
Life goals are boxes of dead souls. Introducing Korobochka, Gogol “Dead Souls. Attitude towards others

Summary of the lesson based on the poem "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol.

(Grade 9)

Theme: “My heroes follow one after another…” Images of Korobochka and Nozdryov.

Goal: analyze the images of Korobochka and Nozdryov.


    to identify the methods of describing the characters of landowners, the internal logic of creating images;

    to teach the ability to determine the principles of typification of social phenomena;

    to involve students in research work.

Lesson structure:

1 ... Organizational stage.

2. Homework check.

3. Topic announcement and lesson objectives.

4. Repetition of the past.

5. Work in notebooks.

6. Summing up the lesson.

7. Homework.

During the classes

1. Organizational stage.

1. Preparing students for work in the classroom.

2. Mutual greetings from teacher and students.

3. Visual control of readiness for the lesson.

2. Checking homework.

3. Topic announcement and lesson objectives.

The topic of our lesson is "Images of the Box and Nozdryov." We continue to work on the analysis of literary images, we will try to understand the author's satirical position that permeates the entire work.

4. Repetition of the past. (Chapter II, Manilov)

In the last lesson, we met the first landowner that Chichikov visited - Manilov. We agreed that we will characterize the landlords according to a certain plan:

a) a description of the appearance (portrait);

b) the character of the landowner;

in)features of behavior and speech;

d)relationships with others;

e)description of the estate;

f) the result of the transaction.

Do not forget that Gogol, drawing the life of contemporary Russia, goes through a careful study of trifles, shows them in close-up, exaggerates, as he sees in them the expression of the essence of the surrounding reality. This is the so-called artistic detail.

5. Work in notebooks.

Analysis of the literary image. Box.

In the chapter about Korobochka, we will see a different type of character, which, at first glance, differs from the character of Manilov; after all, following our plan, we will not be able to immediately find character traits in the text, artistic details that would confirm the obvious satirical orientation.

But this is a feature of a talented work: with the help of artistic research, we learn to be smart readers. So, let's turn to our tables.

( “The hostess came in, an elderly woman, in some kind of sleeping cap, put on hastily, with a flannel around her neck, one of those mothers, small landowners who cry for crop failures, losses and keep their heads a little to one side, and meanwhile they are motley bags "(the portrait merges with the character). "She was dressed better than yesterday — in a dark dress and no longer in a sleeping cap, but there was still something tied around her neck." An unexpected guest took Nastasya Petrovna by surprise, in the morning she appeared in a more decent form. The flannel around her neck speaks of her age, a closed home lifestyle in the wilderness.)

b) the character of the landowner.( Gogol does not hide his irony regarding her thinking abilities: she thought, opened her mouth, looked almost with fear. "Well, the woman seems to be strong-minded!" A different and respectable, and even a state person, but in fact it turns out perfect box ... As soon as he hacked into his head, there is nothing to overpower him; no matter how you imagine arguments as clear as day, everything bounces off him like a rubber ball bounces off a wall. The essence of Korobochka's character is especially visible through the dialogical speech of the characters. Dialogue between Korobochka and Chichikov is a masterpiece of comedy art. This conversation can be called a dialogue of the deaf.)

in)(Korobochka is “one of those mothers, small landowners who cry about crop failures, losses” (this is how she characterizes her), and this is perfectly reflected in her speech. “But the trouble is, times are bad, so last year was such a bad harvest that God save it. ”“ What a pity, really, that I sold honey to the merchants so cheaply. ”

Korobochka's speech reflects her stupidity and ignorance, fear of the new, the unusual, fear of the offer to sell dead souls: "I really don't know, because I never sold the dead;" "It has never happened before to sell me the dead"; “Really, I'm afraid. At first, so as not to incur a loss somehow.

Sometimes Korobochka's speech reveals the extreme primitiveness of her thought, reaching a kind of childish naivety. "Do you want to dig them out of the ground?" - she asks Chichikova about the dead. Or elsewhere: "Or maybe they will need it on the farm somehow." In Korobochka's speech there are a lot of common words and expressions: to get greasy, theirs, whit, small fry, nothing, manenko, maybe, with what you will sip your tea; I don’t understand; apply to prices; I will not clean everything, what should I do, etc. It is known what a magical effect the word "nobleman" had on Korobochka, which made her even at a late hour unlock the gate and let Chichikov, who had gone astray, to her place for the night.

d)relationships with others. (Korobochka, an old-testament landowner-serf woman living in a "decent wilderness", keeps the elementary principles of landlord hospitality and shows in the scene with Chichikov the traits of hospitality necessary for her environment. Hence her appeal to Chichikov: "my father", "father". She kindly turns to Chichikov with suggestions: "Would you like to have some tea, father?" "Here, sit down, father, on this sofa." "Don't you need something to rub your back with?" "But don't you need anything else?" At night she wishes the guest "good night", in the morning she kindly greets: "Hello, father. How did you sleep? " Korobochka knows all his peasants who have died since the last revision tale; knows who was what kind of master, laments that the people died all the artisans.)

e)description of the estate.( The room was covered with old striped wallpaper; pictures with some kind of birds; between the windows there are antique small mirrors with dark frames in the form of curled leaves; behind every mirror were either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking. In the morning ... now I noticed that there were not all birds in the pictures: between them hung a portrait of Kutuzov and some old man painted in oils with red cuffs on his uniform, as they sewed under Pavel Petrovich. The narrow courtyard was all filled with birds and all kinds of domestic things. Turkeys and chickens were innumerable. The hen house blocked off a board fence, behind which stretched vast vegetable gardens with cabbage, onions, potatoes, light and other household vegetables. Apple trees and other fruit trees were scattered around the garden. The village is a source of honey, bacon, hemp, which Korobochka sells. She also trades in peasants. )

f) the result of the transaction.( Stupidly, unshakably, convincingly, Korobochka does his job - sells, eats, sleeps, saves, saves, hoards ... Characteristically, the very trade in "dead souls" did not bother her: she is ready to trade with the dead, she is only afraid to sell cheap. It is characterized by tedious slowness and caution. She went to the city to find out how much “dead souls” are being sold today. It turns out that landlord economy can have the same inhuman meaning as mismanagement. )

Analysis of the literary image. Nozdryov.

The gallery of dead souls continues in the poem Nozdryov.

a) a description of the appearance (portrait).( Like other landowners, he is internally empty, his age does not concern him: "Nozdryov at thirty-five was the same perfectly as he was at eighteen and twenty: a hunter to take a walk." He was of medium height, very well-built, with full ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow, and pitch-black whiskers. He was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to sprinkle from his face. Chichikov notes that Nozdryov had one sideburn less and not as thick as the other (the result of another fight).

b) the character of the landowner.( Nostril is a trash man, Nozdryov can lie, add, dissolve the devil knows what, some more gossip will come out. The passion for lying and playing cards largely explains the fact that not a single meeting where Nozdryov was present was without "history."

in)features of behavior and speech.( Almost all of his speech is idle chatter, sheer lies. "I alone drank seventeen bottles of champagne during lunch." “There is such death in this field of hares that the land is not visible; I myself caught one by the hind legs with my own hands. " It is noted in the speech of Nozdrev, who is revolving among the boisterous officers, the "echoes" of the "army" language: "how they showered"; "He calls bordeaux just a wineskin"; "You will be severely taken aback"; "in the mouth.. . as if the squadron spent the night. " Nozdryov's speech is characterized by the following features: abrupt transitions from one feeling to another, for example, he says to Chichikov: “You piggy for this, a cattle breeder! Kiss me, soul, death love you. " Fragmented, unfinished sentences, showing that his words do not keep up with flying thoughts.)

d)relationships with others.( Everyone had to meet a lot of such people. They are called broken-hearted little ones, they are known even in childhood and at school for good comrades, and for all that, they are very painfully beaten. They soon get to know each other, and before you have time to look back, "you" are already telling you. Friendship will be established, it seems, forever: but it almost always happens that the friend will fight with them that evening at a friendly feast. They are always talkers, revelers, reckless people, prominent people. His marriage did not change him at all, especially since wife soon went to the next world, leaving two children, which he absolutely did not need. A cute nanny looked after the children. At home he could not sit for more than a day. The closer he got to him, the more he pissed off everyone: he let loose a fable, which is more stupid than it is difficult to invent, upset a wedding, a commercial deal and did not consider himself your enemy at all; on the contrary, if the occasion brought him to meet with you again, he treated himself again in a friendly way and even said: "You are such a scoundrel, you will never come to see me.")

e)description of the estate. ( In the middle of the dining room stood wooden trestles, and two peasants, standing on them, whitewashed the walls, drawing on some kind of endless song; the floor was covered with whitewash. The village of Nozdryov - at two o'clock, he showed absolutely everything, so there was nothing left to show. First of all, they went to inspect the stable, where they saw two mares, one gray with apples, the other kauruya, then a chestnut stallion, seemingly unprepossessing, but for which Nozdryov swore that he had paid ten thousand. Empty stalls, where there were also good horses before. A goat was seen in the same stable. A wolf cub, which was on a leash, which Nozdryov feeds with raw meat so that he would be a perfect beast. The pond, in which, according to Nozdryov, there was a fish of such a size that two people could hardly pull it out. In the yard there are all sorts of dogs, and dense-tops, and pure-dogs, of all possible colors and stripes. A field that in many places consisted of bumps. The cabinet, in which, however, there were no visible traces of what happens in the cabinets, that is, books or paper; there were only sabers and two guns - one three hundred and the other eight hundred rubles. Turkish daggers. Even lunch consists of dishes that are burnt or, on the contrary, not cooked. ) Chichikov left with nothing. But by no means because he was outraged by the illegality of the deal proposed by Chichikov. He's just not able to think about it, not able to get out beyond his usual concepts . This clearly sets off the reception mechanical repetition of lines: "buy a stallion from me"; "Well, then buy dogs"; "So buy a hurdy-gurdy" and so on. the excitement with which he offers Chichikov all sorts of ways to get "dead souls", ranging from selling the chaise to playing checkers, eloquently convinces not only of the spiritual worthlessness and cynicism of Nozdryov, but also of his complete indifference to the fate of his peasants, whether dead or alive - all the same. )

6. Summing up the lesson.

The inner world of Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka is empty and shallow. The soullessness of this landowner is reflected in her pettiness. The only thing Korobochka worries about is the prices for hemp and honey. About her deceased husband, she can only remember what he loved, so that the girl scratched his heels on his foot. This is especially true for her isolation from people, complete indifference

The third landowner from whom Chichikov is trying to buy dead souls is Nozdryov. This is a brave 35-year-old "talker, booze, reckless driver." Nozdryov is constantly lying, bullying everyone indiscriminately. He is very reckless, ready to "shit" his best friend without any goal. All of Nozdryov's behavior is explained by his dominant quality: "briskness and agility of character." This landowner does not conceive or plan anything, he simply does not know the measure of anything.

7. Homework

Prepare a description of Sobakevich and Plyushkin.

The image of Korobochka in the poem "Dead Souls" contains a lot for understanding not only the semantic content, but also the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem.

It is no coincidence that such an important compositional role was assigned to him - the arrival of the widow in the city brought a catastrophe on the head of the Gogol businessman.

Characteristics and description of the Box in the poem "Dead Souls"

The reader meets the venerable lady in chapter three of the first volume of the great work. It is noteworthy that the driver Selifan literally "ran over" the fence of her estate, finally getting lost at night, during a stormy thunderstorm - drunk, on a whim, shutting his eyes.

In such cases, the people said, "The demon has beguiled!" Indeed, there is a lot of devilry in the symbolism of the episode with the Box.

Arriving at the estate at two in the morning, Chichikov curled up in a "pretzel" in downy featherbeds at about three in the morning - the hour of Satan, according to popular beliefs.

And the sentence "scratch your heels"? In many legends, this part of the body is the place of greatest vulnerability for chthonic monsters - in the same artistic space, no one is going to crush evil, on the contrary, it is cherished. Chichikov, of course, is not a snake-like monster, but certainly an evil spirits - the mistress herself immediately identified him with “her deceased” (deceased husband).

It is forgivable for a newcomer who is tired of the journey to fall asleep in dead sleep. But this detail in Gogol looks very symbolic, as well as the numerous flies that stuck to the rest in the morning (in Christian culture, a fly is a sign of the presence of Satan).

The name of the collegiate secretary Nastasya is translated from Greek as "immortal", "resurrected." Here she is, the messiah of dead souls, the messenger of eternal death on earth! Isn't that why there are so many birds in the interior that surrounded Chichikov? These are portraits, and a myriad of chickens, ducks and turkeys inhabiting a cramped courtyard, and crowds of crows. It's not just home isolation and laxity, dullness and narrow-mindedness.

In fact, the image of a bird symbolizes spirituality in folklore, the connection between earth and sky, eternally reborn life and maternal protection. Only feathered layers are too down-to-earth creatures: they don't fly higher than their own heads - where are the higher spheres. Surrounding the landowner "every household creature" symbolizes the power of the earth, matter, objectivity, and hence death. So, according to the priest, the lady is called Petrovna (from the Greek word meaning "stone", "rock") - and this is not a compliment to the spiritual firmness of the bearer of the name.

And how the devil is afraid of mentioning! Because he is in this house - a true spiritual reality (you should not flap the name in vain), even if in a thunderstorm a lamp is superstitiously lit in front of the icon. And after all, the widow wondered three days before the arrival of unexpected visitors, and after all, the horned himself came in response to appeals about the future to his humble servant. Did you warn about Chichikov? And more than once the wandering merchant, unable to restrain himself, in negotiations with her mentioned the devil.

Only in front of Nastasya Petrovna did Chichikov not rush to hide the holy of holies - his casket. This capacity directly attracted the Box with a magnet: like reaches for like! And in the Chichikov's box - everything you need to conclude an agreement on the soul with Satan: pen, ink, paper, razors (according to legend, such agreements are written with blood), money and soap - so that you can wash your hands after a bad deed, hiding visible traces.

Box's appearance

An elderly woman appears in front of the reader, wearing a sleeping cap and a flannel wound around her neck.

Such small landowners will pay as much as possible for crop failures and losses, while they themselves methodically and lovingly accumulate money in the drawers of dressers among all the garbage. It seems that the things themselves love such thrifty old women - they do not wear out and serve forever.

At the morning tea party with Chichikov, the secretary again sits in a dark dress, without a cap, but with a wrapped neck - a significant detail, considering that the neck is associated in the body with mobility, flexibility of consciousness.

Favorite activities

Grandmother is a pious person, but she doesn't mind telling fortunes after evening prayer. Likes to complain about life: Chichikov reports in the morning about insomnia and an ache in his leg, complains about crop failures, loss of valuable workers, "unavailable" flour due to crop failure.

Everything is entirely in the household: it is hospitable to shelter a nobleman, to sell something, to beg for stamp paper just in case, to treat a useful person to a tasty treat - uses any opportunity to increase wealth.

It is distinguished by a reverent attitude to things: small objects and papers are laid behind the frames of mirrors - so that the eyes "stick" on the walls. She sees and notices everything that is habitual and established, and "new and unprecedented" puts her mind into a state of stupor.

Attitude towards others

Absent! From the emotions of the aunt - only fear of the unusual and hot "zabranki". Even about a possible profit, thinking is conducted soullessly, without intonation, rubbing hands.

The husband is a "dead man", his neighbors know only the nearest and his own wealth, the serfs - the monetary equivalent, the hands are income. The children born to the peasants are not people, but "small fry": they do not work, they do not bring income - they are not even human children.

Description of the estate

In the night, “something like a roof” appeared in front of the travelers: the house itself is perceived as a box, the lid of which first catches the eye. The symbolism suggests itself the darkest.

The room where Chichikov spent the night is pasted over with old striped wallpaper, with mirrors and pictures of birds - a chicken kingdom, where there are only two roosters (two male portraits - Kutuzov and the owner of a uniform from Pavlovsk times). The clock goes in it - hissing like a ball of vipers and wheezing strained when it's time to beat.

In the small courtyard of the estate, all kinds of domestic animals swarm, whole clouds of crows fly from one fruit tree to another. And this flock is grazed by several scarecrows with their fingers spread out (all of them go to the landowner - as if they are trying to grab something, even the master's nightcap on one).

Peasant houses are scattered, without clear streets: the world of pagan chaos, unspiritualized matter spontaneously organizing itself. But Chichikov notices signs of material contentment: the old boards on the roofs have been replaced by a new one, the houses are in good order, the gates are strong, in some yards there are new carts.

Life goals

To save money and things, so that later to bequeath the ripped cloak to some relative. Even the souls of the dead peasants begins to keep in reserve under the influence of the moment: "Or maybe they will need something on the farm somehow ...".

In a conversation with the guest, Korobochka quickly drew a plan to agree on a contract for the supply of honey, hemp and lard, flour and cattle to the state treasury.

Why is the box "dead soul"

There is no spiritual content in the landowner - not even imitation. All actions, thoughts and statements of the character are due to a commercial approach to everything and everyone.

The apotheosis of form: something is constantly invested in the estate-box, simply because the void requires filling. The box is a gaping endless void that fills itself, drawing in things and money. The latter - the equivalent of human labor originally living its own life - are not wasted, but are buried in boxes, made trash.

Death to everything spiritual lives in this estate. It is no coincidence that Chichikov here so freely rested and was richly treated. And the pancakes with hot flakes were especially good - ritual food!

First impression of the landowner

The visitor immediately recognized her as "mother" - the landlord: the sovereign demiurge of the home world. She gives a hospitable welcome to the noble guest: she persistently tries to drink tea, ordered to dry and clean the clothes, provided a luxurious downy feather bed, which you cannot climb without a chair.

Chichikov's attitude to Korobochka

He turns to the hostess in a familiar way, behaves confidently with her, patronizingly and calls her mother. Takes her hospitality for granted.

The deal for the sale of dead souls was unexpectedly difficult for the master. Baba turned out to be not that "tough-headed" - "club-headed".

Chichikov considers the "damned old woman" so insignificant that he does not consider it necessary to restrain his true temperament - he swears, promises her a devil, curses along with her village. Looks like he gives meaningless promises to conclude a contract and does not refuse a "gastronomic" bribe.

Attitude to the economy of Korobochka

All-consuming and devoid of any emotion. Without hesitation, he informs that she has about eighty people in the fortress. He remembers who died and when, dictates by heart the name of each deceased.

Having secured promises from Chichikov, right there on the porch she began to observe household affairs: who and what carried where.

A box is a talking and moving object of its isolated world, living by natural production. The same garden scarecrow - only with a different function: to protect from external ruin and attract things and money from the space outside the gates of the estate.


In short: the old landowner is the lady of the heart of Chichikov, his female counterpart, Mother Goddess. Both are equally dead even to each other - they do not see each other point-blank behind commercial aspirations.

If the visiting businessman Korobochka felt a kindred beginning, he could have foreseen the fateful act of the devil's grandmother for him. Fear of cheapening will drive her into town to find out the "fixed" prices for dead souls. This is how Mr. Chichikov's adventure will be revealed.

We meet with Korobochka in the 3rd chapter of Gogol's novel-poem "Dead Souls". She is the second in a row to whom Chichikov pays a visit. In fact, Chichikov drove into her estate by accident - the coachman got drunk, “played around”, as the author himself describes this event, and lost his way. Therefore, instead of Sobakevich, the main character meets the landowner Korobochka.

Consider the image of the Box in detail

She is a woman of venerable years, a widow, formerly a “college secretary”. She lives alone on her estate and is completely absorbed in housekeeping. Most likely, she has no children of her own, since Gogol mentions in the character description that all her "trash" accumulated during her life will go to some grand-niece.

It looks old-fashioned and a little ridiculous, "in a cap", "flannel", "something is imposed on the neck."

Korobochka, unlike Manilov, successfully runs the household herself. Through the eyes of Chichikov, we see that the houses in her village are strong, serf men are "sturdy" (strong), there are many guard dogs, which suggests that this is a "decent village." The yard is full of poultry, and behind the fence there are vegetable gardens with vegetables - cabbage, beets, onions, potatoes. There are also fruit trees, carefully covered with nets from voracious magpies and sparrows. For the same purpose, stuffed animals have been installed. Gogol ironically notes that one of the scarecrows was wearing the cap of the hostess herself.

The houses of the peasants were maintained and renovated - Chichikov saw a new board on the roofs, the gates were level everywhere, in some yards there were carts. That is, the master's care is visible everywhere. In total, Korobochka has 80 serfs, 18 have died, about which the hostess greatly laments - they were good workers.

Korobochka does not allow the serfs to be lazy - they beat Chichikov's feather bed masterfully, in the morning, when he returns to the living room where he spent the night, everything is already tidied up; the table is full of pastries.

The fact that the landowner is in order all around and everything is under her personal control, we see from the dialogue about the purchase of dead souls - she remembers all the dead peasants by their names and surnames, she does not even keep any records.

Despite the fact that Korobochka is very fond of complaining about how bad things are, her estate also had surpluses that were sold to merchants and resellers. From the dialogue with Chichikov, we learn that the landowner sells honey, hemp, feathers, meat, flour, cereals, bacon. She knows how to bargain, sells a pood of honey at a very expensive price, as much as 12 rubles, which is very surprised Chichikov.

Nastasya Petrovna is thrifty and even a little stingy. Despite the fact that things are going well on the estate, the decor in the house is very modest, the wallpaper is old, the clock is creaky. Despite the courteous treatment and hospitality, Korobochka did not invite the guest to dinner, referring to the late hour. And in the morning he offers Chichikov only tea, albeit with fruit infusion. Only when she felt the benefit - when Chichikov promised to buy "household products" from her - Korobochka decided to appease him and ordered to bake a pie and pancakes. She also set the table with different pastries.

Gogol writes that her "dress will not burn out and will not wear out by itself." Complaining about poverty and poor harvests, she nevertheless puts money in "variegated bags", which she stuffs in the drawers of the dresser. All coins are carefully sorted - "rubles, fifty dollars, little devil" are laid out separately in bags. In everything, the old landowner is trying to find profit - noticing Chichikov's stamped paper, she asks him to "give a leaf."

The box is pious and superstitious. In a thunderstorm, puts a candle in front of the icon, prays; gets scared when Chichikov mentions a devil in a conversation.

She is not too smart and a little suspicious, very afraid to miscalculate and sell too cheap. She doubts the deal with Chichikov and does not want to sell him dead souls, although she has to pay for them as if they were alive. He naively thinks that other merchants can come and offer a better price. This deal completely exhausted Chichikov, and in the process of negotiations he calls Korobochka mentally and aloud “tough-headed”, “cudgel-headed”, “mongrel in the manger” and “damned old woman”.

The image of Korobochka is interesting in that it is a fairly common type in Russia during the time of Gogol. Its main features - stubbornness, stupidity and narrow-mindedness - were also inherent in real personalities - some officials and civil servants. The author writes about such people that you seem to see a respectable and statesman person, but in fact it turns out to be a "perfect Box". Arguments and arguments bounce off them like a "rubber" ball.

The description of the landowner ends with a reflection on the topic, can we assume that Korobochka is at the very bottom of the “ladder of“ human improvement ”? Gogol compares her to an aristocratic sister who lives in a rich and elegant house, who reads books, attends social events, and her thoughts are occupied by "fashionable Catholicism" and political upheavals in France, not economic affairs. The author does not give a concrete answer to this question; the reader must answer it himself.

Let's summarize the main characteristics of the Box image


Has a business acumen







Cares only about his own benefit

Obsessed with hoarding

Religious, but without real spirituality


The symbolism of the landowner's surname

Symbolism is an important artistic tool in the hands of a writer. In Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" all the names of the landowners are symbolic. Our heroine is no exception. A box is a diminutive derivative of the word "box", that is, an inanimate object. Likewise, in the image of Korobochka there are few living features, she is turned to the past, there is no real life in her, no development - personal, spiritual. A real "dead soul".

People keep various things in a box - so Korobochka is absorbed in hoarding solely for the sake of money itself, she does not have any global goal on which this money can be spent. She just puts them in bags.

Well, the walls of the box are solid, like Korobochka's mind. She is stupid and limited.

And as for the diminutive-affectionate suffix, the author might have wanted to show the harmlessness and some comic character of the character.

N. V. wrote the poem "Dead Souls" for almost 17 years. Its plot was suggested to the writer A.S. He began working on this work in the fall of 1835, and finished writing it only in the spring of 1842. In the same year, Dead Souls was published. The publication of this work caused fierce controversy in literary circles. Some in this poem saw a slander against Russia at that time and argued that N.V. reflected in it only "the special world of scoundrels", others admired the poem.

After the publication of Dead Souls in May 1842, he immediately began to create the second part of the poem, and then planned to write the third part. However, the writer worked on the sequel until the end of his life, wrote only the second part, but it was also burned. The poet planned that the first part would reflect the life of contemporary Russia with all its shortcomings and problems, such as the bureaucratic system, serfdom, illusion, loss of spirituality and much more. And in the second and third parts, he wanted to show the ways, following which the country could revive and the social and economic situation in it would change. The labor of Nikolai Gogol's life was to become an artistic search for the image of the person who in the future could become the master of a renewed Russia.

Starting work on the poem "Dead Souls", N.V., the main goal for himself was to reflect the situation in Russian society at that time - the author wanted to portray "at least from one side all of Russia." The writer built the plot of the work on the basis of the adventures of Chichikov. This construction of the storyline allowed the author to talk about several landowners - typical representatives of society at that time. A separate chapter is devoted to each of the characters, and, according to Gogol, the heroes of his poem are "one more vulgar than the other." One of these characters is the landowner Korobochka.

Already the very surname of this heroine of the poem metaphorically expresses the whole hardened essence of her nature - distrustful, meager, fearful, stubborn, superstitious, thrifty, rather stingy landowner. The little box is "one of those mothers, small landowners who cry for a crop failure, losses and keep their heads a little to one side, and meanwhile they are gaining a little bit of money in variegated bags ... In one ... rubles, in another half a ruble, in the third quarter." Her chest of drawers, in which bags of money lie among linen, skeins of thread and a ripped cloak, recalls Korobochka's very soul, her very nature. The animal limitedness of the landowner, the pettiness of her life values \u200b\u200band interests is outlined only by Korobochka's concern for her own economy and is emphasized by her bird and animal surroundings. These are neighbors - landowners Svinin and Bobrov, and "there were no numbers of turkeys and chickens." All the home furnishings, all the things in the landowner's dwelling, on the one hand, clearly show how naive and even primitive Korobochka's idea of \u200b\u200bcomfort and beauty is, on the other, they reveal her amazing stinginess. “The room was covered with old striped wallpaper; pictures with some kind of birds; between the windows there are antique small mirrors with dark frames in the form of curled leaves; behind every mirror were either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking; wall clock with painted flowers on the dial. "

In the image of the landowner Korobochka, NV embodied the most vicious universal human passions, the main of which in this person, in the words of the writer, was her "club-headedness" and greed. A very stupid Korobochka is very afraid to sell too cheap when selling "dead souls", fears that Chichikov would deceive her. The landowner wants to wait, to secure herself, so as not to "somehow incur a loss." Thinking too slowly, Korobochka at first thinks that Chichikov is going to dig the dead out of the ground. Not paying special attention to her assumptions, out of habit, she is going to palm off Chichikov with honey and hemp, the prices of which she knows well, instead of “dead souls”. And with regard to the "dead souls", Korobochka declares: "I'd better wait a little longer, maybe merchants will come in large numbers, but I'll apply to prices." Then the landowner nevertheless decides to sell the "souls" because of superstition and fear, because Chichikov almost cursed her and promised her the devil himself - "Yes, perish and roundabout your whole village!"

In the image of one of the heroines of the poem "Dead Souls" of the landowner Korobochka, there is a rather typical for that time special kind of "club-headed" stubborn, who ossified in his limitations: "a different and respectable, and even a state person, but in fact a perfect Korobochka comes out. As soon as he hacked into his head, nothing can be overpowering him. " Depicting all the limitations, stupidity and greed of the landowner, N.V. is trying to draw the attention of society to how badly it is struck by vices and to the fact that these vices should be eliminated as quickly as possible, trying to find the most painless and effective ways for this.

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The image of the landowner Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka successfully complements the collage of characteristic types of landowners. This is not to say that she is endowed with negative qualities, but she cannot be ranked among pleasant personalities either.

Despite all the complexity of her personality, against the background of all other landowners, she looks one of the most attractive in terms of housekeeping and attitudes towards serfs.

Personality characteristic

We do not know how Korobochka was in her youth, in the story Gogol is limited to an episodic description of her character at a certain time interval, bypassing the entire process of its formation.

Dear Readers! On our site you can read about the Nozdrev family, described in the poem by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls".

The box is markedly distinguished by frugality and a tendency to order. Everything in her estate is in good working order - however, the things used both in everyday life and in the interior of the landowner are not new, but this does not bother the old woman. With special delight she complains about everything in the world - bad harvests, lack of money, although, in fact, everything is not so deplorable: so they collect a little bit of money in motley bags placed on the drawers of the dressers. "

Nastasya Petrovna is not distinguished by an extraordinary mind - the aristocrats around her consider her a stupid old woman. This is true - Box is a really stupid and uneducated woman. The landowner is suspicious of everything new - first of all, in the actions of people, she seeks to see some kind of catch - in this way she "saves" herself from trouble in the future.

The box is distinguished by its special stubbornness, it refers to those people who “just hacked something into their head, then nothing can be overpowered; no matter how you imagine arguments as clear as day, everything bounces off him like a rubber ball bounces off a wall. "

Nastasya Petrovna is a contradictory nature - on the one hand, she is tied to religion (she believes in the existence of God and the devil, prays and is baptized), but at the same time she does not neglect fortune telling and on cards, which is not encouraged by religion.


It is difficult to say something about the Korobochka family - Gogol gives too little information on this matter. It is reliably known that Nastasya Petrovna was married, but her husband died and at the time of the story she is a widow. It is likely that she has children, most likely in view of the age of the landowner and the absence of Chichikov's memories of the presence of children in the house, they are already adults and live separately. Their names, age and gender are not specified in the text. The only mention of them is found together with the mention of Korobochka's sister, who lives in Moscow: “my sister brought warm boots for children from there: such a durable product, it is still worn”.

Manor Korobochki

Korobochka's estate and house - oddly enough, among all the houses of the landowners, it looks one of the most attractive. It should be clarified that such an assessment does not concern the aesthetic appearance, but the state of the estate. The village of Korobochka is noticeably distinguished by well-groomed houses and buildings: dilapidated elements of peasant houses were replaced with new ones, the gates to the estate were also repaired. Houses and buildings do not look as massive as those of Sobakevich, but they do not have much aesthetic value either. Korobochka owns about 80 serfs.

This number is noticeably inferior to the wealthy landowners of the district, such as Plyushkina, but this does not significantly affect the income of the estate. Chichikov was pleasantly surprised by the state of the village: "You have a good village, mother."

The farm of Korobochka also pleasantly surprises with its variety and grooming. The box successfully sells vegetables and fruits. She has “vegetable gardens with cabbage, onions, potatoes, beets and other household vegetables. Apple trees and other fruit trees were scattered here and there in the garden.

You can also observe the variety of groats grown. In addition, Korobochka is confidently engaged in animal husbandry - she also has various birds ("There were no numbers of turkeys and chickens; a rooster walked between them" and pigs. Korobochka is engaged in beekeeping and grows hemp for sale for the production of ropes and ropes.

Box House

Korobochka's house is not distinguished by pomp or grace. The house is guarded by a pack of dogs that react violently to all strangers, so, for example, when Chichikov arrived, the dogs "were filled with all possible voices." It is small in size, its windows face the courtyard, so it is impossible to admire the view from the window. The roof of the house is made of wood, Chichikov, who came to Korobochka in the rain, noted that raindrops were loudly knocking on his roof. A barrel was placed near the drain, in which rainwater was collected.

Since Chichikov arrived at the Korobochki estate in the evening, besides, even in bad weather, it was impossible to learn about the nuances of the appearance of the landowner's house.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the characterization of Sobakevich in Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's poem "Dead Souls".

The house was not attractive inside. The wallpaper there was old, however, like all the furniture. There were pictures on the walls - "not all of the pictures were birds: between them hung a portrait of Kutuzov and some old man painted in oils with red cuffs on his uniform, as they sewed under Pavel Petrovich." The furnishings were complemented by mirrors, "with dark frames in the form of curled leaves," behind which were placed all the necessary little things in the form of a letter or a stocking. The watches made a special impression - they also did not differ in novelty, and the sounds they made were like the hissing of snakes. The clock was struck no less unpleasantly: "as if someone were beating a broken pot with a stick."

Attitude towards peasants

The number of serfs of Korobochka is not so great - about 80 people. The landowner knows them all by name. Korobochka is always actively involved in the affairs of his estate and is directly involved in all work. It is impossible to find descriptions of the attitude towards the peasants in the text, but the way the landowner describes her dead souls suggests that Korobochka is not distinguished by a bad attitude towards serfs.

Since the last census, she has accumulated 18 “dead souls”. According to the landowner, these were good people, they regularly did their job and worked hard. Korobochka is truly sorry that they died. Especially Koval, who recently burned down from alcohol - he was a good worker.

In appearance, the peasants of Korobochka are also noticeably different - all the men whom Chichikov managed to see were of a strong constitution, stocky and endowed with exorbitant strength.

The image of Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka is one of the most attractive and controversial. On the one hand, she is a caring mistress of her estate. Korobochka to the best of reason, takes care of his peasants. All the buildings on her estate, though not new, are of high quality, and the serfs do not look hammered. On the other hand, the old woman does not have the most pleasant character - she is stupid and limited, loves to constantly complain, which makes her interlocutor tired.