
Satiriko household plan of the master and margarita lesson. Setting lesson goals

Vasilenko Irina Petrovna

Teacher MBOU secondary school No. 6 in Pyatigorsk

Literature Lesson Plan


Type of lesson:

The study of the first three chapters of the novel in order to identify artistic means, structural and compositional features that help the author to consider how space and time are connected in the novel through a parallel image of Moscow in the 1920s and Yershalaim in 29.


  1. Get to know the first chapters of the novel

  2. Raising students' interest in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov

During the classes:

Determining the topic of the lesson

An excerpt from the novel:

“At the hour of a hot spring sunset, two citizens appeared on the Patriarch's Ponds. The first of them - about forty years old, dressed in a gray summer pair - was short, dark-haired, well-fed, bald, carried his decent hat with a pie in his hand, and his neatly shaven face was decorated with supernaturally sized black horn-rimmed glasses. The other, a broad-shouldered, reddish, shaggy young man with a checkered cap folded at the back of his head, was wearing a cowboy shirt, chewed white trousers, and black slippers.

Are you guys familiar with these lines?

(Yes, this is the beginning of the first chapter of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita").

Today in the lesson we open the first pages of the novel "The Master and Margarita"

(the splash screen of A. Bortko's film appears on the screen, the accompanying music sounds) - this helps to tune in to the work, introduces a strong emotional wave into the lesson.

: The theme of the lesson is "The first chapters of the novel" The Master and Margarita "- the tuning fork of the entire work of M. A. Bulgakov." They connect space and time through a parallel image of Moscow in the 1920s and Yershalaim in 29, chapters 1,2,3. They will help us come to a reading of the whole novel and show how space and time will unite in eternity.

A tuning fork is an instrument used when tuning a large orchestra before a performance. So these chapters will help us to come to a reading and understanding of the entire novel.

Did you feel the time when you read it?

What is time?

(Student answers)

On the screen

Philosophical Dictionary gives us the following definition of time:

“Time is the duration of the existence of material formations and the relationship of each of them with the previous and subsequent material formation. Time is irreversible, one-dimensional, unidirectional (from the past through the present to the future).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language and S.I. Ozhegova gives us the following interpretation of this concept:

Time is a successive change of events and states; duration, the duration of something;

interval of activity;

a certain moment;

time of day, year;

in history - the period of existence of someone, something.

The psychological dictionary gives the following definition:

PSYCHOLOGICAL TIME - reflection in the psyche of the system of temporary relations between the events of the life path.
Are these definitions of time related to each other?

(Yes, connected….)

We will focus on the concept psychological time. This is the time of our inner experiences.

Yes, time is the most important factor in the existence of the world and man. We may not feel the time when something are passionate. So were you carried away while reading the novel Bulgakov. But in general, time is a universal category. In what spheres of life, in what sciences does it manifest itself and is it necessary to keep an account of it?

(Student answers: biology, psychology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, history, music, mathematics, language, literature)

When you read the novel, did you notice the time and it flew by unnoticed?

What does time mean in literature?

In every culture there is sacred (sacred) time and earthly (everyday) time. Sacred time is Eternity in which the gods and immortal heroes. It is stationary or moves in a circle. It cannot be measured. And earthly time is determined by the movement of the starry sky, it is measured by hours, bells. It resembles a line extending into an infinite distance.

Which chapters of Bulgakov's novel can we attribute to sacred time, and which to earthly?

Teacher's conclusion: Yes, I agree with you that we can attribute all Moscow chapters to earthly time, and Yershalaim chapters to sacred time. Guys, let's try to list the heroes of the Moscow and Yershalaim chapters.

Guys answers...

I also tried to do it on a slide. But tell me, which of the heroes of the novel can we not attribute to either Moscow or Yershalaim chapters? And why?

Student responses

Conclusion: Woland is out of time in the novel.

Prove it?

You correctly said that he was present at the interrogation of Yeshua by Pontius Pilate, and he also appears in Moscow at the Patriarchs. This image in Bulgakov is multidimensional. He is both a character and an idea at the same time, he is real, the author gives him many realistic details, and he is, of course, a creature of another world, fantastic, otherworldly. The category of space is also subject to him, since it is closely connected with the category of time. What is space?

On the screen:

The philosophical dictionary gives us the following definition of space:

“Space is the extent of material formations and the relationship of each of them with other material formations; space is three-dimensional. Along with time, it is one of the objective forms of the existence of matter.

Explanatory dictionary of Russian the language of S.I. Ozhegov gives us the following interpretation of this concept:

Space is one of the forms of existence of matter, characterized by


extent, a place not limited by limits;

the gap between something and something.

Psychological Dictionary

Psychological space is the free space around a person, which he needs for spiritual comfort.

Psychological space is the world of each individual as a dynamic living space, consisting of areas representing all states of affairs, people, goals, objects, desires, behavioral tendencies.

What unites these concepts?

Space is as diverse as time. And Woland is diverse, unpredictable, he is out of time and space. He is above good and evil. He tests people in their depravity, ridiculing and destroying everything that has departed from goodness, lied about, corrupted, and lost its lofty ideal. Woland restores the balance between good and evil, and this serves good.

In what spheres of life, in what sciences does space manifest itself?

What does space mean in astronomy?

In astronomy, space is three-dimensional and anisotropic, i.e. in space there is no "up" and "down". Just like in the novel.

In cultural studies there is the concept of sacral (sacred) and domestic space. Sacred space is the center where the holy place is located (“the navel of the earth”, the temple, the Kremlin).

What does space mean in painting?

In painting, space is perspective, a thick bluish-brown background that symbolizes infinity.

What does space mean in geography?

In geography, spaces are territories with certain geographical characteristics, for example, continents and oceans, climatic zones, etc.

What does space mean in history?

In the history of space states are separated from each other by borders, wars, coups and other cataclysms occur at certain points in space.

And in language?

In the language there is the concept of language space.

And in mathematics?

And in mathematics, space is represented as a coordinate system.

We see that space and time constantly interact with each other.

Tell me where time can be reversible, but space is not three-dimensional.

Of course, only in literature. The brilliant Bulgakov in the novel "The Master and Margarita" works wonders with space and time. The heroes of the novel move freely in space and time. Let's take a journey through the pages of the novel. Let's take a look at the first three chapters.

“I gave an “entrance” to the imaginary Yershalaim and an “exit” from it”

“I will show you Moscow of the 30s, which I know perfectly ...”

These words of M. A. Bulgakov connect space and time in the novel: from Moscow in the 30s we move to Yershalaim in 29 and back.

“Never talk to strangers,” the author warns us in the title of chapter 1. (a sheet with the number of the chapter and its title is posted on the board)
Who are these people?


Ivanushka Homeless

- What oddities arose at that time at the Patriarchs?

(students read and highlight the main ones: - simultaneous hiccups of writers

The absence of vacationers “under the lindens” in hot weather

Appearance of a "transparent man in a plaid jacket"

The feeling of unreasonable fear that appeared in Berlioz

What is the topic of their conversation?

(using the text, students determine the topic of the conversation - Bezdomny's poem about Jesus Christ)

Sound writing - "... anticipating evening cool, quiet drew black birds…"

Multiple "cursing" of writers

It seems that someone is called, but when they call, then they come.

(a fragment of the film with the first appearance of Woland appears on the TV screen)

- Who is this stranger? Although he did not introduce himself in any way, he showed a business card with the letter "B" only a while later, but the description tells us that this is, well, not quite a foreigner, a consultant and a magician.

Why did these three Woland, Bezdomny and Berlioz meet precisely in Moscow and at the Patriarch's?

Woland and his retinue arrived in Moscow in the 1920s; this has long been their city, their department.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior has already been destroyed, confessing to complete unbelief, the norms of life have become: betrayal, denunciation, licentiousness.

Patriarch's Ponds is the center of Moscow, which has long been notorious, and the surface of the pond is the same mirror with which many beliefs are associated.

- When did the meeting take place?(students read this passage from the text)

- Woland's legal question becomes the pivotal question of the novel, the question to which the novel answers:

“... If there is no God, who controls human life?...) - MAN controls, Ivan answers.

- Trying to confuse and confuse the writers, Woland demonstrates his strength, what kind? It is here under the lindens that we find out what will happen soon to the heroes.

(students read in the text about Woland's predictions).

More and more involved in the conversation of writers, Woland continues to insist: "Jesus existed ...". Hinting that the conversation is not over, he utters the symbolic words: “Today there will be interesting story... ”, and gives the proof:

“Everything is simple, in a white cloak…”

This phrase introduces us to the next chapter, Pontius Pilate.

(students read the text)

Pay attention to the date of the events in Yershalaim.

(14th of the spring month of Nisan)

Bulgakov introduces us to Yershalaim for 29 years, this is indicated by the words of Yeshua Pilate: “1900 years will pass before it turns out how much they lied, writing down after me ...”

Temporal space lined up in parallel: the devoted Yeshua was sentenced to death, Pontius Pilate lost his peace forever, the minutes of Berlioz's life are numbered, and Ivanushka is not far from the "house of sorrow".
- In the lessons on the Yershalaim events, we will return to the interrogation scene, but our task today is to identify compositional feature and "enter" the novel.

The chapter ends with the words: "It was about 10 o'clock in the morning..."

And chapter 3 of the novel "The Seventh Proof" begins with these words. We see a kind of logical bridge that helps us move from one chapter to another.

We see the unity of these chapters (diagram demonstration)
We see the unity of these chapters (diagram demonstration)

1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter

"Never Talk Pontius Pilate Seventh Proof

with unknowns"
(Meeting (E RSH A L A I M) P a t ri a r s h i h p r u d a x)
1929 '29

May 14 Nisan

in a white coat... in a white coat... it was about... it was about 10

10 am o'clock in the morning
- “I gave an “entrance” to the imaginary Yershalaim and an “exit” from it”
M.A. Bulgakov
- Brilliant!!!

- Compositional move "novel within a novel" allows you to lead 2 storylines, show the mirror image of 2 cities: Moscow and Yershalaim, determine how the categories of time and space correlate in the novel.

The compositional feature of the novel helps us to see 3 worlds in the novel:




The link between chapters 1 and 3, proving the compositional unity, is the continuation of Woland's question: "Isn't there a devil too?" he literally begs Berlioz to believe in the existence of 2 forces, but he falls under the tram, according to the prediction of the Prince of Darkness.

The chapter has ended, which completes the compositional unity of the first 3 chapters of the novel, which are the tuning fork of the entire work, preparing us for reading the entire work.

So, summing up the lesson, Let's get back to the tasks at hand:

Determined the system of images of the heroes of the first 3 chapters

They established the temporal and geographical space of the novel, its compositional feature.

D. task: draw up a spatio-temporal plan of the novel.

Outline of an open lesson in literature


“The first chapters of the novel “The Master and Margarita” are the tuning fork of the entire work of M.A. Bulgakov. How do they combine time and space?

Passionate about The Master and Margarita great amount of people. Why do we like difficult and even bad heroes, violators of rules and boundaries? What is the secret of the charm of evil? What can resist him? Answers to questions - in the experience of reading the novel "The Master and Margarita" by M. A. Bulgakov.

After reading, some questions remain: a literary masterpiece is a means, but what is so special about it? Why were they so passionate about it at a certain time in our country, especially the youth? And this is where the notion of charm of evil . As an example, consider a real situation: a two-year-old girl's mother told a fairy tale about a naughty hedgehog, in which the hedgehog did not obey her mother, did everything wrong, provoked some difficulties:

“But once the hedgehog got tired of obeying his mother, and he decided to become naughty.

“Son, go pick mushrooms,” my mother asked.

“I won’t go,” the son replied rudely.

Mom went and picked beautiful and large mushrooms, and dried them for the winter.

“Son, go pick some apples. I'll bake a cake for you, ”Mom asked again.

“I don’t want to and I won’t dial,” the son answered loudly again.

An excerpt from a fairy tale about a naughty hedgehog

It ended, of course, all is well - everyone returned home. But since then, this girl has been asking every day for a year and a half to tell her a story about a naughty hedgehog, and in such a way that he has a big naughty.

Children like Carlson (see Fig. 2), who himself is a rather rude guy who violates all the rules of decency. They are delighted with the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", in which they also main character also a tough girl. Why do children develop a love for bad heroes?

Rice. 2. B. Ilyukhin. Stamp of Russia (1992) ()

The reason is that our life in society implies certain limitations. We are taught from childhood to these restrictions: not to do so, it is not good, it is indecent, it is impossible. And naturally, a feeling of lack of freedom accumulates. And it leads to the fact that when a person is shown a person or some creature that has freedom, violates something, then the image of this person or creature becomes attractive.

Interestingly, often criminals are people who have stopped developing and behave at the level of 13-15-year-old children. That's what they call each other - "boys". As if on purpose they emphasize their underdevelopment in certain areas. And these guys oppose excellent students and “teachers”, where, say, businessmen can be excellent students, and law enforcement agencies can be “teachers”. The essence is the same as in childhood.

Mankind has been accumulating mechanisms to deal with such tensions that arise in society. For example, carnivals are a means of combating fatigue from a rigid hierarchy: nobles, common people, serfs, etc. This is a carnival city European culture. At some point, everything turns upside down: who was nothing, he becomes everything. Much has been written about this, if you wish, study it yourself.

Another mechanism is called "scapegoat".

Scapegoat (otherwise called "Azazel")- in Judaism, a special animal, which, after the symbolic imposition of the sins of the whole people on it, was released into the desert. The rite was performed on the holiday of Yom Kippur during the time of the Jerusalem Temple (X century BC - I century AD). The ritual is described in the Old Testament.

We are looking for such a mechanism in art. One of the ancient researchers of art said that in the theater a person experiences something that in ordinary life he does not have the opportunity to do. For example, he sees how someone outraged beats a neighbor, some kind of drama is played out, and he experiences catharsis, purification.

Catharsis - empathy for the highest harmony in tragedy, which has an educational value.

Woland is an incredibly charming character, although he is the devil. Evil would not be evil if it were not charming. After all, otherwise it would be disgusting, no one would even want to pay attention to it, people would be able to distinguish sin. Therefore, the task of evil is to seduce, to attract. Woland seduces with his strength, you want to lean against him. He does whatever he wants, for example, he allows some bad person to turn his head:

“By the way, this one,” here Fagot pointed to Bengalsky, “I'm tired of it. He pokes around all the time, where he is not asked, spoils the session with false remarks! What would we do with him?

- Blow his head off! - said someone sternly in the gallery.

- How do you say? As? - Fagot immediately responded to this ugly proposal, - to tear off his head? This is an idea! Hippopotamus! - he shouted to the cat, - do it! Ein, bloom, dry!

And an unimaginable thing happened. The fur on the black cat stood on end, and he mewed piercingly. Then he curled up into a ball and, like a panther, waved straight at Bengalsky's chest, and from there jumped onto his head. Rumbling, with plump paws the cat grabbed the entertainer's thin hair and, howling wildly, tore off this head from his full neck in two turns.

Is it possible to distinguish between good and evil? Someday you will definitely come across Goethe's Faust (see Fig. 3). There are words that became the epigraph to The Master and Margarita:

“... So who are you, finally?

I am part of that force

That always wants evil.

And always does good.

Goethe. "Faust"

Rice. 3. Cover for the book by I.V. Goethe "Faust" ()

Perhaps the devil is initially allowed to do that evil that will turn into good. After all, Woland does not punish very much good people: all those whom he punishes are sinful in some way. Therein lies the charm. Perhaps this is the charm of the revolution, because the newly come power punishes the bored aristocrats, the bourgeoisie, there is a seeming quick solution to all the accumulated issues.

There are many different definitions of evil. Believers sometimes follow St. Augustine (see Fig. 4) and say that there is no evil, there is a lack of good:

“On this basis, was Augustine ready to answer the key question? “Where is the evil, and from where and how did it creep in here? What is its root and its seed? Or does it not exist at all? To this Augustine replied: “Evil is not any essence; but the loss of good is called evil.”

Greg Coakle. (translated by P. Novochekhov)

Rice. 4. S. Botticelli "Augustine in Clausura" (1495) ()

Indeed, one can think so, say that there are no rays of darkness, there is only a lack of light, and the Lord is omnipotent and all-good, but this goodness is not always enough. And you can notice such a trend - the complication of nature itself, not only at the physical level, but also at the cultural one. Studying history, you understand that society is becoming more complex, laws are becoming more complicated. The system of checks and balances, various branches of government - these are all the complications of society. This is the general increase in goodness - complexity. And evil is resistance to this evolutionary process - simplification.

It is easy to think that officials, bourgeois, Jews, and anyone else are to blame for everything, and in general our nation is the greatest, and everyone else is somewhere below (we, unfortunately, had to observe the result of this in the middle of the 20th century). But it is difficult to think that all animals are important, that there are no harmful and bad ones, that all cultures are important, because these are different ways of life, solving some social issues. Then comes the understanding that evil is a forced simplification, the simplicity of a theory.

Some books, such as The Master and Margarita, require understanding who their author is. Bulgakov (see Fig. 5) himself said that he was a mystical writer:

“... black and mystical colors (I am a mystical writer), which depict the countless ugliness of our life, the poison that impregnates my tongue, deep skepticism about the revolutionary process taking place in my backward country, and opposing it to the beloved and Great Evolution ... stubborn image of the Russian intelligentsia as the best layer in our country…”.

M.A. Bulgakov. An excerpt from a letter to the government of the USSR,

Rice. 5. Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov ()

Sometimes Bulgakov is credited with the word occultist. In the novel, the author immediately declares that Matthew Levi writes incorrectly, confusingly:

“These good people,” the prisoner began and, hastily adding: “hegemon,” he continued: “They didn’t learn anything and everyone mixed up what I said. In general, I begin to fear that this confusion will continue for a very long time. And all because he misrecords me.

There was silence. Now both diseased eyes looked hard at the prisoner.

“I repeat to you, but for the last time: stop pretending to be crazy, robber,” Pilate said softly and monotonously, “follow you

Not much is recorded, but enough is recorded to hang you.

- No, no, hegemon, - all straining in the desire to convince, he spoke

arrested - walks, walks alone with goat parchment and continuously

writes. But once I looked into this parchment and was horrified. Absolutely nothing of what is written there, I did not say. I begged him: burn you

For God's sake, your parchment! But he snatched it out of my hands and ran away.”

M.A. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

Needless to say, the reader is being drawn into a black mass. This work can be called a good textbook on how to distinguish a masterpiece in an artistic sense from what it tells us.

“At the same moment, something flashed in Azazello’s hands, something softly clapped his hands, the baron began to fall on his back, scarlet blood spurted from his chest and flooded his starched shirt and vest. Koroviev put the bowl under the beating stream and handed the filled bowl to Woland. The baron's lifeless body was already on the floor at that time.

"I'm drinking your health, gentlemen," Woland said softly and, raising the cup, touched it with his lips.

Then the metamorphosis happened. Gone was the patched shirt and worn shoes. Woland found himself in some kind of black mantle with a steel sword on his hip. He quickly approached Margarita, offered her a cup and said commandingly:

- Drink!

Margarita felt dizzy, she staggered, but the cup was already at her lips, and someone's voices, and whose - she did not make out, whispered in both ears:

- Do not be afraid, queen ... Do not be afraid, queen, the blood has long gone into the ground. And where it spilled, bunches of grapes are already growing.

M.A. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

The reader forgives sinners, and people who simply stumbled or did not understand something are severely punished. In order to distinguish where the writer lures us along with his work, you need to read and think.

It is impossible to try on the measurements of an artist, what he should do and what not. Let's remember Pushkin:

Poet on inspired lyre
He rattled with an absent-minded hand.
He sang - rather cold and haughty
Around the uninitiated people
He listened pointlessly.
And the stupid mob explained:
“Why does he sing so loudly?
In vain hitting the ear,
To what end is he leading us?
What is he babbling about? what does it teach us?
Why does the heart worry, torment,
Like a wayward sorcerer?
Like the wind, its song is free,
But like the wind and barren:
What use is it to us?"

A.S. Pushkin. "The Poet and the Crowd"

That is, the author always does what he sees fit. And the reader should use the work as a tool. His task is to understand how to do this, what good and evil are, why evil is charming.

And the solution to the problem that children and adults often like breakers of the rules is that a person needs to be educated in time so that he commits violations in the direction that is called progress. If Lenin had graduated from a technical university, we might have had another Lobachevsky. And so, reading his “State and Revolution”, you think how sad it all is, everything is gone, it has nothing to do with us now. The revolution is made by scientists, technologists, engineers, and the revolutionaries only stop the movement.

The system of lessons based on the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

“The program on Russian literature aims the teacher at a deep and comprehensive analysis of the famous book by M.A. Bulgakov, its correlation with the traditions of world literature, the disclosure of the allegorical and symbolic content, the complexity of the philosophical, moral and social issues. Based on the requirements of the program, we can offer the following system of lessons.

Lesson 1. Biography of the writer. Analysis of the reader's perception of the novel "The Master and Margarita". The originality of the composition of the work.

Lesson 2 The satirical skill of the writer.

Lesson 3 artistic creativity in the novel. MASSOLIT. Writer's tragedy of the Master. The fate of Ivan Homeless.

Lesson 4 Woland, Master and Margarita. Faust and the Master. Woland and Mephistopheles.

Lesson 5 Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate.

Lesson 6. Theme and idea of ​​the novel. General lecture of the teacher. Preparation for writing.

Considering that in last years there were numerous publications about the novel by M.A. Bulgakov, we make the main emphasis in the article on the organization of research and analytical work with the class; teachers will select materials for generalizations on their own from those available sources that are recommended by the author.

The first lesson is worth starting introductory remarks about the writer's fate of Mikhail Bulgakov, to emphasize that most of his works reached the reader only in the 60-80s, since until that time they were banned. Messages about the life and work of the writer can be prepared by students, for which one should use the “Biography of Mikhail Bulgakov” by M. Chudakova, an article by N.D. Boborykin or L. Yanovskaya's book. During the lesson, a filmstrip "Mikhail Bulgakov" is viewed.

You can also prepare a journey "Through the pages of the writer's books." In order to organize it, a council is being created, which determines the range of M.A. Bulgakov, which the class will get acquainted with, the form of presentation of the material is determined, creative groups are created. Each of the groups studies the works recommended for reading and prepares their own report about them in accordance with the chosen form: either it will be a report by one student, supplemented by reading individual episodes in faces, or literary dramatizations of excerpts from works are being prepared, and so on. The preparation of each creative group is led by consultants in literature from among the students.

After the reports of each creative group, the teacher sums up the trip and notes the most interesting messages.

Then a conversation is organized with the students about the impact the book had on them. The following questions are used:

What is your impression of the novel "The Master and Margarita"? How did you understand it?

What pages do you like?

When reading which episodes of the novel did you find it difficult to keep from laughing?

What episodes did you find dramatic and even tragic?

How do you evaluate the figure of the Master? Did the writer succeed in his image?

Which of the other characters in the novel do you remember?

Which characters are more in it - positive or negative? Why?

What makes it difficult to perceive the course of events in the novel?

What main storylines can you name? Make a plot plan.

It is very important to ensure that the exchange of views on the novel by M.A. Bulgakov was held in the form of a discussion, which allows you to develop the skills of competent polemics, the ability to freely exchange thoughts. At the end of the conversation, the teacher does not refute the opinions expressed, does not give preference to any of them, but notes the most interesting and meaningful speeches, invites you to think about the novel in order to compare the initial impressions with what will result from the analysis in the last lesson.

As homework for the second lesson, students reread chapters 4, 7, 9, 12, 17, 27 and choose episodes from them that characterize the life of Moscow in the 30s of the 20th century.

The second lesson begins with a test of how well the material about the life and work of the writer has been assimilated. Control questions:

Tell us about the writer's childhood and youth. Why did M. Bulgakov decide to choose the profession of a doctor?

What was the attitude of the future writer to the February and October Revolution? How did he end up in the Volunteer Army?

Tell me about the start literary activity M. Bulgakov.

How was the fate of his dramatic works?

What forced M. Bulgakov to write a letter to the Government of the USSR? What was Stalin's reaction to this message?

When did the writer start work on The Master and Margarita?

What was the path of M. Bulgakov's books to the general reader?

What is the attitude towards the writer's work today?

Then the teacher says that the image of Moscow in M. Bulgakov's novel is one of the most important. Students analyze episodes selected at home using the following questions and tasks:

What characteristic episodes of Soviet life are present in M. Bulgakov's novel?

What meaning does the writer put into the name “bad apartment”?

Who is called "Woland's henchmen"? What happens to Styopa Likhodeev and Nikanor Ivanovich, Varenukha and Rimsky? Why is none of them capable of resisting evil?

Pay attention to chapter 12 "Black magic and its exposure". Read expressively Woland's words about the Soviet people. How do you understand his reasoning? How do Muscovites behave in episodes with money and in the “fashionable ladies' store”? Why did Woland need to arrange such a performance?

What are the latest adventures of Koroviev and Behemoth in torgsin and restaurant MASSOLIT? How did you understand Koroviev's words about trade? Why did Behemoth and Koroviev destroy both the store and the restaurant?

We know the Petersburg of Pushkin, Gogol, Nekrasov and Dostoevsky, Griboedov's Moscow. What is characteristic of Mikhail Bulgakov's Moscow?

The lesson ends with a generalization of what has been learned, for which the material about the adventures of Woland and his retinue in Moscow, presented in the article by A.K. Kiseleva.

At home, students should choose from chapters 5 and 28 a description of the morals of the contemporary writer's environment for M. Bulgakov. Particular attention should be paid to chapter 13, which contains the dramatic history of the Master.

The third lesson should begin with a comparison of the writer's fate of the Master with the life of Mikhail Bulgakov himself. The source material can be the facts of the writer's biography already known to students, considered in the first lesson, and the content of the 13th chapter of the novel.

Then the teacher moves on to the problems of artistic creativity, which are touched upon in the book. It is necessary to immediately draw the attention of students to how satirically acutely M. Bulgakov portrayed the literary and writing environment. The following questions are used for analysis:

What are Woland and Berlioz arguing about in the 1st chapter? What prompted such a topic?

Why don't Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny understand Woland?

What was the "seventh proof"?

What happened to Ivan Bezdomny, who pursued Woland?

How does M. Bulgakov describe the house where MASSOLIT is located? Read this description out loud.

What problems are the members of MASSOLIT busy with?

How did Ivan Bezdomny behave in the restaurant? How did he later characterize Ryukhin? What thoughts awakened in Ryukhin under the influence of Homeless's words?

Expressively read the comic dialogue between Koroviev and Behemoth about the writers before the arson of the restaurant in Griboedov's house from Chapter 28. Why did M. Bulgakov put words of accusation into the mouth of evil spirits?

Tell the story of the Master. Why did he present it to Ivan Bezdomny?

Who organized the persecution of the Master?

How did Margarita take revenge on his persecutors?

About whom did the Master write his novel? What dictated the choice of plot and characters?

What drove the hero crazy? How did he get into the clinic?

What conclusions did Ivan Bezdomny make for himself after his meetings with Woland and the Master?

How do the stories of the Master and Ivan Bezdomny end in the novel?

Summing up the work, the teacher says that the morals prevailing in the writing environment are subjected to especially sharp and merciless criticism in the novel. Paradoxically, but the writers, called upon to reflect on the highest things in life - on the purpose of a person, on his place in the world around him, on the ways of the development of society, Bulgakov is concerned about something completely different: they achieve profitable business trips, high fees, expansion of living space, obtaining horticultural areas and so on. None of them ever reflect on literature, except for the very first conversation between Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny. Members of MASSOLIT are mediocre and soulless philistines and townsfolk who dream of benefits and material benefits and are ready to slander and denigrate anyone for their sake. This is what happened to the Master: critics Latunsky, Ahriman and others like them defame his book even before it was published and brought the author to a psychiatric hospital, to a mental breakdown, when he destroyed his own offspring with his own hands.

The master who wrote about the greatest event in the spiritual life of mankind - the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, turns out to be a stranger in the writer's environment. His contemporaries have renounced God - they don't need him, just as they don't need the Master's novel, and that's why they attack him so unanimously. Here we see a clear parallel of the own fate of Mikhail Bulgakov and the Master, because, as you know, out of almost two hundred articles and reviews about the writer's works published during his lifetime, only two were positive.

And it is quite natural that the life of the House of Writers is concentrated not in discussion rooms and literary studios, but in a restaurant in which Woland's henchmen set a fire at the end of their Moscow adventures, depriving artisans from literature of their most pleasant and convenient way of spending time.

The only positive character belonging to the writing community is Ivan Bezdomny, who realized that high poetry was not for him, and therefore dropped his pseudonym and became professor Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev. But the collision with powerful mystical forces left its mark on his entire subsequent life, and from time to time he is subject to attacks of unusual melancholy, pulling him out of the captivity of everyday life.

After summarizing what has been learned, the teacher suggests re-reading chapters 19-24 and 29-31 of M. Bulgakov’s novel and the first part of Goethe’s Faust for the next lesson, paying special attention to scenes 7-25 in which the story of Faust and Margarita is told.

In the introductory part of the fourth lesson, it is worth pointing out the large amount of analytical work that needs to be done: students must compare M. Bulgakov’s novel with the greatest work I.V. Goethe - philosophical tragedy "Faust". First of all, it makes sense to refer to the similarity of the characters and the situations in which they find themselves in both works. The lesson can be held in the form of a seminar, during which each group of students receives a problematic task.

What epigraph did the writer choose for his novel? Why exactly these words of Mephistopheles? What is the connection between Woland's actions and the epigraph?

How do you assess Margarita's self-sacrifice? Why did she enter into a deal with Woland? Why does he utter the words: “Never ask for anything”?

Compare the characters of the main characters of Faust and The Master and Margarita. How does Bulgakov's Margarita differ from the meek Gretchen Goethe?

Compare Faust and the Master. What did they both devote their lives to? Why did Faust make a pact with Mephistopheles?

What episodes of "Faust" do the scene of the novel "Satan's Ball" echo? What is its ideological and artistic load?

Compare the appearance of Woland in M. Bulgakov's novel with the appearance of Mephistopheles before Faust in Goethe's tragedy. How does Bulgakov's Woland differ from his predecessor Mephistopheles? At what point in Faust's state of mind does Mephistopheles appear?

Why in Bulgakov's novel no one, except for the Master and Margarita, recognized Satan?

Compare Woland's words about the man in chapters 1 and 12 of The Master and Margarita with the words of Mephistopheles from the Prologue in Heaven philosophical tragedy Goethe. What gives credibility to the reasoning of both characters?

The lesson-seminar ends with a summary of the work. Describing the role of Woland in Bulgakov's novel, it should be noted that he does not look like a traditional tempter, an enemy of the human race: he punishes sinners here, on earth, for the evil committed; Styopa Likhodeev, Varenukha, Rimsky and many other characters in the book become victims of the henchmen of the prince of darkness and himself. In this regard, we should once again return to the epigraph of the novel and clarify how the development of the action deepens and reveals its meaning.

Both Woland and Mephistopheles appear before the characters at the same time - at the hour of a severe spiritual crisis, when the whole previous life seems in vain: at such a moment Faust brings a goblet of poison to his lips, and the Master burns his creation. However, Faust, being a true son of the Age of Enlightenment, selflessly seeks the truth and fights Mephistopheles, having won this duel. The master, however, does not meet with Woland; instead, Margarita enters into an alliance with the dark forces.

The image of Margarita acquires an independent meaning; it is not for nothing that her name is placed in the title of the novel. This is a strong and purposeful person, going his own way. If the meek Gretchen Goethe flatly refused an alliance with Mephistopheles and saved her soul at the cost of her life, then Bulgakov's heroine voluntarily enters into a deal with Woland and is proud of it. Transformed into a witch, she plays the role of Satan's prom queen. Believing him, she drinks the goblet of drink and gives it to the Master, after which both fall dead. Here is the same motive as in Faust - both Margarita and Gretchen are unwitting poisoners of their loved ones: "Poisoner!" whisper the numb lips of the Master.

The hero calls himself not a writer, but a Master, and Margarita also calls him. The word "master" in the novel is used in the sense of "creator" - this is exactly the capacity of the author of the book about Pontius Pilate and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In the secluded basement of the Master, Margarita learned not only the happiness of great love, but also the joy of participation in creativity: the completion of the book that he created became the meaning of her life.

But the Master destroyed his creation with his own hands, betrayed himself. With this act, he summoned Woland, the prince of darkness. And he, in order to master the soul of the creator, chooses Margarita as his instrument. At the end of the novel, when the clownish masks are thrown off, Woland and his gloomy retinue race on horseback towards the approaching darkness, taking with them the souls of the Master and Margarita. The ending of the work is deeply pessimistic, it testifies that the person lost the duel to the forces of evil, and in this sense, the ending of The Master and Margarita is the exact opposite of Faust, which is imbued with faith in the strength and capabilities of man.

Materials for a generalizing description of the image of Woland can be taken from the article by M.A. Brodsky (5).

The fifth lesson opens with the students' reports about the history of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, which they prepared on the basis of the texts of the Gospels. The teacher may offer to compare the canonical gospel texts with the story of Yeshua Ha-Nozri, set forth in the novel by M. Bulgakov. (For comparison, it is advisable to use chapter 27 of the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 15 of the Gospel of Mark, chapter 23 of the Gospel of Luke, chapter 19 of the Gospel of John.) The discrepancy between the novel and the canonical gospel texts is mentioned in the already mentioned article M.A. Brodsky; the specified material can be used as a generalization to the first part of the lesson. Then work begins on the chapters of Bulgakov's novel with the help of the teacher's questions.

Compare the "gospel" chapters of Bulgakov's novel, which tell the story of Yeshua Ha-Nozri, with the "Prologue in Heaven" from Goethe's tragedy. God giving Faust into the hands of Mephistopheles, and God giving his son to be tortured - is there a parallel here?

What is the place of Yeshua in the system of images of the novel? Why are the chapters about him the ideological and philosophical center of Bulgakov's novel?

How is the procurator of Judah depicted in chapter 2?

How does he feel about Yeshua?

What surprised the procurator in Yeshua's story?

What is Yeshua arguing with Pontius Pilate about? How do you understand Yeshua's words that it is not the procurator who has power over his life?

From what moment of the conversation did the procurator feel the danger?

Why did he approve the death sentence of the Lesser Sanhedrin?

Why do Caifa and Pontius Pilate hate each other? What relationship connects them?

How is the suffering of Matthew Levi described in chapter 16? How was he willing to help Yeshua?

Why did Pilate not want to tell Aphranius directly about his desire to take revenge on Judas?

Read chapter 26, Burial, carefully. What does Pontius Pilate regret? What dream does he have on the night after the execution?

Why does the procurator want to show mercy to Matthew Levi? Why doesn't he accept it?

At what point does Matthew Levi soften?

What is the final fate of Pontius Pilate?

Why do all the storylines converge in the last chapter of the novel?

Characterizing the Christian-evangelical storyline of Bulgakov's book, the teacher can use the articles of A. Korablev and L.F. Kiseleva.

In preparation for the last lesson, students should think about the theme and idea of ​​the novel by M.A. Bulgakov and define them in your own words.

The sixth and last lesson is built as a lesson-generalization. It begins with a conversation on the content of the entire work.

How did you understand the ending of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel?

What is the main idea of ​​the work?

How does the novel deal with the issue of eternal human values?

How is the problem of the artist and power solved in the novel?

What is the originality of the composition of the work?

What features of the writer's style can you list after reading the novel? What are the features of the narrative in each storyline?

What vocabulary does the writer use when depicting Moscow in the 1930s? How does the writer's poetic syntax change when the narrative goes back to the distant past, to New Testament times?

Compare your initial impressions of the novel with what you discovered in it after completing the analysis. How has your perception of Bulgakov's book changed? What remains unclear?

After the conversation with the students, a general lecture by the teacher follows, which speaks about the originality of the composition of the novel, the skill of satirical generalizations, the richness of the subject matter and the depth of the ideological content.

The main book of M.A. Bulgakov is distinguished by the complexity of the plot construction, it intertwines the stories of Yeshua Ga-Notsri and Pontius Pilate, the Master and Margarita, Ivan Bezdomny, there are reminiscences from Goethe's Faust, the adventures of Woland and his retinue in Moscow and their influence on destinies are described minor characters. All this not only creates a unique image of the work, but also makes it difficult to perceive.

Bulgakov's mastery of satire was fully manifested in the novel. Many of the book's scenes, in particular the antics of Koroviev, Behemoth and Azazello, are laughable, especially in chapter 12, where the scenes in the "fashionable ladies' store" are described in a magnificent grotesque manner. No one is able to resist Woland's henchmen, because according to the dominant atheistic ideology, evil spirits simply do not exist. In addition, the overwhelming majority of the characters in The Master and Margarita, not without reason, can be called "dead souls" - they are petrified in the limitations of once and for all hardened dogmas.

It should be noted that Bulgakov's Woland is a curious figure, he is not devoid of nobility, acts as a defender of order, punishes the evil and unjust. This interpretation of the image of evil contains Bulgakov's great insight, he depicted in the novel a special world - order without mercy, strength without kindness, cruelty without justice. The writer reveals the deep, satanic nature Stalinist power which is based on inhumane principles, and it took long and long years before its true nature was revealed.

Tragically lonely in the novel is the figure of Yeshua Ha-Nozri, who embodies the good beginnings of life. There is a simple and firm strength in him, he rejects all compromises with the authorities, although he is well aware that this threatens him with death. His great example prompted the Master to create a novel, but human weakness prevented the hero from enduring his journey to Golgotha ​​to the end, he is broken. He longs for only one thing - peace, and peace is graciously granted to him on the last pages of the novel. The master is just as lonely among people as Yeshua, only Margarita and Ivan Bezdomny were able to understand him. Thus, Bulgakov's book is also a novel about the tragic loneliness of the master-creator in this world.

At the end of the lesson, after a generalizing lecture by the teacher, the following approximate essay topics are offered:

1. The tragedy of the Master and Margarita.

2. The skill of Bulgakov the satirist in the novel The Master and Margarita.

3. How do I understand the universal and philosophical meaning of Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita".

4. Faustian theme in the novel "Master and Margarita".

5. The dialectic of good and evil in Mikhail Bulgakov's novel.

Conclusion on chapter 2

So, we found out that when analyzing the novel The Master and Margarita, the most common type of lesson that combines the teacher’s word with the students’ independent work is a lecture with elements of conversation.

The teacher communicates new material, directs the students' thoughts, encourages them to work, and the students solve specific problems, perform mental operations, discover something new for themselves. The task of the teacher is to ensure that the questions addressed to the listeners are born naturally, in the process of the movement of thought, the answers to them are necessarily included in the course of reasoning, and the children feel themselves participants in a joint search for truth.

It is important to take into account the psychological state of the children participating in such a lesson: for those who answer the question, this very question appears to be the most important. Therefore, the teacher during the lecture has to remember all the time about the proportions, about the true place of each question. The listeners should develop an understanding of the problem as a whole, in the correct ratio of the main provisions and points of argumentation, development, and illustration. Therefore, in this lesson, other types are needed. independent work: drawing up a plan or theses, answering questions, etc.

Related to this are the specific objectives of the lessons. Participation in such a lesson requires the student to determine his own position, personal opinion, and identify abilities. The main goal of the lessons on studying the novel is the formation of the ability to work independently, to look for a solution to the problem, fully revealing one's personal qualities. Of course, in other lessons we must strive for this, but still the conversation in more than, for example, a lecture, creates favorable conditions for the realization of the possibilities of each student, for independent knowledge and creativity.

It is possible to distinguish three types of students' activities in the lesson when analyzing a novel:

1) detailed speeches of students on pre-set questions and discussion of both the problems themselves and the speeches;

2) discussion of essays or reports of students;

3) dispute.

The lesson requires the teacher to be serious preliminary work(think over the form of participation of each student, prepare questions, conduct consultations, etc.)

"Linguistic Analysis at School"

Oprya O.V.

Lessons on the work of M.A. Bulgakov

(using critical thinking methods)

The fate and personality of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov are increasingly attracting the attention of researchers, directors, and readers. Books about Bulgakov have been published, films and performances have been staged. But the general reader, the viewer, does not always understand the original ideas, Bulgakov's heroes, the style of his works. At school, the novel "Master and Margarita" is studied in the 11th grade, but schoolchildren do not like to read it. This is explained, as a rule, as follows: “it’s not clear”, “it’s hard to read, it’s boring”, “I only liked the description of Satan’s ball”, “I read some episodes and gave up”, “I didn’t read it because I was bored, I looked at the contents in the book“ All works in summary”, “didn’t read, just watched the movie”, etc.

How can a teacher overcome this attitude? How to awaken interest and desire for thoughtful, critical reading?

In the proposed development of the lessons, emphasis is placed on techniques that will arouse interest in Bulgakov's personality and the novel "The Master and Margarita", help overcome the difficulties of reading, explain many "dark" places, emotionally prepare for the absorption of complex philosophical overtones.

1 lesson

The personality of the writer. The history of the creation of the novel "The Master and Margarita"

Everyone has their own muse, you need to follow it.

From a letter from M.A. Bulgakov to his brother.

Goals :

  1. To convey to the consciousness of students the originality of the personality of the writer, his subtle spiritual world, his deep creative insights;
  2. contribute to the education of a sense of beauty, the ability to reflect;
  3. promote the development of oral monologue speech, imagination.

Type of lesson: correspondence excursion to Bulgakov's house-museum (Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10)

Visibility: portraits of Bulgakov, a mirror, a typewriter, drawings with images of Margarita, the Master, Woland, a cat, illustrations for works, a lamp, an armchair with a blanket, a lantern at the entrance to the classroom.

TCO: computer

During the classes :

The word of the student (in the role of Bulgakov. Sits in a chair, then gets up):

Do you believe in true, faithful, eternal love? Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue! Follow me, my reader, and only me, and I will show you such love! - I am addressing you, people of the 21st century, I, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Each will be given according to his faith. Those of little faith will perish, the unbelievers will go into oblivion, but the strong and strong in spirit will be saved, faith illuminates their path in darkness. I believe, I believe - I repeat after them.

Teacher's word:

And we believe. We believe you, our ingenious Master. We follow the world created by you, the world where your ideas were born, lived and passed into eternity...

Student's word:

May 15, 1891 in the family of professor of the Kyiv Theological Academy Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov and his wife Varvara Mikhailovna in Kyiv, the first child is born - the son of Mikhail. Bulgakov was born into a cultured, intelligent family, the atmosphere of which he absorbed for the rest of his life. After graduating from Kyiv University, he worked in military hospitals, served in the army, published his first works. Even in his gymnasium years, he began to get involved in theater, as a university student, he listened to lectures on the history of the theater. Bulgakov arrived in Moscow in 1921 "to stay there forever."

Teacher's word:

We will walk along Bolshaya Sadovaya Street to the house where the writer lived and worked. It was planned to build a factory in this area of ​​Moscow, but, fortunately, the plan did not materialize. They built houses in which people began to settle. Bulgakov's house, which now houses the museum, is located at the back of the courtyard. We enter the courtyard, revealing a twisted heavy grate. On both sides of a small arch are half-wall drawings for the novel The Master and Margarita (slide show).

The novel "The Master and Margarita" is a special work in the life and work of Bulgakov. Last sunset novel. He worked on it until the last hour of his life, believing that everyone has their own Muse and they must follow it.

Teacher's word:

These words will become the epigraph of our lesson, write it down, but we will return to the meaning of these words. Continue.

The word of the student (in the role of a literary critic):

Bulgakov followed his Muse. Literature became the most important thing for him. He published in many newspapers and magazines in Moscow, got acquainted with writers. By the age of thirty, the young man felt that his destiny was not to be a doctor, but a writer. Days were devoted to work for earnings, and evenings and nights on Sadovaya - for the soul, where Bulgakov's serious prose and dramaturgy matured.

Teacher's word:

Bush of associations

"Bulgakov" is written on the board. What associations do you have when I pronounce this word?

Culture intelligence theater Muse literature prose and dramaturgy

Teacher's word:

Bulgakov possessed a rare lyrical gift, which he realized in his works. Before creating the novel "The Master and Margarita", he wrote works that became the pride of Russian prose and dramaturgy - the novel " white guard", the story " dog's heart”, the play “Running”, “Theatrical Romance”, the novel “The Life of Monsieur de Moliere”, a play about Pushkin “The Last Days”.

Teacher's word: You were given the task to prepare a material about the novel "The White Guard". Each group should now listen to the prepared material, discuss, choose the most necessary and present to the rest of the audience.

Research conversation.

The novel "White Guard" depicts the history of the Kyiv Turbin family, the end of the white movement in Ukraine. The novel captured the deep drama of the representatives of the Russian hereditary intelligentsia who did not accept the revolution. Once in the white camp, the main characters Alexei Turbin and Myshlaevsky are experiencing a spiritual tragedy, the collapse of their life ideas. To them, the heroes of inner honor, the writer opposes moral antagonists - Shervinsky, Talberg, "people of a calculated career", without God in their souls. The play resonates with the idea of ​​the doom of the old world and, first of all, of the White Guard movement.

Bulgakov, referring to the image of "Russian strife", managed to establish the idea of ​​humanity, the inherent value of life, the immutability of traditional moral values.

Teacher's word:

You will certainly read these works, and we are again in the arch that leads to the courtyard of Bulgakov's house.

Question: Who is in the pictures?

Surely you knew. These are the heroes of the novel "Master and Margarita".

Question: Who can you name?

Woland, Yeshua, Pilate, the cat, Margaret, the boar...

Question: What do you know about the history of the creation of the novel?

Fill in the table "I know, I learned, I want to know"

Teacher's word:

I distribute cards with text.

You mark with graphic icons + - knew,? - not clear, - disagree, * - I can add.


Bulgakov read the novel "The Master and Margarita" first to his acquaintances, and the novel, which was distinguished by great political poignancy, made a great impression on the listeners. In the first edition, the novel had variants of titles: "The Black Magician", "The Engineer's Hoof", "The Juggler with a Hoof", "The Son of Beliar", "Woland's Tour". But this version was burned by the writer himself, leaving only the roots of the manuscript. When work resumed, Margarita and her companion, the future Master, appeared in the rough sketches. Due to work in Bolshoi Theater Bulgakov did not have time to correct the written text, and he had the idea to leave work in the theater. The novel was recognized as the main business of life, designed to determine the fate of the writer. "Finish before you die!" - writes Bulgakov in the margins of one of the pages, feeling the approach of a fatal disease - nephrosclerosis.

Already in early editions In the novel, the action began with a scene on the Patriarch's Ponds, there was a session of black magic, and a scene with fantastic money, and Berlioz's funeral. In preparation for writing the novel, Bulgakov read a lot: the Bible, Russian and foreign classics, "The Life of Jesus" by E. Renan, F. Farrar "The Life of Jesus Christ", A. Muller "Pontius Pilate, the Fifth Procurator of Judea and Judge of Jesus of Nazareth", D.Strauss "The Life of Jesus", Brockhaus and Efron Dictionary, works on demonology, studied the works of artists. Researchers have calculated that there are a total of 506 characters in the novel. Bulgakov completed the first version in 1934, and the last one in 1938. During the life of the writer, the novel was not published, although for 20 years the writer's wife Elena Sergeevna made 6 attempts to break through censorship. At the end of 1966 the magazine Moskva still publishes the novel, while 12% of the text was withdrawn. The appearance of the novel, which was read by far not everyone, even in a truncated form, produced a stunning effect. The publication of Bulgakov's works and the study of his work began only in the 1980s.

The novel enjoys great popularity, attention, both from readers and from literary critics.

Teacher's word:

The novel "The Master and Margarita" has a very complex composition. Literary scholars distinguish three around the world: Yershalaim from the time of Jesus Christ, contemporary to the author- the action takes place in Moscow, the eternal supernatural otherworldly.

Question: Why the action takes place in Bulgakov's contemporary setting is understandable, but how to explain the writer's parallel appeal to the gospel events of two thousand years ago, to the other world?

In groups, you should discuss the answer to this question and argue your point of view.

group work

General conclusion after discussion:

Bulgakov created an unusual work - "a text within a text", "a novel within a novel". Parallel to the story about the events in Moscow, in which Satan, the devil appeared, the action of the Master's novel about the gospel times unfolds. The reader must constantly switch from one text to another, and this switching carries the main meaning. Such a two-level composition of the novel is compared by researchers with a folk version - a theater with a nativity scene. The nativity play is a popular version of the mystery play, the characters of which were simultaneously figures of a divine and satanic nature, depicting the struggle between light and dark principles. Of course, the resemblance to the nativity scene is more external.

The meaning of such an appeal of the writer to the gospel images and plots is in a deep inner connection. The Soviet era, in which the writer lived, brought the rejection of faith in God, atheism, the destruction of all spiritual freedoms, the domination of cruel power and censorship, the destruction of dissidents, unquestioning obedience to the leadership line of the party, surveillance by the GPU. The Christian times, to which the writer refers, were also very difficult. Judea in the time of Christ was under the rule of the Romans. Pontius Pilate, the procurator who ruled Judea, felt hatred for the Jews, wanted to destroy their laws, he was accused of "incredible crimes", considered cruel. But the question was not only about the management of Judea, but about the fate of mankind in general. Indeed, in that Judea almost 2000 years ago, the Sanhedrin, Pilate and the crowd passed a sentence on “the wandering philosopher Yeshua Ha-Nozri.” History is back on track.

Teacher's word:

Yes, Sadovaya 302-bis will also have an interesting story. We will hear stories from the characters of the novel themselves (slides depicting characters are shown on the wall).

The word of the student (in the role of Woland):

I am Woland, the prince of darkness, Satan, "the spirit of evil and the lord of shadows." Woland is one of the names of the devil in German. My image has an extensive literary pedigree: the serpent tempting Eve, the spirit of the desert, Mephistopheles in Goethe's Faust, Lermontov's The Demon, Jacques Casot's The Devil in Love, the devil in Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, Vrubel's Demon. In the novel, I am not given a tempting function, I do no evil, but I reveal evil everywhere, I destroy what is to be destroyed. For dishonest swindlers I am a punishment, for the highest spirituality and truth I am a blessing.

The word of the student (in the role of Master):

I am a historian turned writer. I am largely an autobiographical hero. My age at the time of the action of the novel is exactly Bulgakov's age in May 1929.A historian by education, I worked in one of the Moscow museums. He was married, but I do not remember the name of his wife, he lived "lonely, having no relatives and almost no acquaintances in Moscow." I left my wife, my room, bought books, rented a basement on the old Arbat and wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ. The novel brought me a lot of grief, suffering, but also gave me true love.

The word of the student (in the role of Margarita):

My name is Margarita - love. I resemble Goethe's Margarita, but the writer's wife, Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya, also served as my prototype. I leave a rich, wealthy husband for the love of the Master, who wrote a brilliant novel about Pontius Pilate. Having sold my soul to the devil, I save the Master, and we find eternal peace.

Word of the student (as Pontius Pilate):

I am the fifth procurator (viceroy) of Judea in the late 20s-30s. AD, in which Jesus Christ was executed. The son of the king of the astrologer and the beauty of Pila. Fearless warrior and smart politician. People consider me cruel, in Yershalaim everyone whispers about me that I am a ferocious monster. Meeting with the wandering philosopher Yeshua awakens in me true humanity.

Disciple's Word (as Yeshua):

I don't remember my parents, my father was, it seems, a Syrian. I act as the bearer of the highest truth - the truth of goodwill, according to which "a person can do good in addition to and contrary to any selfish considerations, for the very idea of ​​goodness, out of respect for duty or moral law alone." I affirm that there are no evil people in the world. And any power is violence against people, and the time will come when there will be no power.

Teacher's word:

We are again in the courtyard of the Bulgakov house-museum. The writer occupied several rooms on the ground floor in the house on the left. A small bas-relief at the entrance to the museum rooms reminds visitors of the heroes of Bulgakov's works. We enter by a small staircase. Please note that the staircase is an iconic item in the novel The Master and Margarita. A wide majestic staircase leads to the palace of the procurator of Judea, the guests climb the stairs to the ball of Satan (at the top of the stairs they are met by Margarita, Koroviev, a cat).

In the corridor leading to Bulgakov's rooms, there is a huge mirror in a twisted frame. Also a remarkable object: Woland's "entourage" appears from the mirror in the "bad" apartment at number 50. Look at how museum visitors are reflected in the mirror! It should be recalled that the mirror is considered an object that “conducts” otherworldly forces into this world, opening the way to parallel worlds.

Bulgakov's apartment is not large, but he did not immediately receive this housing either. Lack of housing was the hardest circumstance of his life. As the researchers write, a cozy home, books, good clothes, a well-served table were the norm for him. The dream of a roof over his head did not leave him.

The first room… It contains a sculpture depicting Bulgakov sitting on a bench at the Patriarch's Ponds.


Imagine: what is the writer thinking about?

fantasy tree

Teacher's word: Remember how the novel begins?

"Large" writer M.A. Berlioz and the young poet Bezdomny are talking with the devil at the Patriarch's Ponds. Patriarch's Ponds is a place in the center of Moscow, not far from Bulgakov's house. The writer often walked here, visited friends.

Teacher's word:

What kind of person was Mikhail Afanasyevich? What have they experienced?

Under the glass is a doctor's diploma and the writer's medical instruments.

Let's take a look at the many photos.

  1. Photo "Mikhail Bulgakov - University Graduate". She captured Bulgakov in his student years.

⌂ Already in his student years, qualities were developed that will remain with Bulgakov for life - reckless directness, steadfastness and self-esteem.

  1. Photo of Bulgakov's sisters - Nadia, Lelya, Vari, Vera and brother - Nikolai Afanasyevich (a prominent bacteriologist).
  2. Pedigree of Mikhail Bulgakov.

Bulgakov considered the satirist writer M.E. to be his only and favorite teacher. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

  1. There are many photographs of Bulgakov's last wife, Elena Sergeevna, the muse of the writer.

⌂ After Bulgakov's death, the publication of the novel became the meaning of Elena Sergeevna's life. She reprinted it herself and was its first editor. Elena Sergeevna reprinted the novel twice - in 1940 and in 1963. gg.

  1. The personal belongings of the writer - a pistol, a cap.

⌂ “The fight against censorship, whatever it may be, is my duty as a writer…” from a letter to the government of the USSR.

  1. Photographs depicting the writer in the last days of his life. Bulgakov is sick, lying in bed.

“To know, to know,” Bulgakov whispered on his deathbed to Elena Sergeevna, who was bending over him, thinking about the fate of his unpublished books.

On the walls of the rooms there are illustrations for Bulgakov's works, works by contemporary artists.


What episodes of the novel are the artists drawing?

What paints are used?

Do your ideas about heroes match those of the artists?

What characters would you draw? Why?

Group work, flip-chat design

Teacher's word:

Please note that in the corner of the room there is a piano that belonged to the Bulgakov family. Listen to the role of music in the life and work of Bulgakov student report ... (2-3 minutes).

There are two boxes in Bulgakov's house-museum. The first is a mailbox of letters of Love. Read what it says:

“Since the eighties, there has been a tradition of leaving messages on 302bis with wishes for love and inspiration. This place has become mystical for many. Someone found their soul mate, someone made peace with a loved one, someone achieved recognition of their talents.

The second is a box of letters to the Master. Nothing is written on it, but I think it means not only the hero of the novel, but also Bulgakov himself, a recognized genius, a Master.

creative workshop

Write a short message to Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Think about what to write about ... Maybe ask the writer about something?


I suggest watching the mini-sketches prepared in advance from the novel.

1. At the Variety Theater

Woland (majestically): An armchair for me (sits down). Tell me, dear Fagot, what do you think, the population of Moscow has changed considerably?

Koroviev (quietly, but respectfully): Exactly so, sir.

Woland (in heavy bass): You're right. The townspeople have changed a lot, outwardly, I say, like the city itself, however. Appeared ... like them ... trams, cars. But, of course, I'm not so much interested in buses, telephones, but in a much more important question: have these citizens changed internally?

Cat: Yes, this is the most important question, sir.

Woland: Show them, Fagot, something simple to start with.

Koroviev (gun in hand, loudly): - Avek Plezir! One two Three! (shoots). Grab the gold coins, citizens! (shouts out).

2. In apartment number 50.

Cat (in paws - primus): I'm not naughty, I'm not touching anyone, I'm fixing the primus, and I also consider it my duty to warn that the cat is an ancient and inviolable animal.

Commander (throwing the net): Well, inviolable ventriloquist cat, please come here.

Cat: It's over, step away from me for a second, let me say goodbye to the earth. The only thing that can save a mortally wounded cat is a sip of gasoline (drinks from the kettle).

(staging shooting from pistols, attempts to grab a cat).

Cat: I absolutely do not understand the reasons for such harsh treatment of me ...

Cat: Sorry, I can't talk anymore. It is time.

Teacher's word:

Of course, Bulgakov has not yet revealed all his secrets to us. But he will reveal them to us at the next meetings.

2 lesson

Two worlds in the novel "The Master and Margarita"


  1. To convey to the students the originality of the composition of the novel and Bulgakov's philosophical insights;
  2. contribute to the education of a contemptuous attitude towards the philistine and the perception of creativity;
  3. to promote the development of logical, creative thinking, the ability to analyze what has been read.

Type of lesson: lesson - creative conversation.

Visibility: drawings depicting the heroes of 2 worlds, tables on posters or on a computer.

TSO: computer.

During the classes :

Teacher's word:

Do you love to dream? Do you create in your dreams some fantastic worlds known only to you? If yes, then you are on the way with Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, who in his brilliant creative imagination created two different worlds.

Question: What are these worlds?

This is the world of Yershalaim at the time of the birth, messianic preaching and crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the world of Moscow in the 30s of the 20th century.

Question: What is the unusual structure (composition) of the novel "The Master and Margarita"?

In conjunction in one novel, stories about these two worlds. This is a novel within a novel. And one world is reflected in the other world, as in a mirror.

At home, you had to make a table and fill it out:

"Two worlds. Parallels and Reflections»

World of Moscow in the 30s. 20th century

World of Yershalaim early. ad.

1. Soviet power is depicted (cruelty, persecution of dissent).

1. The power of the emperor Tiberius is depicted. (The governor, subordinate to the authorities, is Pontius Pilate. Everyone whispers about him that he is a cruel monster).

2. In the center - the fate of the creative personality - the Master, the fate of his novel about a wandering philosopher.

2. In the center is the fate of a wandering philosopher who awakens real humanity in Pontius Pilate, the cruel procurator of Judea.

3. Punishment of dishonest people - for example, the traitor Baron Meigel, the opportunist Berlioz, the barman thief, the writers' brethren, etc.

3. Punishment of Judas, punishment of Pilate, etc.

The students continue the table, read out possible parallels and explain why they decided that the episodes are parallel.

The table can be drawn up in the form of an individual map on a computer. Or offer to create an electronic book-encyclopedia, where all the stages of the analysis of the novel will be reflected on separate pages.

Teacher's word:

You read out a table in which you reflected your vision of the parallels between the novel about the devil and the novel about Yeshua Ha-Nozri. But what meaning did Bulgakov put in, depicting two worlds so far apart in time?

First World - Moscow. The novel begins with the image of this world.

Reading out research material prepared by students

Moscow presents in colorfully written episodes: "Evening in the house of writers", "Events in the housing association", "On the garden", "A session of magical magic in the Variety" - this Moscow is Soviet. Signs of the new time are scattered throughout the novel: Solovki, as a real threat of punishment, spy mania (“He is not a foreign tourist, but a spy”), mandatory membership in a trade union (Ivan Bezdomny was asked in the hospital if he was a member of a trade union), denunciations and snitching on the phone (Koroviev and his tricks), total checks of documents (“Do you have a document?”), lies from the stage, secret observations of citizens, non-printing of “dangerous” books, shops for the “rich”, buffets with stale food, arrests.

Question: What character in the Moscow world does the reader encounter first?

Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, chairman of the board of one of the largest Moscow literary associations (MASSOLIT), editor of a thick literary magazine. Berlioz appears on the pages of the novel twice. But if in the first chapter he appears before the reader "of flesh and blood", then in chapter twenty-three the editor has the most fantastic view - a dead head on a golden platter. He cannot be attributed to the main characters of the novel. He dies at the very beginning. But in the course of action, they remember him every now and then. Berlioz is a great literary authority. They bury him according to the “highest category”, as a very significant person.

Question: Why does Bulgakov “force” Berlioz to die?

He is the “mentor” of Ivan Bezdomny, whom he convinces that “the main thing is not what Jesus was like, whether he is bad or good, but that this Jesus, as a person, did not exist in the world and that all the stories about in it - simple inventions, the most ordinary myth ". His consciousness is the consciousness of an ideologist, a leader who is used to sitting not at a desk, but at a restaurant table, along with the owners of "Perelygin" dachas. Berlioz helped the master print an excerpt from the novel, but "attached" the manuscript not in his journal, but in one of the newspapers. And then, seeing that the scandal around the passage was too great, he decided to protect himself by publishing an anti-religious poem about the Christian Jesus, “who actually never lived.”

Question: Did you pay attention to Woland's words: “One, two…Mercury in the second house…the moon has left…six…”? What do they mean?

This meant that the chairman of MASSOLIT was also happy in trade. Mikhail Alexandrovich really brought the traders into the temple of literature and received material benefits in exchange for the renunciation of freedom of creativity. It is no coincidence that his huge beautiful apartment is attacked after his death by his "relatives", but they do not get it, it becomes "bad" and Woland settles in it. Material existence became for Berlioz non-existence.

Question: What is the fate of this character?

The hero receives the final verdict, which was pronounced by Woland at the ball with the word of Christ: "to each will be given according to his faith."

Question: How is the Moscow literary world, headed by Berlioz, characterized in the novel?

MASSOLIT and Griboyedov are very important for characterizing the literary world of Moscow. MASSOLIT is the name of the Moscow Association of Writers invented by Bulgakov, reminiscent of another abbreviation of this time - RAPP: a literary group that has become a symbol of punitive functions in relation to free-thinking artists.

The writers who are members of MASSOLIT play an unseemly role in the novel: Lavrovich, Latunsky, and others destroy the Master and his novel with articles and denunciations. They are indifferent to everything except their career. They are not devoid of either knowledge or intelligence, but all this serves their own career advancement.

"Griboyedov" is a restaurant where the writing fraternity gathers, but not to discuss the future of Don Quixote or Tartuffe, but in order to taste portioned perches a la naturel, sirloins, drink, share Perelygin's dachas. Griboedov is a symbol of not writing, but chewing writers, a symbol of the transformation of literature into a source of saturation for immoderate appetites.


Woland in the novel punishes not only writers, but also ordinary people. How exactly, by what means does the author portray the townsfolk?

The image of Moscow inhabitants is caricature, irony, grotesque, fantasy (repeat from the dictionary if the students do not remember). But the main tool is satire.

The first character is Ivan Homeless. Acquaintance with this character occurs at the very beginning of the novel, when Berlioz and Bezdomny are talking about an anti-religious poem about Jesus Christ, ordered by Berlioz to Bezdomny. For Bulgakov, the work of Homeless is a complete example of anti-art. “It is difficult to say what exactly let Ivan Nikolaevich down - whether the pictorial power of his talent or complete unfamiliarity with the issue on which he was going to write - but Jesus in his image turned out to be quite like a living, although not attracting character.” You should pay attention to the words "complete unfamiliarity." What can consciousness create with complete ignorance of the subject, what can one fantasize, especially in an anti-religious manner!

Question: Is Ivan's character and outlook changing?

The meeting with the Master changes him for a while, but then he falls ill with "omniscience", the true spiritual principle is not available to him, he explains everything that happened by the fact that "in his youth he became a victim of criminal hypnotists." Ivan remains Ivanushka.

Question: What other characters are portrayed satirically and why?

Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy, chairman of the housing association. He is a briber, a swindler. Aloisy Mogarych, who "befriended", ingratiated himself with the Master's trust, wrote a denunciation against him, and evicted him from the apartment. Earphone and scammer Baron Meigel, whose blood Woland drinks. The drunkard taking the wrong place Stepan Bogdanovich Likhodeev. The liar Varenukha, the stingy and crooked bartender Andrey Fokich. Official Nikolai Ivanovich, taking a certificate to justify himself to his wife for flying in the form of a boar. Prokhor Petrovich, whose costume copes with the duties of an official even without its owner. All these heroes are both ridiculed and condemned by the author.

Question: And how is the Moscow public shown at a session of black magic?

The audience present at the session of black magic was united by a passionate love for money, excessive curiosity, atheism, distrust and a passion for revelations. Yes, the citizens have changed a lot in appearance. And internally they are people as people. "Well, they are frivolous, well, well, mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts, ordinary people." The possibility of easy money is intoxicating, money kindles anger, reveals the stupidity that has already accumulated in large numbers in the minds of citizens. And Bassoon tears off the head of the talker Bengalsky not on his own initiative. This ugly proposal came from the gallery. Even when the severed head called for a doctor, no one came to her aid. The audience was not accustomed to seeing such an amount of blood and therefore asked Fagot to forgive the unfortunate entertainer, to put his stupid head back on.

A typical representative of the audience is a woman who went on stage to collect free shoes. She would have to leave with the goods as soon as possible, but she still asks "Won't they reap?". Muscovites are also big liars. They deceive each other and themselves. Annushka, guilty of killing Berlioz by negligence, began to lie when a golden horseshoe accidentally fell into her hands. .

Greed and hypocrisy rule such people.

The Second World - Yershalaim.

Two of his main representatives of the Yershalai world, for the sake of which the Master's novel was written, are Yeshua and Pontius Pilate.

Question: Researchers note that Yeshua Bulgakov is different from the Jesus of the New Testament. How does Yeshua appear to the reader?

In the novel, the Master shows Yeshua as the bearer of the highest truth - the truth of good will, according to which "a person can do good in addition to and contrary to any selfish motives, for the very idea of ​​goodness, out of respect for duty or moral law alone."

“There are no evil people in the world,” says Yeshua. And even the centurion Mark, he characterizes as a kind, albeit unhappy person. Yeshua says all this to the procurator after kind people have betrayed him, tortured him and are about to execute him. Eternal images The Bibles, opened to the Master's consciousness, expand the scale of his work into eternity and infinity, and give special weight to the moral creed. This novel, as it were, focuses global ethical contradictions, which every subsequent generation of people, every thinking and suffering person must solve with their lives.

Question: What was Pilate like before meeting Yeshua?

Reading research material

Fearless warrior and smart politician. (Pilate not only completely commands the turma, but also saves Mark Ratslayer, surrounded by the Germans).

Question: What do the common people think of Pilate, how do they perceive him?

Life is disgusting to him, he despises everyone, cruelty and deceit reign in his soul. "It's you who call me kind person? You're wrong. In Yershalaim everyone whispers about me that I am a ferocious monster, and this is absolutely true,” he says to Yeshua. And Yeshua seemed to echo him: “The trouble is that you are too closed off and have completely lost faith in people.” But he is still able to realize the full horror of his situation. Hence the constant heavy thoughts, and the migraine that torments him. “Oh my gods! I ask him something unnecessary at the trial ... My mind does not serve me anymore ... ”.

Question: What conclusion does Pilate come to after interrogating Yeshua?

“Why did you, a tramp in the bazaar, embarrass the people, talking about the truth about which you have no idea? What is truth? Pilate asks Jesus a question. The encounter with Yeshua evokes in him a complex stream of feelings and thoughts, and he comes to the conclusion that the wandering philosopher is innocent. “... in the now bright and light head of the procurator, a formula has developed. It was like this: the hegemon examined the case of the wandering philosopher Yeshua, nicknamed Ha-Notsri, and did not find corpus delicti in it.. At this time, the procurator observes how the swallow flies out into the wild.

Question: What does this bird symbolize in this case?

Pilate really wants to give up everything and go wandering with Yeshua and Levi Matviy. But Pilate is rather a prisoner than a master in the palace. His consciousness begins to rebel, feeling that Yeshua is right. But he is an official subordinate not even personally to the emperor Tiberius, but to the legate of Syria. That is why Caiaphas sends a threatening letter, that is why Pilate is obliged to make a decision in the interests of the Roman people. And these interests included not causing a riot in Judea. The procurator feels the power of another person over himself and is burdened by it, secretly wanting to get rid of everything connected with the imperial service. Conscience and conscience urge him to save Jesus. Pilate's consciousness did not reconcile himself to a wrong deed: the power of power had not yet seized him enough to calmly send "the philosopher with his peaceful preaching to death." Yeshua awakens true humanity in Pilate, reveals to him the possibilities of a new life.

Question: Why was Pilate punished?

Bulgakov, the philosopher, in this case takes the place of Yeshua, and, despite the objective conditions, the author affirms the highest moral law, according to which there cannot be two correct decisions, but there is only one step towards the truth. And Pilate does not do it. The researcher B. Sarnov comes to the same conclusion: "His fault is that he did not do what, remaining himself, he should have done."

Question: What does Pilate do to justify himself for executing an innocent person?

He avenges the death of Yeshua by the death of Judas. In chapter 25, ironically titled by the writer "How the Procurator Tried to Save Judas from Kiriath," Pilate tells the scenario of the due death of Judas, which is then performed by his clever assistant Aphranius.

Question: Does Pilate receive forgiveness and from whose hands?

The master frees the mind and body of his hero, granting him freedom: “A man in a white cloak with bloody lining got up from his chair and shouted something in a hoarse, broken voice. It was impossible to make out whether he was crying or laughing. It was only visible that, following his faithful guardian, he also ran swiftly along the lunar road.

Question: What role does Kaifa play in the decision to execute Yeshua with his peaceful preaching?

Kaifa is the high priest of the Sanhedrin, who passes judgment on Yeshua. Pilate directly tells him that the Sanhedrin is harboring a rebel, a robber, Bar-Rabban, and Yeshua with his wandering sermon is innocent. But Kaifa is afraid of Yeshua's influence on the crowd, afraid of exposing his own interests.

Question: How do people behave during the announcement of the verdict and during the execution of Yeshua?

Like a crowd that no one can control. Even Pilate recognizes the strength and power of this crowd. “He knew (Pilate) that now bronze coins and dates were flying behind him onto the platform in a hail, that in the howling crowd people, crushing each other, climbed on their shoulders to see with their own eyes a miracle - like a man who was already in the hands death, escaped from these hands!

Question: Are these worlds connected and how?

History repeats itself. Those in power send innocent people to death, people are also happy with any miracle, no matter who it comes from, among people there are traitors, stingers, scammers, cowards, unbelievers, lovers of money .... Yershalaim gives rise to Moscow events, what happened at the turn of history 2000 years ago is happening only in a different version in Moscow in 1930. The philosophy of history at the beginning of our era makes modern man think.

Question: What does Moscow history and the history of the meeting between Pilate and Yeshua teach us?

Teaches conscience, truth, humanity. Teaches you to follow your conscience, to despise cowardice. Remember the epigraph from which we began our acquaintance with Bulgakov: everyone has their own Muse and one must follow it. Bulgakov proved with his life and his bold romance that these are not empty words.

3 lesson

Color, light, sound in the novel "The Master and Margarita"


  1. To convey to students the rich color and sound range of the novel, its connection with the content and mood when reading;
  2. contribute to the disclosure of the inner aesthetic world of the artist, master Bulgakov;
  3. to promote the development of aesthetic perception of artistic reality.

Type of lesson: integrated

Visibility: student drawings

During the classes:

Teacher's word:

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov continues to reveal his secrets to us... And one of the most interesting and unusual secrets of the writer is the visual language used in the novel The Master and Margarita. Creating the "nodal" scenes of the novel, the writer used a rich color scheme, light and sound effects. Let's "decode" the artistic "codes" of Bulgakov. We will have a creative group that listens carefully to our reasoning, conclusions, pays attention to color vocabulary and draws pictures that will be shown at the end of the lesson. And we will write out the color and sound vocabulary for the scenes.

  1. The appearance of Woland in Moscow.

We read: “... once in the spring, at an hourunbelievably hot sunset, in Moscow, on the Patriarch's Ponds, two citizens appeared ... ". The researchers note that the heat becomes a sign of the presence of the devil, the lord of hell. In some religions, heat and heat are the creation of an evil spirit. The sun is scorching mercilessly when Woland and his retinue appear on the Patriarch's Ponds.

Question: What does the devil look like? We read: "... on the left side he had platinum crowns, and on the right - gold. He was expensive in a gray suit, in foreign, in the color of the suit, shoes. Grey he famously twisted his beret into his ear, under his arm he carried a cane with black knob in the form of a poodle's head. Looks like he's in his 40s."

The tradition of depicting the devil in gray has deep roots. You can name, for example, the story of Adelbert Chamisso "The Adventures of Peter Schlemil", where the hero comesmaster in grayand concludes a deal for the sale of an "endless" fiat gold piece.The black poodle, a symbol of demonic, otherworldly forces, a harbinger of death, is important in describing the image of Woland and hints at its functions in the work.

Woland enters into a conversation between the chairman of the board of one of the largest Moscow literary associations, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Berlioz, and the young poet Ivan Bezdomny about the existence of Jesus Christ. Woland considers at the Patriarchs "forever departing from Mikhail Alexandrovich Sun" . Why is the sun called by the writer leaving? Because Mikhail Alexandrovich will be punished by Woland for bringing the merchants into the temple of literature and receiving material benefits in exchange for renouncing the freedom of creativity. It is no coincidence that his huge beautiful apartment is attacked after his death by his "relatives", but they do not get it, it becomes "bad" and Woland settles in it. Material existence became non-existence for the opportunist Berlioz.

Gold - another sign of the devil's presence. Let's pay attention to Woland's eyes: "the right one with golden spark at the bottom, drilling anyone to the core, and the left one - empty and black , <...>like an exit to any bottomless well darkness and shadows ". At the beginning of the novel: "left, green , he's completely insane, and right black and dead."

Let's read what Woland's cigarette case looks like: "It was of enormous size,pure gold, and on the lid when opening it flashedblue and white firediamond triangle". One of the researchers proves that Woland's triangle symbolizes the cornerstone from the parable of Christ - the rejected stone, which has become the head of the corner. And the course of events in "The Master and Margarita" fully corresponds to the parable.Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz And Ivan Homelessagain, nineteen centuries later, they judge Christ and reject his divinity (Homeless) and his very existence (Berlioz).

Golden color unbelievably hot sunset richly yellow apricot foam becomes a harbinger of trouble - the death of Berlioz, the punishment of dishonest Moscow citizens. Dying, Berlioz sees"gilded moon", that is, the moon flooded golden light. With the death of Berlioz begins the Moscow "tour" of Satan.

Let us pay attention to the fact that fire accompanies Woland's retinue until the very end of Moscow adventures. So, leaving apartment No. 50 on Sadovaya, Woland's retinue arranges fire . Koroviev and Behemoth set fire to Torgsin, Griboedov writers' house.

The fate of the Master and Margarita Woland decides on sunset . Through the sky "runs fiery thread , the storm begins.

Azazello comes to the basement to the Master and Margarita to poison them and send them on their way with Woland. They set the basement on fire.

"Then the fire ! - Azazello exclaimed, - the fire with which everything began and with which we all end.

Fire ! Margarita screamed terribly.

Burn, burn old life!

Burn, suffering! shouted Margarita.

The researcher correctly noted that fire does not belong to either evil or good separately, but serves them both, being at the same time an accessory to two worlds. He destroys and cleanses, burns old world so that a new one can be born...

  1. The scene of the meeting of the procurator Pontius Pilate with Yeshua and the execution.

In many ways, this episode of the novel has something in common in terms of color vocabulary with the episode of the arrival of the devil in Moscow.

The procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, appears before the reader in "white cloak with bloodundercut." As the researchers I. Belobrovtseva and S. Kulyus rightly noted, “the color symbolism - red, moreover, expressed by an emphatically evaluative epithet bloody, like the reverse side of white, can be associated with the “eternal” idea for Russian literature about power built on blood” , that is, it confirms the inhumane nature of the power of the procurator. It should be noted that in subsequent scenes of the novel, Woland appears inblack cloak with fire lining.

Question: How is Yeshua dressed?

He is dressed in a blue tunic. In the commentary we read: a large blue tallif, or a cloak made of simple material, is the usual attire of this time in Palestine. Blue was a favorite color among the Jews and was considered sacred.

When the procurator begins interrogating Yeshua, then Sun only visible from the horizon. During the interrogation of Yeshua, the procurator cannot forget about the headache that haunts him. We read from the words: "Still grinning ...". Yeshua stands in front of the procurator on the "ruthless Yershalaim sunshine ". Speaking of the sun, remember that Woland tells Berlioz and Bezdomny that he was on Pilate's balcony during the interrogation of Yeshua! Question: How does Yeshua behave?

He shuns the sun. He stands with his back to the sun.


How does the procurator feel when he learns of Kaifa's refusal to release an innocent wandering philosopher?

He feels cold. Read: "Hecold wetwith his hand he pulled the buckle from the collar of the cloak, and it fell on the sand.

Pilate goes out to the people to announce the forthcoming execution and name the released criminal.The sun accompanieshis torment. We read: “Pilate lifted his head and stuck it right in Sun . Under his eyelids flared green fire, from it caught fire brain…". When the procurator announces the name of the released criminal, the silence is replaced by cries: “Here it seemed to him that Sun , ringing, burst over him and flooded fire ears. In this fire ragedroars, squeals, moans, laughter and whistles».

Yeshua's execution takes place in the sun (" burn by the sun on a pillar”), and only after the curses of Levi Matthew comes a storm that saves the executed. Let's read: Sun disappeared before reaching the sea, in which every evening was drowning. Having swallowed it, across the sky from the west rose menacingly and steadily thundercloud . The cloud grumbled, and from time to time fell out of it fiery threads . Levi fell silent, trying to imagine if he would bring storm, which will now cover Yershalaim, any change in the fate of the unfortunate Yeshua. And then, looking at the threads fire, clearing the cloud, began to ask that lightning hit Yeshua's pillar."

Question: How does the only disciple of Yeshua behave?

He curses God, calling him"black god", demands merciful death for Yeshua.

Question: How is Yeshua described during the execution? Read.

“Happier than others was Yeshua. In the first hour, fainting spells began to strike him, and then he fell into oblivion, hanging his head in an unwound turban. Therefore, flies and horseflies completely clung to him, so that his face disappeared under black moving mass. Fat gadflies sat in the groin and on the stomach, under the armpits and sucked yellow naked body."

  1. Black magic and its exposure.

First of all, you should pay attention to the words"black magic".

Question: Why do you think Woland's magic is called black?

As the researchers note, black magic is sorcery associated with the forces of hell, aimed at evil. Woland's black, harmful magic becomes, first of all, for dishonest people.

When reading this chapter, pay attention to the sound features.

After the announcement of the session of black magic by the entertainer, Woland and his retinue appear on the stage of the variety show (variety show is a place of light entertaining performances, as if a hint at the frivolity of everything that happens). Satan says“slow, heavy bass”, “quietly”, also "quietly" his associates answer him.

But when Woland orders to show tricks, the sounds change to loud ones. The cat calls"incredible" applause, bassoon clicks fingers, "roaringly" shouts, announces "loud goat tenor." After shooting “white papers” begin to fall from the pistol into the hall. Read: "They spun, they were blown apart, hammered into the gallery, thrown back to the orchestra and to the stage.

Question: What is the reaction of the inhabitants of Moscow?

We read: "hundreds of hands were raised", "first fun , and then amazement swept the whole theater", "were heard screaming", "in general, the indignation increased." " Smell also left no doubt: it was the incomparable smell of freshlyprinted money».

Bassoon announces the opening of a "ladies' shop" on the stage of a variety show. And the audience in"cheerful stun" see Persian carpets, huge mirrors, showcases between mirrors , hundreds of ladies' hats, hundreds of shoes -black, white, yellow, leather, satin, suede… Invites the townsfolk to the stage to the store redhead girl in black - Gella. It should be noted that the second character from Woland's retinue - Azazello - has fiery red hair.

Following the first woman who visited the ladies' store, "women entered the scene." reigned on the stageexcited talk, chuckles and sighs. Read: "Late Women torn on stage, off stage flowed lucky girls in ball gowns, in pajamas with dragons, in strict business suits, in hats pulled down over one eyebrow. The bassoon announces that the store is closing, and"incredible fuss"rises on stage. Having exposed the chairman of the acoustic commission, Sempleyarov, the retinue announces the end of the session. Cat"barks" to the whole theater: “Maestro! Cut the march!" and “the insane conductor… waved his baton… the orchestra… didn’t play… cut back some incredible, unlike anything in its swagger march."

Question: What happens after all this in a variety show?

“In the variety show, after all this, something like a Babylonian pandemonium began. To the sampler box fled police, at the barrier climbed curious, heard hellish explosions of laughter, frantic screams, muffled golden cymbals from the orchestra.

Question: What conclusion can be drawn?

Satan's entourage ("the swindler Bassoon and the arrogant cat Behemoth") arranges a carnival show in a variety show to see if people have changed. And they come to the conclusion that people have changed only outwardly (trams, trolleybuses, other equipment appeared), but the inner essence of the inhabitants remained the same. They also love money (the smell of printed money), they are attracted by free shops, they are waiting for a miracle and the revelation of this miracle.

  1. Master and his hero. margarita.

The appearance of the hero occurs only in chapter 13. This is also one of Bulgakov's mysteries.

Q: What does the hero look like?

“... the visitor was dressed in sick leave . He was wearing underwear, shoes on his bare feet, thrown over his shoulders brown coat."

A historian by education, the Master lived alone, having no relatives and friends in Moscow, he does not remember his wife, only her “dress striped ". Having won one hundred thousand rubles, the Master left the room, bought books and rented 2 rooms in the basement on the Arbat.

Question: How is the situation in the Master's basement described?

The hero's world is not devoid of items. But what are these items? “under the fence lilac, linden and maple”, “in my stovefire burned forever”, “a sofa, and opposite another sofa, and between them a table, and on it a beautiful night lamp ... books, books and a stove.

The meeting with Margarita turns the Master's life upside down.

Question: To whom does the Master tell about the meeting with Margarita?

Tells Ivan Bezdomny in Stravinsky's clinic.

Question: How do the characters meet?

On the street, right. But this is not just a street: “We walked along Tverskaya thousands of people but I guarantee you that she saw me one…”.


How does the Master recognize his heroine? What color vocabulary does the author use?

"She carried in her hands the hideous,disturbing yellow flowers... And these flowers stood out very clearly onher black spring coat. She carried yellow flowers! Bad color."


The master perceives the yellow color as bad. What is the symbolism of this color?

Initially, yellow is a symbol of the sun, warmth, it is associated with the spread of something pleasant. It disperses melancholy, inspires faith and optimism. It is this meaning of yellow that is important for us to understand the image of Margarita. The heroine of Bulgakov is tired of her gray life and is looking for her Master, for this she took a bouquet of these yellow flowers in her hands. But, on the other hand, these flowers are "disturbing". Consider the negative value of yellow. In a figurative sense, yellow is associated with deceit, poisoning, a painful onset, deceit, envy. WITH yellow associated with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, delusions, mania, and epilepsy.

Question: How do the characters feel?

Love. “Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and hit us both at once!”

Question: How do you understand the words "like a killer in an alley"?

This love is sudden, but real, amazing, it brings both joy and suffering.

Question: What color is Margaret's hair? How do you imagine her? Describe.

Black hair. We read: “Whirlwinds of the unsmoothed black the hair jumped on the master, and his cheeks and forehead flared up under kisses.

And you really did look like a witch."The black color around Margarita is mystery, and sadness, and mysticism, and everything that made her a witch.

Task: How do you imagine the heroine, describe. Examine the drawings of artists in the Bulgakov House-Museum (on computer slides). What do the artists represent the heroine? What do you think about it?

Question: Margarita gives the Master some kind of gift as a token of their meeting and admiration for his talent. What is this item?

Black beanie with embroidered yellow silk letter "M". A detail of the hero's attire, as the researchers write, which has an autobiographical character. A cap is a ritual item of the author's home clothes: Bulgakov liked to work by candlelight, wearing a cap.

“The black color, of which there is so much in the text, is not only a symbol of darkness, night, evil; in the novel, he appears most often as the color of a riddle, a mystery. Black color is concentrated around Woland and Margarita. The black color around Margarita is mystery, and sadness, and mysticism, and everything that made her a witch. A witch is not an evil being, but a special state of mind, the ability to feel the other world, to "know". Black also acts as the color of evil spirits. But it is also the color of sorrow and mourning. Paired with black in the novel, it appears almost everywhere White color. The color of light and goodness, sky, purity, hope, joy. But it is also the color of cold winter, the color of dispassion. Often in the novel, light and color are identified. In a combination of white and black, a combination of light and darkness is seen. White is also enlightenment. Perhaps the fact that white does not appear without black is a hint of the doom of the master and Margarita in our cruel world. White is sometimes combined with red. It can be hidden - in the light, and clearly. The death of Berlioz is accompanied by a combination of red and white. We also see red in fire. Red is anxiety, like the color of fire, heat and destruction. Like blood. The combination of these colors - white and red - leads to the idea of ​​sacrifice. Red is the color of life, but also the color of death. It is also a symbol of hot, passionate love. That is why the master and Margarita liked to sit by the fire. The combination of black, red and white is tragic, causes a feeling of anxiety and doom. This is a demonic combination. We see him in a cloud going to Yershalaim. And in the episode of the burning of the novel: white paper burns, turning black, and hope burns out ... instead of it, madness appears. Madness is associated with the color yellow. They go together in the novel and in the text. Yellow embroidery on the master's cap, yellow flowers and Margarita's black coat... yellow moon in the black sky...”.

Question: Color vocabulary that accompanies the heroine ( black, yellow ), resembles a color vocabulary that denotes Satan and his retinue, hell (yellow, gold, fiery red, orange, black). Why do you think?

Because Margarita enters into a deal with the devil, saving the life and work of the Master. These colors, as it were, symbolize her future suffering.

Question: Margarita carries yellow flowers, and what kind of flowers does the Master like?

Roses ( pink, red?).

Question: Do you remember which of the heroes of the novel did not like the smell of roses?

Procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate. We read: “More than anything in the world, the procurator hated the smell of pink oil, and everything now foreshadowed a bad day, since this smell began to haunt the procurator from dawn . The procurator felt that pink the cypresses and palms in the garden exude a smell that the accursed pink jet. ... and the same bold pink spirit. Oh gods, gods, why are you punishing me?"

Question: Why do you think there is such a contrast in the perception of the same color by the Master and his hero (and by Pilate also the smell)?

Roses are a symbol of the suffering of Christ, since the path to Calvary was strewn roses (the path of the roses of Christ). Pink Pilate feels the smell and this smell “tells” him that an innocent person will be sent to execution (it drives him crazy). And the Master loves roses, since his double - Yeshua - chose this path. roses - a symbol of the suffering of the Master, his involvement in the highest spiritual. Roses are the life companions of the Master and Margarita in the cellar. The crumbling red petals on the title page will remain in the Master's memory as a symbol of the collapse of his hopes and happiness. Margarita will keep the petals of a dried rose as the most precious thing in her life.

Question: Margarita appears in daylight, but how does the Master appear?

The master appears at night, like a lunar hero in the moon: “... a mysterious figure appeared on the balcony, hiding from moonlight ... ".

As the researchers note,the moon is the most important symbol of the novel. Moon - mysterious lamp universe. In the novel, the moon appears at the very different form dozens of times.

The moon shines on Margarita's back when she flies to Woland's ball (flight on a full moon night).

The light of the midnight moon accompanies the return of the Master from the Stravinsky Clinic.

The moon is the main satellite of Pontius Pilate after the execution of Yeshua:

Tortured by the perfect execution of Yeshua and the death of Judas rigged out of revenge (which also takes place in the moonlight), the procurator stares at"naked moon".

Question: What dream does the procurator see?

He sees lunar "luminous" road, along which he walks, accompanied by Bungy and a wandering philosopher. They are arguing about something very important, and this journey confirms that there was no execution. The beauty of traveling up the stairs of the moon is that Yeshua is alive.

The restless light of the moondoes not give rest to the procurator.

According to the researchers, beliefs were widespread, according to which Jesus Christ is the night luminary. They argued whether Jesus was the moon. It is characteristic that with the advent of the moon, the procurator is tormented by insomnia.

The release of Pilate from two thousand years of captivity by the Master is also accomplished by the light of the moon. “The moon flooded the platform green and bright, and Margarita soon made out an armchair in the desert area and in it a white figure of a seated person.”

Question: What is the procurator thinking about as he sits in his chair?

“... the same thing, he says thatunder the moon he has no restand that he has a bad position. So he always says when he is not sleeping, and when he sleeps, he sees the same thing - lunar way, and wants to go along it and talk to the prisoner Ha-Notsri, because, as he claims, he did not finish something then, long ago, on the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan. But, alas, for some reason he fails to get out on this road, and no one comes to him ....

- twelve thousand moons for one moon once, isn't that too much? Margaret asked.

- ... Margarita, don't disturb yourself here. Everything will be right, the world is built on this.”

The moon (Yeshua) brings Pilate long-awaited forgiveness, eternal shelter.

Let us read: “The mountains turned the voice of the Master into thunder, and the same thunder destroyed them. Damned rocky walls fell. Only the platform remains stone chair. Over black an abyss into which the walls have gone, caught fire vast city with those who reign over it sparkling idols over a garden that grew luxuriantly over many thousands of these moons. Directly to this garden stretched the long-awaited procurator moon road , and the sharp-eared dog was the first to run along it. Man inwhite cloak with bloodhe got up from his armchair and shouted something in a hoarse, broken voice. Couldn't make outwhether he cries or laughs. It was only visible that, following his faithful guard, moon road He ran fast too."

As the researchers note, the ideas about the truth and falsity and multidimensionality of being are also correlated with the moon. So, already after the death of Berlioz, Ivan Bezdomny, precisely “in the moonlight, always deceptive light”, for a moment sees the true appearance of Woland, as he appears before the reader in the ball scene - with a cane and a sword. And in the final scenes, Homeless, who became a student of the master, on the full moon in a prophetic dream, was given a true vision of things. Only when it starts"lunar flood" When "moon floods the bed"The homeless man falls asleep with a happy face.

Question: What brings the Master his brilliant novel?

Suffering, bullying, loss of reason, at home, a beloved woman, being in a psychiatric clinic, on the one hand.

On the other hand, the love of Margarita, the attention of Yeshua and Woland, and the reward - eternal rest.

Question: How do you understand the words of Levi Matthew "he didn't deserve the light, he deserved peace"? Why Master light is not given?


Light - a certain symbol of the Christian aspirations of the soul (faith, love, gratitude for the gift of life, the absence of despondency), and peace is a reward for talent, for the suffering experienced, for a sensitive heart that can guess.

  1. Great Ball with Satan.

Let us trace the role of color and sound in the scene of Satan's ball.

Question: What unusual object does Margarita see before the ball in Woland's chambers? What does it mean?

"strange, as if alive andilluminated from one sidesun globe. It serves as proof of the power and omnipotence of Woland, the implementation of some "divine functions" by him: he controls not only the lives of individuals, but of all mankind, administers judgment and has omniscience.

Question: What does Margarita look like at Satan's ball?

Pink robe, pink shoes with gold buckled, royal head diamond crown, on the chest - “in an oval frame an image black poodle on a heavy chain.

Question: How are the ballrooms decorated?

We read: “There were no columns in the next hall, instead of them there were wallsred, pink, milky white roseson the one hand, and on the other - a wall of Japanese terry camellias. Between these walls beat, hissed fountains and champagne boiled up bubbles in three pools, of which the first was -transparent purple, the second - ruby, the third - crystal.

Bulgakov's encyclopedia states that cultural tradition Western European peoples of antiquity and the Middle Ages roses acted as the personification of both mourning and love and purity. Roses have long been included in the symbolism of the Catholic Church. Even the prominent theologian Ambrose of Milanthe rose reminded of the blood of Christ. IN ancient rome rose gardens were arranged - a wake for the deceased, when graves were decorated with roses. According to the researchers, the roses at the ball can be considered both as a symbol of the love of the Master and Margarita, and as a harbinger of their imminent death.

Question: How does the ball begin?

From the squeal of the cat Behemoth "Ball!".

Question: How does the heroine feel?

"The ball fell on her immediately in the form of light, along with it - sound and smell."

Question: What sounds accompany the ball?

The best orchestras of the world play at the ball - an orchestra conducted by Johann Strauss and jazz orchestras. "He fell upon her roar pipes, and escaping from under it soaring violins doused her body like blood.An orchestra of a hundred and fifty men played a polonaise". “There was a gap in the pink wall, and in it a man in a red coat with a swallowtail was seething on the stage. As soon as the conductor saw Margarita, he bent before her so that his hands touched the floor, then straightened up andshrieked: Hallelujah!

Task: Describe the place where Margarita receives Woland's guests.

This is a grandiose staircase covered with a carpet. Margarita stands at the very top, and below she sees a black fireplace, from which guests later appear. Hundreds of hangmen, murderers, swindlers, poisoners pass in front of the heroine. “A river flowed from below. The end of this river was not in sight.

Task: Compare the state of the heroine before the ball and after the reception. What is the difference?

After receiving guests, Margarita flies to the ballrooms. It is not the waltz king's orchestra that plays here, but rages monkey jazz. We read: “A huge, shaggy-whiskered gorilla with a pipe in his hand,dancing heavily, conducting. Orangutans sat in a row,blew into shiny pipes". Margarita sees "thump of saxophones, violins and drums", sees how in the" capitals of the columns ...myriads of fireflies lit up, and marsh lights floated in the air».

Question: What structures, besides the stairs, are present at the ball?

These are numerous fountains. Margarita first remembers "candles and some kind of semi-precious pool." Then Margarita ended up in "monstrous poolbordered by a colonnade": "giant black neptune thrown out of the mouthwide pink jet. stupefying smell champagne rose from the pool.

Question: What does Margarita see while flying in the halls?

We read: “It seemed to Margarita that she had flown somewhere, where she had seen in huge stone ponds mountains of oysters. Then she flew overglass floorwith those burning underneath hellish furnaces and rushing between themdevilish whitescooks. Then somewhere she, already ceasing to think anything, saw dark basements where some lights were onwhere the girls servedhissing on hot coalsmeat, where they drank from large mugs to her health. Then she saw polar bears, playing the harmonicas and dancing Kamarinsky on the stage. magician salamander that did not burn in the fireplace.

Question: What changes in the ballrooms with the appearance of Woland?

Silence comes : “With the last blow of the clock heard from nowhere, silence fell on the crowds of spectators. Then Margarita again saw Woland.

Task: Describe Woland during his last great appearance at the ball.

Woland goes to the ball in a sleeping shirt:"a dirty patched shirt hung on his shoulders, his feet were in worn-out night shoes».

Question: What changes in Woland's appearance after receiving the blood of Baron Meigel?

We read: “The patched shirt and worn shoes have disappeared.Woland turned out to be in some kind of black mantle with a steel sword on his hip.».

Question: Why do you think the appearance of the prince of darkness has changed? Think.

Teacher's word:

The identification and analysis of figurative and expressive means in the individual scenes we have identified has been completed.

Creative task

In groups you had to draw pictures

What did you draw? What paints were used? Why is it depicted like this, please explain.


What words can we perhaps now add to our Bulgakov circular scheme? Why?

Teacher's word: The artist draws with paints, and the writer - with a word. Having carefully traced the role of color, light, sound, we came to the conclusion that they play an important role in the novel. Researcher V. Lakshin rightly noted: “It seems that the thick smell of rose oil, the rattling of armor, the cries of water peddlers in Yershalaim burned by the sun are written from life and are no less real than a trolleybus, Torgsin, a performance in Variety, the house of writers - MASSOLIT and other signs Moscow in the 1930s...

Each "episode" is accompanied by a certain color, light and sound symbolism. Each scene (we have analyzed, of course, not all) is saturated with color and sound.The predominant colors in the novel are black, white, red and yellow. Color appears both explicitly and hidden in objects to which it is usually inherent. It is also hidden in both light and darkness (black). As a symbol, color rarely appears on its own, most often it enhances the symbolism of an object or emphasizes the significance of a particular episode, or warns of approaching death (a combination of white and red) or madness (yellow), or it sounds like a promise, hope (white), or introduces the motif of doom and tragedy (black). However, it would be a mistake to consider the color function only as an auxiliary one, since The color of an object can mean much more than the object itself.The richness of colors, the inexhaustibility of fantasy, the originality of ideas and images - this is what creates the uniqueness of Bulgakov's novel.

4 lesson

creative lesson

We comprehend the magic of Bulgakov and his novel...


  1. To contribute to the penetration into the creative genius worldview of Bulgakov - writer, philosopher, man;
  2. Contribute to the education of love for the works of Bulgakov, and in general for literature;
  3. To promote the development of creative thinking, the development of further interest in Bulgakov's work.

During the classes:

Teacher's word:

Today we have an unusual lesson. We invite guests to our creative magical studio, where we will learn to comprehend the meaning of magical objects, distinguish the voices of heroes, read magical letters ... Today you are wizards-sorcerers, wizards-archivists who will reveal to us the secrets of Bulgakov's novel.

Wizards, open the treasured boxes. Let the words of Bulgakov and his heroes flutter into the light.

(pupils take turns showing slides made on the computer - cards and read them out). We use the book of I. Belobrovtsev, S. Kulyus “Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. A comment". M., 2007.

1 card: Never talk to strangers...

The title of the chapter reflects the unspoken etiquette of human behavior in the Stalin era, which elevated spy mania to unprecedented heights, the idea that life was permeated with all kinds of pests.

2 card: Well, let's, let's, let's ... apricot dala ...

Pun. Word juggling.

3 card: Brick for no reason ... will not fall ...

An application for a philosophical question about accidents and regularities.

4 card: at 10 pm meeting.

A feature of the era - the night vigils of Soviet institutions were associated with the habits of Stalin. It is characteristic that people were arrested at night.

5 card: On the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan...

Nisan is the month of spring in the Babylonian calendar, corresponding to March-April.

6 card: A man of about twenty-seven… Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

The age of Christ is traditionally considered to be 33 years. Yeshua is a phonetic transfer from Aramaic.

7 card: What is truth?

According to New Testament tradition, this question was asked by Pilate to Christ. Pilate's question remained unanswered. Jesus was silent. But in the Gospel there are the words of Christ: I am the truth, and the way, and the life...

8 card: The cat is as big as a hog...

The appearance of the devil in the form of a black cat is traditional for demonology.

8 card: Woland messir ...

Messire - the so-called feudal lords.

Card 9: A man in a cap ...

Secret agency agent monitoring the apartment.

10 card: never ask for anything!

One of the commandments of the novel, important for the author, suffered by him in relations with the mighty of the world this.

11 card: Pilate read: There is no death

The entry was made by Levi Matviy during the execution.

12 card: pun about light and dark

It still remains unsolved. It's about the line between good and evil.

13 card: Azazello's words: peace be with you

Game flip. Adequate to the most ancient wish in the East - peace to this house and parody the greeting of Christ: peace be to you.

There can be as many cards as you like, you can ask the students in advance which words, expressions they did not understand, or the meaning that the writer put into them is not clear. You can organize the cards by creating separate folders (for example, for individual heroes).

Teacher's word: Of course, we cannot unravel all the linguistic secrets in such a short period of time. But you can continue to explore on your own.

And we would also like to know about the mysterious magical names, objects that are saturated with the story. The researchers note that the total game with cultural heritage- one of the essential features of Bulgakov's creative method. Bulgakov generously intersperses elements of magic into the novel. What exactly? Let's find out...

Archivists, discover the secrets of your archive.

Group task. Drawing up a "tree" of magical elements.

magic tree.


Cagliostro - professor of secret sciences, sorcerer,

possessor of the philosopher's stone.

Grebert of Avrilak is a warlock.

Nostradamus is an astrologer.

Raymond Lull is a magician and alchemist.

(list continues).

magic words.

The name of the hero M. - master - the emblem of the hero, who is the chosen one of higher powers.

Oh how I guessed! – the act of creation turns out to be a magical act, not connected with rational cognition.

Manuscripts don't burn! - this phrase can be taken as a spell. An attempt to influence one's own destiny and curse death.

Rip off his head! – the motif of decapitation is important in the novel. Remember the costume of an official managing a department yourself. A headless society living an absurd life.

I promise and I swear! - An oath is an important promise. Ivan keeps his oath, does not write poetry, but becomes a professor of history.

I curse you, God! You are the god of evil! - Demanding a miracle, Levi Matthew, calls for the help of the devil.

I believe! - a sacred formula associated with the Orthodox faith. After this phrase, Margarita negotiates with the devil.

There was no punishment! - the dream that the procurator sees at midnight indicates that Yeshua was not executed.

We will see a clear river of water of life - a quote from the bible.

He asks you to take the master with you - the word asks important, as it indicates a request to an equal.

Come, come, come! - close to the repetitions used in medieval magic. After the master has performed the spell, Margarita appears.

(list to continue with the students).

Magic Items.

1.Mirrors and reflective surfaces.

The very principle of narration is mirrored, firstly, and secondly,

a mirror is a door to another world.

The mirror acts both as an impartial witness to events and as

"fixer of transformations" occurring with our reality,

and as the instrument by which these changes

are being implemented.

2. Azazello cream - a magical ointment-cream. transforming ointment,

transforming a person, giving him the opportunity to fly. After

receiving the ointment, Margarita enters into a pact with the devil.

Three Worlds in Bulgakov's Master and Margarita.

Goals: show features compositional structure M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita"; understand the writer's intention, notice and comprehend the overlap between the lines of the novel, understand moral lessons M. Bulgakov, to promote the development of interest in the personality and work of the writer.

Equipment: presentation, video.

“I am part of that force that always wants evil

and forever does good»

Faust by Goethe

“Why, why, where does evil come from?

If there is a God, how can there be evil?

If there is evil, how can there be a God?

M. Yu. Lermontov

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

“Manuscripts do not burn…” - the writer M. A. Bulgakov died with this faith in the power of art, all of whose main works at that time lay unpublished in the drawers of his desk and only a quarter of a century later, one after another, came to the reader. The novel "The Master and Margarita", which absorbed the infinity of time and the immensity of space, is so multifaceted that it does not fit into the usual framework and schemes. It combined philosophy, science fiction, satire, politics, love; intertwined the devilish and the divine. There is hardly a person for whom all the secrets of the novel, all the riddles have been solved.

The action of the novel takes place in several worlds at once. The purpose of our lesson: to understand the purpose of each world and find the "place" of the main characters of the Master and Margarita.

Many researchers distinguish three worlds, three levels of reality in the novel. Name them.

Determine the affiliation of the characters of the novel to one of the three worlds. (Work in groups. Drawing up a table.)

The system of images in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"


Moscow world


Yershalaim world



"Bearers of Truth"



Rulers making decisions




Hero and Roman: Master, Margarita, Pontius Pilate, Yeshua, Ratslayer, Natasha, Gella, Nisa. Kroviev-Fagot, Behemoth the cat, Azazello, Woland, Aphranius, Judas, Aloisy Mogarych, Levi Matvey, Ivan Bezdomny (Ponyrev) and others.

How are these three worlds related? (The role of the connecting link is performed by Woland and his retinue. Time and space either shrink, or expand, or converge at one point, intersect, or lose their boundaries, that is, they are both concrete and conditional.)

- Many characters of the Moscow world have counterparts in the ancient world. In turn, there is a parallelism between the images underworld and the ancient world, and partly the Moscow one; moreover, triads of images are created. Why does the writer do this? complex constructions? Let's try to figure it out.

2. Analytical conversation. Group work.

At the hour of an unusually hot sunset on Patriarch's Ponds, our acquaintance with Moscow in the 1930s begins. And following Ivanushka, rushing through the streets, running into communal apartments, we see this world.

1 group. Moscow World - Moscow in the 30s of the 20th century.

Problem question: Why is Berlioz so terribly punished? Because he's an atheist? Because he adapts to new power? For seducing Ivanushka Bezdomny with unbelief? Woland is annoyed: “What is it with you, whatever you miss, there is nothing!” Berlioz receives "nothing", non-existence. He receives according to his faith.)

For what purpose does Woland and his retinue visit Moscow? What are the objects and techniques of Bulgakov's satire?

Individual messages:

Styopa Likhodeev (Ch. 7)

Varenukha (Ch. 10.14)

· Nikanor Ivanovich Barefoot (Ch. 9)

Bartender (ch.18)

Annushka (ch.24,27)

Aloisy Mogarych (ch.24)

Conclusion: Gets punished different forms but it is always fair, done in the name of goodness, and deeply instructive. Punishment in the people themselves

2 group. "Gospel" chapters - 1 AD.

What lies at the basis of human behavior - a combination of circumstances, a series of accidents, predestination or following chosen ideals, ideas? Who rules human life? If life is woven from accidents, is it possible to vouch for the future, to be responsible for others? Are there any immutable moral criteria, or are they changeable and a person is driven by fear of power and death, a thirst for power and wealth?

In the early morning of the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan, in a white cloak with bloody lining, shuffling gait, the procurator of Judea, the son of an astrologer, the horseman Pontius Pilate, came out into the covered colonnade of the palace of Herod the Great in the city of Yershalaim hated by him, .. "

Why is Pilate trying save Yeshua from execution?

(“Cowardice is the most serious vice,” Woland repeats (chapter 32, scene of a night flight). Pilate says that “more than anything in the world he hates his immortality and unheard-of glory”)

Problem question: In what way do you see the difference between the "evangelical" and "Moscow" chapters? How are Yershalaim and Moscow similar? ( The two worlds are very similar, although separated by time. Two cities are described in the same way (clouds, a thunderstorm that came from the west). Different clothes, different habits different houses But the essence of people is one. Common are tyranny, unfair trial, denunciations, executions, enmity.)

Two worlds are interconnected, Connected by the Master, who guessed and wrote a novel,

– How is the Master similar to Yeshua? (They are related by truthfulness, incorruptibility, devotion to their faith, independence, the ability to empathize with someone else's grief. But the master did not show the necessary stamina, did not defend his dignity. He did not fulfill his duty and turned out to be broken. That is why he burns his novel).

The two worlds are connected with each other and with that force of evil that was present always and everywhere.

We are entering the third world - the world of otherworldly power.

3rd group. The world of otherworldly power is eternal.

problem question : The main question that interests us is: Devilry in the novel is it evil or good?

- With whom did Woland come to earth?

It turns out that the world is surrounded by grabbers, bribe-takers, sycophants, swindlers, opportunists, self-interested people. And now Bulgakov's satire is ripening, growing and falling on their heads, the conductors of which are aliens from the world of Darkness

But Woland saves Pilate from the pangs of conscience, returns the Master his novel and gives him eternal rest, helps Margarita find the Master.

What is the role of the Devil and his retinue in the novel? For Bulgakov, Woland personifies the fate that punishes Berlioz, Sokov and others who violate the norms of Christian morality. . Woland does not betray, does not lie, does not sow evil. He reveals, reveals, reveals the vile in life in order to punish it all. It is thanks to Woland that truth and honesty are reborn. This is the first devil in world literature, punishing for non-compliance with the commandments of Christ. We can say that Woland is an ever-existing evil, which is necessary for the existence of good. (back to epigraphs)

Let's see what happened after Woland's disappearance from Moscow. The punishment is over. Rimsky returned, Varenukha ceased to be a vampire, the patients of Stravinsky's clinic were cured. This means that Woland is needed not only to punish those who have not resisted temptation. He left a warning. And the punishment is within.

- Woland collapsed into a black hole, Pontius Pilate, released by the Master, was leaving by the moonbeam. But the Master is not with them. Where is the place for the Master and Margarita?

4 group. Master and Margarita

peace, promised to the Master looks attractive after all he's been through. But the nature of peace is unclear. Neither happiness on earth, nor departure into the light, the Master deserved. The most serious sin of the master is the rejection of creation, of the search for truth. True, having expiated the guilt by discovering the truth, the Master has earned forgiveness and is worthy of freedom and peace. Perhaps peace is death, because the Master receives this award from the hands of Woland, the Prince of Darkness. The master is endowed with the ability to "guess" the truth. His gift can save people from unconsciousness, from their forgotten ability to do good. But the Master, having composed the novel, could not stand the struggle for it.

Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue! Margarita is an earthly, sinful woman. She can swear, flirt, she is a woman without prejudice. Only she of the heroes does not have a double? Why? (Her image is unique. She loves selflessly, to the point of self-sacrifice, she sells her soul to the devil, she decides to share even death with her lover.)

How did Margarita deserve the special mercy of the higher powers that control the universe? In the name of what does she perform a feat? Margarita, probably one of those one hundred and twenty-two Margaritas that Koroviev spoke about, knows what love is.

What is love? Love is the second way (after creativity) to the super-reality, something that can resist the ever-existing evil. The concepts of goodness, forgiveness, responsibility, truth, harmony are also connected with love and creativity.

Find evidence for this in the text.

Conclusion: Margarita values ​​the novel more than the Master. By the power of his love, he saves the Master, he finds peace. The true values ​​affirmed by the author of the novel are connected with the theme of creativity and the theme of Margarita: personal freedom, mercy, honesty, truth, faith, love.

What main conclusion novel? Each will be rewarded according to merit. This is what the world is built on. God in your souls is CONSCIENCE. She does not allow to commit evil deeds and protects from all temptations.

3. The results of the lesson.

- all the plans of the book are united by the problem of good and evil;
– themes: the search for truth, the theme of creativity
- all these layers and space-time spheres merge at the end of the book

The truth, which Yeshua was the bearer of, turned out to be historically unrealized, remaining at the same time absolutely beautiful. This is tragedy human existence. Woland makes a disappointing conclusion about the immutability of human nature, but in these same words the thought of the indestructibility of mercy in human hearts sounds.

4. Homework : essay "What would good do if evil did not exist?"

Application No. 1

Prepare a coherent story using the questions given to you. Justify your answer with quotes from the text, indicating the part and chapter, as well as your own point of view.

Group 1.

What is the time ahead of us? How and how do Muscovites live? What is the language of these chapters? What subtext can we find?

- Quite modern people, busy with momentary problems, act in this world. What does the Master say about Berlioz? Why?

What strange things happened to Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny?

How does Bulgakov portray Pilate? How does his portrait reveal Pilate's character?

How does Pilate behave at the beginning of the meeting with Yeshua and at the end of their meeting?

Remember the interrogation scene. Pilate asks a question that should not be asked in an interrogation. What is this question?

What is Yeshua's main belief?

Why is Pilate trying save Yeshua from execution?

Why does Pilate approve the death sentence?

Why was Pilate punished? What is the punishment?

- With whom did Woland come to earth? How does the author portray him? What role does each of Woland's retinue play? your attitude towards this hero. What feelings does it evoke in you?

- Whom is Woland tempting? Whom did he kill? Who was punished?

– What is the reality in Moscow?

What is the role of the Devil and his retinue in the novel?

Group 4

- The master did not deserve the light, he deserved peace. Is peace a punishment or a reward?

How did Margarita deserve the special mercy of the higher powers that control the universe? In the name of what does she perform a feat?