requires your daily attention, and then add a couple more, three exercises of your choice to it. Change them, alternate so as not to get bored. Remember to occasionally test your reading technique yourself to gauge your progress.

You need to do it regularly, every day, little by little. This is the main rule! A detailed training plan is available.

Do not be lazy, exercise, and you will have happiness and fives in your diary!

Friends, maybe you also know some interesting way to improve your reading technique? I dare to hope that you will share it in the comments. Thank you very much in advance!

And see you soon on the blog!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Often, younger schoolchildren are learning very slowly, because they read very slowly. The low speed of obtaining information affects the speed of the entire work as a whole. As a result, the child sits over the textbook for a long time, and his progress is at the "satisfactory" mark.

How to teach a child to read quickly and at the same time be aware of what he has read (more in the article :)? Is it possible to ensure that reading becomes a cognitive process that provides a lot of new information and does not become a "stupid" reading of letters and syllables? We will tell you how to teach a student to read speed and not lose the true meaning of the lesson. We read quickly, but efficiently and thoughtfully.

It is extremely important to teach the child not only to read, but also to be aware of what he has read.

Where to start learning speed reading?

Speaking about the classic speed reading technique, we emphasize that the basis in it is a complete rejection of internal pronunciation. This technique is not suitable for younger students. It should start no earlier than 10-12 years. Up to this age, children learn better information that is read at the same speed as when speaking.

Parents and educators can still learn a number of useful principles and techniques that are included in this methodology. The children's brain at the age of 5-7 years has all the possibilities for full disclosure and improvement - many teachers of venerable schools speak about this: Zaitsev, Montessori and Glen Doman. All these schools begin to teach children to read exactly at this age (about 6 years old), only one Waldorf school known to the whole world begins the process a little later.

All teachers agree on one fact: teaching to read is a voluntary process. You cannot force a child to read against his will. Parents can help their child find the inner strength to master a new skill by using games.

Preparing preschoolers for reading

Today, there is a huge range of teaching aids on store shelves. Moms and dads, of course, begin this process by studying letters, for which they buy alphabets in various forms: talking books and posters, blocks, puzzles and much more.

The alphabet comes to the aid of the youngest children

The goal for all parents is extremely important, but it should be remembered that you need to teach right away so that you do not have to retrain later. Often, without knowing it, adults teach by the wrong methods, which ultimately creates confusion in the child's head that leads to mistakes.

The most common mistakes parents make

  • Pronunciation of letters, not sounds. It is a mistake to name the alphabetic variants of the letters: PE, ER, KA. For correct learning, they need to be briefly pronounced: P, R, K. The wrong beginning will lead to the fact that later, during the word composition, the child will have a problem in the formation of syllables. So, for example, he will not be able to identify the word: PEAPEA. Thus, the baby cannot see the miracle of reading and understanding, which means that the process itself will become absolutely uninteresting for him.
  • Erroneous learning to connect letters into syllables and reading words. The following approach will be wrong:
    • we say: P and A will be PA;
    • reading by letter: B, A, B, A;
    • analysis of a word only with a glance and its reproduction without taking into account the text.

Learn to read correctly

The kid should be taught to pull the first sound before pronouncing the second - for example, MMMO-RRRE, LLLUUUK, VVVO-DDDA. By teaching your child in this way, you will see positive learning outcomes much faster.

Reading skill is closely related to correct pronunciation of sounds.

Very often reading and writing disorders take their basis in the child's pronunciation base. The kid pronounces sounds incorrectly, which further affects reading. We advise you to start visiting a speech therapist from the age of 5 years and do not wait until speech is established on its own.

First grade classes

The famous professor I.P. Fedorenko has developed his own method of teaching reading, the main principle of which is that it is important not how much time you spend on a book, but how often and regularly you study.

You can learn to do something at the level of automatism even without exhausting long studies. All exercises should be short-lived, but performed with regular frequency.

Many parents, unwittingly, put a spoke in the wheel of the child's desire to learn to read. In many families, the situation is the same: "Sit down at the table, here's a book for you, read the first story and until you finish, don't leave the table." The reading speed of a toddler in first grade is very slow and therefore it will take him at least an hour to read one short story. During this time, he will become very tired of the mental hard work. Parents with this approach kill the child's desire to read. A more gentle and effective way to work through the same text is to work on it in portions, 5-10 minutes each. Then these attempts are repeated two more times during the day.

Children who are forced to read usually completely lose interest in literature.

When a child sits down at a book without pleasure, it is important to use a gentle reading mode in this case. With this method, the baby gets a short break between reading one or two lines.

For comparison, you can imagine watching slides from a film strip. In the first frame, the child reads 2 lines, then studies the picture and rests. Then we switch to the next slide and repeat the work.

Extensive pedagogical experience has allowed teachers to apply various effective methods of teaching reading, which can be used at home. Below are examples of some of them.


Speed \u200b\u200breading syllabic table

This set contains a list of syllables that are repeated many times in one reading session. This way of working out syllables trains the articulatory apparatus. At first, the children read one line of the table slowly (in chorus), then at a slightly faster pace, and the last time as a tongue twister. During one lesson, from one to three lines are practiced.

The use of syllable tablets helps the child to quickly remember the combinations of sounds

Studying such syllable tables, children begin to understand by what principle they are built, it is easier for them to navigate and find the required syllable. Over time, children understand how to quickly find a syllable at the intersection of vertical and horizontal lines. The combination of vowels and consonants becomes understandable for them from the point of view of the sound-letter system, in the future it becomes easier to perceive words as a whole.

Open syllables must be read both horizontally and vertically (for more details, see the article :). The principle of reading in the table is twofold. The horizontal lines display the same consonant sound with different vowel variations. A lingering consonant is read with a smooth transition to a vowel sound. In vertical lines, the vowel remains the same, but the consonants change.

Choral recitation of the text

The articulatory apparatus is trained at the beginning of the lesson, and in the middle, excessive fatigue is removed. A number of tongue twisters are suggested on the sheet, which is given to each student. First-graders can choose a tongue twister that they like or related to the topic of the lesson for practicing. Whispering tongue twisters is also an excellent workout for the articulation apparatus.

Articulation exercises improve speech clarity and speed reading

Comprehensive reading program

  • repeated repetition of what has been written;
  • reading in a fast rhythm of tongue twisters;
  • continue reading unfamiliar text with expression.

Joint implementation of all points of the program, pronunciation in a not very loud voice. Everyone has their own pace. The scheme is as follows:

The read and conscious content of the first part of the tale / story continues with the choral reading in an undertone of the next part. The task lasts 1 minute, after which each student makes a mark to which point he has finished reading. Then the task is repeated with the same passage, the new word is also marked and the results are compared. In most cases, the second time shows that the number of words read has increased. An increase in this amount creates a positive attitude in children and they want to achieve more and more success. We advise you to change the pace of reading and read it like a tongue twister, which will develop the articulation apparatus.

The third part of the exercise is as follows: the familiar text is read at a slow pace with expression. When children reach the unfamiliar part, the reading pace increases. You will need to read one or two lines. Over time, the number of lines needs to be increased. You will notice that after a few weeks of systematic practice, the child will notice clear progress.

Consistency and ease of exercise for a child is very important in learning.

Exercise options

  1. The task "Throw-serif". Students' palms are on their knees during the exercise. It begins with the teacher's words: "Throw!" After hearing this command, children begin to read the text from the book. Then the teacher says, "Serif!" It's time to rest. Children close their eyes, but their hands remain on their knees all the time. Hearing the command "Throw" again, students look for the line where they left off and continue reading. The duration of the exercise is about 5 minutes. Thanks to this training, children learn visual orientation from the text.
  2. The task "Tug". The purpose of this exercise is to control the ability to change the pace of reading. First graders read the text together with the teacher. The teacher selects a pace that is convenient for the students, and the students must try to keep up. Then the teacher starts reading "to himself", which the children also repeat. After a short period of time, the teacher starts reading aloud again, and the children, if they catch the tempo correctly, should read the same thing with him. You can improve your reading level by doing this exercise in pairs. The student who reads better reads "to himself" and at the same time runs his finger along the lines. The neighbor reads aloud, focusing on the partner's finger. The task of the second student is to keep up with the reading of the stronger partner, which should increase the reading speed in the long term.
  3. Find a half. The task of the students will be to find the second half of the word in the table:

Program for children over 8 years old

  1. Search for words in the text. Within the allotted time, students must find words that begin with a specific letter. A more difficult option when learning the speed reading technique is to search for a specific line in the text. This activity helps improve visual vertical search. The teacher begins to read the line, and the children must find it in the text and read the continuation.
  2. Insert missing letters. Some letters are missing from the proposed text. How much? Depends on the level of preparedness of the children. Dots or spaces can be used instead of letters. This exercise helps speed up your reading and also helps you combine letters into words. The child correlates the initial and final letters, analyzes them and composes the whole word. Children learn to read the text a little ahead in order to find the right word correctly, and this skill is usually formed in children who read well. A simpler version of the exercise for children over 8 years of age is a text with missing endings. For example: Veche ... came ... into the city .... We moved ... along the paths ... between the garage ... and notice ... little ... kitten ... etc.
  3. The game "Hide and Seek". The teacher begins to randomly read a line from the text. Students should quickly find their way around, find this place and continue reading together.
  4. Exercise "Word with a mistake." While reading, the teacher makes a mistake in the word. Children are always interested in correcting inaccuracies, because this is how their authority increases, as well as confidence in their abilities.
  5. Self-measurements of reading speed. Children on average should read about 120 words per minute or more. It will be easier and more interesting to achieve this goal if they begin to measure their reading speed on their own once a week. The child himself counts the number of words read and enters the results on the plate. Such a task is relevant in grade 3-4 and allows you to improve your reading technique. You can find other examples of speed reading exercises and videos on the Internet.

Reading speed is an important indicator of progress and should be monitored regularly

We stimulate with results

Assessing positive dynamics is very important. The child will receive a good incentive for further work if he sees that he has already achieved some success. Above the workplace, you can hang a table or graph that would display the progress in learning speed reading and the improvement of the reading technique itself.

It is especially important to pull up reading towards the end of the third grade. At this age, a child should read at least 120 words per minute. Speed \u200b\u200breading for children is a great option to teach a child to accelerate the pace of reading and at the same time to understand what he read, reading "to himself."

Reading 7 min.

The child must master reading even before he goes to the first grade. After all, the reading student has much less learning difficulties in general. You can find information on how to teach your child to read fluently in this article.

Learning to read is the main task in grade 1

Reading technique

At the age of 7, the child goes to school for the first time. In the primary grades, in reading lessons, special attention is paid to checking the reading technique. The student must expressively and without mistakes read at least 30 words per minute, put emphasis correctly, understand the text being read and retell it.

What is reading technique in children

Reasons for slow reading speed

  • Weak working memory, when a child forgets what he has read after 3-4 words and therefore cannot grasp the essence of the sentence.
  • Poor concentration and lack of perseverance.
  • Little practice. Everything is simple here: we read more - we read better.
  • Low volume of the operative field of view. You can expand it using Schulte tables (see below).
  • Lack of interest in reading.

Many parents are faced with the question of how to teach a child to love books - and do not find a clear answer. Take a closer look at your child. Who, no matter how mom and dad, will be able to determine what in reality can awaken the craving for knowledge and literature in a child?

Reading together is the best way to instill love.
  • Limited vocabulary. It is necessary to deal with the child not when the problems have already begun, but much earlier - from a very early age. Communicate with your baby on all sorts of topics, patiently answer all his questions, tell with enthusiasm, gradually adding new words to the baby's vocabulary.
  • The presence of regression, when small eyes constantly strive to return to the already read word.
  • Underdevelopment of the articulatory apparatus, poor diction. The correct pronunciation of all sounds must be developed before you begin to work hard on speed reading.
  • Dyslexia is a serious but recoverable disorder. The child loses the ability to master reading skills, but the general ability to learn remains. In this case, it is most correct to contact qualified specialists - a speech pathologist and speech therapist.

Dyslexia Causes - Reading Disorders

How to teach your child in grade 1 to read fluently? The solution to this problem depends on what exactly is the main reason for the slow read speed.

Should I teach my child to read before school

If, after the first test of reading technique at school, it turns out that your child does not read fluently enough, please be patient and persistent. And before you move on to specific exercises to improve your reading speed, here are some tips:

  1. Council number 1. Classes should be regular. You will not get a decent result if you take time to read with your child only occasionally. Do not stop studying during the holidays, even after the end of the school year.
  2. Council number 2. It's important to have the right mindset. How to teach a child to love to read if the parents themselves are dismissive of this lesson? Think of reading as something very exciting, then the child will willingly study.
  3. Council number 3. Try to select literature with colorful pictures and large letters.
  4. Council number 4. Classes can be held not only at home. Take a book with you to the clinic, to visit. In summer, go to the park to read and get a double benefit.
  5. Council number 5. Be sure to consider the character of the child. It is much more difficult to get a fidget interested in a book. He will be more often distracted, but you should not scold the child for this. Take longer breaks between classes and get creative. You can teach a child to read in a playful way.
  6. Council number 6. Before starting a lesson, think it over carefully, study the material. Offer your child only those books whose content you have studied sufficiently.
  7. Council number 7. Pay attention not only to the speed of reading, but also to whether the child understands the meaning of the text. Ask him to explain the material he read, suggest, push to the desired thought.
  8. Council number 8. To teach your child to read with enthusiasm, with interest, approach the learning process creatively: act out scenes from works, draw your favorite characters, come up with different versions of the ending.

The benefits of family reading

By following these tips, you can easily accustom your child to the book and improve his reading technique. Choose one or more of the activities below.


Reading your favorite toy. During the lesson, sit next to the child his favorite doll, toy and offer to entertain with an interesting book. Also, the kid can read bedtime stories to a teddy bear or a hare. In the role of a teacher or a parent, children feel more confident, more important, and therefore reading is easier.

Reading to toys is a fun game

Rationality. Young children find it difficult to learn long texts, even if they are quite fun. Therefore, in order not to provoke fatigue from reading and not to discourage the desire completely, pick up a few short but interesting stories.

Intrigue before bed. Invite your child to do some reading before bed. Mark the place in the book to which he should read. Pick an intriguing moment in the story. But to keep your child's sleep calm, do not offer him books about monsters, ghosts and witches.

Can't be punished for not reading success

Tongue Twisters. With the help of tongue twisters, the speech apparatus is trained. This is a very useful activity even for those children who have been able to pronounce all sounds for a long time.

Bookmark. This useful little thing is not only intended to mark the page where you left off reading. Speech therapists also advise using it to combat the so-called regression (when the child "looks back" at what he has already read). Once the word is read, just close it with a bookmark. Over time, this habit will disappear in the child, the reading speed will increase.

Theater and cinema. For many literary works, excellent films have been shot and performances have been staged. After the child reads the book, invite him to watch also a performance in the theater and compare whether he imagined the main characters like that. You can also do the opposite: first go to a movie or a play, and then read a book together. So your child will not only learn to read, but also correctly and beautifully express their thoughts.

Schulte tables for speed reading

Schulte table

It has already been said above that such a table helps to expand the scope of the field of operational vision, to learn to read well. It looks like a square, which is lined with 25-30 cells of equal size. Numbers (or letters) are randomly entered into these cells. The child's task is to find all the numbers in order as quickly as possible.

You have read the article on how to teach your child to read quickly. But remember: whichever option you choose, the most important thing that parents need to understand is that you can instill in children a love of books only by example. Read it yourself, discuss interesting books at a family dinner, visit the library with the whole family, and your child will not only learn to read fluently, but will also do it with pleasure.


Read one of the stories to your child. Ask a few questions about the text. If your child can read, invite them to read the short story on their own and then retell it.


The ant has found a large grain. He couldn't carry it alone. The ant called for help
comrades. Together, the ants easily dragged the grain into the anthill.

1. Answer the questions:
What did the ant find? What could an ant alone not do? Whom did the ant call for help?
What did the ants do? Do you always help each other?
2. Retell the story.

Sparrow and swallows.

The swallow has built a nest. The sparrow saw the nest and occupied it. Swallow called for help
their girlfriends. Together, the swallows drove the sparrow out of the nest.

1. Answer the questions:
What did the swallow do? What did the sparrow do? Whom did the swallow call for help?
What did the swallows do?
2. Retell the story.

Brave men.

The guys went to school. Suddenly a dog jumped out. She barked at the guys. Boys
rushed to run. Only Borya remained standing still. The dog stopped barking and
went to Bora. Borya stroked her. Then Borya calmly went to school, and the dog quietly
followed him.

1. Answer the questions:
Where did the guys go? What happened on the way? How did the boys behave? How did he behave
Borya? Why did the dog go after Boreas? Is the story named correctly?
2. Retell the story.

Summer in the forest.

Summer has come. In the forest glades, the grass is above the knees. Grasshoppers chirp.
The strawberries turn red on the tubercles. Raspberries, lingonberries, rose hips, blueberries are in bloom.
Chicks fly out of the nests. A little time will pass, and delicious forest
berries. Children with baskets will soon come here to pick berries.

1. Answer the questions:
What time of year is it? What is the grass in the glades? Who chirps in the grass? What
does the berry turn red on the tubercles? What berries are still in bloom? What are the chicks doing?
What will the children in the forest be collecting soon?
2. Retell the story.


A little girl wound woolen threads around an egg. It turned out to be a tangle. This tangle
She put it on the stove in a basket. Three weeks passed. Suddenly there was a squeak
from a basket. Squeaked a ball. The girl unwound the ball. There was a little chicken there.

1. Answer the questions:
How did the girl make the ball? What happened to the ball after three weeks?
2. Retell the story.

Fox and cancer. (Russian folktale)

The fox suggested that the cancer run a race. Cancer agreed. The fox ran and the cancer
clung to the fox's tail. The fox ran to the place. The fox turned around, and the cancer unhooked
and says: "I've been waiting here for a long time."

1. Answer the questions:
What did the fox offer cancer? How did cancer outwit the fox?
2. Retell the story.


Dog Beetle was seized by wolves. The little blind Puppy remained. They called him the Orphan.
The puppy was planted on a cat that had small kittens. The cat sniffed the Orphan,
twisted his tail and licked the puppy's nose.
Once a stray dog \u200b\u200battacked the Orphan. Then a cat appeared. She grabbed
teeth Orphan and returned to the high hemp. Clinging to the bark with claws, she dragged
puppy upstairs and covered him with herself.

1. Answer the questions:
Why was the puppy called the Orphan? Who raised the puppy and how did the cat protect the orphan?
Who is called an orphan?
2. Retell the story.


Once Vova went into the forest. Fluff ran with him. Suddenly a rustling was heard in the grass.
It was a viper. The viper is a poisonous snake. The fluff rushed at the viper and tore it apart.

1. Answer the questions:
What happened to Vova? Why is the viper dangerous? Who saved Vova? Who we learned about in the beginning
story? What happened next? How did the story end?
2. Retell the story.

N. Nosov. Hill.

The guys built a snow slide in the yard. They poured water on it and went home. Kotka
did not work. He was sitting at home, looking out the window. When the guys left, Kotka put on his skates
and went up the hill. Chirk skates in the snow, but cannot climb. What to do? Kotka
took a box of sand and sprinkled the slide. The guys came running. How to ride now?
The guys were offended by Kotka and made him cover the sand with snow. Kotka untied
skates and began to cover the hill with snow, and the guys poured water on it again. Kotka more
and made the steps.

1. Answer the questions:
What were the guys doing? Where was Kotka at that time? What happened when the guys left?
Why couldn't Kotka climb the hill? What did he do then?
What happened when the guys came running? How did you fix the slide?
2. Retell the story.


Mom recently gave Vitalik an aquarium with a fish. It was a very good fish,
beautiful. Silver carp - that's what it was called. And Vitalik also had a kitten
Murzik. He was gray, fluffy, and his eyes were large, green. Murzik is very
loved to look at the fish.
One day his friend Seryozha came to Vitalik. The boy changed his fish to the police
whistle. In the evening, mom asked Vitalik: "Where is your fish?" The boy got scared and said
that Murzik ate it. Mom told her son to find the kitten. She wanted to punish him. Vitalik
felt sorry for Murzik. He hid it. But Murzik got out and came home. “Ah, the robber!
So I will teach you a lesson! " - said mom.
- Mommy, dear. Don't hit Murzik. It was not he who ate the crucian carp. It's me"
- Have you eaten? - Mom was surprised.
- No, I didn't. I exchanged it for a police whistle. I won't anymore.

1. Answer the questions:
What does the story say? Why did the boy lie to his mother when she asked
where is the fish? Why Vitalik then confessed to the deception? What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text?
2. Retell the story.

Brave swallow.

The mother swallow taught the chick to fly. The chick was very small. He clumsily and
helplessly flapping its weak wings.
Unable to stay in the air, the chick fell to the ground and was badly hurt. He was lying
squeaked motionlessly and plaintively.
The swallow mother was very alarmed. She circled over the chick, screamed loudly and
didn't know how to help him.
The little girl picked up the bird and put it in a wooden box. And the box
I put it on a tree with a chick.
The swallow took care of her chick. She brought him food every day, fed him.
The chick began to recover quickly and already chirped merrily and cheerfully waved the strengthened
wings. The old ginger cat wanted to eat the chick. He quietly crept up, climbed
on a tree and was already at the box itself.
But at this time the swallow flew off the branch and began to fly boldly in front of the cat's nose.
The cat rushed after her, but the swallow nimbly dodged, and the cat missed
swing slammed to the ground. Soon the chick completely recovered and the swallow with a joyful
chirping she took him to his native nest under the next roof.

1. Answer the questions:
What misfortune happened to the chick? When did the misfortune happen? Why did it happen?
Who saved the chick? What is the ginger cat up to? How did the mother swallow protect her chick?
How did she take care of her chick? How did this story end?
2. Retell the story.

Wolf and squirrel. (after Leo Tolstoy)

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell onto the wolf. The wolf wanted to eat her.
“Let me go,” the squirrel asks.
- Let me go if you tell me why the squirrels are so funny. And I'm always bored.
-You are bored because you are evil. Anger burns your heart. And we are funny because we are kind
and we do not harm anyone.

1. Answer the questions:
How did the wolf catch the squirrel? What did the wolf want to do with the squirrel? What did she ask the wolf for?
What did the wolf say to her? What did the wolf ask the squirrel? As the squirrel answered: why does the wolf always
boring? Why are squirrels so funny?

Dictionary work.
-Squirrel said to the wolf: "Your heart burns with anger." And how can you get burned? (By fire,
boiling water, steam, hot tea ...) Which of you got burned? It hurts? And when it hurts
do you want to have fun or cry?
-It turns out that you can hurt even with a bad, evil word. Then the heart hurts as if
he was burned. So the wolf is always bored, sad, because his heart hurts,
anger burns him.
2. Retell the story.

Cockerel with his family. (according to K.D. Ushinsky)

A cockerel walks around the yard: there is a red comb on his head, a red beard under his nose. Tail
Petya has a wheel, there are patterns on his tail, spurs on his legs. Petya found a grain. He calls the chicken
with chickens. They didn't share the grain - they fought. Petya the cockerel reconciled them:
he ate the grain himself, waved his wings, shouted at the top of his throat: ku-ka-re-ku!

1. Answer the questions:
Who is the story about? Where does the cock go? Where is Petya's comb, beard, spurs?
What does a rooster's tail look like? Why? What did the cockerel find? Whom did he call?
Why did the chickens fight? How did the cockerel reconcile them?
2. Retell the story.

Bathing the cubs. (according to V. Bianchi)

A big bear and two cheerful bear cubs came out of the forest. The bear grabbed
one teddy bear with his teeth on the collar and let's dip it into the river. Another bear cub
got scared and fled into the forest. His mother caught up with him, slapped him, and then into the water.
The cubs were satisfied.

1. Answer the questions:
Who came out of the forest? How did the bear grab the bear? The she-bear dipped the bear cub
or just kept? What did the second bear do? What did mom give the bear?
Are the cubs satisfied with the bath?
2. Retell the story.

Ducks. (according to K.D. Ushinsky)

Vasya is sitting on the bank. He watches how ducks swim in a pond: wide noses into the water
Vasya does not know how to drive the ducks home.
Vasya of the ducks began to click: “Ooty-uti-ducks! The noses are wide, the paws are webbed!
Enough for you to carry worms, to pinch the grass - it's time for you to go home.
Vasya's ducks obeyed, went ashore, go home.

1. Answer the questions:
Who sat on the shore and looked at the ducks? What did Vasya do on the shore? That the ducks in the pond
did? Where did you hide the spouts? What are their noses? Why duck their wide
hid spouts in the water? What did Vasya not know? What did Vasya call the ducks? What did the ducks do?
2. Retell the story.

Cow. (by E. Charushin)

Pestruha stands in a green meadow, chewing and chewing the grass. Pestruha's horns are steep, sides
thick and udder with milk. She wags her tail, drives away flies and horseflies.
- What do you want, Pestruha, is it tastier to chew - a simple green grass or different flowers?
Maybe a chamomile, maybe a blue cornflower or forget-me-not, or maybe a bell?
Eat, eat, Pestruha, tastier, your milk will be sweeter. Your milkmaid will come
milking - milked a full bucket of tasty, sweet milk.

1. Answer the questions:
What is the name of the cow? Where is the cow Pestroha? What is she doing in the green meadow?
And what kind of horns does Pestruha have? Boca, what? And what else does Pestruha have? (Udder with milk.)
Why is she wagging her tail? What do you guys think is better for a cow to chew:
grass or flowers? What flowers does a cow like to eat? If a cow loves flowers
is there, what kind of milk will she have? Who is going to milk the cow? The milkmaid will come and milk ...
2. Retell the story.

Mice. (according to K.D. Ushinsky)

Mice gathered at their mink. Their eyes are black, their paws are small, sharp
teeth, gray fur coats, long tails dragging along the ground. Mice think: “How
to drag the biscuit into the hole? ”Oh, beware, mice! Vasya's cat is nearby. He is very
he loves, he will remember your tails, he will tear your fur coats.

1. Answer the questions:
Where are the mice gathered? What are the eyes of mice? What are their legs? And what teeth?
What fur coats? And what tails? What were the mice thinking about? Who should mice be afraid of?
Why should you be afraid of the cat Vasya? What can he do to mice?
2. Retell the story.

Fox. (after E. Charushin)

Chanterelle mouse in winter - catches mice. She stood on a stump so that there was
it can be seen, and listens, and looks: where under the snow the mouse squeaks, where it moves a little.
Hearing, noticing - rushing. Done: a mouse caught in the teeth of a red, fluffy hunter.

1. Answer the questions:
What does a chanterelle do in winter? Where does she get up? Why does she get up? That she listens and
looks? What does the fox do when he hears and sees the mouse? How does a fox catch mice?
2. Retell the story.

Hedgehog. (after E. Charushin)

The guys walked through the woods. Found a hedgehog under a bush. He curled up into a ball with fear.
The guys rolled the hedgehog into the hat and brought it home. They gave him milk.
The hedgehog turned around and began to eat milk. And then the hedgehog ran back to the forest.

1. Answer the questions:
Where did the guys go? Who did they find? Where did the hedgehog sit? What did the hedgehog do with fear? Where
children brought a hedgehog? Why didn't they get the injection? What did they give him? What happened next?
2. Retell the story.

J. Taitz. For mushrooms.

Grandmother and Nadia gathered in the forest to pick mushrooms. Grandpa gave them a basket and said:
- Well, who gets more!
So they walked, walked, collected, collected, went home. Grandma has a full basket, and Nadia has
half. Nadia said:
- Grandma, let's exchange baskets!
- Come on!
So they came home. Grandpa looked and said:
- Oh yes Nadia! Look, my grandmother has typed more!
Then Nadya blushed and said in the quietest voice:
“This is not my basket at all ... it’s my grandmother’s.

1. Answer the questions:
Where did Nadia and her grandmother go? Why did they go to the forest? What grandfather said as he saw them off
in the forest? What were they doing in the forest? How much did Nadia get and how much did grandmother get?
What did Nadia say to her grandmother when they went home? What did grandpa say when they
returned? What did Nadia say? Why did Nadia blush and answer grandfather in a low voice?
2. Retell the story.


The sun has warmed up. The streams ran. Rooks have arrived. Birds hatch chicks. A hare jumps merrily through the forest. The fox is out hunting and smells prey. The she-wolf led the cubs into the clearing. The she-bear growls at the den. Butterflies and bees fly over the flowers. Everyone is happy about spring.

A warm summer has come. Currants have ripened in the garden. Dasha and Tanya collect it in a bucket. Then the girls put the currants on the dish. Mom will make jam from it. In winter, in cold weather, children will drink tea with jam.


A fun summer has flown by. Autumn has come. It's time to harvest. Vanya and Fedya are digging potatoes. Vasya collects beets and carrots, and Fenya collects beans. There are many plums in the garden. Vera and Felix collect fruits and send them to the school cafeteria. There everyone is treated to ripe and tasty fruits.

Frosts bound the earth. Rivers and lakes were frozen. White fluffy snow lies everywhere. Children are happy about winter. It's nice to ski in the fresh snow. Seryozha and Zhenya are playing snowballs. Lisa and Zoya are making a snow woman.
Only animals find it hard in the winter cold. Birds fly closer to the dwelling.
Guys, help our little friends in the winter. Make feeders for the birds.

In the woods.

Grisha and Kolya went into the forest. They picked mushrooms and berries. They put mushrooms in a basket, and berries in a basket. Thunder suddenly struck. The sun disappeared. Clouds appeared all around. The wind bent the trees to the ground. It started raining heavily. The boys went to the forester's house. Soon the forest became quiet. Rain stopped. The sun came out. Grisha and Kolya went home with mushrooms and berries.

In zoo.

The students in our class went to the zoo. They saw many animals. A lioness was basking in the sun with a little lion cub. The hare and the hare were eating cabbage. The wolf and the wolf cubs were asleep. A turtle with a large shell crawled slowly. The girls really liked the fox.


The guys went to the forest for mushrooms. Roma found a beautiful boletus under a birch tree. Valya saw a small oil can under the pine tree. Seryozha made out a huge boletus in the grass. In the grove, they picked up baskets full of various mushrooms. The guys returned home happy and happy.

Summer holidays.

The hot summer has come. Roma, Slava and Liza with their parents went to Crimea. They swam in the Black Sea, went to the zoo, went on excursions. The guys were fishing. It was very interesting. They have long remembered this vacation.

Four butterflies.

It was spring. The sun was shining brightly. Flowers grew in the meadow. Four butterflies were flying above them: a red butterfly, a white butterfly, a yellow butterfly, and a black butterfly.
Suddenly a large black bird flew in. She saw butterflies and wanted to eat them. Butterflies got scared and sat on the flowers. A white butterfly sat on a daisy. Red butterfly - on a poppy. The yellow one - on a dandelion, and the black one sat on a tree branch. A bird flew, flew, but did not see butterflies.


Vasya and Katya had a cat. In the spring, the cat disappeared and the children could not find it.
Once they played and heard a meow overhead. Vasya shouted to Katya:
- Found a cat and kittens! Come here soon.
There were five kittens. When they got older. The children chose one kitten for themselves, gray with white paws. They fed him, played with him and put him to bed with them.
Once the children went to play on the road and took a kitten with them. They were distracted, and the kitten played alone. Suddenly they heard someone shouting loudly: “ Back, back!” - and they saw that the hunter was galloping, and in front of him two dogs saw a kitten and wanted to grab it. And the kitten is stupid. Hunched back and looks at the dogs.
The dogs wanted to grab the kitten, but Vasya ran up, fell on his stomach on the kitten and closed him from the dogs.

Fluff and Masha.

Sasha has a dog, Fluff. Dasha has a cat Masha. Fluff loves bones, and Masha loves mice. Fluff is sleeping at Sasha's feet, and Masha is on the couch. Dasha sews a pillow for Masha herself. Masha will sleep on a pillow.


Borya, Pasha and Petya went for a walk. The path went past the swamp and ended at the river. The guys approached the fishermen. The fisherman ferried the guys across the river. On the shore they made a halt. Borya chopped branches for the fire. Petya cut a roll and sausage. They ate by the fire, rested and returned home.


Cranes live near swamps, forest lakes, meadows and river banks. The nest is built right on the ground. The crane is circling over the nest, protecting it.
At the end of summer, cranes gather in flocks and fly to warm countries.


Seryozha and Zakhara have a dog called Druzhok. Children love to study with Druzhk, teach him. He already knows how to serve, lie down, bring a stick in his teeth. When the guys call Druzhka, he runs to them, barking loudly. Seryozha, Zakhar and Druzhok are good friends.

Zhenya and Zoya found a hedgehog in the forest. He lay still. The guys decided that the hedgehog got sick. Zoe put it in the basket. The children ran home. They fed the hedgehog with milk. Then they took him to a living corner. Many animals live there. Children take care of them under the guidance of their teacher Zinaida Zakharovna. She will help the hedgehog to recover.

Someone else's testicle.

The old woman put the basket of eggs in a secluded place and put a chicken on them.
A chicken runs off to drink some water, and peck at the grains, and back into place, sits, clucking. The chicks began to hatch from the testicles. A chicken will jump out of its shell and let's run, look for worms.
Someone else's testicle got to the chicken - there was a duckling there. He ran to the river and swam like a piece of paper, raking water with wide webbed paws.


Sveta's mother works as a postman at the post office. She delivers mail in a mail bag. Sveta goes to school during the day, and in the evening, together with her mother, puts the evening mail in the mailboxes.
People receive letters, read newspapers and magazines. Everyone needs Sveta's mom's profession.

The child learns a lot from books, so reading should be encouraged and supported. Oddly enough, mothers mostly read to babies, and from the age of three books begin to fade into the background, it is regrettable to realize. On the contrary, the range of books should expand, because the child is now able to understand more complex things, he can now feel and live the book together with its characters. Reading with your parents and reading on your own can help you perform better in class. But what should a first grader read? This article lists school literature for reading in the first grade in the "Perspective" program. The list is based on which works will be mentioned in school textbooks for this program. Audio versions of these books can be found on our website.

Books, knowledge of which is required when studying the ABC, the textbook “The World Around”, the Russian language.

  • Poems, proverbs and riddles about autumn
  • Dr. Aibolit
  • Beast with the letter U
  • Uncle Styopa
  • Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
  • Swan geese
  • Cinderella
  • Hare and hedgehog. K.Ushinsky
  • Moidodyr
  • cat house
  • Whale and cat
  • About Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about a furry Misha - a gentle tail. D. Mamin-Sibiryak
  • Fox and wolf
  • Turnip
  • Koschei the Deathless
  • Ryaba chicken

Poems about children

A. Barto. “Become literate”, “Why did Petya wake up 10 times today”.

S. Marshak. "A Conversation with the First Grade", "Memory for the Schoolboy", "An Important Day", "Friends and Comrades".

E. Blaginina. "Steam locomotive, steam locomotive ...", "A friend came to me ...".

V. Lunin. "My shoes are mom ...".

Animal poems

B. Zakhoder. “About furry and birds”.

J. Moritz. "Raspberry cat".

S. Marshak. "Children in a Cage", "Where the Sparrow Dined", "Kindergarten. Zoo ”,“ At the Zoo ”.

Poems and stories about nature

"Seasons". Poems.

"Signs of Autumn". Works of Russian writers.

"Glorious Autumn". Poems of Russian poets.

A. Blok. "Bunny".

Funny poems

B. Zakhoder. "Whale and a cat", "Gymnastics for a tadpole", "Once upon a time there was an owl."

A. Barto. "Lidochka", "I grew up", "Alyosha", "House has moved", "Toys".

A. Prokofiev. "As on a hill, on a mountain."

"Rhymes of Mother Goose".

Folk tales

Ayoga, Little Willie Winky. Scottish folk tales.

K. Ivanov. "Two daughters". Chuvash fairy tale.

Russian folk tales

"Teremok", "Geese-swans", "Turnip", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Tereshechka". "The black horse gallops into the fire."

Animal Tales

K. Chukovsky. "Chicken", "Telephone", "Stolen Sun", "Cockroach".

N. Yusupov. "Dove and grain of wheat".

"Three Little Pigs", "Fox and Crane", "Fox, Wolf and Bear".

Winter Tales

"Morozko", "Snow Maiden".

V. Suteev. "A sack of apples", "Uncle Misha", "Ship", "Magic wand", "Who said meow?"

V. Berestov. "The serpent-braggart."

S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Goat", "Cat's House".

V. Bianchi. "Forest bun - thorny side".

V. Dahl. "The old man-year."

Fairy tales of foreign writers

C. Perrault. "Cinderella".

J. Grimm. "Seven Brave Men", "The Brave Tailor".

G.-H. Andersen. "Swineherd".

D. Rodari. "Why? From what? What for?".


B. Zakhoder. "Living ABC".

V. Oseeva. "Mom brought Tanya a new book."

I. Gamazkova. "Living ABC".

E. Permyak. "Hasty Knife".

L. Panteleev. "The letter" You ".

G. Skrebitsky. "Mother".

V. Stepanov. "Russia is my homeland".

P. Voronko. "Your book".

S. Baruzdin. "Main city".

E. Trutneva. "In the native land."

L. Preobrazhenskaya. "Our street".

K. Ushinsky. "Four desires", "Wind and sun".

Stories about children

V. Oseeva. "Sons", "Before the first rain", "Bad", "Blue Leaves".

E. Permyak. "The first fish" ("Yura lived in a large and friendly family ..."), "Kite".

E. Moshkovskaya. "Resentment", "Book for a Friend".

V. Lunin. "Me and Vovka".

V. Golyavkin. "Talkers".

A. Barto. "If he needs you."

N. Artyukhova. "Girlfriends".

Animal stories

V. Bianchi. “The First Hunt”, “Snow Book”, “Forest Houses”, “Fox and Mouse”.

N. Sladkov. "Forest Tales".

E. Charushin. “About Tomka”, “Tyupa, Tomka and others”, “Volchishko”.

I. Akim. "My faithful siskin."

B. Zakhoder. "The dog's grief."

R. Sef. "Who loves dogs?"

K. Paustovsky, G. Skrebitsky, K. Ushinsky. Stories about nature.

Oral folk art (small genres)

"Twists, twists round dance." Sentences, folk songs.

Nursery rhymes, rhymes, riddles, fables.

S. Marshak. To the New Reader, Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings, The Wolf and the Fox.

K. Chukovsky. "Aybolit".

G. Yudin. "Why" A "is the first".

T. Coty. Katya and Letters.

V. Lunin. "Little kids". "Don't offend anyone."

T. Pavlova. "The Tale of a Wise Crow".

S. Mikhalkov. “It’s our own fault”, Fairy tale “Chaffinch”, “How would we live without books?”, “Song of friends”.

L. Panteleev. "Two frogs".

E. Blaginina. "Kitty".

V. Bianchi. "Conversation of Birds at the End of Summer".

I. Pivovarova. “I treated everyone”.

N. Sladkov. "Without words".

B. Zhitkov. "Evening".

I. Tokmakova. "Frogs", "Conversation of a titmouse and a woodpecker", "Out of place".

E. Permyak. "The worst thing."

V. Berestov. "Frog", "Poems for Dad".

E. Shim. "Brother and Younger Sister".

M. Plyatskovsky. "The sun for memory".

P. Voronko. "There is no better homeland."

J. Moritz. “This is - yes! This is not! "

V. Suteev. "Whose mushroom?"

A. Pleshcheev. "Spring", "Summer has passed."

S. Yesenin. "Bird cherry".

I. Surikov. "Summer Winter".

N. Grekov. "In summer".

Folklore. Proverbs and sayings of different nations.

Songs of different nations.


Russian folk tales.

Proverbs, sayings, wise sayings.

Three Daughters. Tatar folk tale.

"Two lazy people". Tatar folk tale.

"Hare and Turtle". Ingush folk tale.

I. Kosyakov. "She's all."

J. Harris. "The Tales of Uncle Remus".

E. Schwartz. "The Tale of Lost Time".

Tales of the peoples of Russia.

Russian folk tales.

Funny folklore: tongue twisters, rhymes, fables.

The Brothers Grimm. "King-Drozdovik".

Reference (methodological) literature for teachers

Klimanova L. F. Lessons of literary reading in grades 1, 2, 3, 4. - M., 2006.

Levin V. A. When a little schoolboy becomes a big reader. - M., 1994.

Omorokova M.I.Fundamentals of teaching reading for younger students. - M., 2005.

Kubasova OV How to help a child become a reader. - M., 2004.

Matveeva EI We teach the younger student to understand the text. - M., 2005.

Voyushina M.P. Criteria and levels of literary development // Literary and speech development of schoolchildren: / interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - SPb., 1992.

Romanovskaya ZI Reading and development of a younger student. - M., 1982.

Rubakin N.A.Psychology of the reader and books. - M., 1977.

Nikiforova OI Psychology of perception of fiction. - M., 1972.

Lazareva V.A.Technologies for the analysis of a work of art. - M., 2006.

Rez Z. Ya. Study of lyrics at school. - M., 1968.

Voyushina M.P. Studying the lyrics of Sergei Yesenin in primary school. - SPb., 1996.

Propp V. Ya. Morphology of a fairy tale: historical roots of a fairy tale. - M., 1972.

Russian language in primary grades: theory and practice of teaching / ed. M. S. Soloveichik. - M., 2000.

Churakova N.A.How to get into the world of the picture. - Samara, 2001.

Vorobyova V.I., Tivikova S.K.Essays on the painting in primary school. - M., 2006.