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Alexander fadeev biography novel defeat. Fadeev alexander alexandrovich. Family life with Lyudmila Gurchenko

Alexander Fadeev - Russian Soviet writer and public figure, journalist, war correspondent. For his works, Fadeev received many prestigious awards, including the Stalin Prize.

Most of all, the writer is known for his legendary novel "Young Guard".

In this article we will tell you about the main events of Fadeev, as well as interesting facts from his life.

So before you short biography of Fadeev.

Biography of Fadeev

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev was born on December 11, 1901 in the village of Kimry (Tver province). His father, Alexander Ivanovich, from a young age was absorbed in revolutionary ideas, as a result of which he was often persecuted by the tsarist government.

For his convictions, he repeatedly ended up in prison, where he actually met his future wife Antonina Kunz.

In addition to Alexander, a girl Tatiana and a boy Vladimir were born in the Fadeev family.

Childhood and youth

When little Sasha Fadeev was barely 4 years old, he independently mastered literacy and learned to read. Most of all he liked the works of Main Reed, and.

Even before going to school, Alexander Fadeev composed many interesting fairy tales that he liked to tell his loved ones.

Mother and father instilled in the kids a love of work. They encouraged them to do various household jobs and from an early age taught them to be independent.

When Fadeev was 11 years old, he was sent to receive an education. At this period of his biography, the boy lived with relatives.

He successfully passed the exams at the commercial school, but never finished it, because he decided to devote his life to revolutionary activities.

In 1918, Alexander voluntarily joined the underground Bolshevik association, in connection with which he repeatedly participated in clashes with the White Guards.

An interesting fact is that during the suppression of the Kronstadt uprising (1921), he was wounded. He healed his wound in, where he later stayed to live.

Creative biography of Fadeev

The first serious work in the biography of Fadeev was the story "Spill". However, it did not arouse much interest among readers.

After that, he wrote a novel called "The Defeat". She brought him a certain popularity, after which he firmly decided to take up writing.

In his works, Alexander Fadeev described in colors the confrontation between the “red” and “white”, praising the former and humiliating the latter. He was proud to have taken part in the Civil War (1918-1922) and was one of those who contributed to the overthrow of the old regime.

The book brought him immense popularity and universal love of Soviet citizens. It dealt with the exploits of Soviet adolescents involved in partisan activities c.

Five years later, the second version of "Young Guard" was published, in which many patriotic slogans and glorifications of the current government appeared. Soon this work was included in the compulsory school curriculum.

At the peak of his popularity, Alexander Fadeev was admitted to the Writers' Union, and after the release of the immortal novel he headed it. During the biography of 1939-1956. he was a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, as well as a deputy of the Supreme Council.

In 1946, Fadeev put his signature in the well-known resolution of Andrei Zhdanov, in which creativity was outlawed.

Moreover, Fadeev was obliged to personally ensure that the works of the disgraced writers were not published anywhere.

Interestingly, after 2 years, Alexander Fadeev provided material support to Zoshchenko, since he was in dire need because of the issued decree (see). Also, Fadeev participated in the collection of funds necessary for the treatment of Andrei Platonov (see).

It is obvious that Alexander Fadeev understood his guilt and tried to somehow correct his mistakes. As a result, he began to drink frequently and fell into a deep depression.

For some time he even had to be treated "for a nervous illness" in one of the sanatoriums. In the future, addiction to alcohol will lead him to death.

Personal life

The first wife in the biography of Alexander Fadeev was Valeria Gerasimova, who was also a writer. This marriage was unsuccessful, as a result of which the couple decided to leave.

The second time Fadeev married in 1936, the actress Angelina Stepanova. In this marriage, they had 2 boys - Alexander and Mikhail.

It is interesting that in the biography of Fadeev there was also a daughter, Maria, born of the poetess Margarita Aliger.

Fadeev at the dacha, 1952


On May 13, 1956, Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev shot himself at his dacha in Peredelkino. According to the official version, he took his own life due to alcoholism.

It is worth noting that a number of biographers claim that a couple of weeks before his suicide, Fadeev stopped drinking alcohol, and a week before his death, he began to prepare for suicide. During these days he wrote many letters to his friends and party members.

Alexander Fadeev was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery next to his mother, since this was his last will. It is interesting that some biographers of the writer believe that he was allegedly killed, but this version has no reliable facts.

Fadeev Photos

Alexander Fadeev in his youth

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Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev is a Soviet actor, the son of the writer Alexander Fadeev. He became famous for his role as a viscount in the film "War and Peace".

It is generally accepted that a person's talent will always help him become successful in life, achieve fame and universal love. But how often this statement turned out to be wrong. Many truly gifted people have not been able to properly dispose of this gift of fate, have wasted it in vain and have not reached any heights. This fully applies to the actor Alexander Fadeev. Neither his amazing talent nor influential parents helped him in life.

What happened, why the artist's brilliantly begun creative biography so quickly faded away and ended in episodic roles, the name of the performer of which was not even in the credits?

Star parents

Nobody ever knew the name of the real father Alexander Fadeev. This remained a secret, which the actor's mother kept until her death. But everyone knew Sasha's mother very well - this is Angelina Stepanova, one of the cult actresses of the times of the USSR, whose name was on all the theater posters of the Moscow Art Theater.

Angelina's husband was the director of the Moscow Art Theater Nikolai Gorchakov, but this marriage cannot be called happy, because the secret passion of the beautiful Angelina was the writer Nikolai Erdman. Their romance lasted for seven whole years, but despite this, Angelina never filed for divorce from her husband and did not connect her life with her beloved. The reason for the banality is simple - she was afraid that this divorce would affect her career, which depended so much on her husband-director. And then divorces in the Soviet Union were not encouraged and Stepanova could easily be made restricted to travel abroad, even without taking into account all of her merits.

Photo: Alexander Fadeev as a child with his family

The way out of this difficult triangle was provided by fate itself - in 1933, the actress's lover was arrested and exiled. After 2 years, Stepanova and Gorchakov still broke up. And the real reason for this gap remained unknown, either the actress ceased to be afraid for her career and broke up with her unloved husband, or Gorchakov himself was afraid for his reputation, which could be spoiled by a marriage with the mistress of a repressed writer.

But Angelina was not alone for long. While touring in Paris with the theater, she meets the famous writer - Alexander Fadeev, who was there on official business.

Their romance developed very rapidly, so after returning home they decided to get married. They lived in marriage for twenty years, until the very suicide of Alexander, which he committed in 1956. During this time, a lot happened - both the frequent drinking of her husband and his betrayal, but this beautiful, elegant, intelligent and courageous woman endured everything. Probably because she loved her Sasha very much. Angelina survived her husband for 44 years and asked to bury her next to her beloved. It was in 2000, the actress was 95 years old.

In July 1936, literally right after the wedding, the young couple had a son, who was named Sasha in honor of his adoptive father. Fadeev adopted the child, gave him not only his last name and patronymic, but also his first name. The son became the full namesake of the adoptive dad, and so that there was no confusion, they began to call him Alexander Fadeev Jr.

early years

Fadeev Sr. was a very famous writer. He wrote The Young Guard, The Defeat, The Last of Udege. These books were read to the bone, they were loved by several generations of Soviet people. He was a deputy, awarded orders and the Stalin Prize, stood at the origins of the USSR Writers' Union, the ruling elite reckoned with him.

Angelina Stepanova was a successful, sought-after actress, prima of the Moscow Art Theater. In those years, it was not easy, but the family had a normal income, so in childhood Sasha Fadeev Jr. did not need anything materially.

The couple soon had a joint son, who was named Misha. The boys were very friendly with each other, and tried not to forget their sister - the illegitimate daughter of their father Masha. Despite such a number of children, Sasha was loved most of all.

Choosing a life path

It remained a mystery why Sasha decided to devote his life to the acting profession. Maybe the genes of the mother, or childhood, which passed practically in the theater, affected. Or perhaps his sophisticated nature liked the art of theater more than the writing of his stepfather. The young man made the choice in favor of the theater, and the parents raised all their connections in order to attach their beloved child. And right after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Sasha was accepted into the troupe of the Soviet Army Theater, where he shone for several years.

Movie debut

The debut of Fadeev Jr. in cinema took place in 1965 - he played the role of the viscount in the filming of the film "War and Peace" based on the novel by L. Tolstoy. The role was not the main one, but Alexander performed just fine. A handsome young man with aristocratic manners and erect posture - this is how the audience remembered him. It didn't even look like a game, he looked so natural in this role.

The successful debut showed everyone that the young man is undoubtedly very talented and can reach the highest peaks in cinema.

Only one thing oppressed Alexander - his father did not see his success. By this time, Fadeev Sr. committed suicide, he shot himself with a pistol, being left alone in the country.

The wife at this time toured with the theater abroad. This tragic event happened in 1956, after he delivered a revelatory speech against Stalin. The writer was only 54.

This tragedy greatly affected all the children of Fadeev. Years later, daughter Masha would also commit suicide, and Alexander Jr.'s relatives also began to notice a tendency to suicide. But this is in the future, but for now, after a successful debut role, Fadeev Jr.'s career has rapidly surged upward - he is being approved for the main role in a film about mountain climbers.

The main role in the film "Vertical"

The plot of the film was quite simple, but despite this, "Vertical" was highly appreciated by the audience. The lion's share of the film's success was in the songs I wrote specifically for it. These songs have become hits, more than one generation of the singer's fans have been listening to them. The success of the film was also brought by the actor Fadeev, who very harmoniously played the main role - Nikitin.

During the filming, a romance broke out between the actor Alexander Fadeev and the actress. I liked the pretty girl and Vladimir Vysotsky, but his popularity could not be compared with Fadeevskaya, so the preference was given to the handsome Alexander. In addition, he was a more promising game than the little-known Vladimir. Larisa was already ready to marry Alexander, but stopped in time. The actor drank heavily and a lot, became uncontrollable and impulsive, grabbed a gun to shoot himself and Larisa sometimes had to save him from certain death. This stopped the girl from getting married.

The collapse of a film career

Inspired by the first successes in cinema, the actor soared too much in the heavens and very soon became a victim of a real star fever. He quarrels with the directors, does not come to rehearsals, and appears on the set in a state of severe hangover. He was forgiven a lot and for a long time, maybe because of his talent and charm, or maybe out of a sense of respect for the mother, who asked for her dissolute son. It seemed to everyone that this was temporary, Sasha would come to his senses and start working at full strength. But the actor did not live up to these hopes.

At the end of the 60s, the actor Fadeev practically ceased to be invited to the cinema. After the release of the film "Vertical", he starred in the tapes "One Chance in a Thousand" and "Conscience" - these were serious roles, and after that he was trusted only for episodes. “In one microdistrict”, “Front behind the front line”, “Lonely hostels”, “Accident - the cop's daughter”, “Mother” - in these films he appears exclusively in episodes, his name is not even in the film credits.

Theatrical career

Compared to his film career, the theater career of Alexander Fadeev Jr. was more successful. But this is not due to his talent, but rather to the efforts of his mother, who was respected among colleagues. She realized that her son's career in cinema had come to an end, and in the theater he was threatened with dismissal due to unworthy behavior. Therefore, he turns to with a request to accept Alexander at the Moscow Art Theater. Efremov was not delighted with such a proposal, but agreed to persuasion.

Alexander Fadeev was known for his scandalous antics, but in terms of acting, he was even very useful in the theater. He participated in the productions of Efremov himself, he had a role in the performances "The Dream of Reason" and "Old New Year".

But again feeling permissiveness, Alexander gradually begins to become impudent, to enter into disputes with Oleg Efremov. The conflict was enormous, the Moscow Art Theater was divided into two parts and Fadeev, not wanting to work for Efremov anymore, goes to, and Stepanov remains with Oleg Nikolaevich. In the new theater, Fadeev continued to play until 1993.

Personal life

Alexander Fadeev was very famous for the theatrical beau monde. And it's not only about creativity, which began to decline - he was famous for his love affairs and revelry. Nature endowed Alexander with beauty, but this is not the main thing, he was a very charming and attentive gentleman, knew how to beautifully look after and interest any lady. He made full use of the connections of his stepfather and the authority of his mother, his life was free and secure, and he himself did not make any efforts for this.

But the time came when Alexander was fed up with novels and realized that he wanted a serious relationship. For the first time, he entered into an official marriage with. Their acquaintance took place at the WTO restaurant. Lyudochka was simply charmed by the capital's handsome gentleman. They did not meet for long, they soon registered a marriage. But a long and happy personal life did not work out. Too spoiled by fate, Alexander continued to lead his old life - restaurants and fun companies, and Lyudmila worked hard. Their marriage lasted only 2 years, after which Gurchenko realized that it was a mistake and divorced her husband.

In the personal life of Alexander Fadeev, there were two more marriages. The artist's second wife was Natella Kandelaki. But this marriage was given a short time, they divorced very quickly.

Fadeev is getting married for the third time. Now this is Nadia Stalin, the granddaughter of Joseph Vissarionovich and the daughter of his son Vasily. This was the last wife of the actor, they lived together until her death. No one knows how happy the spouses were, because Nadia never told anyone about what was happening in the family. But judging by the character of Alexander, there is no doubt that his wife's life was difficult. In this marriage, in 1974, Fadeev had a daughter, Anastasia, who was recorded by the names of her grandfather and father, Stalin. In 1992, Anastasia had a daughter, Galya, whom her mother wrote down to Fadeeva.

Last years

Already being in adulthood, the artist never changed his lifestyle. Drinking and partying continued. The artist had alcohol addiction and suicidal tendencies.

Selected filmography

  • 1965 - War and Peace
  • 1966 - Vertical
  • 1968 - One chance in a thousand
  • 1974 - Conscience
  • 1989 - Mother

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They say that if a person is talented, he will certainly achieve success. However, this statement is not always true. There are often incredibly gifted people who remain empty flowers, having spent all their opportunities to achieve greatness anywhere. Unfortunately, the actor Alexander Fadeev belongs to such persons. Biography, his personal life - this is what he was most remembered by his contemporaries and descendants. Meanwhile, he was an artist of amazing talent with influential parents. How did it happen that, having started his film career brightly, Fadeev ended it, playing in episodes?

Unusual parents

There is still no exact information about who the real father of Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich is - his mother did not reveal this secret to anyone. But his mother is well known - the cult Soviet theater actress Angelina Stepanova at one time.

In the year the future actor was born, his mother was married to the director of the Moscow Art Theater Nikolai Gorchakov. However, this union was not happy, since Stepanova was passionately in love with the writer Nikolai Erdman. Despite a passionate romance that lasted seven years, Angelina was afraid to divorce her husband, because in revenge he could ruin her career. And besides, divorces in the USSR were not particularly welcomed, and, despite all the services to the party, Stepanova could become an actress restricted to travel abroad.

This difficult love triangle was resolved by life itself. In 1933, the actress's rebellious lover was arrested and sent into exile. And a couple of years later, the marriage of Angelina Stepanova with Nikolai Gorchakov broke up. What caused this is not known for certain. Either the actress found the courage to leave her unloved husband, or the husband was afraid to ruin his career, being married to the mistress of the repressed.

However, unmarried, Angelina Stepanova did not last long. Once, while on tour in Paris, she met a Soviet writer named Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev, who was in the capital of France on a business trip.

Soon, a romance began between the young people and upon arrival at their homeland, they got married. This union turned out to be surprisingly strong and the spouses were together until Fadeev's death in 1956. And Stepanova herself, who survived her wife by 44 years, bequeathed to bury her next to her husband.

A few months after the painting, in July 1936, the newly-married couple had a son, Sasha. Despite the fact that Fadeev (the writer) was not his biological father, Alexander Alexandrovich adopted the boy and raised him as his own. And to emphasize the relationship, the baby was given the name of his adoptive father - Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev. By the way, because of the same names, confusion often arises, therefore, Alexander Fadeev Jr. is often called Stepanova's son.

Alexander Fadeev: a short biography of the early years

The stepfather of the future artist, being one of the organizers of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (on its basis, the Union of Writers of the USSR later appeared) was in favor with the ruling elite.

And Angelina Stepanova's career at the Moscow Art Theater was well advanced - she was a prima for many years. For this reason, despite the difficult years that Fadeev's childhood fell on, he lived in relative prosperity, rotating in intelligent circles.

Although the parents soon had another son, Mikhail, young Sashenka remained their favorite. Also, she and her brother communicated closely with the illegitimate daughter of their stepfather - Masha.

The choice of profession and the first steps in the acting field

It is not known for certain why Alexander Fadeev (actor) decided to follow in his mother's footsteps. Perhaps, after spending his childhood years behind the scenes, he fell in love with the world of theater. Or maybe this profession seemed to him simpler and more elegant than working as a writer (like his stepfather's).

In any case, thanks to the connections of his parents, after graduating from school, he easily found a place for himself at the Theater of the Soviet Army, where he performed successfully for several years.

Debut in the film "War and Peace"

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev (actor) first appeared on the silver screen in 1965 as a viscount in the film adaptation of L. Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Although the role was not great, Fadeev performed it just brilliantly. Beautiful appearance, aristocratic manners and posture - it seemed that he was not acting, but simply living.

After such a successful debut, it seemed that Alexander Fadeev would achieve a lot in the cinema. Only one thing upset the ardent young man - his adoptive father never lived to see his debut. The fact is that Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich (writer), disillusioned with the ideals of the Party, committed suicide. He shot himself at his dacha while Angelina Stepanova was on tour abroad.

This tragic event greatly influenced all the children of the famous writer. So his daughter Masha also committed suicide. And the stepson was known for his suicidal tendencies. But all this will come later. In the meantime, having shone in War and Peace, Alexander Fadeev (actor) got one of the main roles in a new movie about mountain climbers.

Painting "Vertical"

Despite its rather uncomplicated plot, the "Vertical" tape has become a cult. First of all, thanks to Vladimir Vysotsky, who wrote several songs for her, which still remain hits.

Not the last role in the success of the picture was played by Alexander Fadeev, who played in the project his namesake - Alexander Nikitin.

By the way, there were rumors that while working on the film, Fadeev was fascinated by one of the project's actresses - Larisa Luzhina. Vladimir Vysotsky also courted the girl. But at that time he was not yet the all-Union favorite singer, and the actress chose the more promising Fadeev.

But this choice did not bring her happiness. Looking closer to the chosen one, she soon realized that the actor was clearly not the hero of her novel, and refused to become his wife.

Film career decline

The success of the artist's first works quickly gave him star fever. He began to argue with the directors, skip rehearsals and appear at the shooting after feasts in a completely inappropriate manner.

Despite the talent and charm of Fadeev, as well as out of respect for his mother, he was forgiven a lot. Moreover, at first, those around them hoped that such bad behavior was a temporary phenomenon. But they were deeply mistaken.

For this reason, by the end of the sixties, the demand for an artist in cinema dropped to almost zero. After "Vertical" he had two more more or less serious work ("One Chance in a Thousand" and "Conscience"), and everything else was filming in episodes ("In one neighborhood", "Front behind the front line", "Lonely hostel is provided "," Accident - the daughter of a cop "," Mother "). Moreover, they often forgot to indicate the name of the performer (either on purpose or on purpose) in the credits.

Alexander Fadeev: biography during the years of work at the Moscow Art Theater

Despite the failures in the cinema, the artist's career progressed more vigorously in the theater. However, this was not due to Fadeev's talent, but thanks to the patronage of his respected mother. So, seeing that her son's film career was at an impasse, and in the Theater of the Soviet Army, her child was preparing to fire, Angelina Stepanova persuaded Oleg Efremov to take his son to the Moscow Art Theater.

Although Efremov was not very pleased with the prospect of working with the eccentric spoiled Fadeev, he yielded to Stepanova's request.

Despite his difficult character, Alexander Fadeev turned out to be a good acquisition for the Moscow Art Theater, and Oleg Nikolaevich sometimes gave him roles in his productions (a royal volunteer in The Dream of Mind, a loader in the Old New Year).

However, feeling that because of his mother a lot is forgiven him, Fadeev Jr. began to become impudent and argue with Efremov. The conflict between them grew so much that after the division of the Moscow Art Theater, Alexander went to Tatyana Doronina, although Angelina Stepanova remained with Oleg Nikolaevich.

In the new Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, the artist played until 1989 (according to other tributes, until 1993).

Family life with Lyudmila Gurchenko

Despite the decline of such a promising career, among the theatrical elite, Alexander Fadeev nevertheless gained a certain fame. His creativity, however, had nothing to do with it. Fame was brought to him by his love affairs and revelry. The fact is that Fadeev was not only a very handsome man, but also a very charming and gallant boyfriend. He knew how to charm and show off. Thanks to the connections of the stepfather respected by the whole country and the patronage of his mother, he could allow himself to lead a free and well-to-do life without particularly straining.

However, after a series of novels, one day Fadeev realized that he was ready for a serious relationship. Lyudmila Gurchenko became his first official wife.

He met her at the WTO restaurant. Lyudmila Markovna was fascinated by the capital's handsome man. And pretty soon after they met, the lovers filed an application with the registry office and signed.

But they were not meant to live happily ever after. Being a darling of parents and fate, Alexander Fadeev loved to spend his free time in restaurants and noisy companies. While Gurchenko, her successes were not easy at all. After two years of living together, Lyudmila Markovna realized that she did not want to live with her husband, so she filed for divorce.

Marriage to Stalin's granddaughter

After an unsuccessful first marriage, Alexander Fadeev was not at all disappointed in family life. His biography is known for two more marriages.

So for the second time down the aisle he went with the actress Natella Kandelaki. This union was also not strong and the couple soon parted.

The third and last wife of Fadeev was Nadezhda Stalin (daughter of Vasily Stalin).

The artist lived with her until her death. How happy this union was is difficult to judge, since Nadezhda Stalin was used to not washing dirty linen in public. However, knowing the character of Fadeev, it is safe to assume that life for his third wife was not at all easy with him.

Daughter of Alexander Fadeev

From marriage to Nadezhda in 1974 (according to other sources - in 1977), the artist had a daughter, Anastasia. The girl took the name of her great-grandfather and therefore is officially called Anastasia Alexandrovna Stalina.

The artist also has a granddaughter Galya, whom Anastasia wrote down under the name of her father - Fadeev.

The last years of the artist

Despite the problems in the theater, the artist in recent years lived, as in his youth, spending time drinking with friends. Relatives claimed that Fadeev suffered from alcohol addiction. It was also rumored that, like his adoptive father, Alexander Jr. tried several times to commit suicide. However, these rumors have no official confirmation.

Drunkenness and inattention to his health led to the fact that the artist did not live to see sixty, having died in 1993 at the age of 57. He was buried next to his third wife Nadezhda at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

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Topic: "Biography of Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev"

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Table of contents:

  • Childhood of the writer
  • Revolutionary activity
  • The writer's wives and children
  • Fadeev - writer
  • Alexander Fadeev's disease
  • List of references

Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich

Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich - Soviet writer, public figure, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the 1st degree (1946), head of the USSR Writers' Union, prose writer, critic, theoretician of literary criticism. He was awarded two Orders of Lenin and one Order of the Red Banner.

Childhood of the writer

Father Alexander Ivanovich, a professional revolutionary, was born into a poor peasant family, spent part of his life in wanderings until he was imprisoned in a Petersburg prison. Mother Antonina Vladimirovna Kunz (one of the Russified Germans), met Alexander Ivanovich in prison, at the request of the Red Cross, she visits him as a student of St. Petersburg medical assistant courses. Alexander and Antonina liked each other, even when Alexander was sentenced to five years of exile in the remote northern town of Shenkursk, Antonina went with him and soon in June of the next year they got married.

Alexander Fadeev was born in the village of Kimry, Korchevsky district, Tver province on December 10 or 24, 1901. From the very beginning of his life, Alexander was a very gifted child. Due to the desire for knowledge, by the age of four, Sasha had learned the alphabet, had mastered literacy on his own. He began reading books very early, his favorite writers were Jack London, Mine Reid, Fenimore Cooper. And also he not only loved to read books, he amazed with his immense imagination, composed his own stories, fairy tales and so on. In later life, Alexander became very addicted to literature, for example, he collaborated with handwritten student magazines, placed his poems, stories, stories, fairy tales, and so on there.

His parents laid love for work and respect for each other. Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev briefly described his childhood: “We ourselves sewed on the torn off buttons, put patches and closed up holes in clothes, washed dishes and floors in the house, made beds ourselves, and besides, we mowed, pressed, knitted sheaves, weeded, looked after vegetables in the garden. I had carpentry tools, and I, and especially my brother Volodya, always made something. We always sawed and chopped wood and stoked the stoves. Since childhood, I knew how to harness a horse, saddle it and ride a horse ... ".

In 1908, the Fadeev family moved to the South Ussuriysk Territory (now Primorsky)

Maybe the family instilled all the qualities of a well-bred person in Alexander, but, like every well-bred person, he had to continue his education because the village school did not meet these criteria, so it was decided to send him to Vladivostok, to a relative, since she was the head of the male gymnasium ... So in the fall of 1910 to 1918, Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev studied at the Vladivostok Commercial School. Quite quickly, Sasha became the best student, receiving excellent grades (he even received a commendation from the management, received several prizes for his compositions, short rhymes, etc.) He lived with relatives, so as not to get them financially, he himself decided to earn a living, already 13 for years he worked as a repeater helped lagging students, giving private lessons, combining study and work at the same time.

However, despite his good grades, he decided to become a revolutionary leader. In the Vladivostok school there was an underground committee of the Bolsheviks, Alexander carried out various orders of the committee. At the age of 17, 1918, he joined the RCP (b) and adopted the party pseudonym Bulyga. Became a party agitator. In 1919 he joined the Special Communist Detachment of Red Partisans. Further life is already associated with revolutionary activities.

Revolutionary activity

Having become close to the Bolsheviks, he became involved in revolutionary activities. Participated in the partisan movement against Kolchak and the troops of the interventionists (1919 - 1920). After the defeat of Kolchak - in the ranks of the Red Army, in Transbaikalia - against Ataman Semyonov in the winter of 1920 - 1921 he was wounded.

In 1921 he came to Moscow as a delegate to the All-Russian Party Congress, together with other delegates, suppressing the Kronstadt mutiny, he was seriously wounded. He was seriously wounded and lay for a long time without any help on the ice of the Gulf of Finland, having lost a lot of blood. But the doctors at the hospital, where he was then taken, managed to save his life. (It should be noted that Fadeev's participation in this military operation will be marked with the Order of the Red Banner of the Battle). Alexander Fadeev was in the hospital for several months. But I didn't waste time - I read a mountain of all kinds of books, from the works of the utopian socialists to Lenin and Blok. There, Fadeev fell in love with one of the nurses, and although his feeling remained unshared, it left a mark on the heart of the future writer for the rest of his life. The time spent in the hospital, he will always remember as one of the most wonderful periods of his life. "He began to study at the Moscow Mining Academy, but from the second year he was transferred to party work. After treatment and demobilization, Fadeev remained in Moscow.

The writer's wives and children

Fadeev was married twice. The first wife is Valeria Anatolyevna Gerasimova. Little is known about her. Since 1936 he was married to Angelina Iosifovna Stepanova (1905-2000), actress of the Moscow Art Theater, People's Artist of the USSR). Mikhail, Fadeev's son from his second wife, was married to Stalin's granddaughter, N.V. Stalin. Before meeting N. Stalin, M. Fadeev's wives were actresses L. Gurchenko (born 1935; People's Artist of the USSR) and L. Luzhina (born 1939; Honored Artist of the RSFSR). A. Fadeev's daughter from the poetess Margarita Aliger - Maria Alexandrovna Fadeeva-Makarova-Encesberger was born in 1943. (1943-1991), worked as a translator, lived in England for a long time. In 1991 she committed suicide.

Fadeev - writer

Fadeev's works are devoted to the depiction of the revolutionary movement and the struggle against the White Guards and interventionists in the Far East. The specificity of Fadeev's artistic manner lies in exposing the inner world of his heroes, in a detailed analysis of the deepest human experiences. One of the means of psychological characterization is Fadeev's emphasis on a certain portrait detail, a detailed description of gestures, facial expressions accompanying the speech and actions of the hero, in a peculiar way explaining his internal state. To the peculiarities of the artistic manner of Fadeev. refers to the image of the described phenomena, events not directly from the author, but through the perception of certain characters, through the eyes of certain heroes. Sometimes a kind of double image of phenomena is given from different positions, from different points of view. The merit of Fadeev is not only in the creation of convex, memorable images of individual heroes, firmly established in Soviet literature, but also in the ability to give the image of the masses, the image of a partisan detachment, this lively collective that changes its appearance depending on conditions, situations, situations. Despite the fact that Fadeev's novel underwent partial compositional revisions and reductions in subsequent editions, it bears traces of some elongation and saturation.

In 1921 Fadeev began to write, to participate in the work of young writers who united around the magazines "October" and "Molodaya gvardiya". In "Young Guard" in 1923 was published the first story of Fadeev "Against the Current". For the novel "Young Guard" Fadeev received the Lenin Komsomol Prize (posthumously - 1970) and the Stalin Prize in 1946.

The novel "The Defeat", which was published in 1927, brought the writer recognition of readers and critics and introduced him to great literature. In the novel "The Defeat", which reflected the personal impressions of Fadeev, a member of the partisan movement in the Far East, he attempts to show from within the transformation of spontaneous rebels into conscious fighters for the revolutionary cause. It was written in Krasnodar and Rostov, where Fadeev was at party work. Many years later, the high appraisal was expressed in the speech of V. Bykov, in the stories "Sotnikov", "Kruglyansky Bridge", not without reason, they see the dispute with "Razgrom". In the novel "The Defeat", which reflected the personal impressions of Fadeev, a member of the partisan movement in the Far East, he attempts to show from within the transformation of spontaneous rebels into conscious fighters for the revolutionary cause.

He devoted many years to the creation of the epic novel "The Last of Udege". Despite its incompleteness, the novel took its place not only in the work of A. Fadeev, but also in the historical and literary process of the 1920s - 1950s. The novel is not yet finished, it still covers the period of the civil war. However, already in the first three parts, a huge amount of material from the history of the proletarian revolution in the Far East is given, the partisan movement, the struggle against the White Guards and the interventionists are described, the life and life of the "Udege" tribe, living under the conditions of the tribal system, although already decaying, are depicted; a whole gallery of images has been created - the capitalist Himmer and his family, leaders and ordinary soldiers of the revolution, representatives of the kulaks, etc.

Fadeev took the idea of \u200b\u200bhis book from V.G. Lyaskovsky and M. Kotov "Hearts of the Brave", published in 1944. Immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) Fadeev sits down to write a novel about the Red-Don underground organization "Young Guard", which operated in the territory occupied by Nazi Germany, many of whose members were destroyed by the Nazis. The book was first published in 1946. Fadeev himself, who created his work in hot pursuit of events, naturally, could not predict this. As a devout communist, he was held captive by the ideology that reigned in the country in those years and had no right to retreat from it. And it was not for this that he sat down to this novel, in order to make the judgment of history on its basis. What was he wrong about? Each of the critics presented him with his own score. Joseph Stalin, who enthusiastically accepted the handwritten version of the novel, after its adaptation, was inflamed with completely different feelings. He discerned a terrible flaw - the complete absence both in the book and in the film of the party's leading role. It turned out that the Young Guards performed feats exclusively on their own initiative. Stalin was outraged by this. As one of the legends says, once he called Alexander Fadeev to his dacha. When he entered the secretary general's office, Stalin was sitting at the table and reading something. Finally he raised his eyes to the guest and, measuring him with his prickly gaze, suddenly asked:

Who are you, comrade Fadeev?

Alexander Fadeev went cold. He clearly sensed some kind of catch in this matter, but which one, he could not figure out. Meanwhile, the pause was dragging on, and Fadeev realized that his silence only exacerbated the situation. Finally he replied:

I am a writer, Comrade Stalin.

As it turned out, he was expecting just such an answer. Because he gave his guest a scornful look and said:

You are shit, comrade Fadeev, not a writer. The writer is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, and Stalin patted the open book that lay on the table in front of him with his palm. - Not only did you write a helpless book, you also wrote an ideologically harmful book. You portrayed the Young Guards as almost Makhnovists. But how could an organization exist and effectively fight the enemy in the occupied territory without party leadership? Judging by your book, it could.

Stalin paused, apparently hoping that Alexander Fadeev would attempt to defend himself. But he was silent, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. And then Stalin waved his hand in irritation and said:

Go and think, comrade Fadeev.

On December 3, 1947, an editorial was published in the Pravda newspaper criticizing Alexander Fadeev's novel "Young Guard". The role of the Communist Party also received harsh criticism in the newspaper Pravda, the organ of the CPSU Central Committee, in fact from Stalin himself. In response, Fadeev said: "I did not write the true history of the Young Guard, but a novel that not only admits, but even presupposes fictional fiction."

Nevertheless, the writer took into account the wishes, and in 1951 the second edition of the novel "Young Guard" was published. In it, Fadeev, having seriously revised the book, paid more attention to the leadership of the underground organization on the part of the CPSU (b) in the plot.

Fadeev joked bitterly at the time when he said to his friends: "I am converting the" Young Guard "into the old one ...". The film "Young Guard" was filmed according to the first edition, but a complete re-shoot of the film (also subjected to certain changes) was much more difficult than rewriting the book.

Until the end of the 1980s, the Young Guard novel was perceived as the history of the organization, ideologically approved by the party, and no other interpretation of events was possible. The novel was part of the USSR curriculum and was well known to any schoolchild in the 1950-1980s.

fadeev revolutionary writer biography

Social and political activities

For many years, Fadeev was in charge of writing organizations at various levels. in 1926-1932 he was one of the organizers and ideologists of the RAPP.

1.In 1932, after the collapse of the RAPP, he entered the Organizing Committee for the creation of the USSR JV

2. 1934-1939 Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

3. 1939 Secretary of the Organizing Committee.

4.1946-1954 General Secretary and Chairman of the Board.

5. 1954-1956 Secretary of the Board.

6. 1950 Vice President of the World Peace Council.

7.1939-1956 member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

8.In 1946, a deputy of the USSR Supreme Council of the 2nd-4th convocations and of the RSFSR Supreme Council of the 3rd convocation.

9. In 1942-1944, Fadeev worked as editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta, was the organizer of the October magazine and was a member of its editorial board.

During the Great Patriotic War, Fadeev was a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper and the Sovinformburo. In January 1942, the writer visited the Kalinin Front, collecting materials for the report at the most dangerous area. On January 14, 1942, Fadeev published in the Pravda newspaper an article entitled "Fiends-destroyers and people-creators", where he described his impressions of what he saw in the war.

In the essay "Fighter" he described the feat of the Red Army soldier Ya.N. Paderin, who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. Fadeev wrote: "In 1941, in the battles for Kalinin, near the enemy bunker, which did not allow us to advance and took many lives of our people, Paderin was seriously wounded and, in a fit of great moral upsurge, closed the embrasure of the bunker with his body."

Alexander Fadeev's disease

The medical report on illness and death was cruel: "A.A. Fadeev suffered from a progressive illness - alcoholism for many years. Over the past three years, attacks of the disease have become more frequent and complicated by dystrophy of the heart muscle and liver. He was repeatedly treated in a hospital and sanatorium (in 1954 - four months, in 1955 - five and a half months and in 1956 - two and a half months).

The last years of his life Ilya Ehrenburg wrote about him

"Fadeev was a brave but disciplined soldier, he never forgot about the prerogatives of the commander-in-chief."

In 1948, he also asked to allocate a large amount from the funds of the USSR JV for M.M. Zoshchenko. Fadeev showed sincere participation in the fate of many writers unloved by the authorities: B.L. Pasternak, N.A. Zabolotsky, L.N. Gumilyov, several times quietly donated money for the treatment of A.P. Platonov to his wife.

Hardly experiencing such a split, he suffered from insomnia, fell into depression. This was the cause of Alexander's illness - alcoholism.

In 1956, from the rostrum of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the activities of the leader of Soviet writers were harshly criticized by M.A. Sholokhov. Fadeev was not elected a member, but only a candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee. Fadeev was directly called one of the perpetrators of repression among Soviet writers.

After the XX Congress of the CPSU, Fadeev's conflict with his conscience escalated to the limit. He confessed to his old friend Yuri Libedinsky - Conscience torments. It's hard to live, Yura, with bloody hands.

On May 13, 1956, at his dacha in the village of Peredelkino, Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev shot himself from a revolver. The main cause of suicide is alcoholism. But in reality, two weeks before his suicide, A.A. Fadeev gave up drinking, "about a week before the suicide, he began to prepare for it, wrote letters to different people."

Fadeev's suicide letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU was first published on September 20, 1990 in the weekly of the Central Committee of the CPSU "Glasnost". Here is its full text:

“I don’t see an opportunity to live further, since the art to which I gave my life has been ruined by the self-confident and ignorant leadership of the party and now can no longer be corrected. The best cadres of literature - among the numbers that the tsarist satraps never dreamed of, were physically exterminated or perished thanks to the criminal connivance of those in power; the best people of literature died at a premature age; everything else, in the slightest degree capable of creating true values, died before reaching 40-50 years.

Literature - this is the holy of holies - is given to be torn apart by bureaucrats and the most backward elements of the people, and from the "highest" tribunes - such as the Moscow Conference or the 20th Party Congress - a new slogan "Atu her!" The way they are going to rectify the situation causes indignation: a group of ignoramuses has been assembled, with the exception of a few honest people who are in a similarly persecuted state and therefore cannot tell the truth - the conclusions are deeply anti-Leninist, for they proceed from bureaucratic habits, are accompanied by a threat, all with the same "club".

With what a sense of freedom and openness of the world my generation entered literature under Lenin, what immense powers were in our souls and what wonderful works we created and could still create!

After Lenin's death, we were reduced to the position of boys, destroyed, ideologically frightened and called it - "partyism." And now, when all this could be corrected, primitiveness, ignorance - with an outrageous share of self-confidence - of those who should have corrected all this has affected. Literature has been given over to the power of untalented, petty, vindictive people. A few of those who have preserved the sacred fire in their souls are in the role of pariahs and - by their age - will soon die. And there is no incentive in the soul to create.

Created for great creativity in the name of communism, from the age of sixteen associated with the party, with workers and peasants, gifted by God with an extraordinary talent, I was full of the highest thoughts and feelings that the life of the people, combined with the wonderful ideals of communism, can only generate.

But they turned me into a draft horse, all my life I trudged under the load of untalented, unjustified, incalculable bureaucratic deeds that could be performed by any person. And even now, when you are summing up your life, it is unbearable to remember all the number of shouts, suggestions, teachings and just ideological flaws that fell upon me - whom our wonderful people would have the right to be proud of due to the authenticity and modesty of my deeply communist inner talent. Literature is the highest fruit of the new system - humiliated, persecuted, ruined. The complacency of the nouveau riche from the great Leninist doctrine, even when they swear by it, by this doctrine, led to a complete distrust of them on my part, because one can expect even worse from them than from the satrap Stalin. He was at least educated, and these are ignorant.

My life as a writer loses all meaning, and with great joy, as deliverance from this vile existence, where meanness, lies and slander fall upon you, I leave this life.

The last hope was at least to say this to the people who rule the state, but for three years, despite my requests, they could not even accept me.

Contrary to his last will - to be buried next to his mother, Fadeev was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. "

List of references

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Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev - Russian Soviet writer and public figure.

Born 11 (24) December 1901 in the village of Kimry. He was a talented child, from the age of 4 he read books and was distinguished by his irrepressible imagination, writing fairy tales and unusual stories. In 1908, his family moved to the Primorsky Territory, where Alexander spent his childhood and youth.

From 1912 he studied at the Commercial School in Vladivostok, but left his studies to pursue revolutionary activities. He became not just a member of the RCP (b), but also a party agitator. Since 1919 he took part in hostilities in the Far East. After being wounded, he came to Moscow for treatment. The first serious work of A. Fadeev was the story "Spill", written in the early 1920s. In 1925, while working on the novel "The Defeat", he decided to seriously engage in literary activity. It was this novel that brought him fame and recognition.

The popular novel "Young Guard", dedicated to the underground organization of the same name. In 1946, the book was published and was immediately criticized for the lack of a pronounced leadership role of the Communist Party.

During the war years, Fadeev worked as a war correspondent for the Soviet Information Bureau, as well as for the newspaper Pravda.

Due to the fact that A. Fadeev was at the head of the Writers' Union, he had to carry out the decisions of the party in relation to unwanted writers. So, it was he, on the orders of Zhdanov, who actually destroyed the outstanding writers Zoshchenko and Akhmatova. Then he tried to help them somehow. Because of such a dual situation, Fadeev often fell into depression, which he drowned out with alcohol.