
Transitions from the introduction to the main part. Cliché for composing exam. The essay is written according to a specific plan

On literature? This question is asked, perhaps, by every student. To begin with, let's figure out what such a form of writing is in general.

Expression of thoughts or opinions on any issue with theses, as well as arguments in favor of one or another statement is the key to getting an excellent mark. Writing a final essay on literature for grade 11 is one of the mandatory tests, in particular, for admission to the exam. In this article, we will explain in detail how to successfully plan a final essay.

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How to write an essay on literature?

In the lessons of the Russian language and literature, the written presentation of thoughts is one of the forms of testing the skills and abilities of students. In order for it to be competent and interesting, it is necessary to adhere to several points.


How to start writing on literature? First you need to think about and choose a suitable topic. If a student is given several options to choose from,review each one carefully and think about which one is most attractive to you.

Important!An essay on literature in grade 11 always contains an element of reasoning.

If you were not given a choice, then in this case you can write a high-quality and interesting text.


Possible types of introsto the final essay in grade 11:

  1. Academic: "The peak of the author's creativity was the work ... which will be discussed."
  2. From the first person: "The topic ... was not chosen by chance."
  3. Quote: "What have you, what have you done on yourself!" - asks. It is worth thinking about these words, because this catch phrase can be applied to all the heroes of Dostoevsky's novel. "

The work looks very beneficial, the introduction of which begins with a rhetorical question. This move can be used not only in the introductory part, but also in other structural elements of the text.


After choosing a topic, start writing the abstract. ? it short formulationyour main thought or idea. For example, if the theme of the essay sounds like: "What is friendship", then the thesis for it may be the following statement: "Friendship is a union of several people based on complete trust and mutual assistance."


Any thesis requires arguments. The statement can be both confirmed and refuted. Arguments for the final essay should be formulated objectively.

That is, if you are a radical supporter of a certain idea, and the topic sounds like "Sport: arguments for and against", you cannot adhere to only one point of view and completely refute the other.

It is necessary to give at least 2-3 arguments, both in favor of this thesis and against.


In some statements, it is required not only to argue the statement, but also to express their own opinion on this matter. In this case, it is necessary to clearly formulate your attitude to any idea, while not taking a strict position "for" or "against". For example: "I agree with the author on this issue, but the opposite point of view cannot be denied."

Advice!You must express your point of view loyally, avoiding harsh phrases and expressions.

How to finish an essay?

At the end of the presentation it is necessary summarizeof all that has been said. Here you need to summarize the main conclusions and paraphrase the introduction, thereby summing up a logical conclusion.


A number of requirements are imposed on the performance of the final work. In particular, strict adherence to the structure of the text is required.

The structure of the final essay

After highlighting the main theses and arguments, you need to structure your thoughts in accordance with a typical work plan. Decorate text follows in accordance with the following plan:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Main part.
  3. Conclusion / conclusion.

The main part consists of:

  • thesis;
  • arguments for;
  • arguments against;
  • personal opinion.

Each new structural part must begin with a new paragraph, and each paragraph with a red line.


Each thesis in an essay on literature must be supported by examples. These can be extracts from literary texts, lines from poems, as well as quotes from poets, writers or literary critics.

Quotations for the final essay must be made in accordance with rules for the design of direct speech in . If the phrase is not given in full, the missing words in the statement are replaced with ellipsis.

Speech clichés and linking words

To formalize the logical connection of statements, each sentence of a new paragraph should contain linking words. They help create a logical transition from one sentence to another without losing the narrative thread.

Another mandatory item is speech cliches for the final essay:

How to express urgency of the problem, disclosed by the author:

  • In his work, the writer raises an important problem today ...
  • The writer touches upon an actual problem ...
  • One of the problems considered by the author concerns ...
  • The problem raised by the author remains relevant today.
  • Among all the problems proposed in the text, for me the most urgent is ...
  • The problem ... has always been relevant to humanity ...
  • The publicist notes the importance ...
  • The theme ... can be traced throughout the writer's work ...

how set theme and ideatext:

  • The author of the article reveals the topic ...
  • The work tells about ...
  • The theme ... developed by the author is close to everyone ...
  • The theme of the text is close and understandable to everyone ...
  • The following statement accurately expresses the author's point of view: ...
  • The position of the author is as follows: ...
  • The author takes ... position ...
  • This thought expresses the point of view of the writer: ...

How to express own opinion:

  • It's hard to disagree with the publicist ...
  • It is impossible to deny the correctness of the author ...
  • One cannot but agree with the author's point of view ...
  • The author asks many difficult questions that cannot be answered unequivocally.

The volume of the essay

As a rule, strict requirements for the volume of the written text are presented only at the state exam in grade 11. The final examination paper should contain at least 350 words.

Attention!If the number of words does not exceed 250, the entire work is estimated at zero points. There is no maximum word limit.

Examples of

Let's analyze sample essay on literaturewritten by a 11th grade student:

As you can see, the first paragraph is an introduction and, at the same time, a thesis. The second paragraph also provides another thesis that summarizes the definition of history. In the following parts of the text, the student provides arguments to support the previously presented thesis.

The phrase "as I think" used in the penultimate paragraph of the work introduces the student's personal point of view. The last paragraph, with the cliché "summing up" used, introduces the closing sentence.

At the same time, the author uses rhetorical questions ("After all, who will we be without knowing our history?" minimum.

Let's summarize. Preparation for an essay on literature should begin with a study of the activities of the author, whose work or biography will be described in the text.

For the successful writing of the final work, you must clearly define the topic... It should be interesting and familiar to the student.

In order for the work to contain all the necessary structural elements, make a plan that you will adhere to during the work. It should consist of at least three points: introduction, conclusion, main part.

Do not forget about the use of linking words, the presence of which is mandatory when writing a text for the exam.

At the beginning of your work, be sure to formulate one or several theses. The thesis is a kind of indicator that the student understands what he writes about; and can formulate a problem on the proposed topic. Each thesis is supported by arguments, or refuted by using all the same arguments "against".

Quotes for the final essay can also be used as arguments, however, make sure that the quotation is correct in the text.

If you were warned about the final work several days in advance, you should prepare in advance. To do this, you can use educational literature about this author or similar practice. A similar practice is the finished work of students, assessed high scores during the test. They can be worked out and taken as a basis.

Copy excerpts from someone else's text highly discouraged . The examiner will accurately identify plagiarism in your work. If this happens on the exam, the entire exam will be scored at zero points. Examples of essays on literature in December can be found on the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements, as well as on any thematic portal on the Internet.

Getting ready for the final essay 2017/2018. Essay plan, assessment criteria.


Write the text thoughtfully. After writing, carefully check it for grammatical, syntax and spelling errors. Pay particular attention to checking the spelling of proper names, titles of works and other things. Excellent writing of an essay on literature in grade 11 will guarantee the student's admission to the chosen university.

Argumentation of one's own opinion on the problem.

What is an argument?

In the essay, you must express your opinion on the formulated problem, agreeing or disagreeing with the author's position, as written in the task of Part C. In your answer, you must give two arguments, based on knowledge, life or reading experience.


It is not enough to just formally state your opinion: I agree (disagree) with the author. Your position, even if it coincides with the author's, should be formulated in a separate sentence.

For example: Thus, the author seeks to convey to the reader the idea that nature has long needed the help of each of us. I completely agree with the author and also believe that humanity should reconsider its consumer attitude to nature.

Then your position must be supported by two arguments. In this part of the work, you must strictly follow the rules for constructing a text-reasoning. Argumentation is the presentation of evidence, explanations, examples to substantiate any thought in front of the listeners (readers) or the interlocutor.

Arguments are evidence given in support of a thesis: facts, examples, statements, explanations - in short, anything that can support the thesis.

Illustrating the argument

An important element of argumentation is illustrations, that is, examples that support the argument.

Argument collection:

Two-point arguments

Types of arguments

There are various classifications of arguments. For example, logical arguments are distinguished - these are arguments that appeal to the human mind, to reason (scientific axioms, laws of nature, statistics, examples from life and literature), and psychological arguments - arguments that cause certain feelings, emotions in the addressee and form a certain attitude to the described person, object, phenomenon (emotional conviction of the writer, appeal to universal human values, etc.).

The main thing the writer should know is that the arguments you use “have different weights,” that is, they are evaluated with different points.

Some arguments are scored with one point and others with two.

Note that two-point arguments always involve a reference to the author and title of the work. In addition, when speaking of a literary text, it is not enough just to mention the author and title of the work ( Leo Tolstoy reflects on the problem of patriotism in the novel "War and Peace"), you must also indicate specific characters, their actions, words, thoughts that demonstrate the connection between the work of art you mentioned and the problem considered in the original text.

For instance: M. Gorky wrote about the problem of humanism very emotionally and expressively in his story "The Old Woman Izergil". Danko, the hero of one of the legends, sacrificed his life to save his people. He appeared exactly when people needed help, and led them, desperate and embittered, through the forest to freedom. The feat of Danko, who tore his heart out of his chest to illuminate the path to freedom, is a stunning example of true humanism, boundless love for people.

Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms can be considered as an argument, evaluated by 2 points, but only if they are accompanied by explanations, your reflections on their content. For instance: It is no coincidence that popular wisdom affirms the unconditional value of friendship: “Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”; “An old friend is better than two new ones”, “Look for a friend, but if you find, take care of it” ... Indeed, loyal friends are ready to share grief and joy with you, to come to your aid in difficult times. It is friends who let us know that we are not alone in this world.

I must say that any example from fiction, scientific or journalistic literature should be "framed" by your reasoning, emphasizing the connection of the given example with the problem you are considering.

Citing an example from journalistic literature, do not forget, in addition to the author's surname, to indicate the title of the note, article, essay and, if possible, the title of the publication in which this material was published.

Television journalist Oleg Ptashkin reflects on the problem of the influence of television on modern Russian society in an article by "Trash-TV" published on the website According to the author, modern television in Russia is going through an acute crisis - a crisis of ideas and meaning. Those who create TV shows have absolutely no social benefit in mind. The journalist is concerned that modern media propagandize lack of spirituality and immorality, teach people to think that a normal life for the sake of family, children, success in work is the lot of losers. The author is convinced that the main task of modern television is education: it must teach to honor the family, parents, and cultural traditions. Only then will television contribute to the revival of spirituality.

Everything that was said earlier applies to examples from scientific literature.

People who do not give in to life's difficulties, boldly face the truth, are the masters of their own destiny. The historian Lev Gumilyov in his work "Ethnogenesis and the Earth's Biosphere" called such people passionaries. Among them there are many great historical figures, famous military leaders, fighters for freedom and human rights, and each of them made a contribution to the development of society.

In search of weighty arguments, some students boldly come up with the names of "famous publicists" or the names of non-existent works, sometimes attributing them to famous writers. For instance: In one of his works "Nature" the Russian writer IS Turgenev reflects on the relationship between nature and man.

The critic Belinsky in his article "On Humanity" wrote that people should help each other.

You can also cite as an example A. Pristavkin's story "The War of Russians and Chechens."

Do not hesitate: all such "opuses" will be qualified as factual errors, which means that you will not only not earn points for argumentation, but also lose 1 point for violation of factual accuracy.

One-point arguments

Arguments rated 1 point, as a rule, are easier to pick up, therefore, their "specific weight" is lower. Most of them, in one way or another, rely on our life experience, our observations of our own life, the life of other people or society as a whole.

Examples from life. Despite the fact that the life experience of a graduate is not yet very great, in his life or the lives of others one can find examples of good or bad deeds, manifestations of friendly feelings, honesty, kindness or callousness, selfishness.

Be careful with arguments of this type, because, as our experience in checking essays shows, most of them are simply invented by students and the credibility of such arguments is highly questionable. For instance:

From my own experience, I was convinced of the dangers of cheap literature. After one of these books, I had a severe headache. it a book about a loser thief. Terrible delirium! Indeed, I was scared that I would get brain cancer after reading this book. Awful feeling!

I will give an example from my personal life: people are sitting on the street without housing, without food, absolutely without anything. They sit and ask for money for some food.

Unfortunately, my limited life experience does not allow me to express my broad opinion on this issue.

Especially often in such unfortunate arguments, various relatives, friends and acquaintances appear, with whom extremely instructive stories occur. For instance:

I know one person who ignored (?!) The illness and death of his father. Now his children are not helping him.

My grandfather told me that his dad was in the detachment in 1812 (?!) When the troops under the command of Napoleon began to attack Moscow.

Some of my classmates are good examples of the problem with this text. Obviously, they were brought up too little, and they were not accustomed to work from childhood, so they do nothing.

Much less common are examples from life that can be recognized as suitable arguments:

I became convinced that there are not only indifferent people. Two years ago, trouble came to our family - there was a fire. Relatives, neighbors, acquaintances and even just people who knew about our trouble, helped us as best they could. I am very grateful to everyone who did not remain indifferent and helped me and my family in difficult times.

Observations on the life of people and society as a whole look more convincing, since individual facts in such examples are generalized and formalized in the form of some conclusions:

I believe that empathy and compassion are instilled in people from childhood. If the child was surrounded by care and affection, then, having matured, he will give this good to others.

However, arguments of this type may look funny and not the most convincing:

Probably all mothers and grandmothers are fond of women's novels. Women read all sorts of little books, and then suffer from why theirs is not the same as in the book.

Presumptive examples are speculations about what might happen under certain conditions:

I cannot imagine my life without books: without textbooks that help us learn about the world, without fiction, revealing the secrets of human relationships and forming moral values. Such a life would be incredibly poor and boring.

“Blind faith has evil eyes,” the Polish writer Stanislav Jerzy Lec once remarked.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky reflected on the essence of talent for writing: “Talent is the ability to say or express well where mediocrity says and expresses badly”. “For some, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a summer cottage, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew, ”wrote Mikhail Prishvin.

Remember that the people you are referring to should really be authoritative in a particular area. For example, the Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza generally doubted the significance of such arguments, believed that "a reference to authority is not an argument."

At their core, proverbs and sayings are a kind of reference to authority. The strength of these arguments lies in the fact that we appeal to the authority of folk wisdom. Remember that the simple mention of proverbs, sayings, winged words, not accompanied by your reflections on their content, is estimated at 1 point.

It is no coincidence that Russian proverbs affirm the value of the experience of the older generations: “The parental word doesn’t blow the wind; Whoever honors his parents will never perish. "

References to films, which have recently been often found in essays, most often indicate a narrow outlook, a small reading experience. We are convinced that examples of friendship, humane attitude towards people or heroism can always be found not only in the films "Avatar" or "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", but also on the pages of works of art.

It seems to me that the fate of the heroine of V. Menshov's film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" can serve as an excellent confirmation of the author's idea that a person should strive to fulfill his dreams. Katerina worked in a factory, raised a child herself, graduated from the institute in absentia and, as a result, achieved success - she became director of the plant. Thus, each of us is able to make our dreams come true. It is only necessary to bring its implementation closer with every step, with every deed.

(It can be noted that confirmation of the author's thought could be found in the fate of Alexander Grigoriev, the hero of V. Kaverin's novel "Two Captains", or cited as an example Alexei Meresiev from B. Polevoy's work "The Story of a Real Man", or recall Assol from the story of the same name by A. Green.)

Argument structure

When writing an essay, it should be remembered that between the thesis and two arguments confirming your position, there should be a clear connection, which is usually expressed by the so-called "logical transitions" - statements linking the known information of the text with the new. In addition, each argument is accompanied by a "micro-conclusion" - a statement summarizing some of the reflections.

Failure to comply with this structure (in fact, any paragraph of coherent text is built according to this scheme) often leads to logical errors.

Typical errors of argumentation

What does the expert check?

The expert highlights that part of the text of the essay that performs the function of argumentation. Then he establishes the correspondence of the argument to the asserted (the argument must prove exactly what is asserted), assesses the degree of persuasiveness, which can be manifested both in strict logic and in emotional evaluativeness, figurative expression.

The expert determines the number of arguments, as well as the correspondence of the argument to the semantic function: the given example should not just act as a vivid narrative or descriptive microtext, but prove or refute this or that statement.

The maximum score (3) according to the K4 criterion is given for the work in which the examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him (agreeing or disagreeing with the author's position), argued it (gave at least 2 arguments, one of which was taken from the artistic, journalistic or scientific literature).

An article on how to properly prepare and write, using all tactical-literary techniques in writing an essay in the form of reasoning.

An essay-reasoning always has the goal of convincing the reader (listener) of something, changing or consolidating his opinion on a particular issue (if the opinion of the author and the reader coincide.

Therefore, the basis of reasoning, its core becomes a clearly formulated, understandable and substantiated from different positions one main thought .

We write an essay-reasoning on a free topic

Step one ... Clearly and fully articulate the thought you want to prove.

You can check the success of this step as follows. Read the wording to a few people: if they don't have any questions about your position (objections to the point don't count), then the wording is good. Now you can proceed to writing an essay-reasoning.

What parts does an essay-reasoning consist of?

The complete essay-reasoning consists of 3 parts. It:

  • thesis (that thought, judgment, position that you formulated and which you will prove);
  • arguments (each of them should serve as a visual, accomplished, and therefore convincing proof of your thought);
  • conclusion (he essentially repeats the thesis, but takes it to a new level with broad generalizations, forecasts, recommendations, etc.).

An optional but desirable part of the discussion is a short introduction, the task of which is to engage the reader in a dialogue, to outline the essence and urgency of the problem.

Example ... The topic of the essay-reasoning - "The first love…". You can talk about first love endlessly (as well as about other issues), therefore we immediately do step one - formulate the thesis.

With the thesis “First love is the most important stage in a person's life, which will affect all future relationships and the personality itself,” the introduction can be as follows: “For adolescents, it becomes the meaning of life, and for adults it causes a condescending smile. However, in vain are parents and acquaintances grinning: according to psychologists, the source of our "adult" happiness and unhappiness is hidden in the first love. "

Body: Arguments, Argument Content

Argumentation in an essay-reasoning should occupy at least 2/3 of the total volume. The optimal number of arguments for a small (school or exam) essay is three.

The best arguments are well-known historical facts (or not very well-known, but which can be easily found in authoritative sources - encyclopedias, reference books, scientific works, etc.). Good proof will be statistics, discussed events... In the practice of school essays, the most powerful argument is literary work, but not all, but that episode, storyline, story of the hero, which confirm your idea.

To choose the arguments correctly, mentally each time pronounce your thesis and ask him the question "Why?"

Example ... Let's take another thesis related to the theme "First Love" - “To love is to get better". Why?

  • Striving to please another person, we improve. Literary argument... Tatyana Larina, wanting to unravel the soul of Onegin, spends her days in his library reading books, eagerly peering at the notes left by Eugene and reflecting on what he has read. She not only understands, finally, with what kind of person fate brought her together, but she herself grows up spiritually and intellectually.

The argument can be and personal experiencebut remember that such evidence is the least convincing and is well presented as an extension to the basic facts known and authoritative.

Step two ... Pick up the arguments supporting your thought and arrange them in the following order: “ very convincing - quite convincing - the most convincing ".


The conclusion deepens the thesis, contains - albeit not explicit - advice, rules, offers predictions.

Example. First love, no matter at what age it happens, can make a person out of a tough, ruthless cynic, and an incorrigible romantic, and a realist, who does not exclude any possibilities for himself.

The first will be deeply unhappy: he will not be able to love, which means he will remain alone. The second, from the absolute optimism of "love forever", often turns to the same pessimism of "no love." And only the third is able to find harmony. In order for these to become more and more, adults, relatives, friends should carefully and seriously treat the feelings of adolescents and children.

It is written according to the following plan:


    Formulation of the problem

    Comment on the problem

    Your position

    Arguments (2 arguments: from personal experience and from literature, history, etc.)


Speech clichés for the introduction.

For an introduction, you can use the following speech cliches:

    Everyone knows that ... Oh ... thousands of books have been written and a lot of films made. Theme …. interests many of us.

    Rhetorical questions.

    A quote from the text - in these words sounds (opens, touches) ...

Speech clichés for problem statement.

The following phrases can be used to describe the problem disclosed in the text:

The proposed text reveals a problem ... In this text, the author describes (reveals, brings to our attention) a problem ... An exciting problem for many ... in the above text the author reveals ...

Speech clichés to reflect the author's position.

At this point you can use the following speech turns:

Speech clichés for expressing your own opinion.

To diplomatically express your opinion about the problem being solved, you can use the following phrases:

It is impossible not to agree with the author that ... I agree with the author that .... My views on the problem ... are similar to the author's position that ... I share the same opinion as the author about ...

Speech clichés for argumentation.

In order to fit the arguments organically into the text, the following clichés can be used (depending on the type of the argument):

We often have to deal with ... Often, in our time ... Who of us has not met ... Nowadays it has become commonplace that ... This problem was especially acutely revealed in such a work as ... The problem revealed in this text worried many Russian classics, for example, ... The relevance of this topic is revealed in the work .... great Russian writer (poet, philosopher) .... Topic .... a lot of TV shows and articles are devoted ...

Speech clichés for the conclusion.

Summarize the composition of the exam you can start with the following phrases:

After reading this text, everyone will think (everyone will understand that) ... Having familiarized yourself with the position of the author, you understand that ... In this text, the author expressed his main idea: ... It is no coincidence that the author writes at the end of the article that ... The author wants to ...

Sections: Russian language

Class: 11

1. Text analysis we start by identifying the topic (what the text is about). To do this, select the keywords (words related to the same topic, synonymous words and expressions).

This text (article) is about ...

2. Having defined the topic, you can try to formulate the problem.

Problem - (from Greek) - a task - a question that requires study, resolution.

The problem of what, point of view on any problem, to pose, put forward, consider, discuss, state, solve any problem, touch on any problem, pay attention to any problem, any problem arises, rises, is of interest , Deserves attention.

The problem is formulated as a question, or by combining the word "problem" with a noun in the genitive case.

There may be several problems. It's important to see two and comment. It is important to comment not on the entire text, but on the (those) problems that you stated at the beginning.

Which question to choose? It is important to choose the question on which the author ponders the most and on which the author's position is clearly stated.

Reread how you identified the problem. If in the form of a question, then the position should sound like an answer to a question. If the formula is "problem + noun in the genitive case", then this noun should sound in the designation of the author's position.

  • delivered
  • set out
  • reviewed
  • put forward
  • affected by
  • raised
  • formulated
  • investigated
  • analyzed

Possible problems:

  • The problem of memory about one's origins, about one's childhood (why, having matured, does a person feel a connection with the home of his childhood, with the world of his childhood?);
  • The problem of the role of childhood in human life (why is childhood the most important stage in human life?);
  • The problem of historical memory (why should a person keep the memory of the past? What does it mean to love your family and your homeland7);
  • The problem of the father's house (why one should not forget the father's house7);
  • The problem of assessing such a period of a person's life as childhood (is childhood really a "golden" period of a person's life? What is the role of childhood in the formation of personality?);
  • The problem of a person's moral strength (why is the moral essence of a person often manifested in everyday life situations?);
  • The problem of the development and preservation of the Russian language (is the Russian language enriched or spoiled due to borrowings?);
  • The problem of human influence on nature (what is the degree of human influence on nature and what are the possible consequences of this influence);
  • The problem of human perception of nature as living matter (should a person perceive nature as something living, take care of it?);
  • The problem of the injustice of the social structure of society (is it natural to divide people into rich and poor, is society organized correctly?);
  • The problem of the alienation of the world of the rich and well-fed from the world of the poor and hungry (do the well-fed and rich think about those who cannot afford to eat their fill?);
  • The problem of internal resistance to the temptation of abundance (can children from a poor family resist the temptation of abundance and not get embittered?);
  • The problem of choosing a profession, taking into account personal and public interests (can personal and public interests coincide when choosing a profession?)
  • The problem of a person's responsibility to himself and to society (can a person be free from society, from other people?);
  • The problem of the commercialization of culture.

3. Commenting on the problem.

A commentary differs from a simple retelling in that in the retelling you say what the heroes are doing, and in the commentary what the author is doing. This is the most important and difficult part.

It is important to reflect on some questions related to the text you read; to whom is the text addressed? How relevant is the text? How does the author approach this problem? What category does the problem belong to: moral, ethical, social, environmental, socio-political, philosophical, psychological? To what extent is this problem covered in the literature? Which of the authors touched it? How did the author approach his task? How does the author describe the situation, what does he focus on?

Here it is possible to turn to means of expression if they help to determine the author's position. What is the writer's point of view? Maybe the author shows it through the eyes of the narrator, speaks on behalf of the hero? With what mood does the author write? What emphasizes? What follows from this? What conclusions does it lead us to?

Templates:The problem could be:

The significance of the problem can be emphasized with the words:

The problem might lead the reader to:

Why is it important to be able to comment on the main problem of the text?

  • This allows you to see what the author is interested in.
  • By commenting on a problem, you also show your perception of what worries the author.
  • A comment will allow you to take a deeper look at the problem posed.

The comment should not contain:

  • Retelling of the original text or part of it.
  • Reasoning about all the problems of the text.
  • Comments on the actions of the heroes of the text.
  • Avoid repetitions of the word "problem"
  • Avoid the expressions “the problem of what ...”, “the problem of what ..”, “the problem of courage and resilience ..”.

At the same time, it is necessary to say about how the author solves the stated problem, how he argues his position (“for”), what is, in the end, the purpose of writing the text. If the problem of the text is a question, then the position of the author is the answer to the question, how is the author answers it. When phrasing a problem as a question, you need to know how the author answers it. You are not required to formulate the author's position in general, but to show his opinion on the issue highlighted and commented on by you.

The author's position in a journalistic style is likely to be indicated directly and can be easily detected. It is better not to quote the entire sentence, which reflects the author's position, but to quote partially or retell (so as not to lower the score).

If the text is artistic, then the author's position may not be directly stated. Here it is important to pay attention to how it is stated: directly or indirectly; the use of means of expression; conscription; evaluativeness; availability; simplicity, etc.


  • The author considers that ... The author claims that ...
  • The author is convinced that ..., and such confidence has its own reasons.
  • It is important for the author to convince the reader that ...
  • The author's opinion that ...
  • The author brings the reader to the idea that ...
  • The author strives to convey to the reader the idea that ...
  • Solving the problem, the author comes to the conclusion: ...
  • … - these words, in my opinion, reflect the main problem of the text.
  • … - this statement accurately reflects the thought of the author.
  • The author's position is obvious: ...

5. Expression of one's own attitude to this problem.

Proving, we give 2 arguments, referring to examples from reading or life experience. Your own opinion must be expressed correctly. Your arguments should not repeat what was said in the original text.

Dig into your memory, remember what you read about it, what literary associations you have. It is very important that your arguments support, prove your point of view, and not be just an illustration on the same topic. Therefore, for each argument, state what you are proving with the given example.

It is important to prove why you think so. I (dis) agree with the author, because ... and I think ...

Here goes a rigorous writing-reasoning:

  • thesis
  • argumentation
  • conclusion
  • argumentation

Start each argument with a new paragraph.

Give examples, citing examples from fiction, authority figures, or from your own life and the lives of others.

However, his thought about ... is questionable

I share the author's indignation (rejection, delight) and think ...

A story that I heard (read that happened to me) comes to my mind

My opinion is confirmed by the following fact ...


  • I read it with pleasure ...
  • One cannot remain indifferent ...
  • Unfortunately…
  • It should be noted that the indisputability of the author's position is beyond doubt ...
  • The author convincingly proves that ...
  • The author, in my opinion, is not quite right, asserting that ...
  • The author's point of view is, of course, interesting, but I believe that ...
  • In my opinion, the author is somewhat categorical in his judgments.
  • I think that the author is not quite right when he says that ...
  • The author rightly notes that ...
  • The author's estimates are fair and accurate. Indeed, ...
  • The author's position on this issue coincides with my point of view.
  • First of all,…
  • Secondly,…
  • In this way,

Argumentsmust be accurate.

Argumentsmust be comprehensive and convincing.

Arguments must prove your point.

How can you introduce arguments into your own position statement?

Using phrases:

  • Let's turn to (fact, someone's memories, scientific data ...)
  • Suffice it to give an example ...
  • This can be proved as follows ..
  • This can be confirmed by the following fact ...
  • Let me give you another example to prove my point.
  • It is easy to be convinced of this by contacting ...

With the help of introductory words and phrases:

  • For example, ... Let's say ...
  • According to someone else's testimony ... Suppose ...
  • First, ..., second, ... and so on.

Using unions and a subordinate clause:

  • Because…
  • Because…
  • Because of…
  • Thanks to…
  • Due to the fact that…

6. How to finish an essay?

  • 2-3 sentences duplicating the introduction.

7. How do I start writing?

  • If you know something about the author, you can write 2-3 sentences.
  • You can write about the positive impression that the text made on you.
  • A typical picture can be drawn (It often happens that ...)
  • On eternal topics, you can start like this: Love ... How much has been said about it!

Algorithm for writing an essay-reasoning

  1. Introduction.
  2. The problems the author ponders over.